UbuntuIRC / 2008 /12 /01 /#ubuntu-mozillateam.txt
Initial commit
[00:35] <tonyyarusso> asac: the same backtrace that prints out on the terminal, or with that tool (gdb or some such)?
[01:15] <fta> mconnor, funny, i can't add anything to my cart on sony.com/sonystyle.com using ff3.1, while i can with other browsers.
[01:16] <crimsun> hey, I'm not the only one.
[01:16] <crimsun> saving preferences in gmail labs "hangs indefinitely", too
[01:17] <fta> on sony, it just returns to the front page
[01:17] <mconnor> current trunk WFM
[01:18] <fta> mconnor, plain beta 2
[01:20] <mconnor> fta: hmm, what's system-sqlite?
[01:21] <mconnor> try one of our stock builds?
[01:21] <fta> mconnor, nope, in-source sqlite, ours is too old
[01:21] <mconnor> oh, that's good at least :)
[01:21] <fta> try that page: http://www.sonystyle.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/ProductDisplay?catalogId=10551&storeId=10151&langId=-1&productId=8198552921665562069
[01:21] <fta> just click add to cart
[01:22] <mconnor> it worked on a post b2 nightly
[01:23] <fta> hmm
[13:33] <asac> fta: http://www.asoftsite.org/s9y/archives/154-shiretoko-aka-firefox-3.1-and-xulrunner-1.9.1-preview-packages-in-jauntyuniverse.html
[13:44] <fta2> asac, lol
[13:54] <asac> fta2: why lol?
[13:54] <asac> i think i should have phrased it "fta the great" ;)
[14:06] <asac> fta2:
[14:06] <asac> 5:06 < asac> seb128: the packaging is identical with the firefox-3.0 package
[14:06] <asac> 15:06 < seb128> asac: accepted
[14:33] <fta2> asac, where was that?
[14:34] <fta2> ok, -desktop
[14:34] <asac> fta2: desktop of course
[14:34] <asac> seb's place ;)
[14:35] <fta2> not really identical but close
[14:35] <asac> fta2: of course not identical ;)
[14:35] <asac> but nothing that should matter to archive admins
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[16:30] <ninfo> Hi
[16:31] <ninfo> i'm having a bit of a issue
[16:31] <ninfo> i'm looking to develop a firefox extension that call a java applet
[16:31] <ninfo> and from what i have found, that only works until firefox 2.. for firefox 3 it doesn't
[16:32] <ninfo> does anyone know any way of calling java code in firefox 3 ? :S
[16:32] <asac> ninfo: hmm ... not sure.
[16:51] <asac> ninfo: from what i know its not completely broken
[16:51] <asac> ninfo: maybe you just need a more recent vm?
=== jdstrand_ is now known as jdstrand
[21:09] <fta> asac, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=6288676#post6288676
=== bdmurray_ is now known as bdmurray
[21:16] <fta> xulrunner-1.9.1-dbg 1.9.1~b2+build1+nobinonly-0ubuntu3 [56.0MB]
[21:16] <fta> 56.0MB!