UbuntuIRC / 2008 /11 /22 /#ubuntu-bugs.txt
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=== Pici` is now known as Pici
[04:33] <Ryan52> erm. why is Bug 137526 private?
[04:33] <ubottu> Bug 137526 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/137526 is private
[04:33] <Ryan52> maybe I have bugs mixed up, though...since I can't really tell anymore :P
[04:41] <james_w> Ryan52: did you just submit it through apport?
[04:42] <Ryan52> oh, no, was it just submitted.
[04:42] <Ryan52> if so, then my mistake. I thought it was a bug that was already there that just became private.
[04:42] <james_w> no
[04:42] <james_w> I can see it
[04:43] <Ryan52> okay.
[04:43] <james_w> I believe it's someone doing stuff wrong
[04:43] <james_w> It doesn't look private
[04:43] <james_w> but I am relucatant to open it up
[04:43] <james_w> I'm going to alert the launchpad folks to the user, as it is the second time I have seen odd behaviour
[04:44] <Ryan52> okay, thanks.
[04:44] <james_w> I think that they are testing the launchpad API and not being sensible about it
[04:46] <james_w> Ryan52: thanks for bringing it up
=== asac_ is now known as asac
[05:53] <nellery> is bug 300914 from the same guy that has been spamming reports recently?
[05:53] <ubottu> Bug 300914 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/300914 is private
[05:53] <Hobbsee> nellery: probably. they haven't actually managed to properly deactivate the account.
[05:53] <nellery> Hobbsee: so best to mark them all invalid?
[05:54] <Hobbsee> nellery: so far, people are hoping that the LOSAs are going tobe able to do a mass revert.
[05:55] <nellery> Hobbsee: okay
=== doko_ is now known as doko
[08:04] <Hobbsee> debian bug #445204
[08:04] <ubottu> Debian bug 445204 in rss-glx "rss-glx: screensavers consume 100% CPU" [Normal,Closed] http://bugs.debian.org/445204
[08:21] <Hobbsee> man...
[08:21] <Hobbsee> If anyone wanted something to triage, the bugs on https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/rss-glx would be great!
[09:15] <Ryan52> can somebody set some bug importances for me? here's my list (bugnumber => suggested_importance_level): 105078 => low, 105082 => low, 276517 => low, 276525 => low, 276529 => medium, 276530 => low, 293240 => medium
[09:28] <Ryan52> and, can somebody change the status on 276534 to wont fix instead of invalid. I knew there was a won't fix, but not seeing it in the list made me think I was wrong...and now I figured out that there is a status called wont't fix, but I just don't have permission to use it. -_-
[09:29] * Ryan52 goes to send an application to join the ubuntu-bugcontrol team, so that he doesn't have to do this again.
[09:34] <BUGabundo> hi
[09:34] <BUGabundo> is bugs.kde.org working for anyone?
[09:34] <BUGabundo> I would like to upstream a new bug I created on LP
[09:35] <BUGabundo> but it seems to fail when creating a new bug
[09:53] <BUGabundo> persia: have a nice vacation!
[10:06] <Ryan52> okay, sleep time for me...
[10:09] <BUGabundo> guud nite Ryan
[10:09] <BUGabundo> guud nite Ryan52
[10:34] <maxriskfactor> I reported a bug on launchpad, but can anyone help me to classify the package to which it belongs?
[10:36] <BUGabundo> maxriskfactor: what bug is it?
[10:36] <maxriskfactor> BUGabundo, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/299188 this is the bug report
[10:36] <ubottu> Ubuntu bug 299188 in ubuntu "Laptop hardware buttons for sound doesnt work when there is a drop down menu" [Undecided,New]
[10:37] <maxriskfactor> BUGabundo, When I right-click on desktop or have Application or Places drop down box, and then try to change the volume of the speaker via button on my laptop, its fails
[10:38] <BUGabundo> ahh maxriskfactor
[10:38] <BUGabundo> I see what you mean
[10:38] <BUGabundo> I guess that's a metacity bug
[10:39] <maxriskfactor> BUGabundo, but I dont have any desktop effects enabled
[10:39] <BUGabundo> if any menu dropdown is choosen lots of other common actions will fail to work
[10:39] <BUGabundo> metacity is the 2D window manager!
[10:39] <BUGabundo> not the compiz one (emerald)
[10:39] <maxriskfactor> BUGabundo, I confused between metacity and emerald :P
[10:40] <maxriskfactor> but this should not happen, sound +/- should happen in background
[10:40] <BUGabundo> yeah
[10:41] <BUGabundo> so should Firefox allow you to change windows when you have a new link being write on the awsome bar
[10:41] <BUGabundo> its so annoying!
[10:41] <BUGabundo> try that
[10:41] <maxriskfactor> FAILED! :(
[10:42] <BUGabundo> reporting now
[10:42] <BUGabundo> please confirme it once I have it up
[10:43] <maxriskfactor> BUGabundo, confirming the Firefox problem?
[10:43] <BUGabundo> didn't you just said it failed?
[10:43] <maxriskfactor> yes, it didnt allow me to switch windows using Alt+Tab when Awesome bar was showing its awesomeness
[10:44] <BUGabundo> yeah
[10:44] <maxriskfactor> BUGabundo, so should i change the package to metacity of that bug?
[10:45] * BUGabundo steals maxriskfactor description
[10:45] <BUGabundo> I already did file your bug
[10:45] <maxriskfactor> BUGabundo, changed it or made another?
[10:46] <BUGabundo> already there
[10:46] <BUGabundo> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox/+bug/22199
[10:46] <ubottu> Ubuntu bug 22199 in firefox "Firefox steals Alt-Tab whilst in URL completion drop-down" [Unknown,Confirmed]
[10:46] <BUGabundo> I set the package for your bug
[10:46] <maxriskfactor> BUGabundo, Thanks! :)
[10:46] <BUGabundo> hope QA team agrees with me
[10:47] <maxriskfactor> I dont have much idea of bugs being fixed
[10:47] <maxriskfactor> but will the developers pay attention to such bugs?
[10:49] <BUGabundo> they do, sure1
[10:50] <maxriskfactor> i have only being reproducing bugs and reporting them on launchpad till now
[10:51] <maxriskfactor> or assigning packages to bugs which have not been assigned packages, but only for those bugs, which i understand
[10:52] <BUGabundo> you lost me there
[10:53] <maxriskfactor> BUGabundo, didnt get what you mean by "You lost me there"
[10:53] <BUGabundo> yeah
[10:53] <BUGabundo> we both got lost with each other talks!
[10:54] <BUGabundo> I also don't get what you are talking about
[10:54] <maxriskfactor> BUGabundo, yeah.... were you busy with something else?
[10:56] <BUGabundo> many chanels, email, feeds, and 2 BTS
[10:56] <BUGabundo> lol
[11:03] <maxriskfactor> :)
[11:12] <serial> I have a bug report for mouse tweaks (accsessiblity)
[11:12] <serial> but i am total newb
[11:14] <maxriskfactor> serial, what's the problem?
[11:14] <BUGabundo> eheh maxriskfactor now you are on the other side of things... lol
[11:15] <serial> when I activate "trigger secoundary click by holding primary button" in accessibility, the mouse goes interlaced transparent and distorted
[11:15] <maxriskfactor> BUGabundo, trying my hands too, help this guy out... am also trying
[11:16] <serial> re-login and reboot fixes the mouse appearance, but the right-click is not working, even though its still checked in the sccessibility GUI
[11:16] <serial> soory for my newbness, I am using a Macbook Pro and Ibex
[11:17] <maxriskfactor> serial, that would furthur complicate the situation.... I think some expert can help you out better
[11:17] <BUGabundo> yeah
[11:17] <BUGabundo> it goes above my head too
[11:18] <maxriskfactor> BUGabundo, my mouse config anf mouse accessibility doesnt work.... just says opening... and doesnt open, so i cant reproduce
[11:18] <serial> aight but is there anywhere I can read how to report a bug properly? I could probably figure out how to log the process from terminal and get some code-dumps from GNOME if I just have a tut
[11:20] <BUGabundo> serial: when you start to create a but
[11:21] <BUGabundo> *bug
[11:21] <BUGabundo> there is a link to a wiki page
[11:21] <BUGabundo> with all the info you need
[11:21] <maxriskfactor> serial, Logs can be accessed from System>Administration>System Log
[11:22] <maxriskfactor> BUGabundo, what section of Logs should I check for mouse and keyboard logs?
[11:22] <serial> create a bug?
[11:23] <BUGabundo> no idea
[11:23] <maxriskfactor> BUGabundo, I tried Xorg.0.log , nothing shown there
[11:23] <BUGabundo> dmesg?
[11:23] <maxriskfactor> serial, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs
[11:23] <maxriskfactor> BUGabundo, trying
[11:24] <maxriskfactor> serial, http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs
[11:25] <serial> thanks, you have been most helpful.
[11:25] <serial> Have a nice weekend! :)
[11:25] <maxriskfactor> serial, :)
[11:25] <maxriskfactor> BUGabundo, that's too useless.... looks like basic input devices like keyboard and mouse arnt logged
[11:26] <BUGabundo> syslog?
[11:26] <BUGabundo> eheh
[11:26] <BUGabundo> . /var/log/ should have all you need
[11:26] <BUGabundo> even if you have to grep it
[11:26] <BUGabundo> lOL
[11:26] <maxriskfactor> BUGabundo, tried syslog and messages in the beginng and still found nothing
[11:27] <maxriskfactor> BUGabundo, I do tail -f /var/log/syslog so that even new updates to log can be shown in rel time
[11:27] <BUGabundo> what are u trying to find?
[11:27] <BUGabundo> yeah that a way to do it
[11:27] <maxriskfactor> BUGabundo, when I open mouse settings, it shows Opening Mouse and nothing comes after that
[11:28] <BUGabundo> humm
[11:28] <BUGabundo> that's another stuff
[11:28] <BUGabundo> and I doubt it gets logged
[11:28] <maxriskfactor> BUGabundo, I also doubt that it gets logged... those are too basic things, the log would get spammed with such events
[11:29] <BUGabundo> yah
[11:30] <maxriskfactor> BUGabundo, had a nice time meeting you. Thanks a lot...
[11:30] <maxriskfactor> I need to goto study.... Exams on head
[11:30] <BUGabundo> bye
[11:31] <Hobbsee> bug 243719
[11:31] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 243719 in rss-glx "libopenal-dev is missing the .la file" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/243719
[11:33] <BUGabundo> hi Hobbsee
[11:34] <Hobbsee> hey BUGabundo
[11:34] <BUGabundo> hummm that lib isn't strange to me
[11:34] <BUGabundo> why is that?
[12:41] <DarkKnight> persia; u ther??
[13:02] <Flimm> I've uploaded a fix for a bug in my PPA, should I change the status of the bug report?
[14:01] <savvas> should bugs about wiki.ubuntu.com be linked to the moin (Ubuntu) source?
[14:03] <persia> DarkKnight, Yes.
[14:03] <persia> Flimm: If you've a fixed in a PPA, please also attach a patch to the bug. "Triaged" is the correct status.
[14:04] <persia> savvas, Depends on the class of bug. If it's a moin bug, probably. If it's something odd specifically about wiki.ubuntu.com, probably not. Dunno where those are really supposed to go though.
[14:07] <savvas> persia: I had reported a bug about wiki.ubuntu.com before to the ubuntu-website project, but it was marked as invalid
[14:07] <savvas> https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/moin/+bug/300997
[14:07] <ubottu> Ubuntu bug 300997 in moin "monthcalendar on ubuntu wikis - unattractive brown/red colours" [Undecided,New]
[14:07] <savvas> this is the new one
[14:08] <savvas> it's really specific to the wiki at ubuntu, since someone has changed the hardcoded css colours to that ugly red :P
[14:09] <persia> Then that's not a bug against moin.
[14:09] <persia> So that one's invalid too.
[14:09] <persia> Maybe you need an RT ticket?
[14:09] <savvas> darn
[14:09] <savvas> how we get that?
[14:09] <savvas> *how do
[14:10] <savvas> ah now I see your point, the older one was really relevant to the moinmoin software
[14:11] <savvas> https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/moin/+bug/157385
[14:11] <ubottu> Ubuntu bug 157385 in moin "moinmoin - Ubuntu wiki doesn't support links besides http://" [Low,Fix released]
[14:12] <persia> Right.
[14:12] <persia> I just have no idea how to report issues with the configuration of moin on wiki.ubuntu.com
[14:13] <persia> If it's an issue with the software, or the default configuration, the bug belongs there.
[14:13] <persia> If it's specific to the configuration, it needs to go to the wiki.ubuntu.com admins (and I'm not sure who that would be).
[14:14] <savvas> so it's not for ubuntu-website ?
[14:16] <savvas> you know what's the weird thing? even the loco teams have their wikis registered as projects, the ubuntu website seems to be set as a whole in one project
[14:18] <savvas> you know what? I'll leave them both there, perhaps the problem is in the moinmoin wiki package in ubuntu as well, I can't pinpoint it right now with all that css
[14:18] <savvas> If no-one replies in the next 4-5 days, I'll contact the rt admins as you said and set the bug as invalid
[14:21] <persia> I thought you said that the ubuntu-website team rejected a bug against the wiki before.
[14:21] <persia> Maybe there ought be an ubuntu-wiki project?
[14:21] <persia> Only issue is that most of the reported "bugs" will probably just be edits, which people could just do.
[14:25] <Rocket2DMn> You are looking to file a bug against wiki.ubuntu.com?
[14:28] <Rocket2DMn> You could just not file it against a package, you could also probably file it against ubuntu-website or ubuntu-doc
[14:29] <persia> Rocket2DMn, Yes, but against the configuration: not the software, and not the content.
[14:29] <persia> ubuntu-doc is a good idea.
[14:29] <Rocket2DMn> yeah, there really isnt a specific team/package for wiki.ubuntu.com
[14:29] <Rocket2DMn> ubuntu-doc primilary does help.ubuntu.com and the /community section
[14:30] <Rocket2DMn> since Canonical hosts the wiki, ubuntu-website might fly,too
[14:30] <persia> Well, ubuntu-website isn't all canonical folk either.
[14:31] <persia> But someone on that team probably can redirect to the appropriate procedure for asking the admins to look at the settings.
[14:31] <Rocket2DMn> ive seen wiki bugs filed against both teams
[14:34] <savvas> why don't they separate the ubuntu-website to the appropriate sections? ubuntu.com-website wiki.ubuntu.com-website help.ubuntu.com-website etc
[14:35] <persia> savvas, Maybe not enough bugs to make a difference.
[14:36] <Rocket2DMn> the projects were probably created independently
[14:36] <savvas> you're probably right, but sanity should be first priority :)
[14:36] <savvas> I'll file a bug about that hehe
=== Afwas__ is now known as Afwas
[16:33] <BUGabundo> what's the prog/package that is used on the live cd installer?
[16:33] <BUGabundo> I want to open an usabilty bug
[16:33] <chrisccoulson> ubiquity?
[16:34] <BUGabundo> maybe
[16:34] <chrisccoulson> is your problem with the actual installer?
[16:35] <BUGabundo> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/301029
[16:35] <ubottu> Ubuntu bug 301029 in ubiquity "installer shows two password fields without explaing why" [Undecided,New]
[16:35] <BUGabundo> I'm at an install event
[16:35] <chrisccoulson> yeah, that's the correct package
[16:35] <BUGabundo> and an user just asked why was there two fields!
[16:37] <BUGabundo> is it clear chrisccoulson
[16:37] <BUGabundo> ?
[16:37] <persia> BUGabundo, The reason is to verify the input. With only one input field, there's no way to check for typos, but yes, this could perhaps be made more clear.
[16:37] <chrisccoulson> yeah, your bug report is clear i think
[16:38] <persia> In the bug, please share that a user was asking, and as much information about the user's confusion as possible, to better inform the interface designers.
[16:42] <bucket529> Could somebody please change bug 274453 from 'Undecided' to 'Wishlist'?
[16:42] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 274453 in opencascade "[Feature Request] Support for netgen and gmsh" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/274453
[16:59] <BUGabundo> thanks for the input persia. enjoy your vacations, dude
[17:25] <bucket529> Could somebody please change bug 274453 from 'Undecided' to 'Wishlist'? (second request)
[17:25] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 274453 in opencascade "[Feature Request] Support for netgen and gmsh" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/274453
[17:40] <Ryan52> that's fairly disappointing. nobody changed the statuses and importances that I asked for last night, and nobody responded to my request to be a bugcontrol member.
[17:40] <Ryan52> I really don't get why these things are restricted.
[17:40] <Ryan52> I mean, if somebody wants to do damage, they're gonna do it with words, not with importances. -_-
[17:41] <Ryan52> but maybe I'm missing something.
[17:49] <techno_freak> Ryan52, for every bug reporter his/her bug is of high priority, but it might not be so in the big picture. Hence we have bug control with a good experience of dealing and deciding what's important and how much.
[17:50] <techno_freak> Ryan52, secondly, if you've submitted a request with 5 of your best triages, then you should get a reply soon. it usually takes some time and doesn't happen within a day or two.
[17:51] <Ryan52> I understand that taking time, it's just sad that there's nobody here who is nice enough to use their power for me.
[17:51] <pheeror> more funny is when you attach a paych and there is absolutely no respond
[17:52] <Ryan52> well, for anybody who cares:
[17:52] <Ryan52> 01:15 < Ryan52> can somebody set some bug importances for me? here's my list (bugnumber => suggested_importance_level): 105078 => low, 105082 => low, 276517 => low, 276525 => low, 276529 => medium, 276530 => low, 293240 => medium
[17:52] <techno_freak> Ryan52, use power for?
[17:52] <Ryan52> 01:22 -!- woody86 [n=steve@adsl-76-217-94-220.dsl.emhril.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu-bugs
[17:52] <Ryan52> 01:28 < Ryan52> and, can somebody change the status on 276534 to wont fix instead of invalid. I knew there was a won't fix, but not seeing it in the list made me think I was wrong...and now I figured out that there is a status called wont't fix, but I just don't have permission to use it. -_-
[17:52] <Ryan52> techno_freak: that :)
[17:53] <techno_freak> Ryan52, isn't there a reason for marking it invalid
[17:53] <techno_freak> ?
[17:54] <Ryan52> techno_freak: I did that. I shouldn't have. It's a perfectly fine bug report (nothing "invalid" about it), I just don't want to fix it.
[17:54] <techno_freak> bug 276534
[17:54] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 276534 in gstm "gstm should drop gaskpass and Depend: ssh-askpass" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/276534
[17:55] <Ryan52> and, I don't think I mentioned an importance for that one, but it should be Wishlist, as it's sort of a new feature. :)
[17:55] <techno_freak> Ryan52, well, marking it as invalid moves it away from attention. marking it as new or confirmed, and giving out a reason for won't fix might help
[17:56] <Ryan52> if you look at it, I said this:
[17:56] <Ryan52> Since all of these bugs are extremely trivial to fix, I will just fix the bugs themselves and not replace gaskpass.
[17:56] <Ryan52> Thanks, though. -- Ryan
[17:57] <techno_freak> Ryan52, ya, just saw it. a bit of patience might help, am sure somebody will read through and make the change :)
[17:57] <Ryan52> techno_freak: can't you? :D
[17:58] <techno_freak> Ryan52, If I could, it would've got done by now ;)
[17:58] <Ryan52> okay :(
[18:00] <Ryan52> it's not so much that I don't have patience, but irc is not a very good way of asking for help like this, as people come and go, and people forget easily. so I ask every 8 hours or so to remind them :)
[18:01] <techno_freak> Ryan52, well at most times, someone from bug control is awake and helps out instantly, i don't see much activity in other channels as well
[18:02] <Ryan52> okay.
[18:20] <Ryan52> I'll ask again in 8 hours, then give up and stop trying to help Ubuntu. cause I really don't care that much. -_-
[18:22] <nhandler> Ryan52: What is the change you need?
[18:23] <Ryan52> 01:15 < Ryan52> can somebody set some bug importances for me? here's my list (bugnumber => suggested_importance_level): 105078 => low, 105082 => low, 276517 => low, 276525 => low, 276529 => medium, 276530 => low, 293240 => medium
[18:23] <Ryan52> 01:22 -!- woody86 [n=steve@adsl-76-217-94-220.dsl.emhril.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu-bugs
[18:23] <Ryan52> 01:28 < Ryan52> and, can somebody change the status on 276534 to wont fix instead of invalid. I knew there was a won't fix, but not seeing it in the list made me think I was wrong...and now I figured out that there is a status called wont't fix, but I just don't have permission to use it. -_-
[18:25] <nhandler> Ryan52: Done. I'll trust your judgement (since you are the Original-Maintainer)
[18:26] <Ryan52> yay! thanks so much! :)
[18:26] <nhandler> You're welcome Ryan52
[18:26] <nhandler> Thank you for your pacience
[18:27] <nhandler> Ryan52: Was that the only thing you needed done?
[18:28] <Ryan52> did you do these?
[18:28] <Ryan52> 10:23 < Ryan52> 01:15 < Ryan52> can somebody set some bug importances for me? here's my list (bugnumber => suggested_importance_level): 105078 => low, 105082 => low, 276517 => low, 276525 => low, 276529 => medium, 276530 => low, 293240 => medium
[18:28] * Ryan52 only sees the "Wont fix" change
[18:28] <nhandler> No, I didn't see that list
[18:29] <nhandler> Give me a few minutes to go through it
[18:31] <nhandler> Why would 105082 be low?
[18:31] <Ryan52> seems like a "A cosmetic/usability issue that does not limit the functionality of an application" issue to me.
[18:32] <Ryan52> (to quote the wiki page)
[18:33] <nhandler> I don't know. I personally wouldn't consider having Esc close the application a bug. It was done intentionally. This bug report is asking for that feature to be changed. I personally would think of it more of a wishlist bug
[18:33] <Ryan52> okay, ya, I suppose so. I was debating about that one.
[18:34] <Ryan52> so ya, Wishlist is fine.
[18:36] <nhandler> Ryan52: Is there a reason Ubuntu Bugs is subscribed to 276517?
[18:37] <Ryan52> I didn't do it.
[18:39] <nhandler> And why is 276529 meant to be medium?
[18:41] <Ryan52> If it's honestly trying to ask that question, it would be quite confusing to not see the end.
[18:42] <nhandler> I still think it would be Low. It isn't honestly affecting the usability. The bug just makes a question confusing.
[18:42] <Ryan52> okay, go for it.
[18:45] <nhandler> Ryan52: I think I got all of the bugs in your list
[18:45] <Ryan52> yup, you did, thanks! :)
[18:45] <nhandler> You're welcome
[18:45] <Ryan52> gotta go, bye.
[18:46] <nhandler> Bye Ryan52
[19:22] <histo> Hello quick question. I've found a bug in yelp that has remerged with intrepid. The bug #112002 used to be around in fiesty and was fixed and closed. So do I report a completely new bug? or do something else?
[19:22] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 112002 in yelp "Wrong url for the online search." [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/112002
[19:26] <invalidrecord> hi i think this is a bona fide bug, its keepin me stuck in the office unable to leave anyway http://www.pastie.org/321477 its an issue with apamor and bind from what i can tell
[19:29] <histo> Alright well i marked the old bug as new and added a comment since no one is around hopefully this was proper.
=== andre___ is now known as andre__
[20:34] <angusthefuzz> can someone please mark bug 301054 -> low. I think it also needs to be upstreamed.
[20:34] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 301054 in firefox-3.0 "Title text longer than a certain amount will not show in Element Properties dialog box" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/301054
[20:50] <angusthefuzz> actually, bug 301052 can also be set to low importance
[20:50] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 301052 in gnome-games "Nibbles: pressing arrowkeys down and right make you lose control" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/301052
[20:54] <nellery> angusthefuzz: done!
[21:04] <angusthefuzz> thanks nellery :-)
[21:04] <nellery> no problem
=== paul__ is now known as Elbrus
[23:23] <andresmujica> hey guys, how can i receive files via bluetooth from a nokia N95???
[23:24] <Hobbsee> #ubuntu for support?
[23:24] <andresmujica> hmm wrong channel sorry
[23:24] <andresmujica> yeap... :)