UbuntuIRC / 2008 /11 /15 /#ubuntu-website.txt
Initial commit
[11:00] <mdke> newz2000: every change should go through the bzr branch so I will fix it there, but best thing is to file bugs so they don't get lost
[13:35] <qense> hello
[18:30] <ryanakca> newz2000: could you take a look at bug 297712 please?
[18:30] <ubot3> Malone bug 297712 in kubuntu-website "Download web page does not have links to jigdo downloads" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/297712
[19:44] <jarlen> qense: you around?
[19:44] <qense> yes
[19:45] <jarlen> how is ubuntu wanted going?
[19:45] <qense> I'm almost finished with the admin queue
[19:45] <jarlen> the entire admin part?
[19:45] <qense> no, just the editing
[19:45] <qense> no removal
[19:45] <qense> just status changing and editng
[19:46] <jarlen> ok, I'm trying to convince my pal that it's a project worth helping out on
[19:46] <jarlen> he needs some programming to spend his time on :P
[19:46] <qense> well, there is still no searching
[19:47] <qense> if someone else would want to do the skill pages, that would be fine too. Then I could have a look at the theme from madrh
[19:48] <jarlen> so, it's like a search function, and the profiles you still need done?
[19:48] <qense> well, next to the skill overview pages of tasks(not profiles, the offered part won't be there yet) yes
[19:49] <qense> although everything can still use a lot of polishing and isn't that advanced
[19:49] <qense> but with these two things we could start testing to see what actual real world users think of it
[19:49] <jarlen> so more like the wanted "posters" themselves?
[19:50] <qense> currently it's indeed jsut the help needed part
[19:51] <jarlen> any idea how it's going with mads' design?
[19:52] <jarlen> I remember he contacted me, and I gave him a few pointers, never heard how it worked out though
[19:52] <qense> well, hugh brant also gave some suggestions. I asked him if he could use them, but he didn't really seem to get it, maybe I should have epxlained better what I wanted.
[19:53] <qense> I think I'll have a look at the work he already did and the changes proposed by Hugh Brant and merge them together in the final drupal theme.
[19:53] <qense> btw, you did know that the working branch is at lp:~qense/ubuntu-wanted/qevel ?
[19:54] <qense> only when a feature is done I upload it to the main one
[19:54] <jarlen> no, I don't really look that much into it, just looked a bit that the stuff mads sent over
[19:54] <qense> Did he also send the .zip archive to you?
[19:55] <jarlen> is it normal that drupal designs is just randomly scathered all over the html and the design files, instead of being kept in one place?
[19:55] <jarlen> it really seemed like a mess
[19:55] <jarlen> well, he hooked me up with some links to some of the stuff being worked at, at that time
[19:55] <jarlen> but it's been a while, didn't really follow up on it
[19:55] <qense> It's indeed a mess, although the brainstorm theme isn't that clean either.
[19:56] <jarlen> could be it's just a drupal mess
[19:56] <jarlen> im glad I don't have to work that much with it :P
[19:57] <qense> Everything also needs some polishing. Especially the interface can be a mess. When you create a new task, all skills are listed under each other. There are just three skills in the testing version, but what if more will be used?
[19:58] <qense> There is also no interface to manage the skills.
[19:58] <jarlen> I've made an admin interface for a project at work, I added a "new" button, to some of the drop down menus
[19:58] <jarlen> that "new" selection, would the call a javascript, where you could put in the new options'
[19:59] <jarlen> ... but that could prove real messy in the long run for a page being used by a lot of different peopple
[19:59] <jarlen> -p
[19:59] <qense> I don't think it would be a good idea to let everyone add skills. The approval of tasks is manually done, but everyone can add.
[19:59] <qense> It would be really helpful if someone else would also code a bit. That way you'd have someone to discuss things with and who can tell you if he/she thinks that certain things can be done better or are just wrong.
[20:00] <qense> It would also force me to explain my thoughts clearly. ;)
[20:01] <qense> So if your friend does want to help, he would be very welcome.
[20:02] <jarlen> thought so :-9
[20:03] <jarlen> I might be up for some sparring if needed, but I dunno about the coding itself
[20:03] <jarlen> I have a lot of projects on my own already that I can't even get myself started on :P
[20:03] <qense> nicolas wrote a mvc-like module
[20:03] <qense> it's based a lot on brainstorm things
[20:04] <qense> Drupal has got some nice hooks, forms are very easy to create, but overall I find at least drupal 5 not that consistent
[20:04] <jarlen> never looked much at drupal
[20:05] <jarlen> but really seemed like a mess, from the short look I took for Mads
[20:05] <qense> the brainstorm theme is the main cause for that mess
[20:05] <jarlen> so it's the website team's fault?
[20:05] <jarlen> that's not really reassuring :P
[20:05] <qense> I don't know a lot about drupal 6 or 7, but since drupal 5 is the only approved version by canonical we have to use it
[20:06] <qense> I'm not sure who wrote the theme, but there is only one developer for brainstorm
[20:06] <jarlen> can't you get a clean version, without their mess?
[20:06] <qense> I'm not sure
[20:06] <jarlen> it's easier to make a mess if you got noone stopping you
[20:07] <qense> the problem is that I want to spend time on giving the website more or at least some features rather than cleaning up the code of a theme that is working
[20:07] <qense> although you do get some weird glitches sometimes
[20:10] <qense> If someone who isn't afraid of PHP and Drupal and knows how to theme would do that, I'd be very happy.
[20:10] <jarlen> heh, don't think I can help you with that, designers seems hard to come by :)
[20:12] <qense> this is the work mads did: https://dl-web.getdropbox.com/get/Photos/ubuntu-wanted-theme.png?w=272a7347
[20:12] <jarlen> an 404 error? that's not what I told him to :P
[20:12] <qense> do you get a 404?
[20:13] <jarlen> yeh
[20:13] <qense> probably a disguised 403
[20:14] <jarlen> bugged server?
[20:15] <qense> no
[20:15] <qense> in a sec
[20:15] <qense> http://www.getdropbox.com/gallery/312625/1/Ubuntu%20Wanted?h=a73d47
[20:15] <qense> this should do the trick
[20:17] <jarlen> well, that's pretty much what he showed me he wanted to do, I guess :)
[20:19] <qense> another thing that needs to be done! a menu block
[20:25] <qense> Currently the biggest problem is editing the skills linking table
[20:25] <qense> I'm not sure how to check if the entries already exist or should be created, especially how to do that with as less queries as possible.
[20:26] <qense> I think that I already query a bit too much sometimes.
[20:48] <qense> well, I'm off
[20:48] <qense> bye!
[21:19] <jarlen> Im trying to create an OpenSSH-key using the guide here: https://help.launchpad.net/YourAccount/CreatingAnSSHKeyPair but I only get to 0 byte files
[21:20] <jarlen> anyone who experienced something like that?
[21:26] <jarlen> or got a solution?
[21:27] <jarlen> all im doing is the "ssh-keygen -t rsa" command, and then fill out as requested