UbuntuIRC / 2008 /11 /18 /#ubuntu-server.txt
Initial commit
[00:02] <[Solars]> has the new version be made public yet?
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[00:47] <eolo999> hi i was fighting with amanda-backup-server... and i lost... can you suggest me an easier backup server solution?
[00:48] <Deeps> !backup | eolo999
[00:48] <ubottu> eolo999: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning
[00:48] <eolo999> Deeps: thx
[00:51] <eolo999> !sbackup
[00:51] <ubottu> sbackup is a tool to create complete and/or incremental backups (which can be scheduled to be automatic, and can be done over a network). It is available in !Universe
[01:11] <[Solars]> is it consider safe to upgrade to 8.10?
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[03:06] <uvirtbot> New bug: #299306 in samba (main) "Permission denied of usershares statfile in Samba 3.0.28a-1ubuntu4.7" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/299306
[04:51] <Fenix|home> Greetings
[04:51] <Fenix|home> How the heck to I change the default locale from POSIX to en_CA.UTF-8 ?
[04:52] <Fenix|home> the locale already exists. I added LANG="en_CA.UTF-8" and LANGUAGE="en_CA:en" to /etc/environment... but it keeps coming back as POSIX
[04:59] <jmarsden> On a server, or on a desktop? On a Ubuntu desktop you can use the GUI System -> Administration -> Language Support
[04:59] <jmarsden> You did log out and back in again after editing /etc/environment?
[06:42] <jlc> anyway to get any type of status while formating a file system during server install, its just kind of sitting at 33% for about an hour or so
[06:43] <jlc> 8.04.01 server /home 2.3ish TB
[06:43] <hads> Doesn't soundright
[06:43] <hads> s/dr/d r/
[06:43] <jlc> i know it takes awhile but its quiet some time
[06:43] <jlc> :)
[06:44] <jlc> if i got to another tty and sign in, tty4 shows i signed in so its reponding
[06:45] <jlc> I don't remember it taking this long
[06:48] <jlc> any chance 2.+TB is to big to do on ubuntu server 8.04?
[06:48] <jlc> i cant possibly think of an option that would do that in the kernel
[06:48] <jmarsden> jlc: It's possible. Google for ext3 filesystem limits and see what you get?
[06:49] <jlc> i had opensuse on here for the last week playing around with it, before that it was running centos
[06:49] <jlc> but i've been using ubuntu any more on the desktop, thought i might as well use it on my servers so i was starting to roll it out
[06:50] <jmarsden> And you frequently have single filesystems over 2GB? fsck must take a little while :-)
[06:50] <jmarsden> 2TB I mean.
[06:50] <hads> Hmm good point, 2TB may be the limit for ext3
[06:51] <jlc> I just have a raid 5 and make /home the whole shebang
[06:51] <jmarsden> Limit is officially block size dependent per http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ext3#Size_limits
[06:51] <jmarsden> But is 2TB if your block size is 1kb
[06:52] <jlc> my wife is a photographer so i backup her data, she is using about 1tb on another server and I back it up to this one, except for right now :)
[06:52] * hads hugs JFS
[06:52] <jmarsden> Maybe make a /home of say 500GB and a /home/wife of the rest?
[06:53] <jlc> oh
[06:53] <jlc> lol
[06:53] <jlc> it just started
[06:53] <jlc> :)
[06:53] <jlc> only 1.5 hours of formating
[06:53] <jmarsden> OK, problem solved :-)
[06:53] <hads> Interesting
[06:53] <jlc> lol
[06:54] <hads> ext3 does things slowly with large filesystems, I didn't know it was that slow at formatting though.
[06:54] <jlc> i've had other linux and bsd on here so i didn't think it was ext3 or linux specific but possibly something in the kernel
[07:02] <jlc> you think xfs might be better on here
[07:02] <jlc> last time i tried jfs it was pretty slow but that was smaller FS and about 5 years ago
[07:04] <jlc> reason for one large fS was just because its raid 5 and the OS is sitting on a mirror, but if OS goes down, hopefully i could just come back and mount the whole thing
[07:15] <jlc> install done, 2.4TB is the size of /home
[07:23] <jlc> is jfs/xfs still being maintained?
[07:26] <soren> Sure.
[07:27] <jlc> yeah, looking at jfs change log now
[07:28] * soren recommends xfs
[07:28] <jlc> yeah, its a toss up right now between the two, i was using ext3 but it is slow and i figure now is a good as time as any to try one
[07:28] <jlc> keep in mind this is a 2.+TB FS
[07:28] * soren shrugs
[07:29] <soren> Shouldn't be a problem for XFS at least.
[07:29] <jlc> yeah, both seem to do good on large FS from what I'm reading, just cant decide
[07:29] <soren> I've (not surprisingly) tested it, but it's supposed to handle volumes of up to 16 exabytes. I trust that should suffice for your use case for quite some time.. :)
[07:29] <jlc> I did have a bad experience with xfs several years ago
[07:30] <jlc> yeah:)
[07:32] <soren> Pfft. JFS only handles up to 32 PB volumes.
[07:32] <soren> :)
[07:35] <hads> heh
[07:36] <hads> XFS seems to be more common. I just chose JFS a while back and have stuck with it, haven't had any issues so no reason to change.
[07:42] <jlc> interesting
[07:42] <jlc> jfs just took about 2 minutes to format the 2.6TB
[07:43] <henkjan> where ext3 took a couple of hours to finish?
[07:43] <jlc> about an 1hour and half
[07:44] <jlc> i made an small ext3 /boot, 2gb swap, 150gb jfs / and 2.6TB jfs /home
[07:45] <jlc> other than ufs/zfs its been a long time since I used anything other than ext3 ;)
[07:45] <hads> fsck is a major difference.
[07:46] <jlc> btrfs sounds like it will be nice
[08:00] <kraut> moin
[09:34] <_ruben> hrm .. ubuntu's (hardy) mail command doesnt allow for attachments to be added using -a, bah
[09:34] <_ruben> lets see if nail or another variant is available which does allow attachments
[09:37] <Kamping_Kaiser> is that mailx or mailutils mail?
[09:38] <_ruben> mailx, but apparently mailutils' behaves the same
[09:39] <_ruben> im used to nail (which is the mail command on suse)
[09:39] <henkjan> install mutt ;)
[09:39] * Kamping_Kaiser bes supprised
[09:39] <_ruben> henkjan: i might actually have to resort to smth like that :)
[09:40] <_ruben> this (backup) script has to run on both suse and ubuntu .. it attaches the logfiles, which doesnt work on ubuntu now :/
[09:42] <_ruben> apparently mutt can be used as a drop-in replacement for mail/nail, nice
[09:42] <Kamping_Kaiser> :/
[09:42] <Kamping_Kaiser> i should learn to use mail, never knew how to do attachments
[09:43] <_ruben> Kamping_Kaiser: with mailx you cant, with nail and mutt u use -a file
[09:44] <Kamping_Kaiser> _ruben, bother, now i have to learn mutt :p
[09:49] <spiekey> Hello!
[09:49] <spiekey> soren: are you there mate? :)
[09:55] <soren> spiekey: I am.
[09:58] <spiekey> soren: have you ever got a "recent" kernel running with xen?
[09:58] <spiekey> 2.6.24 or above?
[09:58] <soren> Yes.
[09:58] * spiekey thinks soren was the virtuallisation master
[09:58] <spiekey> soren: is there a howot?
[09:58] <spiekey> howto?
[09:58] <soren> Yes, here: "Just do it"
[09:58] <soren> What's up?
[09:59] <LoveGuru> Is there any Gud tutorial for howto setup "mail server" ?
[09:59] <jlc> what is the difference in dns on server and workstation/desktop installs?
[09:59] <jlc> I can't ping my server by hostname
[10:00] <jlc> nsswitch.conf is a bit different
[10:00] <jlc> server = hosts: files dns
[10:00] <spiekey> soren: the patches and stuff is available at xen.org?
[10:00] <jlc> desktop = hosts: files mdns4_minimal [NOTFOUND=return] dns mdns4
[10:00] <andol> LoveGuru: Will these do? https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/serverguide/C/email-services.html
[10:00] <henkjan> jlc: you ping $hostname.local ?
[10:01] <soren> spiekey: I just use the Ubuntu kernels.
[10:01] <henkjan> jlc: the server has no default avahi installed
[10:01] <soren> jlc: You can't ping the server from the server?
[10:01] <jlc> henkjan: yes
[10:01] <jlc> i can ping server from server but not desktop to server
[10:02] <jlc> i can ping workstation via hostname from server too
[10:02] <soren> Accesssing other machines on the network by their hostname without support from DNS requires avahi.
[10:03] <jlc> avahi-daemon
[10:04] <jlc> is that what I need on the server
[10:04] <jlc> or configure it as a dns server
[10:04] <jlc> https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/serverguide/C/dns.html
[10:05] <henkjan> using avahi on local network is imho no problem
[10:05] <henkjan> but avahi exposes all running services to everyone
[10:05] <henkjan> maybe you won't install it on a colocated server
[10:05] <jlc> its just local/home
[10:05] <soren> avahi will only work on a LAN anyway.
[10:06] <soren> Installing it on a colocated server won't let you ping it by hostname.
[10:17] <LoveGuru> andol: thanks sorry i didn't see ur msg
[10:18] <jlc> ok, so now i can ping hostname.local
[10:22] <jlc> what is the desktop running that gives the ability to just ping by hostname, minus the .local?
[10:27] <micheluntu> jlc: I use the "search" line in /etc/resolv.conf ..
[10:29] <jlc> i checked that, both are the same
[10:29] <jlc> justin@kainos:~$ ping krutch
[10:29] <jlc> ping: unknown host krutch
[10:29] <jlc> krutch.local <- works now that avahi-deamon is installed
[10:30] <Deeps> could manually update your windows network settings to add the dns suffix .local
[10:31] <Deeps> not exactly ideal though
[10:31] <jlc> yeah, and thats not windows ;)
[10:31] <jlc> kainos is 8.10 desktop
[10:31] <jlc> krutch is 8.04 server
[10:31] <Deeps> oh, i thought you were doing something with windows, my bad
[10:31] <jlc> no worries
[10:32] <jlc> just cant hit server by hostname alone
[10:32] <Deeps> you have search local in your resolv.conf?
[10:32] <micheluntu> dns suffix is used on linux too.. it's the search entry
[10:32] <jlc> hurm
[10:33] <jlc> micheluntu: on the server right
[10:33] <Deeps> on both
[10:33] <micheluntu> on both
[10:33] <jlc> it finds the domain name that my router is pushing out
[10:34] <jlc> search gateway.2wire.net
[10:34] <jlc> both have the same
[10:34] <Deeps> add search local above that, see if it makes a difference
[10:34] <micheluntu> it's passed by dhcp
[10:35] <micheluntu> you can modify the router to use "local" instead of "gateway.2wire.net"
[10:35] <jlc> yeah, but why do desktop installs work fine
[10:35] <jlc> freebsd also works
[10:36] <jlc> seems confusing :)
[10:37] <jlc> i'll check it out later, its 4:40am and I need to get up around 6-6:30 before my kids so... ;)
[10:37] <jlc> i shall get some rest
[10:37] <jlc> thanks for your help
[10:40] <micheluntu> jlc: ok see you.. there is domain-name entry in avahi-daemon.conf
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[13:34] <Stonekeeper> hi. As a little experiment I've installed fvwm and slim on a default ubuntu server. On reboot, init shows that slim is attempting to start but it doesn't actually seem to do anything. Any ideas?
[13:38] <Deeps> look in the logs?
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[15:02] <spiekey> can i map /dev/mapper/foo to /dev/sg0 somehow?
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[15:44] <zul> mathiaz: when you get a chance can you have a look at the mysql merge, its giving me grief when building it
[15:44] <mathiaz> zul: sure
[15:44] <zul> mathiaz: thanks
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[16:11] <uvirtbot> New bug: #299481 in nagios-plugins (universe) "Please merge nagios-plugins 1.4.12-4 (main) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/299481
[16:16] <zul> Koon: ping I was basically done nagios-plugins, I just have to update the changelog
[16:16] <Koon> zul: arg :)
[16:18] <Koon> zul: interested in my debdiff ? I just had to do some sanity tests and check if it closed existing bugs
[16:18] <zul> Koon: sure
[16:26] <Koon> zul: attached to the bug
[16:27] <zul> Koon: thanks
[16:30] <Koon> zul: note that I still had to validate the check_http segfault is really fixed upstream.
[16:31] <zul> Koon: kk
[16:50] <zul> Koon: uploaded
[16:50] <Koon> zul: yours or mine ? If mine, I hope you fixed the LP:xxxxxx entry :)
[16:51] <zul> Koon: mine
[16:51] <Koon> heh -- great :)
[17:07] <uvirtbot> New bug: #299489 in nut (universe) "[jaunty] /usr/lib/libupsclient1.so is a dangling link" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/299489
[17:21] <Deeps> wow, thats nuts, centos default install installs portmap, nfs, and has ssh1 enabled out of the box
[17:22] <dou213> hi guys, my kvm doesn't acknowledge my keyboard on boot, so i can't choose the os from grub
[17:22] <dou213> any ideas?
[17:22] <Deeps> remove the kvm, plug in directly?
[17:24] <dou213> i'm using more than one pc, so i need the kvm
[17:25] <Deeps> replace the kvm with one that works with your hardware
[17:26] <dou213> Deeps: do u use kvm? may i ask which firm?
[17:26] <Deeps> i dont, no
[17:26] <Deeps> not currently, anyway
[17:27] <dou213> asked in other channels, seems that kvms from Belkin work just fine
[17:27] <dou213> mine is Zonet
[17:35] <dana_good> dou213: how old is the computer that isn't recognizing the KVM keyboard?
[17:36] <dou213> dana_good: it is old, a pentium 2
[17:37] <dana_good> dou213: power the server off completely and then start it up with its channel selected on the kvm the whole time, if that doesn't work, its not compatible with that kvm
[17:37] <dana_good> and probably not compatible with any KVM
[17:38] <dou213> dana_good: when i reboot, it allows me to enter setup, thus use keyboard to press DEL, only in GRUB it won't work
[17:38] <soren> How do you connect keyboards to KVM's these days? USB? PS/2? DIN :) ?
[17:38] <dou213> mine is usb
[17:38] <dana_good> dou213: that makes no sense, i can't think of any solutions
[17:39] <soren> dou213: Are you connecting the USB directly to the old machine or are you using a usb->ps/2 adapter?
[17:39] <dou213> dana_good: i also tried increasing the time of the bootloader to 1 minute, maybe it needs some time to acknowledge the keyboard, nothing!
[17:39] <dana_good> soren: theres USB and PS/2 kvms as well as weird sun and adb connectors
[17:39] <dou213> soren: neither nor, i'm connecting the keyboard (usb) to the kvm
[17:39] <soren> dana_good: Sorry if I was unclear. I meant the garden variety KVM, not the weird old sun types.
[17:40] <soren> dou213: That's what I meant by "directly to the old machine".. Have you tried connecting a usb keyboard to it directly?
[17:41] <dou213> soren: no, 'til today i had a ps/2 keyboard connected...
[17:41] <soren> dana_good: I'm familiar with the existense of KVM's for PS/2 as well as DIN... I'm just wondering what you get if you just order a KVM switch. What the default is.
[17:41] <soren> dou213: Try it. Make sure you're barking up the right tree.
[17:41] <dou213> soren: but it makes no sense, why would it work in bios and not grub?
[17:41] <soren> dou213: If the machine doesn't like USB at all, it's hardly the kvm's fault.
[17:42] <soren> dou213: GRUB and the BIOS both work in mysterious ways.
[17:42] <dou213> soren: lol
[17:42] <soren> dou213: Sometimes, there's an option in the BIOS to do USB legacy support or something like that.
[17:43] <soren> But at any rate: Try connecting a usb keyboard directly and see if it flies.
[17:43] <ElDelfin> does anybody know of any fserves for linux that work? I just completed looking at about 8 for xchat, and only one worked, and couldn't send a file based on a trigger. I'm going to install FindBot for IRSSi, and if it doesn't work, that'll be all the scripts I know about on linux.
[17:43] <dou213> soren: omw
[17:44] <soren> ElDelfin: I think there were about 7 words in there that I completely understood.
[17:44] <soren> ElDelfin: fserves?
[17:44] <Deeps> irc fileserving scripts
[17:44] <soren> send a file based on a trigger?
[17:44] <soren> For what?
[17:45] * soren is failing at IRC right now, apparantly
[17:45] <soren> dou213: "omw"?
[17:45] <Deeps> generally they initiate a dcc chat with the requestor, who can then browse a filesystem and request files
[17:45] <soren> Oh, "on my way"
[17:45] <soren> I get it.
[17:45] <soren> Deeps: Why? What's the benefit over ftp or http or whatever?
[17:46] <Deeps> http and ftp sites can be found by spiders, fserves generally arent, and thus make them useful for warez
[17:46] <ElDelfin> unlike ftp, you can request files when a lot of other ppl want files from the servers
[17:46] <ElDelfin> then, they are in a queue.
[17:46] <Deeps> and that
[17:46] * soren mumbles something about bittorrent
[17:46] <ElDelfin> with an ftp, you can't queue up yer file and leave.
[17:47] <soren> Anyhow, ElDelfin, I don't think this is the best channel for that sort of question.
[17:47] <ElDelfin> bit torrents are gr8, but there are things on IRC that are not on bit torrents.
[17:47] <soren> If it were me, I would probably ask in one of the channels where such "fserves" hang out.
[17:47] <ElDelfin> ok. ubuntu server. what ubuntu # do i ask ?'s about servers on ubuntu in?
[17:47] <soren> ElDelfin: Are you saying that you're going to use your fserve to put things on irc that are already on irc?
[17:48] <ElDelfin> no. things that are not already on irc
[17:48] <Deeps> ElDelfin: suppose you were doing tihs on windows, would you ask in #windows? or would you ask in a channel related to what you're doing?
[17:48] <soren> ElDelfin: Then I don't understand your argument against bittorrent.
[17:49] <soren> ElDelfin: You don't want to use bittorrent, because there's stuff on irc that isn't on bittorrent. You use this as an argument for putting more stuff on IRC. I don't get it.
[17:49] <ElDelfin> it's a fine way to offer, and i may do that too. i like the content in some irc #'s, and think some might be more appreciated there.
[17:49] <soren> Ask in one of those channels then.
[17:50] <ElDelfin> well, perhaps #windows-servers, but then, it might could be more specific yet. there are more windows users.
[17:50] <ElDelfin> i don't know of a better ubuntu #, although i'm open to ideas.
[17:50] <Deeps> i'd imagine a channel that'd be comprised of people interested in active directory, exchange, terminal services, zfs, etc probably wouldn't care too much about your irc service
[17:50] <Deeps> zfs? lol, dfs.
[17:51] <soren> ElDelfin: For someone who's open to ideas you certainly seem to ignore them a lot.
[17:51] <ElDelfin> how so?
[17:51] <dou213> soren: update: when i connect the keyboard(usb) directly to the server, it also doesn't work in grub.. maybe there is some option in bios which i must change
[17:51] <soren> ElDelfin: I keep telling you to ask in the channels where users of these fserves hang out.
[17:51] <soren> dou213: How about that.. :)
[17:52] <ElDelfin> ok, twice just now. sorry to keep answering questions and keep talking to you.
[17:52] <soren> ElDelfin: I'm not trying to be difficult. I'm just pointing out that this channel probably isn't the best place to ask. It's hardly our fault that we're not experts on sharing warez over IRC. We deal with free software here...
[17:52] <dou213> soren: at least we're one step further... :) but what now?
[17:52] <dana_good> soren: i think there's a transitional period right now. most KVMs have USB and PS/2 for the console and support both for connecting to servers. the new trend is ethernet based KVM cables, which can convert from basically anything to ethernet.
[17:53] <soren> dou213: I'd a) go looking for that option in the BIOS and failing that b) go to the nearest hardware store and buy myself a usb->ps/2 connector.
[17:53] <soren> ElDelfin: I'm not trying to be difficult. I'm just pointing out that this channel probably isn't the best place to ask. It's hardly our fault that we're not experts on sharing warez over IRC. We deal with free software here...
[17:53] <ElDelfin> btw: soren, you're a real prick.
[17:53] <soren> Glad I could help.
[17:54] <dou213> soren: option b) is not valid, for my kvm has no ps/2 compatibility
[17:56] <soren> I'm not sure how those things actually work.
[17:57] * soren wonders what he meant by "sorry to keep answering questions and keep talking to you"
[17:58] <soren> I have IRC logs going back more than a year. He's been here twice, both times asking questions about sending files over IRC.
[17:58] * soren shrugs
[18:45] <paul687> hi I wan to set up my server as router however when I ping from my dlink towards my eth0 it is working but can't connect to eth1 the same goes if I connect through the linksys how do I solve this
[19:14] <martyn_> Hi dudes. I have a server with named ansuk.org a sub-domain atlas.ansuk.org. Currently if people enter www.ansuk.org they go to the main site but have to drop the www to use the atlas sub. Am I correct in thinking I use a CNAME in the DNS record, to add www.atlas.ansuk.org to atlas.ansuk.org. Currently anything with www at the front goes to the main site.
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[19:31] <Deeps> ok so....
[19:31] <Deeps> i've used vmware-mount.pl to mount a virtual disk in a screen session
[19:31] <Deeps> i've since detached from that screen and attempted to make some changes to the mounted filesystem
[19:32] <Deeps> the terminal i did that in hung, and when i tried to do an ls -l in a second terminal i had active within that fs, to see if it was doing the changes (chown), just slowly, it hung too
[19:32] <Deeps> now i cant get another ssh session up
[19:32] <chanibal> hey, i'm just in the process of upgrading 8.04->8.10 (server edition) and do-release-upgrade hung on * Setting up console font and keymap... - anyone had smth like that?
[19:32] <Deeps> the box still pings, but i cant ssh in anymore :/
[19:33] <Deeps> i have 2 stalled ssh sessions
[19:33] <Deeps> ctrl+c doesn't work, ctrl+z doesn't work, any suggestions?
[19:34] <NCommander> Deeps, no idea, I've never had an issue doing it over remote, but I'd never upgrade a server unless I was sitting next to it, or someone I know was :-)
[19:34] <[Solars]> is it consider safe to upgrade from 8.04 to 8.10 now?
[19:34] <Deeps> urr, you mean chanibal?
[19:34] <Deeps> NCommander: urr, you mean chanibal?
[19:34] <NCommander> [Solars], only if you have hugged your backup
[19:35] <Deeps> NCommander: since i'm not trying to upgrade anything.... :p
[19:36] <chanibal> Deeps: there's a magic control+/ (or \) that sends some other signal, perhaps that?
[19:36] <chanibal> (through i have no idea what's the issue :D)
[19:36] <Deeps> chanibal: ta, ctrl+\ does nothing, ctrl+/ echos ^_ to the screen :(
[19:37] <chanibal> hm... worked on my urxvt, through on localbox, no ssh
[19:38] <Deeps> i have a feeling the machine's running out of file descriptors or something
[19:38] <Deeps> as now a couple of the vms wont let me establish new sessions
[19:38] <chanibal> there was something to read those, somewhere in /proc
[19:39] <chanibal> but the limit was very high if i remember correctly
[19:39] <Deeps> cant get onto the machine, it's in london, i'm in ireland, heh
[19:39] <chanibal> good thing my problem sits next to me, only doesn't have a monitor
[19:40] <chanibal> hm... maybe it's because i run do-release-upgrade on a screen?
[19:40] <Deeps> it's possible
[19:40] <chanibal> (by screen i mean /bin/screen not monitor or smth)
[19:40] <Deeps> yep
[19:41] <chanibal> or, so i'll disconnect from everything i can and reconnect, if the problem persists you'll see me again soon
[19:47] <chanibal> eh, done a ^C on the font issue and now aptitude works kinda in the background and the whole console is full of python tracebacks and apt errors :/
[19:47] <Lamo> When setting up a ubuntu web server for development which version is best to install?
[19:48] <Deeps> chanibal: sounds about normal, safe to ignore most of that
[19:48] <Deeps> Lamo: the latest, if you want the newest versions
[19:49] <Lamo> thinking I'll get 8.04
[19:49] <chanibal> aptitude seems to pick up when the errors started, still some hope...
[19:49] <Lamo> 8.10 is still giving me random freezing on my desktop
[19:49] <Deeps> ok then
[19:49] <chanibal> oh, and having a error in initramfs generation isn't a thing to ignore...
[19:50] <Deeps> no
[19:51] <chanibal> ^%#$% ^%#@!
[19:51] <uvirtbot> chanibal: Error: "%#$%" is not a valid command.
[19:51] <chanibal> Konfigurowanie console-setup (1.25ubuntu3) ... * Setting up console font and keymap...
[19:51] <chanibal> broke again
[19:52] <chanibal> what the hell is that console-setup package anyway
[19:52] <chanibal> ttys or smth
[19:52] <chanibal> ?
[19:52] <Deeps> i do not know, sorry
[19:53] <chanibal> and just wondering, your /usr/share/aptitude/aptitude-defaults.pl:49 also had errors? someone made the strings in the localisation incorrectly
[19:56] <chanibal> ok, found the bug
[19:56] <chanibal> getty was broken
[19:56] <chanibal> the one on console 1
[19:57] <chanibal> any idea if the upgrade required a restart?
[20:00] <chanibal> nvm, will do one anyway, see you
[20:01] <Deeps> the upgade should require a restart, yeah
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[21:06] <uvirtbot> New bug: #299638 in bind9 (main) "Please sync bind9 1:9.5.0.dfsg.P2-4 (main) from Debian unstable (main)." [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/299638
[21:52] <[Solars]> is it consider safe to upgrade from 8.04 to 8.10 now?
[22:45] <Deeps> ok, done a hard reboot on the server, still cant ssh in, installed telnetd, that also just connects and then drops
[22:46] <Deeps> lightttpd works though, as does the vmware httpd + normal logins
[22:46] <Deeps> any suggestions on something i can run to allow a remote terminal?
[22:47] <Deeps> nothing appearing in /var/log/(messages|syslog)
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[23:02] <Lamo> After adding a https source to my sources.lst file for mysql I receive the error "E: The method driver /usr/lib/apt/methods/https could not be found." when running apt-get update. does apt not support https? if so why does mysql offer it for ubuntu?
[23:09] <Lamo> After adding a https source to apt I get the following error'E: The method driver /usr/lib/apt/methods/https could not be found.' Does apt not support https?
[23:10] <Lamo> sorry for reposting my irc client crashed
[23:10] <Deeps> it would appear not
[23:11] <Lamo> weird though cause mysql offers a repo for apt with it
[23:20] <zoopster> do you have apt-transport-https installed?
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[23:21] <zoopster> it is not installed by default
[23:22] <Lamo> ah ill check thanks
[23:23] <Lamo> ah ha
[23:23] <Lamo> awesome
[23:23] <Lamo> thanks
[23:23] <zoopster> Sure.