UbuntuIRC / 2008 /11 /21 /#ubuntu-irc.txt
Initial commit
[01:10] <ButterflyOfFire> hi we would like to invite a bot to our chan
[01:10] <ButterflyOfFire> Can you help us please ?
[01:10] <ButterflyOfFire> Our irc chan is #ubuntu-dz
[01:13] <ButterflyOfFire> Thanks [NikO] ;) merci
[01:14] <[NikO]> >>> nalioth :)
[01:14] <ButterflyOfFire> ;)
[01:15] <nalioth> you're welcome
[01:15] <ButterflyOfFire> nalioth: thanks
[01:16] <ButterflyOfFire> Is the bot ubot3 logging the chan #ubuntu-dz since it is invited in ?
[01:18] <Myrtti> ButterflyOfFire: no, it's not a logbot
[01:18] <ButterflyOfFire> ok Myrtti
[01:18] <ButterflyOfFire> I'm trying to read on the Wiki ;)
[01:22] <ButterflyOfFire> So for the LoCoBot I've to contact admin@ubuntu-eu.org ?
[01:24] <[NikO]> ButterflyOfFire, or ping zed
[01:28] <ButterflyOfFire> :)
[01:28] <ButterflyOfFire> yes [NikO]
[01:43] <ButterflyOfFire> [NikO], or ping zed
=== ubott2 is now known as ubottu
[03:06] <ButterflyOfFire> Hi again, may I ask you for cloaking ?
[03:13] <mneptok> are you an Ubuntu member?
[03:14] <ButterflyOfFire> Yes I've an account on Lauchpad
[03:14] <ButterflyOfFire> Launchpad*
[03:14] <tritium> ButterflyOfFire: that's not quite the same thing.
[03:15] <ButterflyOfFire> ok
[03:17] <stdin> ButterflyOfFire: if you want an unaffiliated cloak, join #freenode and ask
[03:17] <ButterflyOfFire> thanks stdin
[03:17] <ButterflyOfFire> :)
=== ButterflyOfFire is now known as foo_
=== foo_ is now known as ButterflyOfFire
=== tritium_ is now known as tritium
=== stefanlsd is now known as stefanlsd_
=== stefanlsd_ is now known as stefanlsd
[05:18] <stefanlsd> PriceChild: grouped my nick - https://edge.launchpad.net/~stefanlsd
[07:56] <elkbuntu> who was the russian representative here? they may want to talk to zloy about why goatse-style tricks are *really* inappropriate for #ubuntu channels.
[08:36] <Myrtti> they have been getting more obnoxious at #ubuntu of late
[08:36] <Myrtti> and I'm seeing them collecting a group at -women
[10:50] <bazhang> zloy has been removed for evading kline
[10:50] <Myrtti> he has been a troublesome guy, he and his friends
[10:51] <elkbuntu> at least they've left -women alone this time
[10:51] <bazhang> another to watch is vbooh and polatov
[18:01] <LjL> TheInfinity: i'm trying to find out who requested the bot on #kubuntu-de
[18:01] <TheInfinity> hello. one question. since some time we have a locobot in our channel (#kubuntu-de) although nobody reuested it (i asked most of our team). why is it there? :)
[18:01] <TheInfinity> LjL: ok thanks
[18:02] <LjL> TheInfinity: those bots are not managed by us, so it might take a while both to find out and to sort it out
[18:03] <TheInfinity> LjL: no problem, we just wondered as we have seen the bot today
[18:04] <[NikO]> TheInfinity, ask zed
[18:52] <LjL> TheInfinity, the bot was probably put there by mistake, it's not entirely clear. if you don't want it, you need to send an email to admin@ubuntu-eu.org - if you also want the logs deleted, say so
[18:53] <TheInfinity> LjL: i cant't find the logs at irclogs.ubuntu.com. are they saved somewhere else?
[18:53] <LjL> TheInfinity: while you wait for a response, you can of course just kick it
[18:53] <LjL> !logs
[18:53] <ubottu> Official channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ - For LoCo channels, http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/
[18:54] <TheInfinity> LjL: ok thanks for your help! i'll ask my team how to go on.
[20:13] <TheInfinity> LjL: should i ask you for deleting the logs or should i write it via mail?
[20:34] <nalioth> TheInfinity: logs can't be deleted :(
[20:34] <nalioth> google, yahoo, and every other search engine has already indexed them
[20:35] <TheInfinity> yea but they will delete it some day?
[20:39] <nalioth> when the sun goes dormant
[20:46] <LjL> TheInfinity, you should ask via email, i cannot control those bots and logs in any way personally
[20:47] <TheInfinity> LjL: i'll do so. thanks :)
[21:46] <juliux> LjL: locobot was in #kubuntu-de allready in 2005/2006 but then they decide they don't want the locobot so they banned the bot with *!*=UbuntuLo@*.smurf.noris.de but now the bot is cloacked to he can rejoin the channel
[21:47] <LjL> juliux: well, that's clearly not the best way to out out from the service...
[21:47] <LjL> *rolls eyes*
[21:48] <juliux> LjL: http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/free/2005/12/01/%23kubuntu-de.html there you can see that the bot was in 2005 allready there
[21:48] <Myrtti> I can't understand though why you don't want it there
[21:48] <Myrtti> but I'm just me
[21:49] <juliux> there the bot was kicked out http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/free/2006/03/24/%23kubuntu-de.html
[21:50] <juliux> so it looks if the channel was never removed from the join list;)
[21:52] <LjL> i see
[21:52] <juliux> 13:23 -!- locobot_2 [n=UbuntuLo@xvm-188-65.ghst.net] has joined #kubuntu-de
[21:52] <juliux> that was at 2008-11-10
[21:53] <juliux> where the bot joined again
[21:53] <juliux> and today the bot was kicked out again
[21:55] <juliux> and i have to add that at the beging of locobot every loco channel was automaticly logge by locobot
[21:56] * juliux knows that because the locobot was the issue why i get starting working with the ubuntu community;)
[21:57] <LjL> juliux: as in, you worked *for* locobot, or *against* it? :P
[21:57] <juliux> against
[21:57] <juliux> because the bot was not announcing the logigng
[21:57] <juliux> and all the joins and quits where als in the logs
[21:58] <LjL> ah, so it's you i have to "thank" also for ubuntulog now having the joins and parts anymore? >:
[22:01] <juliux> i only did that for locobot
[22:01] <juliux> but i write it in bash;) smurf rewrite it in perl
[22:02] <juliux> i don't like it if a bot publish logs with my joins and quits, because everybody then know when i stand up and when i go to bad
[22:02] <LjL> that can be easily reconstructed by looking at the times you talk at
[22:03] <juliux> not so easy
[22:03] <juliux> i tried it;9
[22:03] <juliux> but now i am using irssi so there is no join and no quit;9
[22:05] <LjL> juliux: well, it's only not easy because the locobots have no timestamps...
[22:06] <juliux> i know;)
[22:06] <juliux> you don't need timestamps or join and quits if you want to read the solution of a support issue
[22:06] <juliux> and for that we have locobot
[22:12] <Myrtti> um.
[22:13] <Myrtti> oh, nvm.
[22:20] <juliux> LjL: now the bot is banned and kicked again;9
[22:45] <TheInfinity> juliux: and now i write a mail to stop it at all :)