UbuntuIRC / 2008 /11 /28 /#ubuntu-classroom.txt
Initial commit
=== santiago-pgsql is now known as Guest21988
=== Guest21988 is now known as santiago-ve
=== _neversfelde is now known as neversfelde
=== rZr is now known as RzR
=== redarrow_ is now known as redarrow
=== nizarus_ is now known as nizarus
[22:49] * PrivateVoid waves
[22:49] <PrivateVoid> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BeginnersTeam/FocusGroups/Education
[23:12] <PrivateVoid> calling pleia2
[23:14] * pleia2 waves
[23:15] <pleia2> nice looking wiki page :)
[23:16] <PrivateVoid> thanks pleia
[23:16] <PrivateVoid> need to talk about some items if you have time
[23:19] * PrivateVoid hopes he did not get disconnected and pleia2 is waiting for a response
[23:19] <pleia2> nah, in the middle of making some cookies
[23:19] <PrivateVoid> cookies...
[23:19] <PrivateVoid> yum
[23:19] <pleia2> sugar cookies!
[23:19] <PrivateVoid> do you have time pleia2 ?
[23:20] <pleia2> sure
[23:21] <PrivateVoid> I am under the impression that when the Beginners Team Education Focus Group holds IRC based classes you would like us to use this channel; correct?
[23:21] * pleia2 nods
[23:21] <PrivateVoid> is the Ubuntu Education team using any other medium for delivery of 'classes'?
[23:22] <pleia2> well, we're sort of just "Ubuntu Classroom" rather than a full Education team
[23:22] <pleia2> and "Classroom" is just IRC, for now
[23:23] <PrivateVoid> are there any plans for a Moodle style resource?
[23:23] <pleia2> not at the moment, we simply don't have the volunteers to handle such a thing
[23:23] <PrivateVoid> Well...
[23:24] <PrivateVoid> I am hoping to take some of our classes and do more than IRC
[23:24] <PrivateVoid> it would likely be with the wiki and forums
[23:24] <pleia2> we've juggled ideas for a lot of post irc-session methods of summarizing classes
[23:24] <PrivateVoid> since we do not have Moodle... or some other class type software
[23:25] <PrivateVoid> I was more thinking of content that might be best done with assignments turned in, etc... and the IRC is the live 'instructor' help
[23:25] <pleia2> early on people would blog about the sessions and we'd link to those (not fantastic, some people don't keep blogs forever), another idea was summarizing in the wiki, but we don't have enough people to do that, and the instructors could rarely devote time to wiki AND a class in irc
[23:26] <PrivateVoid> I agree...
[23:26] <PrivateVoid> to me, though, some material works well with IRC as the main focus... and other material does not
[23:26] <pleia2> are you interested in using moodle?
[23:26] <PrivateVoid> programming is one of those types of material that IRC is not suited for the main method of teaching
[23:27] <PrivateVoid> I have used Moodle and Sharepoint in the K-12 district I work in
[23:27] <PrivateVoid> both are effective...
[23:27] <pleia2> I mean, you say you "don't have it" - is there a reason?
[23:27] <PrivateVoid> the key difference with Moodle is that is has 'quizes' and other activities
[23:28] <PrivateVoid> I said "don't have it"?
[23:28] <pleia2> < PrivateVoid> since we do not have Moodle... or some other class type software
[23:28] <PrivateVoid> ah...
[23:28] <PrivateVoid> Got it
[23:28] <pleia2> so you were going to use wiki and/or forums
[23:29] <PrivateVoid> Yes... the wiki and forums can be used to give people 'assignments' and tutorials
[23:29] <pleia2> Linode.com gave me a VPS to use for ubuntu pennsylvania, we don't use anywhere near the full resources so I can use it for other ubuntu activitiges
[23:29] <PrivateVoid> the instructor would receive the submissions... and review them with students
[23:29] <PrivateVoid> Cool...
[23:30] <pleia2> so if you wanted to use Moodle, I have hosting space
[23:30] <PrivateVoid> awesome...
[23:30] <PrivateVoid> we will see how things evolve
[23:30] * pleia2 nods
[23:30] <PrivateVoid> it depends on getting people 'interested' and then actually doing stuff
[23:31] <PrivateVoid> a great many people raise their hand only to never show
[23:31] <PrivateVoid> that is why the wiki may be the best...
[23:31] <PrivateVoid> tutorials on certain subjects are there for people to use at any time...
[23:31] <PrivateVoid> if they get stuck they can 'ask' the instructor(s)
[23:32] * pleia2 nods
[23:32] <PrivateVoid> and occasionally IRC sessions can be held for those classes
[23:32] <PrivateVoid> I am also trying to compile resources -- https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BeginnersTeam/FocusGroups/Education/Resources
[23:33] <PrivateVoid> I think the single biggest issue is keeping things current... too many items get 'old' and forgotten
[23:33] <pleia2> yeah
[23:34] * pleia2 attends to cookies
[23:34] <pleia2> brb
[23:34] <PrivateVoid> I gotta go help with baths... brb myself
[23:56] <pleia2> PrivateVoid: mind if we schedule a Classroom meeting to pick up this discussion?
[23:56] <pleia2> I'm sure others would be interested, while I've focused on simply getting more sessions in here, there were always people thinking about expanding beyond that
[23:58] <PrivateVoid> pleia2, not at all... would love to schedule ont...
[23:59] <pleia2> when is good for you? I'm busy wednesday evening but otherwise pretty free
[23:59] <PrivateVoid> I want to get more sessions in here as well pleia2, but some subject matters will likely be best covered with multi-formats
[23:59] * pleia2 nods
[23:59] <PrivateVoid> Most evenings after 8pm EST are good for me