UbuntuIRC / 2008 /11 /18 /#ubuntu-doc.txt
Initial commit
=== joerlend_ is now known as joerlend
=== jgoguen|away is now known as jgoguen
[06:39] <TiMiDo> hey when you writte you're own docs. where do you send them so they can be. put on the ubuntu website?
[08:13] <mdke> TiMiDo: see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DocumentationTeam for all information about contributing documentation
[08:14] <mdke> joerlend: please report any errors you find on Launchpad at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-doc and make it clear which page has the error
[14:17] <joerlend> mdke, seems to be a regression in one of the packages used in that guide. Anyway, the bug I was talking about had already been reported as https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/auth-client-config/+bug/295008
=== merriam_ is now known as merriam
[22:02] <LaserJock> any yelp experts around?
[22:45] <joerlend> rm -Rf help.ubuntu.com
[22:46] <joerlend> _none_ of the LDAP-related helpfiles there works. They're all wrong. It's terribly frustrating.
[22:48] <LaserJock> joerlend: it's a wiki so if you're able to fix them then go for it
[22:49] <joerlend> give me access, and I'll help by issuing the beforementioned command.
[22:49] <joerlend> but seriously, I don't think I'd be of any help. I'm reading the helpfiles for a reason.
[22:50] <LaserJock> joerlend: unfortunately that's a common problem
[22:52] <joerlend> yes, but someone wrote thiese.
[22:52] <LaserJock> sure, and it worked for them
[22:53] <LaserJock> I've struggled myself with the LDAP stuff
[22:54] <LaserJock> I'm not sure how old some of that LDAP stuff is, perhaps it's just outdated, or is to dependent on a particular setup
[22:54] <joerlend> right. It seems every release changes configuration options, file names and stuff for everything.
[22:56] <joerlend> following the guide for gutsy, my hardy setup was trashed completely so that I couldn't use sudo.
[22:59] <LaserJock> yikes, that shouldn't happen
[23:07] <joerlend> right, but that's the type of thing that happens when help documents only tell you _what_ to do and never why.
[23:09] <joerlend> seems to have changed alot between 8.04 and 8.04.1 if I should listen to all the different guides for 8.04.
=== kirkland` is now known as kirkland
[23:51] <joerlend> I'm downloading debian 4.0r5. I hope that's better.
[23:52] <joerlend> ubuntu was simply too difficult because all documentation was wrong :(
[23:55] <LaserJock> lol
[23:55] <LaserJock> good luck with that