UbuntuIRC / 2008 /11 /22 /#kubuntu-devel.txt
Initial commit
=== jtechidna is now known as JontheEchidna
=== bobesponja is now known as bobesponja_comie
=== bobesponja_comie is now known as bobesponja_comer
=== bobesponja_comer is now known as bobesponja
[01:49] <jjesse> evening
[01:50] <JontheEchidna> hi
[01:50] <jjesse> hello JontheEchidna
[01:52] <JontheEchidna> sup?
[01:52] <jjesse> not much, wife cooking so i
[01:53] <jjesse> im hanging out in the kitchen keeping her company
[01:53] * JontheEchidna is rejoicing that cmake is done compiling and is installing
[01:53] * JontheEchidna is sighing since the build just failed
[01:53] <jjesse> yay
[01:54] <jjesse> bunmmer on the build failure
[01:54] <DaSkreecH> after it finished compiling?
[01:54] <JontheEchidna> meh
[01:54] <JontheEchidna> /tmp is full
[01:58] <JontheEchidna> that would do it
[02:10] <JontheEchidna> mmm, fresh oranges
[02:12] <jjesse> mmmm
[02:15] <jjesse> anyone having problems with firefox not saving things like being logged in etc?
[02:21] <ryanakca> jjesse: I think so. Haven't looked in closely... I just assumed that I was getting logged out after <x> hours...
[02:22] <jjesse> i get it for facebook, launchpad and google mail
[02:22] <ryanakca> jjesse: but now that I think of it, I never used to need to log in once I had done it...
[02:22] <ryanakca> gmail works... facebook I always get logged out... I'll check LP...
[02:23] <ryanakca> jjesse: still signed in on LP
[02:24] <jjesse> hrmm wonder if it is just me
[03:10] <DaSkreecH> you too?
[03:11] <DaSkreecH> gmail just stopped working for me
=== doko_ is now known as doko
[11:23] <d-miller> hi, the links to the alternative torrents on http://www.kubuntu.org/getkubuntu/download are wrong - they take you into the desktop/ dir instead of alternative/
[11:23] <Hobbsee> Riddell: ^
[11:28] <Nightrose> Hobbsee: he is on holiday
[11:28] <Hobbsee> oh
[11:29] <Hobbsee> that's right
[11:29] <Nightrose> ryanakca: ^
[11:42] <_Sime> Riddell takes holidays(?!?)
[11:53] <Nightrose> at least he said so ;-)
[11:54] <Nightrose> who knows
=== akonadi is now known as nihui
[14:22] <Arby> hooray, just found my first jaunty bug report
[14:22] <Arby> :)
[14:28] <jjesse> horay
[14:41] <Arby> does kpilot still exist or has it been replaced by something else?
[14:42] <Arby> bug 26360 looks pretty dead. as does the corresponding upstream bug.
[14:42] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 26360 in kdepim "kpilotDaemon crashes when "Backing up: Blazer"" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26360
[14:43] <Arby> and there doesn't seem to be a kpilot package in intrepid
[14:44] <glade88> strange, can someone please check this.. launch wallet and choose to configure it from systray.. does it give a permission error?
[14:47] <Arby> for me it opens KDE Wallet - KDE control module
[14:48] <glade88> doesnt give you a kcmshell error?
[14:49] <glade88> Arby: probably because you *just* provided the root password. can you please try after the timeout expires where it should again ask for password..?
[14:50] <Arby> glade88: no, my kwallet has been open since I booted the machine this morning
[14:50] <Arby> so it's several hours since I gave it the root password
[14:50] <glade88> Arby: hm.. ok ty
[14:51] <glade88> reopenning it still shows the problem.. I'll play around with the file's permissions I guess
[14:54] <ScottK-laptop> Works fine here too.
[15:20] <Arby> if a bug is marked Resolved Works for me in KDE can we close the lp bug?
[15:20] <Arby> particularly as it's been inactive for 9months
[15:35] <glade88> Arby: 9 months oO.. should lp janitor close it automatically?
[15:35] <glade88> ^^^ if untouched
[15:36] <Arby> It's not untouched as such, just outdated
[15:36] <Arby> and I've never been clear how lp janitor works
[15:37] <Arby> or if we even had it 9 months ago
[15:37] <glade88> that makes it untouched.. if not touched for more than 30 days (idk correctly how long), it is closed irrespective of how many replies it had..
[15:37] <glade88> or maybe that's the case for unconfirmed bugs.. :/
[15:37] <Arby> it's set to confirmed so maybe that blocks lp janitor
[15:37] <Arby> which would make sense
[15:37] <glade88> probably..
[15:38] <ScottK> Janitor only touches incomplete, no response bugs.
[15:39] <glade88> ScottK: not no response. but incomplete
[15:40] <ScottK> Correct
[15:41] <Arby> ScottK: what's your opinion on bug 110454 ?
[15:41] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 110454 in kdepim "[apport] akregator crashed with SIGSEGV in QGDict::look_int()" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/110454
[15:41] <Arby> could that be closed?
[15:43] <jpds> smarter: Pong.
[15:45] <smarter> hey jpds, the ping was only because jtechidna needed an op
[15:45] <jpds> smarter: Ah, trop tard. D'acord.
[15:45] <ScottK> Arby: I'd mark it incomplete and say that upstream thinks it's fixed in 4.1.3 and ask if it still happens.
[15:45] <Arby> ok
[15:50] <seele> knetworkmanager doesnt eat as much memory as it used to, but 150MB seems excessive
[15:52] <glade88> wow. it's just 2.3MB for me.. and 9mb shared..
[15:58] <Arby> apachelogger: you asked for info in bug 107107 are you happy for me to close it now?
[15:58] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 107107 in kdepim "KMail prevents encryption, if the target key is not ultimately trusted or (locally) signed" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/107107
[15:58] <Arby> it's been more than a month
[15:59] <ScottK> Note to self: Don't do the bug report using Konqueror when it's a Konqueror crash bug you're replicating.
[15:59] <Arby> hehe
[15:59] <ScottK> Arby: Just from the title, I think that's a feature, not a bug.
[16:00] <Arby> ScottK: there is a fairly lengthy debate about it actually
[16:00] <Arby> my feeling is to close it
[16:01] <Arby> I'm just always wary of closing bugs too soon
[16:01] <apachelogger> ~np
[16:01] <kubotu> apachelogger is listening to "Red Haired Mary" by The Clancy Brothers [Reunion, 2005]
[16:03] <apachelogger> Arby: IMHO it is wishlist and shouldn't be closed unless either KDE or Debian rejects it
[16:03] <ScottK> Arby: Now that I've read the bug (and the upstream one), I think it should be left open.
[16:04] <ScottK> What apachelogger said.
[16:04] <Arby> that's why I asked :)
[17:05] <NCommander> Riddell, ping
[17:05] <NCommander> actually
[17:05] <NCommander> apachelogger, ping
[17:05] <apachelogger> NCommander: pong
[17:05] <NCommander> apachelogger, when is the rest of 4.2 alpha 1 going to be uploaded
[17:06] <apachelogger> nevar
[17:06] <NCommander> I see a *lot* of 4.1.2
[17:06] <apachelogger> beta1 is coming mondayish
[17:06] <NCommander> Ok, when's alpha 2 oging?
[17:06] <NCommander> oh
=== jtechidna is now known as JontheEchidna
[19:58] <ScottK> Since Riddell's on vacation and it's post-alpha1, I decided to take it upon myself to do an intitial update of kubuntu-meta for Jaunty.
[19:59] <ScottK> NCommander: We've got kubuntu-desktop for armel now (once the updated meta package builds).
[20:05] <Tm_T> ScottK: oh, nice
[20:10] <NCommander> ScottK, kubuntu-meta only will depend on installable packages
[20:11] <NCommander> (its how germinate works)
[20:11] <ScottK> NCommander: It has a pretty fair selection at this point.
[20:11] <ScottK> Easy enough to update later.
[20:11] <NCommander> fair enough
[20:12] <ScottK> I mainly did it to unseed guidance-power-manager so it at least drops to Universe and hopefully gets removed.
[20:14] <ScottK> Decided to go ahead to do a more complete update while I had it sitting there.
[20:15] <NCommander> yay
[20:27] <ScottK> New upstream releases of sip4-qt3 and python-qt3 just uploaded to Debian.
[20:29] <JontheEchidna> Looks like two plasmoids I packaged last time around can get removed since they're in kdeplasma-addons now
[20:46] <smarter> JontheEchidna: go fill a RM request :p
[20:46] <JontheEchidna> I usually just ask Riddell to do such things :P
[20:47] <ScottK> JontheEchidna: Filing a removal bug is the correct way. Since Riddell on vacation, you may as well practice.
[20:48] * ScottK makes notes for JontheEchidna's MOTU application.
[20:49] <JontheEchidna> kk
[20:55] <JontheEchidna> bug 301084 and bug 301083
[20:55] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 301084 in plasmoid-previewer "Request for removal from archive (plasmoid-previewer)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/301084
[20:55] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 301083 in plasmoid-lancelot "Request for removal from archive (plasmoid-lancelot)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/301083
[20:57] <JontheEchidna> Would I want to ping/subscribe an archive admin?
[21:02] <Riddell> JontheEchidna: subscrine ubuntu-archive
[21:03] <Riddell> then look up auberge de jaunese near rue des canettes, paris
[21:05] <Nightrose> hehe
[21:06] <Nightrose> having a good time Riddell?
[21:07] <Riddell> getting colder need to find bed n810 not working with google maps
[21:07] <Nightrose> ah bad
[21:08] <glade88> Riddell: n81 should work fine
[21:08] <glade88> n810 o
[21:09] <Riddell> well it ndoesn't
[21:10] <ScottK> JontheEchidna: Do you want the binary removed too? If the new package uses the same binary name you don't want that removed.
[21:10] <JontheEchidna> ScottK: We're not separating the plasmoids in kdeplasma-addons in to binary packages
[21:11] <ScottK> OK. It's fine then.
[21:12] <ScottK> Speaking of it's getting colder ...
[21:12] <glade88> Riddell: try nokia maps 2 beta
[21:12] * ScottK wanders of to find his children.
[21:15] <smarter> hey Riddell
[21:15] <smarter> it's jeunesse btw ;)
[21:15] <NCommander> hey Riddell
[21:16] <glade88> JontheEchidna: here goes the useless bug: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-workspace/+bug/301090 :)
[21:16] <ubottu> Ubuntu bug 301090 in kdebase-workspace "systemsettings->Appearance->Windows preview is drawn incorrectly" [Undecided,New]
[21:17] <JontheEchidna> lol
=== RNS]KGpV is now known as LjL
[21:42] <jdong> am I correct in seeing for some reason Powerdevil supports the turning off of CPUs?
[21:43] <jdong> IMO this is a very bad idea (tm) -- fake-unhotplugging a core on dual-cores actually causes it to stick to the C0 highest power state, which wastes more power.
[21:43] <jdong> instead I suggest using an option that activates sched_mc_powersavings
[21:44] * JontheEchidna has never used powerdevil
[21:45] <jdong> I mean, the idea came from Suse's powersaved which DID "unplug a CPU" in the most aggressive power savings mode
[21:45] <jdong> but people observed that it caused a 3-watt spike in power usage :)
[21:46] <jdong> and Intel later confirmed that for their chips, hot-unplugging a CPU locks it in the highest power state
[21:46] <jdong> sched_mc_powersavings just forces all light loads to be handled by a paricular core so the other stays idle longer
[22:05] * Nightrose refers jdong to powerdevil's upstream (drf__ iirc)
[22:10] <smarter> apachelogger: is the new kde-nightly >= 4.1.80?
[22:44] <smarter> apparently yes :)
=== naee is now known as eean