UbuntuIRC / 2008 /11 /28 /#ubuntu-bugs.txt
Initial commit
[05:06] <Hew> Bug 302251 is a libcanberra issue on Jaunty that I believe has just been fixed. However, libcanberra-gnome first needs to be manually removed. Is this something that needs to be taken care of by update-manager, or by a Replaces dependency? How should I triage this?
[05:06] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 302251 in libcanberra "package libcanberra-gtk0 0.6-0ubuntu3 failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite `/usr/bin/canberra-gtk-play', which is also in package libcanberra-gnome" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/302251
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[06:56] <dholbach> good morning
[06:56] <maco> hiya
[07:21] <thekorn> good morning
[07:24] <emgent> morning people
[07:26] <maco> tryptophan wearing off everybody?
[07:31] <nixternal> no
[07:31] <jmarsden> maco: I think that takes 24 hours :)
[07:31] <nixternal> actually, it never hit me
[07:32] <nixternal> it is 1:30 here, and never once did I fall asleep, which is odd for me
[07:32] <nixternal> damn Debian packaging today caused me to stay up
[07:32] <nixternal> I will sleep like a baby now here in a bit
[07:33] <jmarsden> Wikipedia says it's a myth... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tryptophan#Turkey_meat_and_drowsiness
[07:34] <maco> nixternal: hey rich
[07:34] <nixternal> wasabi
[07:35] * nixternal kicks ftp.us.debian.org
[07:35] <nixternal> BUILD DAMNIT!
[07:35] <maco> well i'm looking at dholbach and thekorn and emgent, but then again...i guess they don't do the turkey thing over in euroland
[07:35] <dholbach> no :)
[07:35] <maco> i didnt eat any turkey, so i'm regular ol' me
[07:36] <maco> i fail at being american :P
[07:36] <nixternal> heh, my nephew ate turkey and passed out before he even finished his plate
[07:36] <maco> wow
[07:36] <dholbach> since I was in India, I'm like 99% vegetarian, so I probably wouldn't have dived into the turkey head-first anyway :)
[07:36] <nixternal> heh, 99%
[07:37] <jmarsden> nixternal: The remaining 1% of him is stainless steel? :)
[07:37] <nixternal> I bet
[07:37] <maco> my mom convinced me to eat some of the greenbean casserole even though it had *cream* of mushroom soup in it. -_- i did but jeez, there's a reason i brought non-dairy sour cream and non-dairy butter with me and made sure the mashed potatoes were totally vegan. my tummy is not happy about that cream of mushroom.
[07:37] <dholbach> haha
[07:37] <nixternal> or vinyl
[07:37] <dholbach> vinyl could well be
[07:38] <nixternal> DON'T EAT THE RECORDS!
[07:38] <maco> especially not *my* records
[07:38] <nixternal> you gonna dj at UDS?
[07:38] <dholbach> yeah :)
[07:38] <nixternal> rock on!
[07:38] <nixternal> you are gonna buy all the drinks at UDS?
[07:38] <maco> because um....reggae and motown don't taste good. yeah, that's it.
[07:38] <maco> nixternal: the only thing you care about haha
[07:38] <nixternal> I don't drink
[07:39] <nixternal> just water :p
[07:39] <maco> dude, i met you at OLF
[07:39] <nixternal> no you didn't, that was my twin
[07:39] <maco> i know you're full of it
[07:39] <maco> uh huh
[07:39] <nixternal> just cuz I was shootin' tequila at 11am during lunch, doesn't mean I drink
[07:39] <maco> i forgot that part
[07:39] <nixternal> oh, keep forgetting then
[07:39] <maco> i was just thinking about coming back from dinner during the afterparty and seeing you outside going nuts
[07:39] <nixternal> because it is funny how everyone else remembers that
[07:40] <nixternal> oh man, I don't even want to know
[07:40] <maco> or the pre-party, with you and jono and dann
[07:40] <nixternal> I saw video of me and the after party
[07:40] <nixternal> you can either blame that on jono or dan
[07:40] <nixternal> or maddog, since he bought me a few rounds with all of his tickets
[07:41] <maco> nixternal: you *glomped* jono when i said crimsun was there
[07:41] <nixternal> wth is glomped? I am afraid to know I think
[07:41] <maco> oh, i gave my tickets to jorge, i think
[07:41] <maco> a very forceful jump-on hug
[07:41] <nixternal> oh lord
[07:42] <maco> "jono! daniel chen is here!"
[07:42] <nixternal> that is cuz crimsun has been my IRC homie for like 3 years now
[07:42] <nixternal> or longer actually
[07:42] <maco> yes, with your sound card issues
[07:42] <nixternal> and it is daniel t. chen :p
[07:42] <nixternal> don't forget the t, he might melt
[07:43] <maco> hahaha well, he's just fine with me calling him just plain "dan" so...
[07:48] <maco> he uses the t because chen is like the 2nd most common last name in china, and daniel's not exactly an uncommon name either
[07:49] <nixternal> if (!full && time > 01:48) { nixternal->sleep(); std::cout << "Good Night!"; }
[07:50] * maco snorts LOUDLY
[07:50] <nixternal> actually the cout should have come before the sleep(), otherwise it would say good night after I woke up
[07:50] <maco> eh whatever, point got through
[07:50] <maco> or just claim it was threaded
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[12:10] * BUGabundo_work wonders if james_w could kick in the updates scripts for http://package-import.ubuntu.com/k/kdepim/jaunty-upstream/files/head%3A/kmail/
[12:21] <C0p3rn1c> an upgrade to the 2.6.24-22-generic kernell messed up my system, my nvidia drivers are not working anymore and my system doesnt boot anymore
[12:21] <C0p3rn1c> reboot*
[12:24] <ogra> 2.6.24-22 ? was that moved to hardy-updates already ? (it should only be in proposed for testing purposes yet and be superseded by -23)
[12:26] <C0p3rn1c> I'm running 8.04
[12:26] <ogra> yes, your kernel version indicates that
[12:26] <C0p3rn1c> it was an urgent update
[12:27] <ogra> what does: apt-cache policy linux-image-2.6.24-22-generic show ?
[12:27] <C0p3rn1c> so something went wrong and now I cant get any work done today untill I get it fixed :(
[12:27] <C0p3rn1c> 1 moment
[12:28] <C0p3rn1c> btw how do I stop all x servers (Im trying to install my nvidia drivers)
[12:28] <C0p3rn1c> again
[12:29] <BUGabundo_work> C0p3rn1c: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop ??
[12:29] <BUGabundo_work> from a TTY of course
[12:29] <C0p3rn1c> I tried that
[12:29] <C0p3rn1c> (I also accedently installed another instance of the x server a while back)
[12:29] <C0p3rn1c> while running a drivers install program from nvidia
[12:30] <C0p3rn1c> pff something is wrong with my internet 1 sec
[12:30] <ogra> why dont you just switch back to 2.6.24-21 ?
[12:30] <ogra> also the output of the apt-cache policy command above would be *very* intresting
[12:31] <C0p3rn1c> ogra: yeah Im kinda new to ubuntu and I dident thought about that untill after I tried to install other nvidia drivers
[12:31] <C0p3rn1c> Im currently into the previous kernell
[12:31] <ogra> right
[12:32] <ogra> i dont think the 2.6.24-22 is thought for production use
[12:32] <ogra> but the at-cache policy command should show where you got it from
[12:32] <C0p3rn1c> I cant get my pastebin open :s
[12:33] <C0p3rn1c> http://rafb.net/p/y9NFRf70.html
[12:33] <C0p3rn1c> (apt-cache policy linux-image-2.6.24-22-generic)
[12:34] <ogra> oh, seems you really got it from hardy-updates
[12:34] <C0p3rn1c> yes and I suggest that you reverse this because alot of users are going to get into trouble with this
[12:34] <ogra> can you please file a bug about that against the linux package
[12:35] <ogra> so the uploaders are aware of breakage there
[12:35] <C0p3rn1c> ogra: ok what should I include?
[12:35] <BUGabundo_work> https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux
[12:35] <BUGabundo_work> main updates 2.6.24-22.45 main proposed 2.6.24-23.46
[12:35] <ogra> well, describe closely what happened after your upgrade
[12:35] <C0p3rn1c> pff this is really a big mistake, it will damadge the reputation of ubuntu, at least it did with me
[12:36] <BUGabundo_work> Published on 2008-11-27
[12:36] <ogra> and which version of envyng as well as linux-restricted-modules you use
[12:36] <BUGabundo_work> -- Stefan Bader < stefan.bader@canonical.com> Tue, 18 Nov 2008 17:19:02 +0100
[12:36] <ogra> since either of tehm ships the nvidia drivers
[12:37] <BUGabundo_work> oh I see there 2.6.28 for jaunty
[12:37] <C0p3rn1c> envyng 1.1.1
[12:38] <ogra> yep since some days
[12:38] <BUGabundo_work> but I still don't have them available for install
[12:38] <C0p3rn1c> but normally I run the latest beta drivers
[12:38] <ogra> probably didnt build for all arches yet or sit in the NEW queue
[12:38] <C0p3rn1c> from nvidia
[12:38] <ogra> well
[12:38] <Hobbsee> well....
[12:38] <ogra> beta indicates something, doesnt it ? :)
[12:39] <C0p3rn1c> I just started to install other drivers after they dident work anymore
[12:39] <BUGabundo_work> the strangest thing since I have 2.6.28 on my apt-changes log
[12:39] <BUGabundo_work> but it aint on grub or /boot
[12:39] <C0p3rn1c> the first thing I did was to install the stable nvidia drivers
[12:39] <C0p3rn1c> they also dident work
[12:40] * BUGabundo_work out for lunch
[12:40] <C0p3rn1c> the ones you normally get from "hardware drivers"
[12:41] <C0p3rn1c> after that I tried envyng, and this also failed, and now I was trying to install the latest stable drivers from the nvida website
[12:41] <C0p3rn1c> but I cant seem to kill all my x servers
[12:41] <ogra> so you installed multiple different nvidia drivers at the sae time ? that sounds like you made quite a mess
[12:42] <C0p3rn1c> only one driver can run at the same time right?
[12:43] <C0p3rn1c> the drivers themself always remove previous installed drivers as far as i know
[12:44] <C0p3rn1c> so guess I was wrong ?
[12:44] <ogra> the nvidia drivers from nvidia do what they like to ... they are not packaged so nothing in your system knows they did replace stuff
[12:45] <ogra> if yu use packaged drivers replacements should be handled ...
[12:45] <C0p3rn1c> ah ok
[12:46] <C0p3rn1c> if you go to #nvidia the subject of today is "Ubuntu kernel module problem? Ask in #ubuntu"
[12:46] <C0p3rn1c> so I guess Im not the only one
[12:47] <ogra> well, as i said, file a bug, give info so the kernel team knows about it and use -21 in the meantime
[12:48] <C0p3rn1c> ok
[12:49] <C0p3rn1c> first I have to fix this low-resolution
[12:51] <C0p3rn1c> bbl
[13:19] <C0p3rn1c> apperently the /etc/init.d/gdm script doesnt stop your x-server while the low-graphics drivers dialog is still displayed on screen
[13:22] <C0p3rn1c> anyways I'm back to nvidia driver 180.06 and kernell 2.6.24-21-generic and everything works again
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[17:08] <ryanakca> debian bug 497674
[17:08] <ubottu> Debian bug 497674 in serpentine "serpentine: FTBFS in lenny: Nonexistent build-dependency: muine" [Serious,Closed] http://bugs.debian.org/497674
[17:09] <BUGabundo_work> have a good weekend people
[17:09] <chrisccoulson> ryanakca - was that meant to go in #ubuntu-motu?
[17:13] <ryanakca> chrisccoulson: no, I just use this (usually dead) channel for getting bug links so that I don't pollute #ubuntu-motu
[17:13] <chrisccoulson> lol
[17:14] <ryanakca> I could /msg ubottu for it... but then I'd need to close the /query window, big todo and all, ya know :P
[18:04] <BUGabundo> asac: ping
[18:04] <BUGabundo> asac: I like like my own kid
[18:04] <BUGabundo> but right now, I fill like to slap you silly
[18:04] <BUGabundo> LOL
[18:04] <BUGabundo> lateste NM update makes WPA time out again
[18:05] <BUGabundo> network-manager (0.7~~svn20081018t105859-0ubuntu2) jaunty; urgency=low
[18:17] <asac> BUGabundo: how long did it take to connect?
[18:18] <asac> (before)
[18:18] <asac> did you use a PPA thing?
[18:18] <asac> (which version did you use before)
[18:18] <asac> thanks
[18:19] <BUGabundo> I'm on jaunty asac
[18:19] <BUGabundo> I had the ppa version when using ibex
[18:19] <BUGabundo> but since the upgrade, I had a jaunty version
[18:19] <BUGabundo> no PPA for jaunty
[18:19] <BUGabundo> so it was a lower version
[18:20] <asac> BUGabundo: unlikely that this made your thing timeout
[18:20] <BUGabundo> just got the update, after reboot, could not conect to wpa
[18:20] <asac> BUGabundo: the jaunty package before had no timeout tweak iirc
[18:20] <BUGabundo> keeps timeing out
[18:20] <asac> so now you have 60 seconds ... previously you had 25
[18:20] <BUGabundo> it was working 100% for me
[18:20] <BUGabundo> something changed
[18:20] <BUGabundo> and was today
[18:20] <BUGabundo> last night it was working fine
[18:21] <asac> BUGabundo: check that it takes 60 seconds please
[18:21] <BUGabundo> tailing the log
[18:21] <BUGabundo> tail -fn0 syslog correct?
[18:23] <BUGabundo> yep asac
[18:23] <BUGabundo> 60 secs
[18:23] <asac> ok
[18:23] <asac> BUGabundo: what other packages were updated?
[18:23] <asac> did you reboot your system recently?
[18:23] <BUGabundo> yep
[18:23] <BUGabundo> at 17h GMT
[18:24] <asac> why?
[18:24] <BUGabundo> can I email my apt changes?
[18:24] <asac> BUGabundo: email? paste please
[18:24] <BUGabundo> okay
[18:24] <BUGabundo> I rebooted because job ended
[18:24] <BUGabundo> lol
[18:25] <BUGabundo> asac: http://paste.ubuntu.com/77803/
[18:26] <asac> BUGabundo: whats that?
[18:26] <asac> thats the only packages upgraded in your upgrade?
[18:27] <asac> BUGabundo: try to downgrade to ubuntu1 and see if it starts to work again
[18:27] <asac> you need to downgrade:
[18:27] <asac> network-manager libnm-util0 libnm-glib0
[18:27] <BUGabundo> and before that http://paste.ubuntu.com/77806/
[18:27] <BUGabundo> let me check my cache
[18:28] <BUGabundo> asac http://paste.ubuntu.com/77807/ I have this
[18:28] <BUGabundo> is any of them good?
[18:29] <BUGabundo> no ubuntu1 version
[18:41] <BUGabundo> any more ideas asac?
[18:46] <asac> no ... not really. why do you send me changes mail?
[18:47] <asac> (in the paste)
[18:47] <asac> dont you have a apt log or something?
[18:52] <BUGabundo> I have apt-changes installed
[18:52] <BUGabundo> it send root the new packages
[18:52] <BUGabundo> and I read them with mutt asac
[18:53] <BUGabundo> I don't know that apt-log
[18:53] <BUGabundo> nor does apt-cache show
[19:52] <asac> 19:27 < asac> BUGabundo: try to downgrade to ubuntu1 and see if it starts to work again
[19:52] <asac> 19:27 < asac> you need to downgrade:
[19:52] <asac> (in future i wont repeat anymore)
[19:52] <asac> 19:27 < asac> network-manager libnm-util0 libnm-glib0
[19:52] <asac> ;)
[21:22] <raboof> I added an insight that seems new to me to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linuxsampler/+bug/252330 , which is marked 'wont fix'
[21:22] <ubottu> Ubuntu bug 252330 in linuxsampler "[needs-packaging] linuxsampler" [Wishlist,Won't fix]
[21:22] <raboof> what's the proper way to bring this under the attention again?
[21:25] <mrooney> raboof: well posting the comment and asking here are two good ways!
[21:26] <mrooney> persia, who marked the bug as wontfix, is subscribed so he should see it
[21:27] <raboof> ok, then it's time for me to be patient i guess :)
[21:27] <mrooney> raboof: he isn't on now but if you don't see a response in a few days you could ping him here on IRC
[21:28] <raboof> i'll keep that in mind, thanks. how do I see who marked it wontfix?
[21:30] <raboof> oh, the 'activity log'. right :)
[22:02] <mrooney> Hm, when does update-manager ask you to manually update? re bug 303251
[22:02] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 303251 in ubuntu "applet" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/303251