UbuntuIRC / 2008 /11 /14 /#launchpad.txt
Initial commit
[00:15] * Hobbsee scratches head
=== barry is now known as barry-away
[00:16] <Hobbsee> oh, bad paste.
[00:17] <Hobbsee> spm: question updated
[00:17] <spm> Hobbsee: cool
[00:18] <spm> heh. a single '1' missing :-) Should searched for 'em....
[00:18] <Hobbsee> well, i'd assumed you would have just checked the bug - although for some reason, the bug in the title wasn't the same as the bug in the question :)
[00:20] * spm scratches head - I thought I *was* checking the bug. WTF. :-( I'm going to chalk that down as pebkac on my end. Excuse my moment of sanity... ;-)
[00:22] <Hobbsee> spm: hehe. You need more beer. Or water :P
[00:23] <spm> less sugar :-)
[00:23] <Hobbsee> or that
[01:07] <wgrant> intellectronica: It's interesting, then, that the subscribers portlet on the main page that causes notifications doesn't have that text...
[01:08] <intellectronica> wgrant: the main page isn't, strictly speaking, an action form
[01:08] <intellectronica> but i do understand why you find that confusing
[01:08] <wgrant> intellectronica: But it is the main action form. It has the status/importance/assignee/comments.
[01:09] <intellectronica> wgrant: well, it's a view that doubles as an action form. most people use it to view bugs - only in some cases you use it to initiate actions
[01:10] <intellectronica> maybe when we start making these pages more dynamic, we can come up with some nice solution to change the display when you make an action from a view page. that would be a good thing to do, i think
[01:13] <wgrant> Yep.
[01:39] <Hobbsee> thanks spm
[01:46] <pac1> I'm having trouble logging in.
[01:46] <pac1> Launchpad seems to have forgotten my e-mail addresses
[02:30] <spm> pac1: what's your userid?
[02:42] <jamesh> jml: so, it turns out that trial hates testresources :(
[02:49] <jml> jamesh: I'm sorry to hear that.
[02:50] <jml> jamesh: is there some way you can link the relevant trial bugs to the testresources project?
[02:51] <jamesh> jml: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/testresources/+bug/297563
[02:51] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 297563 in testresources "Trial's test runner manages to break resource sharing in OptimisingTestSuite" [Undecided,New]
[02:52] <jamesh> jml: http://paste.ubuntu.com/71633/ <- that seems to be enough to get things playing together okay. as long as you don't also turn on forceGarbageCollection
[02:52] <jml> jamesh: forceGC is terrible.
[02:53] <jml> jamesh: but that's good to know.
[02:53] <jamesh> forceGarbageCollection adds another layer of wrappers that no ITestCase adapter will help you with
[02:54] <jamesh> jml: I was a bit surprised when I discovered this. While debugging, I found that the test suite contained completely different test objects before and after running :(
[02:55] <jml> jamesh: *nod*
[02:55] <jml> jamesh: we added that stuff at around the time of UDS Boston.
[02:56] <jml> jamesh: trying to solve the broader problem of "how can a runner neatly change behaviours of tests globally"
[02:57] <jamesh> by destroying any existing special behaviours the test might already have!
[02:58] <jml> jamesh: sorry!
[02:58] <jml> jamesh: it's not an easy problem to solve.
[02:58] <jamesh> the annoying thing here was that while the resource sharing worked perfectly when I was adding it to the test suite, nothing broke when we switched to using trial to run the tests
[02:58] <jml> the decorator stuff was meant to preserve it though :\
[02:58] <jml> "nothing broke"?
[02:59] <jamesh> jml: the resources just get set up and torn down for every test
[02:59] <jml> jamesh: oh right, silent fallback.
[02:59] <jml> jamesh: is that a testresources feature or a trial bug, I wonder.
[03:00] <lifeless> design feature for compatibility
[03:00] <lifeless> (the 'still worked')
[03:01] <jml> lifeless: yeah, but could something in the stack have at least made some noise.
[03:01] <jml> I guess this is bug 284125
[03:01] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 284125 in testresources "Provide an option for easy instrumenting of resource setup and teardown" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/284125
[03:02] <lifeless> stats at the end would do it
[03:02] <lifeless> '4500 db resets' -> oh noes!
[03:02] <jml> yeah, but who wants to wait for 4500 db resets?
[03:03] <jamesh> sounds like a good idea, and something that can be implemented in the resources themselves and test harness
[03:03] <lifeless> "You seem to be resetting resources per test, would you like some help with this?"
[03:03] <lifeless> -- clippy
[03:04] <Hobbsee> i was just thinking that sounded like clippy...
[03:04] <jml> "trial has detected that you are trying to write a doctest..."
[03:04] <jml> "would you like to reconsider?"
[03:04] <lifeless> jml: YES YES YES DO IT
[03:04] <wgrant> It's disappointing that we have no Ubuntu Agent.
[03:05] <jamesh> jml: anyway, we're now on a newer version of testresources -- using your testtools-not-pyunit3k branch to make it work with current testtools while staying close to trunk
[03:06] <jml> jamesh: cool.
[03:06] <jml> jamesh: I'll keep hassling lifeless to review my patches.
[03:09] <lifeless> it should happen this weekend or wednesday
[03:23] <jml> lifeless: sweet.
[06:27] <Peddy> I found a set of packages that I want to install at https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openjdk-6/6b12~pre2-0ubuntu1 , is there a repo where I can install all of them? I remember launchpad.net had a feature like that somewhere. Thanks
[06:36] <persia> Peddy, archive.ubuntu.com has them.
[06:36] <persia> Err, rather, has 6b12-0ubuntu6. Is there a reason you need the prerelease?
[06:36] * wgrant just got a normalish personal email from LP... would that be from the "Contact this user" feature?
[06:39] <Peddy> persia: the new release has pulseaudio support :)
[06:41] <persia> Peddy, 6b12-0ubuntu6 is *newer* than 7b12~pre2-0ubuntu1.
[06:42] <wgrant> persia: s/7b/6b/?
[06:42] <persia> archive.ubuntu.com also has 6b13~pre1-0ubuntu1, which may be even newer, but I think it requires a newer version of pulseaudio than is in intrepid. Anyway, this discussion probably ought be on an Ubuntu channel: may I suggest #ubuntu-java?
[06:42] <persia> wgrant, Right. :)
[06:44] <Peddy> thanks for the hint persia, and I don't know why I don't have PA support then! But I'll leave know, I just came here to know if individual packages have their own repos. Cheers :)
[06:45] <Peddy> persia: pardon noobiness, how is 6b12 newer than 7b12?
[06:45] <persia> It's a typo.
[06:45] <persia> 6b12-0ubuntu6 is newer than 6b12~pre2-0ubuntu1
[06:45] <Peddy> Oh, :/ sorry :D
[07:16] <ethana2> I'm using dput to upload some stuff to a PPA I just got
[07:17] <ethana2> It's hanging on the last kb of a 34 MB file
[07:17] <ethana2> stellarium_0.10.0-0ubuntu1.dsc: done.
[07:17] <ethana2> stellarium_0.10.0.orig.tar.gz: 33976k/33977k
[07:17] <ethana2> It took like a half an hour to get this far... what do I do?
[07:18] <ethana2> ghaha
[07:19] <persia> Wait for a while more.
[07:19] <persia> Well, or try again, but you'll likely get a failure for retry.
[07:26] <ethana2> persia: ok, i've waited a long time now, maybe 10 to 20 minutes
[07:26] <ethana2> what kind of problem is it that causes it to fail 1 kb from finishing on a 34 MB file?
[07:27] <ethana2> does it just hate me?
[07:31] <persia> I'm not sure. I think it should just be an ftp transfer.
[07:37] <ethana2> I gave it a few more minutes to be sure
[07:37] <ethana2> if random chance is going to do that to me, he can't be my friend any more
[07:37] * ethana2 terminates process
[07:38] <persia> At this point you probably want to wait up to 20 minutes to let the publisher run and then try again.
[07:39] <wgrant> persia: Why wait for publisher?
[07:39] <persia> wgrant, In case the upload actually sorta-kinda-worked and might break something if reuploaded with the same version string.
[07:39] <wgrant> Unless the .changes is there, there wasn't a real upload.
[07:40] <persia> Oh, and .changes goes last. Good point.
[07:40] <persia> ethana2, Ignore that bit about waiting :)
[07:40] <wgrant> That's why .changes goes last.
[07:41] <ethana2> so if it fails it doesn't make a PPA entry to complicate life?
[07:41] <wgrant> No.
[07:41] <wgrant> Otherwise I could just upload some files to your PPA without a signature, and then you'd be very unhappy.
[07:42] <ethana2> ah
[07:42] <ethana2> so which file should I pass to dput?
[07:42] <ethana2> ..or should I actually specify multiple?
[07:43] <persia> Pass the source.changes file
[07:43] <wgrant> Pass the _source.changes.
[07:43] <ethana2> that's what I did
[07:44] <ethana2> should I just...
[07:44] <ethana2> try again?
[07:44] <ethana2> ..or do I have to try to clean something up?
[07:44] <wgrant> Just try again.
[07:44] <ethana2> k
[07:44] <ethana2> hmm
[07:45] <ethana2> I need sleep now.. I think what I'll do is call Cox tomorrow and kick my service up a tier
[07:45] <ethana2> ..then try again
[07:45] <wgrant> Upload from a machine with a faster connection, if you have access.
[07:45] <ethana2> I've been being bothered by my service speed a lot lately, it's worth the $5 to double the speed
[07:45] <ethana2> I need 3 Mbit
[07:49] * ethana2 goes to sleep
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=== mrevell changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | Need help? Community help contact: - mrevell
[09:25] <savvas> does launchpad PPA support debian packaging?
[09:25] <savvas> I mean, for debian O/S, not ubuntu?
[09:25] <bigjools> savvas: no
[09:25] <savvas> ok
[09:25] <bigjools> just Ubuntu right now
[09:32] <wgrant> Somebody might want to fix the broken Answers link on https://help.launchpad.net/HelpRotation.
[09:34] * mrevell looks
[09:34] <mrevell> wgrant: Woh, weird. Thanks for pointing that out.
[09:35] <wgrant> np
[10:00] <wgrant> mrevell: Should I be able to see either end of a private team membership?
[10:00] <mrevell> wgrant: I'm not sure what you mean by "either end"
[10:01] <wgrant> mrevell: I can see that ~launchpad is a member of ~canonical-javascripters on ~launchpad's members' +participation. But ~canonical-javascripters is private.
[10:02] <mrevell> wgrant: Oh I see. Hmm, interesting question.
[10:02] <mrevell> The guys who looked after the registry are sprinting in Wash. DC atm. I'll ask them about it when they get in.
[10:03] <mrevell> wgrant: I guess it depends how private private teams should be
[10:03] <wgrant> They have their memberships hidden, but I can probably Google for them pretty easily.
[10:03] <wgrant> Maybe even through Launchpad
[10:03] <wgrant> Let's see...
[10:06] <wgrant> Actually, it only seems to be exposed through ~launchpad's membership, with no direct memberships to people... so maybe it's something team- or time-specific.
[10:06] <wgrant> Or, ~canonical-javascripters could just have ~launchpad in it, I guess.
[10:09] <mrevell> wgrant: I think it's probably a bug, tbh - i.e. private teams are exposed through other teams' memberships of them. I can report it if you like or go ahead if you'd like to.
[10:11] * wgrant does so.
[10:11] <mrevell> thanks wgrant
[10:21] <savvas> I've built new binaries in PPA and they are published, but why is the Packages file still pointing to older version: http://ppa.launchpad.net/medigeek/ubuntu/dists/intrepid/main/binary-amd64/Packages
[10:21] <savvas> how much does it take to updated?
[10:21] <bigjools> savvas: URL?
[10:21] <bigjools> erm
[10:21] <bigjools> nm
[10:21] <savvas> https://launchpad.net/~medigeek/+archive
[10:22] <bigjools> savvas: which package?
[10:22] <bigjools> ah there's only one
[10:22] <savvas> smc is the source but all three should have a new version
[10:22] <savvas> smc smc-data and smc-music
[10:22] <wgrant> Arrrrrgh.
[10:23] <savvas> bbl
[10:24] <wgrant> Shouldn't there be restrictions placed on having non-private teams with mailing lists as contact addresses as security contacts, bug contacts for private projects, and P3As?
[10:25] <bigjools> savvas: your Packages file looks ok to me
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[10:48] <mrevell> I have to take my dog to the vet so I'll back in 30 mins or so. Ping me for help and I'll answer when I'm back.
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[11:15] <Hobbsee> persia: i'm fairly sure that's a dput bug - i've seen a bug open for it
[11:16] <persia> Hobbsee, Thanks. I'll not be so confident next time.
[11:24] <wgrant> Hobbsee, persia: It's filed against dput, but it seems to actually be a router/ISP bug.
[11:24] <Hobbsee> wgrant: ah,which is probably why I couldn't reproduce it
[11:24] <persia> wgrant, traffic shaping
[11:27] <wgrant> persia: Shaping the last byte?
[11:27] <wgrant> Or kilobyte, sorry.
[11:28] <persia> wgrant, Well, if not that, what?
[11:30] <wgrant> persia: Who knows...
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=== mrevell-afk is now known as mrevell
=== mcasadevall is now known as NCommander
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[12:54] <bigjools> Hobbsee, wgrant, persia: reading scrollback - that is a known bug in Linksys routers IIRC
[12:54] <persia> bigjools, Just Linksys? Is it an FTP proxy bug?
[12:55] <bigjools> yeah I think so - probably (guessing) something to do with NAT
[12:56] <persia> Oh. I was hoping it was of the class of known bugs with URLs :)
[12:57] <persia> Anyway, next time someone has the issue, I'll know to ask if they have a Linksys. Thanks for the pointer.
[12:57] <Nafallo> : http://wooledge.org:8000/FtpMustDie
[12:57] <Nafallo> :-)
[12:57] <bigjools> haha :)
[12:58] <wgrant> That goes without saying.
[13:08] <savvas> bigjools: thanks for checking it before, it looks like it takes some more minutes for the Packages file to be updated after the new packages are published :)
[13:09] <wgrant> I think the lack of immediate publishing could really do with documentation in more places...
[13:09] <bigjools> savvas: yep - the files are always pushed out first and then Packages is updated later in the publishing cycle
[13:09] <bigjools> wgrant: this is nothing to do with the lack of immediate publishing
[13:09] <wgrant> bigjools: Ah, right, I see now.
[13:10] <bigjools> there's quite a lot of processing in between publishing files (the first step) and publishing the Packages files (the last step)
[13:13] <wgrant> I didn't realise that ppa.launchpad.net was actually germanium.
[13:14] <wgrant> With a.u.c we rarely see an incomplete publishing for very long at all, of course.
[13:14] <bigjools> I doubt that
[13:14] <bigjools> the Ubuntu cycle takes a lot longer than PPAs
[13:15] <persia> Right, but then it mirror pulses to the a.u.c machines, so we don't see it.
[13:15] <wgrant> a.u.c isn't drescher.
[13:15] <wgrant> Or cocoplum or whatever it is now.
[13:15] <bigjools> d'oh, of course..... my bad
[13:15] * bigjools has a really bad hangover today
[13:15] <wgrant> Heh.
[13:16] * Hobbsee hands bigjools a large cup of coffee, and notes it's only friday?
[13:17] <bigjools> well tell my pub landlord to stop handing out free beer on a Thursday night :)
[13:17] * bigjools thanks Hobbsee for the coffee
[13:18] <wgrant> hmmm, it was your CHR day yesterday. Can't be a coincidence.
[13:18] <bigjools> haha
[13:18] <Hobbsee> hahaha
[13:18] <Hobbsee> that's a legit reason to have a hangover then.
[13:18] <Hobbsee> who can turn down free beer?
[13:18] <Hobbsee> Just as long as it's not free gelato...
[13:19] <bigjools> we were electing a new beer, so had lots of free samples
[13:19] <Hobbsee> ahhh
[13:22] <persia> At the recently concluded MOTU Meeting, there was discussion of a way to move the "needs-packaging" bugs against Ubuntu to somewhere else. Might this use case be something that could prioritise being able to move tasks between a distro and a project?
[13:22] * wgrant was unpleasantly surprised to find that that can already be done for questions.
[13:22] <persia> unpleasantly? Isn't that a useful feature?
[13:23] <wgrant> Yes, but it's on the wrong bit of LP.
[13:25] <Hobbsee> wgrant: i don' tknow about that - it really needs to be done on both sections - or perhaps all sections
[13:25] <Hobbsee> blueprints and such would also find it useful
[13:25] <wgrant> Blueprint is unmaintained.
[13:28] * persia pokes mrevell about the possibility, and invites discussion of alternatives to work with smaller LP changes.
[13:32] * wgrant -> bed
[13:33] * mrevell reads up
[13:41] <mrevell> matsubara: Hey, do you know of a bug report about the inability to change a bug task from affecting an Ubuntu package to affecting a project?
[13:41] <mrevell> A workaround would be to mark it as also affecting the project and then mark it invalid for the package. Not ideal but it'd work for now.
[13:42] <mrevell> persia: I'm not sure I understand what you mean by "alternative to work with smaller LP changes"
[13:43] <persia> mrevell, Well, something else we could do that wouldn't require the ability to shift from distro task to project task.
[13:43] <persia> I'm a little uncomfortable with marking stuff Invalid, as it's a valid request, and the request is sensibly against Ubuntu.
[13:43] <wgrant> And that means you get twice the bugmail.
[13:43] <persia> The trick is that we don't want to see it when looking for untriaged bugs in Ubuntu.
[13:44] <persia> wgrant, Well, nobody has to subscribe to a needs-packaging project to avoid that, but it's a bit of a workaround.
[13:44] <wgrant> You could search for the absence of the needs-packaging tag... but that's extra work and can't be done anyway.
[13:45] <mrevell> You should be able to move a bug from a distro package to a project. I can't think of any good reason why you can't. BjornT is this something that's on your team's radar?
[13:46] <BjornT> mrevell: not really, no. the thing is that it's a reasonable amount of work to fix, and i doesn't give you much value.
[13:46] <matsubara> mrevell: bug 80902
[13:46] <persia> mrevell, That's what I thought. I encountered a similar case, where I wanted to move a bug from a project to a distro (it didn't affect the project, but the project name was less than ideal) a couple weeks ago, and was advised it didn't work.
[13:46] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 80902 in malone "Allow bug retargeting from project to distribution, or vice versa" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80902
[13:47] <mrevell> thanks matsubara
[13:47] <mrevell> BjornT: Do you have a suggested workaround? The MOTU have a case where they'd find it useful.
[13:47] <persia> BjornT, Well, it solves a couple use cases for me. Specifically this packaging thing, and dealing with the differnces between the independent "Ubuntu Mobile" project, and the mobile editions of Ubuntu.
[13:48] <wgrant> BjornT: Why's it so much harder in Malone than in Blueprint?
[13:48] <persia> I'm happy with workarounds, and using "Invalid" fr the latter case, but the former case is a little sensitive to avoid annoying users.
[13:48] <wgrant> Er.
[13:48] <wgrant> Not Blueprint. Answers.
[13:49] <BjornT> wgrant: basically because malone is more complex (having multiple targes), and its users are more sensitive to ui changes :)
[13:49] <mrevell> persia: Would "Won't Fix" be more acceptable than "Invalid"?
[13:50] <wgrant> Won't Fix is wrong.
[13:50] <wgrant> We want
[13:50] <wgrant> We want "Get out of my sight", and "Invalid" is the closest available.
[13:51] <persia> mrevell, The trick is to provide users with feedback that doesn't imply they shouldn't make requests, so they can be tracked, but also doesn't clutter the Ubuntu bugspace.
[13:51] * persia doesn't want "get out of my sight" so much as "don't interfere with finding bugs from users who can't determine which package is affected"
[13:52] <BjornT> persia: ok, so far we haven't had much use cases for it. it hasn't been common that you want to move a bug from a project to a distro. if it's more common now, maybe we should think about reprioritizing it.
[13:52] <fta> hi, still no fix the chrome svn import ? https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~vcs-imports/googlechrome/trunk
[13:52] <wgrant> BjornT: Launchpad's various projects have Ubuntu bugs filed against them quite frequently, don't they?
[13:53] <persia> BjornT, OK. I've only been authorised to talk about it for now, so please don't consider this a formal request. I need to go back to MOTU and talk about workflows that make sense for dealing with this class of bugs. I'll comment in 80902 when there is some consensus (probably in a week or two).
[13:53] <mrevell> fta: Have you been in touch with the Launchpad Code guys about this?
[13:54] <fta> mrevell, i asked 2 weeks ago, someone was working on it
[13:54] <BjornT> wgrant: it happens from time to time, but i wouldn't say it happens frequently.
[13:54] <mrevell> fta: Did you file a request in Launchpad Answers? If so, do you have a link?
[13:55] <persia> mrevell, Thanks for organising all the right people to address my request.
[13:55] * wgrant really goes to bed now.
[13:55] <fta> mrevell, Nov 03 16:00:51 <gary_poster> fta: you asked about a code import problem for https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~vcs-imports/googlechrome/trunk on Saturday. We are also aware of this problem. I do not have a bug number for you, unfortunately, but if you would like me to dig further for it, I will try. I am told that fixing this is in progress, but it will not land this cycle.
[13:55] <mrevell> persia: np
[13:56] <mrevell> fta: Thanks. In that message gary_poster says that it won't land this cycle. That means that we won't be able to fix it before this coming Wednesday.
[13:57] <mrevell> fta: Sorry that they may not be the news you're looking for but I hope it gives you an idea of timescales. I can see if we've got anything more concrete.
[13:58] <fta> mrevell, hm, ok. do i need to file a question or a bug anyway, so it's not missed in the next cycle?
[13:59] <mrevell> fta: I'm just looking to see if we have a bug report for this already.
[14:01] <fta> mrevell, btw, that import is incomplete. upstream has a lot of dependencies. not sure if lp is able to do that or if i need to ask for all the deps individually
[14:02] <mrevell> fta: LP will import the trunk repo only and you'll have to specify anything else you need to import as separate imports, AFAIK.
[14:02] <mrevell> fta: I don't see a bug report but I'm asking one of the guys on the Launchpad Code team if he knows of one
[14:03] <fta> mrevell, http://src.chromium.org/svn/trunk/src/chrome is not enough to build anything. you need http://src.chromium.org/svn/trunk/src + all the deps mentioned in http://src.chromium.org/svn/trunk/src/DEPS
[14:03] <fta> kind of complex setup
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[14:08] <mrevell> fta: I think the best thing is to file a question at https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad-bazaar/+addquestion and I'll make sure the right guys see it
[14:08] <mrevell> fta: as a back-up
[14:10] <fta> mrevell, ok, thanks
[14:17] <fta> mrevell, https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/51332
[14:18] <mrevell> thanks fta. I'll point Michael Hudson at it. He usually looks after these sorts of request.
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[15:52] <epsy> hi, is there a list of superprojects ?
[15:54] <kiko> hmmm
[15:54] <kiko> good question.
[15:54] <kiko> https://edge.launchpad.net/projectgroups
[15:54] <kiko> yes
[15:55] <kiko> that page was completely orphaned in the redesign, eek
[15:55] <epsy> is it only on edge?
[15:55] <epsy> i get a 403 Not allowed here
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[16:02] <mrevell> epsy: I can't see it either so it may well be only available to admins.
[16:02] <mrevell> epsy: I'll file a bug
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[16:10] <epsy> mrevell, thanks, i'll subscribe to it
[16:11] <mrevell> epsy: It's bug 298101
[16:11] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 298101 in launchpad "Only admins can see a list of project groups" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/298101
[16:11] <epsy> yes, i found it
[16:11] <mrevell> great
[17:22] <mok0> Is it possible to send mail to an LP team?
[17:23] <beuno> mok0, it will be soon
[17:23] <mok0> Cool, I need that.
[17:24] <mok0> beuno: ... understanding that the mail will be forwarded to each member...
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[17:25] <beuno> mok0, depends on how the team is setup
[17:25] <beuno> they may have a contact email address set
[17:26] <mok0> beuno: ok. I have the task of creating and hosting a program that will send an automated messages to MOTUs reminding them of the next MOTU-meeting
[17:27] <beuno> mok0, well, you probably won't be able to automate it through LP
[17:27] <mok0> beuno: :-( why
[17:27] <beuno> well, because it's going to be a form
[17:27] <mok0> beuno: ah, ok
[17:27] <mok0> beuno: spam, etc...
[17:28] <beuno> exactly :)
[17:28] <mok0> beuno: I'll have to use the ML then
[17:28] <beuno> yeap
[17:29] <mok0> beuno: which is not optimal, because many (my self included) filter that into a separate mailbox
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[17:29] <beuno> right, well, spam has made everyone's life more difficult
[17:30] <mok0> beuno: yeah :-(
[17:32] <mok0> beuno: no thoughts of making a message board in LP?
[17:32] <beuno> mok0, none that I know of, no
[17:33] <mok0> beuno: might be useful though
[17:33] <beuno> I think it would probably overlap too much
[17:33] <mok0> beuno: overlap, with...?
[17:34] <beuno> mailing lists, announcements, subscriptions, etc
[17:34] <mok0> beuno: could replace some of that perhaps
[17:35] <epsy> LP has mailing lists?
[17:35] <mok0> epsy: For team owners, I think
[17:36] <epsy> ah
[17:37] <beuno> epsy, anyone can create a team, so anyone can have a mailing list
[17:37] <beuno> one mailing list per team
[17:37] <epsy> and how do you send an email to team xyz's ML?
[17:39] <beuno> you have to be part of the team
[17:39] <beuno> and subscribed
[17:39] <epsy> sounds reasonable
[17:40] <beuno> yeah, also cuts spam down to 0
[17:40] <epsy> so .. how do I send an email to my team xyz's ML?
[17:40] <beuno> well, like any other mailing list
[17:40] <epsy> s/team xyz/xyz team/
[17:40] <beuno> to the email address
[17:41] <epsy> ..which i find..where?
[17:41] <beuno> on the team's page?
[17:45] <epsy> ..under.. " Contact details " ?
[17:46] <beuno> yes
[17:46] <beuno> it says Mailing list: ...
[17:46] <beuno> if it has a mailing list, of course
[17:46] <epsy> ..ah?!
[17:47] <mok0> epsy: like here: https://edge.launchpad.net/~gnome-terminator
[17:48] <mok0> Looks like it's smartlist behind the scenes there
[17:48] <epsy> so it's not yet marked as stable?
[17:51] <mok0> epsy: smartlist isn't stable :-P
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[17:57] <kiko-phone> mok0, epsy: it's mailman.
[17:58] <mok0> kiko-phone: ah. The archive looked like Debian's
[17:59] <elmo> mhonarc is used for archiving
[18:15] <mok0> elmo: Good old mhonarc... I wonder why no one has made a great new mailing list archive using a database, with search facilities?
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[19:33] <sistpoty> hi, how do can I deactive the signature of the CoC... I recall there was some option somewhere, but I forgot how to reach it
[19:37] <jpds> sistpoty: lp.net/~you/+codesofconduct
[19:37] <jpds> sistpoty: There'll be a copy of the signed code and fruther down a "Deactivate" button.
[19:38] <sistpoty> thanks jpds
[19:38] <jpds> Bitte.
[19:56] <ethana2> Could someone check the launchpad logs for me?
[19:57] <ethana2> I upload stuff using dput and it says it succeeds..
[19:57] <ethana2> then I don't get an email or anything
[19:58] <ethana2> I have to leave in 7 minutes...
[19:59] <ethana2> ..I'd kinda like to be able to tell the guy I'm meeting that I have his package up
[20:05] <LarstiQ> ethana2: are you sure you uploaded it to launchpad and not somewhere else?
[20:06] <ethana2> pretty sure
[20:07] <ethana2> http://paste.ubuntu.com/72006/
[20:08] <ethana2> I did dput my-ppa (packagenamestuff).source.changes
[20:08] <ethana2> gyargh, I've gotta go
[20:08] <ethana2> ethana2@gmail.com
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[20:27] <ethana2> Ok, I'm actually in class right now, but I figure if anyone has any ideas on the question I asked about 35 minutes ago...
[20:29] <kiko-phone> ethana2, either your GPG key isn't registered in Launchpad, or you didn't sign your upload, or you will get email.
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[20:30] <ethana2> So if my gpg isn't in launchpad, I get no email either way?
[20:30] <ethana2> I think I gave it to MIT
[20:30] <ethana2> my upload was signed
[20:30] <ethana2> ..I think I need to figure out the gpg upload process better, that's probably where the problem is
[20:30] <kiko> your GPG key needs to be registered in Launchpad.
[20:31] <kiko> visit your +edit page, select GPG keys and upload
[21:23] <ethana2> k
[21:25] <ethana2> ok, that page would tell me if it had one for me
[21:26] <ethana2> so I guess I can say giving it to MIT doesn't take care of it
[21:26] <ethana2> I'll resolve this when I get home
[21:26] <ethana2> bbi30
[22:01] <ethana2> grarghg, I have to use evolution to read the encrypted email
[22:02] <ethana2> ...'course, with something as rarely done as this, that shouldn't come as a surprise
[22:02] * ethana2 sets up evolution
[22:02] <ethana2> wait, wait-- firefox plugin, yayyyy
[22:08] <harrisony> can someone with uber unsubscribing powers please take eric.rost off from https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nspluginwrapper/+bug/141613 he claims that it says it's forbidden when he tries and unsubscribes
[22:08] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 141613 in nspluginwrapper "npviewer.bin crashed with SIGSEGV" [Unknown,Fix released]
[22:33] <kiko> harrisony, that's a bit disturbing. does he get an OOPS ID?
[22:35] <kiko> ah
[22:36] <kiko> harrisony, I've written to him.
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[23:00] <harrisony> kiko, thanks
[23:02] <kiko> harrisony, he replied and has sorted it out!
[23:02] <harrisony> oh cool
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