UbuntuIRC / 2008 /11 /15 /#ubuntu-mythtv.txt
Initial commit
[00:12] <wombo2> I hate you Zin
[00:37] <MythbuntuGuest10> hey guys
[00:37] <MythbuntuGuest10> anyone good on lirc on mythbuntu 8.10
=== _Mazga is now known as Mazga
[03:37] <kleewyck> Anyone awake?
[03:38] <kleewyck> Knock Knock?
[03:42] <tgm4883_laptop> !hi | kleewyck
[03:42] <Zinn> kleewyck: Hi $nick, how are you? Something we can help you with today?
[03:43] <kleewyck> what kernel version is shipped with the 8.10 alternate ISO ?
[03:44] <kleewyck> I'm gettting a LBA48 not supported and it is said that 2.6.26 fixes that.
[03:45] <kleewyck> I have a bit of a catch 22 as the latest driver for my SATA card fixes the issue but I can't get installed to get the patch.
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[12:07] <madmin> hi
[12:08] <madmin> I have a problem with my HVR1300(cx88_blackbird)
[12:08] <madmin> I can't change channel
[12:08] <madmin> during live tv
[12:08] <madmin> not stop and restart record fastly
[12:09] <madmin> in mythbackend.log I see Error: error reading from: /dev/video1
[12:09] <madmin> eno: Input/Output Error (5)
[12:10] <madmin> superm1, Hi...I hope you can help me when you come back
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=== broker is now known as oneone
[18:11] <linux_trojan> I recently tried the live CD and tried to watch TV on my pc with has a NVIDAIA and HAUPPAGE card. I wasnt sure quite what to do so I tried several things including FREEVO. Any suggestions on how to watch TV using the Live CD?
[18:12] <superm1> you generally need to set up a backend first
[18:13] <superm1> and then you can watch tv on a frontend from the live cd if you want
[18:13] <superm1> you can try to use VLC on the live cd though for watching tv
[18:13] <linux_trojan> I see, I wasnt sure if it was just plub and play
[18:13] <linux_trojan> can VLC be scheduled to record TV programs?
[18:14] <linux_trojan> automatically change channels, etc?
[18:14] <linux_trojan> which backend do you recommend I use?
[18:17] <superm1> no VLC can't
[18:17] <superm1> if you were just looking for something to try on the live cd its something to try
[18:17] <linux_trojan> yes thats a good idea
[18:17] <superm1> do a full "normal" install of mythbuntu and you will get a backend
[18:17] <superm1> its part of the standard installation
[18:17] <linux_trojan> I see
[18:18] <linux_trojan> its "all or nothing"?
[18:18] <superm1> i'm giving you a solution to your problem is all
[18:18] <superm1> you can install just the backend if you want; that's fine
[18:19] <linux_trojan> I have to take the leap of faith and delete my windows partion
[18:20] <superm1> i'd recommend you use another hard drive
[18:20] <superm1> especially if you are just evaluating this
[18:20] <linux_trojan> I would prefer to use the backend on the CD and fee 100% confortable with it before I delete windows
[18:20] <superm1> the architecture of mythtv unfortunately doesn't allow for that
[18:20] <linux_trojan> ohhhhhh!!!!!!!
[18:21] <linux_trojan> well, I do have another windows box where I can experiment with this
[18:21] <linux_trojan> I have two computers one with HAUPAGGE and another with ATI All in Wonder
[18:21] <superm1> all in wonder isn't support in linux for recording
[18:22] <superm1> unfortunately
[18:22] <linux_trojan> or "All In BLUNDER" as I like to call it
[18:22] <linux_trojan> now you see why I call it the all in BLUNDER?
[18:23] <linux_trojan> I thought I read something on a website that said the FREEVO or somethone did work with All In Wonder but was limited, but did have some features?
[18:24] <linux_trojan> oh I see can view with ATIAW but not record?
[18:37] <linux_trojan> well, I guess that about covers it? you guys dont appear to have a sense of humor
[18:46] <linux_trojan> Its times like this that I actualy consider paying $ for PARTITION MAGIC, I dont like to pay for software
[19:04] <superm1> there is a partitioning tool included with ubuntu disks (i forget if we included one on the mythbuntu disk)
[19:09] <linux_trojan> partitioning tool?
[19:09] <linux_trojan> like cfdisk?
[19:09] <linux_trojan> or fdisk?
[19:09] <linux_trojan> I was refering to something that lets you repartition without destroying data
[19:14] <superm1> gparted
[19:14] <superm1> it lets you repartition without destroying data
[19:22] <linux_trojan> oh really? which linux program lest you do that?
[19:23] <linux_trojan> *lets
[19:23] <linux_trojan> oh sorry, I see it, GPARTED
[19:23] <linux_trojan> never new that, I gotta try it
[19:24] <linux_trojan> ok lets say I install MythTV and the backend is auto installed and configured as you say, which front end do I use?
[19:46] <superm1> one is installed for you with the default install
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[20:31] <linux_trojan> ok I was just hoping to know what its called, the frontend, so I can know I am doing it right
[21:04] <doje_> I'm trying to get a USB-UIRT working (and I have an ATI remote). I've just tried configuring via the control panel; should I see two instances of lircd running?
[21:32] <bep> how can i start vnc server from the command line?
=== _Mazga is now known as Mazga
[21:32] <bep> im using mythbuntu 8.10 and im sshd into the box right now
[21:37] <linux_trojan> bep: you still there?
[21:37] <bep> yes
[21:37] <linux_trojan> I think the command is "vncviewer"
[21:37] <bep> linux_trojan: i mean enable the vnc server
[21:38] <linux_trojan> no to connect to the server
[21:38] <bep> ya, but i need to enable the vnc server on the box first
[21:38] <linux_trojan> is it a windows box?
[21:38] <seb_kuzminsky> !help
[21:38] <Zinn> !help Use ! followed by a topic to get help on the topic (if it exists) example: !logs. Other available commands: !status, !about, !bug [bug_number]. For a complete list of my knowledge visit: http://www.baablogic.net/Zinn.cgi
[21:39] <seb_kuzminsky> !help samba
[21:39] <Zinn> !help samba Use ! followed by a topic to get help on the topic (if it exists) example: !logs. Other available commands: !status, !about, !bug [bug_number]. For a complete list of my knowledge visit: http://www.baablogic.net/Zinn.cgi
[21:39] <bep> im in ubuntu trying sshd into the mythbuntu box trying to enable the vnc server on the mythbuntu box
[21:39] <linux_trojan> I see
[21:39] <bep> ignore the trying word
[21:39] <linux_trojan> I usually use linux to view VNC server on a windows box, so I am trying to remember the command
[21:39] <linux_trojan> have you tried typing "vncserver"?
[21:39] <bep> ya, but i cant connect to it
[21:40] <seb_kuzminsky> i installed mythbuntu 8.10, and i want to play the music and videos i have on my linux server on the same network
[21:40] <bep> just says "New 'X' desktop is mythbuntu:2"
[21:40] <seb_kuzminsky> should i mount the server on the myth box? or is there another way to do it?
[21:40] <linux_trojan> I think thats a good thing
[21:40] <bep> ya, but how come when i try to connect it says connection refused
[21:41] <linux_trojan> is ssh server running on the target box?
[21:41] <linux_trojan> brb
[21:41] <bep> linux_trojan: i got it now i just put the ip:screen
[21:41] <bep> thanks for ur help
[21:41] <linux_trojan> lol
[21:41] <linux_trojan> ????? ok?????
[21:43] <bep> lol
[21:43] <bep> now how do i enable the svideo out
[21:43] <bep> on my nvidia card
[21:44] <linux_trojan> should be auto enabled, just plug and play
[21:44] <linux_trojan> hey but I gotta go, bbl
[21:44] <bep> its not though, i have no monitor hooked up either
[21:44] <bep> ok thanks
[22:13] <MythbuntuGuest44> i just rebooted my mythbuntu box and it flashes the mythbuntu splash screen then goes to a command line prompt, the left side is cut off but it looks like it says easybox??? debian something
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[22:17] <MythbuntuGuest44> Debian 1:1.1.3-5ubuntuv12) Built-in shell is what is says
[22:17] <linux_trojan> oh I guess its time to chow on my pork ribs
[22:26] <MythbuntuGuest44> any takers???
[22:34] <giver> using nvidia geforce 7050,have T out in black and white,using ubuntu
[22:35] <giver> have tv out in B&W
[22:35] <giver> anyone knows how to fix it?
[22:47] <MythbuntuGuest04> sorry lost connection, did anyone get a chance to answer my question about my mythbuntu not booting all the way?
[22:48] <giver> doesn;t boot at all? or just stahl until you hit some key?
[22:48] <giver> mine does need esc key to be pressed
[22:48] <giver> to finish booting
[22:49] <MythbuntuGuest04> it goes to the Mythbuntu splash for about 5 seconds then goes into some type of command line and stops, it says something about shell
[22:50] <giver> you changed something befire this happen?
[22:50] <giver> before
[22:51] <MythbuntuGuest04> i was in mythbuntu and tried to scan for new videos it froze up and i rebooted.
[22:54] <giver> you were looking for recordings?
[22:54] <giver> or in the web
[22:55] <giver> I'm a newbie with mythbuntu
[22:55] <giver> so,can not help much
[22:55] <giver> omeone else should
[23:05] <dorio_man> It's linux under the hood. If your at a keyboard you can possibly get a virtual termianl ctrl+alt+f1. You can remote in from another machine too.
[23:06] <dorio_man> This will at least tell you if it's frozen or not. If not you can kill the process.
[23:08] <MythbuntuGuest04> it does not get an ip address now, it does not get far enough enough into the process.
[23:08] <MythbuntuGuest04> it flashes Mythbuntu, then shows something that says Debian1:3.1 or something like that, it is a shell prompt
[23:09] <dorio_man> If $ or # then yes
[23:09] <MythbuntuGuest04> ?
[23:10] <dorio_man> Ubuntu and Mythbuntu are based of Debian.
[23:11] <MythbuntuGuest04> so it is stopping before the mythbuntu gets going
[23:12] <dorio_man> Possible. So does it get past the kernel messages.
[23:13] <dorio_man> If your getting an ip you can remote in from another computer. SSH preferable.
[23:13] <MythbuntuGuest04> i get the grub loading, it gets past that, then i get the Mythbuntu splash for about 5 seconds then i get the shell prompt
[23:13] <dorio_man> a # or $
[23:14] <dorio_man> # is root , $ a user
[23:14] <MythbuntuGuest04> i don't get either
[23:14] <MythbuntuGuest04> it says something like itramfs)
[23:14] <dorio_man> try a command like ls
[23:16] <MythbuntuGuest04> i get the etc modules usr and so on
[23:16] <dorio_man> so linux is running.
[23:16] <MythbuntuGuest04> yes
[23:16] <dorio_man> Did you just install it
[23:17] <MythbuntuGuest04> no it has been installed and running, i was browsing videos in mythtv and it froze so i rebooted and this is what happens
[23:17] <dorio_man> you can find out if your root or not by typing the command whoami
[23:18] <MythbuntuGuest04> it says not found
[23:19] <MythbuntuGuest04> .../n/sh: whoami: not found
[23:19] <dorio_man> ok
[23:19] <dorio_man> Is this the first time reboot since the freeze.
[23:19] <Cew27> anyone here
[23:20] <Cew27> i need help, i installed mythbuntu and have a variety of problems
[23:20] <MythbuntuGuest04> i have done it several times
[23:21] <dorio_man> I know Linux and am installing mythbuntu now. I know there a command you can run to get to the configuration screen.
[23:22] <MythbuntuGuest04> i did make a new directory call smb_videos in my video directory before all of this
[23:22] <dorio_man> Try myth and tab two times. It will bring up a list of all the command which start with myth
[23:23] <dorio_man> Did you do it using the gui?
[23:24] <Cew27> dvd playback in mythbuntu is messed up, i get multiple screens and messed up playback
[23:24] <MythbuntuGuest04> no, i did it in command line, it worked i saw the folder, i watched a movie then went to scan for more videos and it froze
[23:25] <MythbuntuGuest04> myth and two tabss does nothing
[23:27] <dorio_man> nothing? I don't know the command but try scan and hit tab twice. I'm new to mythbuntu too but I know linux.
[23:28] <dorio_man> I get scantv when I type scan and hit tab twice.
[23:29] <MythbuntuGuest04> nothing if i just hit tab twice i get a list of stuff
[23:30] <dorio_man> Cent27 go through some of the configurations. It is probably pointing to the something wrong. There is a good install manual.
[23:30] <MythbuntuGuest04> i dont think any part mythbuntu is present
[23:32] <Cew27> dorio_man: its installed ok i think?
[23:32] <Cew27> problem is my video card only has dvi and vga out, there is no good way to get sound into my tv as its all hdmi inputs
[23:33] <dorio_man> Cew27: Same problem my friend is having with dhmi out
[23:34] <Cew27> dorio_man: what you mean?
[23:35] <dorio_man> Cew27: He is having sound problems and hdmi problems. I thinks it's a configuration problem on his side.
[23:36] <Cew27> im not having problems with it. i just dont know how i can get sound into hdmi
[23:38] <MythbuntuGuest04> busybox v1.1.3
[23:38] <dorio_man> Cew27: It's in one of the configuration files. My friend finally found it.
[23:38] <Cew27> dorio_man: no, i mean hardware
[23:39] <Cew27> my graphics card only has dvi out
[23:40] <dorio_man> Cew27: I believe you can find it in the configuration. It should pick it up. If I remember right there is a backend configuration too.
[23:41] <Cew27> dorio_man: no.... i dont think you are understanding me
[23:41] <Cew27> i have a dvi to hdmi convertor hooked up
[23:41] <dorio_man> ahh. ok
[23:44] <Cew27> and i dont know how to get sound
[23:45] <dorio_man> I looked it up. From the Info about the converter it should work. There is a lot of configuration files my friend had to go through to get it up and running.
[23:48] <dorio_man> Gave my friend a call. Hopefully he will call back soon and answere the hdmi question.
[23:55] <dorio_man> He says it should work but no sound.