UbuntuIRC / 2008 /11 /18 /#ubuntu-mythtv.txt
Initial commit
[00:14] <RMod> hello chan
[00:15] <RMod> anyone else experiencing probs booting 8.10
[00:15] <RMod> keeps dropping me to busybox
[00:19] <sjnovick> Hi room. I am using MythBuntu 8.04 on a fairly fast 64-bit computer (with lots of HD space). Everything works great except for the channel guide. Whenever I push the up or down arrow to look through the channels, there is a terrible lag time. Any advice?
[00:25] <sjnovick> !help
[00:25] <Zinn> !help Use ! followed by a topic to get help on the topic (if it exists) example: !logs. Other available commands: !status, !about, !bug [bug_number]. For a complete list of my knowledge visit: http://www.baablogic.net/Zinn.cgi
[00:25] <sjnovick> !slow channel guide
[00:25] <Zinn> Sorry I don't know about slow channel guide
[00:26] <hads> sj
[00:26] <hads> D'oh
[00:26] <LonEagle> oh man, really? i got a random grub error 13 but the 2nd time i try to boot it's fine
[00:26] <LonEagle> i should have made a 256mb /boot as the first partition
[01:36] <kgbzealor> Hello, I just recently upgraded Ubuntu from Gutsy with mythtv 0.21 (not fixes) to Hardy (which upgraded me to 0.21-fixes). Now, however, when I run "mythfrontend" in a terminal, it seems to run normally, except that no mythfrontend window appears. The same issue happens when I run mythtv-setup, where everything appears normal, but no GUI ever shows up. Any suggestions?
[01:48] <kattollikisd> can someone can just tell me what is the purpose of Mythbuntu?
[01:52] <foxbuntu> kattollikisd, what do you mean by that?
[01:53] <kattollikisd> I mean.... ( I don't know how to say it in english ) :(
[01:54] <kattollikisd> i'll try to tell you....
[01:55] <kattollikisd> What is the different think in Mythbuntu? I want to know... what think can do Mythbuntu?
[01:55] <kattollikisd> Foxbuntu, you get it right? :S
[01:56] <foxbuntu> kattollikisd, different from what?
[01:58] <kattollikisd> I mean in the metacity, or is if it mora faster, What Can i do in Mythbuntu that I can not do in other like Xubuntu or ubuntu etc.
[01:59] <foxbuntu> kattollikisd, Mythbuntu is basically a modified version of Xubuntu to be presetup for MythTV as a standalone device, but that does not limit what you can use it for.
[02:00] <kattollikisd> ok.. it mean a MythTV use Xfce ?
[02:01] <kattollikisd> ?
[02:02] <foxbuntu> MythTV does not require XFCE, we just chose XFCE for performance reasons
[02:02] <kattollikisd> ohh ok
[02:02] <kattollikisd> Thanks Foxbuntu :)
[02:37] <blinkn1> hello
[02:52] <frozenskunk> Has anyone had success getting the TV out of a PVR-350 working with 8.10? I can get test patterns and everything to display, but can't get my x session moved over to the 350 successfully. When I change to the xorg.conf file that should move things over, it fails on boot and I get a command line login prompt (which is at least on the tv) where I can login and change back to a working .conf file.
[02:54] <LonEagle> hmm what lets you play svid with the internal player?
[02:54] <LonEagle> err i meant xvid
[02:57] <frozenskunk> Not sure what you mean by that; are you asking where the video shows up when I try to play something through xvid?
[02:59] <LonEagle> oh wait i was looking at the video browser.
[03:00] <LonEagle> i got it now
[03:24] <scotepi> i just installed #ubuntu-mythtv for the 3rd time.. this time im getting out of range when X starts
[03:25] <scotepi> how do i configure X?
[03:25] <scotepi> i have a fairly high range display, 1280x1024@60
[03:25] <scotepi> *mythbuntu
[03:25] <superm1> scotepi, what video driver you using?
[03:26] <scotepi> AMD, trying to get TV out
[03:26] <scotepi> 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Radeon RV200 QW [Radeon 7500]
[03:26] <scotepi> oh crap, not suported ><
[03:26] <scotepi> have one of thouse at work and the propritary drivers dont suport em
[03:26] <superm1> yeah...
[03:26] <scotepi> how do i go back to default with another reinstall?
[03:27] <superm1> well just dont pick a graphics driver when you do the install
[03:27] <scotepi> but it takes like 30min to install
[03:27] <scotepi> there is a command i can run to remove em
[03:28] <superm1> apt-get remove --purge xorg-driver-fglrx fglrx-amdcccle fglrx-kernel-source
[03:28] <superm1> and then you have to restore the xorg.conf from /etc/X11/
[03:29] <scotepi> what deamon do i restart to restart x?
[03:29] <superm1> gdm
[03:30] <scotepi> w00t, thanks now if you firewire card will work
[03:31] <superm1> huh?
[03:41] <wsuetholz1> Hello I'm having a problem with the live 8.10 cd
[03:41] <superm1> !ask | wsuetholz1
[03:41] <Zinn> wsuetholz1: Please don't ask if anyone is around or if it is alright to ask a question. Many people check back periodically and may answer your question when they see it. IRC is not normally an instant fix so check back often for an answer.
[03:41] <wsuetholz1> It gets stuck trying to start bluetooth
[03:42] <superm1> do you have a bluetooth module at all?
[03:42] <wsuetholz1> No
[03:42] <superm1> do you have anything usb plugged in?
[03:42] <wsuetholz1> Yes
[03:42] <superm1> that might be indicative of something wrong with the usb bus
[03:42] <LonEagle> i've had that problem with my bluetooth module on my regular ubuntu thing
[03:43] <wsuetholz1> Hmmm. I will remove it. Its the wintv pvr2
[03:43] <wsuetholz1> I have checked cd and meemory
[03:44] <superm1> wsuetholz, yeah if it boots up without it plugged in you might have something wrong with something somewhere on that bus - either the pvr2, the cable, the port, or something in the software stack
[03:45] <wsuetholz1> Ok, usb unplugged
[03:47] <wsuetholz1> Boots,but have no vga.. Tv only
[03:48] <evanpro> Hi all.
[03:48] <evanpro> I have the world's easiest question, I think.
[03:48] <superm1> wsuetholz1, only plug in one for the install
[03:48] <superm1> plug in the other afterward
[03:48] <evanpro> I want to install a MythBuntu box in my mediacentre.
[03:48] <evanpro> But I don't know what hardware to buy.
[03:49] <superm1> easiest question... haha.
[03:49] <evanpro> Is there a list of recommended boxen to consider for MythBuntu installation?
[03:49] <superm1> yeah on the website there is a link
[03:49] <evanpro> superm1: OK, the easiest question is: "Which is better, MythBuntu or <other MythTV distro here>?"
[03:49] <wsuetholz1> I only have tv in, and its not th correct res
[03:49] <evanpro> Actually I don't know if there's another MythTV distro
[03:50] <foxbuntu> evanpro, there are a few
[03:50] <wsuetholz1> I dont have vga here
[03:50] <foxbuntu> evanpro, but since superm1 created Mythbuntu what do you think his answer will be?
[03:51] <evanpro> I'm trying to think of an easier question.
[03:51] <evanpro> 'What makes MythBuntu so great -- the MythTV part, or the Ubuntu part?"
[03:52] <foxbuntu> evanpro, its not necessarily either, its more about our advancements in making it easy for new users
[03:52] <tgm4883_laptop> i'd say the Ubuntu part
[03:52] <wsuetholz1> Text console displays
[03:52] <tgm4883_laptop> we gain alot from underlying ubuntu stuff
[03:53] <tgm4883_laptop> but yea, we've done alot to make it easier too
[03:53] <scotepi> idk whats wrong, firewire cap, it can change the channels, but i dont get video.. i get signal 100% | (L__) Partial Lock... this box works fine on max os x
[03:53] <foxbuntu> well Ubuntu is better than Fedora or Knoppix, but if a user is looking at the system in the end state Mythbuntu stand apart because of our advancements, right tgm4883_laptop ?
[03:53] <evanpro> foxbuntu, tgm4883_laptop: I'm joking. Making up softball questions.
[03:53] <evanpro> "How awesome is Mythbuntu. Just normal awesome, or extra-super-awesome?"
[03:54] <evanpro> OK, I have a follow-up to my original easy question.
[03:54] <evanpro> Is there anyone who ships media-centre PCs with MythBuntu pre-installed?
[03:54] <tgm4883_laptop> evanpro, neither. It's Super-extra-premium-platium-precious-awesome
[03:54] <tgm4883_laptop> oh no
[03:54] <tgm4883_laptop> you opened it up evanpro
[03:55] <tgm4883_laptop> foxbuntu, ^^
[03:55] <foxbuntu> lol
[03:55] <evanpro> dang
[03:55] <foxbuntu> evanpro, yes :)
[03:55] <tgm4883_laptop> foxbuntu, do you know anyone that does?
[03:55] <foxbuntu> www.foxmediasystems.com
[03:55] <evanpro> I have brought the storm!
[03:55] <foxbuntu> not shipping yet but soon I hope
[03:56] <foxbuntu> high end, ready to use, all in one, Mythbuntu systems
[03:56] <evanpro> Yay!
[03:56] <evanpro> I love going to the right channel with my remedial questions.
[03:56] <foxbuntu> lol
[03:57] <foxbuntu> and I love throwing out my name and url for advertising everytime I get the chance
[03:57] <evanpro> Wow! These sound great!
[03:57] <foxbuntu> they will be
[03:58] <foxbuntu> HDMI, DVI, TosLink, 2-4GB Ram, 500G - 2TB HDD, Dual Core 2.5Ghz to Quad Core 2.5Ghz+, Dual NTSC + Dual ATSC tuners
[03:58] <foxbuntu> thats my standalone system
[03:59] <foxbuntu> in a media centre case, not an ugly pc case
[03:59] <foxbuntu> chased him off
[03:59] <foxbuntu> lol
[03:59] <foxbuntu> tgm4883_laptop, the storm has endeds
[04:00] <tritium> foxbuntu: is that your company?
[04:00] <scotepi> how can i get myth to stream, not cache?
[04:00] <scotepi> this is a 1.9 and some reason it cant play a mpeg2ts 1080i
[04:00] <tgm4883_laptop> tritium, yea it is
[04:00] <tgm4883_laptop> scotepi, 1.9 what?
[04:00] <scotepi> it shouldnt have to decode much
[04:00] <evanpro> foxbuntu: I've added your blog feed to my reader, but I'd like to be on your mailing list for when you release the hardware
[04:00] <scotepi> 1.9ghz
[04:01] <tgm4883_laptop> P4?
[04:01] <evanpro> Seems like the kind of excellent project I'd want to support
[04:01] <scotepi> ph w/ht
[04:01] <scotepi> p4
[04:01] <foxbuntu> tritium, yes
[04:01] <tgm4883_laptop> AFAIK, your not getting HD with that
[04:01] <tritium> foxbuntu: do you ship to the U.S.?
[04:01] <scotepi> it works i guess i just need a real video card, 7500 doesnt cut it
[04:01] <tgm4883_laptop> heh
[04:01] <tgm4883_laptop> tritium, no, he live in the US
[04:01] <tgm4883_laptop> but only ships to canada
[04:01] <tgm4883_laptop> and some parts of the US
[04:02] <tritium> tgm4883_laptop: oh, the use of "centre" had me convinced to the contrary
[04:02] <foxbuntu> evanpro, sure, pm me your email and I will add it to my system since I havent opened it to the public yet
[04:02] <tgm4883_laptop> like Alaska
[04:02] <tgm4883_laptop> tritium, heh, yea blame those dang europeans in here
[04:02] <tgm4883_laptop> !stab Daviey for being british
[04:02] * Zinn stabs Daviey for being british with a rusty spork.
[04:02] <tritium> tgm4883_laptop: ah, heh ;)
[04:02] <foxbuntu> tritium, yeah, sorry habit from typing mythbuntu control centre over and over
[04:02] <tritium> foxbuntu: good luck to you! :)
[04:03] <tgm4883_laptop> scotepi, yea you will need something to take the load off the CPU
[04:03] <foxbuntu> tritium, thanks, its been a long process
[04:03] <tgm4883_laptop> but even then, i'd still wonder
[04:03] <tgm4883_laptop> recommended CPU for HD is 3Ghz
[04:03] <tritium> foxbuntu: I can imagine
[04:03] <tgm4883_laptop> once you get into dual core that changes though
[04:03] <foxbuntu> Dual core 2.2 is minimal
[04:04] <tgm4883_laptop> IIRC, I could almost do HD on an AMD XP 2000+ with xvmc
[04:04] <tgm4883_laptop> almost*
[04:05] <foxbuntu> I just replaced my 3200+ because it wasnt cutting it on HD half the time
[04:05] <tgm4883_laptop> recording should be fine though
[04:05] <tgm4883_laptop> it's playback that will not work
[04:06] <foxbuntu> indeed
[04:12] <wsuetholz1> superm1, thanks for the help
=== bogus is now known as Guest8532
[05:29] <rhpot1991> for the record I do HD pretty well with a athlon 1900+ and XvMC on my slave backend
[05:31] <rhpot1991> 2 problems I have: 1. I can't really deinterlace 1080i content and 2. playing back 1080i content while comflagging gets skippy
[05:58] <Tuv0k> http://tech.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=08/11/17/1421208&from=rss
[16:27] <]Oscar> !help
[16:27] <Zinn> !help Use ! followed by a topic to get help on the topic (if it exists) example: !logs. Other available commands: !status, !about, !bug [bug_number]. For a complete list of my knowledge visit: http://www.baablogic.net/Zinn.cgi
[18:02] <spoky99> hi all
[18:05] <spoky99> someone know what user launch the command using mythwelcome
[18:05] <spoky99> I don't understand if is my username or the user mythtv
[18:07] <spoky99> I set visudo for both (myusername and mythtv) but grub-set-default work only for myusername
[18:08] <spoky99> and mythwelcome see the computer in idle but the count down restart without poweroff the computer :(
[18:11] <ubuntu-mythtv> Anyone here who can help me out setting up mythbuntu using skystar2 card ?
[18:12] <ubuntu-mythtv> the card works with free to air from the console using szap and mplayer
[18:15] <spoky99> ubuntu-mythtv: mythtv-setup don't see it?
[18:16] <ubuntu-mythtv> yes i have set it up using a howto but somehow in the frontend it doesn't respond when i select it
[18:22] <ubuntu-mythtv> i have set the link to (scan path to astra example file >) channels.conf
[18:25] <ubuntu-mythtv> spoky99..... why is it so 'quiet' here ?
[18:28] <superm1> !ask | ubuntu-mythtv
[18:28] <Zinn> ubuntu-mythtv: Please don't ask if anyone is around or if it is alright to ask a question. Many people check back periodically and may answer your question when they see it. IRC is not normally an instant fix so check back often for an answer.
[18:28] <superm1> that's all :)
[18:29] <superm1> so you might have better luck at the forums if no one answers in a timely fashion here
[18:29] <superm1> !forums | ubuntu-mythtv
[18:29] <Zinn> ubuntu-mythtv: The Mythbuntu forums are located at http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=301. If you aren't getting a timely response here, there are lots of very active individuals there that may be able to help.
[18:30] <md22> hello
[18:31] <md22> what capture card (cable of playing and recording along with hardware encoding) would be good for standard cable (analog)
[18:32] <ubuntu-mythtv> md22 hauppauge pvr 150/500 works fine and has hardware decoding
[19:00] <MythbuntuGuest50> I am trying to setup my first ever MythTV box. So far so good except my remote does not work (WinTV-GO Plus card). Any ideas where to start to get it working?
=== MythbuntuGuest50 is now known as Penbrock
[19:02] <Penbrock> !help
[19:02] <Zinn> !help Use ! followed by a topic to get help on the topic (if it exists) example: !logs. Other available commands: !status, !about, !bug [bug_number]. For a complete list of my knowledge visit: http://www.baablogic.net/Zinn.cgi
[19:15] <superm1> !ask | Penbrock
[19:15] <Zinn> Penbrock: Please don't ask if anyone is around or if it is alright to ask a question. Many people check back periodically and may answer your question when they see it. IRC is not normally an instant fix so check back often for an answer.
[19:15] <superm1> normally
[19:15] <superm1> but it's pretty quiet in here today so
[19:15] <superm1> !forums | Penbrock
[19:15] <Zinn> Penbrock: The Mythbuntu forums are located at http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=301. If you aren't getting a timely response here, there are lots of very active individuals there that may be able to help.
=== tgm4883_laptop_ is now known as tgm4883_laptop
[19:17] <Penbrock> I take it that was all bots :)
[19:18] <superm1> or a really dedicated individual ;)
[19:18] <tgm4883_laptop> yea superm1 and Zinn are the channel bots
[19:18] <Penbrock> tks
[19:18] <tgm4883_laptop> superm1, is the smarter of the two, but just barely
[19:18] <superm1> haha
[19:18] <tgm4883_laptop> his AI keeps malfunctioning
[19:18] <Penbrock> sounds like me lol
[19:19] <superm1> who's to say bots can't have feelings. i want to be able to love
[19:19] <tgm4883_laptop> I think there is a bug in his decision tree somewhere
[19:19] <tgm4883_laptop> superm1 is a first attempt at adapting the aol love bot
[19:20] <tgm4883_laptop> sometimes it gets over aggressive and we have to reboot it
[19:21] <Penbrock> Now that sounds like what I need for the wife :)
[19:21] <ubuntu-mythtv> :)
[20:20] <ruskie> lo
[20:21] <ruskie> need some help. I have an old dell i8k1 setup with mythbuntu 8.04 I used the builtin FIR/SIR port for lirc but each time I hit most keys I get a double event... so if I hit right to enter a menu it would take me two deep... Anyone know of a solution for this?
[20:36] <ruskie> hmm seems it was the auto generated config... thanks anyway
[22:55] <acr> hello. I'm in the process of figuring out what tuner to get for a mythbuntu box. Ideally, I'd love to get the hauppauge hvr 2250 but everything I've seen says there's no driver for it. Does anybody have an update on if or when it might be a viable option?