UbuntuIRC / 2008 /11 /30 /#ubuntu-server.txt
Initial commit
[00:19] <LMJ> hi
[00:19] <LMJ> Got a nasty error with my 2 md devices : EXT2-fs warning (device md0): ext2_fill_super: mounting ext3 filesystem as ext2 I've fsck'ed them several time but it still not good. What can I do please ?
[00:34] <L1NUX_1NS1DE> hello
[00:35] <L1NUX_1NS1DE> I need some help to figure out why I am not able to ping my server
[00:35] <L1NUX_1NS1DE> I've been trying to figure it out but I'm just out of ideas
[00:36] <L1NUX_1NS1DE> I have a server at and a client computer running with a static ip at
[00:37] <L1NUX_1NS1DE> when I ping the server from the client I get
[00:37] <L1NUX_1NS1DE> From icmp_seq=3 Destination Host Unreachable
[00:38] <L1NUX_1NS1DE> any ideas ??
[01:10] <ball> Is there an Ubuntu Server mailing list?
[01:23] <jmarsden> ball: https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-server
[01:26] <ball> jmarsden: thanks
[01:27] <jmarsden> ball: No problem. BTW Goolge for ubuntu server mailing list will find that for you :-)
[04:56] <uvirtbot> New bug: #303612 in php5 (main) "English description of php5 packages wrong" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/303612
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[11:28] <drdebian> anybody got any recommendations for setting up vmware server 2 on hardy server? how to handle kernel updates with minimal downtime?
[11:41] <ropetin> drdebian: monitor the changelog and only install a new kernel if it specifically affects you?
[11:42] <ropetin> It's about the best answer I got for ya!
[11:43] <drdebian> thanks... I was hoping somebody figured out how to use dkms or something to make it a more automatic procedure...
[15:44] <vertx> Hi, can anyone help me? I have this ubuntu server acting as an internet gateway, which has 2 NICs. I have enabled net.ipv4.ip_forward=1 in /etc/sysctl.conf, yet packets just doesn't want to be forwarded between the 2 NICs. Any suggestions?
[15:44] <ivoks> if they are on different subnets, you have to masquarede the traffic
[15:45] <Deeps> or just route it...
[15:46] <ivoks> right
[15:46] <ivoks> depends on subnets
[15:46] <vertx> ivoks: ah, I see, they are on different subnets. So this masquerade should be use inside an iptables rules?
[15:47] <Deeps> you're better off routing it if you can, NAT is generally best avoided if possible
[15:47] <ivoks> if both subnets are private, you should just route packages
[15:47] <ivoks> if one subnet is public, you have to masquerade
[15:48] <vertx> Both subnets are private. How should I go about it? Add route command in rc.local or ...?
[15:49] <ivoks> route add -net dev eth0
[15:49] <ivoks> route add -net dev eth1
[15:49] <ivoks> put your own subnets and devices here :)
[15:50] <Deeps> of course, the clients need to know to route those subnets via your gateway machine
[15:51] <Deeps> if the gateway machine is already the default route for your clients then you've got np
[15:51] <vertx> ivoks: Thanks, that would be just what I need. But if I want to make the routing permanent on the gateway, should I put it in rc.local or what? An for the clients, how do I do that?
[15:51] <Deeps> if it's not, then you either need to add the route manually on each client, have the dhcp server push it to the clients, or have the default router on each subnet know about it
[15:51] <ivoks> i think best way would be in /etc/network/interfaces
[15:51] <ivoks> post-up command
[15:52] <ivoks> but, if your router already has addresses on eth0 and eth1
[15:52] <ivoks> then it also has routes
[15:52] <ivoks> so, everything should work :)
[15:53] <ivoks> check routes with route -n
[15:53] <vertx> Thank you ivoks and Deeps for your help. I'll try your suggestions. Hopefully I can ask more questions, if I encounter more problems later on :)
[15:54] <ivoks> np
[15:55] <vertx> Got to go now. Toodle-doo :)
[16:42] <jamesrfla> Is the firewall enabled by default when you do a clean install of Ubuntu server edition?
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[19:12] <uvirtbot> New bug: #302884 in samba (main) "New Samba.cfg" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/302884
[19:44] <mcas> hi
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[19:51] <sommer> yo
[21:00] <alterlaszlo> hi, how do i install a xen enabled kernel in u8.10?
[21:01] <alterlaszlo> i cannot find a a xen kernel in the packages...
[21:04] * alterlaszlo discovered the existance of 'vmbuilder'
[21:44] <ball> hello albertico
[21:44] <albertico> hello ball
[21:48] <lionel> alterlaszlo: there is no more Xen Dom0 kernel in 8.10
[21:48] <lionel> alterlaszlo: you can use the -virtual as a domU kernel
[21:48] <alterlaszlo> lionel: thx
[21:49] <alterlaszlo> lionel: so if i create a xen machine with xen-create-image i can run it without any special kernel?
[21:51] <lionel> you *need* a dum0 kernel on the dom0 (so not a 8.10, 8.04.1 run just fine for that)
[21:52] <lionel> by default, xen-create-image use the current kernel on the machine where you launch the command
[21:55] <alterlaszlo> lionel: thx again. in sysnthesis if i want to build a set of servers on 1 ubuntu machine it's better if i install 8.04
[21:55] <alterlaszlo> ?
[21:55] <lionel> as a dom0 yes
[21:55] <lionel> as a domU, you can use 8.04 or 8.10, nevermind
[21:56] <alterlaszlo> and what about vmbuilder?
[21:57] <uvirtbot> New bug: #276715 in samba "cannot configure Samba with KDE Control Module" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/276715
[21:57] <lionel> vmbuilder can build the domU right. But I never tried it on xen myself
[21:58] <lionel> xen-create-image on my 8.04 box works just fine for me
[21:58] <lionel> (and I tend to use LTS on my servers)
[21:59] <alterlaszlo> lionel: great help. You made my mind clearer... i'll follow you on installing LTS...
[22:00] <lionel> alterlaszlo: no problem :)
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