UbuntuIRC / 2008 /11 /26 /#ubuntu-bugs.txt
Initial commit
=== raof is now known as RAOF
[00:57] <pckchem> quiet tonight
[01:11] <Elbrus> Question of yesterday, didn't get an answer: where should comments/questions about wiki pages go? (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates)
[01:11] <bdmurray> Elbrus: it depends on the question
[01:12] <Elbrus> 1: I would assume that licensing issues are also a reason for SRU: if yes, that should be added
[01:12] <nhandler> Elbrus: I would suggest asking in #ubuntu-motu about SRU stuff
[01:12] <Elbrus> 2: what is the recommended naming convention for SRU packages
[01:12] <Elbrus> ?
[01:13] <maco> i dont think there's a naming convention
[01:13] <Elbrus> Ok, than my first question stands in general, shouldn't wiki's have a e-mail/irc channel/web-page for questions and comments (like on the wikipedia for instance?)
[01:14] <maco> just update it and change the version number in the debian/changelog, and when you make the source package, it'll append the version from debian/changelog
[01:14] <bdmurray> maco: you don't want the version number for the release being updated to be greater than the next release though
[01:15] <Elbrus> maco: I have seen some packages with the release in the name, and you might want to diffentiate between releases...
[01:15] <maco> bdmurray: oh i meant the -0ubuntuX changing the X part
[01:15] <nhandler> I know for backports, you append !release# to the end (i.e. ~hardy1)
[01:15] <maco> Elbrus: usually for libraries
[01:15] * nhandler can't remember the process for SRUs
[01:15] <Elbrus> aha, thats for backports...
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=== pckchem_ is now known as pckchem
=== teKnofreak is now known as techno_freak
[06:28] <dholbach> good morning
=== Pfiffer|sleep is now known as Pfiffer
[07:05] <Pfiffer> Hola.
[07:44] <thekorn> good morning
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
[08:07] <BUGabundo_work> guud morning
[08:09] <BUGabundo_work> hello asac Hobbsee ikonia ogra wgrant
[08:09] <Hobbsee> hey BUGabundo_work
[08:10] <BUGabundo_work> hi girl
[08:10] <BUGabundo_work> any one as a spare bed? /me is sleepyyyyyyyyy
[08:10] * Hobbsee is no one's bed, sorry..
[08:10] * Hobbsee points at some space in the corner, though
[08:10] <BUGabundo_work> LOL
[08:10] <BUGabundo_work> didn't meant like that Hobbsee
[08:11] <Hobbsee> haha, right :)
[08:13] * BUGabundo_work checks Hobbsee blog so look at the so mention corner
[08:13] * BUGabundo_work feels that looks outdated
[08:14] <Hobbsee> yes, rather...
[08:14] <Hobbsee> I hate blogging.
[08:14] <Hobbsee> only slightly more than hating writing on mailing lists, which is why I tend to avoid them too
[08:14] <BUGabundo_work> I don't like to blog either
[08:14] <BUGabundo_work> but I love micro-blogging
[08:14] <BUGabundo_work> you should give it a try
[08:15] <BUGabundo_work> identi.ca is FOSS
[08:15] <BUGabundo_work> there's jaiku, plurk... and so on
[08:15] <BUGabundo_work> lets not talk about the big white whale (twitter)
[08:15] <Hobbsee> hmmm
[08:15] <Hobbsee> heh
[08:16] <BUGabundo_work> there's lots of us on identica
[08:17] <BUGabundo_work> I already mention to jorge that canonical should setup their own Laconica install
[08:25] <wgrant> BUGabundo_work: Evening.
[08:25] <wgrant> Hobbsee: Don't blog!
[08:25] <Hobbsee> wgrant: why?
[08:26] <wgrant> Resist the temptation.
[08:26] <BUGabundo_work> eheh
[08:26] <BUGabundo_work> how is the trip going wgrant?
[08:28] <wgrant> BUGabundo_work: Which trip?
[08:28] <wgrant> Are you mixing me up with somebody else again, like in #+1 a couple of days ago?
[08:29] <BUGabundo_work> maybe
[08:29] <BUGabundo_work> still up for 1 hour
[08:29] <BUGabundo_work> I keep messing up nicks
[08:29] <BUGabundo_work> you remember that fish in Nemo?
[08:29] <BUGabundo_work> that's me... no more than 3 sec memory
[08:30] <MAINERROR> you have to dump some files in your brain space :P
[08:32] <BUGabundo_work> I wish it was that easy MAINERROR
[08:32] <BUGabundo_work> what was that fish name? any one remembers?
[08:32] <BUGabundo_work> no google or IMDB, no cheatign
[08:34] * wgrant never saw the movie all the way through.
[08:35] * Hobbsee thought the fish's name was 'nemo'
[08:36] <BUGabundo_work> it was Hobbsee
[08:36] <MAINERROR> nah it wasn't nemo
[08:36] <BUGabundo_work> but the other fish
[08:36] <BUGabundo_work> the forgetful one
[08:36] <MAINERROR> I know the name BUGabundo
[08:36] <MAINERROR> :P
[08:37] <BUGabundo_work> no you don't
[08:37] <BUGabundo_work> other wise you would have said it
[08:37] <BUGabundo_work> and no cheatign
[08:37] <MAINERROR> nah the name was BUGabundo hehe
[08:37] * BUGabundo_work wonders why he keeps messing ing with ign
[08:37] <BUGabundo_work> DUH
[08:49] <BUGabundo_work> Hobbsee identica invite is on the mail
[08:49] * Hobbsee glances at mail
[08:50] <BUGabundo_work> anybody else interested in an identica account?
[08:53] <danage> today's security update: E: /var/cache/apt/archives/openoffice.org-core_1%3a2.4.1-11ubuntu2.1_i386.deb: short read in buffer_copy (backend dpkg-deb during `./usr/lib/openoffice/program/libspa680li.so')
[08:55] <BUGabundo_work> danage: haven't hit that one yet
[08:55] <danage> it also tells me i have 8 broken packages
[08:56] <BUGabundo_work> jaunty or ibex?
[08:56] <danage> ibex
[08:56] <BUGabundo_work> I'm on jaunty
[08:56] <BUGabundo_work> maybe that's why I didn't notice it
[08:57] <danage> so off to launchpad, i guess?
[08:57] <BUGabundo_work> sure
[08:57] <danage> :)
[08:57] <BUGabundo_work> but that OOo update came out two days ago
[08:58] <BUGabundo_work> it should already be there, if more people were affected
[08:58] <james_w> danage: do you have a full hard disk?
[08:58] <BUGabundo_work> remember to use bug-buddy or apport to collect more data
[08:58] <danage> i doubt it
[08:58] <BUGabundo_work> df -h /
[08:58] <danage> 87 gig available
[08:58] <james_w> danage: that error indicates something wrong on your system, rather than something wrong with the update
[08:59] <danage> mehness
[08:59] <danage> well it was a distro upgrade from hardy
[09:00] <jibel> danage: is it something like bug 302333 or bug 302100 ?
[09:00] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 302333 in openoffice.org "Automatic update Openoffice 26nov08 failed" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/302333
[09:00] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 302100 in openoffice.org "openoffice.org-core 1:2.4.1-11ubuntu2.1 update fails to install" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/302100
[09:00] <danage> yeah
[09:01] <danage> exactly that
[09:05] <jibel> The error is "lzma: Decoder error" . which mirror are you using ?
[10:31] <jibel> mvo: Hi. I wanted to request an SRU in Intrepid for bug 294134 . Could you tell me why postgresql was added to the removal blacklist in hardy and if there is an impact to remove it in Intrepid ?
[10:31] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 294134 in update-manager "upgrade 8.10 tool failes because it cannot calculate upgrade" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/294134
[10:35] <mvo> jibel: let me have a look
[10:57] <mvo> jibel: I think it was added because some packages from postgres moved from main to universe, but I think this is not a very good reason
[11:17] <jibel> mvo: ok, I'll try to commit the change against the intreprid branch this evening. Thanks
[11:29] <mvo> jibel: cool, thanks. ping when its ready, then I will sponsor the upload
[11:39] <mvo> jibel: (or if you need help with the commit or anything else :)
[12:15] <nhandler> What did we end up doing about the spam bug reports? I just found about half a dozen more of them.
[12:16] <Hobbsee> nhandler: well, I don't think they've actually fixed the bug yet, so the guy can reopen his account
[12:16] <nhandler> Hobbsee: But what are we doing about the actual bugs? Just marking them as invalid?
[12:17] <Hobbsee> nhandler: I presume that there will be a mass-tool to revert his actions.
[12:17] <nhandler> Hobbsee: I wouldn't be so sure about that. This is Launchpad we are talking about
[12:17] <Hobbsee> nhandler: tha'ts true. But even launchpad....
[12:18] <Hobbsee> well, there's still stuff like py-lp-bugs
[12:19] <nhandler> Do you think I should leave the spam as private?
[12:20] <Hobbsee> nhandler: I wonder about emailing lp-users and asking what the launchpad guys plan to do about it.
[12:21] <Hobbsee> they should surely have a plan, as it's not the first time a spammer has come in
[12:21] <Hobbsee> or a malicious person
[12:22] <BUGabundo_work> and they keep coming
[12:23] <BUGabundo_work> last I heard/read the idea was to open an Answer with the link
[12:23] <BUGabundo_work> but that's just more mail...
[12:23] <BUGabundo_work> uff
[12:23] <Hobbsee> BUGabundo_work: well, it will keep coming, until launchpad manages to fix the reactivation bug.
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[15:06] <bddebian> Boo
[15:10] <BUGabundo_work> foo bddebian
[15:11] <bddebian> :)
[17:08] <BUGabundo_work> did anyone else notice the use of ENTER in Firefox today??
[19:04] <chrisccoulson> ping kees - do you know if bug 302209 is actually a bug or a design decision (ie, that we all download security updates from the official ubuntu repository instead of local mirrors)?
[19:04] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 302209 in synaptic "the repository in /etc/apt/source.list is not coherent with the server choice" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/302209
[19:05] <kees> chrisccoulson: the order of repos in /etc/apt/source.list matters. if a security update is found in local mirror, it should be fetched from there.
[19:05] <kees> chrisccoulson: however, the reason to leave security.ubuntu.com in the sources.list is so you know if there are very new updates that haven't mirrored to the other locations yet
[19:06] <kees> chrisccoulson: so, I think, based on your bug, that's a "feature"
[19:07] <chrisccoulson> thanks. so, if a user enables security updates in software-properties, the URL that gets added to the sources.list should be a http://security.ubuntu.com one instead of the local mirror? Is that correct? If it is, then i'll close the bug and give the reporter some feedback
[19:08] <kees> chrisccoulson: I *think* so, but you should probably check with mvo first, since he wrote it. :)
[19:08] <chrisccoulson> thanks:)
[19:13] <mvo> chrisccoulson: ideally it should do both I guess
[19:13] <mvo> chrisccoulson: what kees said, we want to be sure that people get seucurity updates even if there (local or other) mirror is out-of-date (not unheard off ;)
[19:14] <chrisccoulson> thanks mvo. so, you think it probably is a bug then, in the sense that it should add both central and local mirror?
[19:14] <mvo> chrisccoulson: i haven't touched that code in a while, if it does not add both, I guess the bug should be re-titled
[19:14] <mvo> chrisccoulson: yeah
[19:14] <chrisccoulson> thanks, i'll do that:)
[19:15] <mvo> chrisccoulson: I guess it could be argued that it should not add security.u.c in some cases (e.g. when the user is behind a firefox that does not allow him to connect to the outside etc) - but I think that is special enough to just edit sources.list manually
[19:15] <chrisccoulson> yeah, i agree
[19:16] <chrisccoulson> i think the use case for that scenario wouldn't happen that often though
[20:56] <hacktick> hey, 302571 and 302606 are spam.
=== james_w` is now known as james_w
[20:57] <hacktick> someone should set them to 'private' isnt it?
[21:04] <chrisccoulson> bug 302571
[21:04] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 302571 in ubuntu "t2embed.dll" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/302571
[21:04] <chrisccoulson> bug 302606
[21:04] <ubottu> Bug 302606 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/302606 is private
[21:05] <chrisccoulson> someone already dealt with them it seems hacktick
[21:05] <chrisccoulson> i wonder why this user isn't banned? all they do is submit spam
[21:06] <chrisccoulson> he's submitted loads of private bugs in the last hour or so it seems
[21:09] <chrisccoulson> according to lp answers, he's already been banned, but he's back with a different user name
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
[21:20] <hacktick> chrisccoulson: I just hope he is one real person and not a bot...
[21:22] <chrisccoulson> i just spoke with mthaddon in #launchpad. they're currently looking at ways around it but unfortunately lp has no spam management and the user keeps re-registering
[21:23] <chrisccoulson> i don't know if its a real person or a bot. if it's a real person then they really should get a life
[21:44] <hacktick> he uses msn and hotmail-accounts :)
[21:44] <hacktick> maybe its bill gates :)
[22:08] <rbanffy> Hi folks. Is this the appropriate channel to beg for attention?
[22:09] <nhandler> rbanffy: It depends on the type of attention you want
[22:09] <rbanffy> I have an unbearably disfunctional desktop right now ;-) https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/302227
[22:09] <ubottu> Ubuntu bug 302227 in ubuntu "Cursor movement, screenshot clipping and redraw problems on dual-headed, Intel 945GME desktop after 20081125 compiz/X update" [Undecided,New]
[22:09] <rbanffy> nhandler: It is really bad
[22:21] <rbanffy> nhandler: Any idea on what could it be or any info I could collect to help?
[22:22] <rbanffy> nhandler: The machine works. It's just a pain to use
[22:25] <nhandler> rbanffy: I'm not sure what the cause of the bug is right now. I'll take a closer look at it later.
[22:27] <rbanffy> nhandler: Thanks