UbuntuIRC / 2008 /11 /14 /#ubuntu-ops.txt
Initial commit
[00:43] <ubottu> In #ubuntu, Twichey said: !musikgoat it is a belkin f5d7050
[00:57] <ubottu> In #ubuntu, TwicheyUL said: !musikgoat Ok this is my linux Partion
[01:23] <bazhang> @bansearch sudobash
[01:23] <ubottu> No matches found for sudobash!n=andrea@unaffiliated/sudobash in any channel
[01:24] <Pici> bazhang: he has a history
[01:24] <bazhang> Pici, yeah I remember him.
[01:30] <LjL> he talks about DoSing people and he can't tell a bloody GIF popup from a trojan
[01:30] <LjL> i so despise that person.
[01:33] <jrib> http://pastebin.com/f3a7177b7 http://pastebin.com/f58e3d617 that's a first for me
[01:36] <ajmitch> jrib: nvidia?
[01:37] <ajmitch> ah no, it's not the RGBPath issue I had :)
[01:37] <jrib> ajmitch: nah, somehow the nano header was copied into the xorg.conf
[01:37] <ajmitch> hah
[01:37] <jrib> ""GNU" is not a valid keyword in this section."
[01:37] <ajmitch> impressive
[01:37] <LjL> jrib: clearly, someone did a copy and paste from terminal
[01:37] <Pici> jrib: Was that actually in the file? I thought it was a mispaste.
[01:37] <jrib> Pici: pastebinit was being used because there was no X
[01:37] <Pici> jrib: oooh
[01:37] <Pici> 'oops'
[01:38] <jrib> his friend was on ssh copying with X I guess
[01:39] <LjL> jrib: i've actually had a few people using nano and not realizing that part of what they had on the screen was the file, and part was the nano interface.
[01:40] <ajmitch> LjL: a good thing they don't use vim :)
[01:41] <LjL> ajmitch: that's pretty much impossible if it's me helping them, as i can barely exit vim myself to begin with
[01:41] <ajmitch> <esc>:skjdghdslkjdgfQUITDAMNYOU
[01:41] <LjL> even now i know how it's done, i still usually do killall -9 vim from another terminal when i mistakenly fire it up.
[01:42] <LjL> the actual bash.org quote was better
[01:42] <mneptok> :q!
[01:42] * ajmitch does not know which quote
[01:42] <LjL> ajmitch: can't retrieve it as bash.org doesn't exist anymore
[01:42] <Pici> http://bash.org/?795779
[01:42] <LjL> mneptok: (thank you we knew)
[01:43] <Pici> That one.
[01:43] <LjL> wasn't it down indefinitely?
[01:43] <ajmitch> back up
[01:43] <Pici> Its back up.
[01:43] <Pici> LjL: It was down for quite a bit though
[01:43] <LjL> i'm always the last to know things :(
[01:44] <LjL> probably because i don't give a damn about them
[01:48] <jrib> seriously, I hope for coolname's sake he is a troll
[01:48] <Pici> jrib: me too
[01:52] <bazhang> synfig works fine in ubuntu.
[01:52] <bazhang> QED
[01:53] <LjL> and i hope you guys are just having fun, and haven't really got insane...
[01:53] <jrib> well it's not clear he is a troll
[01:54] <bazhang> then a very bad google search-er
[01:54] <LjL> jrib: it is clear, perhaps it'll help if you grep for him and see at the bunch of his messages all in a row
[01:54] <bazhang> first links for synfig ubuntu turn it up
[01:55] <LjL> also troll or not, even if you're not a troll but simply lobotomized, that's no excuse for bothering the channel like that for half an hour
[02:12] <bazhang> Jnelson, how may we help you
[02:13] <stdin> apparently you can't
[02:13] <bazhang> <Jnelson> how many ops are there
[02:13] <bazhang> in -irc
[02:13] <bazhang> just doing a head count
[02:14] <Pici> Jnelson: you've returned. How can we help you this time?
[02:14] <Jnelson> how many ops are there including international
[02:14] <bazhang> Jnelson, how may we help you
[02:14] <stdin> "a lot"
[02:15] <Jnelson> are all of them in here
[02:15] <Jnelson> i count 32
[02:15] <Jnelson> 37
[02:15] <stdin> no, only operators of the man ubuntu channels are here
[02:15] <stdin> and only the ones currently online
[02:15] <stdin> *main
[02:15] <Pici> Jnelson: Our Launchpad page has a list of the core Ubuntu operators: http://www.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-irc/
[02:16] <Jnelson> Look
[02:17] <bazhang> Jnelson, is there anything else?
[02:17] <Jnelson> Is that ban over from the ubuntu rooms from ljl over? Ive been getting help from my problems from doctors and i am sorry for what i did
[02:18] <bazhang> Jnelson, what nick were you using
[02:18] <Jnelson> tons
[02:20] <bazhang> Jnelson, care to supply some
[02:20] <Jnelson> What he did is he banned me from all rooms
[02:20] <Jnelson> anyways
[02:21] <Jnelson> Aww i have bad short term memory
[02:21] <Jnelson> bigbear is one
[02:22] <Pici> Jnelson: No, your bans are still standing.
[02:22] <bazhang> oh okay
[02:22] <bazhang> john_Nel
[02:22] <Jnelson> there perm?
[02:23] <Pici> Until LjL weighs in on them, yes. And he is currently not around.
[02:23] <Jnelson> ok
[02:24] <Jnelson> Sometimes i really cant control what i am doing until after i do the things i do
[02:24] <Jnelson> Mostly my aspergers and OCD
[02:24] <bazhang> Jnelson, then dont log onto irc
[02:27] <bazhang> !idle | Jnelson
[02:27] <ubottu> Jnelson: Please keep in mind that this channel is for operator/abuse questions only, and we ask you to part when you have no further business here, in order to keep track of users with pending inquiries.
[02:27] <Jnelson> ok
[02:28] <Jnelson> last thing
[02:28] <Jnelson> Nm bye
[02:28] <Jnelson> When will i know if the ban still stands
[02:28] <Jnelson> or not
[02:30] <bazhang> Jnelson, when you are able to conduct yourself in an appropriate manner on the ubuntu channels; and considering that it has been only three weeks and you were ban evading on more than one occasion, not any time soon.
[02:32] <Jnelson> ok Bye
[02:32] <Pici> @mark jnelson
[02:32] <ubottu> The operation succeeded.
[02:33] <Pici> I added realname bans for him in #u and -offtopic, comments are on the bt for both.
[02:34] <Jnelson> when should i come back and ask
[02:34] <stdin> around 8-12 hours maybe
[02:34] <mneptok> "longer than 120 seconds?"
[02:36] <Jnelson> when jl is on
[02:36] <bazhang> Jnelson, not any time soon.
[02:36] <Jnelson> what about 5-6 months
[02:37] <bazhang> Jnelson, depends on how much you can modify your behavior in that time.
[02:37] <Jnelson> and how can i show that
[02:38] <bazhang> Jnelson, that depends on you.
[02:38] <bazhang> please /part now Jnelson
[02:38] <Jnelson> ok bye
[02:38] <bazhang> he is a notorious ban-evader and troll.
[02:43] <Pici> yes
[02:44] <bazhang> fryguy suggest sudo su in #ubuntu
[02:55] <stdin> suggest back "sudo -i"
[02:56] <nalioth> <sigh>
[02:56] <bazhang> and the user's system now seems very compromised
[02:56] <Pici> nalioth: anything in particular?
[02:56] <nalioth> fryguy
[03:05] <jrib> bazhang: fryguy didn't compromise his system
[03:06] <bazhang> jrib, was it not he who suggested sudo su?
[03:06] <jrib> not really. He suggested sudo su new_username so he could have just dropped the sudo
[03:07] <bazhang> the user seems to have missed the distinction and just sudo su'd
[03:07] <bazhang> a bad suggestion in any situation imo
[03:08] <Pici> Its not the level of a comprimised system though.
[03:08] <jrib> fryguy seemed helpful while I was active anwyay
[03:08] <bazhang> I report what I see.
[03:10] <jrib> droids messed up his system because he ran a recursive chmod he found on the forums, ignoring advice that I and fryguy gave
[03:10] <ajmitch> but chmod -R 000 / makes it secure!
[03:11] <jdong> jrib: talent.
[03:11] <jrib> well it wasn't as that bad, just his home
[03:11] <jdong> I recall spending nearly 4 hours totally fixing something like that which happened "by accident" (long story)
[03:11] <jdong> oh. that's not too bad then.
[03:11] <jdong> I messed up ownership and permissions on /
[03:12] <jdong> that was quite a fun exercise to fix.
[03:12] <jrib> you bothered to fix it? wouldn't reinstalling be much faster?
[03:12] <jdong> I don't believe in reinstalling ;-)
[03:12] <jdong> that's for the weak.
[03:12] <bazhang> haha
[03:12] <jrib> jdong: did you use a livecd as a reference or something?
[03:13] <ubottu> In ubottu, walzmyn said: I think this is beyond that
[03:13] <jdong> jrib: used the actual debs as a reference
[03:13] <jdong> parsed the ownership out of data.tar.gz
[03:13] <Pici> ubottu: tell walzmyn about bot
[03:13] <jdong> that just left mostly /etc and parts of /var for guessing, which weren't too hard
[03:13] <jdong> but in retrospect, I'd just reinstall :)
[03:21] <jussi01> Hello all
[03:21] <jrib> hey jussi01
[03:21] <bazhang> hi
[03:21] <jrib> juicy :)
[03:22] <jussi01> jrib: thats really old...
[03:23] * jussi01 is in Melbourne ATM
[03:23] <bazhang> <c0mput3r> how do i make love to a woman using ubuntu?
[03:24] <bazhang> going to be a fun day.
[03:27] <jdong> lol what on earth :)
[03:29] <jussi01> that sounds like a jdong quote?
[03:29] <jussi01> :P
[03:30] <jdong> jussi01: lol I'm not THAT bad.
[03:30] <jussi01> heheh
[03:30] <jdong> jussi01: I was running dirty lyrics through a markov text generator.
[03:31] <jdong> it made FAR FAR more disturbing lyrics :)
[03:31] <jussi01> hahahahahha
[03:31] <jussi01> you crack me up
[03:31] <bazhang> please someone else deal with him.
[03:33] <nickrud> fryguy?
[03:33] <bazhang> c0mput3r
[03:34] <bazhang> mr 'lol that sucks dude'
[03:34] <nickrud> yeah, just was gonna say I'm a bit lol'd out
[03:35] <bazhang> I did a !coc after his above comment, and he did one right back.
[03:43] <Pici> bazhang: Thats nearly always grounds for a kick in my book
[03:43] <bazhang> Pici, must be too drained after the unfo mindrape issue yesterday
[03:44] <Pici> bazhang: I guess I missed that one.
[03:44] <nickrud> at the least a mute with private convo, unless they're reall egregious. But then, I haven't been doing much moderating lately and my better nature is returning ;)
[03:44] <bazhang> Pici, it was epic; involved fryguy as well
[03:56] <nickrud> unitedpotsmokers nick over the edge?
[03:58] <Flannel> Howdy all
[03:58] <bazhang> hi Flannel
[03:58] <nickrud> hey flannel
[03:58] <Flannel> nickrud: He doesn't seem to cause any problems, I've been taking alive and letlive attitude. For all we know, he's talking about kilns and pottery.
[03:58] <Flannel> s/live/ live/
[03:58] <nickrud> ah, I will take that interpretation happily
[03:59] <nickrud> having been born on 420
[03:59] <Flannel> Oh, I'm not doing it for endorsement, just that except for the questionable name, he seems like an upright citizen. If he weren't, I'd definately bring it up.
[04:00] <nickrud> upright citizen. I don't think I've heard that term in a while
[04:01] * Flannel is down with the kids vernacular today.
[04:02] <nickrud> upright citizen was disparaging when I was a kid
[04:02] <bazhang> yup
[04:02] <bazhang> like goody two shoes
[04:03] <nickrud> just calling someone a citizen with a slightly sneering tone could be the cause of a fight. But that was the early 70's.
[04:16] * mneptok has visions of Elder Scrolls: Oblivion
[04:19] <Flannel> wait, thamaan?
[04:19] <Flannel> is that the same?
[04:19] <Flannel> oh, no
[04:33] <nalioth> actions speak louder then words (or nicks)
[08:00] <ubottu> Slart called the ops in #ubuntu (poopoomouth)
[08:03] <ubottu> poopoomouth called the ops in #ubuntu ()
[09:48] * Myrtti keeps her fingers crossed for Tm_T
[11:26] <Myrtti> phew
[11:26] <Myrtti> my Egyptian stalker hasn't said a word to me yet
[11:26] <ikonia> what's up
[11:27] <bazhang> nice.
[11:27] <Myrtti> I'm too nice to people
[11:27] <bazhang> yup
[11:27] <Myrtti> I only last week managed to say to ASUS-tek I'm freaked out by him
[11:27] <bazhang> waaay too nice
[11:30] <Myrtti> if someone is intrested, I've got the pastebin to that discussion
[11:31] <Myrtti> I do understand ASUS-tek to certain degree
[11:31] <Myrtti> this Egyptian fellow just utterly baffles me
[11:31] <ikonia> Myrtti: in what way do you understand him, he's just a rude troll ?
[11:31] <ikonia> I'm yet to see him make any form of positive contribution
[11:32] <Myrtti> I'd like to think he's not a rude troll, but just someone who simply doesn't get the behavioural norms either because of his cultural background and/or youth
[11:33] <ikonia> I disagree
[11:33] <bazhang> thats the nice interpretation; seems like a troll here
[11:33] <Myrtti> but hey, this is me
[11:33] <Myrtti> I try to see the best in people
[11:34] <ikonia> it's nice to see a positive stance taken
[11:34] <ikonia> I would feel the same if he wasn't a persistant issue
[11:34] <ikonia> people slip up, or need to get teh idea of how things work, but he knows and choses not to
[11:34] <ikonia> but - thats me
[11:34] <bazhang> if he ever showed even a glimmer of niceness or positive contribution, it would be a different story
[11:34] <ikonia> bazhang agreed
[11:35] <ikonia> a shot at being positive memebr of the channel would make me change my view
[11:35] <bazhang> but no sign of that so far from what I have witnessed from him; quite the opposite
[11:35] <Myrtti> yeah, I'm the person who has exactly one person in ignore on IRC, who volunteers to mediate some of the most difficult problems etc.
[11:36] <bazhang> they must have a live consume-a-puppy cam to get that ignore
[11:36] <Myrtti> no, just something very personal
[11:36] <Myrtti> I got tired of crying and second guessing the motives of the person
[11:36] <ikonia> oh dear
[11:36] <Myrtti> anyway
[11:38] <Myrtti> I just can't think of ASUS-tek as a troll. Something in me just makes me think he is (no matter his real age) a teenager (13-15yo) that has a thick head and heaps of selfproclaimed wisdom and knowledge
[11:39] <Myrtti> well, just "teenager" would cover it all
[11:39] <Myrtti> no offence to our <20 yo channel regulars ;-)
[11:40] <bazhang> he's just really sexist. nothing else of note imo
[11:41] <Myrtti> what I've discussed with people around the world, I'd see it more of a cultural issue that hasn't been trained off of him yet
[11:44] <Myrtti> a little part of me wishes he would come to Finland where we independent selfassured females with right to vote for over 100 years and lots of experience in training men to be a bit less chauvinistic would train him to behave. But I also think that that wish would make me responsible in training him, and I really don't want to do it.
[11:45] <Myrtti> as my philosophy in these things is "if you whine about something, you're responsible in fixing it yourself"
[11:45] <bazhang> may as well add icesword; could get a package deal
[11:45] <ikonia> bazhang: get thrills out of being sexual in a channel, I agree
[11:46] <bazhang> ikonia, too the detriment of all around imo
[11:46] <bazhang> err to
[11:46] <Myrtti> but about ASUS-tek...
[11:47] <bazhang> humm okey
[11:47] <Myrtti> I find it a bit funny that he sorta tried to blackmail or threaten me in a way
[11:47] <Myrtti> 19:04 <ASUS-tek> myrtti so what should I do I am person who has relatives in his countrys political industrial banking and also medical system I gues I might be one of the most influential person around you ever know :P
[11:48] <Myrtti> "be nice to me, {or else|because what if}
[11:48] <Myrtti> "
[11:48] <bazhang> whoa
[11:52] <Myrtti> yes, it is... whoa.
[11:55] <ikonia> I just wouldn't tollerate it
[11:56] <Myrtti> well, that was about the only thing he did say to me
[11:56] <Myrtti> s/only/last/
[11:56] <ikonia> it's like saying "I know the queen so your not going to stop me"
[12:01] <ikonia> emma is asking me questions in #ubuntu - and repeating what I say in ##club-ubuntu to someoen she is trying to help like it is her own help
[12:02] <ikonia> she's helping the user samphippen
[12:02] <ikonia> 12:02 < ikonia> emma good good
[12:03] <ikonia> 12:02 < emma> samphippen: that looks good.
[12:04] <Myrtti> invite samphippen to #ubuntu?
[12:04] <ikonia> a user in club-ubuntu is pm'ing me parts of it, most odd, I don't know why she just doesn't say "ask in #ubuntu"
[12:04] <Myrtti> :-D
[12:04] <ikonia> 12:04 < samphippen> emma, http://dpaste.com/90715
[12:04] <ikonia> I don't mind, it just seems odd
[12:05] <bazhang> sure is
[12:05] <bazhang> you being in that channel I mean :)
[12:05] <Myrtti> he's not
[12:06] <Myrtti> /csinvite samphippen
[12:06] <Myrtti> :-P
[12:06] <Myrtti> I'm tempted
[12:06] <bazhang> hehe
[12:06] <ikonia> bazhang no, someone from club-ubuntu and ubutnu sent me a note saying what I'm saying is being repeated
[12:07] <bazhang> ikonia, the plot thickens :)
[12:07] <ikonia> I didn't know what was going on, I thought it was just emma having a valid problem, it's no big deal, most just ammusing/ interesting, instead of saying "there is a guy who is hleping in #ubuntu"
[12:07] <Myrtti> might as well also show him the logs of #ubuntu pointing him that emma is just riding with your advice
[12:07] <Myrtti> bah.
[12:07] * Myrtti wants to run and wash her hands
[12:08] <Myrtti> I can't help wondering her motives
[12:08] <Myrtti> I'm sure there's plenty of good and valid ones
[12:09] <Myrtti> DOH
[12:10] <bazhang> bien sur
[12:10] <Myrtti> [14:08] < ohmygod> who can help me? when I open a gnome-term on desktop, it will turn to gray, and the tool bar on desktop don't refresh,then my full desktop don't refresh
[12:10] <Myrtti> [14:08] < ohmygod> but if I log in desktop by root , that's all ok.
[12:10] <Myrtti> DETECT THE PROBLEM!
[12:10] <Myrtti> IT MUST BE COMPIZ
[12:10] <bazhang> ohnoez
[12:10] <Myrtti> right?!
[12:13] <ikonia> thats crap - she's going now and leaing the guy int he middle of a jam wihtout telling him to come here to finish off the issue
[12:14] <ikonia> I'm tempted to invite him in now as he's left in the middle of a debugging session which could be continued if it wasn't being passed of as false advice
[12:14] <Myrtti> I did
[12:14] <ikonia> oh
[12:14] <ikonia> I don't want to step on her toes and cause issue though, but I don't understand the value of proxying data to him
[12:15] <Myrtti> there you go
[12:15] <Myrtti> he's online and alive on the channel
[12:16] <Myrtti> had to say that, sorry
[12:16] <Myrtti> *sigh*
[12:17] <Myrtti> I don't know what to tell to omhygod
[12:17] <bazhang> reinstall
[12:17] <Myrtti> has anyone been following the advice ActionParsnip gives?
[12:17] <Myrtti> that's like the second brainfart I've seen him do in 10 minutes
[12:17] <ikonia> nope
[12:18] <bazhang> for the most part yes Myrtti
[12:18] <bazhang> not every single line though
[12:18] <Myrtti> first, the problem with ohmygod's system is compiz.
[12:18] <Myrtti> so his problem will be solved with metacity --replace
[12:18] <Myrtti> right.
[12:18] <Myrtti> ok.
[12:18] <bazhang> envyng?
[12:18] <bazhang> that worked for me with hardy
[12:19] <Myrtti> now samphippen comes in, has problems with nvidia, and he suggests envyng? sure, It might work, but I'd rather try other things first.
[12:19] <bazhang> yep
[12:20] <ikonia> now actoinparsnuip has pasted a full xorg.conf for him as a default
[12:20] <ikonia> whats going on ????
[12:20] <Myrtti> ikonia: as I said...
[12:20] <bazhang> got to eat, back soon
[12:21] <ikonia> Myrtti: he's lost his mind
[12:23] <Myrtti> I'm about to smack him to the moon
[12:30] <Myrtti> I'd like to know what he did to that ubuntu of his before he reinstalls it
[12:32] <Myrtti> [14:31] ~~~Irssi: Query started with Vinterbound in window 14
[12:32] <Myrtti> *SIGH*
[13:14] <ikonia> bazhang: they have recovery options in - and are boot cd programs
[13:15] <Pici> LjL: Did you happen to catch any of the john_nel stuff from the backlog here?
[13:15] <bazhang> ikonia, for dos?
[13:15] <ikonia> bazhang: well, for an OS ion the disk
[13:15] <ikonia> don't know what they run
[13:15] <LjL> Pici: no... i'll look
[13:15] <ikonia> bazhang: like a livecd
[13:15] <bazhang> ikonia, it seems his advice is not good
[13:15] <ikonia> well, for simon - no, it's too much, but hey are sound tools for data recovery
[13:16] <Pici> LjL: he was here as jnelson
[13:16] <bazhang> ikonia, he said we were all trying to 'scare' simon1234
[13:16] <ikonia> bad wording I agree
[13:16] <bazhang> his data is gone.
[13:16] <ikonia> ooh I agree, I spent time this morning trying to drag it out of him
[13:16] <bazhang> gilster has no idea of the amount of time you spent on that
[13:18] <ikonia> strAlan in #ubuntu
[13:18] <ikonia> I think he's someone else band dodging
[13:18] <LjL> Pici: well what should i say
[13:18] <LjL> i'm not supposed to believe the aspergers bollocks am i
[13:18] <LjL> or, care
[13:19] <ikonia> @btlogin
[13:19] <Pici> LjL: Nothing really to say, just wanted to make you aware. I put a realname ban on his (then) current realname in -offtopic and #u, noted on the BT, feel free to modify if needed.
[13:20] <ikonia> what was the name of the guy who was playing dumb and wanted to hack his bosses computer
[13:20] <ikonia> and we kicked him
[13:20] <LjL> Pici: the realname ban is unfortunately useless
[13:20] <LjL> he knows how to change everything
[13:20] <LjL> he can ban evade anytime he wants
[13:21] <Pici> LjL: It was just a bandaid, since the current ban wasn't doing anything
[13:21] <LjL> Pici: right but that's not even a realname i've seen of him before
[13:21] * Pici shrugs
[13:23] <ikonia> @logs
[13:23] <ikonia> Pici what was the name of that guy who was a pain in #ubuntu and we saw him join #ubuntuforums under a new nick the other day
[13:23] <ikonia> I think he's back as strAlan and bad dodging
[13:24] <ikonia> !logs
[13:24] <ubottu> Official channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ - For LoCo channels, http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/
[13:24] <Pici> ikonia: Are you sure its the same person?
[13:25] <ikonia> Pici %99 hence why I'm trying to find the info on it
[13:25] <ikonia> I can't remember what his old nick was
[13:25] <ikonia> he had two, he came in as one, then switched to 2398472390847290 something like that,
[13:26] <Pici> ikonia: grepping for that IP gives me just joins for that nick going back a few months.
[13:26] <ikonia> Pici: thats why he's dodging
[13:26] <ikonia> I'm sure its the same guy
[13:26] <ikonia> his channels are identical
[13:26] <ikonia> I just can't find the old nick name
[13:26] <ikonia> !logs
[13:26] <ubottu> Official channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ - For LoCo channels, http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/
[13:27] <ikonia> peterbye
[13:27] <ikonia> thats him
[13:27] <Pici> ah
[13:27] <ikonia> it's the same guy
[13:28] <ikonia> 19:31 -!- PeterBye [n=a34lkj23@]
[13:28] <ikonia> 19:31 -!- ircname : MikeHunt
[13:28] <ikonia> 19:31 -!- channels : #cita460 #ubuntuforums
[13:28] <ikonia> 19:31 -!- server : irc.freenode.net [http://freenode.net/]
[13:28] <ikonia> 19:45 -!- ircname : MikeHunt
[13:28] <ikonia> 19:45 -!- channels : #cita460 #ubuntuforums #ubuntu
[13:28] <ikonia> 19:45 -!- server : irc.freenode.net [http://freenode.net/]
[13:29] <LjL> same guy yes
[13:29] <ikonia> 13:29 -!- strAlan [n=strAlan@]
[13:29] <ikonia> 13:29 -!- ircname : strAlan
[13:29] <ikonia> 13:29 -!- channels : #cita460 #ubuntuforums
[13:29] <Pici> ikonia: confirmed match for that ident
[13:29] <ikonia> I can't see the ban in BT though
[13:30] <ikonia> arse !
[13:30] <bazhang> heh
[13:30] <Pici> oh well
[13:31] <LjL> ikonia, are you testing the new auto-mark feature of my bots?
[13:32] <LjL> (if so you'll have to try harder ;)
[13:32] <ikonia> no, I'm being a fat fingered fool
[13:33] <bazhang> interesting PM with gilster
[13:33] <LjL> ikonia: flooding for fun
[13:33] <bazhang> stralan is john_nel?
[13:33] <LjL> (was just responding to the alliteration, mind)
[13:34] <LjL> bazhang: i don't believe so
[13:34] <bazhang> LjL, okay
[13:34] <LjL> he should be peterbye, which should be separate from john_nel
[13:34] <bazhang> his response was odd to ikonia though ('leave me alone!')
[13:34] <ikonia> ahh is he the same guy
[13:34] <ikonia> this guy is ban dodging then
[13:35] <LjL> same as who, again?
[13:35] <ikonia> bazhang: because we kicked him last night
[13:35] <bazhang> peterbye?
[13:35] <ikonia> bazhang: stalan is the user peterbye who was a troll in here a few days
[13:35] <bazhang> =stralan?
[13:35] <LjL> err right, but ikonia knew that already...?
[13:35] <bazhang> ikonia, okay
[13:35] <ikonia> bazhang: so when I accidently typed his name, he thought I was on to him
[13:35] <Pici> bazhang: stralan is a34lkj2348dsf311, AKA, Asymptote, AKA Chris_Britton, AKA PeterBye
[13:35] <ikonia> hence his response
[13:35] <bazhang> what irony
[13:36] <bazhang> Pici, wow
[13:36] <bazhang> a34skldhutyd
[13:36] <ikonia> he's just left ubuntu and gone to #ubuntu forums, which is what he's done before
[13:36] <LjL> Pici: you know, while i hate to bother stdin (not really but), i really think we need to be able to bt search inside comments
[13:36] <Pici> Dunno if all of of those have histories though
[13:36] <Pici> LjL: I agree
[13:36] <bazhang> that looks like an LjL -nick
[13:36] <ikonia> Asymptote and peterbye does
[13:36] <LjL> bazhang: mine are shorter
[13:36] <bazhang> LjL, true
[13:37] <ikonia> @btlogin
[13:37] <bazhang> gilster really did not like being called out on recommending acronis in the channel
[13:37] <bazhang> was polite enough to PM me to give an earful
[13:58] <Myrtti> PriceChild: btw, I managed to install Multiscanner on my N95 yesterday, you might find it useful too
[13:59] <PriceChild> Flannel: around?
[13:59] <PriceChild> Myrtti: whats that?
[14:00] <Myrtti> PriceChild: it's a program that basically acts as a scanner, has OCR support and a special mode for business cards. Scan a business card with it and it asks do you want to save the information to your phones contacts after reviewing them
[14:00] <PriceChild> nice
[14:00] <PriceChild> linky?
[14:00] <Myrtti> hold on
[14:01] <Myrtti> found it via Jaiku yesterday
[14:01] <PriceChild> phone was wiped with upgrade but almost all back
[14:03] <Myrtti> http://www.darlamack.com/darlamack/2008/11/another-hidden.html
[14:04] <Myrtti> (and this is a perfect time to promote Mobile Barcoder addon on Firefox)
[14:04] <Myrtti> https://addons.mozilla.org/fi/firefox/addon/2780/
[14:04] <Myrtti> oops
[14:04] <Myrtti> :-P
[14:04] <Myrtti> https://addons.mozilla.org/en/firefox/addon/2780/
[14:06] <Myrtti> PriceChild: you haven't got backups?
[14:20] <genii> Good morning, afternoon or evening ...
[14:23] <Myrtti> moin
[14:24] <bazhang> hi genii :)
[14:24] <genii> Myrtti: Moin :)
[14:24] <genii> bazhang: Hiya
[14:53] <LjL> setting -r since the actual attack on #ubuntu seems to be up
[14:54] <LjL> and the other attack is network-wide and has nothing much to do with us
[14:58] <LjL> christel: how come i get this feeling that the (non)-attack on #ubuntu was a diversion...
[14:59] <Pici> ♥ /window close <first> <last>
[14:59] <LjL> Pici: ♥ right click / Close Tab, right click / Close Tab, right click / Close Tab, right click / Close Tab, right click / Close Tab, right click / Close Tab, right click / Close Tab
[15:00] <Pici> fun
[15:00] <LjL> i'm not actually doing that
[15:01] <LjL> i rather think i'll leave the queries open until tomorrow when i reboot
[15:01] * Dave2 hands LjL a ctrl+w?
[15:02] <LjL> Dave2: could do, but doesn't change much
[15:02] <jrib> i feel left out. I didn't get any queries from the spammer
[15:02] <Myrtti> me too
[15:03] <Pici> I did. ~25 windows worth.
[15:16] <genii> Gah
[15:18] <Myrtti> /lastlog "125.164"
[15:18] <Myrtti> at #ubuntu
[15:59] <stdin> LjL: the web interface does search comments
[16:00] <LjL> stdin: sorry to contradict, but no it doesn't
[16:01] <stdin> hmm, no it does not
[16:01] <stdin> it did at one point
[16:01] <stdin> I can easily re-add that
[16:01] <LjL> stdin: please do, it's *very* handy to have
[16:01] <LjL> especially for ban evaders
[16:16] <jrib> LjL: there's more of your kind! (see bigmack in #ubuntu)
[16:16] <Pici> uh oh
[16:17] <ikonia> ?
[16:17] * LjL can't respond, is busy taking deep breaths
[16:18] <jrib> ikonia: php bot
[16:18] <ikonia> ah
[16:18] <ikonia> is anyone familer with Meshach ?
[16:19] <ikonia> he seems to know me but I don't know him and wondered if he was an old reg/different nick that I didn't know
[16:25] <ikonia> ljl for italian please
[16:26] <Pici> hm?
[16:26] <ikonia> "I am am Italian, sorry for my english" in #ubuntu
[16:26] <Pici> !it
[16:26] <ubottu> Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)
[16:26] <LjL> me no speek italien
[16:26] <ikonia> ha ha ha
[16:26] <ikonia> meesa mario
[16:27] <Myrtti> plingplong
[16:27] <Pici> plop.
[16:28] <jussi01> I have a headache, its like 3 am and my rhythym is screwed, what to do?
[16:28] <ikonia> jussi01: hey man, welcome back
[16:28] <nalioth> take two aspirin, wash them down with some whiskey and hit the next clut
[16:28] <ikonia> jussi01: if your rhythym is screwed, all you can do is dance
[16:28] <nalioth> club
[16:28] <ikonia> nalioth: the correct attitude
[16:29] <jussi01> hehe
[16:29] <vorian> :o
[16:29] <ikonia> for sure we will party in the european disco's
[16:31] <jussi01> me slaps ikonia and points at pm
[16:31] <ikonia> oh
[16:40] <Myrtti> !pm
[16:40] <ubottu> Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit AND help you. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude.
[16:41] <Myrtti> that should include something about the safety factor, imo
[16:41] <Pici> I'm not sure what you mean.
[16:42] <Myrtti> /msg Pici all your wifi problems can be fixed if you do this command "sudo rm -rf......"
[16:42] * genii pm's pici the not-to-be-repeated command which wipes all
[16:42] * Myrtti slaps herself
[16:45] <Flannel> PriceChild: What's up?
[16:45] <ikonia> 16:45:28 up 24 days, 2:18, 2 users, load average: 1.00, 1.00, 1.1.00
[16:45] <Pici> :)
[16:45] <LjL> 1.1.00?
[16:45] <ikonia> the old ones are the best
[16:46] <ikonia> LjL: been encoding 300 episodes od star trek ;)
[16:46] <ikonia> more ctually
[16:46] <ikonia> acgtuallyu
[16:46] <ikonia> actually
[16:46] <Pici> Why two decimal points?
[16:46] <ikonia> where ?
[16:46] <ikonia> oogh
[16:46] <ikonia> typo
[16:46] <ikonia> cut and paste
[16:46] <ikonia> was split onto 2 lines
[16:46] <Pici> Ah
[17:12] <Pici> ikonia: He's probably asking about Tranceyinmypants, who was warned by some users and seems to have stopped.
[17:12] <ikonia> I missed that
[17:12] <ikonia> thanks
[17:12] <ikonia> rates
[17:12] <ikonia> rats
[17:12] <jussi01> ikonia: pm!!
[17:12] <Pici> tag team
[17:15] <ikonia> @btlogin
[17:16] <ikonia> best put a note in to say I kicked the user by accident so he doesn't get a rep for being kicked
[17:17] <Pici> Nah, I issued a kickban, so its moot.
[17:18] <ikonia> no I kicked the wrong guy
[17:18] <ikonia> so I put a note in BT
[17:19] <Pici> oh
[17:21] <stdin> LjL: comments should be searched now too
[17:21] <LjL> yes they do, try searching for "john_nel" now
[17:22] <Pici> neat, thanks stdin
[17:23] <ikonia> @bansearch peterbye
[17:23] <ubottu> Match: %PeterBye!*@* by Pici in #ubuntu on Nov 12 2008 19:29:58 (ID: 6692)
[17:23] <LjL> only in the web interface i fear, but that should do well enough
[17:25] <ikonia> I'll take what I can get
[17:26] <LjL> ikonia: comments anyway tend to be too clumsy to have reported on here...
[17:27] <ikonia> speak for yourself, mine is a work of art ;)
[17:27] <LjL> ikonia: clumsy as in long. also, i think several times we wouldn't want our comments logged on this channel.
[17:27] <Flannel> definately
[17:28] <ikonia> I was teasing
[17:28] <Flannel> Also, you should always check out the web interface (once ubottu has given you the correct mask to search for) for backstory, etc, anyway
[17:30] <ikonia> is it possible to do say "/who 10.11.*"
[17:30] <ikonia> wildcard the address search ?
[17:30] <LjL> should be ikonia, yes
[17:30] <ikonia> so it is
[17:31] <ikonia> didn't wantt o do it for fear of causing pain
[17:31] <ikonia> cool
[17:31] <LjL> ikonia: just be careful not to do too broad a search or you'll easily get very slightly flooded...
[17:33] <ikonia> exactly
[17:33] <LjL> ikonia: also, you can only put the * at the beginning or end of the search term, so don't do /who 123.123.*.* - that will not work
[17:33] <LjL> nor for that matter will *!*@whatever
[17:33] <ikonia> LjL: that makes sense
[17:33] <ikonia> although it's quite cool to do 10.11.*
[17:33] <ikonia> and it matches the next two octets
[17:34] <Dave2> you can stick wildcards anywhere in the /who
[17:34] <LjL> yes, it would be even cooler if putting IPs matched cloaked users too ;)
[17:34] <LjL> Dave2: try it
[17:34] <Dave2> I did.
[17:34] <LjL> Dave2: ah no you're right, it's just using the full hostmask that doesn't work. sorry
[17:35] <Dave2> using the full hostmask won't work because that's not a field in who output; ident and host are separate things to check
[17:35] <LjL> and nickname and realname
[18:42] <LjL> abortd thinks i'm not serious... how can i not be serious with someone who's been on my hl since 2006
[18:43] <Pici> Is it the same person?
[18:46] <LjL> Pici: yes, sure
[18:46] <LjL> just been dormant for quite some time
[18:46] <LjL> exact same IP as he had in 2006, even
[18:47] <LjL> shame i can't access the dutchman's bantracker
[18:49] <PriceChild> Myrtti: yes, I just didn't want to do the automated way.
[18:49] <PriceChild> Myrtti: several dodgy reports on net about it requiring reinstallation of apps anyway
[18:51] <LjL> hmmm multiscanner looks quite interesting, pity my fixed-focus camera can't even focus a meter away
[19:01] <PriceChild> Myrtti: installed from http://symbianv3.com/nokia-multiscanner-recognize-texts-with-camera/ but can't initialise ocr etc. modules :(
[19:02] <Pici> I dont have a cell phone with a camera, much less a nokia
[19:03] <LjL> Pici: what a shame... nickname "luddite" is already taken.
[19:03] <Pici> :P
[19:04] <genii> Hm. I wonder if technocratic_luddite is gone
[19:04] <PriceChild> my n95's barcode reader seems to be much better since updating to
[19:04] <LjL> someone should port Zebra to S60
[19:04] <LjL> that's one hell of a free barcode reader
[19:09] <PriceChild> LjL: how do you mean?
[19:09] <LjL> PriceChild: http://zebra.sf.net
[19:09] <PriceChild> LjL: whoops ignore me, was paged up
[19:09] <LjL> it's a quite good barcore reader
[19:10] <PriceChild> yep sorry i get that :P
[19:11] <PriceChild> Myrtti: it doesn't work for me :(
[19:11] <LjL> PriceChild, it seems to not work for quite many people judging from the various blogs and stuff
[19:17] <PriceChild> i've found a few pointers *tries*
[19:20] <PriceChild> Ah just needed to reboot :D
[19:24] <PriceChild> Doesn't work very well though.
[19:42] <ubottu> FloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)
[19:42] <ubottu> FloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)
[19:43] <ikonia> got him
[19:45] <PriceChild> ikonia: any ban on him can be removed.
[19:45] <ikonia> ?
[19:45] <ikonia> oh
[19:45] <ikonia> done
[19:46] <ikonia> he quit after the kick so didn't ban
[19:46] <PriceChild> cool
[21:32] <ubottu> In #ubuntu, uffo said: ubottu: but where is simple visual option for resetting
[21:51] <Myrtti> PriceChild: odd, I had it working with my old business card just fine
[21:58] * genii waits for LjL to do the selfkick thing here now
[21:58] <LjL> well it's not like that cap actually exists for a start
[21:58] <genii> :)
[22:02] <genii> I shall return
[22:19] <PriceChild> Myrtti: working now, since restart ;)
[22:21] <Tm_T> hi kids
[22:22] <LjL> [23:19:25] <JNelson> i got one question is this ban forever? [23:19:37] <LjL> nothing is forever [23:19:52] <JNelson> permenant then [23:19:58] <LjL> quite [23:20:42] <JNelson> what? [23:20:52] <LjL> yes, it's a permanent ban
[22:45] <LjL> [23:22:41] <JNelson> whatever [23:31:09] <JNelson> according to the logs did that search match me up with that peter person [23:32:40] <JNelson> thats my last question and i will never bother you again [23:35:49] <JNelson> can i enter ubuntu-ops for a minute [23:38:35] <JNelson> Forget it you will never see me in any *buntu rooms again
[22:45] <LjL> @mark #ubuntu-ops JNelson
[22:45] <ubottu> The operation succeeded.
[23:39] <spree> Hi, I was told that I could come back in #ubuntu if i checked back in a few days
[23:39] <spree> its a few days can i come back in
[23:39] <spree> LjL
[23:41] <Mez> @login
[23:41] <ubottu> The operation succeeded.
[23:41] <Mez> @btlogin
[23:43] <Mez> spree, what nick was you banned using before?
[23:43] <Mez> I don't see a ban for you a couple of days ago
[23:44] <Pici> @bansearch spree
[23:44] <ubottu> Match: *!*@ by LjL in #ubuntu-offtopic on Nov 05 2008 00:28:54 (ID: 6448)
[23:44] <ubottu> Match: *!*@ by LjL in #ubuntu on Nov 05 2008 00:29:08 (ID: 6449)
[23:46] <Mez> spree: ??
[23:46] <Mez> care to answer?
[23:50] <Gary> @btlogin
[23:50] <Gary> oh, I thought I had a login on that
[23:51] * Mez hugs Gary
[23:51] <Mez> login to the bot first (@login)
[23:52] <Gary> d'oh
[23:52] <Gary> @login
[23:52] <ubottu> The operation succeeded.
[23:52] <Gary> @btlogin
[23:52] <Mez> :)
[23:56] <Gary> spree: how sure can people be that if you were allowed back in you would not behave like you did the last time?