UbuntuIRC / 2008 /11 /19 /#launchpad-meeting.txt
Initial commit
=== bac is now known as bac_afk
=== bac_afk is now known as bac
=== mrevell is now known as mrevell-lunch
=== mrevell-lunch is now known as mrevell
=== vednis is now known as mars
[15:00] <barry> #startmeeting
[15:00] <MootBot> Meeting started at 09:00. The chair is barry.
[15:00] <MootBot> Commands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]
[15:00] <barry> hello everyone and welcome to this week's ameu reviewer's meeting. who's here today?
[15:00] <rockstar> me
[15:00] <mrevell> me
[15:00] <abentley> me
[15:00] <adeuring> me
[15:00] <bigjools> me
[15:00] <allenap> me, but only half (sprinting in Lexington)
[15:00] <EdwinGrubbs> me
[15:01] <abentley> allenap: m ?
[15:01] <danilos> me
[15:01] <allenap> abentley: This week it's e
[15:01] <flacoste> me
[15:02] <mars> me
[15:02] <barry> [TOPIC] agenda
[15:02] <MootBot> New Topic: agenda
[15:02] <barry> i don't have much today...
[15:02] <barry> * Roll call
[15:02] <barry> * Agreement on statuses:
[15:02] <barry> * needs-reply == needs-fixing
[15:02] <barry> * merge-approved == approve
[15:02] <barry> * merge-conditional == approve + comment
[15:02] <barry> * If there's time, the old boring script
[15:02] <barry> * Next meeting
[15:02] <barry> * Action items
[15:02] <barry> * Queue status
[15:03] <barry> * Mentoring update
[15:03] <barry> [TOPIC] * Agreement on statuses:
[15:03] <MootBot> New Topic: * Agreement on statuses:
[15:03] <BjornT> me
[15:03] <gmb> me
[15:03] <barry> at the asiapac meeting, i explained what we'd agreed from last week on the mapping between our review status and m-p statuses
[15:03] <barry> everyone there agreed with our mapping
[15:03] <barry> so i guess that makes it official
[15:04] <barry> any comments or other thoughts?
[15:04] <flacoste> can you remind us of that mapping?
[15:04] <danilos> flacoste: it's up in the agenda
[15:04] <danilos> :)
[15:04] <flacoste> doh
[15:05] <barry> :)
[15:06] <barry> silence is assent :)
[15:06] <barry> that's all i have except for the boring stuff. does anybody have anything not on the agenda?
[15:06] <danilos> yeah
[15:07] <danilos> I wonder about how do we see if there are branches waiting for review in merge-proposals?
[15:07] <barry> danilos: the floor is yours
[15:07] <barry> danilos: they mythical dashboard
[15:07] <danilos> I've tried digging that up, but was unable to find it once I cleared general queue yesterday
[15:07] <barry> s/they/the/
[15:07] <danilos> ok, so it's actually not there?
[15:08] <danilos> can we maybe agree to put branches in 'Mature' until it's there?
[15:08] <danilos> or some other status
[15:08] <abentley> danilos: Other that this: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~launchpad-pqm/launchpad/devel/+merges ?
[15:09] <danilos> abentley: that doesn't show me only unassigned ones
[15:09] <barry> abentley: that's a good page. i can already tell that the separate approve step doesn't work 'cause no one set it ;/
[15:09] * sinzui forgot to type me
[15:09] <sinzui> me
[15:10] <abentley> danilos: All of them will be assigned to Launchpad Developers by default.
[15:11] <danilos> abentley: ok, so the only missing bit is that we need to update merge proposal statuses to 'Approved', right?
[15:12] <bac> me
[15:12] <danilos> and, can we make this URL more visible? I tried getting something along those lines
[15:12] <abentley> danilos: Right. When they're reviewed, and ready to be merged.
[15:13] <abentley> danilos: It's the "12 branches proposed for merging into this one." link on https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~launchpad-pqm/launchpad/devel
[15:13] <danilos> abentley: ok, thanks
[15:13] <barry> anything else?
[15:13] <danilos> so, my suggestion would be to make reviewers set "Approved" as well
[15:13] <danilos> barry: nope, that's it from me
[15:14] <barry> danilos: +
[15:14] <barry> +
[15:14] <abentley> barry: How do I subscribe to the new wiki page?
[15:14] <barry> jeebus. +1
[15:14] <barry> abentley: that's a very good question. i tried to find it and couldn't
[15:14] <bigjools> you can't! the price of progress ...
[15:14] * barry has a BIG LIST of issues with the new wiki
[15:14] <abentley> +1. Thought that was already done.
[15:15] <barry> abentley: go to your profile page, scroll down to subscriptions and add .* to the list :)
[15:15] <rockstar> abentley: there's a bug for it, we talked about it yesterday.
[15:16] <barry> rockstar: a bug for wiki subscription?
[15:17] <barry> someone wake rockstar :)
[15:17] <barry> anyway...
[15:18] <barry> if there's nothing else, i just want to run through the outstanding action items from like, last decade
[15:18] <BjornT> barry: i have a small agenda item as well (or rather a question)
[15:18] <barry> BjornT: cool, go ahead
[15:19] <BjornT> when are we going to evaluate how the merge proposals are going, and which issues are the most important (for the LP team as a whole) to fix?
[15:20] <barry> BjornT: great question. i'm inclined to say let's do the evaluation at the beginning of '09. your thoughts?
[15:20] <BjornT> barry: well, i was hoping sooner, so that we could get the most important fixes in the next milestone :)
[15:21] <barry> BjornT: :)
[15:21] <barry> BjornT: i'm okay with that. what about doing that for the next round of reviewer meetings?
[15:22] <BjornT> barry: sure
[15:22] <barry> iow, people should come prepared to discuss/lobby for their top m-p bugs
[15:22] <bigjools> diffs plz
[15:22] <barry> we can spend next week's meeting prioritizing them for us
[15:23] <barry> bigjools: bug numbers plz :)
[15:23] <bigjools> haha :)
[15:23] <BjornT> barry: maybe we should tell everyone to pick their 1-2 top bugs, in an attempt to limit the discussions?
[15:23] <barry> BjornT: yes, good idea
[15:24] <abentley> barry: We can decide here what lp reviewers consider high priority. Please don't expect the code team to adopt those priorities verbatim.
[15:24] <flacoste> abentley: that's for sure
[15:24] <barry> [ACTION] everyone come to next week's meeting with your top 1-2 merge-proposal bug numbers
[15:24] <MootBot> ACTION received: everyone come to next week's meeting with your top 1-2 merge-proposal bug numbers
[15:24] <barry> abentley: right
[15:24] <abentley> barry: Or alternatively, we could have a meeting where thumper was involved.
[15:25] <barry> abentley: we should do that, but only after we've agreed among ourselves
[15:25] <abentley> And then the outcome might be clearer.
[15:25] <barry> abentley: and remember i have asiapac meetings with thumper and co on monday nights (i know you know that :)
[15:25] <barry> well, /my/ monday nights
[15:26] <BjornT> abentley: agreed, the priorities we come up with here only serves for guidelines. i don't think thumper needs to be in this meeting.
[15:26] <abentley> Okay.
[15:26] <barry> any other topics not on the agenda?
[15:27] * bigjools raises hand
[15:27] <bigjools> can I nominate a new reviewer?
[15:27] <barry> bigjools: of course!
[15:27] <bigjools> good - Muharem wants to start.
[15:28] <bigjools> he's looking for a mentor right now
[15:28] <bigjools> OAO
[15:29] <barry> bigjools: +1. let me know if he can't round someone up
[15:29] <bigjools> copy that
[15:29] <barry> anything else?
[15:30] <barry> 5...4...3...2...1
[15:30] <barry> [TOPIC] action items
[15:30] <MootBot> New Topic: action items
[15:30] <barry> please tell me if we should continue these or just forget they ever happened
[15:30] <barry> * flacoste and foundations to look into techniques for eliminating back-patching of schema types (avoiding circular imports)
[15:30] * bigjools would love that --^
[15:30] * barry too, and he doesn't think it's that hard
[15:30] <flacoste> hmm, yeah, i forgot about that
[15:31] <flacoste> barry, patch is welcome ;-)
[15:31] <barry> flacoste: ah, a challenge! :)
[15:31] <bigjools> wow, OSS fever :)
[15:31] <barry> flacoste: sounds like the perfect thing to do while on hold waiting for your isp to un-fsck you
[15:32] <barry> so we'll continue that one
[15:32] <barry> * rockstar to take discussion of adding launchpadlib tests for exposed api to ml
[15:32] * barry thinks rockstar fell asleep again :)
[15:32] <barry> * abentley to investigate current code coverage tools for lp tests
[15:33] <rockstar> barry, well, we discussed it at the Epic.
[15:33] <abentley> Current tools don't do what I want.
[15:34] <barry> rockstar: good. i will remove it from the agenda! thanks
[15:34] <barry> abentley: cool, you've investigated so i can take it off the agenda :)
[15:35] <flacoste> rockstar: could you file a bug about allowing launchpadlib to speak directly to the publisher for testing purpose?
[15:35] <rockstar> flacoste, sure.
[15:35] <abentley> What I want is a way to know whether a given test command exercises all the new code in a patch.
[15:35] <flacoste> rockstar: that's the main blocker to allow this
[15:35] <rockstar> Okay.
[15:36] <barry> i think that's it. if there are no objections we can end early today
[15:36] <barry> 5
[15:37] <barry> 4
[15:37] <barry> 3
[15:37] <barry> 2
[15:37] <barry> 1
[15:37] <barry> #endmeeting
[15:37] <MootBot> Meeting finished at 09:37.
[15:37] <barry> thanks everyone!
[15:37] <bigjools> cheers
[15:38] <mars> thanks barry
[15:38] <barry> see ya back at the ranch
=== mrevell_ is now known as mrevell
=== bac is now known as bac_lunch
=== bac_lunch is now known as bac
=== cprov-lunch is now known as cprov
=== spm_ is now known as spm