UbuntuIRC / 2008 /12 /06 /#ubuntu-mozillateam.txt
Initial commit
[05:19] <fta> ok, i'm gone. let's the marathon begins :P
=== fta is now known as fta_out
[11:06] <gnomefreak> tonyyarusso: you have a minute (should have looked before asked in -ot
[11:06] <tonyyarusso> gnomefreak: Sure. Just be warned my brain is at up-too-late functioning.
[11:07] <gnomefreak> tonyyarusso: are you working on flash 10 for backports, and how far back are we backporting it?
[11:07] <gnomefreak> tonyyarusso: my rain is on vacation :)
[11:07] <tonyyarusso> gnomefreak: I'm not - I just brought it up; don't have the skill to actually do anything about it.
[11:07] <gnomefreak> s/rain/brain
[11:09] <gnomefreak> tonyyarusso: ok thanks i will work on them its very simple to do. i just need to know if someone else is working on it. ive been having issues getting packages pushed so i will think about it.
[11:11] <tonyyarusso> gnomefreak: The last comment on the bug is from someone with an @canonical.com e-mail address saying that they are working with Adobe on a solution.
[11:12] <gnomefreak> good luck with that. they are trying to get adobe to change the tarball name when updating flash
[11:12] <gnomefreak> atleaast im sure that is it but i havent seen bug
[11:13] <tonyyarusso> Another option discussed was putting a copy in the partners repo
[11:13] <gnomefreak> asac: Jazzva how do you feel about extensions depending on other extensions?
[11:14] <gnomefreak> tonyyarusso: that is not a bad idea but adding it there my not be so good since people cant enable multiverse now we are gonna expect them to enable that :)
[11:15] <tonyyarusso> gnomefreak: An excellent point, but it's probably better than having it *appear* to install correctly (as happens in the GUI where you don't see the 404 message) and then having it not work.
[11:15] <gnomefreak> true
[11:16] <gnomefreak> ive been online for like 20-30 minutes and i managed to break kernel nvidia and sound
[11:17] <tonyyarusso> meh, I have a machine with neither NIC working
[11:17] <tonyyarusso> and a speaker that crackles during startup for some reason
[11:18] <gnomefreak> the login sound is broke on jaunty among other things :)
[11:18] * gnomefreak will be back i need smoke
[11:20] <tonyyarusso> Wow. I just realized that the Ubiquity time zone selector has the town of Menominee, Wisconsin in completely the wrong place.
[11:27] <gnomefreak> asac: fta_out Jazzva we need to go over the extension list for done ones and push them since we are very behind on that list
[12:33] <gnomefreak> asac: are you here or is the connection at google a problem?
[12:47] <Jazzva> gnomefreak, asac left this morning for UDS
[12:47] <gnomefreak> oh crap i thought it was sunday :(
[12:47] <Jazzva> gnomefreak, which extension would depend on other one? but that should be ok, if something like that happens.
[12:48] <gnomefreak> Jazzva: flashgot (on site says it needs a download manager i have asked people in #ubuntu-offtopic if they use it and if it does but no answer
[12:49] <Jazzva> gnomefreak, on AMO or flashgot's site?
[12:50] <Jazzva> gnomefreak, I see
[12:50] <gnomefreak> Jazzva: http://flashgot.net/ i will look for the direct link
[12:51] <gnomefreak> i would rather not but i need to know if it is needed or if wget is good enough
[12:52] <Jazzva> gnomefreak, it mentions that it supports curl, which is a CLI program, so that should be good enough, because it's not Gnome- or KDE-specific
[12:53] <gnomefreak> ok good i shouldnt have to add curl since it is installed with -desktop package atleast im fairly sure it is
[12:54] <gnomefreak> im in synaptic atm so i can add that to my search to dos
[12:55] <directhex> did someone say CLI?
[12:55] <directhex> oh, wait... ._.
[12:56] <Jazzva> gnomefreak, maybe someone removed curl after the installation of ubuntu, so I think it would be safer to add it
[12:57] <gnomefreak> ok works for me
[12:58] <gnomefreak> i also have to work on iceweasel-linky maybe for monday
[13:00] <gnomefreak> unless someone else wants to fix it
[13:03] <gnomefreak> does look like it was removed from -desktop deps
[13:17] <gnomefreak> why do i package shit
[13:17] <gnomefreak> ive had firegpg done for months (since august) and now i find iceweasel-firegpg
[15:11] <gnomefreak> there flashgot is done now i can go to work