UbuntuIRC / 2008 /11 /29 /#ubuntu-artwork.txt
Initial commit
[01:01] <kwwii> _MMA_ is funky
[01:03] * kwwii spent the last few hours "appropriating" (from the trash) a table and heater for our practice room
[01:04] <kwwii> some might call it stealing, but if someone threw it away it cannot be so bad if we find a new use for it
[01:07] <kwwii> _MMA_: have you looked into the gtk-css stuff? sound interesting to you?
[01:22] <kwwii> oh well, time for sleep, night all
[01:43] <_MMA_> kwwii: It looks neat, but I just don't have the time to dig into it atm.
[09:14] <thorwil> kwwii: good morning! so do i have to add a sudo for a checkout in /usr/src? if the user does so, can he still work without sudo within the checked out dir?
[09:15] <thorwil> kwwii: regarding actually using the css-engine, it currently only works in the widget factory :/
[11:41] <thorwil> is there a environment variable for where gtk should look for themes (and another one for engines)?
[12:47] <_MMA_> thorwil: "sudo" I would only guess needs to be uses after a /configure. "sudo make install".
[12:54] <thorwil> _MMA_: thought so. kwwii yesterday said that sudo might be needed to write in /usr/src in the first place. it could be that i changed perimissions on my system and have forgotten about it ;)
[12:54] <_MMA_> :P
[12:55] * thorwil takes on i back
[12:55] * thorwil adds one e and cries
[12:57] <thorwil> anyone around who definitively didn't change permissions/ownership of /usr/src, who can thus tell us what the default is?
[12:59] <_MMA_> root should own. If you looking for 555 or something like that, I forget. :P
[13:01] <_MMA_> Advanced permissions shows drwxrwsr-x.
[13:03] <thorwil> s?
[13:04] <_MMA_> brb
[13:28] <thorwil> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Documentation/GtkCssEngine
[13:30] <thorwil> or do you end up with root owned checkouts that way? apparently i did change permissions to be done with yet another sudo
[13:32] <_MMA_> If you did a "sudo checkout", yeah. You shouldn't use "sudo" until you install.
[13:34] <thorwil> _MMA_: that probably means you would have to "sudo mkdir" and chown before checking out in subdirs to do it in a clean way. that's crazy
[13:36] <_MMA_> Huh? No. If you're grabbin' SVN, CVS, BZR, whatever you put it in your home dir to build it. Then you "sudo make install".
[13:37] <thorwil> simple, except that it doesn't belong in the home dir
[13:39] <_MMA_> To *build* it's fine. The "sudo make install" puts things where they should go.
[13:40] <_MMA_> I just looked at the wiki page. That way works, but its a pain and you will have to do *everything* with "sudo" since you're working' in a root owned dir.
[13:44] <thorwil> i think that sources only belong in the home dir if you want to install them for that user only. otherwise /usr/src is the place. but default permissions make this too complicated. so fuck it
[13:46] <_MMA_> Sure. Thats an advanced concept anyway. Most people only run 1 user. So I'd go from that POV.
[13:46] <_MMA_> I make checkinstall .debs of everything I build.
[13:48] <thorwil> i'm used to building all my audio software myself, in /usr/src :) hardly ever had an issue of getting rid of stuff again
[13:53] <thorwil> now i only lack a clean way of making the theme and engine below /usr/local visible to Appearance/WidgetFactory
[13:58] <dashua> http://pastebin.com/m6e5b78ad
[13:59] <dashua> Am I missing a flag when compiling libccss?
[14:00] <thorwil> dashua: you do have libcroco3 libgsf-1 and their -dev packages?
[14:00] * _MMA_ goes for food.
[14:01] <dashua> thorwil: Yes, I have all of those installed.
[14:01] <dashua> checking for SVG fragment support in libccss-cairo... no
[14:01] <dashua> configure: WARNING: libccss-cairo without soup support, SVG fragments will not be supported
[14:01] <dashua> This is hanging it up.
[14:02] <dashua> I pulled/updated all of of the svn/git repos up to date.
[14:02] <thorwil> did i mix the sequence up? hmm, don't think so
[14:03] <dashua> I can't find a flag in the configure of libccss to enable with-soup
[14:03] <dashua> No, I think I am missing a configure flag somewhere.
[14:03] <dashua> thorwil: Does it build fine for you?
[14:04] <thorwil> dashua: it did, but i can't guarantee that i didn't forget some detail
[14:05] <dashua> Ah, ok I must be missing something here.
[14:09] <dashua> Got it
[14:09] <dashua> ccss-cairo: yes
[14:09] <dashua> Support for SVG images yes (requires librsvg-2.0 >= 2.16)
[14:09] <dashua> Support for SVG fragments no (requires libsoup-2.4 librsvg-2.0 >= 2.22.4)
[14:09] <dashua> Need libsoup2.4-dev
[14:10] <_MMA_> You might need to install it from the repo.
[14:10] <thorwil> dashua: i'll add that to the wiki
[14:11] <dashua> Thx
[14:11] <dashua> :)
[14:11] <thorwil> dashua: thank you for trying this out ;)
[14:11] <dashua> Sure, I tried a while ago in it's early stages
[14:12] <dashua> Gilouche-CSS was the only test theme at the time
[14:12] <thorwil> we have a second buttons submission (well, sebastian still needs to add his) https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/KyudoGuidelines/Pieces/Buttons
[14:13] <dashua> Ah nice
[14:13] <dashua> I'll be more than happy to test anything out you need.
[14:14] <thorwil> dashua: btw, Rob warned me to only try the them in the widgetfactory
[14:15] <dashua> Ok, sure. Yes, it crashed on me before. Thx.
[14:15] <thorwil> heh
[14:18] * thorwil ->coffee