UbuntuIRC / 2008 /11 /30 /#ubuntu-irc.txt
Initial commit
[00:30] <sizzam> may i have an ubuntu member cloak? here is my launchpad page: https://launchpad.net/~samlesher
[00:31] <PriceChild> sizzam: Sorry but ubuntu member cloaks are only for ubuntu members.
[00:31] <PriceChild> !member
[00:31] <ubottu> Want to become an Ubuntu member? Look at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/processes/newmember
[00:31] <sizzam> thanks
[00:32] <PriceChild> sizzam: what is the dead ubuntu team?
[00:33] <sizzam> PriceChild: the dead ubuntu team?
[00:33] <LjL> PriceChild, it's an administrative team of some sort i think
[00:33] <sizzam> ahh, i see it now
[00:33] <sizzam> not sure
[00:34] <PriceChild> LjL: i don't get it?
[00:38] <LjL> PriceChild, i'm not sure either, but i've encountered before, i thought it might be for teams that cease actually existing to join, or something like that
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[18:19] <bazhang> aim1159, hi
[18:30] <bazhang> aim1159, KuKman does not seem to understand that -ru is not the place to talk about bans
[18:31] <bazhang> aim1159, that is for ubuntu support
[20:01] <[NikO]> hi
[20:01] <[NikO]> we have a big problem
[20:01] <[NikO]> on #ubuntu-fr
[20:04] <[NikO]> lof of people from a gentoolike channel come and flood, troll, etc
[20:04] <[NikO]> and us ban list is full
[20:05] <PriceChild> [NikO]: no bans you can clear out?
[20:05] <[NikO]> lof of them are just putted now :/
[20:05] <[NikO]> i clear 5 just 5 minutes before
[20:06] <[NikO]> but if 64 users of a channel come ... i can't do something ..
[20:07] <[NikO]> PriceChild, i must put 10 minutes +m
[20:07] <[NikO]> due to that
[20:07] <[NikO]> ...
[20:07] <PriceChild> 64?
[20:07] <[NikO]> don't know the exact numbers
[20:08] <[NikO]> they changes nicks, ip, etc ..
[20:09] <[NikO]> thinks, it s #gentoo-fr channel users
[20:09] <PriceChild> there seem to be very old bans in there
[20:12] <PriceChild> -!- mode/#ubuntu-fr [+b *!*@gateway*!#freenode] by [NikO] ?
[20:12] <[NikO]> mibbit and stuff like that ...
[20:12] <PriceChild> to #freenode?
[20:13] <[NikO]> where people can explain them why they are forwarded
[20:13] <PriceChild> [NikO]: 'people' like me?
[20:15] <[NikO]> PriceChild, ok, i remove it,
[20:15] <[NikO]> i will try again to us loco leader to ask for the +L
[20:15] <PriceChild> I'm afraid we don't have infinite time.
[20:15] <PriceChild> I'm not sure you need it.
[20:15] <PriceChild> you now have 29 bans
[20:16] <PriceChild> hmm #ubuntu could do with a clear
[20:16] <PriceChild> :P
[20:16] <[NikO]> PriceChild, 10 minute of mute due to silly guy, it's not good for support we want to provide
[20:16] <[NikO]> we use bot to put temporary ban
[20:18] <[NikO]> see silly guy cycle and cycle ..
[20:19] <trucMuche> j'ai dû le ban là
[20:19] <trucMuche> désolé
[20:20] <[NikO]> trucMuche, no sorry, it s the same guy enforce ban and troll juste before ..
[20:24] <[NikO]> ok, found the channel where they come all : #tribugentoo
[20:25] <PriceChild> [NikO]: don't join
[20:26] <trucMuche> ok
[20:27] <PriceChild> [NikO]: I'm afraid I have to run in 5 minutes.
[20:27] <[NikO]> no matter
[20:36] <[NikO]> banlist full again, and they continues, i must +m again
[21:01] <trucMuche> je perd courage y'a des jours :(
[21:12] <_trucMuche> expliquer la philosophie Ubuntu ... c'est dur quand on tombe sur des *sourds*
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[21:32] <LjL> McPeter: what happened?
[21:32] <McPeter> i just remplace trucMuche by me
[21:32] <McPeter> eu .. 'replace/remplace
[21:33] <LjL> McPeter: ok, i'd like to know what happened anyway, you're complaining in #freenode
[21:33] <McPeter> ah
[21:34] <McPeter> because an user joke and troll for today on #ubuntu-fr
[21:34] <McPeter> and after he register a chanel on freenode with my nickname
[21:35] <McPeter> and i think a best plce for this complain is #freenode ? :)
[21:35] <McPeter> place*
[21:36] <LjL> McPeter: sure, i just wanted to know what happened
[21:37] <[NikO]> :)
[21:37] <McPeter> LjL, at today many users flood/troll/insult on #ubuntu-fr
[21:38] <McPeter> grrr me and my wrong english :)
[21:38] <[NikO]> LjL, we talk about user 'markand', who certainly source of the problems happend today on #ubuntu-fr
[21:43] <LjL> [NikO]: how do you know #tribugentoo is the "base"?
[21:43] <[NikO]> cause some users i know tell me
[21:43] <[NikO]> some user in #gentoofr tell me that in private
[21:44] <[NikO]> and we have some weeks before the same problems with us
[21:44] <LjL> ah, #gentoofr, that's what the official one is called. i tried -fr and .fr...
[21:45] <[NikO]> i don't know why they do that :/
[22:07] <[NikO]> hum, in fact i will go on #tribugentoo and try to tells with ops on that place if that continues ...
[22:25] <McPeter> _hard_day_ :'(
[23:35] <erUSUL> someone for Konsole on #ubuntu ??
[23:37] <LjL> yes we saw, i'll close an eye for this one time though and see if he stops after the warning
[23:38] <erUSUL> LjL: i saw Flannel right after i came here :| murphy's law XD
[23:39] <[NikO]> <[NikO]> Enlight_uni, tu pourrais m'expliquer ce que tribu... a comme probleme avec #ubuntu-fr ?
[23:39] <[NikO]> <Enlight_uni> rien de particulier, on aime juste s'amuser tu remarquera que l'off topic nous à aussi fait partir de ...-fr
[23:39] <[NikO]> ...
[23:41] <LjL> [NikO]: et c'est un operateur? interessant
[23:41] <[NikO]> LjL, la plupart de ceux qui ont génés sont dans l'access list :/
[23:41] <LjL> [NikO]: mais pas ce markand
[23:42] <[NikO]> no, but i think he fire or exit them :)
[23:42] <[NikO]> excite
[23:42] <McPeter> <Enlight_uni> je vais le provoc je crois
[23:43] <LjL> [NikO]: quand enlight_unit dit que "l'offtopic ils a fait partir de ...-fr", que est ce "...-fr"?
[23:44] <[NikO]> i don't know what channel he tell
[23:45] <LjL> que disent les ops de #gentoofr?
[23:45] <McPeter> #gentoofr and #tribugentoo c'est une vieille guerre
[23:45] <[NikO]> ah, bah voila
[23:45] <McPeter> ils se battent entre eux pour la légitimité depuis des années
[23:46] <[NikO]> LjL, i only talk with geek*** something of #gentoofr, he say he know who do that, that's all.
[23:46] <LjL> mais #gentoofr douvrait savoir que *Gentoo* tien les droits d'utilizer les canales #*gentoo*...
[23:46] <McPeter> maybe not :\
[23:47] <[NikO]> mais le probleme c'est pas #gentoofr mais tribu
[23:47] <[NikO]> enfin, i hope that don't happen again
[23:47] <LjL> [NikO]: oui ok, mais un canal comme #tribugentoo poudrait pas existir dans l'espace #*ubuntu*
[23:47] <[NikO]> i have other thing to do at lunch time on sunday :/
[23:47] <[NikO]> ouais je sais bien :)
[23:48] <LjL> pour cette raison je me demande pourquoi, si #gentoofr est le canal officiel, comme ils disent d'etre dans le topic...
[23:49] <[NikO]> guerre de petit chef et petites communautée, peut etre que pour gentoo la politique est différentes vis à vis de freenode
[23:49] <LjL> y, d'autre partie, le topic de #tribugentoo dis que ils sont *pas* un group officiel de Gentoo...
[23:50] <LjL> c'est possibile, je demanderais a les personnes qui douvraint le savoir...
[23:51] <[NikO]> LjL, official of an unaffiliated site #gentoofr : http://fr.gentoo-wiki.com/wiki/Accueil
[23:51] <[NikO]> ah sorry confuse
[23:52] * [NikO] need sleep :)
[23:52] <McPeter> haha :)
[23:52] <LjL> [NikO]: that's what #tribugentoo says it represents, actually
[23:52] <[NikO]> yes
[23:57] <McPeter> LjL, the big problem for many french people (i don't know if it's the same for english people (and other people)) is they can't accept the *noob* philosophic attitude
[23:57] <McPeter> markand and many other people say : if you use GNU/Linux you _must_ (line command etc ..)
[23:58] <McPeter> and when we try explain : u can use "user friendly interface" (GUI) this personn say : you are an idiot
[23:59] <McPeter> it's juste _one_ exemple in middle problem
[23:59] <McPeter> example*
[23:59] <McPeter> (sorry for my bad english) ᒃ‿ᒄ
[23:59] <LjL> McPeter: that's only a small problem. a bigger problem is when one channel organizes to troll another.