UbuntuIRC / 2008 /12 /15 /#edubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[02:28] <sbalneav> Evening all
[04:13] <LaserJock> sbalneav: around?
=== ogra_ is now known as ogra
[17:17] <Ahmuck> nubae1: when u get a chance, could you give me a hand on the dhcpd.conf ?
=== daya is now known as nep
[18:35] <LaserJock> morning everybody
[18:37] <LaserJock> ohhh lovely, encouraging bugmail this weekend :/
[18:40] <LaserJock> sbalneav: when you have a minute I think we should chat about this Feisty LTSPfs bug that people got up-in-arms over
[19:40] <morgs> LaserJock: hey
[19:41] <LaserJock> hi morgs
[19:41] <morgs> LaserJock: were you at UDS?
[19:41] <LaserJock> nope, at home workin' unfortunately
[19:42] <LaserJock> but I did spend some time working on UDS issues during UDS
[19:43] <morgs> heh
[19:44] <morgs> LaserJock: I could use help with bug 263173 for an SRU
[19:44] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 263173 in sugar-hulahop "Sugar Browse fails on startup" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/263173
[19:44] <morgs> Requires just rebuilds against a newer xulrunner
[19:50] <LaserJock> morgs: right, saw some of that in my bugmail
[19:51] <LaserJock> morgs: give me a little bit to get my grading situation in order and I'll get uploads ready
[19:51] <morgs> LaserJock: it's not urgent (in that it has been waiting a while already). james_w has done most of our sponsoring to date, but with UDS it was hard to get hold of him.
[19:51] <morgs> LaserJock: Sure, that would be great. Thanks!
[19:52] <LaserJock> np
[20:42] <LaserJock> hi bdoin
[20:58] <bdoin> hi
[21:00] <LaserJock> bdoin: how are things in gcompris land?
[21:02] <bdoin> slowly, still working on the goocanvas port
[21:03] <bdoin> just made a 8.5RC2 last friday for you to test if you wish
[21:11] <LaserJock> bdoin: yeah, I might have to check that out if I get some time
[21:13] <bdoin> if you want a preview: http://gcompris.net/incoming/new_watercycle.png
[21:13] <bdoin> http://gcompris.net/incoming/new_menu2.png
[21:16] <LaserJock> bdoin: looks very nice
[21:32] <LaserJock> Lns: perhaps the ltspfs bug thing needs to go to edubuntu-devel
[21:33] <LaserJock> it's kind of a too-little-too-late for that bug, but is useful overall discussion
[21:36] <Lns> LaserJock: i agree.. i hate making more comments but it *is* useful for the future
[21:37] <Lns> LaserJock: would edubuntu-devel really be the best place for ltspfs given edubuntu technically isn't LTSP anymore?
[21:37] <LaserJock> yes, yes it is
[21:38] <LaserJock> who else cares?
[21:38] <LaserJock> we can't just drop LTSP out the door
[21:38] <Lns> I thought edubuntu was technically just the addon stuff, not ltsp bits anymore
[21:38] <LaserJock> ok, you need to seperate some things a bit
[21:39] <LaserJock> as a community we're interested in anything to do with Education in Ubuntu
[21:39] <LaserJock> obviously LTSP is a pretty darn big part of that
[21:39] <LaserJock> so of course we care about LTSP
[21:39] <LaserJock> however, we don't *own* LTSP
[21:39] <LaserJock> but it's in our best interest to care about it, right?
[21:40] <Lns> LaserJock: well of course
[21:40] <LaserJock> also, while LTSPfs is the particular example
[21:40] <LaserJock> the issue is a general problem
[21:40] <Lns> LaserJock: right, but the general problem isn't with Edubuntu, but Ubuntu as a whole
[21:41] <LaserJock> sure, but Edubuntu I think is particularly hit by this
[21:41] <Lns> I agree
[21:41] <LaserJock> so it wouldn't hurt for use to figure out how we can do better at not dropping the ball
[21:41] <Lns> but will the right people see the discussion that need to make a decision on actually changing how things work on a bug fixing level?
[21:41] <LaserJock> for one, that bug falls off our "radar" when it's marked "Fix Released"
[21:42] <LaserJock> we need to make sure things don't fall off the radar
[21:42] <LaserJock> well, I suppose that's a question
[21:42] <Lns> Can anyone change the status like that? Or just the one who the bug was assigned to to fix?
[21:43] <LaserJock> anybody can change most of the statuses
[21:43] <Lns> that's bad
[21:43] <Lns> imho
[21:43] <LaserJock> I think you have to have bug-control privileges to go to Triaged, but I think everything else is open
[21:43] <Lns> look at the security flaw in that alone...someone who hates ubuntu could go in and change statuses on all sorts of bugs
[21:44] <LaserJock> sure, but that's not been a real issue
[21:44] <LaserJock> we're normally looking to get as much help as possible, and hence make it as open as possible
[21:45] <Lns> The structure of bug reporting needs to be revamped IMHO, not like I have the answers but that's just something I've seen over time that doesn't always get talked about
[21:46] <Lns> I understand the needing help part 100%
[21:46] <LaserJock> the problem with that bug seems like 1) user expectations need management 2) we need to keep things on the "radar" 3) we need somebody to sort of "drive" QA
[21:46] <Lns> right..we need followups
[21:46] <Lns> and there is, but obviously this one slipped through the cracks
[21:46] <LaserJock> also, we need to be clear on what's going to fixed, where and when
[21:47] <Lns> agreed
[21:48] <Lns> I like the irc meetings idea, and maybe that can be something we do on a more frequent basis as a community to go over all of these things
[21:49] <Lns> Almost like a weekly/bi-monthly status update on all open bugs
[21:49] <LaserJock> now, I tried to look at all the bugs with stable release tasks and it doesn't look like we have any currently
[21:49] <Lns> of course that's a TON of bugs i'd imagine
[21:49] <LaserJock> so right now we're doing ok'ish that way
[21:49] <Lns> ok
[21:49] <LaserJock> if my searches were accurate
[21:49] <LaserJock> I think they were
[21:50] <LaserJock> we currently have ~250 open bugs
[21:50] <LaserJock> and only a handful are assigned to anybody
[21:50] <LaserJock> and quite a few are untriaged
[21:51] <LaserJock> I think even less are forwarded upstream
[21:52] <Lns> there's a big problem right there... we need bug maintainer(s) that can take time to do all of this on a scheduled basis
[21:52] <Lns> people who "know" what bugs exist so they can assign as duplicates, triage, invalidate, etc
[21:52] <Lns> and needs to be separated by project probably
[21:52] <LaserJock> exactly
[21:53] <Lns> I can help with that i'm sure, but some standard practices/schedules should be established
[21:54] <LaserJock> which is why I think edubuntu-devel is a good place to discuss it
[21:55] <Lns> LaserJock: just a thought, is there any way to send scheduled 'bug digest' e-mails to subscribers say, once a week or whatever?
[21:56] <Lns> automated "these are open bugs" type things?
[21:58] <LaserJock> Lns: hmm, so repeatedly giving out "this is the list of open bugs"?
[21:58] <LaserJock> not just here's a new bug
[21:58] <Lns> right
[21:58] <Lns> kind of a reminder email
[21:59] <Lns> maybe with a request for those who hadn't been commented on in X days
[21:59] <LaserJock> we could script that fairly easy I think
[21:59] <LaserJock> but I'm not sure how much we'd gain by it
[21:59] <Lns> well, it'd help with people forgetting about certain bugs
[21:59] <Lns> i dunno, it's more of a LP issue than anything else probably
[22:00] <LaserJock> well, you can easily see what bugs your assigned to and subscribed to
[22:00] <LaserJock> and we have a LP page that lists all the open bugs by project
[22:01] <Lns> right
[22:02] <LaserJock> we can write our own bug page if needed, I'm just not sure what people would find useful
[22:02] <Lns> hmm...maybe some sorting mechanisms at the least, to see which ones haven't been updated/commented on
[22:02] <LaserJock> bottom line it looks to me like bugs aren't getting assigned
[22:02] <LaserJock> i.e. nobody wants to take them on
[22:03] <LaserJock> so it's not so much a matter of people knowing what's on their list (although that's important too) as much as getting people to look at things in the first place
[22:03] <Lns> can we look at other bug systems to see how they do it? Maybe Mozilla or other?
[22:03] <Lns> right...we need a trigger of sorts to force people to review things i think..otherwise they're just browsing what they want to browse
[22:04] <LaserJock> well, I'm ok with people just browsing
[22:05] <LaserJock> we just need people
[22:05] <Lns> so how do we get more people? ;)
[22:07] <LaserJock> not sure exactly
[22:07] <LaserJock> advertize, make it actually do stuff