UbuntuIRC / 2008 /11 /16 /#edubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[00:47] <nellery> Hi, I installed edubuntu-desktop from the addon CD, which made it so that my splash image isn't shown when I boot my computer
[00:47] <nellery> How do I make it so that it is shown?
[00:50] <stgraber> nellery: update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so
[00:50] <stgraber> nellery: then update-initramfs -u
[00:51] <nellery> stgraber: I get this output
[00:51] <nellery> There is only 1 program which provides usplash-artwork.so
[00:51] <nellery> (/usr/lib/usplash/usplash-theme-ubuntu.so). Nothing to configure.
[00:52] <nellery> I should mention that I removed the edubuntu-desktop package
[00:52] <stgraber> ok, so maybe the update-initramfs will be enough to fix
[00:53] <nellery> stgraber: thanks, restarting now to test it
[00:56] <nellery> stgraber: thanks a lot, that fixed it :)
[00:59] <stgraber> np
[04:25] <Ahmuck> is there a way to get edubuntu look and feel without the other programs (icons, background, fonts, etc.)
[04:28] <HedgeMag1> Ahmuck: I'm sorry, I'm not sure what you are asking -- you want to change Edubuntu's look/feel by changing theme elements such as icons, backgrounds, and fonts, or you want Edubuntu's theme elements without certain edubuntu apps?
[04:34] <Ahmuck> i want tu change the look and feel of ubuntu ltsp to edubuntu without having to install the edubuntu desktop
[04:34] <Ahmuck> yes, the latter
[04:39] <HedgeMag1> ahh, okay
[04:40] <HedgeMag1> Yes, you can download the Gnome theme, icons, etc from anyone who has edubuntu (or it may even be on the web somewhere) -- they do not require the edubuntu games and such
[04:40] <LaserJock> sbalneav!
[04:40] <LaserJock> sbalneav: dude, am I too late?
[04:41] <Ahmuck> nubae: i noticed your fat client section and it appears to be comprehensive. i've not had a chance to try it yet
[04:41] <Ahmuck> HedgeMag1: theme not packaged seperatly ?
[04:42] <HedgeMag1> Ahmuck: I don't know if it is...I've never looked.
[04:43] <HedgeMag1> Ahmuck: If not, you can just get someone with an edubuntu box to tarball the stuff for you
[04:43] <HedgeMag1> Ahmuck: it basically consists of the backgrounds, icons, gnome theme, and gdm theme
[04:45] <Ahmuck> k, i migh do that through a vm
=== HedgeMag1 is now known as HedgeMage
[05:26] <sbalneav> LaserJock: I was doing some stuff earlier
[05:26] <sbalneav> I'll do some stuff now
[05:29] <LaserJock> sbalneav: ltsp bugs?
[05:44] <sbalneav> yup
[05:44] <sbalneav> Working now.
[05:45] <sbalneav> 2 are cleared off
[05:45] <sbalneav> I'm applying a patch now for a third
[05:46] <LaserJock> sbalneav: are you keeping track of which ones are fixed in intrepid but need a SRU?
[06:07] <sbalneav> Yeah, will do, those are usually tagged "fix committed"
[06:28] <LaserJock> sbalneav: what you should do is mark Fix Commited for the main task
[06:28] <LaserJock> sbalneav: and then open up a Hardy task, using "Nominate for Release"
[06:29] <sbalneav> Ah, ok
[06:29] <highvoltage> ooh, sbalneav and LaserJock together!
[06:29] <sbalneav> Well, I'll work on it more tomorrow
[06:29] <sbalneav> 5 closed
[06:29] <sbalneav> comments on a bunch of others.
[06:29] <highvoltage> morning LaserJock and sbalneav
[06:29] <sbalneav> Morning!
[06:29] <LaserJock> sbalneav: yeah, I'm getting them in my bugmail
[06:29] <highvoltage> can I jump a question/suggestion on you?
[06:31] * LaserJock runs
[06:31] <highvoltage> the local apps in intrepid is quite cool. I was wondering if the custom menu work that LaserJock has done before could be used to change menus on a client so that apps run locally if the client is strong enough
[06:33] <LaserJock> so essentially you want to have local apps replace remote apps when available?
[06:33] <highvoltage> available, and if the client has enough memory/cpu to support it
[06:34] <highvoltage> so that you could mix like, real old machines and new machines in a lab, and the old ones would pretty much automatically run it from the server
[06:34] <highvoltage> and your core 2 duos with 2gb ram or whatever would decide to run it locally
[06:35] <highvoltage> (if the app is available locally)
[06:35] <LaserJock> well, are the chroots different?
[06:35] <LaserJock> I can imagine putting custom menus in chroots
[06:36] <highvoltage> the ltsp clients would have a different chroot from the server
[06:36] <highvoltage> but the session is ran on the server, so the users would see the server's session
[06:36] <LaserJock> I just wondered if we could inject something into the client chroot
[06:37] <highvoltage> unless you want to run the session from the chroot for the big machines, but that would get too complicated for an admin since you'd have to manage two complete systems on the server
[06:37] <LaserJock> but I guess it could be fairly simple if we have an easy way of knowing which clients are local-apps enabled
[06:37] <LaserJock> in the login script we could check for some flag and send the user to a different config directory
[06:38] <highvoltage> yep, I was thinking along the same lines
[06:38] <highvoltage> a local app could be run that checks the system specs (or what was specified in lts.conf) and write a setting in the user's home directory
[06:39] <highvoltage> and if it's set, it adjust your menus so that certain apps run locally
[06:39] <LaserJock> I just don't know how all that works
[06:40] <LaserJock> but if there's something to check then it should be possible
[06:40] <highvoltage> running the local app to determine whether the machine is up to scratch and doing something in the home directory is quite easy though
[06:42] <LaserJock> how do you mean?
[06:44] <highvoltage> on a session startup, you can run a script in the local machine that will check the hardware of your thin client, and store something in the user's home directory, like ~/.ltsp/local-apps-capable
[06:45] <highvoltage> perhaps the menus could use a wrapper of something that checks whether that file exists and if it does, it then checks whether the program is available in the chroot, and then it launches it from there
[06:46] <highvoltage> otherwise it runs it from the server ('locally')
[06:46] <LaserJock> how are these apps run differently
[06:46] <LaserJock> ?
[06:46] <LaserJock> how are the executed?
[06:46] <highvoltage> the local apps?
[06:49] <LaserJock> yeah
[06:50] <highvoltage> they run on the thin client's cpu and ram, and they have direct access to the hardware, so you can run 3d apps on them like google earth
[06:51] <LaserJock> no, I know that
[06:51] <LaserJock> but how do you actually start them up
[06:51] <highvoltage> one big problem we've always had in ltsp labs is gcompris. it used to suck down the server and the whole lab gets slow. now we're running that locally and it's awesome. everyone gets decent performance, and the server is idling
[06:51] <highvoltage> LaserJock: ah, there's a script on the ltsp server with which you call it
[06:51] <highvoltage> ltsp-localapps oowriter
[06:52] <highvoltage> (I think it's called ltsp-localapps, it's something like that)
[06:52] <LaserJock> ah
[06:52] <LaserJock> so we need to replace oowriter with ltsp-localapps oowriter
[06:52] <highvoltage> yep
[06:53] <LaserJock> ok, so hmm, how do we decide what apps should be local?
[06:54] <LaserJock> I wonder if an admin can give a list
[06:54] <highvoltage> LaserJock: I guess you'd have a config file where you specify it, maybe in lts.conf
[06:54] <LaserJock> for given clients
[06:54] <LaserJock> then when we log in we check that list, if it's empty we have no local apps
[06:55] <highvoltage> LaserJock: I think if you want to specify it on a per-client basis, then lts.conf is certainly the way, because then you can do it by mac address
[06:55] <LaserJock> if it's not empty we create a new menu with menu items for the local apps
[06:56] <highvoltage> LaserJock: I have a client for who this would be very beneficial, so my plan is to come up with an implementation that works well, but might be a bit hacky
[06:56] <highvoltage> LaserJock: I thought it would be nice if we could get a more polished, proper implementation of this for edubuntu at some point as well
[06:57] <highvoltage> I think it's great how easy local apps are atm, but if it's just a little more easier than it is now, it could become a killer feature
[06:58] <LaserJock> well, that seems pretty doable
[06:59] <highvoltage> I think I'll just put together the hacky version as a proof of concept, and then I can show it to you and the ltsp people to smack down
[06:59] <LaserJock> somehow I think I need to turn into a menu guru ;-)
[06:59] <highvoltage> I thought you were!
[07:01] <LaserJock> not really
[07:01] <LaserJock> I did some stuff
[07:01] <LaserJock> but I've got a long ways to go before I'll be really good at hacking around with it
[07:01] <LaserJock> like being able to write menu editors
[07:50] <LaserJock> wahoo, I just made a CLI apps that shows my Remember the Milk tasks
[07:51] <LaserJock> s/apps/app/
=== HedgeMag1 is now known as HedgeMage