UbuntuIRC / 2008 /11 /14 /#ubuntu-mozillateam.txt
Initial commit
[00:03] <rzr> asac_: wait before merging me , I wanted to check on jaunty since alfa is out in a couple of days
=== asac_ is now known as asac
[00:09] <fta> mconnor, 3.0.4 has been released with an old nspr ?
[00:09] <mconnor> fta: hmm?
[00:09] <mconnor> fta: older than 3.0.3, or not updated?
[00:10] <fta> i see client.mk points to NSPR_4_7_1_RTM while nspr released NSPR_4_7_3_RTM last week
[00:10] <mconnor> what's the difference?
[00:10] <mconnor> we typically move tags when they tell us to
[00:11] <fta> http://www.mozilla.org/projects/nspr/release-notes/nspr473.html
[00:11] <mconnor> we don't update simply because they do
[00:11] <mconnor> also, 4.7.3 isn't important
[00:11] <mconnor> 4.7.2 is though
[00:11] <mconnor> hmm
[00:11] <fta> 4.7.2 has tons of fixed
[00:12] <fta> fixes
[00:12] <mconnor> yeah
[00:12] <mconnor> I saw already
[00:12] <mconnor> so, hmm
[00:12] <mconnor> sec
[00:13] <mconnor> fta: can you file a bug asking us to move to 4.7.3 on the 3.0 branch?
[00:13] <mconnor> and cite the 4.7.2 changelog?
[00:14] <mconnor> and request blocking for 3.0.5?
[00:14] <mconnor> code freeze is like, Wednesday
[00:15] <mconnor> I'm mostly worried about the /dev/urandom change, tbh
[00:15] <fta> ok
[00:15] <fta> we need that in ubuntu too
[00:16] <fta> bug 269188
[00:16] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 269188 in nspr "Extreme slowness, "Firefox is already running" error for >3 users launching Firefox in LTSP environment" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/269188
[00:17] <fta> Lns, you should be happy ^^
[00:20] <Lns> fta: so upstream changed to /dev/urandom?
[00:21] <Lns> Unfortunately I've been so swamped I couldn't test the patch I got a while back :( And sorta lost track of it all
[00:21] <fta> Lns, yes, in nspr 4.7.2: http://www.mozilla.org/projects/nspr/release-notes/nspr472.html
[00:23] <Lns> WOW... =) =) =) That is awesome! Is there going to be a PPA or anything to test on ubuntu hardy? If not I can always try building from source, but i'd like to get it as close to the original hardy package as possible
[00:23] * Lns wishes he had enough time to learn how to build his own packages
[00:24] <Lns> ...and programming experience.. ;)
[00:24] <fta> I will push it in my ppa for hardy/intrepid/jaunty
[00:24] <Lns> fta: wow, that would be so awesome. Thank you!! I'll test it out ASAP after it's in.
[00:25] <Lns> If it works, I can assure you we'll have 50+ ecstatic elementary school teachers, ~1400 students, and 9 techs jumping for joy!
[00:31] <fta> mconnor, [reed]: mozilla bug 464812
[00:31] <ubottu> Mozilla bug 464812 in Build Config "Please bump nspr to 4.7.3 in the 1.9 branch" [Normal,New] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=464812
[01:01] <fta> http://mxr.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/source/storage/src/mozStorageService.cpp#68 is killing me, well, liferea
=== fabrice_sp_ is now known as fabrice_sp
[09:31] <gnomefreak> there isnt a jaunty changes mailing list?
[09:54] <gnomefreak> if upstream marks bug invalid for atleast 3.0 branch because it is unlikely to make a backport to 3.0 branch as it is not clear what fixed it. does that mean we close our task as well and state wait for 3.1 xul 1.9.1 as i believe it is fixed (atleast on their deel branch
[09:58] <rzr> cwillu: hi
[09:59] <rzr> cwillu: can you test my ppa's flashblock ?
[09:59] <rzr> cwillu: it's working for me
[17:48] <cwillu> rzr, installing it now
[17:49] <rzr> great
[17:50] * cwillu wishes synaptic's 'add source' dialog did the right thing when pasting in more than one source line :(
[18:00] <cwillu> another thing, ff3.1b2pre's scrolling isn't as smooth as ff3. It's not horrendous (like the old compiz scrolling bug), but it's definitely noticable
[18:01] <cwillu> (firing up w/ new flashblock now)
[18:06] <cwillu> works now
=== fabrice_sp_ is now known as fabrice_sp
[21:01] <fta> mconnor, once again, firefox refuses to shutdown. there's a thread waiting for a plugin. i thought it was fixed long ago :(
[22:26] <mconnor> fta: we haven't made plugins out of process yet
[22:27] <fta> shouldn't threads be killed after a while when ff wants to shutdown ?
[22:31] <fta> http://www.sofaraway.org/ubuntu/tmp/chromium.png
[22:42] <mconnor> fta: in theory :)