UbuntuIRC / 2008 /11 /19 /#edubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[00:16] <Ahmuck> wow, i broke my ltsp server
[01:19] <LaserJock> stgraber: while you're up, I'm slowly getting https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Edubuntu/StrategyDocument going
[01:19] <LaserJock> comments on the outline would be appreciated
[01:20] <stgraber> LaserJock: ok, I'll have a look
[01:29] <stgraber> LaserJock: looks good, I guess objective #3 will also be to have different set of softwares depending on the target to avoid having gcompris and rasmol with the same install :)
[01:30] <LaserJock> stgraber: yeah, good point
[11:36] <saliom> this room is not to do support?
[15:34] <Ahmuck> saliom, yes, you can get support here if you wait
[15:37] <sbalneav> Ahmuck: I think he's gone :)
[15:39] <Ahmuck> k, i followed nubae's script for fat clients, and now my ltsp server is borken :(
[15:39] <Ahmuck> so i'm missing something
[18:54] <Ahmuck> nubae: i tried your fat client setup and borked my ltsp server
[18:55] <nubae> Ahmuck: and how did u do that exactly?
[18:56] <ogra> he used the --bork option :)
[18:56] <Ahmuck> lol
[18:56] <nubae> fatclient doesnt touch the existing ltsp setup
[18:56] <Ahmuck> exactly as you had it in your blog
[18:56] <nubae> unless you indeed use the --bork option
[18:57] <nubae> :-)
[18:57] <Ahmuck> let me pull up the blog entry
[18:57] <Ahmuck> http://www.nubae.com/ltsp-linux-terminal-server-project-netbooted-fat-client-for-ubuntu-hardy-and-intrepid
[18:57] <nubae> Ahmuck: what did u type to install fatclient script
[18:57] <nubae> thanks for pointing to my own blog...
[18:58] <nubae> I'm asking what YOU typed to install the script
[18:58] <Ahmuck> touch 030-fatclient
[18:58] <Ahmuck> sudo nano 030-fatclient
[18:58] <Ahmuck> paste
[18:58] <Ahmuck> save
[18:59] <Ahmuck> reboot
[19:00] <Ahmuck> Edit /etc/ltsp/dhcpd.conf - in this file, it appears i need to specify each thin client
[19:00] <Ahmuck> by mac address
[19:00] <Ahmuck> anywho, my dhcpd.conf file looks exactly as yours with the exception that is set the mac address and the ip address of the client
[19:01] <nubae> how did u install the fatclient script?
[19:01] <Ahmuck> the client is booting pxe and starts looking for a dhcp address, but cannot find one. looking at the instructions, the ip address are set, so it appears that they are static?
[19:01] <nubae> after editting and all...
[19:01] <Ahmuck> nubae: copy/past
[19:01] <Ahmuck> copy/paste
[19:01] <Ahmuck> save
[19:02] <Ahmuck> so i copied it from your blog, pasted it into a file and saved
[19:02] <nubae> no... something along the lines of sudo ltsp-build-client --fatclient Ubuntu
[19:02] <nubae> or did u not build a chroot?
[19:03] <nubae> because without one, it would be hard for dhcp to find it...
[19:03] <Ahmuck> er, yes. but now that i think about it, i may have placed the script in the directory after building chroot. i'll run through the processes again
[19:03] <Ahmuck> though, it did download a ton of stuff
[19:04] <nubae> Ahmuck: the script must be put into the /usr/share/ltsp/plugins/ltsp-build-client/Ubuntu
[19:04] <nubae> directory
[19:04] <nubae> and then u must do ltsp-build-client --chroot name-of-chroot --fatclient Ubuntu --highfat
[19:05] <nubae> the dhcp file must then contain entries to load up both normal clients and fat clients as outlined
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[19:09] <nubae> also, paste me your dhcpd.conf file so I can take a look: pastebin.be
[19:10] <Ahmuck> /usr/share/ltsp/plugins/ltsp-build-client/ubuntu/030-fatclient - on your website
[19:10] <Ahmuck> so i assume that ubuntu should be Ubuntu
[19:10] <nubae> right, is it lower case on my site?
[19:10] <Ahmuck> yes
[19:10] <nubae> let me go fix that, good catch... :-)
[19:11] <Ahmuck> i did however get it in the right directory. removing /opt/ltsp/fati386 now for rebuild
[19:11] <Ahmuck> ya, about the paste. i have no gui at the moment on the server
[19:11] <Ahmuck> :(
[19:12] <nubae> ok, then email or use links
[19:12] <Ahmuck> i'll fiddle with it and see if i can't get a thin client to come up and then firefox and paste
[19:12] <nubae> info at nubae dot com
[19:12] <Eghie> nubae: thanks for the howto on your blog, I've just read it
[19:12] <nubae> Eghie: cool
[19:12] <Eghie> that same kind of idea has been on my mind for a while
[19:13] <Eghie> performance whise, it could be working out very well
[19:14] <nubae> it does yes... if you have powerful clients, it certainly makes a difference
[19:14] <Eghie> brainstorm of my on this: http://developer.thuis-online.nl/thinfatclient.txt
[19:14] <Ahmuck> nubae: what is the difference in your proceedure and the other one listed on ubuntu's website?
[19:15] <nubae> which one on the ubuntu site? UbuntuLTSP/fatclient ?
[19:15] <nubae> Eghie: I'll take a look and see if I cant integrate some of that stuff in the next version
[19:16] <nubae> but overall looks like most of that is what I've done :-)
[19:16] <Eghie> I guess so yes
[19:17] <nubae> except this: - Use (if harddrive exists) the harddrive, to store all the things
[19:17] <Eghie> but performance wise, and also easier for clustering, I will check if I can intergrate OpenAFS to use that to share home directories
[19:17] <nubae> the point is its netbooted, but local hard drive access is enabled
[19:17] <Eghie> well, you also need permissions from the administrator of the machine to write to the harddrive
[19:17] <Eghie> so, that should be optional
[19:18] <nubae> no, I disable those on setup of client
[19:18] <Eghie> ah
[19:18] <nubae> I figure, if its a fat client, local access should be for a storage area or access area to global files
[19:19] <Eghie> swap could also be handy
[19:19] <nubae> local swap u mean?
[19:19] <Eghie> yes
[19:19] <nubae> yep indeed
[19:19] <nubae> but not every fatclient will have a hard drive
[19:19] <Eghie> no that's correct
[19:19] <nubae> Id need to detect if it does, and then if it is there use local swap
[19:19] <nubae> but its a good idea
[19:21] <nubae> Ahmuck: the stuff on the ubuntu site was written by me too
[19:22] <Ahmuck> ah. there are two ways for fat clients ?
[19:23] <Eghie> I guess the old and the new way ;)
[19:23] <nubae> not really, more like a manual and automatic way
[19:23] <nubae> or the old and new way like Eghie says
[19:24] <Ahmuck> ah, ok
[19:25] <nubae> but if ltsp is not working at all for u... then its probably a problem with your dhpcd.conf
[19:30] <Eghie> nubae: the script mentioned on the blog, expects NFS as homedirectory, right?
[19:31] <Eghie> uses i mean
[19:31] <Eghie> does that crash the client on network hickups?
[19:32] <Eghie> because 2 years ago I had my own homedirectory connected via CIFS to the server
[19:32] <Eghie> but when there was a network hickup, my client crashed
[19:32] <nubae> yes
[19:32] <Eghie> because, I think it didn't heard of caching that much
[19:32] <nubae> well, not
[19:32] <nubae> hicupps so much as turning off the server
[19:32] <nubae> on hiccupps there is a lag
[19:33] <nubae> and then comes back
[19:33] <nubae> but since its only home mounted, it generally recovers ok
[19:33] <Eghie> as in, switch off, hmm reboot and stuff like that
[19:33] <nubae> I've not had problems with it, lets put it that way
[19:33] <nubae> right
[19:33] <Eghie> or restarting NFS service/ samba service
[19:33] <Eghie> those kind of hicups
[19:34] <Eghie> or restarten /etc/init.d/networking
[19:34] <Ahmuck> wouldn't that be done at night and users would not be present?
[19:35] <Eghie> nah, it could be recovery work for your network services, or adding a network client, or messing with IPtables, or some things like that
[19:35] <Eghie> or even unstable switches
[19:36] <nubae> that generally is ok, its turning off the server that kills it
[19:37] <nubae> other elements it recovers from
[19:37] <nubae> again, in my experience
[19:37] <Eghie> hmm ok
[19:37] <Eghie> guess that NFS has enough caching support to handle that
[19:44] <Eghie> wireless PXE boot is still not possible, or is it?
[19:46] <nubae> pxe boot, no
[19:46] <nubae> but there are workarounds
[19:47] <Eghie> installing a basic variant of the LTSP client OS on the client, and setup the network service via wireless
[19:47] <nubae> more like usb sticks
[19:47] <Eghie> or via initrd and then load the rest via network
[19:47] <nubae> right
[19:48] <Eghie> well, I don't use wireless clients
[19:48] <Eghie> but could be usefull
[19:48] <Eghie> if it worked though
[19:49] <nubae> it would work ok with netbooted fatclients
[19:59] <Eghie> seems not many people tried LTSP fat client
[20:00] <Eghie> not that many sources/articles/questions on that one on the internet
[20:00] <nubae> nah, but I get a lot of hits to the blog so enough...
[20:04] <Eghie> did you also have quota problems?
[20:04] <Eghie> or not using quota's?
[20:18] <Ahmuck> actually, i need quota's 4 sure
[20:20] <Eghie> well, what do you do, when a user his homedirectory is full?
[20:20] <Eghie> he will not be able to login agai
[20:20] <Eghie> n
[20:23] <Eghie> so he will not be able to cleanup his own homedirectory
[22:09] <Ahmuck> rm -rf *.mp3 from home directory :)
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[23:41] <Ahmuck> :(, i'm going to re-install
[23:50] <Ahmuck> i've been looking at some ltsp client machines, however with intels atom proc and boards, one can build a ful fledge fat client for the same price they are asking