UbuntuIRC / 2008 /11 /16 /#ubuntu-ops.txt
Initial commit
[02:51] <Flannel> Hi SeaPhor, how can we help you today?
[02:51] <SeaPhor> I am here to apologize, we have config'd a bot for our channel and it has sent a request to you for "learning" a new factoid, we are looking into the config to stop this and will not do any further until we have it,,, sorry, here is the log... <Anacranom> !learn wbc is http://www.woodbeeco.com
[02:51] <SeaPhor> <Anacranom> ummmmm---- <Earth> Your edit request has been forwarded to #ubuntu-ops. Thank you for your attention to detail
[02:51] <Flannel> SeaPhor: ah, it's not actually forwarding here. Although it's likely trying to.
[02:53] <SeaPhor> well, i wanted to come and present apology if it was, we are trying to get things in order but do not want to affect others
[02:53] <Flannel> Hi tj83, how can we help you today?
[02:53] <Flannel> SeaPhor: Thanks for your concern.
[02:54] <tj83> Flannel, I'm here with SeaPhor , we are working on the bot... and was doing a test and figured i would make sure it did not bleed over here again.
[02:54] <Flannel> SeaPhor: If you add people to the editors, they'll be able to just edit. That might be a good workaround for the time being
[02:54] <Flannel> I believe theres a simple config variable to make it world editable. but, I haven't looked at that code in forever.
[02:56] <SeaPhor> well, just want to stay on good terms with you all, thanks, and if any are bored and just want to hang-out or help, stop by any-time
[02:56] <SeaPhor> g'night
[02:56] <tj83> Flannel, thanks for the help
[05:54] <bazhang> yao_ziyuan1
[05:57] <Flannel> er, where?
[05:57] <Flannel> I could swear I just saw that nick, but can't find it anymore
[05:58] <tritium> He was in #ubuntu, but left a moment ago.
[05:58] <bazhang> in #ubuntu, already quit; was saying 'ubuntu is so fragile now' without asking any support questions
[05:58] <Flannel> Ah. That's why I recognized it
[05:59] <bazhang> he has been doing that for a long time; previously was about scim/skim not working; turns out he never configured the global engine for it.
[06:03] <elkbuntu> Customer: My computer wont work. Tech: Did you turn it on? Customer: Oh. Nevermind.
[06:03] <bazhang> haha
[06:03] <elkbuntu> that's basically the scenario
[06:13] <bazhang> ugh. more sudo su from fryguy
[06:33] <Flannel> call him on it
[06:48] <Ziroday> someone might want to pop into -offtopic
[06:49] <stdin> and +m it hopefully
[06:49] <Ziroday> stdin: mmm well just the ones that currently cliam they are drunk
[06:49] <stdin> that's probably 50% of the channel 50% of the time
[06:50] <stdin> at any rate, I keep sane by not have +o in there
[06:51] <stdin> if it get's worse (probably will), use the ops trigger
[06:52] * Flannel notes we need more ops with +o in -ot, but everyone already knows that.
[06:53] <stdin> one day, just for fun. give everyone in -ot +o on join. and just see what happens...
[06:54] <Flannel> stdin: nah, they have GodWars MUDs for that.
[06:54] <stdin> I think it would be a competition of who can type '/kick' fastest
[07:02] <elkbuntu> stdin, no, the channel would literally explode from all the inflated egos
[07:17] <Mez_> hmm. Quassel isn't that bad.
[07:18] <Mez_> though it doesn't support ipv6 it seems
[10:51] <Myrtti> *yawn*
[10:52] <elkbuntu> <heyuxiang> !give csabee ask
[10:52] <elkbuntu> <fosco_> ACTION gives csabee a bag full with Michael Jacksons dropped noses
[10:52] <elkbuntu> <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about give csabee ask
[10:52] <elkbuntu> <L-G> ACTION gives csabee a girl guide
[10:52] <elkbuntu> sigh.
[10:53] <Myrtti> *sigh*
[10:56] <elkbuntu> fosco was alive, L-G has been forwarded here
[10:56] <elkbuntu> how do i mark this in the bot?
[11:15] <Myrtti> TIME TO JUMPGLOMP Tm_M!
[11:26] <Tm_M> indeed
[11:26] * Myrtti prods
[11:28] <Myrtti> [13:27] < GFree> Hi. Got a bit of a problem here. I've recently been called "gay" by a guy from school because he saw my laptop running Linux (Ubuntu). How do I resolve this issue? Can I file a bug report?
[11:31] <Myrtti> I'm tempted to answer "and my friends call me a girl and weirdo, so what?"
[11:35] <Tm_M> haha
[11:35] <Tm_M> ok, lunch done, back to hospital
[11:41] <ubottu> In ubottu, ardchoille said: xdvdshrink is XDVDShrink is a project in BASH and Perl-Gtk2 that allows you to create fair-use archival copies of DVD content on single-layer writable DVDs. See http://dvdshrink.sourceforge.net
[11:41] <Myrtti> you didn't congratulate him, I'm disappointed
[11:44] <elky_e71> congrat for what?
[11:47] <Myrtti> he became a daddy yesterday 1830 EET
[11:47] <ikonia> Myrtti: have you got a moment please ?
[11:47] <elkbuntu> oh
[11:47] <Myrtti> a girl, 3700g
[11:48] <Myrtti> ikonia: for you dear, always
[11:48] <ikonia> is a pm ok as it's a bit off-topic ?
[11:48] <Myrtti> ikonia: you're asking from a Finn
[11:48] <ikonia> fair enough
[11:48] <Myrtti> ikonia: I wouldn't mind as I know you from elsewhere than -ot and u
[11:48] <ikonia> super
[11:49] <Myrtti> I get freaked out by total strangers pm'ing me and if there's no context in their pm's
[12:19] <ikonia> elkbuntu: how you getting on with the device now ?
[12:21] <elky_e71> Good. just got the simplyubuntu theme and the hardy wallpaper on it
[12:21] <ikonia> ooh
[12:21] <ikonia> nice ?
[12:22] <elky_e71> Elkbuntu.net/simplyubuntu.html if you want shortcuts
[12:23] <elkbuntu> the text on the home screen is a little too close to the heron wallpaper, tweaking now.
[12:27] * Gary pm's Myrtti (just to freak her out)
[12:28] <Myrtti> Gary: sorry, I know you
[12:28] <Gary> but do you now! mwhahahaa
[12:32] <jrib> jrib.net is nicer than elkbuntu.net
[12:36] <elkbuntu> much furrier
[12:37] <ikonia> looking
[12:40] <ikonia> Myrtti: did you say http://www.babinokia.com/ put dodgy apps on your phone ?
[12:40] <Myrtti> ikonia: ownskin.com
[12:40] <ikonia> ah
[12:40] <Myrtti> I don't know if they're dodgy
[12:40] <Myrtti> I just don't want them there
[12:40] <ikonia> stuff your not comfortable with then
[12:42] <elkbuntu> which one were you thinking of?
[12:43] <ikonia> who me ?
[12:43] <elkbuntu> ya
[12:44] <ikonia> god knows, just browsing
[12:46] <elkbuntu> btw, how do i switch to a digital clock, rather than this analog thing that is impossible to read?
[12:47] <elkbuntu> nevermind, found it. missed it before
[12:48] <ikonia> took me ages to find that too
[12:51] <elky_e71> :)
[12:53] <ikonia> did you know the E71 doesn't support the old nrg ring tones ?
[13:00] <elkbuntu> purdy http://www.babinokia.com/2008/02/21/glamur-v3-update/
[13:05] <ikonia> elkbuntu: got that one
[13:07] <elkbuntu> i put that one on the 'business' profile, and the ubuntu one on the 'personal' profile
[13:10] <Myrtti> go to hell with your expensive E-series phones
[13:10] <elkbuntu> :P
[13:11] <elkbuntu> AU$550 isnt that expensive :P
[13:15] <elky_e71> such a purdy phone too. And i can type properly now without almost dropping it
[13:15] <ikonia> I don't think I'll use the two profile option
[13:15] <elky_e71> ikonia, which color did you get?
[13:15] <Myrtti> you do have the mobile barcoder on your firefox, do you ;-)
[13:15] <ikonia> elky_e71: trying menu
[13:15] <ikonia> Myrtti: of course
[13:15] <elkbuntu> Myrtti, of course.
[13:16] <Myrtti> goodygood.
[13:16] <Myrtti> the one on the sandbox is much better though
[13:16] <elkbuntu> it needs a better border around the barcodes though
[13:16] <Myrtti> (the one in the sandbox has)
[13:16] <ikonia> I need to get an 8GB card tommorow
[13:17] <ikonia> need to put up a better fight with tomtom too
[13:17] <elkbuntu> it keeps trying to use the > of the menu as part of the barcode, heh
[13:17] <Myrtti> https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addons/versions/2780
[13:20] <Myrtti> elkbuntu: thanks for that theme, it fits perfectly on my sand coloured n95
[13:20] <elkbuntu> Myrtti, :)
[13:21] <ikonia> elkbuntu: blackglamur is what I webt for
[13:21] <elkbuntu> i meant phone color
[13:21] <ikonia> went for
[13:22] <ikonia> ooh, mine is the grey, not white one
[13:22] <elkbuntu> same. backreadable buttons ftw
[13:22] <ikonia> agreed
[13:23] <elkbuntu> that's the only reason i went with the grey. seriously.
[13:23] <ikonia> I'm going to have to get a white one thoug
[13:23] <ikonia> though
[13:24] <ikonia> my girlfriend wants one now that she's seen mine
[13:24] <elkbuntu> haha
[13:24] <ikonia> so she can have the white one
[13:25] <Myrtti> *grumble*
[13:25] <ikonia> why grumble ?
[13:25] * elkbuntu huggles Myrtti
[13:25] <elkbuntu> jealousy
[13:25] <ikonia> ah
[13:25] <elkbuntu> we're dangling shiny in front of a Finn.
[13:25] <ikonia> well I tried about 10 different phones in the last 2 months and this by far is the best of all compromises
[13:25] <Myrtti> I don't want a new phone I don't want a new phone I don't want a new phone I don't want a new phone I don't want a new phone I don't want a new phone
[13:25] <ikonia> size/wright/functions/looks/interface etc etc
[13:26] <ikonia> weight I meant
[13:26] * elkbuntu huggles Myrtti again.
[13:26] <ikonia> wipes the floor with the blackberry bold
[13:26] <Myrtti> blackberry ewwww
[13:26] <ikonia> I liked it, I have to admit
[13:26] <Myrtti> ewwww
[13:26] <ikonia> big jump from my plebby 6300
[13:26] <elkbuntu> but it's crackberry. it comes with a stigma.
[13:27] <Myrtti> ok, talking about blackberry turned me off
[13:27] <Myrtti> thanks ikonia
[13:27] <ikonia> elkbuntu: yes, and it was quite a big handset
[13:27] <elkbuntu> the bold is bigger than this?
[13:27] <ikonia> yes
[13:27] <ikonia> wider
[13:27] <ikonia> fatter
[13:27] <elkbuntu> ugh
[13:27] <ikonia> a tad taller, although I'm not certain about that
[13:28] <elkbuntu> Myrtti, i've lasted years with a 3310s then a samsung e720. i deserve this phone, goddamit
[13:29] <Myrtti> yes, you do
[13:29] <ikonia> I'm never normally giddy about phones, but this is worth it
[13:29] <elkbuntu> ikonia, totally agreed.
[13:30] <elkbuntu> it's a phone that will fill the gap for numerous years to come
[13:30] <ikonia> yes,
[13:30] <ikonia> I can't see me changing for a while
[13:31] <elkbuntu> wifi [x] 3g [x] kitchen sink [ ]
[13:32] <elkbuntu> putty [x] irc [x]
[13:32] <Myrtti> though...
[13:32] <Myrtti> I have 5Mpix camera.
[13:32] <Myrtti> so...
[13:32] <Myrtti> I'm actually happy with mine.
[13:33] <elkbuntu> :)
[13:33] <elkbuntu> see, you'd never survive with a piddly 3.2mpx
[13:33] <Myrtti> I wouldn't
[13:33] <Myrtti> as I don't own a camera
[13:33] <Myrtti> N96 on the other hand...
[13:34] <elkbuntu> do i need to slap you out of this, or suggest the iphone?
[13:34] <Myrtti> no, I'm just teasing myself
[13:34] <Myrtti> I still have a year left in my contract
[13:34] <elkbuntu> :)
[13:34] <Myrtti> though I could sell my phone right now and buy a new one
[13:35] * elkbuntu bought hers outright
[13:35] <Myrtti> it's not sim locked after all
[13:38] <elky_e71> i just realised, i haven't even made a phonecall on this yet
[13:42] <elky_e71> surely i need more software on this than just putty and jmirc though...
[13:43] <Myrtti> location tagger, mobbler, smsscheduler, screenshot tool, gmail
[13:43] <elkbuntu> location tagger? mobbler? why would i want to schedule sms's?
[13:44] <Myrtti> I couldn't do without mobbler...
[13:44] <Myrtti> *shrug*
[13:44] <elkbuntu> location tagger for pics, aha.
[13:44] <elkbuntu> ah, mobbler is internet radio
[13:50] <Myrtti> I can ask one of my friend who was developing e71 what she has on her phone
[13:54] <elky_e71> you can,we likely have different tastes though
[13:54] <elky_e71> anyway, gnite
[13:59] <Myrtti> http://jaiku.com/channel/Nokia/presence/49039889
[14:48] <ikonia> elkbuntu: look at lifematta,
[14:48] <ikonia> Myrtti: I'd be interested
[14:54] <tockitj> is it posible to see milestones in future development of ubuntu ? :p
[14:55] <ikonia> UDS has not appened yet
[14:55] <ikonia> so the next release has not been defined
[14:55] <ikonia> there are blueprints though, and you'd be better asking in #ubuntu-devel
[14:57] <ikonia> tockitj: anything else you need help with ?
[14:58] <ikonia> tockitj: hello ?
[15:00] <ikonia> tockitj: hello ?
[15:01] <bazhang> !idle | tockitj
[15:01] <ubottu> tockitj: Please keep in mind that this channel is for operator/abuse questions only, and we ask you to part when you have no further business here, in order to keep track of users with pending inquiries.
[15:04] <tockitj> ikonia, thanks :-)
[15:04] <tockitj> that was helpfull, I will part now
[15:26] <bazhang> @bansearch a
[15:26] <ubottu> No matches found for a!n=a@ in any channel
[15:27] <LjL> bazhang: i have a feeling that will change soon
[15:28] <bazhang> LjL, he was trolling in #kubuntu yesterday; spamming a multi-line song (can I sing a song...)
[15:38] <LjL> bazhang: did you intend to ban a?
[15:38] <bazhang> LjL, yes
[15:38] <LjL> bazhang: then you haven't banned his latest host, but a previous one. check the /whowas
[15:38] <bazhang> did I make some error?
[15:39] <LjL> bazhang: look at your bansearch output above
[15:39] <bazhang> the /whowas has no listing LjL
[15:39] <Frogging101> hi
[15:39] <LjL> bazhang: let's talk about it later
[15:39] <LjL> Frogging101: hi
[15:40] <LjL> Frogging101, on freenode ops get +o on request, yes
[15:41] <LjL> as for your previous question, the floodbots are there to stop people from flooding, as you found out yourself by... flooding
[15:41] <LjL> i recommend you avoid such tests in the future as #ubuntu is a busy channel
[15:41] <Myrtti> do I want to know the story behind this?
[15:42] <LjL> Myrtti: not much of a story
[15:42] <Myrtti> noted
[15:45] <LjL> Frogging101: any more ops questions?
[15:46] <Frogging101> LjL: Why are you an op?
[15:47] <LjL> Frogging101: because other ops chose me as one some time ago.
[15:47] <Frogging101> Cool
[15:47] <bazhang> [a] (n=a@ a that was the correct one; the one I did was: [a] (n=a@aari209.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl <--should I remove it?
[15:48] <bazhang> not sure how that happened though
[15:48] <LjL> bazhang: leave them both for now, the .pl host reminds me of something too
[15:48] <LjL> i'll remove it if my logs prove me wrong
[15:48] <bazhang> LjL, okay thanks. not sure how that could have happened though
[15:48] <LjL> "a" can probably be a common nickname, but i'm not excluding it's the same person in this case
[15:49] <LjL> bazhang: your client probably was confused
[15:49] <bazhang> LjL, thanks
[15:49] <LjL> bazhang: which only goes to show that the latter hostname is also suspicious
[15:49] <LjL> bazhang: anyway, /whowas a does show stuff for me
[15:50] <bazhang> [a] (n=a@ a that is what I get for /whowas
[15:55] <LjL> bazhang:
[15:55] <LjL> [16:41:53] [314] a n=a * a [16:41:54] [Whois] a is online via irc.freenode.net (Sun Nov 16 15:36:01 2008).
[15:55] <LjL> [16:41:54] [314] a n=a * a [16:41:54] [Whois] a is online via irc.freenode.net (Sun Nov 16 14:16:22 2008).
[15:55] <LjL> [16:41:54] [314] a n=a * a [16:41:54] [Whois] a is online via irc.freenode.net (Sun Nov 16 14:16:00 2008).
[15:55] <LjL> [16:41:54] [314] a n=a aari209.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl * Java User [16:41:54] [Whois] a is online via irc.freenode.net (Sun Nov 16 12:36:33 2008).
[15:55] <bazhang> wow
[15:57] <bazhang> <faria_> Good dA_ShArP <--keeps randomly doing that when people pose questions
[15:57] <LjL> bazhang: anyway the .pl one was never in #ubuntu, so i don't know what happened
[15:57] <bazhang> LjL, pehaps related to chanserv.py
[15:58] <LjL> bazhang: yes, it probably looked at /whowas because the fellow had already left when you banned
[15:58] <LjL> bazhang: and got it wrong
[15:58] <bazhang> LjL, aha that would explain it perhaps
[15:59] <bazhang> ready to +m faria_
[15:59] <Myrtti> mwahaha
[15:59] <bazhang> hehe
[15:59] <LjL> bazhang: is a bot
[16:00] <bazhang> no I'm not!
[16:00] <ubottu> Novalgina2Fast called the ops in #kubuntu ()
[16:00] <Myrtti> and it disconnected already?
[16:01] <bazhang> for help with realmedia
[16:08] <ubottu> NotADJ called the ops in #ubuntu ()
[16:12] <Myrtti> krish__: do you want me to calculate how small precentage of the population of this channel has changed in between your questions to point how useless it is to repeat that question over and over again?
[16:12] <Myrtti> almost, almost pressed enter
[16:13] <bazhang> err you did press enter
[16:14] <Myrtti> I did.
[16:15] <Myrtti> HOW can someone install mediawiki and not know how to access logs?
[16:15] <Myrtti> I'm baffled
[16:15] <Myrtti> please, please tell me I'm dreaming
[16:25] <LjL> who's doing the k-lines? there's still two users with ircap ident and realname in #ubuntu, unsure whether they're clones or just people using that script
[16:28] <LjL> oh, lika and chema probably *were* clonebots after all
[16:29] <LjL> [17:28:30] <-- lika has left this server (" [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][").
[16:29] <LjL> [17:28:30] <-- chema has left this server (" [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][").
[17:05] <bazhang> @bansearch matthew_
[17:05] <ubottu> No matches found for matthew_!n=matthew@cpe-74-69-58-11.rochester.res.rr.com in any channel
[17:09] <ikonia> bazhang: didn't you ban him last night ?
[17:10] <bazhang> ikonia, I removed him only
[17:10] <ikonia> ah
[17:10] <bazhang> ikonia, I think he should be watched though
[17:10] <bazhang> he sent me a very nasty PM when I !coc him
[17:21] <bazhang> does everyone one have attention deficit disorder?
[17:21] <bazhang> err -one
[17:26] <Myrtti> one just has to love rsync
[17:46] <Myrtti> would someone look at the mutes and bans in #ubuntu
[17:46] <Myrtti> some of them might be a bit stale
[17:46] <Myrtti> or should I crack open my xchat and see
[17:46] <bazhang> the only bans I have are well deserved ie very few
[17:47] <jussi01> Morning all!
[17:47] <bazhang> hi!
[17:47] <ikonia> morning
[17:47] <jussi01> its 4.30am and I cant sleep...
[17:48] <ikonia> thats early
[17:48] <jussi01> ikonia: my rhythm is screwed...
[17:49] <bazhang> netyire in -ot
[17:50] <jussi01> again?
[17:50] <bazhang> he will not stop.
[17:50] <bazhang> after repeated warnings.
[17:50] <Tm_T> hi hi jussi01
[17:50] <ikonia> jussi01: I can imagine
[17:50] <jussi01> Tm_T: heya
[17:50] <Tm_T> jussi01: baby came
[17:50] <jussi01> Tm_T: great! alls well?
[17:50] <bazhang> congrats Tm_T !
[17:50] <Tm_T> yup
[18:21] <Pici> bleh
[18:32] <Myrtti> glögi ♥
[18:32] <Tm_T> awww
[18:32] <Tm_T> what should I drink
[18:43] <Myrtti> I bought half a kilo of French roast coffee
[18:43] <Myrtti> nomnomnomnomnom
[18:48] <Mez> hmm - asus-tek just tried to add me on facebook
[18:48] <jussi01> hehe
[18:48] <Tm_T> some people do use facebork?
[18:50] <Myrtti> Mez: I just the other day removed *and* blocked him from my friends list
[18:50] <Myrtti> he is *super* creepy
[18:50] <Mez> Myrtti: but I don't even know him...
[18:50] <Mez> I've never spoke to you
[18:50] <Myrtti> he is weird
[18:51] <Myrtti> strange puppy
[18:51] <Tm_T> Mez: you never spoke to who?
[18:51] <Myrtti> ASUS-tek
[18:51] <Tm_T> 2050.44 <+Mez> I've never spoke to you
[18:51] <Tm_T> (;)
[18:52] <Mez> s/you/him/
[18:52] <Tm_T> (:
[18:52] <jdong> whom.
[18:52] <jussi01> oh my... he is adding me to facebook also...
[18:53] <Myrtti> wait until he adds you to your skype roster
[18:53] <Myrtti> then you're in trouble
[18:53] <Myrtti> that's when I freaked out.
[18:54] <Mez> Myrtti: thats why I don't accept these people in the first place
[18:54] <jussi01> I rejected the request...
[18:54] <Myrtti> Mez: I did accept him with limited access to my info in facebook
[18:55] <Myrtti> I did decline his request for skype though.
[18:55] <Myrtti> if you want the log, I've got it in pastebin in notime
[18:55] <PriceChild> click ignore?xs
[18:56] <Mez> Myrtti: nah, no issue... I just wouldnt accept the FB request in the first place (even with limited) - if I don't know and trust them, they don't get access (and my family have limited access!)
[18:56] <Myrtti> mm
[18:57] <Myrtti> now, what was I really doing
[18:58] <Mez> Myrtti: procrastinating?>
[18:58] <Myrtti> yes, thats it
[18:58] <Myrtti> procrastinating filing hours
[19:08] <Myrtti> but you fellows can be my guest in trying to explain to him why I don't want him cyberstalking me
[19:08] <Myrtti> I didn't seem to get my message through with him
[19:09] <ikonia> who is cyber stalking you ?
[19:10] <ubottu> joaopinto called the ops in #ubuntu ()
[19:11] <Tm_T> ikonia: I am
[19:11] <Myrtti> ikonia: I seem to have my fanclub
[19:11] <ikonia> could be worse....
[19:11] <PriceChild> jussi01: he'd done a nasty -R command earlier too.
[19:11] <Myrtti> Vinterbound, ASUS-tek etc.
[19:11] <jussi01> PriceChild: ahh
[19:11] <PriceChild> resorted to the stallman being gay thing when nobody did anything
[19:12] <ikonia> it ammuses me how people think that it is a bad thing, if stallman was gay ?
[19:12] <ikonia> not sure how that would effect the software he wrote
[19:12] <jussi01> PriceChild: I was trying to find anything else he said before deciding on a remove or ban
[19:12] <Myrtti> jussi01: you and your silly quassel.
[19:13] <PriceChild> jussi01: "/lastlog nick" is your friend :D
[19:13] <Myrtti> jussi01: get a proper client, like irssi.
[19:13] <PriceChild> not just irssi that does that right?
[19:13] <Myrtti> PriceChild+
[19:13] <Myrtti> 1
[19:13] <Myrtti> PriceChild: who cares. Thou shall not have other clients.
[19:13] <Myrtti> :-D
[19:13] <jussi01> PriceChild: Myrtti we have an equvalent, but its 6.15 am, and im not the quickest at this time
[19:14] * jussi01 growls
[19:14] <Myrtti> jussi01: excuses schmexcuses
[19:14] <PriceChild> jussi01: "back in aus" now?
[19:14] <jussi01> PriceChild: yeah
[19:14] <jussi01> on holiday
[19:14] <ikonia> PriceChild: jussi01 IS an aussie
[19:14] <ikonia> it is confirmed
[19:14] <jussi01> :D
[19:15] <PriceChild> jussi01: ah on a holiday, visited before?
[19:15] <Myrtti> *snork*
[19:15] <PriceChild> I'm done now.
[19:15] <jussi01> /ar PriceChild out!!!
[19:15] <jussi01> :D
[19:15] * Myrtti pours a tub of vegemite on jussi01
[19:15] <Myrtti> nomnom. savory
[19:16] <jussi01> lol
[19:16] <Myrtti> I wonder what I'll do that little jar of marmite I've got now
[19:16] <Myrtti> would it do nicely in trying to fix holes in my wall?
[19:16] <jussi01> no
[19:17] <Myrtti> damn
[19:17] <Myrtti> I'm sure the guinea pigs wouldn't like it either
[19:17] <Myrtti> too salty anyway
[19:17] <jussi01> actually they might
[19:17] <jussi01> some animals, like rabbits also, really likesalt
[19:18] <jussi01> You can buy salt blocks for them to lick
[19:18] <Myrtti> I know
[19:19] <Mez> Myrtti: marmite jars make great ballistic missiles
[19:36] <genii> Good afternoon, evening, or morning
[19:37] <jussi01> genii: I needs coffee...
[19:37] * genii hands jussi01 a large Kubuntu mug of coffee ....
[19:37] <Myrtti> oooh, coffeee!!!!!111
[19:38] <jussi01> thanks!
[19:38] * genii puts on a large pot of coffee so everyone can have some
[19:38] <genii> Myrtti: Moin :)
[19:38] * Tm_T hides
[19:39] <genii> Heh
[19:42] * Myrtti goes to make some *real* French roast and smiles at genii
[19:43] <Myrtti> want to try ;-)
[19:43] <genii> Myrtti: Thanks, but I'm one of those pizza leftovers for breakfast people
[19:43] <Myrtti> so am I
[19:44] <Myrtti> I just drink so little coffee I prefer the little I drink to be actually good
[19:44] <genii> Ah
[19:45] <Myrtti> and I like my coffee with milk, and no other roast fits with milk as well as Parisien
[19:45] <genii> French toast with real maple syrup is good. Almost worth foregoing the pizza for, in fact
[19:46] <genii> Myrtti: For some reson I misread "roast" for "toast". Never mind me, I still need more caffeine... ;)
[19:47] <Tm_T> genii: have a pint of coffee with me
[19:57] <Myrtti> genii: and I misread your french toast with real maple syrup as french roast, and didn't even blink
[19:58] <Tm_T> aww
[19:59] * genii sips from the pint of coffee supplied by Tm_T
[20:00] <Tm_T> genii: I'm father now, you see
[20:00] * Myrtti drinks her french roast with milk and vanilla from a bowl
[20:00] <genii> ?
[20:00] * Myrtti returns to filing hours
[20:00] <Myrtti> Tm_T: no pics yet?
[20:01] <Tm_T> Myrtti: I do, but have to find a way to get 'em
[20:01] <Myrtti> ah
[20:08] <genii> #ubuntu seems hopping
[20:10] <Tm_T> no working bluetooth, no working way to retrieve pics via usb either
[20:10] <Tm_T> oh boy...
[20:22] <Myrtti> would anyone have a good set of nice options to put in fstab for mounting nfs stuff? I've got user,_netdev,exec,sync already
[20:23] <genii> nodev
[20:23] <Myrtti> rw?
[20:24] <genii> rw or not is set on the nfs server export, usually
[20:24] <Myrtti> true
[20:25] <Myrtti> I think that's good.
[20:26] <Myrtti> douh
=== tomaw_ is now known as tomaw
[21:11] <Myrtti> omg. I haz pink-bliss.el in my console emacs.
[21:24] <dethklok> hello. for some reason I have been banned in the main chat for ubuntu on freenode. I don't remember any innopropriate discussion in the chat? could someone tell me what happened?
[21:24] <jrib> @bansearch dethklok
[21:24] <ubottu> No matches found for dethklok!i=dethklok@modemcable037.53-83-70.mc.videotron.ca in any channel
[21:24] <Tm_T> dethklok: your realname
[21:25] <Tm_T> realname "fuck you" isn't quite appropriate
[21:25] <dethklok> oh sorry
[21:25] <dethklok> lol
[21:25] <dethklok> I was a bit drunk when I installed the irc app
[21:26] <Tm_T> that's not an excuse
[21:26] <dethklok> ok so if I change it, it will be ok?
[21:27] <Tm_T> should be
[21:27] <dethklok> ok thank you
[21:48] <Myrtti> I bought a leek today. I considered for a full minute of doing my own version of leekspin. I'm sick in my head.
[21:48] <Myrtti> QED.
[21:48] <Tm_T> ok
[21:56] <Tm_T> jussi01: slow, you (;
[21:56] <jussi01> Tm_T: awww... give me a chance!
[21:56] <Tm_T> jussi01: I don't, when I'm at it
[21:56] <jussi01> Was waiting for one last one...
[21:57] <genii> The guy did have a point but was being pretty snide
[21:57] <Tm_T> point or not, rudeness is nogo
[21:57] <genii> Yes, true
[21:58] <Myrtti> http://dev.rssowl.org/show_bug.cgi?id=832 <-- hehehe
[21:58] <Myrtti> I'm a meanie
[21:58] <ubottu> dev.rssowl.org bug 832 in general "Licence not defined / easily found *anywhere*" [Normal,Closed: fixed]
[21:59] <Myrtti> after six months, it got fixed.
[22:04] <Pici> jrib: Do you always remove with the appear process in the messagE?
[22:04] <jrib> Pici: I started to a few days ago
[22:05] <Pici> jrib: Ah. First time I've noticed it.
[22:05] <Myrtti> nice document, that
[22:19] <ubottu> In #ubuntu-offtopic, dmsuperman said: !ljl is i don't have a factoid, and i won't ever have a factoid
[22:22] <jussi01> ikonia: ping?
[22:36] <ikonia> jussi01: what's up
[22:37] <LjL> ikonia: 23:37:03 up 8:52, 2 users, load average: 0.52, 0.50, 0.68
[22:37] <ikonia> LjL: touch'e
[22:44] <Commie_Cary> hello, why dosnt ubottu know who linus is
[22:44] <Tm_T> why should it?
[22:45] <Tm_T> !linus
[22:45] <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about linus
[22:45] <Flannel> Commie_Cary: feel free to submit a factoid
[22:45] <PriceChild> Flannel: why?
[22:45] <LjL> !scope
[22:45] <Tm_T> Flannel: IMHO it is not needed
[22:45] <ubottu> We don't need factoids for *everything* ;)
[22:45] <LjL> !wikipedia
[22:45] <ubottu> wikipedia is a free online encyclopedia, you can find it at http://wikipedia.org
[22:45] <Flannel> I never said we did need one.
[22:45] <Flannel> But, regardless of need, people are free to submit factoids they think we ought to have.
[22:45] <Tm_T> Flannel: but you didn't answer to original question either =)
[22:45] <Tm_T> true that
[22:46] <PriceChild> I think it'd be a better use of everyone's time to question the need of one, than ask someone to sbumit it, then question it.
[22:47] <Flannel> PriceChild: Why do you think we ought not to have a Torvalds one?
[22:47] <LjL> because it's got nothing to do with ubuntu
[22:47] <LjL> ubotu isn't an encyclopedia
[22:47] <Flannel> !debian
[22:47] <LjL> it contains support information relating to ubuntu
[22:47] <ubottu> Ubuntu and Debian are closely related. Ubuntu builds on the foundations of Debian architecture and infrastructure, with a different community and release process. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/relationship - Remember, !repositories meant for Debian should NOT be used on Ubuntu!
[22:47] <Pici> Just ask yourselves how many times you think someone has already requested the factoid or how many it will be requested in the future.
[22:47] <Pici> Requested the factoid from the bot, that is.
[22:47] <Flannel> LjL: Historical Data is relevant. I'd argue (not that this means much), that a Linus factoid is much more relevant than a wikipedia one.
[22:48] <LjL> Flannel: that's a disambiguation factoid, which exist because people confuse debian and ubuntu
[22:48] <LjL> Flannel: indeed, the !wikipedia factoid is outside ubotu's scope
[22:48] <Flannel> LjL: Yeah, I was expecting a bit different.
[22:48] <LjL> pretty ironically
[22:48] <LjL> and i think that was intended too
[22:48] <Flannel> !rms
[22:48] <ubottu> rms is Richard Matthew Stallman, founder of the GNU project. See !gnu and also http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Stallman
[22:49] <LjL> well that's a factoid that obviously escaped my attention
[22:49] <Flannel> I don't see what harm would come from having a linus factoid either.
[22:49] <LjL> !forget rms
[22:49] <ubottu> I'll forget that, LjL
[22:49] <jrib> well there's a bug in ubottu
[22:49] <Pici> !bug
[22:49] <ubottu> If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots
[22:50] <jrib> yeah yeah yeah, after dinner :)
[22:50] <Pici> :)
[22:50] <LjL> Flannel: what harm would come? no direct harm. only the indirect harm that people would naturally feel legitimized to add less and less relevant factoids.
[22:50] <Flannel> LjL: honestly, What harm comes from linus and rms factoids? You just said it yourself, they're hardly ever called.
[22:51] <LjL> the ubotu database is finite (and i'm sure the admins would like to keep it that way), and its search features are only useful if there's not a million factoids to search from
[22:51] <Flannel> LjL: Ubottu is about educating people. A framework and some background is an important part of being an active member of any community.
[22:51] <PriceChild> If they're hardly ever called, what's the point?
[22:51] <LjL> also, when people fish the bot by typing random factoids in #ubuntu, they shouldn't be rewarded by the factoid actually existing
[22:52] <Flannel> LjL: technical solutions to social problems aren't solutions.
[22:52] <Commie_Cary> !ext4
[22:52] <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about ext4
[22:52] <Commie_Cary> !ext3
[22:52] <ubottu> ext3 is the default filesystem on Ubuntu, and the most popular on Linux. You can read/write from Windows to ext3 via http://www.fs-driver.org
[22:52] <Pici> RMS has been called in the past, at least in -offtopic
[22:52] <PriceChild> Flannel: I disagree.
[22:52] <LjL> !rms-#ubuntu-offtopic is <reply> Richard Matthew Stallman, founder of the GNU project. See !GNU and also http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Stallman
[22:52] <ubottu> I'll remember that, LjL
[22:52] <LjL> and i disagree too
[22:52] <PriceChild> Flannel: ubottu isn't a replacement for real education from real people. Bot answers are hardly ever exact to someone's individual situation.
[22:52] <Flannel> PriceChild: fishing for a factoid is a different problem than having a hit.
[22:52] <PriceChild> THey're normally really useful because they contain that one nugget which is hard to remember, and contributes.
[22:53] <Pici> OR something small that often gets requested.
[22:53] <PriceChild> yeah, just something we cba to type out 10 times a day
[22:53] <Flannel> er, not a differnet problem. But gettig a hit has nothing to do with whether or not youre fishing.
[22:59] <Commie_Cary> Richard Matthew Stallman looks like marx
[23:01] <Pici> Commie_Cary: Is there anything else we can help you with?
[23:02] <Myrtti> Commie_Cary: quick quick, I haven't got my share of kicks filled yet
[23:02] <Myrtti> I'm running behind my quota
[23:03] <LjL> Myrtti: soft quota or hard quota?
[23:03] <Pici> Sshh! Quotas are supposed to be a myth!
[23:03] <LjL> oh right sorry
[23:03] <Myrtti> oops
[23:04] <Myrtti> eenie meenie miney moe...
[23:05] <Myrtti> tick... tock... tick... tock...
[23:05] <LjL> Myrtti: you still using analog clocks?
[23:05] <Myrtti> LjL: very much so
[23:05] <LjL> i can't read analog clocks.
[23:05] <Myrtti> LjL: http://flickr.com/photos/myrtti/2493743685/
[23:06] <Myrtti> I can't do digital
[23:06] <Myrtti> that's why I've got analog one as a screenlet on my desktops
[23:06] <LjL> when i was 12, a mean teacher shock-trained me into learning to tie my shoelaces
[23:06] <LjL> but they never, never managed analog clocks on me.
[23:10] <Commie_Cary> Pici, helping me upgrade from ext3 to ext4
[23:11] <LjL> Commie_Cary, /topic
[23:12] <Myrtti> this little piggie went to market
[23:13] <LjL> oh come on, you're better than a piggie.
[23:13] <LjL> slightly.
[23:14] <Pici> :)
[23:33] <LjL> Myrtti: the confusion due to that kick ruined my game of globulation!
[23:33] <Myrtti> oh dear
[23:33] <LjL> (from the bestseller book of excuses "Why I never won at Globulation")