UbuntuIRC / 2008 /11 /24 /#xubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[00:00] <vidd> now to see if it "holds" on re-login....
[00:00] <vidd> brb
[00:01] <knome> did it work?
[00:01] <vidd> no
[00:01] <knome> :(
[00:02] <vidd> did not save on exit
[00:02] <vidd> but...it will do in a pinch
[00:02] <knome> hehe ok
[00:03] <anorexic> knome maybe u know of a way to manually triger that dialog which asks to enter password to unlock keyring?
[00:04] <knome> anorexic, not really anything other than using the keyring :)
[00:04] <vidd> anorexic, you want it to prompt you? or NOT to prompt you?
[00:04] <anorexic> to promt
[00:04] <bitmouse> anybody know what a laptop mousepad would be working in a Command Line Install, once Xorg and Openbox get loaded?
[00:04] <anorexic> I did "not promting" but I need of a way to trigger it, so that keyring would be unlocked
[00:05] <vidd> bitmouse, is your stuff NOT working in the gui?
[00:06] <bitmouse> vidd: if you want to call openbox a gui
[00:06] <bitmouse> also is is there a difference between apt-get and aptitude?
[00:06] <anorexic> yes there is
[00:06] <bitmouse> what is the difference?
[00:06] <vidd> bitmouse, you need hal installed for the keyboard and mouse to work with xorg since II
[00:06] <vidd> bitmouse, aptitude is a text-based frontend for apt-get
[00:07] <bitmouse> vidd: cool, apt-get hal be enough, somebody else recommended gpm I think
[00:07] <vidd> bitmouse, for your mouse and keyboard to work: sudo apt-get install hal
[00:08] <bitmouse> roger, surprised that the installer didn't install that one on the system, i think it did it auto on this one
[00:08] <vidd> bitmouse, did you install cli-only and add openbox and xorg manually?
[00:10] <bitmouse> vidd: yeah, on both
[00:11] <vidd> bitmouse, is one 8.10 and one an older version?
[00:11] <vidd> (possibly older then upgraded to 8.10)
[00:13] <bitmouse> hmm, I think I just put 8.10 on both, though to be honest, I'm not sure, though i think I used the same install CD, by the way, is HAL minimal? cause I want to keep this thing crisp
[00:13] <bitmouse> vidd: and why not gpm?
[00:14] <vidd> bitmouse, because i have no idea what gpm is, and i know that hal fixed that for me
[00:14] <vidd> =]
[00:14] <bitmouse> lol, cool
[00:14] <bitmouse> yay it worked
[00:14] <bitmouse> : )
[00:17] <bitmouse> Long Distance Hug!!!;-)
[00:22] <vidd> bitmouse, =]
[00:27] <vidd> hey....anyone want to start seeding the 8.04 iso's?
[00:28] <knome> isn't they seeded anywhere?
[00:28] <knome> *aren't
[00:28] <vidd> apparently not
[00:29] <knome> you must be joking?
[00:29] <knome> http://torrent.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/hardy/release/desktop/ ?
[00:29] <knome> a-ha, permission problems
[00:29] <knome> a-ha, not
[00:30] * vidd is not the one trying to get it
[00:30] <knome> let me see
[00:30] <knome> looks like those torrents work
[00:30] <vidd> knome, Mooc1 is the one who needs it
[00:30] <Mooc1> vidd didn't mean to freak you out
[00:30] <knome> Mooc1, http://torrent.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/hardy/release/desktop/
[00:30] <vidd> Mooc1, no problem
[00:31] <vidd> Mooc1, which version you need?
[00:31] * vidd will throw the iso up on his torrentflux server
[00:32] <Mooc1> well this is my problem which really is not a problem I have a pctel modem and I just need to find a version that will work with the updated driver
[00:32] <knome> Mooc1, newer is usualle better with hardware support..
[00:32] <knome> *e=y
[00:32] <vidd> Mooc1, which version you have now?
[00:33] <Mooc1> 6.06 dapper drake
[00:33] <vidd> Mooc1, !
[00:33] <Mooc1> xubuntu
[00:34] <knome> Mooc1, that's over 2 years old
[00:34] <vidd> Mooc1, have you tried to upgrade via update manager?
[00:34] <Mooc1> yeah U know I have like 329 updates
[00:34] * vidd recommends that you do so via tty with the server upgrade method
[00:34] <knome> vidd, that's also quite harsh :>
[00:34] <Mooc1> why the sever upgrade
[00:35] <Mooc1> I do need to upgrade though
[00:35] <vidd> there is a fundamental issue with the update manager somewhere between DD and HH
[00:35] <Mooc1> really
[00:36] <Mooc1> what does it do crash or not download?
[00:36] <vidd> so if you use the server update method, you *shouldnt* end up with a broken system
[00:37] <Mooc1> Well how do I do the server method
[00:37] <vidd> but...b4 you try any upgrade method, you need to max out your sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade first
[00:38] <vidd> !upgrade
[00:38] <ubottu> For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes
[00:38] <vidd> Mooc1, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes#From%207.10%20or%206.06%20LTS%20to%208.04%20LTS
[00:39] <Mooc1> brb
[00:42] <Mooc1> so I need to upgrade to what version?
[00:42] <vidd> 8.04 is the only "supported" upgrade method
[00:42] <Mooc1> ok
[00:42] <vidd> once there, you can then upgrade to 8.10
[00:43] <vidd> btw....is your system set up with a seperate partition for /home?
[00:44] <Mooc1> no I'm running xubuntu on my dino box
[00:44] <vidd> (i probably asked this last time too...but dont remember the answer
[00:44] <Mooc1> brb vidd phone call
[00:46] * vidd always sets up a seperate /home (and seperate /var) partition so that a "fresh" install can be done from any version to any version without worrying about "upgrade issues"
[00:46] <vidd> =]
[00:49] <knome> meh
[00:49] <vidd> =\
[00:49] <knome> this kvm installation is taking ages
[00:49] <knome> there can't be everything right in there
[00:50] <vidd> something wrong with planning ahead for disaster recovery?
[00:50] <knome> even if i followed the howtos
[00:50] <vidd> oh...different subject =]
[00:50] <knome> doesn't really matter even if the installation failed
[00:53] <vidd> who had the question about the gnomekeyring?
[00:53] <knome> vidd, anorexic
[00:54] <vidd> anorexic, you there?
[00:54] * vidd finds the answer and anorexic is nowhere to be found =\
[00:55] <vidd> wb djbushdio
[00:55] <knome> vidd, we don't know why it hurts
[00:57] <djbushdio> back to criticize your punctuation...
[00:58] <vidd> wait...are you the one i black-listed on my work machine? =]
[00:58] <Mooc1> ok so vidd upgrade to 8.04
[00:58] <djbushdio> oh, thats mean...
[00:58] <knome> djbushdio, "that's"
[00:58] <djbushdio> ouch
[00:58] * vidd imports his work settings....
[00:58] <vidd> where'd he go?
[00:58] <vidd> lol
[00:59] <vidd> jk djbushdio
[00:59] * vidd raely blacklists anyone
[00:59] <djbushdio> *rarely
[01:00] <vidd> (and rarely hits all the keys he wants)
[01:00] <djbushdio> ...
[01:00] <Mooc1> vidd so I need to upgrade to 8.04 then what
[01:00] <knome> djbushdio is soon going to be djobamadio?
[01:00] <vidd> its these fingers (and half-pot of coffee in the keyboard)
[01:00] <djbushdio> i like obama...
[01:01] <vidd> Mooc1, that is the best method
[01:01] * vidd is SHOCKED djbushdio
[01:01] <djbushdio> darn conservatives... I'm and extreme moderate. Oh yeah
[01:01] <djbushdio> *an
[01:02] <vidd> moderate WHAT?
[01:02] <djbushdio> you heard me
[01:02] <vidd> even moderate socialists are evil!
[01:02] <djbushdio> ... not what i meant...
[01:02] <vidd> =]
[01:02] <knome> djbushdio, i didn't, i read the words you typed (apparently)
[01:03] * vidd needs to go down to Walmart and buy a clue
[01:03] <djbushdio> okay, so everybody here has issues grammatically, now lets stop acting like kids and see if anybody actually needs help
[01:03] <djbushdio> *let's
[01:04] * knome achoos loudly and wakes up all the elderlies in the building
[01:04] * vidd is shocked TheSheep doesnt point out that is probably close to the "offtopic" channel!
[01:04] <knome> i was actually waiting for the same comment :]
[01:05] <vidd> (maybe he(?) dont know what Walmart is)
[01:05] <djbushdio> same, which is why i TYPED that we need to shut up
[01:05] <knome> why do we need to shut up? we're just typing and not making any noise
[01:05] <vidd> djbushdio, why not just join us there?
[01:06] <vidd> (off topic...not walmart)
[01:06] <vidd> =]
[01:06] <djbushdio> what is the channel name?
[01:06] <djbushdio> specifically
[01:06] <knome> #xubuntu-offtopic
[01:12] <Mooc1> do not mention walmart I work there :-[
[01:12] <knome> i have never visited a walmart store.
[01:12] <Mooc1> Your not missing anything
[01:14] <Mooc1> knomw and vidd all I have to do is download 8.04 iso right to upgrade
[01:14] <knome> Mooc1, you don't need to D/L the iso if you upgrade
[01:14] <knome> !upgrade
[01:14] <ubottu> For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes
[01:14] <vidd> Mooc1, just go to terminal and typoe "update-manager"
[01:15] <Mooc1> ah ok let me bookmakr the link
[01:15] <Mooc1> ok let me do that hold on
[01:15] <anorexic> elvis has left the building, sry knome
[01:15] <anorexic> ;]]
[01:16] <vidd> anorexic, http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2007/07/06/clearing-or-resetting-the-gnome-keyring/
[01:16] <knome> anorexic, uhhuh? :)
[01:16] <anorexic> knome u vere trieng to wake the elders in the building
[01:16] <anorexic> so they al left together with elvis
[01:16] <knome> nah
[01:16] <anorexic> vidd thanks
[01:16] <knome> elvis has died already
[01:17] <vidd> twice if you believe the rumors
[01:17] <anorexic> no he went home
[01:17] <anorexic> if you believe men in black
[01:17] <anorexic> ;]]
[01:17] <knome> i don't
[01:17] <knome> i believe in completely different things
[01:17] <anorexic> u r doomed then
[01:17] <Mooc1> how do I change to be root
[01:17] <anorexic> use sudo
[01:18] <Mooc1> sudo refresh my memory
[01:18] <anorexic> its like sam says
[01:18] <Mooc1> gotcha
[01:18] <Mooc1> sudo what
[01:19] <anorexic> sudo command
[01:19] <anorexic> "super user do"
[01:19] <anorexic> liko sudo rm - rf /*
[01:19] <Mooc1> confused what else do I type sudo then what
[01:20] <anorexic> what do you want to do with root?
[01:20] <knome> Mooc1, sudo [the command you want to run as root]
[01:20] <Mooc1> so what sudo root
[01:20] <vidd> Mooc1, no....
[01:21] <anorexic> if you log in as root u will type "bitchx" and you will start program as root
[01:21] <vidd> for that you would "sudo su" (but it is STRONGLY recommended AGAINST
[01:21] <anorexic> if you are an user, and type "bitchx" you will start program as user
[01:21] <anorexic> if you are and user and type "sudo bitchx" you will start program as root
[01:21] <Mooc1> ok
[01:22] <Mooc1> so I type sudo bitchx
[01:23] <anorexic> Mooc1, have you tried windows? :)
[01:23] <anorexic> I dont think u are ready for linux
[01:23] <anorexic> even for ubuntu
[01:23] <Mooc1> no I just don't remember the command
[01:24] <Mooc1> I'm trying the command vidd gave me
[01:25] <vidd> Mooc1, the command was "update-manager" and its run as a user
[01:25] <vidd> otherwise i would say "sudo[command]"
[01:25] <Mooc1> I typed it and ask me to be root
[01:26] <vidd> strange.... then type "gksu update-manager"
[01:26] <Mooc1> hang on getting something let me cut and paste
[01:27] <djbushdio> does anybody have a good media manager for an mp3 player?
[01:28] <djbushdio> I'm trying to use amarok, but it isn't detecting some of my songs
=== djbushdio is now known as djbushido
[01:28] <Mooc1> usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/apt/__init__.py:17: FutureWarning: apt API not stable yet
[01:28] <vidd> Mooc1, ah...ok
[01:28] <djbushido> test
[01:29] <djbushido> ok
[01:29] <knome> djbushido, ask #amarok
[01:29] <Mooc1> what does that mean vidd
[01:30] <knome> Mooc1, probably nothing you should be worried of :)
[01:30] <vidd> Mooc1, "sudo apt-get install update-manager-core"
[01:30] <Mooc1> ok hang on
[01:32] <Mooc1> ok done
[01:33] <vidd> Mooc1, now "gksu update-manager"
[01:35] <Mooc1> not it displayed the update manager
[01:36] <Mooc1> usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/apt/__init__.py:17: FutureWarning: apt API not stable yet
[01:36] <vidd> ....
[01:36] <vidd> http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading-8.04
[01:38] <Mooc1> what about xubuntu or does that matter
[01:38] <vidd> dont matter
[01:39] <djbushido> *don't (hehe)
[01:39] <Mooc1> ok so now its a matter of uprading
[01:39] <Mooc1> dunt
[01:40] <Mooc1> :-P
[01:41] <Mooc1> vidd so just upgrade and I'm done then the server method
[01:43] <Mooc1> vidd u there
[01:43] <vidd> Mooc1, just upgrade
[01:43] <djbushido> does anybody have a recommendation for a media manager? Amarok seems broken, rhythmbox can't manage external devices...
[01:44] <knome> djbushido, ask #amarok...
[01:44] <djbushido> did, nobody is responding...
[01:44] <Mooc1> ok gotcha sorry my comp was doing something funny
[01:44] <knome> djbushido, wait for a while or a couple whiles. P
[01:44] <knome> :P
[01:44] <Mooc1> let me bookmark this link
[01:46] <Mooc1> I probably asked like a billion questions didn't mean just trying to get this dust box to act right
[01:46] <djbushido> oh, just had to reload amarok... wow i feel stupid
[01:46] <djbushido> and don't feel like you are asking a lot of questions, trust me, i have you beat...
[01:47] <Mooc1> really well I still feel like a house fly at times
[01:48] <djbushido> its ok, i feel like that posting in ubuntu forums...
[01:48] * knome slaps Mooc1 with a flyswatter
[01:48] <djbushido> thats mean...
[01:48] <Mooc1> ouch
[01:48] <djbushido> by the way, how do you say that with your name on the right?
[01:48] <Mooc1> huh
[01:49] <knome> djbushido, /me does things
[01:49] <djbushido> "*|knome slaps Mooc1 with a flyswatter" not "knome|slaps Mooc1 with a flyswatter"
[01:49] * djbushido feels stupid
[01:49] <djbushido> oh
[01:49] <Mooc1> hehehe
[01:50] <djbushido> see, you aren't the housefly...
[01:50] <djbushido> i got you beat by a long shot...
[01:50] <knome> night everybody.
[01:50] <Mooc1> knome keep those seeds up so I can get ubuntu 8.04 or xubuntu 8.04
[01:50] <knome> i will probably be back tomorrow.
[01:50] <djbushido> get 8.10 - thats what i use
[01:50] <Mooc1> me too gotta go
[01:51] <knome> Mooc1, i haven't seeded them, but i'm sure somebody will
[01:51] <Mooc1> I plan to
[01:51] <Mooc1> oh ok
[01:51] <knome> ->
[01:51] <Mooc1> one day somebody will
[01:51] <Mooc1> :-P
[01:51] <vidd> knome, you missed my summarry of what is to come!
[01:52] <djbushido> i missed it too... wait, what did i miss?
[01:52] <vidd> djbushido, you never came to my channel
[01:54] <Mooc1> well I better go got too much stuff to do tomorrow
[01:55] <Mooc1> hope someone will seed the xubuntu 8.04 or ubuntu
[01:55] <djbushido> i might have my old 8.04 alternate cd lying around, see me later
[01:56] <Mooc1> oh ok cool I need it please help me out
[01:56] <djbushido> got to leave in like 5 minutes, i should have time tomorrow though
[01:57] <Mooc1> thats cool for me see you then
[01:58] <Mooc1> later knome vidd djbushido
[01:58] <JUAN_ANTONIO> Hello
[01:58] <djbushido> whaddup
[01:59] <JUAN_ANTONIO> Need to know the minimum requirements for Xubuntu 8.10
[02:00] <djbushido> recommended ram=198
[02:00] <djbushido> or something like that, plus 1GB install space
[02:00] <JUAN_ANTONIO> Uhu
[02:00] <Mooc1> well that disqualifies
[02:00] <Mooc1> me
[02:00] <JUAN_ANTONIO> Around 32 Mb maybe?
[02:00] <djbushido> uh...
[02:01] <djbushido> pretty sure the install cd needs ~92 mb
[02:01] <Mooc1> I have less than that
[02:01] <JUAN_ANTONIO> 92 Mb RAM or VGA?
[02:01] <djbushido> not sure
[02:02] <djbushido> check www.xubuntu.org
[02:02] <JUAN_ANTONIO> I cannot fin it inside, my friend
[02:02] <Mooc1> where did vidd go did he leave
[02:02] <djbushido> got to go, bye
[02:02] <JUAN_ANTONIO> So, tell me about your machine
[02:02] <JUAN_ANTONIO> Ok, bye
[02:03] <vidd> Mooc1, no...im still around
[02:03] <Mooc1> oh ok I though you left thanks for the support and the links this helps me a lot
[02:04] * vidd was talking world politics in his private channel
[02:04] <Mooc1> oh don't get me started in that subject
[02:06] <JUAN_ANTONIO> Bye, go to sleep
[03:13] <PorkSoda> dude what happen to vidd
[03:15] <PorkSoda> knome did vidd split
[03:15] <PorkSoda> its me mooc1
[03:21] <PorkSoda> knome
[03:22] <PorkSoda> the kernel where did vidd go
[03:23] <anorexic> if anybody will ask why airodump does not capture any packets if I'm not connected to any wireless network with atheros chipset. just tell them to dusable wireless (rmb on the network icon) and then airmon will enable monitor mode correctly
[03:23] <anorexic> god damn 2 days of research for simple shit
[03:23] <anorexic> hate linux :(
[03:24] <Ahmuck> anorexic: yes, it can be trying 4 sure
[03:28] <PorkSoda> knome
[03:40] <ubuntu> im on a live cd and have attached a hard drive with a pata to usb cable, it mounts but i cannot access some files(permissions), i know user name/pass, how would i gain access? i want my firefox bookmarks/etc
[03:51] <helpplz> im on a live cd and have attached a hard drive with a pata to usb cable, it mounts but i cannot access some files(files like .mozzilla), i know the user/pass, how would i gain access? i want my firefox bookmarks/etc
[03:54] <j1mc> helpplz: can you access any files?
[03:55] <helpplz> most, just a couple have x's on them, permission issue i geuss.
[03:55] <j1mc> and you're accessing these via the livecd?
[03:56] <helpplz> ya im on a laptop with livecd
[03:56] <j1mc> what is the mount point of the hard drive that has the files?
[03:57] <helpplz> /dev/sdb
[03:57] <helpplz> its connected via usb
[03:58] <helpplz> err its /media/disk/
[03:58] <helpplz> i wanna transfer those files to another usb hd
[03:58] <dcolish> helpplz: eff'n take root
[03:58] <j1mc> ok. thanks. so what is the full path to the files you want?
[03:59] <helpplz> livecd isnt root?
[03:59] <dcolish> you don't know?
[04:00] <helpplz> i thought it was
[04:01] <dcolish> it will say in the prompt from a terminal, can you open a terminal
[04:01] <dcolish> do you have any system besides the live cd to perform the transfer with?
[04:01] <helpplz> nope its geust i geuss i says ubuntu
[04:01] <helpplz> it*
[04:02] <helpplz> ill transfer to another usb pen drive
[04:02] <helpplz> ok nm i did sudo thunar ty
[04:03] <j1mc> from the terminal, can you just type sudo cp /path/to/original/files /path/to/new/location
[04:04] <dcolish> unless they're directories
[04:07] <dcolish> helpplz: do you have an alt cd?
[04:08] <helpplz> nope xubuntu 8.10 386
[04:09] <dcolish> get one, this task would be trivial in a recovery shell. its single user mode
[04:09] <dcolish> actually, the netboot cd should work too. Its a lighter dl as well
[04:11] <helpplz> i was thinking some extra security was added to ubuntu lol so it wouldnt be so easy to read personal files
[04:11] <dcolish> if you have physical access to a box, all bets are off
[04:12] <helpplz> lvm i guess does that
[04:12] <faryshta> Hi there, has someone tried the beta of XFCE?
[04:12] <dcolish> no encryption would
[04:17] <scribawf> Where do I find minicom?
[04:20] <dcolish> !minicom
[04:20] <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about minicom
[04:20] <faryshta> someone here have tried fuzzy of hooper?
[04:20] <dcolish> ubottu: you suck
[04:20] <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about you suck
[04:20] <dcolish> its in apt
[04:20] <dcolish> scribawf: minicom is in apt
[04:21] <j1mc> faryshta: i haven't really tried them yet, no
[04:22] <j1mc> faryshta: do you have a question about the xfce 4.6 betas?
[04:23] <faryshta> j1mc, yeah, I wanna know if it is safe to upgrade.
[04:23] <j1mc> faryshta: no, it's not safe to upgrade to 4.6 yet
[04:23] <j1mc> and i'm not just saying that to say that - it's really just not ready yet
[04:24] <faryshta> Well I understand the difference among beta and official release. I just want to know if it is stable enough to be used. I know about bug reports and that.
[04:26] <j1mc> faryshta: ok . . . i have only used it briefly in a virtual machine . . . it had rough edges, and wasn't production ready, but if that's ok w/ you . . . then i suppose you could try. bug reports would be welcome, i'm sure.
[04:27] <j1mc> i gotta hit the sack. :) have a good night all.
[04:27] <faryshta> Well I will wait the dev channel of xubuntu catch the 4.5.92 version (beta 2) and upgrade.
[04:49] <slinkeey> hi
[04:49] <slinkeey> My menu bars dissapeared after applying the updates today...
[04:49] <slinkeey> How can I ge these back
[04:49] <slinkeey> The bars that have the application menu, logout icon, firefox icon by default....
[04:51] <slinkeey_> sorry disconnected
[04:52] <slinkeey_> my top and bottom bar are missing after updating xubuntu
[04:54] <slinkeey_> I should really say panels
[04:55] <faryshta> slinkeey, on terminal go xfce-settings-show
[04:57] <slinkeey> I got it back
[04:57] <slinkeey> I went to uset/bin and clicked on xfsc4-panel
[04:58] <faryshta> great.
[04:58] <slinkeey> wierd
[04:58] <slinkeey> thanks
[04:59] <slinkeey> so far I like xubuntu better then ubuntu.... seams like less going on... Nice and simple
[05:00] <slinkeey> I like stuff simple
[05:00] <slinkeey> Do most users end up installing openoffice or is abiword and etc pretty decent
[05:02] <slinkeey_> sorry I am in here twice I just killed my other session
[05:02] <faryshta> me to.
[05:03] <faryshta> slinkeey_, actually abiword has better support for xlsx and docx files.
[05:09] <|TJ|> is xubuntu built on debian or mandrake?
[05:11] <faryshta> tj debian
[05:17] <faryshta> mandrake has his own flavor with xfce.
[05:32] <The-Kernel> join #tool
[06:49] <kddi> Hi, how can i project my screen to projector? im using acer extensa 4620 laptop
[07:05] <TheSheep> kddi: connect the projector and in terminal type 'xrandr --auto'
[07:13] <Ahmuck> how does one run a python program?
[07:13] <Ahmuck> in xubuntu
[07:13] <Ahmuck> i assume that's what it is, as it ends in .py
[07:17] <TheSheep> Ahmuck: either set the rights to execute it and just click on it, or open terminal and type 'python programname.py'
[07:18] <Ahmuck> ok, it's not working and giving an error so i did do the right thing
[07:18] <Ahmuck> hi TheSheep
[07:18] <TheSheep> what error did it give?
[07:28] <Ahmuck> TheSheep: do u do artrage?
[07:28] <Ahmuck> http://pastebin.com/m266f1ed
[07:29] <TheSheep> Ahmuck: install python-xml
[07:29] <jeffkpayne> anyone having lock up issues with xubuntu 8.10 on a Lenovo T61?
[07:31] <Ahmuck> TheSheep: same error. i was trying to get gogh to install
[07:31] <Ahmuck> thought i might see if it was similar to artrage
[07:32] <law1> hi
[07:38] <yasvc> how do i set opera to be the system wide preferred browser?
[07:38] <yasvc> update-alternatives --config x-www-browser is already set to opera
[07:39] <yasvc> still the deskbar search applet (for example) opens links in firefox
[07:40] <TheSheep> yasvc: settings->setting manager->preferred applications
[07:41] <yasvc> TheSheep: that's the first place i set opera to default
[07:42] <TheSheep> yasvc: it should work for all xubuntu's default applications
[07:43] <yasvc> i wwonder why it doesn't work for me
[07:44] <yasvc> maybe i should just uninstall FF?
[07:44] <yasvc> i might need it sometimes though
[07:52] <TheSheep> yasvc: wait, isn't deskbar a gnome application?
[07:52] <TheSheep> yasvc: try setting the default browser in gnome settings
[08:04] <yasvc> i can't find any gnome settings, i basically have xubuntu with a few gnome packets but nothing else
[08:07] <TheSheep> you have a .gconf directory?
[08:08] <yasvc> yes
[08:09] <TheSheep> hrm, can't find that setting
[08:10] <yasvc> thunar opens html files in opera..
[08:12] <yasvc> pidgin opens links in firefox
[08:13] <TheSheep> pidgin uses gconf for its config...
[08:14] <yasvc> i have gconftool but no gconf-editor or such
[08:15] <TheSheep> you can install it, if you think it'd help
[08:18] <yasvc> gconftool-2 -R /desktop/gnome/url-handlers/http gives me command = firefox %s
[08:19] <yasvc> so i think that's what i need to change
[08:21] <yasvc> well now it's set to opera but it still opens FF
[08:21] <yasvc> maybe i need to logout?
[08:21] <TheSheep> no
[08:22] <TheSheep> gconf was built to update config on the fly
[08:25] <yasvc> ok, deskbar uses opera now :)
[08:25] <TheSheep> good news, xfce 4.6 will use yet another config system :)
[08:26] <yasvc> heh
[08:32] <yasvc> pidgin still insists on using FF
[08:37] <dubi> hello
[08:38] <dubi> can anyone tell me pls how i fix this: i have xubuntu 8.10 but before that i used gnome. now whenever i log in i have to run nautilus to mount my other hdb
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[08:43] <yasvc> ok i realised pidgin has it's own setting for default browser! gahh
[08:50] <gabkdlly> yasvc: although you probably saw that one of the options is to use the desktop default (which probably should be the default, but perhaps the maintainer has his/her reasons)
[08:51] <gabkdlly> dubi: hi
[08:51] <dubi> gabkdlly hello
[08:52] <gabkdlly> dubi: thunars volume manager SHOULD find attached devices and put a link to them on your desktop. At least that is the default behavior I am used to. Although, I just upgraded to intrepid myself, so maybe they have something new in the works
[08:54] <dubi> maybe i should install that 'volume manager'. i started out with ubuntu intrepid install and sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop
[08:55] <dubi> then chose xfce as my default de. after that devices do not automagically mount themselves like they used to in gnome
[08:55] <gabkdlly> dubi: check (while logged into an xfce session) Applications -> Settings -> Settings Manager -> File Manager -> Advanced
[08:55] <TheSheep> dubi: go to thunar, preferences, advanced, volume manager
[08:55] <gabkdlly> doh
[08:56] <gabkdlly> ah, different path to the same options menu :)
[08:58] <dubi> so for me to make my other hdds visible i have to run nautilus - hehe yes they are the same
[09:00] <dubi> Enable Volume Management is checked
[09:03] <gabkdlly> dubi: are you sure it is not mounted? check by running df in a terminal
[09:04] <dubi> they are mounted now - because i ran nautilus 4 hours ago. but right after startup they are not automatically mounted
[09:06] <gabkdlly> dubi: I suppose you could add an entry in /etc/fstab, but someone wiser than I might have a better idea
[09:07] <dubi> thats a good idea. but ever since intrepid i could not make sense of etc/fstab - what are those UUIDs? This is the first time I saw those
[09:08] <gabkdlly> wikipedia knows a little about UUID http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UUID
[09:10] <dubi> thanks gab - i have a last question tho: is it ok for me to use ubuntuguide dapper instructions on intrepid to automatically mount ntfs on boot up?
[09:12] <gabkdlly> dubi: you can find the UUID of your mounted devices in /proc/mounts
[09:12] <dubi> sounds scary
[09:13] <gabkdlly> cat /proc/mounts
[09:14] <gabkdlly> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingUUID
[09:15] <gabkdlly> fstab is pretty standard, so it should be pretty safe to follow those instructions
[09:15] <gabkdlly> you do make backups, righ?
[09:15] <gabkdlly> right?
[09:15] <dubi> well sort of
[09:16] <dubi> i used to run dropbox and it synchronized my home folder on a server
[09:16] <dubi> so basically most of my impt files are in a server somewhere
[09:16] <dubi> i just ahve to remember the password :)
[09:17] <gabkdlly> you should always ask yourself: can I afford to lose everything I have changed since my last backup?
[09:17] <dubi> yes
[09:17] <dubi> no worries :)
[09:18] <gabkdlly> the smart developers will have their reasons for useing UUID in the fstab, so I suggest you try and follow suit
[09:21] <dubi> thanks gabkdlly uve been really nice., i ahve to surrender my internets to my sister
[09:21] <dubi> :)
[09:22] <dubi> bye
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[11:30] <mac123> hi
[11:30] <mac123> is it pssible to dd backup the xubuntu partition from inside itself?
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[11:34] <defenceminister> I have switched to using fluxbox in xubuntu
[11:35] <defenceminister> but now the network manager application (I think) that was in xfce is not started and is not giving me a static IP
[11:36] <defenceminister> How should I go about having a static ip?
[11:39] <gabkdlly> defenceminister: I believe you can set everything in /etc/network
[11:39] <defenceminister> ok, will do
[11:39] <defenceminister> thanks
[11:41] <mac123> anyone? :(
[11:44] <gabkdlly> mac123: hi
[11:44] <gabkdlly> mac123: it should not be a problem, as long as you put the output on a separate partition
[11:44] <mac123> hi
[11:45] <gabkdlly> although, it sounds like you might have more experience with dd than me ;)
[11:45] <mac123> wont there be some sort of issue with disk activity?
[11:45] <mac123> oh lol
[11:45] * mac123 has very little experince with dd
[11:45] <gabkdlly> I would not know what to do with a dd created image of my hard drive. I have used tar for my backups so far. I don't really care about anything that is not in my home directory
[11:46] <mac123> i have an encrypted install so an exact backup of the partition is handy cause if any data changes then i cant mount it
[11:47] <gabkdlly> I am pretty sure that dd will NOT constantly check to see if something has been written to disk, it just does as it is told and copies everything the device has to offer, taking pieces of data as they are on the disk at the time that it passes them.
[11:48] <mac123> what if a write is occuring as it passes?
[11:49] <gabkdlly> mac123: that is pretty low level, something the kernel developers and dd programmers should worry about, not the end user. Although, I would suggest you save and close all important documents before issuing dd
[11:50] <gabkdlly> I have no clue how you would resurrect the data saved thusly
[11:50] <mac123> livecd
[11:50] <gabkdlly> oh, that is a good idea
[11:50] <gabkdlly> then you should not have any worries
[11:51] <gabkdlly> you can just leave it unmounted and then there will be no data change on the fly
[11:51] <mac123> yeah
[11:51] <mac123> using dcfldd to make the backup that way there on the fly md5
[11:51] <gabkdlly> what file format are you outputting to?
[11:51] <mac123> no format just another exact sized partition
[11:52] <mac123> guess imma hav to brave tryin this hehe
[11:53] <gabkdlly> would it not be easier set up a RAID, and have it synced for you automatically
[11:53] * gabkdlly has no experience setting up a RAID
[11:54] <mac123> yeah i dont know how
[11:55] <mac123> but i like to manually backup
[11:55] <mac123> setup something that works and backup
[11:55] <gabkdlly> gotcha
[11:55] <mac123> that way if i mess up the backup didnt get overwritten hehe
[11:56] <gabkdlly> true, true
[11:56] <gabkdlly> sbackup promises a lot, you might look into it
[11:56] <gabkdlly> I have not used it though
[11:57] <gabkdlly> like I said, I use tar
[12:01] <gabkdlly> defenceminister: this might be helpful http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/reference/ch-gateway.en.html
[12:02] <mac123> thx
[12:37] <tomahowk_> hi guys
[12:37] <knome> 'lo
[12:38] <tomahowk_> ive got a problem sharing files from xubuntu to windows vista
[12:38] <tomahowk_> and i am a totally noob at xubuntu.... so you know :P
[12:38] <knome> !samve
[12:38] <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about samve
[12:38] <knome> !samba
[12:38] <ubottu> Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT. Also see https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/212098
[12:39] <tomahowk_> some guys said i should use Nautilus
[12:39] <knome> that's one option.
[12:39] <tomahowk_> oh...
[12:40] <knome> but it's not the best IMHO
[12:40] <knome> when using xubuntu, because nautilus is quite heavy
[12:40] <tomahowk_> you see, i can see my linux pc under "network" @ the vista pc, but when i click on it, i only see Printers, not a map
[12:40] <tomahowk_> oh okay
[12:40] <knome> see those links ^
[12:40] <tomahowk_> okay...
[12:41] <tomahowk_> ill go have a look, when i dont get it, ill get back here (english is not my native language)
[12:41] <knome> what is?
[12:41] <tomahowk_> Dutch
[12:41] <knome> ah ok
[12:44] <tomahowk_> got my first problem already
[12:44] <tomahowk_> if i copy this:
[12:44] <tomahowk_> /servername/sharename /media/mountname cifs guest,uid=1000,iocharset=utf8,codepage=unicode,unicode 0 0
[12:44] <tomahowk_> it says its no directory
[12:45] <knome> did you change the paths? (/servername/sharename and /media/mountname) ?
[12:45] <tomahowk_> uhm... no :3
[12:45] <tomahowk_> to what should i change them?
[12:45] <knome> the first one is obvious, isn't it?
[12:46] <knome> /yourwindowsmachine/sharedfolder
[12:46] <knome> and then any path which exists
[12:46] <tomahowk_> but, i dont want to see a folder on my windows machine, i want the opposite
[12:55] <tomahowk_> can't seem to get it working
[12:57] <knome> uh
[12:57] <knome> i have to go
[12:57] <knome> hope someone else will be able to help you
[12:57] <knome> bye ->
[12:59] <sinbox> hello there, panels not showing when I boot up today :/
[13:03] <sinbox> k sorted that
[13:03] <sinbox> weird though
[13:24] <Mooch> knome do you know what happened to vidd yesterday
[13:27] <sinbox> he went to reboot and never reappeared as far as I remember
[13:28] <Mooch> ah ok my comp disconnected and tried to comeback and it look like he split
[13:29] * mac321 put a bomb in his pc -.@
[13:29] <Mooch> put a bomb in his pc ?
[13:30] <mac321> you know reboot kaboooom
[13:30] <mac321> he wont be back
[13:30] <Mooch> yep dust
[14:01] <jals> what do i need to install to get wmv files to play in firefox?
[14:02] <vidd> interesting question....i was wondering the same thing
[14:05] <ablomen> i think mozilla-mplayer plays wmv's
[14:05] <ablomen> you could also look at the totem, vlc etc plugins
[14:07] <vidd> perhaps the gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly would do it for you
[14:07] <sinbox> I think restricted drivers are in the medibuntu repo or something, I tend to avoid wmv files
[15:05] <DukeNukem> Enter text here...vidd its me mooch
[15:05] <vidd> hello
[15:06] <vidd> how'd the upgrade go?
[15:06] <vidd> crash and burn?
[15:07] <vidd> or is it still going (like that energizer bunny)?
[15:08] <DukeNukem> I haven't done the upgrades yet because I wanted to ask you something
[15:08] <vidd> ok...ask away
[15:09] <DukeNukem> well do I need to apply the updates to do the upgrade
[15:10] <vidd> DukeNukem, yes.....the supported method (less likely to nuke your box) is to completely update your system b4 your upgrade
[15:11] <vidd> however...if you do NOT do the updates first, and go right to the upgrade, you should be fine....
[15:11] <DukeNukem> ok so I still gotta download the 329 updates ?
[15:11] <DukeNukem> ah ok
[15:11] <vidd> just might need toi do the upgrade recovery
[15:12] <vidd> DukeNukem, guestion for ya....
[15:13] <DukeNukem> ok you said something about downloading 8.04 direct without torrents would that take almost as long as torrents
[15:13] <vidd> if your friend has broadband....why not take your system there and borrow his bandwith?
[15:13] <DukeNukem> ok go
[15:13] <DukeNukem> no nic
[15:14] <vidd> DukeNukem, downloading the iso directly would take much less time then getting it via torrents
[15:14] <DukeNukem> then I will go ahead and leave running tonight
[15:14] <vidd> (nic cards are like 10$ these days =\
[15:15] * vidd has seen used ones for a dollar
[15:15] <sinbox> torrents usually come down pretty fast (if you have broadband)
[15:15] <DukeNukem> not the expense that concernes me but the configuration
[15:15] <vidd> sinbox, no-one is seeding
[15:15] <sinbox> no one?
[15:15] <vidd> DukeNukem, the kernel will auto-detect the nic
[15:16] <vidd> sinbox, thats what they said
[15:16] <DukeNukem> oh really even if my mobo is super ancient?
[15:16] <vidd> yes
[15:16] <sinbox> 55 seds for xubuntu 8.04
[15:16] <sinbox> seeds*
[15:17] <DukeNukem> ok well I may consider that then
[15:17] <vidd> its not your mobo that needs to detect the nic, but the kernel
[15:17] <vidd> you have an open pci slot?
[15:17] <DukeNukem> yeah
[15:18] <DukeNukem> I got like two
[15:18] <vidd> then get you any nic off the shelf, plug it in
[15:18] <DukeNukem> I may need to get another modem mine seems to disconnect at around 7pm
[15:19] <vidd> the most you might have to do is add 2 lines to your /etc/networking/interfaces file
[15:19] <DukeNukem> what do u mean
[15:20] <vidd> DukeNukem, the kernel will auto-detect the nic, and the proper driver will loaded.
[15:20] <vidd> but the network interfaces file tells the system how to connect to the internet
[15:20] <DukeNukem> ah ok
[15:20] <vidd> that may or may not need to be adjusted
[15:20] <vidd> it is normally writen during install
[15:21] <vidd> you are using dapper.....
[15:21] <DukeNukem> so I really don't need to install any software
[15:21] <DukeNukem> yes
[15:21] <vidd> no...just edit one file
[15:22] <vidd> i dont recall if dapper auto-edited the interfaces when new hardware was added
[15:22] <vidd> 8.10 does, but i dont know about 6.06
[15:23] <DukeNukem> I was looking at the nic cards the other day and just wasn't sure if my mobo would detect it
[15:23] <vidd> DukeNukem, if you have a pci slot, then your golden
[15:24] <DukeNukem> oh yeah two
[15:24] <vidd> the mobo only has to say "hey...somethings there" in order for the kernel to say"hey...nic card....get to work"
[15:24] <vidd> =]
[15:24] <DukeNukem> my mobo is like the dino of mobos
[15:25] <DukeNukem> 1999
[15:25] <DukeNukem> compaq presario that had windows 98
[15:25] <vidd> i have a system from the win3.1 days that runs like a (crippled) champ
[15:25] <DukeNukem> with the original amd athlon
[15:26] <vidd> maxed out the ram at 64mb
[15:26] <DukeNukem> mine maxes at 512mb
[15:26] <openstep> hi
[15:27] <openstep> any devs here?
[15:27] <DukeNukem> my windows pc maxes at 2gb or one
[15:27] <vidd> openstep, they are at the -devel chanel.....
[15:27] <vidd> what ya need?
[15:28] <vidd> openstep, what do you need?
[15:28] <DukeNukem> vidd what happened to you yesterday did your pc die of horrible death?
[15:28] <vidd> DukeNukem, when? @ 10pm EST?
[15:29] <vidd> dcolish, why not just /nick?
[15:29] <openstep> hi, I am in an urgent need to setup xfce in a away....
[15:29] <DukeNukem> yeah when I joined with you at the viddandme channel
[15:29] <openstep> that I setup one user and apply all settings to a bunch of others users
[15:29] <vidd> DukeNukem, i had to rack out...bed-time....
[15:30] <DukeNukem> ah ok
[15:30] <dcolish> vidd: cuz that was another client running at home, now i'm at work
[15:30] <openstep> I am making an ltsp setup
[15:30] <DukeNukem> did you check out that website I told you about
[15:30] <openstep> in a school, where I do not want students to mess with settings
[15:30] <openstep> any ideas?
[15:31] <vidd> one moment please....
[15:36] <vidd> openstep, did you even look https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuLTSP#Linux%20Multi-User%20Server%20Configurations?
[15:36] <DukeNukem> vidd I may download xubuntu 8.04 at home or buy a nic then take it to my friends
[15:36] <TheSheep> openstep: also google for 'xfce kiosk'
[15:37] <vidd> openstep, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuLTSP/LockdownHomeDirs tells you EXACTLY what you want to do (lock down the /home directory so the user can't change it)
[15:37] <vidd> openstep, this is BASIC stuff
[15:38] <DukeNukem> he is probably a newbie like me
[15:38] <vidd> DukeNukem, you know how to use google....right?
[15:39] <DukeNukem> oh yeah
[15:39] <DukeNukem> ur right basic
[15:39] <vidd> i found the pages listed after entering "lstp xubuntu howto " in google
[15:40] <DukeNukem> imagine that
[15:40] <vidd> first link (after the ads) was the gateway i needed
[15:40] <DukeNukem> not like modem though what a nightmare
[15:40] <DukeNukem> *my
[15:40] <vidd> hehe
[15:40] <vidd> modems are NOT basic
[15:41] <vidd> 95% of them are WINModems
[15:41] <openstep> I found kiosk mode and that is good
[15:41] <DukeNukem> the install was perfect but modem config its like rocket science
[15:41] <openstep> altohugh not enough
[15:42] <vidd> openstep, did you look at the second link i posted?
[15:42] <openstep> I would like to lock down the xfce config area
[15:42] <openstep> just a sec
[15:42] <DukeNukem> brb
[15:43] <vidd> openstep, the most important set is the editing of the "adduser.conf"
[15:44] <vidd> that is the template for all new user creations
[15:45] <openstep> you guys misunderstand me
[15:45] <openstep> I am talking about restricting xfce interface
[15:45] <vidd> like what?
[15:46] <vidd> please....explain to me
[15:46] <openstep> making a unified desktop, panel (already solved) and so on
[15:46] <vidd> yeah
[15:47] <vidd> all of which is auto-set by the adduser.conf file
[15:47] <openstep> for example deisable right click on desktop would be nice
[15:48] <openstep> aha, so i should look at the adduser.conf in your opinion
[15:48] <vidd> you set the adduser.conf file to add "./config" and all your custom settings that are in there, from the storage location you specify
[15:48] <TheSheep> openstep: you can make the right click show the application menu
[15:48] <openstep> hm, I will look into it
[15:48] <vidd> by default, adduser does not create a ./config file. it is created the first time a user logs in....
[15:49] <TheSheep> modifying the desktop can be disabled by simply removig write access to the directory, I think
[15:49] <vidd> by having your adduser.conf file write this directory, when the user logs in for the first time, the system uses the existing file, and does not create on
[15:49] <openstep> I will try it
[15:50] <openstep> be back soon
[15:50] <openstep> thx
[15:50] <DukeNukem> I read u can download xubuntu on a psp
[15:51] <vidd> DukeNukem, if its got a boot system and storage capacity, you can intall linux on it =]
[15:51] <TheSheep> but it's not an officilly supported platform
[15:52] <vidd> *writeable/flashable boot system*
[15:52] <DukeNukem> I think you can the memory these days is getting bigger I can't keep up look at the Iphone
[15:53] <vidd> btw openstep your question is NOT a devel question in any way, shape or form
[15:53] <DukeNukem> I think he split
[15:54] <DukeNukem> vidd where do you live if you don't mind me asking
[16:00] <DukeNukem> vidd u still here
[16:07] <DukeNukem> vidd are you on the politics channel
[16:09] <DukeNukem> vidd must have left confused
[16:11] <openstep> back
[16:11] <vidd> DukeNukem, im back
[16:12] <DukeNukem> ah ok figured something happened
[16:12] * vidd is at work
[16:12] <DukeNukem> not me I'm off today :)
[16:18] <natham> hi, whats is the minimun ram requirement for xubuntu?
[16:19] <DukeNukem> *gonna go make me something to eat be back later*
[16:21] <natham> anyone please?
[16:26] <pleia2> natham: see http://xubuntu.org/get
[16:26] <pleia2> scroll down a little
[16:26] <vidd> natham, according to http://xubuntu.org/get 64 MB is required with the alt-install cd
[16:29] <vidd> 192MB is listed as the minimum to run after install....but 256MB is recommended
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[16:55] <wesolek> hello, can anybody help? I can't connect to my machine from anywhere using ssh
[16:56] <wesolek> I know I don't have some sort of xserver host installed, just don't know what it is exactly
[16:56] <Odd-rationale> wesolek: do you have a ssh server on the host machine?
[16:57] <wesolek> odd-rationale, I think this may be the problem
[16:57] <Odd-rationale> wesolek: ok... have you read the wiki page yet?
[16:57] <Odd-rationale> !ssh
[16:57] <ubottu> SSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/
[16:57] <wesolek> I've just installed my kubuntu, so I don't know if it's there by dafault
[16:57] <Odd-rationale> wesolek
[16:57] <Odd-rationale> wesolek: no the server is not installed by default... for security reasons...
[16:58] <wesolek> odd-rationale, nope. was trying to find on google, poor result
[16:58] <Odd-rationale> wesolek: yeah, well, the first link there is pretty good.... and should be enough to get you going...
[16:59] <Odd-rationale> wesolek: are you planning on doing xforwarding and stuff? or just the shell?
[16:59] <wesolek> great, thanks! until today I had suse, and it was working fine
[16:59] <vidd> wesolek, simply installing openssh-server is sufficient anymore
[16:59] <wesolek> I think xforwarding stuff, odd-rationale
[16:59] <wesolek> thanks vidd :)
[17:00] <Odd-rationale> wesolek: then i would advise using nxserver...
[17:00] <vidd> ssh -X [username]@[hostname] works out-of-the-box
[17:00] <wesolek> that's what I was using :)
[17:00] <vidd> wesolek, but you need the server installed on the machine you are trying to remote into first
[17:01] <wesolek> odd-rationale, I'm not that good in all this linux world, so it'll be better for me to stick with something that I know :)
[17:01] <wesolek> vidd, I know, that's what I wanted to find out (the exact name of that server)
[17:01] <wesolek> thanks guys :)
[17:02] <vidd> wb openstep
[17:03] <openstep> hi
[17:05] <vidd> openstep, is your ltsp going ok now?
[17:11] <openstep> well, now I am not able to test it
[17:11] <wesolek> ok, ssh to my machine works fine now :) thanks guys. I still have a problem, though, with forwarding windows from another linux/unix machine to my screen. so when I ssh -XC it works fine, but when I try to open a window it says: Cannot open connection to window server: :0 (Server package)
[17:11] <openstep> I have to wait until tomorrow morning
[17:11] <openstep> but thanks for asking
[17:12] <openstep> what I most need is a way to prevent the user access the xfce config menu
[17:12] <openstep> and apply it to all users
[17:12] <openstep> and so that the useres will get their preferences from a central place
[17:14] <Odd-rationale> wesolek: are you trying to attach an already running window to your ssh session?
[17:15] <wesolek> no, just trying to open a new one on that machine, but so the window actually pops up on my screen
[17:15] <openstep> vidd: any ideas?
[17:16] <wesolek> when I had suse, everything was fine, but I can't remember whether it was fixed or worked from the beginning
[17:27] <vidd> openstep, yes....you follow the instructions on that page i posted b4....
[17:27] <vidd> you set the ./config folder so that only the admin group has write permissions
[17:28] <vidd> chmod -Rf 770 /home/[user]/.config
[17:29] <openstep> aha, that is half solution but will try it
[17:30] <openstep> thx
[17:30] <vidd> openstep, it might be 700
[17:32] <vidd> openstep, belay that....
[17:32] <vidd> you want the permissions to be read only for the ./config folder
[17:33] <vidd> you want the entire /home to be 770
[17:33] <openstep> I would like to make one configuration and then all users to read that
[17:34] <vidd> openstep, then you do not want linux
[17:34] <openstep> so anytime I make a change I do not have to do it for all users
[17:34] <vidd> another option is to make the ./config folder a symbolic link....
[17:35] <vidd> that MAY do what you want
[17:35] <openstep> aha, good idea
[17:36] <TheSheep> http://standards.freedesktop.org/basedir-spec/latest/ar01s03.html <-- this might help...
[17:36] <TheSheep> the default global location of .config is /etc/xdg/
[17:38] <dcolish> wesolek: try ssh -Y
[17:40] <wesolek> wow, it worked
[17:40] <vidd> wesolek, are you trying to access the remote machine from a linux machine or a windows machine?
[17:40] <wesolek> why's that?
[17:41] <vidd> nvmd then
[17:41] <wesolek> from kubuntu to linux/unix
[17:43] <vidd> wesolek, in reference to the -Y fixing your issue.......http://www.oak.homeunix.org/lists/cslug-l/msg02555.html
[17:43] <wesolek> thanks :)
[17:43] <wesolek> it works fine now :)
[17:44] <openstep> thanks all
[17:44] <openstep> see you
[17:44] <vidd> edit your server's ssh_config ForwardX11Trusted = Yes
[17:44] <vidd> then the -Y will no longer be needed
[17:44] <vidd> (in theory)
[17:45] <wesolek> now X is working fine :)
[17:45] <wesolek> but I found another problem
[17:45] <wesolek> it won't update
[17:45] <wesolek> I mean kubuntu won't update
[17:45] <vidd> what do you mean "wont update"?
[17:46] <wesolek> it gets the list of 62 updates but then it fails to connect to get them
[17:46] <vidd> on the local machine or the remote machine?
[17:46] <wesolek> local
[17:47] <vidd> broadband connection? wired or wireless?
[17:47] <wesolek> wired, behind a proxy
[17:47] <vidd> yeah....
[17:47] <wesolek> I thought I changed the proxy settings
[17:47] <vidd> your proxy is messing you up
[17:48] <vidd> the updates show not because its connecting and seeing new updates....
[17:48] <vidd> it found those updates b4 the proxy
[17:48] <wesolek> it seems to update the list fine
[17:49] <wesolek> I mean the bars are running fine, but then when I want to apply, it won't connect
[17:49] <vidd> if you clear your apt-cache, that will fail too
[17:49] <vidd> bars?
[17:49] <wesolek> progress bars
[17:49] <wesolek> lol
[17:49] <vidd> what are you using to check for updates?
[17:50] <wesolek> adept
[17:50] <wesolek> this icon popped out on it's own
[17:50] <vidd> ok....i know nothing of how that app works.....
[17:50] <vidd> but from the command prompt, run "sudo apt-get update"
[17:50] <wesolek> can it be done from the terminal though?
[17:51] <wesolek> yeah I did
[17:51] <wesolek> and it runs fine
[17:51] <vidd> success?
[17:51] <vidd> ok...not do "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"
[17:51] <vidd> *now
[17:52] <wesolek> it's working now :)
[17:52] <vidd> it would appear that adept is enept at connecting
[17:52] <vidd> your proxy is most likely blocking that specific app
[17:53] <wesolek> I don't understand why
[17:53] <wesolek> most computers on the uni are linux-based
[17:53] <vidd> its possible that adept uses a different port?
[17:53] <wesolek> no clue
[17:53] <cody-somerville> no
[17:53] <wesolek> I've just installed my kubuntu
[17:54] <vidd> cody-somerville, any idea why adept would fail and apt-get would work?
[17:54] <cody-somerville> no
[17:54] <wesolek> I did export http_proxy="....."
[17:55] <wesolek> that how I got to work apt-get
[17:55] <vidd> wesolek, was adept installed b4 or after the proxy?
[17:55] <wesolek> adept first, as it came with the installation
[17:55] <vidd> wesolek, that may also fix up adept
[17:55] <wesolek> then I exported proxy settings
[17:56] <wesolek> no, it didn't fix the adept
[17:56] * vidd does not know....
[17:56] <wesolek> lol
[17:56] * vidd doesnt use proxies
[17:56] <wesolek> I don't either (at home)
[17:56] <wesolek> here unfortunately...
[17:56] <wesolek> not up to me
[17:57] <vidd> wesolek, see if this helps: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-83401.html
[17:59] <vidd> wesolek, look at post January 18th, 2007, 05:48 AM
[18:00] <wesolek> yeah, just in case I also did ftp_proxy
[18:00] <wesolek> just waiting for the updates to finish and I will run adept again to check
[18:01] <vidd> wesolek, you will want to get a package to install
[18:01] <wesolek> brb reboot required
[18:01] <wesolek> I have one that I can test it on
[18:01] <wesolek> brb
[18:05] <vidd> wb
[18:06] <wesolek> :) ta
[18:06] <wesolek> it won't even fetch the current package list
[18:06] <vidd> all well and good?
[18:06] <wesolek> all except adept
[18:06] <vidd> did you follow the instructions?
[18:07] <wesolek> I think I did
[18:11] <wesolek> is apt.conf = apt.conf.d ???
[18:12] <vidd> erm....dunno
[18:13] <wesolek> they refer to that file in the instructions but I don't have that file
[18:13] <wesolek> just the one with .d
=== leche_y_galletas is now known as leche
[20:17] <hraban> Hi, I am running xubuntu 8.10 on a small eee-pc-like laptop. I installed it on a USB key (hdd is broken) but yesterday I pulled it out by accident before the shutdown-sequence was completed
[20:17] <hraban> today, for the first time ever, apt-get install segfaults :/
[20:19] <hraban> also, when I logged in to xfce, it gave me a warning about the configuration file of the power manager being corrupted (I do not exactly recall what the error message was)
[20:20] <hraban> aside from that, everything seems fine for now... what is the recommended way to check if the (file) system is OK?
[20:36] <dcolish> hraban: e2fsck
[20:42] <anubis> Anyone ever DJ with Linux?
[20:46] <djbushdio> no, but i hear bpmdj is good
[20:48] <hraban> dcolish, ah, poo, it's the root filesystem. can I somehow tell it to load some necessary tools into RAM at the next boot, unmount, and start checking?
[20:48] <djbushdio> http://bpmdj.yellowcouch.org/index.html
[20:48] <hraban> (thanks for the suggestion by the way)
[20:49] <dcolish> hraban: you'll need a recovery disk
[20:50] <hraban> dcolish, ok, I'll put it in the laptop of a friend of mine and check it there
[20:51] <hraban> (I don't have an extra USB key available that's why... :P)
[20:51] <hraban> thanks!
[21:11] <hraban> Hmm, I ran the checks but it did not change anything.
[21:12] <hraban> it did find and fix some problems with the disk, but apt-get is still segfaulting.. should I try to reinstall it, perhaps?
[21:15] <vidd> hraban, does this system have the /home on a seperate partition?
[21:15] <hraban> yes
[21:15] <hraban> on a SD card
[21:15] <vidd> if apt-get is segfaulting, you have some serious issues
[21:15] <hraban> ok.. so where do I start? :P
[21:16] <vidd> well....i want to clarify.....
[21:16] <vidd> from what i've seen, you have a dead hard drive, and you installed xubuntu on a usb key
[21:17] <vidd> right?
[21:17] <hraban> yes
[21:17] <hraban> it worked beautifully, until I pulled out the USB key during shut down
[21:18] <vidd> ok...when you installed xubuntu on that usb key, you set up one partition for / and an other partition for /home?
[21:18] <hraban> I probably should not have done that.. :)
[21:18] <hraban> ehmmm no, because the installer did not detect the SD card
[21:18] <vidd> (this is not the standard install method)
[21:18] <hraban> I edited fstab manually later
[21:19] <vidd> o...k....
[21:19] <hraban> why?
[21:19] <vidd> well....if you are dealing with a fragged system, it is sometimes easier to install clean'
[21:19] <hraban> it was not fragged when I was installing xubuntu
[21:20] <hraban> besides, the seperate /home partition has been working fine for almost a week now...
[21:20] <hraban> the hard drive itself is dead but that is disabled in the BIOS
[21:20] <hraban> as far as xubuntu (or any other OS, for that manner) knows, it does not even exist.
[21:20] <vidd> if you are installing "clean" and your /home is on a seperate partition, you set the /partition to format and the /home to say as is, and your (pretty much) set
[21:21] <hraban> I don't understand what you mean
[21:21] <vidd> hraban, your /partition is fragged
[21:21] <hraban> right I understand what you mean now
[21:22] <hraban> but no need to worry about the contents of /home, there is nothing of value here
[21:22] <vidd> you might spend hours or days finding and fixing the tiny pieces of proken apps before its up at 100%....
[21:22] <hraban> well, I thought it would be an educating task :)
[21:22] <vidd> or, you format and install clean all the apps in an hour or less
[21:22] <hraban> but if it is as hard as you say it is...
[21:23] <vidd> hraban, it might JUST be apt-get
[21:23] <hraban> vidd, true, true
[21:23] <vidd> (you know....the key app for fixing broken programs)
[21:23] <hraban> actually, not even true, because I already know pretty much for sure more of the system is fubar
[21:24] <vidd> hraban, so....an hour of cure? or 3 days of diagnostics, testing and (maybe) cure?
[21:24] <hraban> because all of a sudden the battery monitor, too, does not work anymore
[21:24] <vidd> =]\
[21:24] <hraban> heheh, when you put it like that... ;)
[21:25] <hraban> alright, bbiab I guess :P
[21:25] <hraban> thanks
[21:25] <hraban> bye.
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[21:30] <deus_> Ok, this is fucked upo, i usually fix the "apic error on cpu1" error by disabling apic in the bootloader
[21:30] <deus_> but now in intrepid i get thrown into busybox and cant boot properly
[21:30] <deus_> why cant i boot without apic
[21:30] <deus_> ?
[21:37] <vidd> deus_, did you install using the alt-cd with the "apic=off" setting?
[21:37] <vidd> or was this an upgrade?
[21:38] <deus_> installed trough the alt-cd but i did not use the apic=off settings
[21:39] <vidd> deus_, can you get into the grub menu to edit the start command?
[21:39] <deus_> setting to noapic
[21:39] <deus_> i did that
[21:40] <deus_> i get thrown into busybox, i cant boot
[21:40] <vidd> try apic=off
[21:40] <deus_> no
[21:42] <deus_> will try it next time i crash
[21:42] <vidd> deus_, do you have more then one kernel choice?
[21:45] <deus_> no
[22:53] <likemindead> Hello, all.
[22:54] <likemindead> :-\
[22:54] <knome> likemindead, .
[22:55] <likemindead> I'm embarassed to say, this is the first time I've ever used IRC.
[22:55] <knome> it's ok. we all have to start somewhere
[22:56] <likemindead> True.
[22:56] <likemindead> I've been slowly converting members of my LUG to Xfce. ;)
[22:56] <knome> sounds good.
[23:32] <rshakin> 'hehe i use irc from my cara :)
[23:33] <knome> don't drink and irc
[23:35] <knome> eh i mean
[23:35] <knome> drive and irc :P
[23:47] <rshakin> hehe i am not driving yet
[23:48] <rshakin> we actually use it to communicate between trucks
[23:48] <knome> zomg
[23:48] <rshakin> runing zubuntu on my laptop in the truck too using verizon wireless to acess the internet
[23:48] <rshakin> pretty nice set up
[23:50] <knome> zubuntu?
[23:50] <rshakin> xubuntu
[23:50] <knome> ;)
[23:52] <rshakin> it's pretty cool i acgtually love ti
[23:52] <knome> good to hear.
[23:52] <rshakin> i am surprised how this is worked out of he box
[23:53] <rshakin> did not get any errors or nothing
[23:53] <knome> great to hear also
[23:55] <rshakin> now i just need to get some more progs on it to keep me entartained
[23:55] <knome> do you need assistance?
[23:56] <rshakin> naah i just havent found good games
[23:57] <knome> torcs, wesnoth?