UbuntuIRC / 2008 /11 /19 /#launchpad.txt
Initial commit
[00:18] <meoblast001> hi
[00:18] <meoblast001> how do you delete a project
[00:19] <spm> meoblast001: ask nicely? Preferably with the project named :-)
[00:19] <spiv> meoblast001: File a question at https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad I think
[00:19] <NCommander> second question
[00:19] <spiv> Or ask spm :)
[00:19] <NCommander> What voodoo do I need to do to make something leave the Failed to Upload status?
[00:20] <meoblast001> i created a project but never had the resources to complete it
[00:20] <meoblast001> so im ending it
[00:20] <NCommander> oh
[00:20] <NCommander> Crap
[00:20] <NCommander> I see why this is failing to upload
[00:22] <spm> NCommander: ? any clues for assisting others, you'd be willing to share? :-)
[00:23] <NCommander> Well
[00:23] <NCommander> The upshot is I broke Soyuz
[00:23] <NCommander> 2008-11-18 23:52:01 WARNING libfbclient2_2.0.4.13130-1.ds1-4ubuntu1_amd64.deb: Version older than that in the archive. <=
[00:23] <NCommander> :-)
[00:24] <spm> Impressive. Most Impressive. :-)
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[00:24] <NCommander> Man, when I break something, I do it in style :-)
[00:25] <spm> NCommander: ??? I didn't know you were a windows sysadmin? :-P
[00:25] <Ursinha> lol
[00:25] * NCommander remembers when he broke the exchange server
[00:25] <NCommander> It's not my fault the contracters built such a shoddy rack
[00:26] <NCommander> :-/
[00:26] * spm accuses - you tried to send email via exchange didn't you. tsk tsk tsk.
[00:26] <NCommander> No
[00:26] <NCommander> I put the server on a new rack
[00:26] <NCommander> WHich didn't support the wait
[00:26] <NCommander> weight
[00:26] <NCommander> and the server crashed
[00:26] <NCommander> To the ground
[00:26] <spm> WaHooo
[00:26] <NCommander> Yeah
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[00:27] <NCommander> I think we ended up install Exchange on an old P2 until we could get a replacement server ....
[00:28] <spm> used to "loosely" support an exchange box running on dec alpha - that was... different.
[00:28] <NCommander> I have a IBM RS/6000 that runs Windows NT PowerPC 4
[00:28] <NCommander> With Exchange 4.0
[00:28] <spm> masochist?
[00:28] <NCommander> yeah
[00:28] <NCommander> It's running AIX now
=== bac is now known as bac_afk
[00:34] <spm> meoblast001: is removed
[00:34] <meoblast001> k thanx
[00:34] <meoblast001> who is spm? a mod?
[00:35] <meoblast001> or is it mark shuttleworth =P
[00:35] <wgrant> A god.
[00:35] <wgrant> ie. a LOSA
[00:35] <spm> meoblast001: No not mark. Launchpad sysadmin.
[00:35] <meoblast001> whats a sysadmin
[00:35] <spm> wgrant: :-)
[00:35] <Ursinha> meoblast001, spm is our ultraintelligent bot
[00:35] <meoblast001> oh lol
[00:36] <meoblast001> i dont know who to believe
[00:36] <spm> Ursinha: when I tink I something suitably rude to respond with I shall. :-P
[00:36] <meoblast001> spm or Ursinha
[00:36] <meoblast001> quit playing mind games on me
[00:36] <Ursinha> spm, lol
[00:36] <spm> Ursinha: she's nicer
[00:36] <meoblast001> spm: bot
[00:36] <Ursinha> meoblast001, sorry :) spm is a Launchpad admin
[00:36] <meoblast001> hes not a ot
[00:36] <wgrant> But spm is Australian...
[00:36] <meoblast001> he would have responded by now
[00:37] <spm> meoblast001: I have a random delay loop built in to mess with folks heads - and bad spellingerer as well
[00:37] * wgrant SIGTERMs spm.
[00:37] <spm> And a trained army of Drop Bears
[00:38] * meoblast001 segfaults
[00:38] <wgrant> Ooh, harsh.
[00:38] <spm> I am impervious to sigterms - for i am the PID 1
[00:38] <meoblast001> wgrant: your pipe connected to the wrong app.. me
[00:38] <meoblast001> spm: kernel?
[00:38] * meoblast001 forces spm to kernel panic
[00:38] <wgrant> spm: One can kill init fine!
[00:39] <meoblast001> ahh
[00:39] <meoblast001> init
[00:39] <meoblast001> sudo cp /init.rd /dev/dsp
[00:39] <spm> wgrant: we had this discussion elsewhere earlier today - my background is more solaris - and on solaris, you can't :-)
[00:39] <wgrant> spm: Ah. Solaris. Ew. At least IRIX is now gone from uni, but Solaris still abounds...
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[01:03] <meoblast001> spm: did you delete my ssh key?
[01:10] <spm> meoblast001: ? No
[01:10] <meoblast001> ok lol
[01:11] <meoblast001> i figured out the problem
=== meoblast001 is now known as meo|away
[01:59] <lamalex> can I push to a personal branch that's not associated with a project?
[01:59] <beuno> lamalex, sure, that's what +junk is for
[01:59] <lamalex> how do I do that?
[02:00] <lamalex> bzr push lp:~alexlauni/junk doesn't work
[02:00] <Ursinha> lamalex, it's +junk
[02:00] <Ursinha> :)
[02:00] <jml> lamalex: bzr push lp:~foo/+junk/branch-name
[02:01] <lamalex> thanks
[02:02] <lamalex> thanks a lot!
[02:03] <Ursinha> :D
=== meo|away is now known as meoblast001
[03:32] <mrooney> Are there any statistics kept on release download counts for LP projects?
[03:33] <mrooney> It seems potentially really useful to see if a project is becoming more or less popular over releases, as well as which release format is most popular if there are multiple for each version
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[04:16] <Ryan52> does launchpad support any way of me personally sorting bugs? so, like categorizing them in my own way? or marking certain bugs as ones I am interested in, but not subscribing and not assigning them?
[04:18] <persia> Ryan52, subscribing is the best way to mark bugs in which you have an interest. Doing so is best handled with mail filters.
[04:18] <persia> There's also a facility to subscribe to bugs for a project, for a distro (generally a bad idea), or for a package in a distro.
[04:19] <persia> I don't know if that might help.
[04:21] <Ryan52> okay, thanks.
[04:45] <mwhudson> no, and there is a bug for it
[05:04] <wgrant> Ermmm.
[05:04] <wgrant> Disabling that account didn't work.
[05:04] <wgrant> He's filing lots and lots of bugs filled with crap.
[05:05] <wgrant> And then marking them all private.
[05:05] <wgrant> WTF
[05:05] <persia> Well, private bugs can't be closed by annoying busybodies, you see...
[05:06] <wgrant> spm: Kill maurizio-live again, pllllease.
[05:06] <spm> wgrant: was just logging in to do so....
[05:06] <wgrant> persia: Except that they were made private after the filing, so have hundreds of people subscribed.
[05:06] <wgrant> spm: Thanks.
[05:06] <persia> wgrant, Ah.
[05:07] <wgrant> I can only see them against Ubuntu, but I saw some against Malone earlier; they're private now.
[05:13] <spm> wgrant: launchpad bugs & Ubuntu
[05:14] <wgrant> spm: aha.
[05:18] <wgrant> He seems to be staying dead.
[05:20] <spm> One prefers the use of the light touch. Sometimes, the sledgehammer is more appropriate. One guess.
[05:21] <spm> Either way I also sent an email asking to 'Please stop'
[05:22] <wgrant> I'm still unable to make sense of those bugs.
[05:23] <spm> they look like spam to me
[05:23] <spm> rather... a failed attempt at spamming
[05:23] <wgrant> Perhaps.
[08:07] <Hobbsee> i wish projects could be removed from bugs.
[08:09] <Hobbsee> or this ranting guy would go away.
[08:09] <Hobbsee> either wya
[08:10] <binarymutant> why doesn't the ubuntu bug tracking system automatically email debian's bug tracking system?
[08:10] <Hobbsee> binarymutant: have you *seen* the quality of a lot of ubuntu bugs lately?
[08:11] <Hobbsee> binarymutant: debian would go nuts (and justifiably so) at being asked to support something that is based on their stuff, but has a whole lot of changes, and where users can't even file decent bugs,and can't refrain from ranting on the bug tracker.
[08:11] <binarymutant> Hobbsee: don't they already have that though?
[08:12] <Hobbsee> binarymutant: have which? oh, the ranting on the bugtracker?
[08:12] <Hobbsee> yes, but that's usually technical ranting - not "this hasn't been fixed. ZOMG UBUNTU SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ELEVENTYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" ranting
[08:12] <binarymutant> Ubuntu could add a ubuntu header to it
[08:12] <Hobbsee> a lot of debian people seem to look at launchpad anyway
[08:13] <Hobbsee> and stuff does get manually filed back
[08:13] <Hobbsee> i do think they're planning something in regard to it, that you'll be able to sanely send bugs upstream.
[08:13] <binarymutant> well that's good, I was just wondering since it looks like utnuubu looks deserted
[08:13] <Hobbsee> i think that itself is, yes
[08:14] <binarymutant> thanks for the info Hobbsee
[08:14] <Hobbsee> binarymutant: you're welcome
[12:56] <cjwatson> I tried to register a rootskel-gtk project (matching a Debian package by the same name for which I want to get a code import) and got this message: "The name 'rootskel-gtk' has been blocked by the Launchpad administrators".
[12:56] <cjwatson> Can somebody tell me why, please?
[12:56] <Spads> cjwatson: don't launchpad as root, you HACKER
[12:56] <cjwatson> hah
[12:57] <ia> hello, everybody. if i create my own branch in launchpad, it have bzr address: lp:~name/+junk/projectname. But how can i create project with address lp:projectname?
[12:59] <cjwatson> ia: push it to lp:~name/projectname/branchname and then visit code.launchpad.net/projectname where there should be a link to select a branch to be the development focus, assuming that you have appropriate privileges in projectname (e.g. you created the project)
[13:00] <ia> cjwatson: oh, thanks you. i'll try.
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=== gmb changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | Need help? Community help contact: gmb
[13:56] <fta2> hi, still no fix for the kernel too old bug in PPA/jaunty ?
[13:56] <fta2> i'm stuck because of this, an ETA would be nice
[13:59] <cprov-lunch> fta2: have you talks to elmo or infinity already ?
[14:00] <fta2> i asked here a few times already
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[14:24] <fta2> elmo, ^^ ?
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[14:40] <soren> I noticed a glibc upload that should fix it, but it probably needs special love and care to get it installed in the jaunty ppa buildd's.
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=== shcaesar is now known as Acaesar
=== Acaesar is now known as shcaesar
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=== mrevell_ is now known as mrevell
=== bac is now known as bac_lunch
=== gmb changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | Need help? Community help contact: -#
=== gmb changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | Need help? Community help contact: -
[17:27] <gmb> I fail at IRC.
[17:37] * cody-somerville pets gmb.
[17:52] <NCommander> Bug #300000 been filed
[17:52] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 300000 in libgtk2-perl "FTBFS fix for libgtk2-perl" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/300000
[17:52] <Ursinha> hahahaha
[17:52] <Ursinha> just announced that in another channel
[17:52] * NCommander is proud
[17:52] <NCommander> I got it :-)
=== bac_lunch is now known as bac
[18:57] <fta> is https://edge.launchpad.net/chromium-project supposed to be a super project ?? i can't attach sub projects to it... lp says it's invalid
[18:58] <fta> nm, i thought my https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/51556 was already solved, it's not
[18:59] <fta> kiko-fud, ^^
[18:59] <andrea-bs> fta: chromium-project is not a superproject: it has series and milestones
[19:01] <fta> andrea-bs, i requested it to be turned into a super project. see the question above. what should i do then ?
[19:01] <andrea-bs> fta: project groups are created from scratch, see https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+faq/210
[19:02] <andrea-bs> fta: you should ask to rename chromium-project and then ask to create a project group with this name
[19:03] <fta> hm; ok. i didn't create it initially. will do what you just said. thanks.
[19:08] <fta> andrea-bs, once the old project is gone, should i do anything special when i create the new one ?
[19:09] <andrea-bs> fta: no, you shouldn't
[19:09] <andrea-bs> fta: when the new super project will be set up you'll be able to link sub project by yourself
[19:11] <fta> andrea-bs, yep, i've already linked a few other projects to the mozilla super-project. I'm not sure i understand what is wrong with current one then... just series and milestones?
[19:11] <andrea-bs> fta: do you want to link a project to more than one super project?
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[19:14] <fta> andrea-bs, i have a bunch of chromium-* that i want to link to chromium-project
[19:16] <andrea-bs> fta: do you want to link them both to chromium-project and mozilla or just to chromium?
[19:17] <fta> andrea-bs, no, sorry, mozilla is unrelated, forget about it ;)
[19:17] <andrea-bs> fta: thanks; the problem is that chromium-project is currently a "simple" project and not a super project
[19:18] <andrea-bs> fta: and simple projects can't be converted to project groups
[19:18] <andrea-bs> fta: because project groups are created only from scratch
[19:19] <fta> andrea-bs, i can't recreate it myself then ?
[19:21] <andrea-bs> fta: unfortunately no: project groups can be created only by launchpad admins
[19:21] <andrea-bs> fta: this is why you should file a new question
[19:21] <fta> andrea-bs, ok, clear,
[19:22] <fta> andrea-bs, i've updated https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/51556
[19:22] <andrea-bs> fta: I'm sorry but now I have to go :(
[19:22] <fta> andrea-bs, np
[19:22] <fta> too late
[19:32] <Flimm> The build of my package failed, I uploaded a fixed source package and nothing has happened
[19:32] <Flimm> Do I have to click retry build?
[19:33] <Flimm> (I clicked it, see what happens, I hope it doesn't try to rebuild the flawed source package)
[19:33] <geser> Flimm: no, the new upload should build automatically
[19:33] <beuno> Flimm, how long ago was this?
[19:33] <beuno> minutes?
[19:34] <beuno> it can take a bit
[19:35] <Flimm> Got a rejection email, because the source package was different.
[19:35] <Flimm> "File epidermis_0.2-0ubuntu0.tar.gz already exists in PPA for David D Lowe, but uploaded version has different contents"
[19:36] <Flimm> Do I have to delete the package to rebuild from a fixed source package?
[19:36] * beuno pokes cprov-lunch
=== cprov-lunch is now known as cprov
[19:37] <geser> Flimm: have you increased the version/revision?
[19:37] <cprov> Flimm: you have repackaged the orig.tar.gz
[19:37] <cprov> Flimm: is that a ubuntu package ?
[19:37] <Flimm> No, I didn't change the version number, I just changed the source package
[19:37] <Flimm> Package for a project not in Ubuntu
[19:38] <cprov> Flimm: what's your PPA ?
[19:38] <cprov> url, I mean
[19:38] <Flimm> https://launchpad.net/~flimm/+archive
[19:38] <Flimm> http://ppa.launchpad.net/flimm/ubuntu
[19:39] <cprov> Flimm: oh, it's not a orig, I'm going blind.
[19:40] <cprov> Flimm: you already have that version published in your PPA.
[19:41] <Flimm> Not 0.2, the build failed
[19:41] <cprov> Flimm: the rejection message is somewhat misleading for native packages.
[19:41] <cprov> Flimm: doesn't matter, the source version is blacklisted.
[19:41] <cprov> Flimm: you have to increase the version again.
[19:41] <Flimm> 0.2-0ubuntu1 ?
[19:42] <cprov> Flimm: yes, that will work.
[19:42] <Flimm> OK, thanks
[19:43] <cprov> Flimm: and it's also sane according the ubuntu/debian policy, btw.
[19:43] <Flimm> I'm new to packaging, is the .orig.tar.gz called the source package, or is the _source.changes called that?
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[20:17] <Flimm> Well it built, but I can't find the deb
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[20:18] <beuno> Flimm, give it a bit :)
[20:23] <Flimm> beuno: :) I can wait.
[20:25] <Flimm> it just seems strange that it's marked as built and published, but still no deb.
[20:25] <beuno> Flimm, I have a bug filed for the impacient, bug 283960
[20:25] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 283960 in soyuz "PPA page should re-assure the user that their binary packages are being published" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/283960
[20:25] <Flimm> Aha! It's there now!
[20:25] <Flimm> Thanks ubottu, I'll go mark myself as affected.
[20:25] <beuno> yeah, you know what they say, a watched pot...
=== spm changed the topic of #launchpad to: Launchpad is going down from 22:00 UTC until 23:59 UTC for a code update | https://launchpad.net/ | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | Need help? Community help contact: -
[21:54] <JontheEchidna> This user seems to be spamming LP: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/~rutadeevacuacion
[21:55] <JontheEchidna> maybe LP going down for maintainence will make him stop ;-)
[21:55] <beuno> JontheEchidna, if not, mthaddon will :)
[21:55] <JontheEchidna> hehe
[21:56] <JontheEchidna> anyway, keep on rocking!
=== beuno changed the topic of #launchpad to: Launchpad is down from until 23:59 UTC for a code update | https://launchpad.net/ | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | Need help? Community help contact: -
[22:18] <savvas> darn, and I was about to mark a bug that has an upstream fix
[22:28] <LarstiQ> beuno: from what?
[22:28] <LarstiQ> beuno: stil 22:00?
[22:29] <beuno> LarstiQ, from a while ago ;)
[22:29] <LarstiQ> beuno: the topic reads weirdly :P
[22:30] <beuno> LarstiQ,
[22:30] <beuno> ah
=== beuno changed the topic of #launchpad to: Launchpad is down until 23:59 UTC for a code update | https://launchpad.net/ | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | Need help? Community help contact: -
[22:30] <beuno> thanks :)
[22:47] <pygi> anyone who's not sleeping here? :)
[22:47] <beuno> nobody sleeps in the launchpad team
[22:47] <beuno> ever
[22:51] <spm> beuno: I suspect you're just projecting yourself and Ursinha :-P
[22:52] <beuno> spm, probably. But I have everyone's phone #, so I just make that assumption :)
[22:52] <pygi> beuno, I had a question then :)
[22:52] <pygi> could I pm?
[22:53] <beuno> pygi, sure
[22:53] <spm> beuno: ... I see.... /me goes to add a block on all calls from South America
[22:53] <beuno> :)
[23:02] <epsy> what just happened at the launchpad code atom feeds?
[23:03] <beuno> epsy, launchpad is down
[23:03] <epsy> :o
[23:03] <beuno> and the feeds went with it
[23:03] <beuno> upgrading
[23:03] <beuno> new shiny things
[23:03] <epsy> hehe
[23:04] <savvas> hm.. perhaps the feeds should be available when the code is updated :p
[23:05] <epsy> any info on the "nw shiny" things?
[23:05] <beuno> epsy, soon enough
[23:05] <beuno> mrevell will unleash those
[23:05] <epsy> oh, OpenID, i see
[23:05] * epsy would have liked to see Global ID, but well, nvm :)
[23:09] <epsy> how is the opensourcing roadway going?
[23:10] <savvas> hm?
[23:11] <epsy> cannonical has promised to release launchpad by feb. 2009 or so, if i remember correctly
[23:12] <epsy> i'm seeing many people keeping themselves away from lp just because it's not free software
[23:12] <Hobbsee> epsy: july - oscon, iirc.
[23:12] <jkakar> FYI, https://launchpad.net just took ~2 minutes to load.
[23:13] <Hobbsee> and i believe they're open sourcing their private wiki currently, as a starting point.
[23:13] <epsy> Hobbsee, ty!
[23:13] <Hobbsee> jkakar: it's supposed to be down.
[23:13] <epsy> their private wiki?
[23:13] <epsy> didn't they use moinmoin?
[23:13] <jkakar> Hobbsee: edge is responding.
[23:14] <jkakar> https://edge.launchpad.net/bzr just took 59s to load here.
[23:14] <Hobbsee> jkakar: /topic. It's in the middle of an upgrade.
[23:14] <jkakar> Hobbsee: Yes, I understand that.
[23:14] <Hobbsee> epsy: they do, but they have help.launchpad.net, then another internal one, which is private.
[23:14] <epsy> oh yeah, right
[23:14] <jkakar> Hobbsee: It's supposed to display a static, "Hey, we're upgrading, come back later please." message. I'm reporting that that isn't happening in case it's an issue that mthaddon or someone else might care about.
[23:15] <Hobbsee> jkakar: oh, right.
[23:15] <epsy> we're talking about the software to run it, not the actual content up there already?
[23:15] <Hobbsee> epsy: for which? the wiki, or launchpad itself?
[23:15] <epsy> wiki
[23:16] <jkakar> epsy: Content is being migrated from the private wiki to a public one.
[23:16] <spm> jkakar: I'm just finishing up the final parts of the release now - so stuff should be coming back
[23:16] <jkakar> spm: Okay, cool.
[23:16] <mthaddon> should be back now
[23:17] <jkakar> spm: Looks like https://edge.launchpad.net/bzr is loading faster here (~15s), so perhaps my timing was just "perfect". :)
[23:17] <mthaddon> at least, the webapp servers
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[23:20] <savvas> jkakar: try it again tomorrow, when people start crawling launchpad again ;)
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[23:31] <cjwatson> epsy: Hobbsee means the content previously on a private wiki
[23:34] <Hobbsee> yes, that, thanks :)
=== spm changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | Need help? Community help contact: -