UbuntuIRC / 2008 /12 /05 /#xubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[00:00] <TheSheep> Kudi1: you can't
[00:00] <TheSheep> Kudi1: you can put shortcuts to directories
[00:01] <Kudi1> TheSheep: is there a script i can put in there for recent documents ...or trash?
[00:02] <TheSheep> for trash -- yes
[00:04] <TheSheep> Kudi1: this python script will show trash when executed: http://paste.pocoo.org/show/93904/
[00:05] <Kudi1> TheSheep: thanks
[00:06] <TheSheep> Kudi1: save it to some .py file, make it executable and add a launcher to it to your menu
[00:06] <Kudi1> k
[00:09] <Kudi1> TheSheep: chmod? (to make it executable
[00:11] <Kudi1> never mind i got it thanks
[00:14] <Kudi1> if im using a desktop is the power management daemon required?
[00:16] <djbushdio> i don't think its required, but i'm not sure how to remove it...
[00:17] <TheSheep> it's in the autostarted applications
[00:17] <TheSheep> just uncheck it
[00:20] <Kudi1> ya i wasnt sure exacly what it did, thanks
[01:43] <dnyy> I'm thinking about installing xfce, because of the age of my laptop. My question is, when I log into an xfce session, will it have all my apps and such from my gnome session? Also, does it install any extra apps?
[01:43] <dnyy> It's a pretty silly question, but I couldn't find a good answer on google.
[01:44] <Odd-rationale> dnyy: yes, it will keep all your gnome apps, there will also be some xfce apps too
[01:45] <Odd-rationale> if you install xubuntu-desktop, that is
[01:45] <dnyy> I'm guessing that's what I'm going to install, whatever gets me the xubuntu DE as I heard it runs good on older computers.
[01:46] <Odd-rationale> some apps may serve the same purpose, like gedit (gnome) and mousepad (xfce)
[01:46] <dnyy> ah, but it's better to have the native one, i'm guessing?
[01:46] <Odd-rationale> yeah...
[01:46] <Odd-rationale> if you decide to remove the gnome stuff, and just have xfce then...
[01:46] <Odd-rationale> !purexfce
[01:46] <ubottu> If you want to remove all !KDE and !Gnome packages and have a default !Xubuntu system follow the instructions here « http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purexfce »
[01:47] <dnyy> Another dumb question, when switching between sessions, it saves all my configs right?
[01:47] <Odd-rationale> yeah.
[01:47] <dnyy> alright, thank ya. :)
[02:11] <crazygir> hiya hiya!
[02:12] <crazygir> what's the best way to provide remote desktop access to a xubuntu system running on a remote client (connected to the same windows domain, through vpn)
[02:18] <Odd-rationale> probably vnc probably easier, nx may be better
[02:22] <crazygir> ew
[03:42] <Parvo> can i get CLI help here?
[03:50] <Parvo> hmmm.....i guess im just impatient.
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[04:37] <daedhel> hi there
[04:37] <daedhel> is there anyone alive?
[04:49] <Odd-rationale> daedhel: no
[04:50] <daedhel> Odd-rationale: exept you I guess?
[05:25] <CBebop> Hello, I have a problem with xubuntu and recently installed compwiz-fusion. the windows i have open no longer display in the bottom task bar an i do not know why, any help would be appreciated.
[09:15] <Quirko> hi ther
[09:15] <Quirko> someone here???
[09:27] <Myrtti> your patience wasn't.
[09:32] <TheSheep> I will start tracking down those "ask-and-run" users...
[10:29] <PsynoKhi0> heya, I have a question regqrding power management/disk idling in hardy
[10:29] <PsynoKhi0> I've followed the instructions from the ubuntu wiki
[10:31] <PsynoKhi0> the weird thing is that if I switch from battery to AC after logging in, the hdparm value returned by sudo hdparm -I /dev/sda is correct (192 vs 128 on battery), but the hard drive still clicks
[10:32] <PsynoKhi0> also the battery panel applet disappears instead of showing the "on AC power" icon
[10:32] <PsynoKhi0> I have to reboot to get the correct behaviour
[10:32] <PsynoKhi0> (I'm on a laptop)
[10:34] <PsynoKhi0> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerManagement <- the wiki entry I was referring to
[12:36] <kimberlite> hey guys can you ppl help me with the sound?
[12:37] <kimberlite> ??
[12:37] <TheSheep> !ask
[12:37] <ubottu> Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)
[12:38] <kimberlite> TheSheep: did you get my ques?
[12:38] <TheSheep> no
[12:39] <TheSheep> kimberlite: ask on the channel
[12:39] <kimberlite> TheSheep: See, I am new to xubuntu, even linux, I have installed xubuntu now, but don't know why I can't listen to music
[12:40] <TheSheep> !mp3
[12:40] <ubottu> For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats
[12:40] <TheSheep> kimberlite: ubuntu doesn't come with codecs for mp3 by default, because of legal issues
[12:41] <kimberlite> TheSheep: not the mp3s, i can't listen to videos on youtube
[12:42] <magic_ninja> i'm doing a net install froma usb drive, i have gotten the installer to work fine but its not detecting my usb cable modem, any ideas on getting the usb cable modem detected so i can use dhcp to get the network
[12:42] <TheSheep> !flash | kimberlite
[12:42] <ubottu> kimberlite: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash
[12:43] <TheSheep> magic_ninja: I think the installer has an option to load additional modules at some point
[12:43] <TheSheep> magic_ninja: you can tell it to load the firmware for your modem there
[12:43] <magic_ninja> it doesn't give that option
[12:44] <TheSheep> magic_ninja: right after 'detecting network hardware'
[12:44] <kimberlite> TheSheep: C'mon I have successfully installed flash player by adding plugin to firefox. Video play but I can't hear anything, I can't hear anything from my speaker
[12:44] <vidd> magic_ninja, what are you trying to load a modual for?
[12:45] <vidd> kimberlite, open your volume manager and max out PCM
[12:45] <magic_ninja> i use a usb cable modem
[12:45] <magic_ninja> i need the net install done over this modem
[12:45] <kimberlite> vidd: where is the volume manager?
[12:46] <TheSheep> kimberlite: the whistle icon on your panel
[12:46] <vidd> kimberlite, it is the speaker icon on your task bar
[12:46] <vidd> (depending on the icon theme, apparently)
[12:46] <kimberlite> vidd: I am new to linux, I am sorry. Thanks vidd
[12:47] <kimberlite> vidd: it worked. I am so stupid
[12:47] <TheSheep> no need to be sorry
[12:47] <vidd> kimberlite, we were all "new to linux: at one time or another
[12:47] <vidd> kimberlite, it took me a while to figure that out myself =]
[12:48] <kimberlite> vidd: that makes me feel good! anyways, how can i install codecs for playing mp3s?
[12:48] * vidd has no idea.....
[12:49] <vidd> i use gxine for all my media
[12:49] <TheSheep> kimberlite: follow these instructions
[12:49] <vidd> and "libxine1-ffmpeg" pretty much adds all the codecs i need
[12:49] <TheSheep> !mp3 | kimberlite
[12:49] <ubottu> kimberlite: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats
[12:50] <TheSheep> kimberlite: the second link
[12:51] <kimberlite> vidd: what is xine?
[12:52] <kimberlite> vidd: i have only listen music player that came with xubuntu
[12:53] <vidd> !gxine | kimberlite
[12:53] <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about gxine
[12:53] <vidd> !xine | kimberlite
[12:53] <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about xine
[12:53] <gnomefreak> !find xine
[12:53] <ubottu> Found: amarok-engine-xine, libxcb-xinerama0, libxcb-xinerama0-dbg, libxcb-xinerama0-dev, libxine-dev (and 35 others)
[12:53] <vidd> gxine is a multi-media player
[12:54] <kimberlite> vidd: can i install it from the synaptic package manager?
[12:54] <vidd> it works with the xine audio/video back-end
[12:54] <vidd> listen and totem are media players with the gstreamer audeo/video backend
[12:55] <vidd> yes...gxine is in the repos
[12:57] <kimberlite> vidd: how can i find it in synaptic ?
[12:57] <vidd> erm...open synaptic and scroll to the "gx"'s
[12:58] <vidd> or... open terminal and type "sudo apt-get install gxine"
[13:00] <kimberlite> vidd: I am using proxy to connect to the internet, does the terminal works that way and download, coz it has been showing 0% only
[13:00] <kimberlite> it says it felt tofetch
[13:01] <vidd> kimberlite, i have no idea
[13:01] <vidd> i dont work with proxy's
[13:01] <vidd> =[
[13:01] <vidd> failed to fetch what?
[13:02] <kimberlite> vidd: failed to fetch archive, unable to resolve np.archive.ubuntu.com...
[13:02] <kimberlite> vidd: it may be becoz i am using proxy
[13:03] <kimberlite> vidd: but i can connect to internet that way only. any way out? its a http proxy
[13:03] <vidd> type "nslookup np.archive.ubuntu.com"
[13:04] <kimberlite> vidd: it says connection timed out.
[13:04] <kimberlite> anyway to access the repository via proxy?
[13:05] <vidd> yes there is....but i do not know how to set it up
[13:05] <vidd> as i said....i dont work with proxies
[13:05] <vidd> !proxy
[13:05] <ubottu> Many Ubuntu IRC channels prohibit access from !proxies such as !TOR and web (Java, etc) gateways due to a high level of abuse. You can however obtain a hostmask cloak: see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks. If you're using mibbit, please try joining #ubuntu again. Mibbit takes a long time to connect, so you may have missed a message to do this.
[13:06] <vidd> nope....that wont help =[
[13:06] <kimberlite> why don't ppl out here help me out?
[13:07] <vidd> most ppl that do not know an answer just say nothing and wait for someone that has the answer to speak....
[13:07] <vidd> this way they can learn as well
[13:08] <vidd> kimberlite, this might help you :http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1839.html
[13:09] <vidd> kimberlite, as i said...i have never used proxies...so i dont know if this will or will not help....please let me know how it works out?
[13:14] <vidd> kimberlite, did that help?
[13:16] <vidd> kimberlite, if not, check out http://blog.mypapit.net/2006/02/how-to-use-apt-get-behind-proxy-server-ubuntudebian.html
[13:17] <kimberlite> vidd: that didn't help
[13:17] <kimberlite> vidd: i should check this out
[13:19] <vidd> kimberlite, if your proxy has a password, read the comments for modifications to NOT store passwords in plain text
[13:19] <kimberlite> vidd: the proxy doesn't have password
[13:21] <vidd> +}
[13:21] <vidd> =]
[13:21] <vidd> success?
[13:22] <kimberlite> vidd: how to edit a file through the terminal?
[13:22] <kimberlite> vidd: how to edit bash.bashrc?
[13:22] <kimberlite> i know some of the commands, but don't know this
[13:23] <vidd> kimberlite, "sudo mouspad /etc/bash/bash.rc
[13:23] <vidd> kimberlite, "sudo mouspad /etc/bash/bashrc
[13:23] <vidd> gggrrrr.
[13:23] <vidd> kimberlite, "sudo mouspad /etc/bash.bashrc"
[13:24] <vidd> there...thats the right command =]
[13:24] <vidd> ACK! i spelled mousepad wrong!
[13:24] <vidd> kimberlite, "sudo mousepad /etc/bash.bashrc"
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
[13:27] <vidd> kimberlite, i believe you may need to relaunch your /etc/bash.bashrc once your finished editing it
[13:27] <kimberlite> vidd:i opened it, added the code and saved it and closed it
[13:28] <vidd> kimberlite, you need to reload your /etc/bash.bashrc
[13:28] <kimberlite> vidd: how to?
[13:28] <vidd> does "sudo /etc/bash.bashrc" do anything?
[13:29] <vidd> then reboot
[13:29] <vidd> kimberlite, the only way i know is to reboot
[13:29] <kimberlite> vidd: no, so i have to reboot?
[13:30] <vidd> kimberlite, while im sure there IS a way to do this without a reboot, i do not know it off the top of my head
[13:30] <vidd> and you will be back up before i could locate non-reboot method =]
[13:30] <kimberlite> vidd: no, so i have to reboot?
[13:30] <kimberlite> vidd: i wil be back, bye
[13:30] <kimberlite> vidd: thanks
[13:30] <vidd> =]
[13:43] <Kimberlite> vidd: god, it didn't work out
[13:43] <vidd> Kimberlite, what is your http proxy?
[13:44] <Kimberlite> its a lan proxy
[13:44] <Kimberlite> vidd:
[13:44] <vidd> ok...but what is it?
[13:44] <Kimberlite> vidd:
[13:45] <vidd> what port #?
[13:45] <Kimberlite> port 80
[13:45] <vidd> Kimberlite, thats not a proxy =\
[13:46] <vidd> but anywhat....
[13:46] <Kimberlite> c'mon i am in the irc with this proxy
[13:46] <Kimberlite> vidd: what it is then?
[13:46] <vidd> export http_proxy=
[13:46] <vidd> is this what you added to bash.bashrc?
[13:47] <Kimberlite> i did the same
[13:47] <Kimberlite> yes
[13:47] <vidd> can you ping ?
[13:49] <vidd> Kimberlite, can you ping ?
[13:49] <Kimberlite> vidd: it is stucked
[13:49] <vidd> in terminal type "ping" (ctrl+c to cancel pinging)
[13:50] <Kimberlite> PING failed it seems
[13:50] <vidd> when you say it is stuck....is it continually pinging? or is it not showing anything?
[13:50] <Kimberlite> coz it said 100% packet loss
[13:50] <Kimberlite> it is not showing anything
[13:51] <vidd> when you hit [ctrl]+[c], what does it say?
[13:51] <Kimberlite> 108 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% loss
[13:53] <vidd> Kimberlite, im at a loss
[13:53] * vidd has no other ideas
[13:53] <vidd> what did you do to set up your proxy in chat?
[13:55] <Kimberlite> i use mibbit
[13:56] <Kimberlite> otherwise irc doesn't work with chatzilla
[13:56] <Kimberlite> vidd:
[13:58] <vidd> so you are chatting in mibbit?
[13:58] <Kimberlite> vidd: yes
[13:58] <vidd> ok...that doesnt help me any =\
[13:58] <vidd> how do you look at web pages? firefox?
[13:58] <Kimberlite> vidd: yes
[13:59] <Kimberlite> vidd: i configure in the preferences of firefox
[13:59] <Kimberlite> i seems to work fine
[14:00] <vidd> and im sure it does.....but i want to know what is listed in the proxy info in the app....
[14:00] <Kimberlite> vidd: http proxy : port: 80
[14:01] <vidd> but where is it?
[14:01] <Kimberlite> edit>preferences>network>settings
[14:02] <vidd> i found it
[14:02] <vidd> did you auto-detect or maunuall state proxy?
[14:03] <Kimberlite> vidd: manual
[14:04] <vidd> all internet traffic is run thru this proxy?
[14:05] <Kimberlite> yes.
[14:05] <Kimberlite> but ircs don't work, and not even Pidgin.
[14:05] <Kimberlite> vidd: with xp, all the programs seem to work
[14:10] <Kimberlite> anyways vidd, thanks a lot, u helped me fix my speaker!
[14:10] <Kimberlite> at least i can listen to youtube videos
[14:10] <Kimberlite> thanks, gtg
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
[17:46] <charlie-tca> Using Xubuntu 8.10 Desktop CD, local drives are not mounted automatically. Is this as designed so that it does not interfere with gparted during installation?
[18:27] <coldhak> what's the xfce package called? i don't want to install all of the xubuntu-desktop stuff, just xfce
[18:28] <coldhak> i found it
[18:28] <knome> coldhak, xfce4 ?
[18:28] <knome> np.
[18:28] <coldhak> :) thanks
[18:31] <Shootdown> hi
[18:31] <vidd> hello Shootdown
[18:31] <Shootdown> one easy question ?
[18:31] <vidd> !ask
[18:31] <ubottu> Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)
[18:31] <Shootdown> one easy question, can I run Gnome/KDE apps on xubuntu ?
[18:31] <vidd> absolutely
[18:32] <Shootdown> ok
[18:32] <Shootdown> thanks
[18:32] <vidd> you can run any app you want
[18:32] <vidd> (as long as its runnable under linux)
[18:32] <Shootdown> i'm newbie on Ubuntu and I want to install a Ubuntu distro on my old PC
[18:32] <vidd> xubuntu aint just for lightweights anymore =]
[18:34] <Shootdown> and xubuntu has gtk out-the-box ?
[18:35] <Shootdown> vidd: and xubuntu has gtk out-the-box ?
[18:35] <knome> Shootdown, yes.
[18:35] <Shootdown> ok
[18:35] <Shootdown> thanks
[18:43] <sinbox> \o vidd you around?
[18:44] <vidd> .0/ sinbox yeah
[18:45] <sinbox> is slim easy to configure? I was reading through the xdm manual and got confused long before I got very far :)
[18:45] <vidd> sinbox, not really....
[18:45] <vidd> the only tweeking i did was add to the PATH
[18:46] <vidd> just make sure you install hal to get your keyboard and mouse working =]
[18:46] <sinbox> hehe thanks I'll give it a go after the weekend, already messed up fluxbox and xorg enough times for one week :)
[18:47] <vidd> =]
[18:47] <vidd> <o.
[18:57] * sinbox is off to work, take it easy all
[18:57] <knome> sure.
[19:35] <knome> !pastebin
[19:35] <ubottu> pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)
[19:45] <jarnos> Some icons have changed in my panel? (e.g. Quit dialog icon and NetworkManager Applet icon) Why?
[19:45] <knome> jarnos, did you change the icon theme?
[19:45] <jarnos> knome: not intentionally :|
[19:46] <knome> jarnos, did you upgrade?
[19:46] <jarnos> knome: many days ago, but I think the icons did not change right after that.
[19:51] <jarnos> knome: I checked User interface preferences and icon theme "Tango" was highlighted. However icons looked like "Crystal SVG". Changing to some other and back to Tango fixed it.
[19:52] <knome> jarnos, ok...
[19:52] <knome> jarnos, file a bug maybe?
[19:52] <jarnos> knome: They would ask me for instructions on how to reproduce the bug.
[19:53] <knome> jarnos, just add it and paste me the bug.
[19:53] <knome> (#)
[19:56] <jarnos> knome: Bug #305573
[19:58] <knome> jarnos, ok thanks.
[20:33] <balluche> hello !
[20:34] <knome> hello
[20:36] <balluche> i would like to know if there is a simple way to connect to window's shares as of nautilus in ubuntu.
[20:36] <balluche> any help ?
[20:38] <knome> !samba | balluche
[20:38] <ubottu> balluche: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT. Also see https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/212098
[20:50] <balluche> yes but i mean in graphical way ;-)
[20:51] <knome> system > shared folders
[20:51] <balluche> i want to access shared folders in a windows host
[20:52] <knome> have to go soon. charlie-tca ?
[20:52] <charlie-tca> I don´t know how to. I don´t run any windows for about 5 years
[20:53] <balluche> i know nautilus is capable to access the windows network without the need for mouting at hand
[20:53] <balluche> but i use xubuntu (xfce)
[20:53] <knome> balluche, if you definitely want, you can install nautilus on xubuntu as well
[20:54] <charlie-tca> You could try opening thunar, click on GO, click Open Location?
[20:56] <balluche> ok. what's next ?
[21:16] <charlie-tca> I think fill in the blanks. I don´t know what the right answers are for your system.
[21:22] <balluche> ok, i found it http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=304131 (fusesmb)
[22:27] <crav> how can i install compiz-fusion on xubuntu, im getting "not found" in the repos
[22:30] <cody-somerville> crav, http://xubuntublog.wordpress.com/2007/12/09/xubuntu-compiz-pretty-pretty-xubuntu/
[22:30] <knome> cody-somerville, :] again
[22:31] <cody-somerville> knome, :)
[22:31] <cody-somerville> knome, having fun?
[22:31] <knome> cody-somerville, yeah
[22:31] <knome> cody-somerville, a bit tired, it's half past midnight @finland :)
[22:33] <knome> cody-somerville, and you?
[22:36] <cody-somerville> always
[22:36] <knome> hah :)
[22:36] <knome> you're barely ever online except now in fosscamp ;)
[22:36] <knome> so i wouldn't know
[23:23] <CBebop> Hello, I am using Xubuntu 8.10 with compiz-fusion, and when I boot up the taskbars, panels whatever you want to call them come up fine but do not update say when i open a window or connect to a wireless netowrk. I know they are loading there as i can click where programs
[23:23] <CBebop> "Should" be but it wont show unless i resize the bar, or change it in some way where it has to reload.
[23:24] <CBebop> After i resize/whatever, it works fine from then on out, just kind of an annoyance i Have to do it when i boot.
[23:24] <CBebop> Any solutions or thoughts?
[23:38] <forces> saluton
[23:39] <knome> 'lo.
[23:40] <forces> o7
=== Spiegel is now known as CBebop