UbuntuIRC / 2008 /11 /29 /#launchpad.txt
Initial commit
[00:24] <quentusrex> Wow, figuring out dput and the launchpad requirements to upload my package is really difficult...
[00:27] <awmcclain> If I'm setting up some launchpad branches from which to build packages using autoppa, what's the best way to do that? Create a new project and branch for each new release I want to do? Import the svn to a new project and create branches for each release?
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[06:35] <Hobbsee> PriceChild: you'll have to file a launchpad question. That functionality (to remove an email address from a team) got removed a while ago.
[06:35] <Hobbsee> an admin will need to fix that
[06:36] <Hobbsee> (to get it removed from ~u-i-cloaks
[06:36] <Hobbsee> )
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=== gord_ is now known as gord
[12:57] <laterix> I get email everytime someone assigns/comments a bug in the project that I've been participating. How can I disable this feature? Can't find it anywhere
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[15:19] <PriceChild> Thanks Hobbsee.
=== fta_ is now known as fta
[17:37] <bpierre> hi
[17:37] <bpierre> I just pushed a branch to launchpad (without errors), but now I get these kind of errors: Unknown repository format: 'Bazaar RepositoryFormatKnitPack6 (bzr 1.9)
[17:38] <bpierre> I pushed with the following command: push lp:~benoit.pierre/bzr/shelve_relpath_files --use-existing-dir
[17:38] <bpierre> and the local branch does use the 1.9 format
[17:39] <beuno> bpierre, Launchpad hasn't been upgraded to bzr 1.9 yet, so it doesn't recognize the format
[17:39] <bpierre> but the push worked!
[17:39] <beuno> yes, that's how smart bzr is ;)
[17:39] <bpierre> what can I do? delete the branch and recreate it?
[17:39] <beuno> yeah, only in an older format
[17:39] <beuno> 1.6 or pack-0.92
[17:40] <beuno> sorry for the hassle, the upgrade to 1.9 is scheduled, but there where a few issues that needed solving before deploying
[17:40] <beuno> you can always peak and see what version of bzr we're using in: https://code.launchpad.net/
[17:41] <bpierre> no problem, but since my local branch is in 1.9, how can I do that? init lp:~benoit.pierre/bzr/shelve_relpath_files --format 1.6
[17:41] <bpierre> ?
[17:41] <bpierre> because launchpad automatically created a stacked branch
[17:41] <bpierre> *create
[17:41] <beuno> I think bzr upgrade --1.6 on your branch may downgrade it
[17:47] <bpierre> ok, it worked, thanks beuno
[17:48] <beuno> bpierre, welcome
[18:36] <javaJake> How would I create a child branch in Launchpad?
[18:45] <rockstar> javaJake, what do you mean child branch?
[18:46] <javaJake> rockstar: as I see it, when you checkout/update a branch, it does the same on its children. However, revisions are specific to each branch.
[18:47] <javaJake> rockstar: basically, instead of a huge list of branches, we'd like to organize it.
[18:47] <javaJake> (We're splitting up the code into multiple self-contained parts.)
[18:47] <rockstar> javaJake, I'm still not sure what you mean by "children." Do you mean branches of a branch?
[18:48] <javaJake> rockstar: right, so, for instance:
[18:48] <rockstar> Like, a branch of trunk?
[18:48] <javaJake> rockstar: perhaps :)
[18:48] <javaJake> rockstar: say we have program A, and library B and C.
[18:49] <javaJake> trunk/ contains global stuff (docs, etc.)
[18:49] <javaJake> trunk/programA contains code for programA
[18:49] <javaJake> trunk/libraryA and trunk/libraryB contains imported code plus some customizations
[18:50] <rockstar> javaJake, so programA, libraryA, etc. is all part of one branch?
[18:50] <rockstar> The trunk branch?
[18:50] <javaJake> rockstar: right
[18:50] <javaJake> rockstar: but I don't want a change in libraryB to be an unrelated, unnecessary revision for programA and libraryC
[18:51] <rockstar> javaJake, it's all in the same branch.
[18:51] <javaJake> rockstar: sure, but it's more organized, and each child branch can be accessed on their own
[18:51] <javaJake> rockstar: why, is there a better way?
[18:52] <javaJake> I'm open to ideas :)
[18:52] <rockstar> javaJake, no, bzr doesn't support what you're calling "child branches"
[18:53] <javaJake> OK
[18:53] <javaJake> Any alternative?
[18:54] <javaJake> Besides scripting the automatic branch pull's
[18:54] <javaJake> ;)
[18:54] <rockstar> javaJake, nope. The Launchpad team works like that. We have a script that updates all our bzr branches of dependencies.
[18:55] <javaJake> rockstar: "dependencies" in a Launchpad team?
[18:55] <bpierre> how do you handle going back to an earlier revision? do save the revision needed for each dependency?
[18:57] <rockstar> javaJake, dependencies for the project.
[18:57] <rockstar> bpierre, they are separate branches.
[18:58] <javaJake> rockstar: OK. Is there any documentation on that?
[18:58] <bpierre> yeah, but the point of 'child branches', or what bazaar developers call nested-trees, is also to be able to track the revision of each child tree
[18:58] <rockstar> bpierre, but nested trees are not yet supported.
[18:59] <rockstar> So, while that sounds like a good plan, there is no support for any such feature.
[18:59] <bpierre> yeah, and separate branches means no tracking of their revisions
[18:59] <bpierre> so if want to build an earlier version of the master branch, how do you know which revision you should get for each child branch?
[19:00] <bpierre> *if you
[19:00] <rockstar> bpierre, you'd have to keep some sort of record for that.
[19:00] <bpierre> yeah, how do you (the launchpad team) handle that?
[19:00] <bpierre> I'm just curious
[19:01] <bpierre> because I too am missing the fact that nested trees are not supported
[19:01] <bpierre> do you use config-manager?
[19:03] <rockstar> bpierre, we never have to go back like that.
[19:04] <bpierre> ok
[19:25] <javaJake> rockstar: alright, looks like I'll have to get creative
[20:33] <j^> hi, on launchpad i choose a name long ago
[20:33] <j^> now if i try to change my details, launchpad gives me an error that my name would not be valid
[20:33] <j^> i do not intend to change my name
[21:08] <beuno> j^, you should file a question requesting to get that fixed: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad
[21:36] <bpierre> beuno: recreating the branch means I can now interact with it with bzr, but launchpad still tells me it's not a branch: https://code.launchpad.net/~benoit.pierre/bzr/shelve_relpath_files
[21:39] <beuno> bpierre, you just deleted it and re-pushed with 1.6 format?
[21:39] <bpierre> well, a while ago yes
[21:40] <beuno> ugh
[21:40] <bpierre> and I was waiting for launchpad to rescan it
[21:40] <beuno> File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/bzrlib/repository.py", line 1651, in iter_reverse_revision_history
[21:40] <beuno> parents = graph.get_parent_map([next_id])[next_id]
[21:40] <beuno> KeyError: 'pqm@pqm.ubuntu.com-20081129023747-31a9su43tijw8p3r'
[21:40] <bpierre> thinking the message would disapear
[21:42] <beuno> bpierre, looks like bug 259275
[21:42] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 259275 in bzr "pushing a non-stacking format into a non-repo bzrdir with a default stacking policy creates broken branch" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/259275
[21:42] <beuno> maybe not
[21:42] <beuno> what version of bzr are you using?
[21:43] <bpierre> mmm, the thing is it works fine as far as bzr is concerned
[21:43] <bpierre> 1.11dev
[21:43] <beuno> bpierre, could you file a bug in: http://bugs.launchpad.net/bazaar-launchpad
[21:44] <bpierre> sure
[21:45] <beuno> bpierre, also, check to see what output you get with: bzr log lp:~benoit.pierre/bzr/shelve_relpath_files
[21:45] <beuno> you should get the same traceback as me
[21:45] <beuno> that'll be useful for figuring out the bug :)
[21:45] <bpierre> nope
[21:45] <bpierre> it works
[21:45] <bpierre> info/pull/missing
[21:45] <beuno> ah
[21:46] <bpierre> work too
[21:46] <beuno> uhm
[21:46] <beuno> try: bzr log http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~benoit.pierre/bzr/shelve_relpath_files
[21:46] <beuno> that should blow up
[21:46] <bpierre> Repository branch (format: unnamed)
[21:46] <beuno> and, if it does, then I kinda know where it's breaking
[21:46] <bpierre> when I use info
[21:46] <bpierre> is that normal?
[21:47] <beuno> yeah, getting info through bzr+ssh always says unknown. If you get it through http it will tell you the truth :)
[21:47] <bpierre> ok, so it's the location format that triggers the problem
[21:47] <bpierre> using bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/%7Ebenoit.pierre/bzr/shelve_relpath_files/ works
[21:48] <beuno> right, well, LP mirrors it internally
[21:48] <beuno> to where you see it from http
[21:48] <beuno> "the puller"
[21:48] <beuno> so that's what's breaking
[21:48] <beuno> wheny uo file the bug, let me know the # and I'll add that bit in
[21:49] <bpierre> ok
[21:49] <bpierre> btw, I get an error with https://bugs.launchpad.net/bazaar-launchpad
[21:50] <beuno> ay
[21:50] <beuno> https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad-bazaar
[21:50] <beuno> I get dizzy on weekends
[21:50] <bpierre> thanks :)
[21:52] <bpierre> I will add 2 bugs: one about the fact that my first push created a branch with the wrong format, and the second about recreating the branch, ok?
[21:53] <beuno> well, the first one is pretty clear, since you uploaded with a 1.9 format
[21:53] <beuno> but sure
[21:53] <beuno> Launchpad should tell you that it doesn't support that format yet
[22:12] <bpierre> beuno: #303560 and #303562
[22:12] <bpierre> I hope the descriptions are clear
[22:13] <quentusrex> I have an error from dput
[22:13] <quentusrex> It crashed out on me.
[22:14] <quentusrex> pbxbuntu-freepbx_2.5.0-1_source.changes: done.
[22:14] <quentusrex> Traceback (most recent call last):
[22:14] <quentusrex> File "/usr/bin/dput", line 922, in <module>
[22:14] <quentusrex> main()
[22:14] <quentusrex> File "/usr/bin/dput", line 871, in main
[22:14] <quentusrex> files_to_upload, debug, ftp_mode, progress=progress, port=port)
[22:14] <quentusrex> File "/usr/share/dput/ftp.py", line 71, in upload
[22:15] <beuno> bpierre, thanks
[22:15] <quentusrex> ftp_connection.quit()
[22:15] <quentusrex> File "/usr/lib/python2.5/ftplib.py", line 534, in quit
[22:15] <quentusrex> resp = self.voidcmd('QUIT')
[22:15] <quentusrex> File "/usr/lib/python2.5/ftplib.py", line 246, in voidcmd
[22:15] <quentusrex> return self.voidresp()
[22:15] <quentusrex> File "/usr/lib/python2.5/ftplib.py", line 221, in voidresp
[22:15] <quentusrex> resp = self.getresp()
[22:15] <quentusrex> File "/usr/lib/python2.5/ftplib.py", line 207, in getresp
[22:15] <quentusrex> resp = self.getmultiline()
[22:15] <quentusrex> File "/usr/lib/python2.5/ftplib.py", line 193, in getmultiline
[22:15] <beuno> quentusrex, please don't do that
[22:15] <quentusrex> line = self.getline()
[22:15] <quentusrex> File "/usr/lib/python2.5/ftplib.py", line 183, in getline
[22:15] <quentusrex> if not line: raise EOFError
[22:15] <quentusrex> EOFError
[22:15] <quentusrex> beuno: ok.
[22:16] <quentusrex> Any idea of the reason for the crash?
[22:17] <beuno> not really, no
[22:18] <quentusrex> :(
[22:21] <beuno> bpierre, bugs look good enough to triage, I'll leave them as-is
[22:21] <bpierre> ok
[22:24] <quentusrex> bpierre: any idea what could be causing my bug?
[22:24] <bpierre> nope
[22:24] <quentusrex> :(
[23:08] <quentusrex> Is anyone awake???
[23:15] <javaJake> Is anyone here able to help me delete a branch?
[23:16] <javaJake> It got really messed up, to the point Launchpad errors out on deletion
[23:16] <javaJake> I meant to ask, are there any administrators here able to help me :P
[23:31] <Ursinha> hi javaJake
[23:31] <javaJake> Ursinha: hey
[23:31] <Ursinha> to delete a branch you should click on the red circle on the right of it
[23:31] <Ursinha> can you see that?
[23:32] <javaJake> Hehehehe, yes :)
[23:32] <Ursinha> :)
[23:32] <javaJake> Then it confirms the deletion
[23:32] <Ursinha> it will delete the branch in launchpad
[23:32] <javaJake> Yes, I click delete...
[23:32] <javaJake> *click*
[23:32] <javaJake> And I wait...
[23:32] <javaJake> And it sits there for a good 15 seconds or so
[23:33] * javaJake waits some more
[23:33] <Ursinha> well
[23:33] <wgrant> Is this on edge?
[23:33] <Ursinha> it should return something
[23:33] <javaJake> "Oops!"
[23:33] <Ursinha> or the confirming of deletion or a
[23:33] <javaJake> wgrant: no
[23:33] <Ursinha> erm
[23:33] <javaJake> "Sorry, something just went wrong in Launchpad."
[23:33] <Ursinha> oops
[23:33] <Ursinha> :/
[23:33] <javaJake> "(Error ID: OOPS-1064B2793)"
[23:33] <ubottu> https://devpad.canonical.com/~jamesh/oops.cgi/1064B2793
[23:33] <javaJake> NICE!
[23:33] <Ursinha> javaJake, it's a timeout
[23:33] <javaJake> Ursinha: yea, I know
[23:33] <javaJake> But something isn't happy behind the scenes.
[23:34] <Ursinha> javaJake, how many times have you tried?
[23:34] <javaJake> Quite a few.
[23:34] <javaJake> :P
[23:34] <javaJake> Not a whole lot, just a few ;)
[23:34] <Ursinha> javaJake, not good
[23:34] <Ursinha> have to see the oops
[23:34] <javaJake> OK
[23:35] <Ursinha> javaJake, have to wait a few minutes to the report to be available, I'll be right back in a few minutes
[23:35] <javaJake> Ursinha: OK
[23:36] <javaJake> Well, my partner mentioned he "commited without establishing bzr init and then used --use-existing-dir"
[23:37] <javaJake> He also mentioned that he couldn't "push" because there was "no common ancestry".
[23:37] <javaJake> I can get more detailed information if you need it, he's away right now.