UbuntuIRC / 2008 /11 /15 /#kubuntu-devel.txt
Initial commit
[00:42] <JontheEchidna> trunk is great, but Konversation keeps loosing its window geometry when I minimize it to tray
[01:33] <ryanakca> Riddell (and whoever else is interested): Where would you like the screenshot block? Leftside bar on front page only? On its own page? Replacing the ``What is kubuntu'' paragraph?
[05:05] <LaserJock> ScottK: happen to be up?
[07:45] <Riddell> ryanakca: left bar leading to its own page?
[07:46] <Riddell> ryanakca: what's in the block?
=== akonadi is now known as nihui
[13:32] <LimCore> can you take a look?
[13:33] <LimCore> kdesu hangs always ; and is using a qt3 acient lib (wtf)
[13:33] <LimCore> also, QString acts strangelly
[13:33] <LimCore> http://pastebin.com/f58849d3e
[14:11] <apachelogger> http://aplg.kollide.net/tmp/screenshot.png
[14:11] <apachelogger> good old KDE
=== dennisv is now known as verhaert
=== verhaert is now known as dennisv
[14:47] <glade88> is amarok-nightly available via backports repos?
=== claydoh_ is now known as claydoh
=== mcasadevall is now known as NCommander
=== glade88_ is now known as glade88
=== NCommander is now known as Guest15215
=== Guest15215 is now known as mcasadevall
=== mcasadevall is now known as NCommander
[16:02] <ryanakca> Riddell: http://www.kubuntu-fr.org ... the screenshot viewer.
[16:02] * ryanakca waves to seele
[16:02] * ryanakca kicks his tab key, ^seelenn^
[16:03] <^seelenn^> hello ryanakca
[16:04] * ^seelenn^ wonders if my irc nick is going to cause seele to hate me
[16:05] <ryanakca> Probably... that or you're only going to get half of the messages sent to you when people miss-tab and don't realize it...
[16:05] <DaSkreech> hi ^seelenn^
[16:06] <^seelenn^> hi DaSkreech
[16:06] <^seelenn^> ryanakca: Is there anything I can help out with today?
[16:45] <ryanakca> seezer: back, sorry... Ummm.. Yes...
[16:45] <ryanakca> *sigh*, sorry seezer. ^seelenn^ ^^
[16:47] <^seelenn^> ryanakca: welcome back
[16:47] <^seelenn^> I'll be away for 5 mins, have to start dinner
[16:47] <DaSkreech> Nom nom nom
[16:50] <^seelenn^> ryanakca:
[16:50] <^seelenn^> back
[16:50] <DaSkreech> what?
[16:50] <DaSkreech> I sooooo need you to come make me dinner
[16:51] <^seelenn^> I'm sorry DaSkreech, no can do I'm afraid
[16:51] * DaSkreech forks ^seelenn^
[16:51] <ryanakca> ^seelenn^: Splendid, lemme get the required screenshot size
[16:54] <DaSkreech> whoooooooooooooooooooooooo
[16:58] <ryanakca> ^seelenn^: ok, looks like it takes screenshots of any size... would you be so kind as to take the screenshots from https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuIntrepidWebsite/KDE4Screenshots and put them in a tarball for me? (Feel free to stick in your own too)
[17:00] <^seelenn^> ryanakca: will do
[17:10] <^seelenn^> ryanakca: the link for Multirows Task Manager and DarkLime GTK are broken
[17:13] <DaSkreech> 160
[17:15] <ryanakca> ^seelenn^: bummer... I guess they can be skipped?
[17:16] <^seelenn^> sure, will do, I've added a few of my own too
[17:20] <^seelenn^> ryanakca: hpw do you want me to give the tarball to you?
[18:31] <DaSkreech> nixternal: What do you like?
[18:44] <DaSkreech> seele: Ping
=== glade88__ is now known as glade88
[19:10] <seele> DaSkreech: pong
[19:14] <DaSkreech> Bah contentless pings
[19:14] <DaSkreech> seele: Ah Right! System Settings
[19:15] <DaSkreech> Should there be a standard for the elevation sequence?
[19:23] <seele> DaSkreech: elevation sequence?
=== jjesse_ is now known as jjesse
[19:24] <DaSkreech> seele: When a module needs root access
[19:24] <seele> in kde 3 there was an Administrator button
[19:24] <DaSkreech> The three ones I've seen are ask for root as soon as you enter the module, Ask for root when you edit something that needs root acces and upon apply if you need root access ask
[19:25] <seele> i'm not sure if all the modules work like that now, i might remember (incorrectly) that some might ask for the admin password via kdesu
[19:25] <DaSkreech> Yeah that's what I'm seeing
[19:25] <seele> yeah i dunno.. i havent look at it
[19:26] <DaSkreech> seele: Ok well then wider question. Should the experience of something like be tailored more towards uniformity or more towards the needs of the modules ?
[19:27] <un> DaSkreech: i would vote uniform... if the same thing looks different, it throws newbs off...
[19:27] <seele> they should all act the same
[19:27] <seele> but the way they act, i dont know because i havent really looked at it
[19:29] <DaSkreech> seele: Ok cool
[19:29] <DaSkreech> un: I can understand the first two I don't get the last one
[19:40] <un> DaSkreech: ?
[19:40] <DaSkreech> the sequence of events to get root
[19:41] <DaSkreech> some require you to be root just to get into the module, some only ask for root privis when you edit something that requires root to change and some wait till you hit apply then if you need root to change something ask for it there
[19:42] <un> why should any of the modules apply their settings automatically, why not just wait until 'apply' or 'ok' for permissions...?
[19:42] <DaSkreech> hmm?
[19:43] <un> we are talking about systemsettings modules right?
[19:43] <DaSkreech> Yes
[19:43] <un> why can't all of the modules just ask at the time the actual processing of the configuration in question is taking place...
[19:44] <DaSkreech> Yeah I guess that would be fairly logical
[19:44] <DaSkreech> I get the first one cause I can see a module displaying info that you really should have root privis to see
[19:45] <DaSkreech> So that makes sense
[19:45] <un> :}
[19:45] <DaSkreech> and I can see why you would want to alert the user to find out if they have root privliges before they spend the time to edit something that they may never be able to commit
[19:46] <DaSkreech> the find root on apply goes directly against what I just said
[19:46] <DaSkreech> I just spent 10 minutes tweaking this thing and I can't apply it?? AARRRGHHH!!!
[19:48] <yuriy> anybody know how to start an application with a different color scheme?
[19:48] * yuriy goes to file a bug in kompare
[19:49] <un> is the bluemarble plasmoid still being polished or is it good to go?
[20:51] <DaSkreech> Should Strigi be enabled by default in Ibex?
[21:11] <un> DaSkreech: i don't know many (new) people who use it... it is rather slow for newbs...
[21:28] * DaSkreech wants strigi to see success
[21:40] <NCommander> Riddell, ping
[21:45] * ^seelenn^ has a throbbing brain from the crash course in bzr she's just gone through
[23:45] <Riddell> NCommander: pong