UbuntuIRC / 2008 /11 /19 /#ubuntu-bugs.txt
Initial commit
[02:11] <andresmujica> hi!
[02:11] <andresmujica> how should i mark a bug aginst launchpad??
[02:11] <jjesse> andresmujica: what type of bug?
[02:12] <jjesse> that is where did you find the bug?
[02:12] <jjesse> you assign it to the correct project in launchpad
[02:14] <andresmujica> bug #298123
[02:14] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 298123 in firefox-3.0 "Inconsistent experience logging onto Launchpad site ..." [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/298123
[02:15] <jjesse> hrmm file that against launchpad itself then as the projet
[02:15] <andresmujica> yeap .. but how i filed that against launchpad... ?
[02:16] <jjesse> do you have access to the affects project link?
[02:16] <jjesse> hrm thats not right hold on
[02:17] <andresmujica> and choose another project??
[02:17] <jjesse> i think so hold on
[02:17] <andresmujica> ok..
[02:18] <jjesse> yes let me get out of the bug so nothing wierd goes on
[02:18] <jjesse> go for it
[02:21] <andresmujica> ok! perfect thanks! i wasn`t sure how to do it..
[02:21] <jjesse> cool glad i could help out
[02:22] <andresmujica> :)
[05:42] <dholbach> good morning
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[13:32] <awsoonn1> mornin' all
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[14:27] <azimout> am i right to think that suspend/resume issues should be assigned to the acpi-support source package?
[14:31] <persia> Might be pm-utils, or gnome-power-manager, or any of several other things though.
[14:31] <persia> Even linux for some issues.
[14:35] <azimout> thanx, persia...
[14:35] <azimout> it might be a good idea to add a related paragraph in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/FindRightPackage
[14:36] <persia> azimout, Except I really don't understand how all the pieces interact, which makes me a poor candidate to write that paragraph.
[14:37] <azimout> i see. well, i'll write a short piece there (which is better than nothing) and have you guys take a look and change/add anything you want
[14:42] <azimout> done! go have a look, please?
[14:51] <BUGabundo1> hya asac
[14:53] <BUGabundo1> is anybody looking at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-runtime/+bug/299907 ?
[14:53] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 299907 in kdebase-runtime "kdebase-runtime-data FTBS" [Undecided,New]
[15:02] <persia> BUGabundo1, Likely actively, in preparation for Alpha 1.
[15:02] <persia> BUGabundo1, I suspect they don't know about that bug though, and won't close it whilst fixing it.
[15:02] <persia> BUGabundo1, Since it's your bug, I'd recommend marking it invalid, as it's quite likely to be fixed before it is triaged.
[15:05] <BUGabundo1> I'll keep an eye on it persia
[15:05] <BUGabundo1> if it gets fixed ill close if, of course
[15:06] <persia> BUGabundo1, Works. Have you checked the build queue to see if it's already been resubmitted?
[15:06] <BUGabundo1> I haven'ti get lost there
[15:06] <BUGabundo1> lol
[15:06] <BUGabundo1> let me see if I find it
[15:07] <BUGabundo1> got side tracked trying to guess the number of members of LP teams
[15:07] <BUGabundo1> lol
[15:07] <persia> https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/jaunty/+builds
[15:08] <BUGabundo1> got it on FF awesome bar
[15:08] <BUGabundo1> No matching builds.
[15:09] <BUGabundo1> lpia faild and 64 was a success
[15:09] <BUGabundo1> https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-runtime/4:4.1.73-0ubuntu1/+build/787537
[15:10] <persia> Right. I seem to remember large chunks of KDE being broken on lpia.
[15:11] <BUGabundo1> but im on 64 bits
[15:11] <BUGabundo1> Errors were encountered while processing:
[15:11] <BUGabundo1> /var/cache/apt/archives/kdebase-runtime-data_4%3a4.1.73-0ubuntu1_all.deb
[15:11] <BUGabundo1> E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)
[16:40] <LimCore> hi
[16:41] <LimCore> password storage seems to really fail on 8.10 and also 8.04 sometimes. Lots of passwords are not stored, are lost, or need re-entering (also some are not stared-out *** while entering)
[16:41] <LimCore> how to improve this really bad situation
[16:41] <LimCore> I report bugs, but so far even verifing them takes ages
[16:42] <jjesse_> LimCore: you could post to a fourm or a user mailing list asking people for verification of the bug?
[16:49] <LimCore> for example https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdepim/+bug/299978
[16:49] <ubottu> Error: This bug is private
[16:50] <LimCore> I guess for most bugs, it would take 20% time to setup devel tools, 70% time to get into code of given application and learn all needed libs/tools/code practise for given application, 5% for bug managment, and last 5% would be the actuall bug
[17:16] <yuriy> LimCore: at least for the case of bug 299978, it sounds like an upstream bug, so could you file it at bugs.kde.org and link it in the lp report please?
[17:16] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 299978 in kdepim "[kmail 4.1.2-0ubuntu2] shows "Exporting key..." window on Attach My Public Key" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/299978
[17:20] <LimCore> are we sure it's not an addition by Ubuntu? hmm I guess I should get a gentoo or something to build upstream svn versions to confirm :/
[17:24] <yuriy> patches.ubuntu.com shows just one kubuntu patch to kdepim
[18:14] <greg-g> Launchpad broke 300,000 bugs
[18:16] <james_w> launchpad broke?
[18:17] <bdmurray> james_w: I'd be curious to know how many of those packages have upstream projects / bug trackers
[18:17] <james_w> might be possible to do with launchpadlib
[18:17] <james_w> hmm, but would require them putting source packages in the API first
[18:18] <bdmurray> there's always something ;)
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[22:14] <savvas> the bugs tags needs-upstream-sync upstream are really kubuntu specific?
[22:14] <savvas> * 'needs-upstream-sync' and 'upstream'
[22:26] <bdrung_> ping bdmurray
[22:32] <savvas> bdrung_: me?
[22:33] <bdmurray> bdrung_: hello
[22:34] <bdrung_> savvas: no
[22:34] <savvas> ok :)
[22:35] <bdrung_> bdmurray: my membership in ubuntu-bugcontrol expires. can you extend it?
[22:35] <savvas> Should I add any bug tags for a bug that was fixed upstream? needs-devrelease-testing ?
[22:36] <bdrung_> savvas: do you have the upstream bugreport linked?
[22:37] <savvas> yes bdrung_
[22:37] <savvas> http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=561068
[22:37] <ubottu> Gnome bug 561068 in gparted ""Apply" button not visible in default window size in some translations" [Minor,Resolved: fixed]
[22:38] <savvas> (Unfortunately launchpad is down at the moment)
[22:39] <bdmurray> bdrung_: I'll look when lp comes back
[22:39] <bdrung_> bdmurray: thx.
[22:46] <rrittenhouse> ah ok LP is out. Just making sure it wasn't me.
[22:46] <angusthefuzz> its coming back at 23.59 UTC/6:59pm EST
[22:47] <rrittenhouse> cool. thx
[22:47] <angusthefuzz> I think i will spend the time reading the debugging instructions for X ;-)
[22:48] <rrittenhouse> I was looking to try and get my 5 in today :D Theres always later
[22:49] <tcole> launchpad needs a fail whale
[22:49] <angusthefuzz> ya, same here, i figured I would prep, so I can race out of the gate when the site came back
[22:49] <tcole> not that it would need it often
[22:49] <rrittenhouse> haha
[22:50] <angusthefuzz> tcole: you can file a report when lp comes back
[22:51] <bdrung_> lp is down due to maintaince
[23:45] <angusthefuzz> lp is back for all those waiting for an announcement :-)
[23:48] <bdmurray> angusthefuzz: thanks!
[23:49] <angusthefuzz> bdmurray: youre welcome, enjoy v2.1.11, hehe
[23:49] <bdrung_> v2.1.11 has not big new features
[23:50] <angusthefuzz> bdrung_: yeah, thats why its funny
[23:50] <tcole> maybe a free two-hour coffee break is a feature
[23:51] <bdrung_> for me its going to bed early ;)
[23:51] <angusthefuzz> tcole: what we really need is two-hours where we have access but no more bugs can be submitted
[23:51] <tcole> good point!
[23:52] <tcole> I wonder if there will be a spike in bug reports now that LP has reopened
[23:52] <tcole> or if people just don't report bugs
[23:52] <tcole> (I imagine it's somewhere in-between)
[23:52] <bdrung_> i am wainting for bug #125103 it was target to fix it with v2.1.11
[23:52] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 125103 in soyuz "ppa archives are not signed" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/125103