UbuntuIRC / 2008 /11 /30 /#launchpad.txt
Initial commit
[00:00] <Ursinha> javaJake, erm, this is a known bug
[00:01] <Ursinha> javaJake, it's bug 301595, being worked on
[00:01] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 301595 in launchpad-bazaar "OOPS when deleting a branch with revisions" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/301595
[00:05] <javaJake> Ursinha: OK
[00:05] <javaJake> Ursinha: thanks
[00:07] <Ursinha> javaJake, np :)
=== merriam_ is now known as merriam
[03:07] <respond> If I do a "bzr commit" after a "bzr branch lp:foobar" operation, will it modify only local files on my system?
[03:07] <respond> I want only local files to be modified at this time, then request a push later. Is that how it works?
[03:08] <wgrant> respond: Yes.
[03:09] <respond> wgrant: thanks.
[03:11] <respond> For this error: "bzr: ERROR: Commit refused because there are unknown files in the working tree.", is there a way to get bzr to tell me which files it cannot recognize?
[03:11] <respond> This is due to my aliasing commit to commit --strict.
[03:28] <RAOF> respond: 'bzr st' (short for bzr status) will give you a list of all the: added files, changed files, deleted files, and (importantly for you) unknown files.
[04:19] <respond> RAOF_: Thanks (belatedly). I discovered that after many 'o' manual page reading. :)
=== _neversfelde is now known as neversfelde
[10:50] <c_korn> hello
[10:51] <c_korn> my browser (opera) fails to load one element on launchpad.net#
[10:51] <c_korn> -# never saw such a behaviour on any other website
[10:59] <epsy> and what elemebt would that be?!
[11:00] <c_korn> don't know how I can figure it out
[11:00] <epsy> well, screenshot?
[11:02] <c_korn> http://www.abload.de/img/bildschirmfoto-launchp45kk.png
[11:31] <goshawk> hi
[11:33] <goshawk> i've a problem with ppa. i've uploaded a package and then deeted it. now i'm uploading a new package with the same changelog and it gets rejected by launchpad. The reason is: File dsss_0.78-0ubuntu2.diff.gz already exists in PPA for D Programming Language Applications Packagers, but uploaded version has different contents. how can i fix it?
[11:34] <Hobbsee> increase the version
[11:34] <Hobbsee> just because it's deleted doesn't mean you can use the same version again
[11:35] <goshawk> Hobbsee: yep
[11:36] <goshawk> Hobbsee: is there a way to do it without increasing the version?
[11:36] <Hobbsee> no
[11:36] <goshawk> ok
[11:36] <goshawk> i'll do it then
[11:36] <goshawk> thanks Hobbsee
[11:36] <Hobbsee> you're welcome
=== sale_ is now known as sale
[13:38] <Ng> what's the use case for the contact user/team feature?
[13:38] <Ng> I seem to be getting mails from people who are lost and confused
=== sale_ is now known as sale
[15:21] <bpierre> hi
[15:28] <bpierre> yesterday I registered 2 branches, the first one was pushed with a bzr format not handled by launchpad bzr version, and doesn't work even after recreating it, but the second one was pushed after I downgraded my local branch to 1.6, but has errors too: https://code.launchpad.net/~benoit.pierre/bzr/shelve_patch_no_newline_at_end
[15:28] <bpierre> the 2 work ok when I use a bzr+ssh URL (push/pull/missing/info/log...)
[15:28] <bpierre> any idea?
=== fta_ is now known as fta
[17:10] <respond> FYI: I see this after a long wait: "Sorry, there was a problem connecting to the Launchpad server."
[17:10] <respond> when connecting to https://code.launchpad.net/~bgoodr+launchpad/viewmail/bgoodr+launchpad/
[17:11] <respond> Could be my network. who knows.
[17:12] <beuno> respond, seems to work
[17:13] <respond> beuno: I'll give it a retry.
[17:13] <beuno> but if there are timeouts, they'll surface on our daily reports, and it'll get addressed
[17:13] <respond> beuno: gotcha.
[17:14] <respond> It is responding now. Thanks!
[17:27] <Ursinha> hey beuno
[17:28] <Ursinha> :)
[17:41] <beuno> hey hey Ursinha
[17:41] <beuno> how's it going?
[17:41] <Ursinha> nice :)
[17:41] <Ursinha> and you?
[17:42] <beuno> packing :)
[17:42] <Ursinha> :)
[17:42] <Ursinha> this is usual, do you have any news? :P
[18:17] <mrooney> Is there any documentation on expiring bugs?
[18:17] <mrooney> I can't seem to find an explanation on what happens to Incomplete bugs when they are expired
[18:31] <thekorn> mrooney, don't know, but maybe https://help.launchpad.net/Bugs/Expiry
[18:36] <mrooney> thekorn: thanks!
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[19:21] <fta> is bazaar.launchpad.net down? I get the "Sorry, there was a problem connecting to the Launchpad server." blabla
[19:26] <slom_> hello
[19:26] <slom_> i cant access http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~c-sloma/r6rs-clos/r6rs-clos-dev/revision/13
[19:27] <slom_> and it says I should let people know on "the #launchpad IRC channel on Freenode. "
[19:27] <slom_> :)
[19:29] <oojah> slom_: Someone else was asking a similar question about bazaar.launchpad.net about seven minutes ago.
[19:29] <oojah> So it's probably not just you (if that's any consolation).
[19:30] <slom_> :)
[19:30] <beuno> slom_, the server is probably overloaded
[19:30] <beuno> it will get restarted soon
[19:30] <beuno> it's a known performance issue being worked on
[19:32] <slom_> thanks for your work then ... I will wait until it's back online
=== bpierre_ is now known as bpierre
[19:45] <tormod> why do I get "package architecture (lpia) does not match system (amd64)" on a lpia build?
=== mdz__ is now known as mdz
[20:18] <WNxCryptic> I'd like to start developing for an open-source project to gain software eng experience and bulk up my resume, but I don't have very much confidence that I'd be able to jump into something big like an OS and immediately be of any use.
[20:19] <WNxCryptic> Anyone have a recommendation as to some open-source project I might look at?
[20:20] <kiko> WNxCryptic, do you want to development work or just QA?
[20:21] <WNxCryptic> What's QA?
[20:22] <kiko> quality assurance
[20:23] <WNxCryptic> development work
[20:23] <kiko> WNxCryptic, hmm. any application you're particularly interested in?
[20:24] <WNxCryptic> not especially
[20:25] <WNxCryptic> I mean I just got on the linux scene and would like to learn more about it
[20:25] <WNxCryptic> But not sure if the best way to do that is through dev
[20:25] <kiko> WNxCryptic, check out launchpad.net/ubuntu
[20:25] <kiko> there's a bunch of stuff about the distro
[20:26] <kiko> and that will teach you more or less what goes into a distro
[20:26] <stgraber> Is there a magic way that I don't know of to get the list of blueprints that have been proposed for uds-jaunty and I'm subscribed to ?
[20:29] <WNxCryptic> kiko, well I'm currently using ubuntu but I'm not sure if I'm going to stick with it.
[20:30] <WNxCryptic> I like it well enough but I can't say that its going to be perfect for me.
[20:32] <RAOF> WNxCryptic: Ubuntu is composed of the work of many, many (I think ~20,000) 'upstream' projects, which are shared in common with all the distributions.
[20:34] <RAOF> People don't generally develop "Ubuntu"; they hack on one of these projects (the kernel, GTK, X, GIMP, mono, GNOME-Do, empathy, dbus, firefox, etc, etc).
[20:35] <RAOF> There are a small number of projects which are Ubuntu- or Debian-specific, but not many.
[20:36] <WNxCryptic> Well I was just recommended to check out Slackware when I mentioned I wanted to learn as much about linux (in general) in the shortest time possible.
[20:36] <WNxCryptic> What's the dev work for slackware like? Similar to ubuntu in that its composed of numerous packages?
[20:38] <RAOF> Right.
[20:39] <WNxCryptic> I see.
[20:39] <RAOF> /All/ the distributions are like that. Slackware, gentoo, Fedora, SuSE, Debian - the work of a distribution is to aggregate these upstream projects in useful, harmoneous ways.
[20:39] <WNxCryptic> I mean, I imagine that trying to dev for the kernel would be more complicated than some other app..yeah?
[20:39] <RAOF> Mostly, yeah. There are a bunch of restrictions on kernel code. And it's less easy to debug ;)
[20:40] <WNxCryptic> Restrictions?
[20:41] <RAOF> No floating point code, for example.
[21:22] <DrSmall> Hey, I am getting a "Please try again" error when attempting to access this page: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~drsmall/feedmailer/devel/files
[21:22] <lifeless> spm: ping
[21:22] <mrooney> DrSmall: have you tried again? :)
[21:22] <spm> lifeless: pong
[21:22] <lifeless> loggerhead slap needed I think
[21:22] <DrSmall> mrooney: of course
[21:23] <spm> lifeless: it does - didn't check nagios earlier - DrSmall 1001 apoloiges; fixing now.
[21:23] <lifeless> DrSmall: one of our backends is a bit temperamental right now
[21:23] <poolie> hello
[21:23] <lifeless> DrSmall: will be fixed in a couple of minutes
[21:23] <DrSmall> lifeless: thanks
[21:24] <DrSmall> no big hurry. I was just letting you know
[21:25] <spm> DrSmall: should be ok again
[21:26] <DrSmall> spm: works fine now. Thanks
[21:32] <lifeless> poolie: are you back?
[21:41] <poolie> i'm scheduled to be on leave today
[21:41] <poolie> just for one day
[21:42] <poolie> i'm just having a look at what's in mail etc
[21:42] <poolie> btw spm made a 1.10 pqm branch, but either couldn't or didn't push it to escudero
[21:42] <poolie> could you do that please?
[21:42] <poolie> or tell him how to?
[21:55] <lifeless> poolie: I did, in #is on the same day
[21:55] <lifeless> poolie: along with corrections to what you asked to ensure the right parent exists etc
[21:55] <lifeless> poolie: so I'll just do the escudero push now
[22:15] <qball> I have a package in my ppa that is waiting on a dependency.. but libgio-dev was a intermediate package, so that will never be fixed
[22:15] <qball> how can I get rid of the package?
[22:15] <qball> from the build queue
[22:18] <poolie> qball: file a ticket at answers.launchpad.net/soyuz
[22:18] <poolie> ^^ informed guess
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