UbuntuIRC / 2008 /12 /01 /#ubuntu-devel.txt
Initial commit
=== kapipi_ is now known as kapipi
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[04:31] <grant2328> would this be the place to inquire about built-in sony memorystick reader support?
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[07:30] <dholbach> good morning
[07:31] <Caveman__> hello there!
=== tkamppeter_ is now known as tkamppeter
[07:51] <NCommander> hey dholbach
[07:52] <dholbach> hi NCommander
[07:52] <NCommander> how goes it dholbach
[07:52] <dholbach> good good - how 'bout you?
[07:52] <NCommander> Enjoying the first net access I've gotten in over a week that isn't though a cell phone or dial up
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=== doko__ is now known as doko
[10:26] <gurrier> Can anyone help me resolve an md5 inconsistency n the repos for Hardy? pool/universe/n/nuvola/nuvola_1.0.final.orig.tar.gz': md5 expected: bf3e477716fe0b39de81c210d1b5a8d1, got: e08f99c29a9cebf6ae8d8a3e750f17f6
[10:28] <slangasek> gurrier: the md5sum is correct on the master repository; you seem to be pulling from a bad mirror
[10:29] <gurrier> slangasek: Hmm, ok, will check. Thanks.
[10:51] <gurrier> slanasek: You were right, the mirror I was using was outdated (prob just does a file sync). Then I compounded the issue with wgetting a file without deleting the original. All done now. Thanks for your help. :)
[10:52] <gurrier> s/slanasek/slangasek
[10:56] * directhex hands slangasek cake
[11:04] <slangasek> gurrier: no problem
[11:04] <slangasek> directhex: I don't understand why people are always trying to fatten me up :(
[11:05] <Hobbsee> slangasek: because you're too skinny, apparently.
[11:05] <Hobbsee> slangasek: and it appears that beer is slightly out of favour, for some reason
[11:05] <Mithrandir> beer > *
[11:05] <Hobbsee> perhaps it's judged to be too early in the day for beer there.
[11:06] <Hobbsee> hey Mithrandir!
[11:06] <directhex> Hobbsee, it's xmastime. cake is in wide supply!
[11:06] <Mithrandir> hiya Hobbsee
[11:06] <gurrier> <cough> Always time for beer
[11:06] <Mithrandir> it's never too early for beer
[11:06] <Hobbsee> directhex: mmm. You're making me want cake now
[11:06] <directhex> Hobbsee, well, Laney & james_w have earnt it! and slangasek too, but a smaller piece
[11:07] <Hobbsee> :)
[11:07] * ogra points to http://isitbeeroclock.com/
[11:07] <slangasek> Hobbsee: I'm pretty sure I haven't been too skinny for a number of years now
[11:07] <Hobbsee> slangasek: ah
[11:07] <Mithrandir> slangasek: you're still not exactly fat, even if you're no longer skinny.
[11:07] <Hobbsee> ogra: haha, nice.
[11:07] <Mithrandir> s/skinny/too &/
=== pedro__ is now known as pedro_
[11:09] <directhex> <CIA-7> debian-pkg-cli-apps: directhex-guest * r4242 /packages/cowbell/trunk/debian/ (changelog control rules): I've got a fever, and the only prescription is more cowbell!
[11:20] <zer0_> how to fix slow performance on ubuntu 8.10??
[11:21] <Hobbsee> #ubuntu for support, please.
[11:22] <thegve> Hello. I have a problem with running Netbeans 6.5 on ubuntu 8.10 64bit. I have asked on #ubuntu and was directed here. The error java gives is : Problematic frame: C [libc.so.6+0x315af]
[11:22] <zer0_> what this room diccussed for??
[11:22] <Hobbsee> [22:22] *** The channel topic is "Archive: open, MoM running | Ubuntu 8.10 released! | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development on Ubuntu) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper-intrepid | #ubuntu-motu for getting involved in development | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs".
[11:23] <Hobbsee> so, Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development on Ubuntu)
[11:23] <Hobbsee> thegve: there is a channel for #netbeans
[11:23] <ogra> "how to *develop* slow performance on ubuntu 8.10??" would have been the proper question for here :P
[11:23] <thegve> cool, another redirect ;)
[11:24] <Hobbsee> thegve: well, i doubt many people actually use netbeans here, or have seen that error tbh :P
[11:24] <thegve> Hobbsee, but I guess it is a java problem
[11:24] <thegve> ah well, I'll try it there
[11:26] <Hobbsee> thegve: FYI, google looks to have a solution that's worked for a couple of people, too
[11:27] <thegve> the thingie in /etc/environment I guess?
[11:27] <thegve> that seems to work for 32bit systems
[11:27] <Hobbsee> looks like it
[11:27] <thegve> awt_toolkit=mtoolkit
[11:28] <directhex> man, java sounds like hard work :|
[11:28] <thegve> I am developing in PHP
[11:29] <thegve> But netbeans recently got quite good PHP support (well, at my previous employer I've worked with Ubuntu/Zend Studio, that worked even better..)
[11:30] <thegve> I have developed most of the stuff in VIM, have done that for 6 months so I know my way around, but as the project grows a real IDE is easier..
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[12:15] <ogra> seb128, any idea whats up with all the gnome-python stuff on armel ? seems it didnt even attempt to build yet and breaks half the world
[12:16] <ogra> (mainly -desktop and -extras seem to sit and wait for something)
[12:21] <\sh> thegve: eclipse and the php plugin is very good for php developing...it even works with xdebug and xcache for debugging purposes...no need for netbeans
[12:24] <thegve> \sh, I am now installing Eclipse, but I guess it won't work either, as it's java that's broken on my system
[12:24] <thegve> I am currently installing 32bit ubuntu in virtualbox as a last resort
[12:25] <\sh> thegve: eclipse from eclipse.org (ganymed) + apt-get install sun-java6-jre on x86_64 works like a charm here :) no need for 32bit, too ,-)
[12:30] <thegve> \sh, What the... Eclipse works like a charm. Installed from the Ubuntu repo's.
[12:30] <thegve> Netbeans is still failing
[12:31] <\sh> thegve: the error of netbeans is what? some libx* foobar crash?
[12:31] <thegve> I "tested" java using a learning program (for learning swing) I wrote a while ago
[12:31] <thegve> C [libc.so.6+0x315af] catgets+0x1f
[12:32] <thegve> C [libc.so.6+0x315af] catgets+0x1f
[12:33] <\sh> thegve: hmm...so not this old libx* foobar crash...did you test netbeans with the sun jdk/jre?
[12:34] <thegve> yes, I am now using the sun ones, as they seemed to perform better when I tested it (some years ago, I admit)
[12:34] <thegve> Eclipse still has an odd main screen.....
[12:36] <seb128> ogra: when I looked at it some days ago they did try to build but failed on xvfb errors
[12:37] <ogra> hmm, k, i'll try a local build
[12:37] <seb128> it's not armel specific
[12:37] <seb128> gnome-python built
[12:37] <seb128> I guess your issue is gnome-python-extras and it failed on all arches the same way
[12:38] <ogra> i only see ftbfs on sparc and ia64 for -desktop
[12:38] <seb128> looking
[12:38] <ogra> but right, -extras seems to have failed everywhere, there was just no attempt on armel yet
[12:39] <seb128> ask to a buildd admin to bump the gnome-python-desktop build score on armel
[12:39] <glatzor> mvo, hello. Could you please take a look about my debconf integration proposal for PackageKit?
[12:39] <glatzor> mvo, http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/packagekit/2008-November/004138.html
[12:40] <james_w> hello glatzor
[12:40] <glatzor> hello james_w!
[12:41] <ogra> seb128, by experience with other packages, the buildds often dont properly stop xvfb after a build, it could be that it doesnt start because there was an old idling xvfb hanging around fro a former package
[12:41] <ogra> *from
[12:41] <Hobbsee> seb128: wish granted.
[12:41] <seb128> Hobbsee: that was not my wish but thank you ;-)
[12:42] <ogra> Hobbsee, thank you :) (sine it was my wish)
[12:42] <ogra> *since
[12:42] <Treenaks> ogra: you have 2 wishes left 8)
[12:42] <ogra> Treenaks, until i find another ferry ;)
[12:42] <Hobbsee> :)
[12:42] <Treenaks> ogra: fairy?
[12:42] <ogra> i'm trying to careful loadbalancig :)
[12:43] <ogra> Treenaks, err, yeah :P
[12:43] <ogra> s/to/to do/
[12:44] <mvo> glatzor: thanks, will do
[13:21] <asac> pitti: a batch for you: ... firefox-3.1 -> bin NEW ... ubufox -> SRU, network-manager-applet -> SRU
[13:22] <asac> thanks!
[13:23] <PecisDarbs> hi people, is there any plan to ditch /etc/network/interfaces or NetworkManager will have some compatibility with it?
[13:27] <hyperair> /etc/network/interfaces is here to stay, so i suppose nm will eventually have compatibility with it
[13:28] <ogra> it does since a while
[13:28] <ogra> just not enabled by default
[13:28] <hyperair> 0.6 did
[13:28] <hyperair> i hear 0.7 broke
[13:28] <hyperair> i didn' bother testing
[13:28] <hyperair> and so i'm not sure if it's fixed
[13:28] <hyperair> my static IP's configured in NM anyway
[13:29] <hyperair> only a server i maintain uses /e/n/i
[13:29] <ogra> it works with simple /e/n/i configs in 0.7
[13:29] <hyperair> hmm
[13:29] <hyperair> how simple is simple
[13:29] <ogra> just not the complicated cases ... which is why its not enabled by default
[13:34] <hyperair> can't it be configured to ignore a specific interface if it's defined in /e/n/i?
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[13:52] <tjaalton> doko: do you have an idea how big a task it would be (for me) to update eclipse to 3.4 (and push it to debian too)? shouldn't jaunty/unstable have the prereq's already?
[13:56] <apw> superm1, hi yas, wondering if you have seen any of your studio 15's getting locked up on the _second_ resume (and its reliably the second) with the network manager spinning round, and a kernel events/N thread burning cpu at 100%
[13:56] <vishalrao> possible intrepid packaging bug: installed intrepid desktop amd64 on a laptop today. switched package servers to se.archive.ubuntu.com (sweden). ran update-manager. it downloaded two 23mb packages of linux-xxx-generic for kernels AND .29-19 . is that right?
[13:57] <apw> vishalrao, installed it from CD ?
[13:57] <vishalrao> yes
[13:57] <vishalrao> original release amd64 desktop live cd
[13:58] <apw> that is entirly possible, if there was an updated -7 kernel and -9 is now in security
[13:58] <apw> so you had -7.15 (say), and there is a -7.16 in the archive and a -9.19 is recommended in -security
[13:58] <vishalrao> alright, not a worry... just checking :) things working fine on my coworker's laptop (acer aspire 4730z)
[13:58] <apw> you end up with the latest -7 and -9 kernels on your machine
[14:01] <thegve> \sh, Thanks again for the Eclipse+PDT suggestion. It works great, even better than Netbeans 6.5 (for a relative newbie to both IDE's...). It is quite responsive, and code completion works quite well, it parses my phpdoc comments well. I think I might have finally found a good free IDE.
[14:02] <\sh> thegve: you're welcome :) we are working here with eclipse + pdt in our company...it's charming :) (forget the large memory footprint of eclipse ,))
[14:03] <thegve> \sh, I already removed the part of my comment mentioning that ( I typed it at first :) ). 350MB here, ah well, a "modern" workstation has plenty of memory..
[14:05] <asac> slangasek: pitti, cjwatson gone ... could you process my SRU uploads for ubufox/network-manager-applet please? thanks!
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[14:12] <slangasek> asac: the ubufox bug says it's about installing plugins on the LiveCD - does this also affect installed systems?
[14:12] <asac> slangasek: yes
[14:12] <asac> the default pref is wrong
[14:12] <slangasek> ok
[14:13] <asac> doko: could you bump build-score for xulrunner-1.9.1 on armel?
[14:14] <asac> just so we know if everything is fixed in trunk
[14:18] <ogra> asac, last build worked fine for me btw
[14:19] <asac> ogra: 1.9?
[14:19] <asac> nice
[14:19] <asac> ogra: have you been using it for a long time yet?
[14:20] <slangasek> asac: what is it that generates 8 lines of diff context instead of the default of 3?
[14:20] <ogra> asac, my ARM has only a touchscreen (no kbd) ... i only started the app and it properly opened the ubuntu startpage (the online one)
[14:20] <asac> slangasek: for quilt or in general?
[14:20] <asac> slangasek: I use -U8 -p
[14:20] <slangasek> asac: whatever you used when generating the patches for n-m-applet :)
[14:21] <ogra> asac,
[14:21] <asac> slangasek: yeah. -U8 (8 lines context) -p (function signature in hunk)
[14:22] <asac> ogra: thanks. on sparc we get sigbus due to alignment issues after about 45 minutes
[14:22] <asac> ogra: i am a bit scared we see something similar on armel as we ignore alignment warnings there
[14:22] <slangasek> asac: ok, so you've configured a non-default setting, right :)
[14:22] <ogra> well, not easy to test without kbd
[14:31] <hwilde> is anyone here knowledgeable about dhclient and roaming in enterprise wireless environments
[14:32] <hwilde> aka if the wireless client roams to a new wlan controller on a different subnet, but still has a dhcp lease, how does it know that it needs to renew the dhcp request
[14:34] <hwilde> so what I did was write a script to test IP connectivity with a ping every X seconds, and then renew the dhcp request if there is no ping
[14:35] <hwilde> but is there some built-in roaming functionality that would detect this scenario and get a new IP automagically ?
[14:36] <asac> hwilde: i think thats hooked into wpasupplicant package
[14:36] <asac> hwilde: there are scripts that get run when roaming happens
[14:36] <asac> hwilde: but i am no expert in roaming with manual tools ... just NM ;)
[14:36] <asac> hwilde: anyway. there should be an example in the wpasupplicant package
[14:36] <asac> e.g. how to setup interfaces
[14:37] <asac> and wpasupplicant.conf
[14:37] <asac> as a started: you use the wpa-roam stanza in /etc/network/interfaces
[14:37] <hwilde> what if i'm not using wpa supplicant
[14:37] <asac> hwilde: what do you use?
[14:38] <hwilde> well, in some cases it's WEP
[14:38] <hwilde> and in some cases it's using a wireless bridge so it's just plugged into the ethernet port
[14:38] <asac> hwilde: wpasupplicant can do wep and open too ... just that it provides this roaming support
[14:39] <asac> hwilde: i would suggest that you try that if you dont want to reinvent the wheel. read: /usr/share/doc/wpasupplicant/README.modes.gz
[14:39] <hwilde> asac, so wpa supplicant specificaly detects the case where it is associated and authenticated wirelessly, and it has a dhcp lease that has not expired, but there is no ip connectivity, and it has to renew dhcp?
[14:39] * hwilde is skeptical that wpa supplicant has those brains
[14:39] <asac> hwilde: give it a try
[14:40] <asac> not 100% sure about leases. in worst case you get a new lease
[14:40] <asac> but maybe it just works
[14:40] <hwilde> supplicant isn't that smart to know
[14:40] <hwilde> it only knows wireless state
[14:40] <hwilde> not IP subnets
[14:40] <hwilde> and in the case I am not using wpa supplicant then what
[14:40] <hwilde> it seems like a task for dhclient to know when it needs to renew dhcp
[14:41] <slangasek> it isn't.
[14:41] <hwilde> :(
[14:42] <slangasek> you want to trigger lease renewals when there's a new AP association event, not have dhclient guessing randomly about whether it needs a new lease; wpasupplicant is the tool to handle that
[14:42] <hwilde> well, it doesn't need to renew dhcp on every ap roam
[14:42] <hwilde> just when it roams to a new controller on a different subnet
[14:43] <hwilde> and what if i'm not running wpa supplicant
[14:43] <slangasek> then you should be running wpasupplicant, like asac told you
[14:43] <hwilde> in the case of a wireless to ethernet bridge, there is no use for wpa supplicant
[14:43] <asac> hwilde: dont speculate. test.
[14:44] <hwilde> the wpa supplicant wouldn't do anything
[14:44] <hwilde> there is no wireless card
[14:44] <hwilde> just a bridge attached to the ethernet port
[14:44] <asac> hwilde: there is no need for anything. you can re do everything that exists in userspace ;)
[14:44] <hwilde> you are not listening to what I am saying tho
[14:44] <hwilde> the bridge handles the authentication and roaming
[14:44] <hwilde> the wpa supplicant wouldn't have access to that state
[14:45] <hwilde> so it wouldn't know when to renew dhclient
[14:45] <asac> hwilde: why do you have that bridge?
[14:45] <slangasek> that's definitely not a common use case. You'll have to hotwire dhclient on your own, then.
[14:45] <asac> what kind of tool manages it?
[14:45] <hwilde> bc hardware and software wise the bridge is more robust
[14:45] <hwilde> it's a cisco 1242ap in bridge mode
[14:46] <hwilde> (partly to get around incompats with wpa supplicant)
[14:46] <hwilde> the only problem I have now is when the cisco symmetric tunneling dies between the controllers and it is "online" wirelessly but it needs to renew dhcp
[14:46] <asac> how do you detect that the bridge roamed?
[14:46] <hwilde> umm, the lack of ping ? :)
[14:47] <asac> thats rather an unreliable indicator for a roam
[14:47] <hwilde> roaming is not an issue
[14:47] <hwilde> it's when it completely drops association and the symmetric tunneling is down
[14:47] <asac> if you want to use that you are probably alone and have to do stuff manually
[14:47] <hwilde> I guess that might come out snmp
[14:48] <asac> but well. i have no experience with such setups. so cant really tell.
[14:48] <hwilde> nobody does :)
[14:50] <hwilde> i was just wondering if there was a roaming flag to set somewhere in dhclient
[14:50] <hwilde> but I guess that is in wpa supplicant only
[14:51] <hwilde> my pinger script works really well, it's just such a hack
[14:52] <asac> but doesnt sound like a good solution. not sure what is better though. i would say that using wpasupplicant instead of the bridge and fixing the compatibility issues would be a better approach to get this sorted in the core distro
[14:53] <hwilde> wow
[14:54] <hwilde> the bridge has bigger antennas, a dedicated cpu, and the cisco ios code base so it does all the authentications offiically
[14:54] <hwilde> it replaces the wireless card, the card firmware, the driver, and wpa supplicant
[14:55] <hwilde> let's say it was a lan device, and the subnet failed over so it's dhcp address was no longer valid
[14:55] <hwilde> it would never realize this and renew the dhcp request?
[14:57] <slangasek> that would be a badly administered lan
[14:57] <hwilde> :)
[14:58] <hwilde> also there is this problem:
[14:58] <hwilde> [69474.503258] BUG: soft lockup - CPU#0 stuck for 11s! [wpa_supplicant:4379]
[14:58] <hwilde> so wpa supplicant is not really an option for all of my cpus
[15:05] <asac> hwilde: what i dont understand is that the bridge doesnt do this all transparently for you. why do you need to change your local ip at all?
[15:05] <hwilde> asac, well the local client has to request dhcp through the bridge
[15:06] <hwilde> the bridge essentialy just spits all the wireless traffic out the ethernet port
[15:06] <hwilde> and vice versa
[15:15] <doko> tjaalton: have a look on the debian-java ML, or one of the bug reports in eclipse debian. Michael Koch did already start some work
[15:17] <doko> asac: packages from main always get precedence
[15:17] <asac> doko: always? no way around?
[15:24] <doko> asac: well, if somebody rescores a universe package ...
[15:25] <asac> doko: ok so its you ;) ... say that upfront
[15:25] <doko> asac: yes, gcc-snapshot is worth having around
[15:25] <superm1> hi apw, due to the kernel race condition bug with the intel graphics, i've not suspended on my one intel graphics model in ages in intrepid.
[15:25] <asac> doko: heh?
[15:26] <moquist> popey: ping
[15:26] <asac> doko: a sense of irony? ;)
[15:26] <doko> asac: no irony at all
[15:26] <apw> superm1, ok ... i have an intrepid kernel which seems to make the intel side of it work at least
[15:27] <superm1> apw, what type of access point are you using? perhaps can it be asserted to the broadcom driver then that it's happening?
[15:27] <superm1> particularly what type of security
[15:27] <apw> i have an interl wireless chipset in mine, the local access point is wep
[15:28] <superm1> okay nvm then. i've only tested with the broadcom, and i know that there was some annoying stuff with WPA2 enterprise
[15:29] <superm1> might try suspend/resume with the hw switch flicked off to take that element out of the picture then
[15:29] <apw> hw kill switch for the wireless you mean?
[15:29] * Daviey prods superm1 to a different channel
[15:29] <asac> doko: please assume that 1.9.1 is in main then ;)
[15:29] <superm1> yes
[15:30] <apw> superm1, will do ...
[15:30] <asac> doko: i want to know its fine ... so we have the option to use it as default :)
[15:30] <asac> later in cycle
[15:35] <doko> asac: really a new package for new subminor version?
[15:36] <ScottK> superm1: Any word on bluetooth fixes for KDE?
[15:38] <superm1> ScottK, unfortunately it's gotten put onto the back burner atm for myself because of more critical stuff, i'll double check with the two other fellows that were helping to see where they are at though
[15:39] <ScottK> superm1: Thanks. We're getting queries so it'd be nice to give a useful answer.
[15:42] <asac> doko: subminor? thats a new release target
[15:42] <asac> ffox/xul has stabilty/security updates that bump the last digit
[15:42] <asac> every other digit is quite major
[15:43] <asac> problem is we want it in archive now, so we are prepared to use it in case mozilla manages to get it out in time
[15:46] <doko> mvo: did you save the uninstallabilty test for another architecture than you are currently running (what cjwatson did post)
[15:48] <mvo> doko: yes, "chdist -a armel create jaunty-armel"
[15:48] <mvo> doko: # edit .chdist/jaunty-armel/etc/apt/sources.list
[15:48] <mvo> doko: chdist apt-get jaunty-armel update
[15:48] <mvo> doko: chdist apt-get jaunty-armel install <package>
[15:49] <mvo> doko: that was what you were looking for, right?
[15:52] <doko> mvo: yes, thanks
[16:09] <tjaalton> doko: ok, I'll probably ask him how far he got. thanks
[16:11] <hwilde> can I propose a name for the next release: Killer Koala
[16:13] <doko> tjaalton: unlikely that he will reply, he's online since three or four months now
[16:14] <doko> *not* online
[16:14] <tjaalton> doko: oh, ok..
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[17:49] <tseliot> slangasek: is nvidia-glx-180 in in NEW?
[18:17] <ScottK> lool: Just saw your kdebase-workspace upload. We're in the middle of updating KDE to 4.1.80 (KDE 4.2 beta). If you've got any more KDE changes, please chat with us on Kubuntu devel so we don't step on each other.
[18:29] <lool> ScottK: Ok; this was actually my next step, but I got distracted by dinner; I didn't think you were planning a new upload as .73 had just been uploaded, I will check first next time
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[18:30] <ScottK> lool: No problem. In general you can also just feed us patches and we can deal with it.
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[18:45] <luisbg> superm1: ping!
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[19:53] <psusi> pitti: wondering if you had a chance yet to look at that external drive permissions issue... I'd like to be sure you are satisfied with the options before I start adding them to the other filesystems in the kernel
[19:55] <DktrKranz> kees, when you have time, mind looking at bug 304117? Thanks.
[19:55] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 304117 in procps "kernel.maps_protect removed from 2.6.28 kernels" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/304117
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[20:05] <kees> DktrKranz: ah yeah, it was made a non-configurable item (always private now)
[20:09] <kees> DktrKranz: uploaded
[20:09] * DktrKranz hugs kees
[20:10] * kees hugs DktrKranz back :)
[20:10] <kees> I need to get 2.6.28 booted...
[20:10] <mathiaz> kees: did you get a chance to look at the mysql build failure log? http://people.ubuntu.com/~mathiaz/mysql-dfsg-5.0_5.0.67-1ubuntu1_amd64
=== Spads is now known as Hecate
[20:11] <mathiaz> kees: are the test failures similar to the ones you've encountered when trying to enable PIE?
=== Hecate is now known as Spads
[20:12] <kees> mathiaz: just read it now -- no, that's a huge list. also, the 4 or 5 that failed would cycle between about 10 different tests, rarely the same two builds in a row
[20:12] <kees> mathiaz: looks like you'll have to find ones that are stable and dig into them. I bet 1 small thing changed in output or something that has caused them all to fail.
[20:13] <mathiaz> kees: well - AFAICT it's always the same that are failing
[20:14] <mathiaz> kees: what is strange is that they're all related to arithmetics
[20:14] <mathiaz> kees: average, sum, etc... are returning the correct results.
[20:14] <mathiaz> kees: building the same package on intrepid works
[20:14] <mathiaz> kees: average, sum, etc... are returning *incorrect* results.
[20:15] <kees> highly worrisome!
[20:27] <rtg> kees: tseliot ran into the same header issues earlier today. It seems many include files were moved around and you now need some different include paths.
[20:28] <kees> rtg: erk
[20:28] <kees> yay stable API ;)
[20:29] <tseliot> hehe
[20:29] <rtg> kees: I should copy Linus rant from earlier today. oh wait, that was ABI not API :)
[20:30] <kees> heh
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[21:48] <[Relic]> pitti alive?
[21:49] <directhex> technically no. pitti merely exists. he's a universal certainty, like matter and energy
[21:50] <sebner> directhex: personally I think he is a bot and currently charging his batteries :P
[21:51] <[Relic]> just having problems with no boot for the next proposed kernel version for 8.04 LTS not sure what the exact error is so not sure what to classify it as
[21:51] <[Relic]> not sure if it is eth0 set up which has the warning that causes the error of what immediately follows it
[21:54] <mathiaz> kees: jdstrand: does the test-ispec-tool work in qa-regression-testing?
[21:54] <mathiaz> kees: jdstrand: it gets stuck at Remote tunnelled network is pingable ...
[22:39] <cr3> what has replaced cheese, which moved from main to universe, as the recommended webcam application?
[23:06] <kees> mathiaz: it requires 2 machines, IIRC
[23:07] <kees> mathiaz: see the text at the beginning of the script
[23:13] <pitti> Good afternoon everyone
[23:14] <directhex> it's 11pm!
[23:14] <directhex> wait......... is pitti in mountain view?
[23:15] <pitti> [Relic]: hi
[23:15] <beuno> pitti, hi, are you at the hotel yet?
[23:15] <pitti> beuno: just came in and set up wifi, yes; now going to take a shower
[23:15] <pitti> directhex: not quite yet, SF
[23:16] * directhex is in runcorn
[23:16] <directhex> it's a bit less flashy than SF
[23:18] <[Relic]> Hello :)
[23:26] <calc> is there a meeting before FooCamp, or some people just like being really early?
[23:27] <pitti> calc: there's the desktop experience sprint here in SF, Tue to Thu
[23:27] <calc> ah i see
[23:34] <calc> how do you delete a subtask (eg Hardy) from a bug?
[23:35] <calc> iirc you set it to some specific status?
[23:35] <pitti> calc: set it to invalid or wontfix, whatever is more appropriate
[23:36] <calc> oh ok, i thought one of those would make it completely disappear