UbuntuIRC / 2008 /11 /21 /#ubuntu-bugs.txt
Initial commit
[00:52] <angusthefuzz> does someone know whether bug 300524 is spam, or does it mean something to someone?
[00:52] <ubottu> Bug 300524 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/300524 is private
[00:52] <angusthefuzz> there are about 5 of them like it
[00:52] <angusthefuzz> oh weird, the are gone now
[00:52] <angusthefuzz> forbidden
[00:54] <hggdh> angusthefuzz, this probably means they were opened via apport; until apport processes the bugs, they will be restricted
[00:55] <angusthefuzz> hggdh: they just contained a long string and were against blueprints
[00:55] <hggdh> angusthefuzz, 300524 is indeed weird
[00:56] <angusthefuzz> hggdh: there are a lot of them in the announcements channel
[00:56] <angusthefuzz> 300478-300482
[00:57] <bdmurray> yesterday I duped a bunch of that person's bugs to their first reported one 299998
[00:57] <hggdh> bdmurray, perhaps we should ask for the user to be blocked?
[00:58] <bdmurray> hggdh: yeah, you might check in #launchpad
[00:58] <hggdh> will do
[00:58] <bdmurray> they were a bit busy yesterday so I just duped them
[01:01] <angusthefuzz> hggdh: do you think its an apport bug, and the user doesnt know about the bugs?
[01:01] <angusthefuzz> hggdh: some type of new malware for ubuntu
[01:03] <hggdh> angusthefuzz, no, it is not. It is spam. the #launchpad ppl say they have already blocked this sucker at least twice
[01:48] <angusthefuzz> hggdh: I cant believe i triaged one of those spam bugs, haha
[02:03] <hggdh> :-)
[02:04] <hggdh> when in doubt, follow the rules...
[02:04] <hggdh> I think you did the right thing
[04:07] <mjreged> Hey, i have KRDC kde4 installed in my Ubuntu 8.04 x64 it's full of bugs and unstable, compared to kdrc 3.5, i always wondered why would krdc 4 be even available from ubuntu repo if it's in such a bad state.
[04:08] <Hobbsee> mjreged: upstream don't support kde3 anymore.
[04:08] <Hobbsee> also, the 8.10 packages are more stable than the 8.04 packages (they're more recent)
[04:08] <Hobbsee> (as a general answer)
[04:10] <yuriy> hmm in my experience, krdc in kde4 is in much better shape than in 3.5
[04:12] <mjreged> i have both version installed i ended up using 3.5 version, rdp is bugy, specially when i connect to a vriarity of remote computers 3 win servers, 2 linux boxes
[04:13] <mjreged> but yeah i guess once i upgrade to 8.10 i will have more stable version
[04:16] <mjreged> Anyway thanks for the response, see ya
[06:38] <dholbach> good morning
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[07:13] <thekorn> good morning
[07:23] <mr-russ> good evening
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[14:50] <hggdh> seb128, ping
[14:50] <seb128> hggdh: hello
[14:51] <hggdh> hi. I am still building the test packages for Evo
[14:51] <hggdh> last patch for migration fails to apply and (after correcting) to compile
[14:51] <hggdh> so I noted upstream on that
[14:51] <hggdh> (sorry, this is Evo)
[14:52] <seb128> ok, thanks for your work on those changes
[14:52] <hggdh> welcome
[14:57] <snap-l> If this patch contains a fix for crashing evo when emptying IMAP trash, thanks in advance. :)
[15:05] <hggdh> snap-l, no, it does not... what bug is this?
[15:06] <snap-l> It's in GNOME's bugzilla.
[15:06] <hggdh> not here?
[15:06] <hggdh> anyway, do you have the bug #?
[15:06] <snap-l> http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=544438
[15:06] <ubottu> Gnome bug 544438 in BugBuddyBugs "crash in Evolution Mail and Calendar: Attempting to expunge al..." [Critical,Resolved: duplicate]
[15:07] <hggdh> thanks
[15:07] <snap-l> np
[15:09] <hggdh> snap-l, yes, this has just been fixed on trunk
[15:10] <seb128> hggdh: are you sure, srag comment suggest it has been fixed to stable too?
[15:10] <hggdh> seb128, yes, but I do not see a commit on stable. I will check on the SVN
[15:14] <joumetal> Any ideas to bug 59160?
[15:14] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 59160 in malone "Tags box and search results differ in their bug counts" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/59160
[15:14] <hggdh> yes, it is on 2.24-svn
[15:14] <hggdh> so... snap-l, you should have a fixed version in a few
[15:15] <snap-l> Cool. Thanks. (Though I've happily moved to Thunderbird. :) )
[15:15] <snap-l> Still, I tend to be the canary for these sorts of problems.
[15:16] <hggdh> don't we all ;-)
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[16:03] <MrKanister> hello there
[16:04] <MrKanister> I just have a question: If I linked a bug upstream, does it than has to be set to "triaged"?
[16:09] <kion> hi, why there is not the file /etc/bluetooth/hcid.conf in intrepid Ibex? Thanks
[16:10] <james_w> MrKanister: that is a common thing to do.
[16:11] <MrKanister> james_w: Thanks you
[16:59] <kees> pedro_: heya, have you seen this reported anywhere: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=533782 ? I can't find a bug report for it
[16:59] <kees> (and I'm seeing it on my wife's machine, but haven't been able to hunt down the cause yet)
[17:00] <seb128> kees: is there anything displayed on the desktop? you don't use the user directory = desktop option?
[17:01] <kees> seb128: yeah, everything is there, but I have to explicitly tell the Desktop folder to refresh to see changes
[17:01] <kees> where-as on my machine, if I touch or rm a file in ~/Desktop, it appear/disappears immediately
[17:01] <seb128> if you open the desktop directory in a browser view you get the same issue?
[17:02] <seb128> hum
[17:02] <seb128> the bug is not clear, that's only a refresh issue for changes?
[17:02] <kees> yeah, if I open a browser, I get the same (stale view)
[17:02] <seb128> ie, doing ctrl-r makes those being displayed?
[17:02] <kees> right, and a ctrl-r fixes it
[17:02] <seb128> try to run gvfs-monitor-dir on the directory
[17:03] <seb128> and see if changes are listed
[17:03] <kees> one sec
[17:03] <seb128> the issue is specific to this directory?
[17:04] <seb128> or you only noticed it there because that's the desktop view too
[17:04] <kees> okay, so Desktop shows view, I touch "cow" and nothing happens. I launch Places/Desktop and it seems to auto-refresh.
[17:05] <seb128> and gvfs-monitor-dir shows the changes?
[17:06] <kees> hrm, after starting naut that first time, now it's updating automatically
[17:06] <kees> but on initial login, it's not working
[17:06] <seb128> weird
[17:07] <kees> gvfs-monitor-dir shows it currently (but it's working currently)
[17:08] <seb128> and when you get the issue that's specific to the desktop one?
[17:08] <seb128> or if you get the same on any other directory?
[17:08] <seb128> it might be worth looking to .xsession-errors too if there any useful error there
[17:08] <seb128> I don't think I've read other bugs about this issue yet
[17:10] <kees> seb128: I'll try to gather more details when my wife lets me log her out -- she's currently working on stuff. :P
[17:10] <seb128> kees: the forum post could be a different issue, the directory names are localized and the guy could be using desktop where the directory actually used is the localized name and not the english one
[17:11] <kees> okay, cool. it was the closest mention of this behavior that I could find. :P
[17:11] <seb128> ;-)
[17:11] <seb128> do you tweak your wife computer for security reasons? ;-)
[17:12] <seb128> the desktop is not in a password protected directory or something which could cause trouble to nautilus? ;-)
[17:22] <kees> seb128: nope, though /home is over NFS (but that's true on my desktop too, and I don't see this issue)
[17:25] <pedro__> damn connection :-/
[17:25] <pedro__> kees, seb128 I've found a similar one upstream http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=557550
[17:25] <ubottu> Gnome bug 557550 in Desktop "Nautilus does not update icons on file creation by external program" [Major,Unconfirmed]
[17:26] <seb128> pedro__: no useful information there though
[18:36] <atheros5007> Escriba el texto aqufffd....hola
[18:37] <atheros5007> hola
[18:38] <atheros5007> tengo un problema con una tarjeta inalambrica atheros la cual no la reconoce el ubuntu
[18:38] <atheros5007> alguien sabe algo?
[18:42] <bucket529> Could somebody please change bug 300472 from 'Undecided' to 'Wishlist'? Thanks
[18:42] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 300472 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] Equalizer" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/300472
[19:10] <bdmurray> bucket529: done
[19:19] <bdmurray> I've updated the launchpad greasemonkey script for adding tags to bug reports to display certain tags depending on the package or the project the bug is related to. I could use some help populating the tags list.
[19:42] <bdmurray> ogasawara: is https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.24/+bug/193970/comments/84 true?
[19:42] <ubottu> Ubuntu bug 193970 in linux "iwl3945 | iwl4965: Wireless can't be activated after disabling kill switch" [Medium,In progress]
[19:43] <ogasawara> bdmurray: I believe the patch was only for iwl4965
[19:47] <bdmurray> ogasawara: okay, that's the behavior I'm experiencing
[19:47] <ogasawara> bdmurray: you've been able to get the 2.6.27-10 kernel?
[19:48] <ogasawara> bdmurray: for some reason I thought it was still making it's way into -proposed
[19:49] <bdmurray> ogasawara: I need 2.6.27-10? there is no indication of that in the bug
[19:49] <ogasawara> bdmurray: yup, that patch is only in the -10 upload
[19:50] <ogasawara> bdmurray: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/
[19:51] <ogasawara> bdmurray: I'll post a comment to the bug
[19:52] <bdmurray> ogasawara: okay and I'll be more patient
[19:53] <ogasawara> bdmurray: I made the same mistake when I saw pitti had commented it was available for testing
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