UbuntuIRC / 2008 /12 /15 /#ubuntu+1.txt
Initial commit
=== LjL-Temp is now known as LjL
[03:49] <Starcraftmazter> hey guys
[03:50] <Starcraftmazter> im trying to find a version of 9.04 alpha to download for home use, but i can't seem to spot it
[03:50] <Starcraftmazter> http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/jaunty/alpha-1/
[03:50] <Starcraftmazter> over here there's just the server edition and alternate cd
[03:50] <Starcraftmazter> anyone wana land a hand?
[04:38] <IdleOne> Starcraftmazter, that is all that's available right now
[04:38] <IdleOne> use alternate cd if you want GUI
[04:39] <Starcraftmazter> Alright, thanks
[04:41] <IdleOne> Starcraftmazter, suggest you install to a separate partition or try in VM
[04:41] <IdleOne> I would not upgrade your existing install
[04:41] <Starcraftmazter> oh, yeh
[04:42] <Starcraftmazter> I wanted to pre-emptively download it in case 8.10 didnt work with my current laptop, but botting on the livecd is does, so its ok
[04:42] <Starcraftmazter> my new* laptop
[04:42] <Starcraftmazter> booting*
[04:44] <IdleOne> alternate cd is not a Livecd
[04:44] <IdleOne> it is an install cd
[04:45] <IdleOne> you can install from the live cd when it becomes available
[04:45] <IdleOne> hmmm wait do I have that right
[04:46] <Starcraftmazter> i meant the 8.10 livecd
[04:47] <IdleOne> oh yeah ok
[04:47] <IdleOne> but I was right about the alternate cd
[04:48] <IdleOne> Starcraftmazter, what make and model laptop do you have?
[04:48] <Starcraftmazter> hp dv-5 1138tx
[04:49] <IdleOne> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport
[04:49] <IdleOne> you can check that to see if anybody else has the same laptop and any issues
[04:51] <IdleOne> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam/HewlettPackard
[04:52] <IdleOne> in any case download 8.10 and test with livecd
[04:52] <Starcraftmazter> that is what I did mate :D
[04:53] <Starcraftmazter> i should probably add my laptop to theree
[04:53] <Starcraftmazter> there*
[04:53] <IdleOne> that would be a good idea :)
[04:53] <Starcraftmazter> :0
[04:53] <Starcraftmazter> :D
=== DrUnKnMuNkY1 is now known as DrUnKnMuNkY
=== Daisuke_Ido is now known as Daisuke_Away
=== Daisuke_Away is now known as Daisuke_Ido
=== Teiseii is now known as Teisei
=== peterz` is now known as peterz
=== peterz is now known as foobat
=== foobat is now known as peterz
[14:30] <bSON> hi, i have lost 3d acceleration with jaunty, glxinfo tells me that the Software Rasterizer is used
[14:31] <bSON> is this a problem with the update to xserver 1.6? has anybody seen this themselves and fixed it?
[14:32] <BUGabundo_work> 1.6???
[14:32] <BUGabundo_work> I have 7.4~5
[14:33] <BUGabundo_work> I think it uses 1.5
[14:36] <bSON> oh right, i thought i read something about 1.5.99 in the changelog.. anyway, i'm wondering where my dri acceleration has gone
[14:38] <BUGabundo_work> what GPU bSON?
[14:38] <bSON> BUGabundo_work: radeon 9600, it worked like a charm before with the open-source radeon driver
[14:41] <BUGabundo_work> opensource driver and 3D? what's wrong in that sentence? :p
[14:44] <bSON> the radeon driver has superb 3d support, believe it or not ;)
[14:45] <BUGabundo_work> nvidia doesn't
[14:45] <BUGabundo_work> that's why I'm surprised
[14:45] <BUGabundo_work> plus, the driver wasn't ready at ibex release time
[14:46] <bSON> shouldn't the nouveau driver have 3d support for nividia cards? i don't know about its progress though
[17:27] <Mirv> anyone else with signal 11 with the new xserver & co? (intel)
[18:37] <Mirv> (apparently yes, bug #308225)
[18:37] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 308225 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "X intel driver crashed at xf86CrtcSetMode()" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/308225
=== WelshDragon is now known as Guest7
[21:37] <cbr> hi, the new xorg segfaults for me
[21:37] <cbr> what's up?
[21:51] <Mirv> cbr: bug #308225, hit me as well. reverting one commit fixes the problem.
[21:51] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 308225 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "X intel driver crashed at xf86CrtcSetMode()" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/308225
[21:52] <bardyr> hey, has anybody tried liveusb?
[21:52] <cbr> Mirv: what does that mean?
[21:52] <cbr> i dont have a browser to check the link :p
[21:53] <Mirv> cbr: that there is one problematic code commit done upstream, reverting of which fixes the problem. so anyway, there is a fix available so we will probably see also new ubuntu packages soonish since it affects quite a many people.
[21:54] <Mirv> cbr: meanwhile, if you don't like compiling your own xserver and really need to use that machine graphically, you can use Driver "fbdev" in xorg.conf (and select eg. screen mode vga=318 in the grub menu)