UbuntuIRC / 2008 /11 /24 /#ubuntu-mythtv.txt
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=== Timrit is now known as Timrit_away
[02:38] <ajhtwolf> Hey i am setup with a remote backend now, and for some reason my guide is one hour ahead of what is actualy being shown. Whenever i look at a channel it says that the program that was played one hour ago is currently on. I think the problem is that originally the backend had the wrong time settings, however after fixing that and re-retrieving the channel lineup the same problem is there
[03:13] <wos> can anyone help me with IVTV
[03:13] <wos> !ivtv
[03:13] <Zinn> Sorry I don't know about ivtv
[03:14] <wos> yeah that makes sense
[04:19] <Tazsta-LN> gday all anyone know a easy way to set 8.10 to a static ip address? ive searched through google and only seen pretty complex ways of doing it, anyone know of a easy way to do this?
[04:20] <Tazsta-LN> i can set it in the gnome network manager but it defults back to dhcp after reboot
[04:30] <Tazsta-LN> nvm got it working ;)
[04:46] <ajhtwolf> that was weird
[04:48] <mee> hi
[04:49] <mee> hello?
[12:41] <ak2534> Hi
[12:42] <ak2534> I was wondering if anyone got Technisat Cablestar 2 PCI working with MythBuntu 8.10?
[12:42] <ak2534> I read somewhere in net that the driver for the card was working in edgy
[12:42] <ak2534> But for some reason it isn't working in interpid ibex
[13:19] <ak2534> Found one related page: https://lists.linux-foundation.org/pipermail/bugme-new/2008-August/019609.html
[13:19] <ak2534> Which is identical to my problem.
[13:19] <ak2534> b2c2-flexcop: no frontend driver found for this B2C2/FlexCop adapter
[13:20] <ak2534> And another one: http://webui.sourcelabs.com/kernel/issues/11384
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=== ak2534_ is now known as ak2534
=== Timrit_away is now known as Timrit
[16:08] <Seeker`> communal aerials suck
[16:29] <mlester> hey is anyone active at the moment
[16:30] <jphillip> !ask | mlester
[16:30] <Zinn> mlester: Please don't ask if anyone is around or if it is alright to ask a question. Many people check back periodically and may answer your question when they see it. IRC is not normally an instant fix so check back often for an answer.
[16:34] <mlester> sorry about that my irc etiquette is a bit rusty anyways I was just wondering if mythbuntu 8.10 added drivers for the leadtek winfast hdtv cinema or do you steal need to use a hack to get it to work
[16:42] <jphillip> mlester I'd recommend searching the forums for info, its hard to find people in here with the same hardware unless its really common
[16:42] <jphillip> !forum
[16:42] <Zinn> The Mythbuntu forum is located at: http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=301
[16:43] <mlester> yeah I think I have through google but I try and do a search with the forum search too
[16:43] <mlester> well thanks for the help
[16:43] <mlester> have a good day
=== Timrit is now known as Timrit_away
[17:25] <artus35> Hi all
[17:25] <artus35> I have a stupid question
[17:25] <artus35> I have downloaded mythbuntu several times with bittorrent
[17:25] <artus35> I burned it on CD and all CDs I burned did not work
[17:26] <artus35> they hung at the boot
[17:26] <artus35> all other DVDs/CDs worked ok
[17:26] <artus35> any ideas?
[17:27] <Daviey> artus35: can you check the md5sum of both the ISO and the /dev/cdrom0 ?
[17:28] <artus35> yes
=== Timrit_away is now known as Timrit
[19:08] <heyheyhey> hello
[19:08] <heyheyhey> i trying to install new v4l-dvb drivers
[19:23] <laga> yeah.
[19:23] <laga> happens to the best of us
[19:24] <heyheyhey> is there a guide for it
[19:24] <heyheyhey> i have a 102g
[19:24] <heyheyhey> twinhan
[19:25] <laga> i bet there are guides, have you tried asking google yet?
[19:26] <laga> martin pitt used to have a packaged snapshot of those drivers
[19:26] <laga> not sure if he's updated them
[19:26] <heyheyhey> i see it says i need to select firmare but what one
[19:31] <heyheyhey> can't seem to figure it out
[19:58] <heyheyhey> i did a stupid thing i upgraded to 8.10
[20:00] <laga> many people do that
[20:00] <heyheyhey> can't seem to figure out what firmware i need for v4l-dvb
[20:01] <foxbuntu> heyheyhey, depends on the card
[20:01] <foxbuntu> not the driver
[20:01] <heyheyhey> i have a twinhan 102g
[20:01] <foxbuntu> ok...
[20:01] <foxbuntu> google for it and find out which firmware it requires
[20:03] <heyheyhey> bt8XX
[20:03] <heyheyhey> ?
[20:04] <]Oscar> which is the mysql table where are stored channels frequency?
[20:07] <heyheyhey> i tried the linux guide
[20:09] <foxbuntu> heyheyhey, I dont know anything about that particular card so my best answer is find a wiki/article about it and if your stuck then post in the forums, someone else will find it and try to help if they have the card
[20:09] <foxbuntu> ]Oscar, what are you trying to change in the DB?
[20:11] <heyheyhey> time to wipe and redo
[20:11] <heyheyhey> again
[20:16] <foxbuntu> heyheyhey, umm, for firmware?
[20:16] <heyheyhey> yeap
[20:19] <]Oscar> foxbuntu: I have big trouble with a Nova t 500. By hand works perfectly,... semms to scan channels correctly, but when I try to see live video, it dosn't work. I think that point to wrong channels info, but I'm not sure...
[20:20] <]Oscar> and a pvr500 works perfectly
[20:20] <foxbuntu> ]Oscar, you can check all that info with the channel editor in mythtv-setup
[20:20] <foxbuntu> much safer than editing the DB directly
[20:22] <]Oscar> I'll try. see you later... :)
[20:38] <heyheyhey> dvbloopback: Unknown symbol dvb_register_device
[20:43] <foxbuntu> ok
[20:43] <foxbuntu> that requires a reload why?
[20:46] <laga> heyheyhey: are you using sasc?
[21:26] <heyheyhey> laga yes with my sub
[21:30] <heyheyhey> laga why you ask
[21:32] <foxbuntu> !sascng | heyheyhey
[21:32] <Zinn> heyheyhey: sasc-ng is a method to ILLEGALLY receive cable or satellite broadcasts via a fake software dvb-s/c device. It is forbidden from being discussed in #ubuntu-mythtv, #ubuntu-mythtv-dev, #mythtv-users, and #mythtv. If you would like to learn more about it, please refer to its developers and keep any and all discussions about it there.
=== Timrit is now known as Timrit_away
[21:34] * jphillip has to adjust zinn now
[21:35] <heyheyhey> yeah
[21:35] <heyheyhey> i know
[21:56] <tgm4883_laptop> heyheyhey, don't bother asking about that here
[21:57] <foxbuntu> ...or anything related to it
[21:58] <tgm4883_laptop> or trying to get around the filter
[22:25] <DGMurdockIII> HDMI audio supported
[22:26] <tgm4883_laptop> DGMurdockIII, ?
[22:27] <DGMurdockIII> do this support geting aduido througt hdmi
[22:27] <DGMurdockIII> and not just video
[22:32] <foxbuntu> DGMurdockIII, that is based on your video card/driver/and alsa support of the device
[22:32] <foxbuntu> its not something we build support for
[23:01] <davisc> Have an interesting problem. Upgraded to Mybuntu Ibex. Restart, get my "Precaching images.." stuff and then the screen goes blurry.
[23:01] <davisc> Can't figure out what the hell is going on. Dunno if it's an X res problem because I can see the "Precaching.." stuff. Just everything after that is blurry. Don't even know what to google for!
[23:01] <Zinn> davisc: Please watch your language.
[23:02] <davisc> Right. Sorry...
[23:04] <hads> Try mythfrontend -O ThemePainter=qt
[23:04] <hads> Can't say I've seen blurry text before but that may show you something.
[23:04] <davisc> Not just blurry text - blurry everything...
[23:06] <DGMurdockIII> anyone here now boxee
[23:06] <davisc> Maybe it's OpenGL stuff...
[23:07] <hads> Well yeah, that would be why I told you to try it with the qt painter.
[23:07] <davisc> hads: Opened fine on the laptop when I was SSH'ed in...
[23:08] <davisc> hads: Just have to find the config file where it's specfied for the real thing
[23:08] <hads> You've lost me. Did you try what I said?
[23:08] <davisc> Yes - while SSH'ed in (so it displayed over X-Forwarding)
[23:09] <hads> OK well that's going to change things too.
[23:09] <davisc> Totally :-)
[23:09] <hads> So, do it locally.
[23:12] <tgm4883_laptop> DGMurdockIII, what about it?
[23:12] <DGMurdockIII> would mythbuntu ever think about adding feature like it
[23:13] <DGMurdockIII> like hulu support
[23:15] <tgm4883_laptop> DGMurdockIII, we have an email into hulu asking for permission
[23:15] <tgm4883_laptop> but we haven't heard back yet
[23:15] <DGMurdockIII> oh ok
[23:15] <DGMurdockIII> that be cool if you guys did
[23:15] <tgm4883_laptop> yea it would
[23:15] <tgm4883_laptop> but I wouldn't hold my breath
[23:16] <DGMurdockIII> boxee has it
[23:16] <tgm4883_laptop> Unless boxee has some agreement with them, they violate the ToS
[23:17] <tgm4883_laptop> boxee probably violates every ToS of every service they have
[23:19] <DGMurdockIII> yeah
[23:19] <davisc> hads: Hang on - that won't work without the X server being up and once the X server comes up, I can't see a thing...
[23:19] <DGMurdockIII> but i say somthing that said if hulu or what ever service they use want them to stop using it they would do it
[23:20] <hads> Well yeah, that's what the ToS are for.
[23:20] <hads> You read them and do what they say.
[23:25] <tgm4883_laptop> Mythbuntu will not support violating any ToS. Nor do we allow aiding in the violating of ToS
[23:44] <davisc> Yeah - it was the OpenGL settings. Couldn't figure a way to do it from the actual media centre so I had to SSH in as the mythtv user, change the setting from my laptop and then restart gdm