UbuntuIRC / 2008 /11 /14 /#ubuntu-kernel.txt
Initial commit
=== asac_ is now known as asac
=== doko_ is now known as doko
=== sonicmctails is now known as NCommander
=== mcasadevall is now known as NCommander
[16:58] <rtg> zul: would you be so kind as to respond to this thread on the kernel mailing list. I'm not as conversant with the intricacies of xen as are you: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/kernel-team/2008-November/003470.html
[17:00] <zul> rtg: sure np
[17:53] <johnny> hi folks, i was having an issue with https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/262845
[17:53] <johnny> is there anything i can do to help?
[17:54] <johnny> altho i think bisecting from the last working kernel i have 2.6.22 would not be productive
[17:55] <johnny> oliver grawert directed to me ask you folks
[18:49] <amitk> johnny: are you sure you don't have multiple devices connected at master and slave?
[18:50] <johnny> master and slave on sata?
[18:50] <johnny> i'm not the person who filed that bug btw..
[18:51] <amitk> johnny: nevermind. I am still reading through the bug
[18:51] <johnny> it is fine in the gutsy kernel, so i don't see how that would all of the sudden bite me now.. even if it were a case like that
[18:51] <amitk> johnny: the bug is against intrepid
[18:51] <johnny> i know
[18:52] <johnny> i'm using intrepid, but the last working kernel i have, is from gutsy
[18:52] <johnny> had bugs that have affected this system every release since gutsy :(
[18:52] <johnny> either network issues, missing sound drivers, completely broken sata, and now just bad sata
[18:54] <amitk> johnny: could you attach lspci, dmesg out from you machine too
[18:55] <johnny> dmesg out from the working gutsy kernel.. don't think that would be useful
[18:55] <johnny> lspci is possible tho
[18:55] <johnny> i can't reboot that machine.. it is in ltsp production.. and booting it up with intrepid kernel takes at least 10 minutes :)
[18:55] <amitk> johnny: i will need dmesg from gutsy and intrepid
[18:56] <johnny> when do you guys plan on releasing a new kernel package?
[18:56] <johnny> perhaps the bug is fixed in more recent 2.6.27.*
[18:56] <johnny> do you guys have a script that will build a perfect ubuntu kernel package from your git tree?
[18:56] <johnny> i'd prefer to just try that out
[18:57] <johnny> i saw some related fixes to my sata controller in the shortlog if intrepid.git
[18:57] <johnny> in*
[18:57] <amitk> stable updates was uploaded to proposed (2.6.27-8.17)
[18:57] <johnny> since when?
[18:58] <johnny> i didn't see dates for upload on packages.ubuntu
[18:58] <johnny> maybe i'm looking in the wrong place
[18:58] <amitk> johnny: if you enable -proposed repos in /etc/apt/sources.list, you should probably see it
[18:58] <amitk> https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/intrepid/+source/linux/2.6.27-8.17
[19:03] <johnny> 8 days ago, the fixes i need are 6 days ago
[19:03] <johnny> at least some of the fixes..
[19:07] <johnny> amitk, i'm going to install that one
[19:07] <johnny> but.. do you guys have a script i can use to build something later, if that doesn't fix it?
[19:20] <johnny> i'll be back in a bit, but if you wanna link me, that'd be great
[19:23] <doko> amitk: please could you upload something that builds an linux-libc-dev on armel?
[19:27] <amitk> doko: I am running a test build currently. I'll email you when it is done.
[19:27] <amitk> doko: are you available to check it over the weekend?
[19:28] <doko> amitk: will look at it tomorrow. I'm just interested in getting the chroot installable, so a build without any image would be fine as well
[19:38] <mkrufky> there was a time when i was able to pull git trees from kernel.ubuntu.com, but it doesnt seem to work anymore. i cant pull from kernel.org either, so i use my ssh account to do that .... any suggestions how to pull from kernel.ubuntu.com without having an ssh account, when my company's firewall gets in the way?
[19:50] <mkrufky> i ask, because i have a lod of patches that i have to backport to both hardy-lum *and* intrepid .... anybody?
[19:50] <mkrufky> loAd
[19:54] <rtg> mkrufky: can't you use the git:// protocol?
[19:54] <rtg> git://kernel.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ubuntu-intrepid.git
[19:57] <mkrufky> it gives me:
[19:57] <mkrufky> kernel.ubuntu.com[0:]: errno=Connection refused
[19:57] <mkrufky> fatal: unable to connect a socket (Connection refused)
[19:58] <mkrufky> its kinda frustrating... . i dont know if something changed in git, or if somebody changed something on our firewall
[19:58] <mkrufky> i always had this problem on kernel.org, so ive just used my ssh account there instead, but i never had this problem with kernel.ubuntu.com until recently ... (then again, i havent tried kernel.ubuntu.com in the past month or so)
[20:05] <rtg> mkrufky: do you have a local issue? I just tried pulling with this path, git version
[20:05] <rtg> works ok.
[20:06] <rtg> mkrufky: off to lunch, back in an hour or so.
[20:08] <mkrufky> thanks rtg ... i'll ask the network guys here
[20:09] <mkrufky> hmm, im using git version
=== johnny is now known as Guest65484
[23:04] <amitk> mkrufky: use the http links shown on the top the git page
[23:13] <mkrufky> amitk: yeah those arent working ... i think its a firewall issue here in my office
[23:13] <mkrufky> amitk: thanks though