UbuntuIRC / 2008 /11 /13 /#kubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[00:03] <missyjane> hi whats the difference between kubuntu and ubuntu?
[00:08] <ubuntu_> missyjane: KDE and Gnome ;)
[00:08] <dig> missyjane: I guess they use the same kernel, but they present in their own ways
[00:09] <ubuntu_> missyjane: If you worked till yet with windows, i would use ubuntu first.
[00:09] <ubuntu_> After that use kubuntu.
[00:12] <ahmos> !ati
[00:12] <ubottu> For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto
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[00:16] <olipl> Hello
[00:16] <olipl> Whos got kubuntu ?
[00:17] <olipl> Cause that sucks dicks
[00:17] <m3rlin> probably most people on this channel...
[00:17] <olipl> lol
[00:17] <olipl> Prefer gnome anyway
[00:17] <olipl> Ciao amigos
[00:17] <yunosh> what a helpful comment
[00:18] <ptl> totqlly
[00:18] <m3rlin> well, he seemed like a clever guy anyway..
[00:18] <ptl> *totally
[00:18] <ptl> let's all convert to gnome
[00:18] <yunosh> good idea, good bye kde
[00:19] <m3rlin> like /part #kubuntu, /join "ubuntu ?
[00:19] <ptl> no
[00:19] <ptl> ubuntu has KDE and QT stuff on it too, let's do gubuntu, gnome-only
[00:19] <maduser> ubuntu is only gnome
[00:19] <maduser> kubuntu is kde
[00:19] <m3rlin> really? do i have to change the whole os?
[00:19] <ptl> is it?
[00:19] <maduser> yeah
[00:19] <m3rlin> yea, i know.
[00:19] <maduser> you want gnome get ubuntu
[00:19] <m3rlin> just jokin
[00:19] <m3rlin> *joking
[00:19] <ptl> Didn't know that.
[00:23] <mareczek> hello kubuntu fans
[00:23] <mareczek> i've installed 8.10 + kde4.1.3
[00:23] <mareczek> its great!!!
[00:23] <mareczek> though, could someone help me with conky?
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[00:35] <opiemsith1> can someone tell me why some icons in the task manager get replaced by blue squares? like they're missing
[00:36] <dwidmann__> opiemsith1: sounds like a bug
[00:36] <opiemsith1> yeah
[00:37] <opiemsith1> can it be fixed?
[00:37] <dwidmann__> I'll see if I can find an existing bug report for it for you
[00:37] <opiemsith1> thanks
[00:42] <dwidmann__> opiemsith1: can you maybe show a screenshot of it?
[00:43] <opiemsith1> sure, 1 min
[00:46] <opiemsith1> http://img260.imageshack.us/img260/2916/desktopfh4.jpg
[00:46] <bdizzle> does anyone know if Office 2007 is able to read impress files created in OOo?
[00:47] <dwidmann__> opiemsith1: okay, and which application is the blue square?
[00:47] <opiemsith1> right now it's the volume manager, but they all do it sometimes
[00:48] <dwidmann__> opiemsith1: hmmm,
[00:49] <missyjane> sorry i use slackware, was just curious
[00:49] <dwidmann__> bdizzle: I think not without some sort of addon
[00:49] <bdizzle> grr
[00:49] <bdizzle> I've got a presentation next week or so and I have to use a Vista computer to present it
[00:50] <SkEmO> ew
[00:51] <seba_> !es
[00:51] <ubottu> En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.
[00:53] <Ajuna> How do I get the screensavers to work for 8.10? I've been browsing the package list and no luck
[00:54] <SkEmO> seba_: ???
[00:58] <JP-sNL3> bdizzle: can't you just save the "impress files" as M$ Powerpoint ppt file within OOo itself?
[00:58] <opiemsith1> so no ideas then dwidmann?
[00:59] <bdizzle> I should be able to, but I'm not sure if Office 2007 can read them
[00:59] <bdizzle> I know 2003 can
[01:01] <Ajuna> what's the name of the package for 8.10 that installs screensaves for 4.1 KDE?
[01:01] <JP-sNL3> hmm... checking in OOo it shines about maybe not tranfering layout stuff etc not correctly... maybe you should just try some pages...
[01:01] <JP-sNL3> s/shines/whines
[01:02] <seba_> !es
[01:02] <ubottu> En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.
[01:02] <jtechidna> Ajuna: kscreensaver
[01:02] <Ajuna> okay, apt-get can't find out
[01:02] <Ajuna> er it*
[01:03] <kernco> How do I do Japanese input in 8.10? I see all the scim-bridge packages are installed, but I don't see anywhere in system settings how to configure it
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[01:07] <ptl> joejoejoe: so many joes
[01:08] <CarolinaSwamp> after upgrading to 8.10 my nvidia drivers seem to be shot. xorg wont boot...if i run dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg then my keyboard doesnt work and i cant login. any suggestions?
[01:09] <dwidmann__> CarolinaSwamp: try running "nvidia-xconfig"
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[01:10] <CarolinaSwamp> dwidmann: i did that, when it boots into kde it says that the nvidia module is not found
[01:10] <CarolinaSwamp> dwidmann: do i need to install a new nvidia-glx driver?
[01:10] <dwidmann> CarolinaSwamp: maybe ... try "nvidia-glx-177"
[01:11] <CarolinaSwamp> dwidmann: how can i tell which driver is for me?
[01:11] <dwidmann> CarolinaSwamp: if it's an even halfway recent card (read as geforce4 or later), try nvidia-glx-177
[01:12] <CarolinaSwamp> dwidmann: its on my laptop that i bought last year, a Nvidia GeForce 6150 Go
[01:13] <dwidmann> yeah, it should be fine
[01:13] <dwidmann> Looks like -177 dropped support for GeForce 4 and 5
[01:14] <dwidmann> maybe sooner, like at -173
[01:16] <corinth> When is KDE 4.2 due out?
[01:16] <CarolinaSwamp> yea 177 didnt work
[01:16] <CarolinaSwamp> trying 173
[01:16] <corinth> And, does anyone have a guess at when there will be 4.1.3 packages for Ibex?
[01:16] <dwidmann> corinth: last I heard it was supposed to be out in late January
[01:16] <dwidmann> corinth: they're in backports already
[01:17] <corinth> dwidmann: Where to I get the backports repos?
[01:17] <dwidmann> corinth: deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu ubuntu-backports main restricted universe multiverse
[01:18] <dwidmann> oops
[01:18] <mikem_> kde 4.2 support separate workspace wallpaper?
[01:18] <dwidmann> s/ubuntu-backports/intrepid-backports
[01:18] <dwidmann> there we go
[01:18] <corinth> dwidmann: Sorry, what was the correction you made? (Bit of a noob, sorry :-/)
[01:19] <dwidmann> corinth: deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu intrepid-backports main restricted universe multiverse
[01:19] <corinth> That's all one entry, right?
[01:19] <dwidmann> Yeah
[01:19] <corinth> Thanks. :)
[01:20] <CarolinaSwamp> dwidmann: with the generic configuration it boots into the login screen but my keyboard is not recognized! i cant type anything. the touchpad mouse works fine though.
[01:20] <dwidmann> CarolinaSwamp: take it that -173 didn't work either?
[01:21] <dwidmann> CarolinaSwamp: what about -96?
[01:21] <CarolinaSwamp> dwidmann: im booted into KDE, at the login screen with no driver errors
[01:21] <CarolinaSwamp> dwidmann: now the problme is back to the original...my keybaord is not being recognized
[01:21] <dwidmann> CarolinaSwamp: hmm, maybe if we specify the keyboard in xorg.conf it will work okay
[01:22] <CarolinaSwamp> dwidmann: yes i bet you are right...nothing is listed there
[01:22] <dwidmann> CarolinaSwamp: Okay, switch to a console with "ctrl + alt + f1"
[01:22] <CarolinaSwamp> dwidmann: im there, and im in the xorg.conf file
[01:23] <dwidmann> CarolinaSwamp: then, "cd /dev/input/by-id",
[01:23] <CarolinaSwamp> dwidmann: all i have is by-path
[01:23] <dwidmann> CarolinaSwamp: umm, then by path will have to do
[01:23] <und99> Hi
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[01:24] <jack_> hi all, have you ever used the powertop? i have wakeups-from-idle per second 800. I thing that this is so much. Do you know how to reduce it?
[01:24] <CarolinaSwamp> dwidmann: k, i have event-kbd, event-mouse, and mouse listed
[01:25] <CarolinaSwamp> dwidmann: the names are longer than that, i just wrote the end of them
[01:25] <dwidmann> I think you want event-kbd, you'll need the full path
[01:26] <CarolinaSwamp> k
[01:27] <dwidmann> CarolinaSwamp: Okay, I just pm'd you what the keyboard section should probably look like.
[01:27] <dwidmann> CarolinaSwamp: alter the path line to fit
[01:29] <CarolinaSwamp> dwidmann: got it, thanks. rebooting now we will see what happens =)
[01:30] <dwidmann> jack_: powertop should throw you suggestions every ten seconds or so, it'll tell you something like "press O" to blah or whatnot, just do a few of those and watch it drop.
[01:35] <CarolinaSwamp> dwidmann: i ended up having to use the generic keyboard w/ the kbd driver but its working finally...thanks for your help
[01:36] <dwidmann> CarolinaSwamp:mm, so long as it's working ... though it's odd that evdev wouldn't work ... did you have the path right?
[01:38] <CarolinaSwamp> dwidmann: i thought I did but i didnt double check, i could have made a typo
[01:39] <dwidmann> CarolinaSwamp: if it's not broken don't fix it though eh?
[01:39] <CarolinaSwamp> dwidmann: absolutely =) thanks for the help again
[01:40] <dwidmann> CarolinaSwamp: you're welcome, any time
[02:12] <Ajuna> Hello, I upgraded to 8.10 and I installed the kscreensaver package for 4.1.3, but I can't find the settings any where in KDE
[02:12] <ethana21> FAQ doesn't seem to have a link to the Kubuntu 8.10 desktop i386 .torrent files
[02:12] <ethana21> !torrents
[02:12] <ubottu> Kubuntu Hardy Heron (8.04) torrents can be obtained at http://se.cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/8.04/release/ (KDE 3.5.9) or http://se.cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu-kde4/releases/8.04/release/ (KDE 4.0.3)
[02:12] <ethana21> uh
[02:13] * ethana21 tries altering those links
[02:13] <FrozenFire> Hi all, I'm having an issue with FireFox, nearly identical to this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox-3.0/+bug/240632 . I installed from the most recent version of Intrepid install CD, and I receive 15-20 crashes per hour in FireFox. I have reinstalled Intrepid and immediately upgraded, then installed FireFox and kubuntu-restricted-extras. When debugging FireFox with "firefox -g" I received a "Program received sign
[02:13] <FrozenFire> al SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault. [Switching to Thread 0xb7c4a6c0 (LWP 9175)] 0xb7cbbc79 in ?? () from /lib/tls/i686/cmov/libc.so.6" at crash time. This error seems to happen primarily when viewing flash videos, but not always. Occasionally it happens within 30 seconds of a fresh session. As well, it doesn't always happen upon page load. Sometimes it happens minutes later, or arbitrarily when I walk away from the computer.
[02:13] <ethana21> aaaand they're all DVDs
[02:13] <ethana21> Can I get Kubuntu 8.10 in a CD image?
[02:14] <FrozenFire> flashplugin-nonfree is and firefox is 3.0.3+nobinonly-0ubuntu2
[02:17] <mister-tea> not to be a smart a** but did you try #firefox
[02:17] <FrozenFire> This is definitely a Kubuntu issue, as the crashes affect X and occasionally lock up the entire system.
[02:18] <mister-tea> that may be true, but it also may have been seen by someone in ther
[02:18] <FrozenFire> I just had another crash and received: *** glibc detected *** /usr/lib/firefox-3.0.3/firefox: corrupted double-linked list: 0x0b3c18d8 ***
[02:19] <FrozenFire> And a bunch of "/usr/lib/xulrunner-[0xb74587fb]"
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[02:25] <Guest33437> ?
[02:26] <Dr_willis> ???
[02:31] <OzoneNerd> In kde 3, I could "killall artsd" to access /dev/audio directly, how do I do an equivalent to this in KDE 4?
[02:37] <legodude_> the nvidia driver is not finding my monitor connected via DVI
[02:37] <legodude_> it will show a phantom CRT though
[02:37] <legodude_> I've tried to tweak xorg.conf to force it to use teh DFP
[02:37] <legodude_> but no luck it seems
[02:37] <legodude_> any suggestions?
[02:38] <legodude_> oh
[02:38] <legodude_> forgot to mention
[02:38] <legodude_> (II) NVIDIA(GPU-1): No display devices connected; falling back to: CRT-0
[02:41] <Dr_willis> I had to install/run the nvidia-settings or nvidia-xconfig tool
[02:41] <Dr_willis> then mine started working.
[02:42] <legodude_> I'm using nvidia-settings
[02:42] <Dr_willis> had to twiddle with the things on 3 dfiffernet nvidia machines..
[02:42] <legodude_> it does not reflect any DFP monitor though
[02:42] <Dr_willis> Some of the Changes to X in 8.10 - are really messing with the auto-dtecttion of nvidia hardware from what ive seen
[02:43] <legodude_> it seems to me that regardless, monitors should be showing up in the Xorg log
[02:43] <legodude_> yeah, I had a series of problems until I pulled a new set of updates...
[02:43] <Dr_willis> On this box. I just had to install the nvidia drivers and reboot.. on laptop - i had to run nvidia-settings and then it took off..
[02:43] <Ajuna> Is there a way to get Amarok to play files gaplessly that are non-OGG?
[02:43] <legodude_> got my one card working alright
[02:43] <Dr_willis> Other box.. worked fine from the get go.
[02:43] <legodude_> and I can't restart the X server, I have to restart the whole machine
[02:43] <Ajuna> Amarok inserts a digital 'pop' between songs
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[02:52] <isaacj87> Hey everyone
[02:52] <legodude_> hi isaacj87
[02:54] <isaacj87> I'm currently building KDE from svn...Do most people use kdesvn-build?
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[02:54] <legodude_> isaacj87: I've got no clue, but why are you doing that?
[02:55] <isaacj87> legodude_: I want to run the bleeding edge version of KDE 4. I tried the nightly packages and I'm hooked.
[02:55] <legodude_> wow
[02:55] <legodude_> committed
[02:55] <legodude_> are the changes that noticible?
[02:55] <legodude_> noticeable
[02:56] <isaacj87> legodude_: Most definitely, KDE 4.2 is going to be a stellar release. KWin is smooth as hell. Plasma has these new fantastic features and everything is so much more polished.
[02:56] <legodude_> wow
[02:56] <Dr_willis> So its actually Useable! :)
[02:56] <legodude_> and the nightlies aren't updated enough?
[02:57] <legodude_> you need 6hourlies?
[02:57] <QContinueum> i could go for some optimization... i switched one of my machines over to xfce because it couldn't hadnle kde4
[02:57] <isaacj87> legodude_: haha, no. I had some problems with the kde-nightly packages
[02:57] <legodude_> ahhh
[02:57] <isaacj87> Dr_willis: Most definitely.
[02:58] <legodude_> you using kubuntu nightlies?
[02:58] <legodude_> or kde package?
[02:58] <isaacj87> Whereas KDE 4.1 is fairly stable. It feels a bit hindered and clunky. I didn't get that from the nightly packages.
[02:59] <QContinueum> package
[03:00] <legodude_> how does using some other kde build affect one's ability to upgrade to the next kubuntu release?
[03:01] <QContinueum> i had kde4.1 isntalled under 8.04... it updated just fine (even though it wasn't "supported" for that version)
[03:01] <QContinueum> updated to 8.10
[03:01] <legodude_> QContinueum: where did you get it from?
[03:01] <isaacj87> legodude_: Truthfully, I don't know. I've never actually compiled a whole DE before lol
[03:01] <QContinueum> 8.10?
[03:02] <legodude_> sorry
[03:02] <legodude_> where did you get the 4.1 packages from?
[03:02] <legodude_> for 8.04
[03:02] <QContinueum> i don't recall exactly... there was a link here on IRC when 4.1 came out that had instructions
[03:02] <legodude_> ah
[03:03] <isaacj87> legodude_: They could be in the backports repo
[03:03] <legodude_> gotcha
[03:03] <isaacj87> legodude_: that's where I got KDE 4.1.3 for Intrepid
[03:04] <isaacj87> legodude_: If you're still running KDE 4.0, you'll see a definite improvement when upgrading to 4.1
[03:04] <legodude_> I'm running 4.1
[03:05] <legodude_> I have my quibbles
[03:05] <legodude_> I really wish it would collapse windows on a per program basis in plasma
[03:07] <isaac_> hola
[03:07] <QContinueum> hi
[03:07] <legodude_> are the kde backports usually pretty stable?
[03:08] <umangshu> i want to do database handling in J2EE in ubuntu can any body help
[03:08] <isaacj87> legodude_: Yeah. You get newer releases of KDE 4.1 in backports
[03:08] <umangshu> i want to do database handling in J2EE in ubuntu can any body help
[03:08] <umangshu> i want to do database handling in J2EE in ubuntu can any body help
[03:09] <legodude_> hey
[03:09] <QContinueum> repeating your message will not get you more help than you otherwise would
[03:09] <legodude_> don't spam
[03:09] <umangshu> sorry
[03:09] <umangshu> i m using netbeans
[03:10] <legodude_> dunno if this is the right place to ask
[03:10] <legodude_> you probably want a j2ee-specific room
[03:10] <QContinueum> yeah
[03:10] <umangshu> i dont know
[03:10] <genii-around> or #netbeans
[03:10] <dwidmann_> That or a java-centric forum
[03:11] <legodude_> kinda like asking how should I write my essay in kubuntu
[03:11] <umangshu> netbeans 5.0
[03:11] <genii-around> legodude_: Good comparison actually
[03:12] <QContinueum> the #netbeans room has ppl in it, i'd try there
[03:12] <umangshu> compiz fusion doesnt work on my pc
[03:12] <Ajuna> Is there to change the engine for amarok or an alternative I can install?
[03:12] <Ajuna> xine is getting me clicking and popping noises between gapless songs
[03:13] <QContinueum> umangshu: kde4 and compiz fusion don't play nice together... the window magic stuff is built into kde4 now
[03:13] <isaacj87> QContinueum: That's not exactly true. CF can run just fine on KDE 4, but using KWin is a lot easier
[03:14] <QContinueum> perhaps not exactly true, but when i was running kde4 under 8.04, i had a ton of wierd conflicts between the two
[03:14] <QContinueum> the solution was to remove CF and let kde4 do its thing
[03:15] <isaacj87> QContinueum: Odd. What kind of conflicts were happening?
[03:15] <umangshu> i am not able to change my desktop setting i gives an error message
[03:16] <QContinueum> i don't remember much exactly, but i do recall that screen resolutions and refresh rates were really messy... choosing 640x480 or so with ~40Hz refresh rate after every boot
[03:16] <QContinueum> glad that that is all behind me now
[03:18] <umangshu> whats up
[03:18] <isaacj87> Tm_T: Hey, you here?
[03:18] <legodude_> umangshu: you really need to provide much more context
[03:18] <legodude_> any context really
[03:18] <QContinueum> umangshu: you need to be more specific than "an error message"
[03:19] <umangshu> i think that problem is occured by restricted driver
[03:20] * mister-tea oh my
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[03:20] <KWGoD> does anyone play Flyff here?
[03:20] <KWGoD> its an mmorpg
[03:21] <JediatNight> anyone using a USB headset which uses libusb?
[03:21] <KWGoD> wondering if i can play it on my os cuz i really dont wanna get xp let alone have it with internet access
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[03:21] <KWGoD> anyone?
[03:22] <KWGoD> herro
[03:22] <KWGoD> herro
[03:22] <QContinueum> KWGoD: according to the wikipedia entry on Flyff, it only runs on windows and requires DX9
[03:22] <KWGoD> thanx
[03:22] <QContinueum> you might try wine...
[03:22] <KWGoD> ...feel kinda dumb for not checkin wiki
[03:23] <QContinueum> *shrugs* it's okay
[03:23] <isaacj87> KWGoD: yeah, you might want to try WINE first and see if it runs
[03:23] <QContinueum> eh, he left
[03:23] <genii-around> Or check their appdb
[03:33] <genii-around> JediatNight: What issue are you having with your usb headset?
[03:34] <hack> i just installed unbuntu and i need some help with 2 things flash media like you tube plays but no sound and in guild wars through wine the character faces are missing help is much appreciated and the radeon 2400 is fully compatible with unbuntu 8.1
[03:35] <JediatNight> genii-around: i have a logitech USB headset and I i'm unable to use it as a headphone
[03:35] <JediatNight> even though it works well with skype
[03:36] <genii-around> JediatNight: What does lsusb say for it?
[03:36] <JediatNight> it seems okay.. as it its working normally
[03:36] <JediatNight> but there is no sound in the headset
[03:37] <JediatNight> im not familiar with the libusb drivers .. and i'm trying to figure out.. how to enable the device
[03:37] <QContinueum> hack: you could try installing the flash driver directly from adobe
[03:38] <Out_Cold> i was trying to install kde 4.1 in ubuntu 8.10 but i get this error: Can not install 'kubuntu-kde4-desktop' (E:Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.)
[03:38] <JediatNight> do you know if there are any USB protocol stack drivers for linux ?
[03:38] <genii-around> Nott offhand
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[03:38] <JediatNight> i'm interested in the USB protocol and would like to implement a USB driver ..
[03:38] <isaacj87> Out_Cold: KDE 4 is default in 8.10, so just type: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop
[03:39] <isaacj87> Out_Cold: That *should* install KDE 4.1
[03:39] <Out_Cold> cool..
[03:39] <Out_Cold> thanks
[03:40] <[Bain]> can someone help me enable external tools plugin in kate editor
[03:40] <hack> i just installed unbuntu and i need some help with 2 things flash media like you tube plays but no sound and in guild wars through wine the character faces are missing help is much appreciated and the radeon 2400 is fully compatible with unbuntu 8.1
[03:40] <[Bain]> i check mark the plugin but it dosent actually enable anything
[03:40] <QContinueum> hack: did you try installing flash from the adobe website?
[03:41] <hack> it won't work cause i have amd64 version and it's x86 version
[03:41] <QContinueum> hack: ah. too bad. that's what fixed it for me
[03:41] <hack> lol thank you though any idea on why the faces are missing in guild wars
[03:42] <QContinueum> hack: try cedega?
[03:42] <hack> but that costs money doesn't it
[03:43] <QContinueum> the guildwars wiki recommends it
[03:43] <QContinueum> http://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Guild_Wars_on_Wine
[03:43] <hack> sweet
[03:43] <QContinueum> there are some ideas for tweaking wine in that link
[03:43] <hack> ty
[03:43] <QContinueum> thank google :P
[03:44] <isaacj87> hack: maybe this could help? http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/install-flash-10-ubuntu-linux-64bit.html
[03:46] <hack> how do you all find this stuff so quick been msn searchin for like 2hrs
[03:46] <hack> ty
[03:46] <QContinueum> hack: i used _google_ and search for "wine guild wars"
[03:46] <_2> http://www.google.com/linux
[03:46] <QContinueum> hack first link that popped up
[03:48] <[Bain]> can some one try something for me
[03:48] <[Bain]> try and enabling "external tools" plugin for kate
[03:49] <[Bain]> cause it dosent seem to work
[03:50] <QContinueum> [Bain]: it stays enabled for me, but i don't really know how to check whether or not it "works"
[03:50] <[Bain]> yay i cant find the configuartion page for it
[03:52] <hack> woot sound on flash ty all so much
[03:52] <QContinueum> hack: gl with GW
[03:53] <hack> has any actually got gw workin succesfully with wine
[03:53] <QContinueum> i'm sure someone has somewhere... i'd be willing to try this evening but for my PSU being dead
[03:53] <hack> i think it's a myth i have tried on suse 11 and fedora 8 with no luck
[03:54] <hack> well i will keep workin at it and thanks again
[03:55] <hack> filmhill.com for free movies if you want live streaming movies like quantum of solice or whatever it called just to inform yall
=== erwan_ is now known as ajobondon
[03:56] <genii-around> !piracy
[03:56] <ubottu> piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o
[03:56] <hack> its free cause it's sponserd is what a friend told me
[03:57] <_2> warez can be found at
[03:57] <dwidmann_> It would probably take some sort of sponsorship to keep such a (likely) high bandwidth site online
[03:57] <QContinueum> indeed
[03:58] <hack> i am sry i wasn't tryin to promote piracy if that is what that site is but i was told it was legit cause of sponsoring
[03:59] <ptl> sharing things you like is not morally questionable
[03:59] <_2> we're all sorry you weren't trying too... dog gone it, some body needs too. but just not on freenode, and not in front of agent bob
[03:59] <genii-around> It depends if what you like is deviant :)
[04:00] <genii-around> But since at this time "Quantum of Solace" for instance is still in theaters, any site streaming it for free is highly dubous as legit
[04:01] <hack> they have all the movies before theaters and their really clean copies like theater quality though i mean they don't have ppl walkin in front of the screen or nothin
[04:02] <_2> :)))
[04:02] <_2> hack word to the wise. drop that topic like a hot potato
[04:04] <hack> well imma goin to bed i work on gw tomorrow it still aint workin right to glitchy and faces gone so goodnight all and thank you for your help
[04:06] <_2> ever notice how it's so hard to keep from "defending" yourself when you feel like you are in the right, even if doing so will put you in the wrong ?
[04:07] <QContinueum> he, he meant well i expect, but this really isn't the place to bring it up
[04:08] <genii-around> QContinueum: I feel the same
[04:08] <_2> yeah exactly
[04:08] <_2> and i synpothise
[04:09] <genii-around> I pointed out the reason I felt the !piracy was warranted and he's gone so mostly moot now
[04:10] <_2> yeah i didn't intend to beet a dead horse, just observing a human charictor
[04:11] <_2> like right now. i'm OT in here. but it's cause i was right :)))
[04:11] <_2> err no.
[04:11] <_2> it's because i'm binary
[04:11] <genii-around> _2: Wouldn't your name be something like _1 then ? ;)
[04:12] <_2> base one ?
[04:12] <genii-around> I was thinking more like 0 or 1 for binary
[04:13] <_2> 755_10 == 111101101_2
[04:13] <genii-around> ^2 would be better for base2 name :)
[04:14] <_2> that's square, are you trying to say something ???
[04:14] <_2> :)
[04:14] <genii-around> _2: I'm tired
[04:15] <_2> genii-around just called me square o.O
[04:15] <_2> :)
[04:15] <genii-around> Heh
[04:15] <genii-around> Smart*ss
[04:15] <karan> when i try to install some packages deb type this eror comes wrong architecture 'i386'
[04:15] <holycow> btw, the mac keyboards works quite well on linux
[04:15] <holycow> just need to fix a few key bindings
[04:15] <_2> karan you running 64bit ?
[04:16] <_2> karan uname -r
[04:16] * genii-around bets on ppc or so
[04:16] <karan> so wat do i do
[04:16] <_2> karan uname -r #and show us
[04:17] <phoenix> hi all
[04:17] <QContinueum> hi
[04:17] * _2 wonders if he should have specified that uname -r is a terminal command
[04:17] <phoenix> nice it works =)
[04:18] <phoenix> 6 hours later and i have managed to change ubuntu so it fits me
[04:18] <phoenix> finaly :D
=== solid_li` is now known as solid_liq
[04:18] <QContinueum> oh?
[04:19] <_2> phoenix "default is only the starting point on the long road to right" - intelikey
[04:20] <karan> in the konsole it displays this
[04:20] <karan> 2.6.24-16-generic
[04:21] <_2> karan interesting. genii-around not ppc, what's your next best guess ?
[04:22] <_2> oh wait. backwards. the package type is not i386.
[04:23] <_2> karan where did you bet the package ?
[04:23] <_2> get
[04:23] <genii-around> sudo lshw -short | grep processor
[04:23] <_2> genii-around uname churned out 2.6.24-16-generic that's i386
[04:24] <_2> karan where did that .deb package come from, how did you get it?
[04:24] * genii-around jabs the caffeine IV tube in deeper
[04:25] <_2> main line it genii
[04:25] <karan> i took from a friend its int the apton cd
[04:25] <karan> in the apton cd
[04:26] <_2> karan ok. you and your friend seem to have different architecture hardware. you need to delete that package and get one for i386 arch
[04:26] <karan> but he installed it in his ubuntu
[04:27] <_2> which is full of sound and fury, signifying nothing
[04:27] <karan> ub
[04:27] <dig> anyone using firefox on kubuntu has frequent crashing problem?
[04:28] <QContinueum> dig: runs fine for me
[04:28] <karan> is gtalk compatible with linux without using wine
[04:28] <draik> Hello all. In 8.04, I had a Public File Server app running by my K Menu. What is the replacement with 8.10?
[04:29] <_2> karan i'll just say it like this. dpkg is seldom wrong about the architecture type (if ever) if dpkg says it's wrong for your system, then it's wrong for your system.
[04:29] <QContinueum> karan: gtalk uses the jabber protocol, many IM clients support jabber including Kopete and Pidgin
[04:29] <karan> its not in kopete
[04:29] <karan> i checked that out
[04:29] <QContinueum> karan: i'm using it right now
[04:30] <QContinueum> it's Jabber, not gtalk
[04:30] <QContinueum> karan: http://wiki.kde.org/tiki-index.php?page=Google+Talk+support
[04:30] <_2> !gtalk | karan
[04:30] <ubottu> karan: gtalk is an instant messaging program from Google. Currently, Google does not have an official standalone gtalk client for Linux (though you can chat via your browser in gmail) but supports connections from third party clients such as Pidgin. See: http://www.google.com/talk/otherclients.html
[04:31] <_2> QContinueum hope you didn't mind me botting in
[04:32] <QContinueum> _2: not at all, it's good to give as much help as they can take
[04:32] <binMonkey> hi, guys.
[04:32] <QContinueum> hi
[04:33] <_2> i shouldn't punish people like that. they never notice it.
[04:33] <binMonkey> is it possible to chmod /dev/console?
[04:33] <_2> binMonkey sure
[04:33] <QContinueum> _2: i've only been using kubuntu full time for about a year, i try to help out when i can... which isn't as often as i like
[04:33] <_2> binMonkey only superuser can do it but it's a simple thing
[04:34] <binMonkey> i've tried chmod 777 /dev/console and chmod a+w /dev/console and neither works.
[04:34] <QContinueum> did you do it with sudo?
[04:34] <binMonkey> yes.
[04:34] <QContinueum> huh
[04:34] <_2> binMonkey cause you aren't superuser. or it's a symlink if symlink you have to affect the target.
[04:34] <binMonkey> ahhhhh. hold on.
[04:35] <draik> Is there an method for sharing a folder publicly?
[04:35] <_2> all symlinks are 777
[04:35] <dig> hmm.. how do I reinstall firefox?
[04:35] <_2> draik how public ? http ?
[04:35] <QContinueum> samba?
[04:36] <_2> dig sudo apt-get install --reinstall firefox
[04:36] <draik> _2: Yes. I had it with my own IP in 8.04. I want to keep it similar.
[04:36] <SimplySeth> anyone know where to edit the menu in 8.10 ?
[04:36] <karan> when i use jabber in kopete for gtalk its stuck at connecting
[04:36] <binMonkey> but clean apt before reinstalling
[04:37] <binMonkey> my /dev/console is not an so. no matter what i do i can't change permissions.
[04:37] <_2> draik apache and cherokee are web servers that you can install from the package manager. lamp is an acronymn and an infonode about it.
[04:37] <QContinueum> karan: it's probably a configuration error on your end... go over the instructions again and make sure that everything is okay
[04:37] <_2> !lamp | draik
[04:37] <ubottu> draik: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)
[04:38] <_2> binMonkey show me ls -l /dev/console
[04:38] <draik> _2: That's just it. I just want a folder to be made available online through my IP and a port. I had it setup as http://123.234.345.456:8001/
[04:38] <_2> draik ok nfs then
[04:39] <_2> !nfs
[04:39] <ubottu> nfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.
[04:39] <_2> draik i'm slow but it you keep asking i'll finally get it.
[04:39] <binMonkey> _2: ok. ls -l shows all permissions granted but when i try to run the program no sound works.
[04:39] <_2> binMonkey no. show me what ls showed you
[04:39] <draik> _2: All that matters is that I got the answer. Thank you so much. You've always been quite helpful.
[04:40] <_2> draik selcome.
[04:40] <_2> w
[04:40] <binMonkey> _2: crwxrwxrwx 1 root dialout 5
[04:40] <_2> that's not all ..........
[04:40] <binMonkey> _2: sorry i forgot that part.
[04:41] <SimplySeth> hmmm kmenuedit doesn't let me edit the "start" menu
[04:41] <draik> _2: Sleepy? BTW, can nfs allow outsiders to access my files? I need it to share a folder to the public as it holds files for the many people requesting something from me.
[04:41] <_2> yes that's what nfs is for draik and samba for windows
[04:42] <binMonkey> _2: c rwxrwxrwx 1 root dialout 5, 1 2008-11-12 18:55 /dev/console
[04:42] <_2> !samba
[04:42] <ubottu> Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT. Also see https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/212098
[04:43] <_2> binMonkey ok and your issue is what exactly (and don't start in about the permissions on /dev/console cause it's as permiscuous as it can be) ?
[04:44] <_2> binMonkey "no sound" /dev/console should never affect sound. that's /dev/dsp or something in /dev/snd/
[04:44] <binMonkey> i'm trying to run a morse code program. i had to run it as su before i changed permissions. now with permissions open no sound works.
[04:45] <binMonkey> _2: sorry. the program told me i had no access to /dev/console and i had to run as su.
[04:45] <_2> binMonkey well you now have plenty of access. but still that's not why you have no sound. look at /dev/dsp ls - l it
[04:48] <binMonkey> i just chmod dsp and it's all open. but still no sound. for fun i chmod 777 dsp1 and dsp2 also. no luck.
[04:48] <_2> binMonkey does it work as su now ?
[04:49] <_2> binMonkey diagnostic question only
[04:49] <binMonkey> _2: yes. i just hate using sudo.
[04:49] <binMonkey> _2: it doesn't seem right.
[04:49] <binMonkey> _2: the program is kochmorse, if it helps.
[04:50] <_2> binMonkey then look in /dev/snd/ it may be sending through arts/esd/pulse ...
[04:50] <binMonkey> _2: i looked for snd when you mentioned it earlier. there is no snd in my /dev.
[04:51] <_2> ?
[04:51] <_2> /dev/sound/ ?
[04:51] <_2> i'm still using dapper it may have changed ...
[04:51] <dig> I was reading the man page and have no idea sudo install --reinstall firefox (install needs to flollow --reinstall)
[04:52] <binMonkey> _2: nope. there's an so called sndstat. should i try that?
[04:52] <_2> dig ? i use it both ways
[04:52] <dwidmann> _2: it's still /dev/snd/
[04:52] <_2> binMonkey you are sure there isn't a /dev/snd/ dir ?
[04:53] <dig> I found it hard to read. e.g. Don't know which option should go
[04:53] <binMonkey> _2: yes. i was looking for a file. i'm sorry.
[04:54] <_2> dig location of switches shouldn't matter but order of commands do i.e. apt-get install firefox --reinstall ;apt-get install --reinstall firefox ;apt-get --reinstall install firefox # should all work just alike.
[04:55] <dig> when I read, I cannot find install is able to be followed by options
[04:55] <_2> that's one reason i hate to see the developers moving away from dash dash
[04:56] <_2> posix just works
[04:56] <_2> errr posix --just --works
[04:56] <_2> :)
[04:58] <binMonkey> _2: sorry to be an idiot. i just chmod 777 everything in /dev/snd dir and still no sound.
[04:59] <_2> </blinks>
[04:59] <_2> binMonkey sorry to have mislead then. </hides>
[04:59] <_2> dig here read this http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/15810
[04:59] <_2> dig more informative than the man page
[04:59] <binMonkey> _2: close hides?
[05:00] * _2 can't answer cause he is hiding
[05:00] <binMonkey> _2: i appreciate the help anyway. i guess i'll just use sudo for this one program. thanks for trying.
[05:00] <dig> thx, I just find the man page is not clear personally.
[05:00] <dwidmann> binMonkey: you're right, that would mean _2 is back in the open :P
[05:01] <_2> dig that happens some time. i've learned every thing i know about linux by the "try it and reformat" methood ;/
[05:02] * _2 breaks xml too.
[05:02] <binMonkey> someday i won't be such an idiot. until then, i appreciate you guys.
[05:03] <_2> binMonkey again. sorry that that didn't pan out. if you are interested. we can persue it farther ?
[05:03] <_2> easier to cut losses maybe
[05:04] <binMonkey> _2: no. i guess it won't hurt to use sudo for this one program. i thought maybe i was missing something.
[05:04] <ptl> binMonkey: what are you trying to do? Just get sound? Do you know that you have to add your user (and root also) to the groups audio, pulse, pulse-access and pulse-rt ?
[05:04] <_2> ok. well no changes in /dev will hold past a reboot anyway.
[05:05] <binMonkey> _2: if you want to learn morse code, though, this program is great!
[05:05] <_2> binMonkey i'm busy trying to learn computer code but thanks
[05:05] <ptl> usermod -a -G audio,pulse,pulse-access,pulse-rt youruser
[05:06] <binMonkey> lol. no changes hold past reboot. that's good cause i was going to ask if i should change it all back.
[05:06] <dwidmann> ptl: that's strange, none of the pulse-* groups exist on my system.
[05:07] <_2> binMonkey yeah i anticipated that. /dev/ is in ram except /dev/.static/dev which is the real device nodes on the hdd but only accessed at boot time really
[05:07] <binMonkey> audio, pulse, etc are groupls and not files? i don't understand.
[05:08] <ptl> dwidmann: aptitude install pulseaudio
[05:08] <ptl> it is worth it
[05:08] <ptl> pulseaudio is a very good addition to your system
[05:08] <_2> binMonkey in ptl's command string all of "audio,pulse,pulse-access,pulse-rt" is a list of groups to add your user to
[05:08] <binMonkey> ptl: ok. i can always remove it.
[05:09] <ptl> !pulseaudio
[05:09] <ubottu> PulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions
[05:09] <binMonkey> ptl: i guess i already have it.
[05:09] <_2> ptl has esd/pulse replaced arts ?
[05:09] <ptl> phonon replaced arts on KDE
[05:09] <dwidmann> _2: phonon replaced arts I thought
[05:09] <ptl> not exactly
[05:10] <ptl> and phonon has an option to output to pulseaudio
[05:10] <binMonkey> usermod -a -G audio, pulse, pulse-access, pulse-rt rich1
[05:10] <ptl> arts is not the same as pulseaudio, arts is more than a sound server
[05:10] <binMonkey> lol. wrong screen.
[05:10] <_2> binMonkey no spaces in the list
[05:10] <dwidmann> So what exactly is pulse and why would I want to go through the hassle of setting it up?
[05:10] <ptl> binMonkey: no spaces between the commas
[05:11] <_2> binMonkey usermod -aG audio,pulse,pulse-access,pulse-rt rich1
[05:11] <ptl> dwidmann: there are many different sound servers and frameworks for linux. Pulseaudio unites and integrates them, and completely replaces some of them (e.g. esd)
[05:11] <ptl> dwidmann: and pulseaudio is very friendly and easy to use. It comes with some gnome applets that work on KDE too.
[05:12] <dwidmann> ptl: and the purpose of q soundserver is?
[05:12] <_2> binMonkey many things can accept a "comma seperated list" the fact that it is "comma seperated" means that it is not "space seperated" :)
[05:12] <ptl> dwidmann: I use it all the time, e.g. something called padevchooser, that allows me to change the volume independently of each application. I usually fire up mpg321 to play some mp3s and adjust its volume through padevchooser.
[05:12] <_2> just an fyi / ffr
[05:13] <binMonkey> _2: i'm going to call you sensei. i just understood that.
[05:13] <ptl> dwidmann: two things: assure the playing/recording of sounds concurrently and also stream and route sound through the network
[05:14] <dwidmann> hmm, streaming and routing through the network sounds interesting, so would it be possible to get sound when i'm ssh'd into another computer?
[05:14] * _2 grumbles and goes to google to see what he was just called...
[05:14] <binMonkey> _2: now that i'm part of these groups do i have access to changing them? and how is that different from chmoding files?
[05:15] <_2> binMonkey test your program again and see if it works for normal user
[05:15] <_2> if not we can through rocks at ptl
[05:16] <ptl> :(
[05:16] * binMonkey throws rocks at ptl.
[05:16] * ptl ducks.
[05:16] <binMonkey> _2: no go, sensei.
[05:16] <_2> lol ooops
[05:17] <_2> binMonkey well that's two of us that swung and missed. third strick and you're out.
[05:17] <ptl> binMonkey: do you have any error message when you try to fire the application through the terminal?
[05:17] <PyroBoi> Where can i find apt-get repos for edgy?
[05:18] <_2> PyroBoi ? edgy if still supported for another few months and then they will move them to "old unsupported"
[05:18] <_2> !edgy
[05:18] <ubottu> Ubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft) was the fifth release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: April 25th, 2008. See !eol for more details.
[05:18] <binMonkey> ptl: no. i got an error for regular user something like "you do not have access to /dev/console" before i chmod /dev/console.
[05:18] <_2> oh sorry
[05:18] <_2> in old unsupported
[05:18] <ptl> /dev/console ????
[05:19] <ptl> crw------- 1 root dialout 5, 1 2008-11-13 00:12 /dev/console
[05:19] <binMonkey> ptl: now after chmod i can run as regular user but no sound.
[05:19] <PyroBoi> _2: how do i set them to that dir
[05:19] <ptl> PyroBoi: upgrade to ibex!
[05:19] <_2> PyroBoi i think there is a page on the ubuntu.com i'll have to look
[05:19] <binMonkey> ptl: yes. but now mine is crwxrwxrwx, etc
[05:20] <PyroBoi> or is their a ez way to upgrade?
[05:20] <ptl> binMonkey: something seems very wrong with your installation! Do you have critical data on it? I hate to say it, but it might be wise to reinstall, since diagnosing every little file with wrong permissions would be too tiresome.
[05:20] <ptl> PyroBoi: yeah, update-manager
[05:20] <_2> ptl you might suggest an LTS there may be a reason for "not having upgraded"
[05:20] <binMonkey> PyroBoi: i just saw an article about saving settings and apps with a clean install. i'll see if i can find it.
[05:21] <binMonkey> ptl
[05:21] <PyroBoi> binMonkey: this is a brand new install
[05:21] <ptl> _2: I thought about it, but kubuntu is a desktop distribution, it would make little sense
[05:21] <binMonkey> ptl: no critical data. i can always backup and reinstall.
[05:22] <_2> ptl heh depends on perspective and bandwidth. to me anything that has to dl more than 6 meg per 6 months makes no sense.
[05:22] <ptl> binMonkey: but I can help you if you think it's fixable
[05:22] <binMonkey> ptl: i think it's a goofy thing in the program, though.
[05:22] <ptl> _2: !
[05:22] <ptl> _2: do you use dialup?
[05:23] <_2> yeah
[05:23] <ptl> _2: I live in a developing country and I have had Cable for several years now
[05:23] <ptl> before that, I had ADSL
[05:23] <binMonkey> dialup? really, sensei?
[05:23] <ptl> even on my cellphone I get 100kB/s or more
[05:24] <ptl> (3G)
[05:24] <_2> i know a lot of people that wont use ubuntu because of the bandwidth needed. well some people.
[05:24] <PyroBoi> i can always d/l 8.10
[05:24] <binMonkey> PyroBoi: it's extra worth it.
[05:24] <PyroBoi> ok, whats diff between kde 4 and 3
[05:25] <_2> PyroBoi from what i see in here 4 lots more eyecandy 3 lots more full featured
[05:25] <ptl> PyroBoi: KDE4 is a lot buggier, but a lot better also
[05:25] <binMonkey> i don't know the programming stuff, but i prefer kde3 for now.
[05:25] <_2> PyroBoi oh and 4 lot less stable forgot that
[05:26] <binMonkey> kde3 feels better to me.
[05:26] <PyroBoi> oh then its 3
[05:26] <ptl> PyroBoi: I loved it on Kubuntu, but I wouldn't recommend because it needs lots of small adjustments
[05:26] <tacosarecool> I used to not like kde4 but then I got used to it it is nice
[05:26] <binMonkey> and it's very disco fancy.
[05:27] <PyroBoi> well i think im going to go with 3 i can always upgrade later
[05:27] <tacosarecool> Yeah but now stickam don't act properly
[05:27] <binMonkey> kde4 is disco fancy.
[05:27] <tacosarecool> But I know it's not my webcam or flash
[05:27] <tacosarecool> because cartoonnetwork.com webcam games work fine
[05:27] <_2> i moved away from kde some time ago. i think i started it one time in the last month
[05:27] <binMonkey> you can play games with a webcam?
[05:28] <tacosarecool> Yup
[05:28] <tacosarecool> Lol
[05:28] <PyroBoi> bout 2 hrs to d/l
[05:28] <binMonkey> tacosarecool: i'm going to check that out.
[05:28] <tacosarecool> Anyway binmonkey
[05:29] <tacosarecool> You have a stickam?
[05:29] <PyroBoi> _2: what you use? gnome?
[05:29] <tacosarecool> Can you see if it's working properly for you?
[05:29] <binMonkey> what's a stickam?
[05:29] <tacosarecool> It's a webcam site
[05:29] <PyroBoi> binMonkey: its a cam site
[05:29] <_2> PyroBoi blackbox when i start a gui
[05:29] <tacosarecool> Like ustream but better
[05:29] <binMonkey> no. sorry. i'll buy a cam to play games, though.
[05:29] <PyroBoi> i've heard of that, but never seen it in action
[05:29] <binMonkey> hold on.
[05:30] <tacosarecool> There not that good of games but it's epic lulz
[05:31] <bilicki> I cannot sign into the hotmail (the page doesn't load when I sign in), and often some facebook features don't load as well... what could be the problem?
[05:31] <binMonkey> i love lulz. tomorrow i buy a cam.
[05:31] <bilicki> I have tried with konqueror, seamonkey, firefox and opera, no luck
[05:31] <_2> !hotmail
[05:31] <ubottu> If you need to use an MSN Hotmail account, consider packages such as "hotway" and "hostsmtp", which are gateways respectively to the !POP and !SMTP protocols (also supporting Lycos and Spray)
[05:32] <binMonkey> tacosarecool: on the stickam home page i have a cam shot and a gray box.
[05:32] <binMonkey> bilicki:
[05:32] <tacosarecool> yeah
[05:32] <tacosarecool> It's so weird
[05:32] <tacosarecool> It was fine under hardy
[05:32] <binMonkey> bilicki: i think msn broke hotmail for linux users.
[05:33] <tacosarecool> Microsoft = msn = hotmail
[05:33] <binMonkey> tacosarecool: the gray box should be a cam also?
[05:33] <tacosarecool> One gray part should be a menu
[05:33] <bilicki> ok... does anyone here have a hotmail account???
[05:33] <binMonkey> i saw it on reddit.
[05:33] <tacosarecool> The cam shot should be a cam shot
[05:33] <_2> bilicki not that i would admit to
[05:33] <tacosarecool> which it is
[05:33] <dwidmann> I feel sorry for people who "need" hotmail ... you'd they'd eventually gain the sense to dump it for something better
[05:33] <tacosarecool> gmail ftw
[05:34] <binMonkey> tacosarecool: lol. if you move your mouse over the gray you get yellow tool tips.
[05:34] <bilicki> I couldn't care less about hotmail, but I do want my browsers to work properly
[05:34] <bilicki> I use gmail
[05:34] <binMonkey> bilicki: they work properly. msn borked hotmail for linux users. true fact.
[05:34] <tacosarecool> I get white tooltips
[05:34] <_2> it's most likely not the browser that is "not working"
[05:35] <ptl> you know what
[05:35] <ptl> I work on Unix support at IBM
[05:35] <ptl> I use the terminal all the time
[05:35] <ptl> and having yakuake on KDE4 is a bless.
[05:36] <_2> ptl and you hate the console now...
[05:36] <ptl> It allows for real transparency. So I can see things through the terminal, like chat screens and web texts, to guide me typing certain commands.
[05:36] <tacosarecool> yakuake?
[05:36] <tacosarecool> Oog
[05:36] <ptl> yakuake is the best console ever
[05:36] <ptl> _2: certainly not, I love it
[05:36] <dwidmann> yakuake is made of pure love
[05:36] <tacosarecool> I'll have to download it
[05:36] <binMonkey> yakuake is the coolest application ever!
[05:36] <binMonkey> yakuake gives me a boner.
[05:37] <_2> terminal emulator like yakuake != console
[05:37] <binMonkey> tacosarecool: stickam works in opera and midori.
[05:37] <bilicki> _2: so what could be broken?
[05:37] <ptl> _2: oh, I understand what you meant now
[05:37] <_2> bilicki the web page
[05:37] <ptl> _2: I don't hate the console, it's just that I am more productive using the graphical environment
[05:38] <tacosarecool> wow this is awesome!
[05:38] <tacosarecool> I wuv it!
[05:38] <ptl> tacosarecool: try to use real transparency, if you have KDE4...
[05:38] <_2> bilicki M$ produces broken ie and then produces broken webpages that only broken ie can render propperly
[05:38] <PyroBoi> lol i like the gui, but i nine times out of ten have a term up
[05:38] <tacosarecool> I don't have that good of a graphics card
[05:38] <tacosarecool> But it's awesome enough
[05:38] <ptl> it's cool. Sometimes I even have a movie playing in the background while I type commands, lol
[05:39] <tacosarecool> Because it attaches to the screen
[05:39] <ptl> Any ATI or NVIDIA should do
[05:39] <tacosarecool> x300
[05:39] <binMonkey> transparency works on my ati 200m.
[05:39] <tacosarecool> Is that old?
[05:39] <ptl> I dunno
[05:39] <dwidmann> tacosarecool: transparency effects and the like don't really take a good card to pull off.
[05:39] <tacosarecool> Do effects work binmonkey?
[05:39] <binMonkey> mine do.
[05:40] <binMonkey> on kde3.
[05:40] <binMonkey> not on xfce.
[05:40] <tacosarecool> Mine freeze on 4
[05:40] <ptl> kde3 does not have effects
[05:40] <_2> ptl fair enough. i was only anticpating a common "i use this all the time at work and now can't stand it" kind of rant.
[05:40] <ptl> only if you use compiz, that is
[05:40] <dwidmann> ptl: yes it does.
[05:40] <dwidmann> ptl: well, basic things, transparency, shadows, etc
[05:40] <y0ul053> eh, I had compiz working fine on my geforce mx 440 ;p
[05:40] <binMonkey> ptl: yakuake transparency works. i haven't tried compiz.
[05:41] <tacosarecool> How I make it use transperency
[05:41] <ptl> dwidmann: kde3's transparency is not real transparency, is it? I mean, you don't have transparent canvas like the kde4's yakuake
[05:41] <_2> dwidmann heh. effects != 3d effects which is what is generally meant hy effects
[05:41] <dwidmann> ptl: yes it is.
[05:41] <dwidmann> _2: vague is as vague does
[05:41] <ptl> y0ul053: MX 440 does not work on the latest X.org, does it? I've read that nvidia's drivers do not support it anymore.
[05:41] <tacosarecool> How do I mean yakuake use transperency
[05:42] <tacosarecool> make
[05:42] <binMonkey> tacosarecool:
[05:42] <bilicki> I installed this yakukake thing... isn't F12 used for something else otherwise?
[05:42] <ptl> dwidmann: well, in KDE3, with full xrender extensions on and compose turned on, yakuake and konsole used fake transparency
[05:42] <y0ul053> dunno, haven't tried the lastest, back in *shudder* doze for a tiny bit
[05:42] <_2> tacosarecool right click configure
[05:42] <ptl> tacosarecool: you go to the colors configuration
[05:42] <binMonkey> tacosarecool: right click in yakuake, edit current profile,
[05:42] <tacosarecool> Lol pressing f12 is fun!
[05:42] <dwidmann> ptl: you would have to use nvidia-glx-96 I think
[05:42] <y0ul053> had to try out doze 7, really nothing out of the ordinary
[05:43] <dwidmann> ptl: all applications could have transparency, but if you went into konsole/yakuake's menus and tried to set it from there, that would be fake transparency
[05:43] <binMonkey> appearance tab, click edit, slide background transparency.
[05:43] <binMonkey> tacosarecool: appearance tab, click edit, slide background transparency.
[05:44] <ptl> dwidmann: didn't know that either.
[05:44] <bilicki> can someone explain to me what the point of transparency is?
[05:44] <bilicki> i am sure it's useful, but I just don't see for what
[05:44] <dwidmann> sometimes just for looks, other times when you need to be able to see through something to be able to work effectively
[05:44] <binMonkey> dwidmann: what is fake transparency? does it use more resources?
[05:44] <ptl> bilicki: besides looking cool, for my particular case it boosts productivity so I can have additional input whilst I type commands. Like a web tutorial, a mail asking commands, or a chat screen beyond what I type
[05:45] <ptl> *below what I type
[05:45] <ptl> *under
[05:45] <ptl> agh.
[05:45] <_2> bilicki don't start asking why, and confuse everyone. just look at the eye candy.
[05:45] <ptl> my english is lame.
[05:45] <tacosarecool> All the way right
[05:45] <rajneesh> can any one tell me how to mount windows partition? in xubuntu
[05:45] <bilicki> ptl: yes, i can see where it would be useful if you are reading something in the background...
[05:45] <tacosarecool> Go to the xubuntu channel please
[05:46] <dwidmann> binMonkey: fake transparency is basically like, take a screenshot of what's behind the window, and use a processed version of that screenshot for the background of the window ... or something like that
[05:46] <rajneesh> can you tell me xubuntu channel name
[05:46] <tacosarecool> binmonkey
[05:46] <tacosarecool> This transperency isn't working
[05:46] <binMonkey> dwidmann: ok. so if you move the window, the "transparency" won't change?
[05:47] <binMonkey> tacosarecool: yes?
[05:47] <tacosarecool> It won't change
[05:47] <tacosarecool> I put it at 100 percent
[05:47] <ptl> the fake transparency wouldnt' change
[05:47] <binMonkey> hold on.
[05:47] <_2> rajneesh probably the same way would in *buntu mount device mountpoint arguments adding a line in fstab if you want to make it a permenant mount, or have them user montable.
[05:47] <dwidmann> binMonkey: well, it'll refresh after a few seconds usually, depending on the app that's doing it.
[05:48] <tacosarecool> Oh my desktop does not appear to support transparent windows
[05:48] <dwidmann> binMonkey: maybe not even that long ... though fake transparency is slow
[05:48] <_2> !ntfs > rajneesh
[05:48] <ubottu> rajneesh, please see my private message
[05:48] <tacosarecool> I'll try enabling desktop effect
[05:48] <tacosarecool> s
[05:48] <binMonkey> tacosarecool: what are you using?
[05:48] <tacosarecool> Ati x300
[05:48] <binMonkey> tacosarecool: what desktop?
[05:48] <tacosarecool> kde 4
[05:48] <binMonkey> tacosarecool: slide it all the way to the left.
[05:49] <tacosarecool> To the right you mean right?
[05:49] <binMonkey> no. i mean left.
[05:49] <tacosarecool> That would make it 100 percent
[05:49] <_2> your other left
[05:49] <binMonkey> brb. going to switch to kde.
[05:50] <_2> :)
[05:50] <_2> other left hehhe can't stop laughing
[05:52] <tacosarecool> Works now
[05:52] <tacosarecool> I was right
[05:52] <_2> see it's your other ledt
[05:52] <_2> left
[05:52] <binMonkey> sorry.
[05:53] <binMonkey> tacosarecool: slide all the way to the right.
[05:53] <ptl> ?
[05:53] <tacosarecool> Works
[05:53] <ptl> I am lost here
[05:53] <tacosarecool> Had to enable desktop effect
[05:53] <tacosarecool> s
[05:54] <tacosarecool> It will lag me though
[05:54] <ptl> but it seems transparency works now
[05:54] <binMonkey> it's so pretty.
[05:54] <ptl> will it?
[05:54] <_2> your other left you know <- left and other left ->
[05:54] <tacosarecool> It has before
[05:54] <binMonkey> why?
[05:54] <ptl> all the processing goes through your videocard
[05:54] <ptl> shouldn't take much processing from your computer
[05:54] <tacosarecool> Your right
[05:54] <ptl> even in my laptop it does not slow down noticeably.
[05:54] <binMonkey> mine seems to work chop, chop fast.
[05:55] <tacosarecool> Probably coincidence
[05:55] <tacosarecool> before
[05:55] <dwidmann> With transparency and such turned off, and windows being drawn by the video card instead of the processor, you should theoretically speed things up a bit.
[05:56] <dwidmann> Of course, that approach seemed to run into roadblocks last I checked.
[05:56] <_2> chop chop ? huba huba ? undelay undelay ? hurry hurry ?
[05:56] <binMonkey> make with the speed, charlie hustle.
[05:57] <bilicki> what is that terminal that , once you select text, automatically copies it?
[05:57] <bilicki> and then right click pastes it
[05:57] <ptl> I vehemently refuse to live without desktop effects. They are more important than feeding.
[05:57] <binMonkey> ptl: you mean the cube and all that?
[05:57] <dwidmann> ptl; that reminds me of a really funny webcomic
[05:58] <_2> bilicki that's xorg not a terminal you highlight anything and it's copied. and "both click" or "middle click" will paste it
[05:59] <ptl> binMonkey: no, transparency, expose, show desktops and fast-task-switching :)
[05:59] <ptl> dwidmann: xkcd?
[05:59] <binMonkey> is ping supposed to run until you ctrl-c it?
[05:59] <ptl> on Linux, yes
[05:59] <_2> binMonkey unless you give it a -c count
[05:59] <dwidmann> ptl: the particular one I'm thinking of was one of the older vgcats strips I think;
[06:00] <_2> binMonkey ping -c 2 google.com
[06:00] <ptl> btw
[06:00] <ptl> desktop effects for KDE 4.1 does not have the cube
[06:00] <ptl> but 4.2 will have it
[06:01] <dwidmann> ptl: http://www.vgcats.com/comics/?strip_id=242
[06:01] <binMonkey> i feel guilty using too many effects. like i'm showing off or being too fancy or something.
[06:02] <_2> binMonkey i know the feel
[06:02] <binMonkey> _2: thanks. that's another man page i have to read and learn.
[06:02] <ptl> dwidmann: weird, but funny! I didn't know this cartoon
[06:02] <dfgas> has there been alot of change from kde 4.1 to 4.1.3?
[06:02] <tacosarecool> bye
[06:02] <binMonkey> bye.
[06:02] <dfgas> or should i wait for 4.2?
[06:03] <tacosarecool> what's this I hear about 4.1.3
[06:03] <_2> i'm just going to wait for kde5
[06:03] <dwidmann> tacosarecool: it's in intrepid-backports
[06:03] <dfgas> has there been alot of change from kde 4.1 to 4.1.3?
[06:03] <ptl> dfgas: why wait? upgrade now
[06:03] <ptl> dfgas: enough changes, I think
[06:03] <tacosarecool> How do I upgrade?
[06:03] <dfgas> hmmm
[06:03] <binMonkey> i've learned to like xfce.
[06:03] <ptl> I just used a bit of 4.1.2
[06:03] <ptl> but I can't say for sure because I did not use KDE 4.1
[06:03] <dwidmann> dfgas: intrepid was released with 4.1.2 ... I'm not sure how much it has changed, see the changelog?
[06:04] <_2> binMonkey xfce has it's points indeed
[06:04] <dwidmann> i've learned to like Fluxbox ... but I'm thinking about trying Enlightenment
[06:05] <bilicki> call me crazy, but the only browser that renders facebook properly is seamonkey
[06:05] <tacosarecool> Ok
[06:05] <tacosarecool> Good night
[06:05] <binMonkey> are those both lighter than xfce?
[06:05] <binMonkey> bye.
[06:05] <bilicki> how is it different than firefox or opera or konqueror/
[06:05] <dwidmann> bilicki: You're crazy. (hey, you asked me to)
[06:06] <_2> binMonkey but it's powered by gerbles, i just can't get used to the idea of a pinguin running on gerble power....
[06:06] <dwidmann> bilicki: I can't see how it'd be much different from firefox, different from opera or konqueror I could see.
[06:06] <binMonkey> they're much more efficient.
[06:07] <ptl> but seamonkey and firefox use the same rendering engine
[06:07] <ptl> gecko
[06:07] <bilicki> also, why is the UI in firefox coupled with KDE4 so ugly? like, look at the tabs and how the edges are all drawn wrong... or is that just my computer?
[06:08] <_2> seamonkey is forked from firefox because of copy left krap no?
[06:08] <dwidmann> bilicki: firefox's fault :\
[06:08] <binMonkey> have you guys tried midori?
[06:09] <dwidmann> midori?
[06:09] <_2> bilicki and dwidmann isnt there a lib that fixes that
[06:09] <dwidmann> bilicki: _2: gtk-qt-engine isn't it?
[06:10] <dwidmann> At any rate, it helps though it isn't quite perfect.
[06:10] <binMonkey> i think it's like konqueror. it's kind of bare bones but super fast.
[06:10] <bilicki> _2: if there is, why isn't it installed along with FF? I'll try installing it
[06:10] <_2> some libgtk-something-something-something
[06:10] <courtjesterg> anyone listening?
[06:10] <dwidmann> arora is the fastest browser i've ever used .. kinda feature-light though
[06:11] <bilicki> dwidmann: i already have gtk-qt-engine installed
[06:11] <binMonkey> is it in the repos?
[06:11] <dwidmann> binMonkey: yeah
[06:11] <ptl> _2: no...
[06:12] <ptl> _2: firefox and seamonkey are brothers, no fork
[06:12] <ptl> I mean
[06:12] <NightDragon> seamonkey = mozilla
[06:12] <courtjesterg> i downloaded the 173 for nvidia from the 96 when i go to x server it says i appear to not be running one please edit and restaaart your nvidia x config from root how do i do this or should i go back to 96 which they says is reccomened there still is 177
[06:12] <ptl> they are different enclosures for the gecko engine, and seamonkey (mozilla suite) is actually much more than just a browser
[06:12] <dwidmann> binMonkey: there's a newer version out though, but it practically begs for being compiled with a recent qt-snapshot
[06:12] <_2> gtk2-engines-qtpixmap - QtPixmap GTK2.x theming engine
[06:12] <_2> gtk2-engines-gtk-qt - theme engine using Qt for GTK+ 2.x
[06:12] <_2> that maybe ^
[06:13] <_2> or maybe not ....
[06:13] <binMonkey> are the daily qts reliable?
[06:13] <binMonkey> dwidmann: are the daily qts reliable?
[06:13] <dwidmann> binMonkey: I dunno, I'm about to find out
[06:13] <courtjesterg> i downloaded the 173 for nvidia from the 96 when i go to x server it says i appear to not be running one please edit and restaaart your nvidia x config from root how do i do this or should i go back to 96 which they says is reccomened there still is 177
[06:14] <dwidmann> binMonkey: I've got the source extracted and such right now :0
[06:14] <binMonkey> dwidmann: it looks like iceweasel.
=== kunal is now known as kunal_
[06:15] <_2> courtjesterg repeting so quickly doesn't help you.
[06:15] <dwidmann> binMonkey: look and feel should be whatever qt theme you've got :0
[06:15] <dwidmann> ***:)
[06:16] <courtjesterg> well nobody answwering and avoiding me does as well there is an off topic to be chatting about other things
[06:16] <dwidmann> (ie: oxygen)
[06:16] <dwidmann> My left pinkie is very unreliable lately
[06:16] <dwidmann> bash: ./configure: /bin/sh^M: bad interpreter: No such file or directory <--- wow, that's not cool
[06:16] <_2> courtjesterg i can't answer that question because i don't know. but someone might, just don't repete to the point of beint a nusense, or they will ignore you.
[06:18] <dwidmann> courtjesterg: use the latest driver that will work with your card ... "run sudo nvidia-xconfig" to configure X to use the nvidia drivers ... that should be all you need to do :\
[06:19] <_2> dwidmann M$ markup
[06:19] <_2> dwidmann use "dos3unix" on the script.
[06:19] <_2> 2
[06:20] <binMonkey> dwidmann: oooh. no java in arora yet.
[06:20] <dwidmann> binMonkey: plugin support happens when qt 4.5 happens ... I'm guessing that would include java
[06:21] <dwidmann> binMonkey: alternatively ... qt-snapshot
[06:21] <dwidmann> _2: where might I get "dos3unix"?
[06:21] <_2> 2
[06:21] <binMonkey> shit. no java in midori, either.
[06:21] <dwidmann> oh, now I see what that 2 was there for, sorry
[06:21] <_2> dos2unix should be installed
[06:22] <dwidmann> _2: so, it may have had CR-LF line endings or somethign?
[06:22] <courtjesterg> java is still screwed up even in firfox you can't play yoville in myspace it just sits there at the main screen flash
[06:23] <binMonkey> courtjesterg: java works fine for me. try time.gov. it's a simple time server. maybe your java installation is bad.
[06:23] <_2> dwidmann not may have but did! that's what the message is saying "/bin/sh^M: bad interpreter" <<< ^M is the key.
[06:23] <courtjesterg> i even tryed a differeent plugin and it still screwed they should just start developing konq browers instead leaving it to rott
[06:24] <dwidmann> _2: ah, okay, thanks, I'll try to commit that one to memory
[06:24] <binMonkey> courtjesterg: did you install java from sun?
[06:24] <courtjesterg> yeah i got the sun version
[06:24] <courtjesterg> witht he extendion plugin
[06:24] <courtjesterg> extention
[06:25] <_2> dwidmann not sure why a configure script would have M$ markup you may want to check the rest of the files too
[06:25] <binMonkey> try in terminal update-alternatives --config java
[06:25] <dwidmann> _2: more trouble than that it seems, it's saying make isn't in the $PATH, but it certainly is ...
[06:25] <binMonkey> courtjesterg: try in terminal update-alternatives --config java
[06:26] <_2> dwidmann could be caused by said markup as noted ^
[06:26] <courtjesterg> well maybe it s the adobe flash not the java
[06:26] <dwidmann> _2: maybe, seems that setting $MAKE worked though
[06:26] <binMonkey> did you try time.gov?
[06:26] <binMonkey> courtjesterg: did you try time.gov?
[06:27] <courtjesterg> time.gov works fine
[06:27] <courtjesterg> its a java flash baase app game on facebook and myspace
[06:27] <_2> i.e. if a script adjusted the path and had bad markup the path would then have it. just a thought.
[06:27] <courtjesterg> yeah i saw
[06:27] <courtjesterg> worked fine
[06:27] <binMonkey> cool. at least your java works.
[06:27] <_2> pool.ntp.org
[06:27] <courtjesterg> whats that
[06:28] <binMonkey> good night, guys. thanks for all the help.
[06:28] <courtjesterg> i still dunno how to fix this army time on my time
[06:29] <courtjesterg> don't think there is an option also the keyboard with layouts using the elite cordless duo logitech keyboard so when i press caps no caps show in my screen are enable ack no layouts worked
[06:30] <_2> army time 08:00 zulu ?
[06:30] <dwidmann> _2: think this would do the trick? "find /home/blackwaltz/linux/soft/src/qt-all-opensource-src-4.5.0-snapshot-20081111/ -type f -exec dos2unix {} \;"
[06:30] <_2> yeah
[06:31] <courtjesterg> whats the respo for?
[06:31] <_2> dwidmann just a thought, you might commit to memory using quotes around the {} will protect filenames with spaces '{}' or "{}"
[06:32] <dwidmann> _2: yeah, I have to do that from time to time, but I always forget to put that on there
[06:33] <_2> dwidmann heh i have dirs with names like '\n"
[06:33] <_2> :)
[06:33] <_2> it plays havoc with things like that
[06:34] <_2> literaly single quote new line double quote
[06:34] <dwidmann> _2: I'm finicky about my naming, but I didn't name this stuff though eh? (I rarely if ever use spaces ... avoid capitol letters and symbols, etc)
[06:34] <dwidmann> That's a strange name for a folder
[06:35] <_2> it stops scripts from doing anything recursively
[06:36] <dwidmann> _2: an interesting idea
[06:36] <_2> even a blind hog will find an acorn every now and then
[06:37] <benbloom> anybody else having trouble with flash in 64bit Kubuntu Hardy? It works fine as long as there aren't too many instances running at once. Adobe says the solution is to upgrade to Flash 10 but I am running Firefox 3.03 with Flash# LNX 10,0,12,36 on new hardware and I still have this problem!
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
[06:39] <dwidmann> benbloom: yeah, umm, it still isn't perfect, and part of the problem could potentially be the browser(s), it's hard to say
[06:39] <benbloom> actually _2, hogs dont use their eyes much to forrage
[06:40] <dwidmann> benbloom: I recommend flashblock ... that way you control which ones you view
[06:40] <benbloom> yeah dwidmann, I sent them a bug report
[06:40] <benbloom> great tip dwidmann, probably increase my speeds too (limited bandwidth-- what with KTorrent running in the bg all the time
[06:41] <dwidmann> benbloom: it really does help a lot
[06:42] <_2> dwidmann one other thing i might warn you about, dir name '\n" will hang mc out to dry, not sure about gui file managers
[06:42] <benbloom> sucks because flash really could be such a cool tool if used correctly-- not as another source of annoying banner ads
[06:43] <dwidmann> _2: I'm curious enough to want to find out
[06:43] <_2> well it's easy to make mkdir "
[06:43] <_2> '"
[06:43] <dwidmann> benbloom: yeah, but I think it's used at least as much for annoying banner ads ... so it's practically begging to be blocked
[06:44] <_2> that didn't print correctly but you get the gist of it.
[06:45] <_2> it left out the \" for some reason in the irc
[06:45] <dwidmann> _2: dolphin copes with it okay
[06:45] <_2> cool
[06:46] <_2> dwidmann you did make it with one each single quote double quote and newline ?
[06:48] <dwidmann> Yeah, I made it be -- '\n"
[06:51] <ptl> cd /var/yp && make all
[06:52] <benbloom> dwidmann: can you see this video? http://www.colbertnation.com/the-colbert-report-videos/209944/november-06-2008/rachel-maddow
[06:52] <ptl> benbloom: pr0n?
[06:52] <benbloom> no not ptl
[06:52] <ptl> ah :(
[06:52] <ptl> too bad
[06:54] <benbloom> sorry
[06:54] <benbloom> just trying to diagnose
[06:54] <dubbyz> hey anyone here, I am running ubiqutiy and was wondering how i could obtain root on a block device
[06:55] <dubbyz> I have the root to ubiquity but was wondering if i could use it to edit files on my hard drive
[06:55] <dwidmann> benbloom: one sec
[06:57] <dubbyz> or maybe better known as ubuntu live cd
[06:57] <_2> bah why does starting kde reset xorg five times ?
[06:57] <benbloom> k dwidmann, just wondering if it's just me
[06:57] <dwidmann> I see a white box
[06:59] <dwidmann> If I click on full episode i get the same, except it has a little loading spinner in the box, and no actual net activity
[07:00] <_2> dwidmann konq seems to deal with it ok too
[07:00] <dwidmann> _2: I'm using Opera here
[07:00] <benbloom> ok so it's comedycentral.com then.
[07:00] <benbloom> :(
[07:01] <_2> dwidmann file manager i'm still on about the dir name
[07:03] <_2> dagnabit
[07:03] <courtjesterg> problem my ccd/rewrite again i restart the computer i acutally haven't been shutting down all the way when i did sure enough it showed worked fine everything was ok, then i restarted it was still fine then later start to make a click no the red light is on not green where disc in is at aalso some odd reason my sound doesn't work wonders if that has to do with the java plugin or the same with the cd/rewrite problem
[07:03] <_2> every time i start nautilus it takes over the desktop and i have to ctrl+alt+backspace
[07:04] <courtjesterg> kinda sounds like a trogan virus but linux heard doesn't have
[07:05] <_2> yours or mine ?
[07:05] <courtjesterg> mine
[07:05] <_2> mine's a "feature" not a bug but i sure wish it was "fixed"
[07:08] <_2> it tic's me off that kde will relinquish the desktop everytime nautilus is started although that has only happened about three times, each time just testing file manager on * and each time i have had to kill x cause i have no applications menu after nautilus starts
[07:08] <_2> so now i have started kde twice in the last month, each time lasting about one minute.
[07:12] <_2> dwidmann but btw nautilus handles the name ok too
[07:15] <vlt> Hello. Can I run the latest security update including "dbus" while KDE users are logged in?
[07:18] <_2> yes
[07:18] <_2> andi
[07:23] <_2> i need to stick with blackbox at least when nautilus commits insurrection against blackbox i only have to click it's process in the slit and select kill client and i'm back to full control of the desktop
[07:32] <Kernel> crap...i have no sound all of a sudden....ive tried killall artsd...ive tried to restart alsa-utils....still nothing
[07:34] <_2> pulsaudio ?
[07:35] <Kernel> nope.
[07:35] <Kernel> i just did alsa force-reload and it fixed it
[07:36] <dingus9> I have a problem with the screensaver, it wont start automatically after x amount of minutes, however it runs fine from the "test" button. Anyone have an idea. This is an updated dapper machine, and after update I had to add acpi=off to the kernel for it to boot. The problem remains constant from before update
[07:37] <mikorn4> I have a problem with the Nav/Toolbar ... the Date and Time (widget I guess) is too small to display the whole date, and I can't seem to resize it.
[07:37] <mikorn4> (KDE 4.1)
[07:39] <dingus9> mikorn4: when I added too many plasmoids to my bar, they overlapped and got squished, could that be the problem?
[07:40] <mikorn4> Maybe... not sure what a Plasmoid, and you would have to define too many
[07:40] <dingus9> mikorn4: also you might take a look at compiling the "panel spacer" plasmoid if it
[07:40] <dingus9> mikorn4: * its not included in your distro's install
[07:41] <mikorn4> !plasmoid
[07:41] <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about plasmoid
[07:42] <dingus9> mikorn4: kde4 calls them plasmoids -- the kde engine is plasma ;)
[07:42] <mikorn4> so then how would I determine the existence of said panel spacer?
[07:43] <dingus9> mikorn4: any how I had the same problem when my bar was too small for the items I had in it, so I split the bar into two bars, but then I had too much space... spacing is a problem with some plasmoids
[07:43] <dingus9> mikorn4: its called panel spacer I believe its another plasmoid
[07:44] <mikorn4> fair enough... will check it out
[07:44] <mikorn4> thanks
[07:44] <dingus9> mikorn4: I had to compile it, its an extremely easy compile though... the instructions are on the page... kdelook.org - section plasmoids
[07:47] <niklauz> best network sync app for user files?
[07:47] <niklauz> preferably kde-based
[07:49] <dwidmann> unison does a pretty good job for syncing files, though I'm not sure if that would be what you're looking for or not.
[07:51] <niklauz> dwidmann: it is, it's what i used in my last setup actually and i liked it. Just wanted to do due dilligence before using it again without thinking
[07:56] <dwidmann> niklauz: Use whatever works and you'll never be disappointed :)
[07:57] <niklauz> okeedoke
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[08:46] <amanson> hi
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[08:54] <tony_93> hi all
[08:54] <JimFlint1> hello
[08:55] <dal_home> hey all, I have two machines running kubuntu, both running programs that output sound. rather than hook up a pair of speakers to each computer I was hoping to be able to forward the sound from one machine over the network to the other and just use one set of speakers hooked up to that machine. Anyone know of a way to achieve this?
[08:55] <tony_93> how are you ?
[08:56] <abhinav> hi i am new to linux .........can any one please tell me hpw to play MP3........amrok is working fine but it is not playing mp3 format
[08:56] <sandhya> Hi, is there a task / process monitor in kubuntu 8.10?
[08:56] <abhinav> kaffine is also not playing audio wheeas video is working perfect
[08:57] <sandhya> !mp3
[08:57] <ubottu> For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats
[08:58] <JimFlint1> abhinav: The "System Monitor" found under the system menu
[08:58] <tony_93> sandhya: ctrl + esc
[08:58] <sandhya> thanks tony!
[08:59] <sandhya> what's this applet called? Is there a menu for it?
[08:59] <tony_93> yw sandhya
[08:59] <abhinav> Jimflint: there is no system monitor option under system
[08:59] <sandhya> abhinav: read links above
[09:00] <sandhya> the system monitor should have been directed at me I think
[09:00] <abhinav> kk thanx...
[09:00] <JimFlint1> <blush>
[09:01] <abhinav> i think i got it ........thanx again
[09:01] <abhinav> also one more query .........I am using hardy ........would you suggest to upgrade to 8.10
[09:03] <sandhya> I'd suggest waiting for the next version
[09:03] <sandhya> JimFlint1: thanks though :)
[09:04] <abhinav> ok so i'll wait
[09:04] <abhinav> thanx again
[09:04] <sandhya> yw :)
[09:08] <amerigo> goodmornig .... I have a question
[09:08] <amerigo> under kubuntu hardy how can i handle rpm file for install file?
[09:10] <naught101> ARRRGHG
[09:11] <naught101> why oh why was there no mention that intrepid completely dropped kde 3.5?
[09:12] <naught101> knetworkmanager (if that's what it's called now) won't connect to my wireless network now that I've upgraded
[09:16] <naught101> and no panel autohide?
[09:17] <dwidmann> naught101: I'm pretty sure that there was plenty of mention that intrepid dropped kde 3.5 ...
[09:18] <naught101> dwidmann: not anywhere public - I looked for pages about intrepid features, but couldn't find any...
[09:21] <dwidmann> http://www.kubuntu.org/news/8.10-release -- it's not as explicit as it perhaps should be, but if you read it it'll give you the impression that kde3 has been dropped
[09:34] <sandhya> naught101: I think you just need to redetect and add passwords to get you wifi back up
[09:35] <sandhya> that's what I had to do any way
[09:37] <naught101> that didn't work for me
[09:38] <naught101> dwidmann: it doesn't say that kde3 isn't available at all, which is a big omission, considering that kde4 is clunky and still has a tonne of features missing.
[09:39] <naught101> I can't even get a properties screen for the system tray
[09:41] <dwidmann> Hmm, guess in a half hour I'll have a recent qt-snapshot compiled :)
[09:42] <naught101> so what are the positive things in intrepid?
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[09:44] <dwidmann> naught101: well, pretty much everything is shiny and new (that's both its biggest positive and negative all rolled into one decisive package)
[09:44] <naught101> is it any different to hardy-kde4?
[09:45] <dwidmann> for the most part, I'm going to say "not much"
[09:46] <naught101> ok. and kde3 isn't in the repos anymore, is it?
[09:47] <dwidmann> Right ... it was dropped for a few good reasons ... all of which are pretty sensible.
[09:47] <NightDragon> help... does anyone know C++
[09:49] <dwidmann> naught101: question for ya, you're not trying to use a static ip with knetworkmanger are you? Because I think that's broken in intrepid
[09:49] <naught101> no, I'm not
[09:49] <naught101> dwidmann: what good reasons?
[09:49] <ActionParsnip> yo yo yo
[09:50] <dwidmann> naught101: less to maintain, lets them give more attention to kde4 so it will mature faster, and last but not least, hardy still works.
[09:51] <naught101> dwidmann: like "here's a half-baked DE, whinge about it to the programmers, and they might add some features in time for Jaunty, in the mean while, suck on it"
[09:51] <naught101> I like the last reason though
[09:53] <dwidmann> naught101: ubuntu runs in a 2 year cycle. An LTS release every 2 years. The first one after the LTS is when they make the decision to make their big changes. The rest of them are spent fixing things so the next LTS won't suck.
[09:54] <naught101> so Intrepid is LTS3-RC2?
[09:54] <ActionParsnip> naught101: thats the glory of FOSS, if it breaks, you get both halves
[09:55] <dwidmann> naught101: I'd say it's more like LTS3 - beta 1
[09:55] <naught101> hah. true
[09:59] <naught101> damn, every time I've upgraded to a new version, I've told all my friends to upgrade too... it's been worth it up until now.
[09:59] <dwidmann> naught101: it's a big change ... but I'd say development has been keeping a pretty strong pace. KDE 4.2 in January should be a breath of fresh air I hope.
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[10:00] <naught101> what're the chances of panel auto-hiding?
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[10:01] <dwidmann> naught101: I think that was on the to-do list, but I'd have to check to be sure
[10:02] <naught101> is there any way to reduce the icon size in the system tray?
[10:02] <dwidmann> naught101: DONE Plasma Panel Autohide Aaron Seigo <aseigo@kde.org>
[10:03] <naught101> brilliant
[10:03] <naught101> ok, now I might consider staying in intrepid
[10:03] <naught101> are there any kde4.2 beta backports?
[10:04] <shadypixie3> any way to tidily sort desktop icons in kde 4.1.3?
[10:04] <dwidmann> naught101: oh, in case you're curious - http://techbase.kde.org/Schedules/KDE4/4.2_Feature_Plan
[10:04] <naught101> thanks
[10:08] <naught101> something odd: in intrepid, my Kmenu icon is now the "back to start of track" icon from amarok and kaffeine...
[10:08] <naught101> kickoff menu is promising, that's one good thing...
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[10:10] <dwidmann> naught101: I think I've heard of similar problems with the kmenu icon, but I forget what the fix was.
[10:10] * naught101 toddles off to google
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[10:14] <dwidmann> hrm, qt is taking long to compile than expected :(
[10:18] <naught101> holy crap, kde just crashed
[10:20] <dwidmann> naught101: what were you doing that made it crash?
[10:20] <naught101> um... typing something in firefox, I think...
[10:23] <dwidmann> hmm, 42 minutes to compile qt
[10:27] <fernando> HOLAAAAAAAAAA
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[10:34] <naught101> wow, looks like knetworkmanager is buggered until jaunty...
[10:34] <naught101> is there any way to change the default behaviour for alt+tab?
[10:39] <ActionParsnip> does anyone have the behaviour whereby the mouse slowly grows slower and slower and then the system becomes unusable?
[10:39] <ActionParsnip> ive experienced it with everything from compiz to fluxbox
[10:41] <ActionParsnip> i have to restart x then I reboot just incase its ram related
[10:41] <ActionParsnip> im on a fully upgraded ibex 64bit
=== alin is now known as avoinea
[10:46] <avoinea> hey guys !
[10:47] <avoinea> I have a problem with skype and my mic, any hints ?
[10:49] <JimFlint1> naught101: what do you want to do
[10:49] <ActionParsnip> avoinea: a bit more information would be nice..does the mic give sound to skype, oes talking make skype crash
[10:49] <naught101> something more flat
[10:49] <naught101> avoinea: skype test call service?
[10:50] <ActionParsnip> avoinea: we're good but we arent telepathic
[10:51] <avoinea> ActionParsnip: ok, sorry, well I called skype test call
[10:51] <avoinea> ActionParsnip: everything works but not the microphone
[10:51] <ActionParsnip> avoinea: does it work in other apps?
[10:51] <avoinea> ActionParsnip: I tried all the combinations
[10:51] <naught101> kde4 reminds me of windows ME
[10:51] <avoinea> ActionParsnip: like ?
[10:52] <ActionParsnip> avoinea: some basic sound recorder
[10:52] <avoinea> ActionParsnip: I don't know any other app that use the mic, sorry (new in ubuntu)
[10:52] <ActionParsnip> avoinea: a chat client
[10:52] <ActionParsnip> avoinea: its the same in any OS
[10:52] <ActionParsnip> avoinea: just load up some sound recording app and empty your lungs in its general direction
[10:53] <JimFlint1> naught101:have you had a look in "System Settings" Desktop - there is a setting in "Effects"
[10:53] <avoinea> ActionParsnip: ok, it doesn't work neither in Sound Recorder
[10:54] <ActionParsnip> avoinea: ok is the mic muted and mic boost cranked
[10:54] * avoinea playing with sound settings
[10:55] <naught101> hrmmm
[10:55] <naught101> ok, thanks JimFlint1
[10:56] <ActionParsnip> avoinea: you dont have to paste in both rooms
[10:56] <popey> Hello. If someone installs Kubuntu 8.04, and upgrades to 8.10 - will they keep KDE 3.x or will they get KDE 4.x?
[10:56] <naught101> this isn't compiz, is it?
[10:56] <ActionParsnip> avoinea: it creates unnecessary traffic
[10:56] <ActionParsnip> popey: you'll get kde 4.1
[10:57] <popey> thanks ActionParsnip - is there no way to keep kde3 in 8.10? or is it no longer maintained?
[10:57] * avoinea ActionParsnip: ok, moving to ubuntu room
[10:57] <ActionParsnip> popey: no idea personally, maybe someone else does
[10:59] <howtoo> hello. Is there possible to run if/else checks in .desktop files? i.e, if desktop-environment=gnome; do blabla; else if desktop-env=kde; do blabla
[10:59] <naught101> is there a newer set of kubuntu-kde4 packages anywhere?
[10:59] <howtoo> ?
[11:02] <dwidmann> naught101: newest is 4.1.3 in intrepid-backports
[11:03] <naught101> no 4.2 betas anywhere?
[11:04] <dwidmann> naught101: I don't think so, but I'll look around
[11:04] <ActionParsnip> naught101: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KDE
[11:05] <ActionParsnip> naught101: oops : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KDE_4
[11:05] <naught101> ActionParsnip: why?
[11:05] <ActionParsnip> naught101: November 25, 2008 Beta 1
[11:06] <ActionParsnip> naught101: its got the release dates
[11:06] <naught101> ok, then alphas :)
[11:06] <naught101> thanks
[11:06] <ct529> I would like to manually add the kde 4.1.3 to my ubuntu installation .... could anyone point me to the repository, so that I cann add it by command line? I have been searching for it for 20 min on wiki,ubuntu.com and it is very very frustrating
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[11:07] <naught101> ct529: what version are you in?
[11:07] <ct529> naught101: ubuntu 804
[11:07] <naught101> kubuntu-kde4 I think
[11:07] <fernando_> holas
[11:08] <ct529> naught101: nope .... I am on ubuntu and would like to try kde 413 .... to see how stable it is before dcideing whther to switch
[11:08] <naught101> oh...
[11:08] <naught101> sorry
[11:08] <dwidmann> ct529: kubuntu-desktop-kde4 mayhap
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[11:09] <naught101> guess you could just download them all from the intrepid-backports and use gkdebi
[11:09] <ct529> naught101: ????
[11:09] <ct529> naught101: I cannot spend the morning :)
[11:09] <ct529> naught101: there has to be a respository somewhere! what does you adept say?
[11:09] <naught101> well then don't do it. there probably aren't packages for hardy
[11:09] <ct529> s/you/your
[11:10] <apadox> hi, can omeone help me .. i can't connect to a wireless network that have no encription on and i can connect normaly via windows xp
[11:10] <naught101> ct529: just add the intrepid-backports report, install those packages, then remove the repo
[11:10] <dwidmann> ct529: it's one of the ppa repositories, let me fetch a link
[11:10] <ct529> dwidmann: this is the one thanks ....!
[11:11] <naught101> heh... I already have kde 4.1.3.. painful
[11:11] <dwidmann> ct529: deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-members-kde4/ubuntu hardy main
[11:12] <bendie> Hi everybody! Are there plans to fix the translation issues with kubuntu 8.10? The kubuntu-kde4 packages for 8.04 were translated completely to German while in 8.10, I got a complete mess...
[11:12] <ct529> naught101: why?
[11:12] <ct529> dwidmann: thanks a lot!
[11:13] <dwidmann> bendie: I have no idea ... maybe someone in #kubuntu-de might know
[11:13] <naught101> ct529: because that is 4.0.3, not 4.0.13
[11:13] <ct529> naught101: in what sense? they have not done enough bug fixing?
[11:13] <naught101> oh, it's painful because it's got far less features than kde 3.5.6
[11:14] <naught101> or even most versions of windows
[11:15] <dwidmann> naught101: the changes to the core of kde were pretty major ... it's just taking time, that's all.
[11:15] <ct529> naught101: slowly getting there probably .... I used 405 for w hile, it looked pretty good to me
[11:16] <naught101> dwidmann: I know, and I'm excited about kde eventually be useful, but it shouldn't be at 4.0 yet - it's not a complete DE
[11:16] <dwidmann> naught101: looks like koffice will suffer from similar effects, it won't be up to snuff until at least 2.2
[11:16] <naught101> it's still a beta, or an RC at best
[11:16] <dwidmann> naught101: more users = more developers = faster development = more features/stability = more users = more developers ....
[11:16] <ct529> dwidmann: did you have a go at the last one
[11:17] <naught101> sure, but just promo 4.0-beta more
[11:17] <dwidmann> ct529: at the last what?
[11:17] <bjaimes> hi
[11:18] <bjaimes> i not sapeak inglish
[11:18] <bjaimes> i speak spanish
[11:18] <dwidmann> !spanish
[11:18] <ubottu> En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.
[11:18] <ct529> dwidmann: koffice
[11:18] <bjaimes> ok thank
[11:19] <christian_> got problems with static ip conf. which entries do i have to set (address, netmask, gateway, network; anything else?) pakage <resolvconf> is installed
[11:20] <dwidmann> ct529: I tried the most recent beta ... found it pretty crashy. From what I've read several apps won't even be included in the 2.0 release, including kexi and kspread
[11:22] <ct529> dwidmann: :(
[11:22] <dwidmann> ct529: reason cited is that they're not stable enough ... pretty good reason ... though what kind of an office suite would release without a spreadsheet program?
[11:24] <dwidmann> ct529: others will have features disabled which are known to be unstable ... which of course begs the question if you know something's broken ... why not take as much time as needed to fix those parts rather than rush a release ... oh well
[11:25] <christian_> got problems with static ip conf. which entries do i have to set (address, netmask, gateway, network; anything else?) pakage <resolvconf> is installed
[11:28] <tdn> I have tried using Kiosk Admin Tool to generate a restricted profile. Then I have rsync'ed this profile to /home/user/.kde, but now that user cannot log in. Do I need to do more than that?
[11:31] <dwidmann> christian_: humm, you're not using knetworkmanager for it are you? I think static ip in it is broken (just need to check that)
[11:31] <ct529> dwidmann: I agree .... I would rather have a later release than a broken release
[11:31] <ct529> dwidmann: oh well .... I have to go! thanks a lot and see you later!
[11:32] <dwidmann> ct529: first release after the lts ... it's going to be a little broken
[11:32] <dwidmann> oh, wait, sorry
[11:32] <dwidmann> I'm confusing my conversations :s
[11:35] <naught101> how do I resize the folderview applet?
[11:36] <naught101> nevermind...
[11:38] <dwidmann> I have a funky little window titled "unnamed" that xkill won't :\
[11:38] <apadox> can someone help me with my network cards
[11:38] <apadox> i can't connect to wireless but i can on my xp
[11:38] <apadox> i can see all networks normaly
[11:41] <dwidmann> apadox: I would check this first:
[11:41] <dwidmann> !wireless | apadox
[11:41] <ubottu> apadox: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs
[11:42] <apadox> dwidmann but it is wierd .. i can't connect even on wired
[11:43] <apadox> and everything works on kubuntu on wired on other router
[11:43] <dwidmann> apadox: really? Hmm, dhcp or static?
[11:43] <apadox> i tried both .. but via gui
[11:43] <apadox> look at this
[11:43] <apadox> http://www.pastedump.com/paste/145
[11:43] <dwidmann> apadox: try something like "sudo dhclient eth0"
[11:44] <apadox> has both networks .. shows like network 1 is connected but it's gataway is not 1.1
[11:44] <apadox> i must go reboot so can you tell me some more stuff to try dwidmann
[11:45] <dwidmann> apadox: my money is on dhclient working, but we'll see
[11:46] <apadox> brb
[11:51] <yao_ziyuan> my ubuntu in macosx look (without the docker): http://i37.tinypic.com/j94xg7.png
[11:53] <dwidmann_> Hrm, I wonder if there's a way to figure out what process is associated with a window
[11:55] <SlimeyPete> dwidmann_: there must be, because xkill must do just that in order for it to kill the process
[11:55] <SlimeyPete> it might involve a kernel procedure call of some kind though
[11:55] <dwidmann_> SlimeyPete: problem is, xkill can't kill it
[11:55] <SlimeyPete> ah
[11:56] <dwidmann_> SlimeyPete: any bright ideas on how to kill it? It's not a zombie, and the window has no name
[12:00] <apadox> hai
[12:00] <apadox> nothing came from dhclient
[12:00] <SlimeyPete> dwidmann_: no, sorry - xkill is always my last resort
[12:00] <SlimeyPete> I've never seen it fail
[12:01] <waylandbill> I woke up to find my filesystem had run out of space. The .xsession-errors had grown to 132GB. It is possible to automatically prune this file?
[12:01] <Wharfedale2007> HI there, how can i adjust webcam? if im streaming it
[12:01] <Wharfedale2007> im using firefox
[12:01] <Wharfedale2007> its streamed using flash
[12:01] <Wharfedale2007> cant find any settings at all
[12:02] <Wharfedale2007> wondering if kubuntu has an option for cam settings
[12:02] <apadox> dwidmann http://www.pastedump.com/paste/146
[12:05] <ilham> Hello
[12:08] <dig> waylandbill: do you know what errors cause?
[12:08] <Kw4h> good afternoon
[12:09] <apadox> ok my problem .. i can't connect to wireless (no ecnrypt) and i cant connect to wired network ( same wireless and wired router work on windows) and wired network works on other routers this is lshw net and dhclient eth0 http://www.pastedump.com/paste/146
[12:12] <dwidmann_> apadox: did "sudo dhclient eth0" work?
[12:12] <apadox> no
[12:12] <apadox> look at dump
[12:12] <apadox> ok my problem .. i can't connect to wireless (no ecnrypt) and i cant connect to wired network ( same wireless and wired router work on windows) and wired network works on other routers this is lshw net and dhclient eth0 http://www.pastedump.com/paste/146
[12:12] <apadox> ups
[12:12] <dwidmann_> apadox: is the wired "eth0"?
[12:12] <apadox> last line
[12:12] <apadox> yes
[12:14] <dwidmann_> hrm, that's odd, dhclient's output looked like it worked ...
[12:14] <dwidmann_> it said "bound to -- renewal in 97727 seconds."
[12:14] <apadox> but it didn't
[12:15] <apadox> my router is
[12:15] <apadox> dwidmann_ strange
[12:16] <dwidmann_> apadox: what does "ip address show eth0" say?
[12:16] <apadox> i must reboot
[12:16] <apadox> but i gtg now ..
[12:16] <apadox> do you have some msnger i can contact you later?
[12:16] <dwidmann_> bye then
[12:17] <dwidmann_> yeah
[12:17] <matisse> hi
[12:17] <dwidmann_> hi
[12:17] <apadox> i supose i will catch you here
[12:17] <apadox> by
[12:17] <matisse> is there a list of issues when upgrading from 7.10 to 8.04 ?
[12:17] <dwidmann_> bye
[12:17] <dwidmann_> matisse: shouldn't be
[12:18] <matisse> f.e. there's no firefox icon anymore
[12:18] <dwidmann_> matisse: even the upgrade from 8.04 to 8.10 was surprisingly smooth
[12:18] <matisse> or beep-media-player is old
[12:18] <dwidmann_> matisse: oh?
[12:19] <Kw4h> ok. My lan cable is connected, but kubuntu lan manager says "state: disconnected"
[12:19] <matisse> ok, first one is solved
[12:20] <Kw4h> ifup doesn't do anything, neither does iwconfig eth0 up
[12:21] <Kw4h> it's not defined in /etc/network/interfaces
[12:21] <vlt> Hello. When I open Konqueror in file browser mode I don't always see all files listed in the directory. I have to press F5 to refresh. Any idea how to fix this?
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[12:23] <dwidmann_> Kw4h: kde 4.1's knetworkmanager seems to be giving people trouble. I recommend trying something other than it.
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[12:23] <Kw4h> hmm, time for manual config then :)
[12:25] <Kw4h> yeah manual config did the trick
[12:26] <Kw4h> btw, when the bluez4 thing gets integrated in kubuntu (kde-workspace), how long will it take before it will be offered as a patch?
[12:37] <ilham> hi. how to make photo slide into DVD format (play in dvd player)
[12:42] <ActionParsnip> ilham: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=375039
[12:43] <ilham> ActionParsnip: I'll check
[12:46] <ilham> ActionParsnip: ehm command line. actually my wife ask me, she want to make dvd from photo. is there simple app out the
[12:48] <ActionParsnip> im seeing if there is a gui for it, doesnt look hard
[12:49] <matisse> after upgrading from 7.10 to 8.04 firefox' missing the flash plugin. where do I find the plugin.so file ?
[12:50] <ActionParsnip> matisse: sudo find / -name *.so | grep flash
[12:50] <matisse> :P
[12:51] <matisse> you're right, i should have tried it. But is there a list of "old programs". I have been asked if I want to delete "old programs" when upgrading
[12:52] <matisse> maybe flash is such a program too
[12:52] <ilham> ActionParsnip: I didn't find any GUI apps for make photo slide to DVD/VCD. any help?
[12:52] <ActionParsnip> ilham: http://www.stevenbrown.ca/blog/archives/333
[12:53] <ActionParsnip> ilham: that may help
[12:59] <waylandbill> When I upgraded to intrepid, I lost my IDE cd writer. Did something change in the kernel to cause this? I can't find it in the dmesg
[13:00] <asociacija> hello..please tell me how to play m2ts format? if i try to play it with VLC only sound is..
[13:00] <OxDeadC0de> waylandbill have you installed all the updates? I know the kernel has been updated once since the intrepid release
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[13:03] <LjL> uhm... just double checking, is there Bluetooth support in Kubuntu 8.10?
[13:04] <waylandbill> OxDeadC0de: yes. I have all the latest
[13:04] <waylandbill> perhaps it's now in a module that I need to modprobe?
[13:07] <waylandbill> interestingly, the id-scsi is present in 2.6.24 but not 2.6.27
[13:07] <waylandbill> ide-scsi
[13:12] <arsham> hi all
[13:15] <waylandbill> I can't find any kernel modules that could be loaded to make the ide cdrom appear. :-/
[13:15] <OxDeadC0de> yup I'm missing ide-cd and ide-scsi as well
[13:22] <OxDeadC0de> waylandbill what if you do "modprobe cdrom" , anything?
[13:23] <waylandbill> yes. it loads and shows 0 devices using it.
[13:24] <OxDeadC0de> waylandbill hmm, you can look in /lib/modules/2.6.27-8-generic/kernel/drivers/ata , see if maybe you need one of those loaded?
[13:25] <waylandbill> 2.6.27-8.. hmm... mine is showing 2.6.27-7.
[13:25] <OxDeadC0de> oh I use backports, that's why
[13:25] <OxDeadC0de> er, no 2.6.27-8 is in proposed not backports
[13:25] <waylandbill> but I did a full upgrade this morning using aptitude and it didn't mention that kernel, not even to be held back.
[13:25] <waylandbill> ok :)
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[13:27] <waylandbill> I'll just start loading them one by one.
[13:27] <OxDeadC0de> ^^ gl hope it works :/
[13:31] <Serva> Hello. I am trying to install kubuntu hardyheron on my hp notebook
[13:31] <Serva> and after clicking install kubuntu - it is getting stopped at initramfs prompt
[13:32] <OxDeadC0de> Serva try it with noapic and or noacpi options at boot
[13:32] <Serva> It is some BusyBox v1.1.3 built in shell
[13:32] <OxDeadC0de> oh never mind
[13:33] <Serva> what should I do
[13:33] <OxDeadC0de> does loading it regular like a live cd work? and can you not install it from the live-cd environment?
[13:34] <waylandbill> OxDeadC0de: looks like the module I need is pata_atiixp and it was loaded at system startup
[13:35] <Serva> I just finished installing kubuntu on my ibm thinkpad t61 without any problems
[13:35] <OxDeadC0de> waylandbill it won't hurt to try loading ata_generic too , at least, it shouldn't
[13:36] <waylandbill> loaded that... saw something interesting in the dmesg around the loading of pata-atiixp though..
[13:36] <OxDeadC0de> Serva find an error message (boot without quite and without splash), use dmesg to print out the kernel log in the shell, shift+page up to scroll up
[13:36] <OxDeadC0de> try to narrow it down
[13:37] <OxDeadC0de> waylandbill ?
[13:37] <waylandbill> ata2 is my hard drive and it was up.. ata1 must be the cd drive and it claims link down. Status 0 SControl 300
[13:38] <waylandbill> the bios knows it is there though, so it's not a hardware failure as far as the bios knows.
[13:45] <Serva> there is nothing I can do.. it is just falling off the installation, into this busybox
[13:46] <mado> hi gals and guys :)
[13:47] <mado> i wanted to ask you if you know anything new about "adept" and "search"-problems
[13:47] <mado> i still have my problems with adept ...
[13:47] <mado> it doesn't show me all the results that are possible
[13:47] <Machtin> hey guys.. what's the format to calculate a sum in speedcrunch? i can't find how to give sum() its parameters
[13:53] <mado> for example ...
[13:53] <mado> i looked for "plas*" ...
[13:54] <mado> it doesn't show me all results
[14:03] <OxDeadC0de> mado I personally prefer to use a terminal and aptitude search plas
[14:03] <mado> OxDeadC0de: :) yeah ... somebody from another room also suggested this method
[14:04] <mado> i still hope that the graphical way will work soon ...
[14:04] <mado> for example ... my father isn't so good at non-graphical stuff where you have to write commands :)
[14:05] <OxDeadC0de> point taken, wel, if you don't mind the extra overhead, you can install synaptic , it works well
[14:05] <Envite> Hello all
[14:05] <OxDeadC0de> well*
[14:05] <Envite> Are there any way of downloading Kubuntu Intrepid Ibex in DVD? (preferably jigdo)
[14:06] <mado> synaptic works but adept doesn't? ...
[14:07] <mado> what kind of strange universe is that? :)
[14:07] <mado> Envite: ... there is a kubuntu dvd ... yes
[14:08] <mado> but via jigdo-thing ... i don't know
[14:09] <OxDeadC0de> one where gnome is the officially maintained environment, and kde is well.. living in a gnome world? :P
[14:09] <Envite> mado: I do not care being exactly the jigdo-way, but I do not want to install BitTorrent just for that
[14:10] <mado> Envite: ... is this something for you? -> http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/dvd/current/
[14:10] <mado> me? ... well ... i don't know from which universe i come from ...
[14:10] <mado> i only know that this isn't my "earth prime" :)
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[14:11] <mado> OxDeadC0de: do you suggest that i should use "gnome" ?
[14:11] <Envite> mado: thanks, seems to be :)
[14:11] * Dr_willis is using gnome.
[14:11] <Dr_willis> :P
[14:12] <mado> you're welcome Envite
[14:12] <OxDeadC0de> Mado naw, use what you want, I like kde better myself but for customers when I install lin on their computers i will be putting gnome on, until I'm satisified kde is stable enough and the bugs are all gone
[14:12] <Envite> mado: don't say to anybody, but it is not for me... I'd prefer Debian hard-way
[14:12] <Envite> ;)
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[14:13] <Dragonath> how do I find out if I have kde4 installed?
[14:13] <mado> Dr_willis: :)
[14:14] <mado> *because you use gnome* ...
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[14:14] <mado> erm ... wasn't there a way to install gnome and kde?
[14:14] <OxDeadC0de> dragonath type "kde" into a console, hit tab twice, if kde4 shows at the top.. you have it
[14:14] <Envite> mado: there is one
[14:14] <mado> gnome-desktop-environment ?
[14:15] <mado> this should be the package i guess
[14:15] <Envite> just install a standard kubuntu and the apt-install gnome-desktop environment (if you prefer to use KDM)
[14:15] <OxDeadC0de> mado I have them both.. started out with regular ubuntu, then did apt-get install kde-desktop
[14:15] <Envite> or reversely if you prefer GDM
[14:15] <OxDeadC0de> er, kubuntu-desktop I mean
[14:15] <mado> :)
[14:15] <OxDeadC0de> if you want to switch between kdm and gdm just do "sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm"
[14:16] <mado> or "sudo dpkg-reconfigure kdm" if i want to use kdm again?
[14:16] <OxDeadC0de> nope
[14:16] <Envite> mado: no
[14:16] <OxDeadC0de> it brings up a menu that lets you switch
[14:16] <Dragonath> OxDeadC0de: and if I don't I need to install the official kde package from adept?
[14:16] <Envite> just reconfiguring gdm gives you teh option of select which XDM to use
[14:17] <OxDeadC0de> dragonath if you want it - kubuntu-desktop
[14:17] <mado> and where can i choose the option?
[14:17] <mado> before starting-up?
[14:17] <Envite> in the gdm setup itself
[14:17] <mado> uhuu :)
[14:17] <Envite> while you are installing it
[14:17] <Dragonath> OxDeadC0de: ok thanks
[14:18] <mado> well ... here's the thing ... i want to install gnome and see how it looks like at the moment ... i don't want the standard-programs that come with ubuntu to be installed because i have already installed some of the programs i like
[14:18] <OxDeadC0de> someone who maintains ubuntu should really add "OnlyShowIn=GNOME;XFCE;" to /etc/xdg/autostart/nm-applet.desktop and OnlyShowIn=KDE for knetworkmanager-autostart.desktop
[14:18] <mado> and as far as i know there shouldn't be a problem using this programs with gnome
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[14:20] <Envite> mado: tehre are no problems using gnome programs in KDE nor KDE programs in gnome
[14:20] <mado> :)
[14:21] <Envite> I have both complete desktops
[14:21] <OxDeadC0de> mado I have both, and use programs from both in kde, shouldn't really make a huge difference wether you use kde or gnome - except for certain core features like keyring unlocking, autoremount of ssh shares when they come unmounted for any reason except explicitly, stuff like that may not work
[14:21] <Envite> I work in kde and usually use some gnome apps
[14:21] <Envite> and there is no problem
[14:22] <Envite> I recommend you to install them both complete, if you have enough space
[14:22] <mado> OxDeadC0de: sorry ... i don't understand what that means ... but i guess i haven't used these things before
[14:22] <mado> so ... what package should i install?
[14:23] <OxDeadC0de> Envite: I have music stored on my ssh server, I play it over wifi with my laptop.. but ssh disconnects on it's own every 10 minutes or so. When i run with gdm and gnome + rhythmbox, it automatically remounts it when it fails, but when I use kdm+kde+rhythmbox , it fails to remount the server again - and I have to unlock the keyring each time for it to even mount the server
[14:24] <OxDeadC0de> so i end up using a bash script i made to automount the server and keep it mounted, checking every 20 seconds to make sure it's still mounted, so it appears the files are all local
[14:24] <Envite> heh
[14:24] <Envite> OxDeadC0de: have you tried to activate the keep-hot packages in ssh?
[14:24] <mado> boah ... dear guys and gals ... sometimes i really think that i should visit some of you ...
[14:25] <mado> the things you're talking about sound great
[14:26] <Dragonath> if I just install the kde4 package it should take care of installind kde4 right?
[14:26] <OxDeadC0de> nvr heard of keep-hot, but I use fedora 7 on my server, don't want to change distro's because it's HEAVILY customized, like everything I do, and it took a really freakin long time to install/configure everything it uses
[14:27] <OxDeadC0de> dragonath if you do sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop it will get everything you need..
[14:27] <Dragonath> adept shows I have that installed already
[14:27] <Envite> OxDeadC0de: is a standard ssh option
[14:27] <Dragonath> I am using kde3.59 or whatever it was right now
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[14:27] <Envite> OxDeadC0de: -o TCPKeepAlive
[14:29] <Envite> and a shorter ServerAliveInterval
[14:29] <mado> gnome-desktop-environment ? ... is this the package i should install?
[14:30] <OxDeadC0de> I'll try it
[14:30] <mado> or is it this one -> gnome-core ?
[14:30] <Envite> mado: nop
[14:30] <Envite> gnome-core is just the inner core of gnome
[14:30] <Envite> the things without which you can not run gnome at all
[14:30] <mado> oh!
[14:30] <Envite> the complete gnome is "gnome"
[14:31] <mado> complete means what?
[14:31] <DaSkreech> Gnome has a core?
[14:31] <bazhang> ubuntu-desktop
[14:31] <OxDeadC0de> mado I think you want "ubuntu-desktop" package? no?
[14:31] <Envite> and gnome-desktop-environment is the complete-with-extensions-and-such
[14:31] <DaSkreech> if I remove that would the rest of Gnome go away as well?
[14:31] <mado> i just need gnome ... no software that comes with it ... like firefox or something like that because i already have firefox installed
[14:31] <DaSkreech> !gnome
[14:31] <ubottu> gnome is a project that provides two things: The GNOME desktop environment, an intuitive and attractive desktop for end-users, users, and the GNOME development platform, an extensive framework for building applications that integrate into the rest of the desktop.
[14:31] <DaSkreech> hmm
[14:31] <Envite> DaSkreech: it depends on if you're using aptitude or apt
[14:32] <DaSkreech> Envite: well if i remove kdelibcs4c2a then all of KDE goes with it
[14:32] <Envite> mado: gnome does not come with firefox
[14:32] <Envite> DaSkreech: yes
[14:32] <DaSkreech> I don't know a way to do that with gnome except to pick out all the little peices and remove them
[14:32] <DaSkreech> Quite annoying
[14:33] <DaSkreech> mado: Yeah Pidgin and Firefox are not Gnome apps all reports to the contrary
[14:33] <OxDeadC0de> daskreech well everything gnome is based off gtk+ (Gimp Tool Kit), so if you remove the core libs, they should all go
[14:33] <Envite> DaSkreech: if using aptitude the removing the biggest package causes the remaining ones to be "unneeded" and the removed too
[14:33] <DaSkreech> OxDeadC0de: Sweet :) about time :)
[14:34] <DaSkreech> the "biggest" package ?
[14:34] <Envite> yes, the package which has the dependences on all the others
[14:34] <Envite> gnome-desktop-environment depends on gnome
[14:34] <Envite> gnome depends on gnome-core
[14:34] <OxDeadC0de> the metapackage that links them all together, or the library package that they all rely on
[14:35] <Envite> gnome-core dependes on the libraries, etc
[14:35] <Envite> so the biggest is gnome-desktop-environment since nobody depends on it
[14:35] <Envite> OxDeadC0de: the meta
[14:36] <OxDeadC0de> easier to think of it like a hierarchy - which it is
[14:36] <OxDeadC0de> remove the head of the snake, the body dies , er
[14:36] <Envite> but the pieces of the body who are needed by OTHER heads will not be removed
[14:36] <OxDeadC0de> lol
[14:36] <Envite> so if you installed GIMP by hand
[14:37] <Envite> removing gnome will NOT remove GTK
[14:38] <OxDeadC0de> 1/2 liter of vodka and me do not mix :~
[14:39] <mado> thank god you said snake and not ... erm ... cockroach :)
[14:39] <mado> yuk!
[14:39] <mado> sorry ...
[14:40] <Envite> not english, don't know what a "cockroach" is
[14:40] <natschil> hello
[14:40] <mado> erm ... what is your mother-tongue?
[14:40] <OxDeadC0de> envite: Little black bugs with hard shells that are said to be able to survive nuclear blasts and get into all the food and breed like crazy
[14:40] <natschil> how do I change global shortcuts for kde4
[14:40] <natschil> =
[14:40] <natschil> i meant : ?
[14:40] <mado> Kakerlake ... for example is the german word
[14:40] <Envite> mado: spanish
[14:41] <Envite> OxDeadC0de: thx
[14:41] <mado> spanish ... erm ...
[14:41] <bazhang> cucaracha
[14:41] <Envite> ok, cucarachas :)
[14:41] <natschil> how do I change global kdeyboard shortcuts in kde4?
[14:41] <DaSkreech> Why are cucarachas female?
[14:41] <DaSkreech> natschil: system settings
[14:42] <natschil> I can't change the global shortcuts though
[14:42] <Envite> DaSkreech: most flying bugs are in spanish
[14:42] <mado> Envite: -> la cucaracha
[14:42] <DaSkreech> Envite: Ha! that's cute :)
[14:42] <mado> oh ... it is already written
[14:42] <DaSkreech> mado: :)
[14:42] <mado> DaSkreech: :)
[14:42] <OxDeadC0de> la cucaracha la cucaracha ya no puede caminar porque no tiene porque le faltan las dos patitas de atras
[14:42] <mado> yeah?
[14:43] <mado> :))
[14:43] <mado> can you Envite please translate this?
[14:43] <ubuntu_> hi
[14:43] <DaSkreech> !hi
[14:43] <ubottu> Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!
[14:44] <ubuntu_> lol thanks
[14:44] <ubuntu_> what is this
[14:45] <OxDeadC0de> a chat room for technical support for kde based ubuntu
[14:45] <ubuntu_> im from argentina..and u guys//
[14:45] <DaSkreech> ubuntu_: A support room. If you have any questions about Kubuntu then you can ask them here
[14:45] <DaSkreech> If you would just like to talk about any and anything please join #kubuntu-offtopic
[14:45] <ubuntu_> aaa ok....
[14:46] <DaSkreech> You can join by clicking on the blue words or typing /join #kubuntu-offtopic
[14:46] <Envite> OxDeadC0de and mado: I think translating that is matter for -offtopic too ;)
[14:47] <mado> Envite: you can write me the translation privately :)
[14:47] <mado> but if you want to tell us ...
[14:47] <OxDeadC0de> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/La_Cucaracha has translations :P
[14:47] <mado> really?
[14:48] <Envite> but translated it losess all its interest :)
[14:48] <mado> Envite: well ... not really ... now i know what this is all about ...
[14:49] <mado> although ... i have to translate the english sentences again :)
[14:49] <mado> but my head and my dictionary do that for me :)
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[14:49] <Copelia> !fr
[14:49] <ubottu> Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr
[14:50] <mado> i'm not french :) but thanks for showing this :)
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[14:53] <natschil> !fi
[14:53] <ubottu> Suomenkielinen keskustelu (K)Ubuntusta kanavilla #ubuntu-fi ja #kubuntu-fi
[14:53] <mado> what is this about?
[14:54] <mado> are you doing this on purpose?
[14:56] <syock> do you need to be root to use QEMU
[14:57] <Envite> bye!
[14:57] <OxDeadC0de> syock I don't think you do
[14:58] <syock> OxDeadC0de: If I don't, will I be able to use networking?
[14:58] <OxDeadC0de> syock I don't see why not
[14:58] <arash> Hi, just swapped over from Ubuntu to Kubuntu by overwriting i on the system. I have problem with sound, it just ain't working. Anyone know if this problem is frequent?
[14:58] <Dragonath> kde 4.0.3 isn't the latest version is it?
[14:58] <Dragonath> how do I upgrade?
[14:59] <mado> kde 4.1 or something like that is the latest as far as i know
[15:00] <mado> 4.1.3
[15:00] <OxDeadC0de> dragonath what distro are you using?
[15:00] <Dragonath> 8.04 I think
[15:01] <Dragonath> I'm not sure because no package manager offers me an upgrade to 8.10
[15:01] <DaSkreech> arash: how not working?
[15:01] <DaSkreech> !kde4 | Dragonath
[15:01] <ubottu> Dragonath: KDE 4.1.3 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.1.3 - Support in #kubuntu
[15:01] <DaSkreech> Dragonath: Do you want to be on 8.10 ?
[15:02] <Dragonath> DaSkreech: I thought I would like a shot yes
[15:02] <DaSkreech> !upgrade | Dragonath this might help
[15:02] <ubottu> Dragonath this might help: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes
[15:02] <Dragonath> ok thanks
[15:03] <OxDeadC0de> dragonath if you have gnome type into a terminal update-manager -d, that will upgrade you
[15:03] <arash> DaSkreech - No sound is coming ... It worked fine under Ubuntu
[15:03] <DaSkreech> arash: Only for KDE apps or for all apps?
[15:03] <arash> hmm, I only tried KDE apps I think, i'll check
[15:03] <arash> hmm, what non-KDE-app makes sound :P ?
[15:04] <mado> ?
[15:04] <DaSkreech> mplayer ?
[15:04] <mado> vlc? :)
[15:04] <Dragonath> OxDeadC0de: I have kde, that's why I am asking this here :P
[15:05] <mado> Dragonath: do you have some problems with sound? ... type alsamixer in the terminal ...
[15:05] <arash> mado I do have problem with sound :p
[15:05] <DaSkreech> !sound
[15:05] <ubottu> If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3
[15:05] <mado> ok then ... arash ... type alsamixer in the terminal
[15:06] <Dragonath> mado: nah sound works alright
[15:06] <mado> maybe you have the same problem i had
[15:06] <arash> mado ok, some graphical bars pop up in the terminal
[15:06] <graingert> some videos on the web show a kwin 3d cube
[15:06] <graingert> where can I get this feature?
[15:06] <mado> is there one of this things down to zero?
[15:06] <JontheEchidna> graingert: you will have to wait for KDE 4.2
[15:06] <arash> mado yea
[15:07] <graingert> JontheEchidna: suck; will this be backported to ibex
[15:07] <Dragonath> actually right now I would be happy if I got kde 4.1.3 installed and all the old kde3 apps that have been replaced go away
[15:07] <arash> and some things dont have a bar
[15:07] <matisse> Is it still possible to just copy a plugin file into the plugin directory of firefox to enable that plugin ? With ff 2 it worked, but whats with ff 3 ?
[15:07] <JontheEchidna> graingert: 4.2 packages will probably be made available for Intrepid, yes
[15:07] <matisse> And if, where do I find the directory. I have 4 dirs with 2 plugins in it but not the current working ones..
[15:07] <mado> that's ok ... i guess ... i saw the same thing on my computer
[15:08] <DaSkreech> graingert: No if it hasn't been done already. KDE 4.2 will be put out for Ibex you can upgrade to tit
[15:08] <graingert> JontheEchidna: no, only 9.04 http://ohioloco.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=962627 (scroll to bottom)
[15:08] <DaSkreech> Dragonath: A note is there is no KDE3 for Ibex so if you need KDE3 apps you may want to hang on Hardy for a while
[15:08] <mado> try to set all things to 100 or something high ... then check again ... that's what i did :)
[15:08] <DaSkreech> 4.1.3 is a bugfix update nothing ew or remotely exciting unless Kopete crashes on you all the time
[15:09] <JontheEchidna> graingert: yes, we did backport the feature for KDE 4.1.3 and removed it
[15:09] <DaSkreech> matisse: technically yes and its in your profile dir
[15:09] <graingert> fickle
[15:09] <JontheEchidna> graingert: but Intrepid will get KDE 4.2.x packages similarly to how Hardy got KDE 4.1.x packages
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[15:09] <graingert> JontheEchidna: oh ok
[15:09] <Dragonath> right, ok, how do I change the color of the taskbar in kde4?
[15:10] * JontheEchidna afk
[15:10] <OxDeadC0de> dragonath themes
[15:10] <mado> i'll be back
[15:10] <Dragonath> ok thanks
[15:11] <arash> mado nah, didnt help
[15:13] <arash> how do i speak with ubottu in private without it giving GNOME hints?
=== da is now known as now
[15:14] <syock> Is there a VM that can be downloaded, unpacked and used right away?
[15:15] <arash> Virtual Machine?
[15:15] <syock> Yes
[15:15] <syock> QEMU wants me to unpack in /, so I can't use it
[15:15] <courtjesterg> i don't think linux is regonizing my cd/rewrite drive only the cd-rom can anyone help? My bios has it detected
[15:16] <courtjesterg> can anyone help out
[15:16] <arash> !sound
[15:16] <ubottu> If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3
[15:17] <graingert> is there an oxygen-esque theme for qt3 apps on qt4?
[15:17] <DaSkreech> syock: how are you installing qemu ?
[15:17] <DaSkreech> arash: try /msg ubottu yum
[15:18] <courtjesterg> my sound disappears alot too
[15:18] <arash> DaSkreech , well then wont it just tell me GNOME-hints?
[15:18] <DaSkreech> courtjesterg: Does it turn up in lshw ?
[15:18] <DaSkreech> arash: It'll tell you whatever you want
[15:18] <courtjesterg> i don't know what Ishw is.
[15:19] <DaSkreech> courtjesterg: A command that lists all your hardware
=== chris_ is now known as Relyc
[15:19] <syock> DaSkreech: just unpacking in user dir. That's the only privilege I have.
[15:19] <courtjesterg> ok run it is the terminal console
[15:19] <graingert> autostarting pulseaudio -D fails to work
[15:19] <dromer> hi all, I;m having some trouble getting dvd-support to work in kaffeine, I get a notice to run sudo /usr/share/doc/kaffeine/install-css.sh but after I install it it doesn't work ... or do I need to restart my entire computer for it to work?
[15:19] <graingert> how should I go about doing this?
[15:20] <DaSkreech> syock: Ah. and you want to compile it?
[15:20] <nyad> /s irc.linuxfromscratch.org
[15:21] <nyad> /server irc.linuxfromscratch.org
[15:21] <courtjesterg> thats alot of crap
[15:21] <DaSkreech> syock: Then when you configure it put --prefix=/path/to/dir/you/can/writeto
[15:21] <DaSkreech> courtjesterg: Sorry :)
[15:21] <syock> DaSkreech: I have to? The homepage provides a prebuilt one. Looks like I have to compile one after all
[15:21] <DaSkreech> dromer: shouldn't have to
[15:22] <nyad> meh. how do I change server?
[15:22] <DaSkreech> syock: oh no what is it prebuilt as ?
[15:22] <dromer> DaSkreech: hmmm, wel kaffeine still gives me the notice
[15:22] <DaSkreech> logout and back in?
[15:23] <dromer> DaSkreech: did that
[15:23] <dromer> maybe I'll try rebooting then :/
[15:23] <syock> DaSkreech: It defaults to /usr/local. It cannot change working directory.
[15:23] <syock> I considered using chroot, but since I can't sudo, that's impossible either
[15:24] <DaSkreech> syock: prebuilt would do that
[15:24] <DaSkreech> syock: Do you have compiling tools installed/
[15:24] <courtjesterg> i should just let someone take over my desktop and instal a bunch of stuff that works lol
[15:25] <syock> DaSkreech: I don't, and I don't think I plan on compiling. I don't really recall the exact directory on that PC.
[15:25] <syock> Now I remember: that library PC had VMWare installed. Maybe I'll try that instead
[15:25] <courtjesterg> thats a good business idea chargeing people for linux system set ups
[15:26] <courtjesterg> they pay a fee in paypal and get to work
[15:26] <DaSkreech> genii-around: No you aint
[15:26] <genii-around> DaSkreech: Boo!
[15:26] <DaSkreech> genii-around: I'll be right back with a clean pair of shorts
[15:29] <courtjesterg> no i see no cd/rewrite in th ebash
[15:29] <courtjesterg> i see cdrom thats it don't even see my floppy drive
[15:29] <courtjesterg> but they show up in bios
[15:30] <dromer> DaSkreech: weird, works now :/
[15:30] <courtjesterg> still wonder though on my 2.0 usb it never works with usb 2.0 not even in wwindows
[15:30] <courtjesterg> it is enabled in my bios too odd
[15:30] <dromer> stupid, you should really only have to reboot on linux if you have a kernel update :/
[15:31] <DaSkreech> dromer: You didn't have to reboot
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[15:32] <delicowa> hi yall
[15:32] <courtjesterg> courtjesterg@courtjesterg-desktop:~$ lshw
[15:32] <courtjesterg> WARNING: you should run this program as super-user.
[15:33] <courtjesterg> courtjesterg-desktop
[15:33] <courtjesterg> description: Computer
[15:33] <courtjesterg> width: 32 bits
[15:33] <courtjesterg> *-core
[15:33] <courtjesterg> description: Motherboard
[15:33] <courtjesterg> physical id: 0
[15:33] <courtjesterg> *-memory
[15:33] <courtjesterg> description: System memory
[15:33] <courtjesterg> physical id: 0
[15:33] <courtjesterg> size: 511MiB
[15:33] <courtjesterg> *-cpu:0
[15:33] <courtjesterg> product: AMD Athlon(tm) MP 2200+
[15:33] <courtjesterg> vendor: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD]
[15:33] <courtjesterg> physical id: 1
[15:33] <courtjesterg> bus info: cpu@0
[15:33] <Dr_willis> Time to learn to pastebin
[15:33] <courtjesterg> version: 6.8.0
[15:33] <courtjesterg> size: 1800MHz
[15:33] <courtjesterg> width: 32 bits
[15:33] <courtjesterg> capabilities: fpu fpu_exception wp vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge mca cmov pat pse36 mmx fxsr sse syscall mp mmxext 3dnowext 3dnow
[15:33] <courtjesterg> *-cache:0
[15:33] <courtjesterg> description: L1 cache
[15:33] <courtjesterg> physical id: 0
[15:33] <courtjesterg> size: 128KiB
[15:33] <courtjesterg> *-cache:1
[15:33] <courtjesterg> description: L2 cache
[15:33] <courtjesterg> physical id: 1
[15:33] <courtjesterg> size: 256KiB
[15:33] <courtjesterg> *-cpu:1
[15:33] <courtjesterg> product: AMD Athlon(tm) MP
[15:33] <courtjesterg> vendor: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD]
[15:33] <courtjesterg> physical id: 2
[15:33] <DaSkreech> courtjesterg: You are going to get kicked
[15:33] <genii> courtjesterg: Stop flooding!
[15:33] <courtjesterg> bus info: cpu@1
[15:34] <courtjesterg> version: 6.8.0
[15:34] <courtjesterg> size: 1800MHz
[15:34] <courtjesterg> width: 32 bits
[15:34] <courtjesterg> capabilities: fpu fpu_exception wp vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge mca cmov pat pse36 mmx fxsr sse syscall mp mmxext 3dnowext 3dnow
[15:34] <courtjesterg> *-cache:0
[15:34] <courtjesterg> description: L1 cache
[15:34] <courtjesterg> physical id: 0
[15:34] <courtjesterg> size: 128KiB
[15:34] <DaSkreech> delicowa: Hi
[15:34] <courtjesterg> *-cache:1
[15:34] <courtjesterg> description: L2 cache
[15:34] <courtjesterg> physical id: 1
[15:34] <courtjesterg> size: 256KiB
[15:34] <courtjesterg> *-pci
[15:34] <courtjesterg> description: Host bridge
[15:34] <genii> /msg chanserv op #kubuntu #kubuntu
[15:34] <genii> courtjesterg: Stop flooding!
[15:34] <DaSkreech> !paste | courtjesterg
[15:34] <ubottu> courtjesterg: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)
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[15:36] <dromer> aarg, but now X doesn't see my other screen :S (a tv attached to the composite out of my geforce2mx)
=== MisterL is now known as Guest2166
[15:36] <dromer> DaSkreech: what else was there? logging out didn't work
[15:36] <Guest2166> hello, when i launch firefox, it appears in the menubar, but disappears again and often does not start.. I also get log-offs on my account without any reason, can someone help me please!!! :s
[15:36] <DarkTan> what is the command to run dolphin as root?
[15:37] <DaSkreech> dromer: restart the X system I would suspect.
=== Guest2166 is now known as Lokiase
[15:37] <dromer> DaSkreech: well, my X is Fed now :/
[15:37] <Lokiase> hello, when i launch firefox, it appears in the menubar, but disappears again and often does not start.. I also get log-offs on my account without any reason, can someone help me please!!! :s
[15:37] <DaSkreech> Rebooting restarts all the systems. You just need to find which one needed to restart manually
[15:37] <DaSkreech> Lokiase: Start firefox from the command line
[15:37] <OutoLumo> DarkTan, sudo dolphin?
[15:37] <dromer> I can play dvd's in kaffeine, but X isn't extended to my tv anymore :/
[15:38] <DaSkreech> DarkTan: kdesudo dolphin
[15:38] <DaSkreech> !kdesudo | OutoLumo
[15:38] <ubottu> OutoLumo: In KDE, use « kdesudo <program> » (Gutsy) or « kdesu <program> » (Feisty and earlier) to run graphical applications with root privileges when you have to. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)
[15:38] <DarkTan> thx
[15:38] <Lokiase> DaSkreech: it give me segmenterror
[15:38] * DarkTan writes that on his monitor
[15:38] <DaSkreech> Lokiase: something is wrong with your extensions
[15:38] <OutoLumo> ty :-)
[15:39] <DarkTan> thanks again
[15:39] <Lokiase> DaSKreech, how can I find 'something' and fix it? :s
[15:39] <dromer> ah, kernel-update .. see how that goes and maybe fix some things -_-
[15:40] <Lokiase> can someone help please? firefox isnt working and my systems logs off whole the time
[15:41] <Dr_willis> 'whole the time' You mean ALl the time?
[15:41] <Dr_willis> are the 2 problems related?
[15:41] <Lokiase> yes, i'm sorry :)
[15:41] <Lokiase> I don't know
[15:41] <Lokiase> only know that when I solve one prob ;)
[15:41] <Dr_willis> ie: you use firefox.. it crashes and kicks you back to KDM login? or does it take you back without using firefox?
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[15:42] <Lokiase> KDM login
[15:42] <Lokiase> its possible it is firefox indeed
[15:42] <Lokiase> never payd attention when i was kicked out
[15:42] <Lokiase> because its always unexpected :p
[15:43] <Relyc> i hate to jump in the middle of the conversation
[15:43] <Lokiase> i've just relnstalled firefox
[15:43] <Lokiase> but that doenst solve the problem
[15:43] <Dr_willis> 'reinstalling' is windows thinking
[15:43] <Dr_willis> reinstalling did not change the users settings, or anything really. :)
[15:44] <Relyc> gotta a quick ? about my sound card
[15:44] <Dr_willis> test #1 - make a new user - see if the problem also affects them Lokiase .
[15:44] <Lokiase> I don't know, because its not all the time
[15:44] <Lokiase> and.. my personal files are in this account :s
[15:45] <Dr_willis> Lokiase, as i said this is a TEST.
[15:45] <Dr_willis> If the new user is not affected.. then its points to a firefox/extensoon/setting issue..
[15:45] <Lokiase> but at this moment
[15:45] <dromer> hmmmz, kernel-update didn't fix my X problem :/
[15:45] <Dr_willis> if the new user IS affected.. then it points to a firefox/driver issue
[15:45] <Lokiase> ok
[15:45] <Lokiase> how do I create a new user :s
[15:46] <syock> Dr_willis: lol'd at your comment "windows thinking". btw, even windows program are starting to become reinstall-resistant nowadays
[15:46] <Dr_willis> sudo adduser billgates
[15:46] <Dr_willis> syock, good old 'repair' feature that never works
[15:47] <Dr_willis> syock, i recall some apps that would NOT uninstall - if i was in low-color mode under windows.. I had to fix the video card drivers befor i could clean out a system once..
[15:47] <Lokiase> ok
[15:47] <Lokiase> made the user
[15:47] <Lokiase> and now?
[15:47] <Lokiase> log out
[15:47] <Lokiase> and login
[15:47] <Lokiase> and testing?
[15:47] <Dr_willis> yes.
[15:47] <Lokiase> ok
[15:47] <Dr_willis> Logical Eh :)
[15:47] <dromer> anyone an idea why suddenly X doesn't see my tv? :/
[15:47] <syock> Dr_willis: gone are the good old days. Not that I want to go back tho
[15:47] <Relyc> hey doc
[15:47] <Lokiase> i will come back (suggesting that logoff wil kick me out of this session? ) :p
[15:48] <Dr_willis> X 'sees the tv' - you meean your system no longer detecets the tv video out as a device/monitor?
[15:48] <dromer> Dr_willis: yes, sorry
[15:49] <Dr_willis> dromer, and what video card?
[15:49] <Relyc> i have a weird problem if i install the graphic accel for my vcard my sound card stops working
[15:49] <dromer> Dr_willis: geforce2mx, it worked until I rebooted for kaffeines dvd-playing to work
[15:49] <dromer> :/
[15:50] <Jampiter> Hi
[15:50] <Dr_willis> dromer, i would try reinsatlling the nvidia drivers.
[15:50] <Dr_willis> it may be using the nv drivers
[15:51] <Jampiter> I need a help - What's the name of the package that makes GTK applications use the KDE4/QT widgets?
[15:51] <Relyc> everythign works great until i turn on the accel once it installs it stuff my sound card stops and i have to reinstall the gui
[15:51] <MisterL> back
[15:51] <MisterL> I did the test, firefox isnt working in the testaccount
[15:51] <dromer> Dr_willis: hmmm, how would that happen? anyway, nvidia-settings was not giving trouble about the wrong drivers, normally it does that
=== MisterL is now known as Lokiase
[15:51] <dromer> Dr_willis: how do I best reinstall the nvidia drivers ?
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[15:52] <Dr_willis> dromer, not sure.. theres been lots of kernel updates recently.. if yours is using the nvidia drivers.. perhaps ya just need to reconfiogure the xorg.conf again
[15:52] <Jampiter> Anyone?
[15:52] <dromer> Dr_willis: you mean run nvidia-xconfig?
[15:52] <Dr_willis> I just hooked up a 2nd monitor.. Ineed to restart X and see if i got it going..
[15:52] <Dr_willis> dromer, yea.. shouldent hurt. I hope. :P
[15:52] <dromer> ok, lets see what happens now ..
[15:53] <Lokiase> Dr_willis, testaccount: firefox didn't work
[15:53] <Dr_willis> dromer, i notice on some of my old machines - the tv MUST be hooked up when i boot up.. of the video card never seesit..
[15:53] <dromer> not working :/
[15:53] <dromer> it is
[15:53] <Dr_willis> Lokiase, so its always crashing as you use firefox then?
[15:53] <dromer> I mean, it was ;) hooked on and turned on
[15:53] <dromer> the tv flickrs a bit when I restart X
[15:54] <Dragonath> in kde4 how do I change the taskbar background color?
[15:54] <DaSkreech> Relyc: Ask
[15:54] <Lokiase> Dr_willis: firefox doesn't start, not in my account, not in the testaccount, and its possible the reason KDE crashes is firefox, but not sure bout that, when the firefoxprob is fixed, i can see if the logoff prob comes back...
[15:54] <Relyc> hey
[15:55] <Relyc> if i install the vcard accel drivers my sound card stops working
[15:55] <vlt> Hello. When I open Konqueror 3.5.10 in file browser mode (on Kubuntu 8.04) I don't always see all files listed in the directory. I have to press F5 to refresh. Any idea how to fix this?
[15:56] <vlt> The problem only exists when opening directories that are on nfs mounted devices.
[15:56] <vlt> When a file on the nfs share is changed from the client machine itself, Konqueror immediately shows that change.
[15:56] <DaSkreech> Jampiter: try something-something engine
[15:56] <vlt> But not when a file is changed from another client or on the nfs server itself. Is there a mount option to switch on "notifying"?
[15:56] <DaSkreech> gtk-qt or qt-gtk I never recall which is which
[15:57] <dromer> Dr_willis: hmmm, when I tell nvidia-settings to detect screens the tv also flickers .. somehow it still doesn't see it :/
[15:57] <Jampiter> Thanks DaSkreech
[15:58] <Dr_willis> dromer, let me pastebinit my xorg.conmf for my tv out/pc
[15:58] <Lokiase> [16:54] <Lokiase> Dr_willis: firefox doesn't start, not in my account, not in the testaccount, and its possible the reason KDE crashes is firefox, but not sure bout that, when the firefoxprob is fixed, i can see if the logoff prob comes back...
[15:58] <Dr_willis> dromer, http://pastebin.com/f395d72b5
[15:59] <dromer> Dr_willis: hmmm, I'm not in X right now (another problem I have with X is my screen gets a resolution of only 640x280, but that's not related .. I think)
[16:00] <glkasleg> where do I change setting for default file browser. I want konqueror insted of Dolphin
[16:00] <dromer> Dr_willis: I'm starting firefox now on my x-session, but I can't really compare anything due to the small resolution
[16:01] <DaSkreech> glkasleg: in Konqueror -> settings -> configure Konqueror -> file associations -> inode -> swap Dolphin for konqueror
[16:01] <dromer> Dr_willis: but still, I'm not sure how I can compare our xorg.conf since nvidia-xconfig completely highjacks it
[16:01] <glkasleg> DaSkreech: thanks
[16:01] <Lokiase> can someone please solve my firefoxprob :s
[16:01] <DaSkreech> Lokiase: run firefox --safemoge
[16:01] <DaSkreech> mode
[16:02] <Lokiase> segmentation error
[16:02] <Lokiase> again
[16:03] <DaSkreech> Lokiase: may want to join irc.mozilla.org and ask in #firefox
[16:03] <DaSkreech> I'd suggest purging firefox but then I have no idea what you might lose
[16:05] <Lokiase> purging?
[16:05] <Lokiase> lose?
[16:05] <dromer> DaSkreech: .firefox would not be removed
[16:05] <DaSkreech> dromer: What?
[16:05] <dromer> or would it?
[16:06] <dromer> .firefox/ the folder with all the user-data
[16:06] <stdin> dpkg doesn't touch ~/
[16:06] <dromer> so
[16:06] <dromer> so what is there to be lost
[16:06] <DaSkreech> Lokiase: When you remove firefox it keeps all the settings (you may have noticed that) purging removes all settings so you could start afresh
[16:06] <DaSkreech> course you could just close firefox then mv ~/.firefox ~/.firefoxed
[16:06] <DaSkreech> and restart firefox
[16:06] <DaSkreech> :)
[16:07] <Dr_willis> dromer, it dont if you just replace it.. from what ive seen
[16:08] <Dr_willis> BRB
[16:08] <dromer> eh?
[16:08] <Lokiase> Deskreech: when I use that command, it says that folder or file doesn't exist
[16:10] <tillz> heyho
[16:11] <tillz> need help, anybody here?
[16:11] <Lokiase> jes :p
[16:11] <Lokiase> still need help
[16:11] <Lokiase> firefoxprob stil not solved :(
[16:11] <tillz> whose would help me
[16:11] <tillz> i have to work with a resoultion of 680x480 or anything like this
[16:11] <Dr_willis> Lokiase, if you go to a simple web site does firefox crash? or is it any site? or every site? or just flash sites?
[16:12] <DaSkreech> Lokiase: You have no ~/.firefox ?
[16:12] <DaSkreech> !resolution
[16:12] <ubottu> The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
[16:12] <Dr_willis> tillz, be sure you have your proper video card drivers installed for your brand bvideoc ard
[16:12] <tillz> yes it worked perfect
[16:12] <Lokiase> I cannot go to a website, firefox does not start, it crashes on the startup... and no idea I have a folder like that, i just did the command
[16:12] <tillz> but once a day i started and it doesn recognized the video card
[16:13] <tillz> i reinstalled the driver with envyng
[16:13] <Dr_willis> Lokiase, from a terminal run 'firefox' and look for any error messages
[16:13] <DaSkreech> Lokiase: So Firefox has never worked?
[16:13] <tillz> but it doesn´t works
[16:13] <Dr_willis> tillz, if you used envyng. you will need to rerun envyng after every kernel update.
[16:13] <Lokiase> Dr_willis: in the terminal it is: "segmentation error'
[16:13] <DaSkreech> holymoly: Is she?
[16:13] <tillz> yes i know :-p
[16:13] <Dr_willis> Lokiase, thats a bad sign.
[16:13] <Lokiase> DaSkreech: it works, not always sometimes
[16:14] <DaSkreech> Lokiase: Blaaaa
[16:14] <matisse> how does a package get the status 'old' ?
[16:14] <DaSkreech> Lokiase: mv ~/.mozilla ~/mozedup
[16:15] <DaSkreech> matisse: It passes 60 gets a gold watch and a rocking chair
[16:15] <Lokiase> DaSkreech
[16:15] <Lokiase> that command didn't give an error
[16:15] <Lokiase> and now?
[16:15] <DaSkreech> restart firefox
[16:16] <Lokiase> DaSkreech, same error
[16:16] <Dr_willis> i dont recall ever seeing the term 'segmentation error' befor
[16:17] <Lokiase> it says
[16:17] <Lokiase> segmentatiefout
[16:17] <Lokiase> its dutch :)
[16:17] <Lokiase> ow I think
[16:17] <Lokiase> the correct translation is segmentation fault
[16:17] <Dr_willis> That means it 'crashed' :)
[16:18] <Dr_willis> could be for any of a dozen reasons..
[16:18] <Dr_willis> including hardware issues, memory issues, or cruppted files
[16:18] <Lokiase> it needs to be solved
[16:18] <Lokiase> its not working nice this way :p
[16:18] <Dr_willis> With out a clue as to why its crashing.. theres not a lot one can do
[16:19] <Lokiase> how can i give a clue?
[16:19] <Dr_willis> thats why we have been testing with new users, and removing the settings dir.
[16:19] <OxDeadC0de> are there firefox-dbg packages in the repos?
[16:19] <Dr_willis> but it seems to be crashing for everyone/everytimg
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[16:20] <OxDeadC0de> if yes, install those, then run gdb firefox in a console, when it crashes run back full and pastebin the results?
[16:20] <matisse> is there a good support forum for (k)ubuntu ? I ask a lot of questions, so it would make sense to register in ubuntuforums.org, am I right ?
[16:20] <Dr_willis> Yes matisse
[16:20] <Lokiase> Dr_willis, when I restart the computer, restart the x-server, choose standard profile instead of KDE (or KDE instead of standard, just the one with no v on) it usually works for a couple of houres
[16:20] <OxDeadC0de> that would make sense matisse, especially if nobody here knows the answers to your questions (since this is real time support)
[16:21] <Dr_willis> Lokiase, as a different text.. you could install a light window manager, like icewm, and try running firefox with that for a while.
[16:21] <Dr_willis> different test...
[16:21] <Dr_willis> It could be some odd kde/firefox conflict.
[16:21] <Lokiase> Dr_willis, no idea how to do that
[16:21] <OxDeadC0de> dr_willis my suggestion will get to the core of the problem much more quickly, then he can send his backtrace to the firefox dev team and let them fix it - if an easy local fix isn't possible
[16:22] <matisse> Dr_willis, OxDeadC0de: any suggestions expect ubuntuforums ?
[16:22] <matisse> except
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[16:23] <Dr_willis> OxDeadC0de, go for it then..
[16:23] <Dr_willis> :)
[16:23] <Dr_willis> we are at a dead end now anyway
[16:24] <kopertonKDE4> hey guys i have problem with ffmpeg and medibuntu repository
[16:24] <kopertonKDE4> well i have installed every damned packages
[16:25] <dromer> Dr_willis: hmz, still no idea how to get it to work .. altough I am still running 8.04
[16:25] <kopertonKDE4> but it didn't work
[16:25] <dromer> maybe upgrade to 8.10? :/
[16:25] <kopertonKDE4> dromer: for me it's better 8.04
[16:25] <Dr_willis> dromer, or try envyng! (egads!) :) not that! heh
[16:25] <Lokiase> can please find someone a solution :s
[16:25] <kopertonKDE4> Lokiase: solution for what?
[16:25] <Dr_willis> Ive had very good luck with 8.10 - But i recall some people having nvidia driver issues with some older cards
[16:25] <Lokiase> firefoxcrash :)
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[16:26] <Dr_willis> Lokiase, dont expect a magical fix. theres somthing deep going on.
[16:26] <Lokiase> then go deep with me :p
[16:26] <kopertonKDE4> Lokiase: well i use konqueror firefox mammuth is left for gnome
[16:26] <kopertonKDE4> xD
[16:26] <dromer> Dr_willis: well, I'm having problems right now too :/
[16:26] <Captain_Haddock> Lokiase: there's an alternative in OperaFYI
[16:26] <zsolti> hi everyone
[16:26] <kopertonKDE4> opera or konqueror
[16:26] <kopertonKDE4> then
[16:26] <Lokiase> no alternative, need firefox :)
[16:26] <Captain_Haddock> hello
[16:26] <zsolti> how do you do?
[16:27] <delicowa> hi @Captain_hadcock
[16:27] <Lokiase> I must be correct, dont need firefox, google chrome is also good, but doesnt work in kubuntu;)
[16:27] <Captain_Haddock> hello delicious cow :P
[16:27] <kopertonKDE4> for me fireofx it's not nice
[16:28] <kopertonKDE4> anyway some way to speed up kde4 ?????
[16:28] <kopertonKDE4> some trick ??
[16:28] <zsolti> I am a new member in the linux s world and I ve some problem windows wireless drivers software. Can anyone help me?
[16:28] <kopertonKDE4> :D
[16:28] <Captain_Haddock> kopertonKDE4: turn of all the fancy stuff maybe
[16:28] <kopertonKDE4> zsolti: what kind of wifi ?
[16:29] <DaSkreech> holycow: blessed beef!
[16:29] <Lokiase> still no firefoxsolution :
[16:29] <Lokiase> :(
[16:29] <Lokiase> but its possible its a kde-issue, can i upgrade/update the kde?
[16:29] * hannascott pokes DaSkreech
[16:30] <DaSkreech> Lokiase: add irc.mozilla.org to your IRC client and join #firefox
[16:30] <Lokiase> DaSkreech, i did, but no reaction their
[16:30] <Lokiase> there*
[16:30] <OxDeadC0de> lokiase I'm trying to get info on how to install debugging symbols for you, sec
[16:31] <delicowa> hey do we have google chrome on linux
[16:31] <OxDeadC0de> anyone here know if there's a special repository for debug symbols?
[16:31] <OxDeadC0de> delicowa they're working on a linux port.. but you can use it in wine i hear
[16:31] <kopertonKDE4> Captain_Haddock: mah
[16:31] <Captain_Haddock> delicowa: no and I don't think it runs properly on Wine either
[16:31] <DaSkreech> !wifi | zsolti
[16:31] <ubottu> zsolti: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs
[16:31] <Lokiase> but like i said, maybe an upgrade of kde will solve the prob, because kde crashes also... where can i optimize kde?
[16:31] <DaSkreech> hannascott: Yes?
[16:31] <Captain_Haddock> conflicting info :)
[16:32] <DaSkreech> Lokiase: Wait KDE crashes as well?
[16:32] <hannascott> DaSkreech: me being annoying, nothing else...
[16:32] <DaSkreech> Lokiase: You are starting to sound very much like hardware issues
[16:32] <Lokiase> DaSkreech, it logges me out for no reason
[16:32] <Lokiase> not always
[16:32] <DaSkreech> hannascott: Come to mine arms!!
[16:32] <Lokiase> but a lot of times
[16:32] <DaSkreech> Lokiase: Check memory and file system
[16:32] <Lokiase> so maybe the kdeprob is not because of firefox but firefox is because of kdeprob
[16:32] <DaSkreech> Use a live CD and run fsck and badblocks
[16:32] <DaSkreech> then run a memory test
[16:33] <DaSkreech> hi courtjesterg
[16:33] <mado> oy gals and guys ...
[16:33] <courtjesterg> i did a fresh reinstall of the os lets see if the cd/rewrite works
[16:33] <Lokiase> DaSkreech, can you repeat please, what do I have to do?
[16:34] <DaSkreech> Lokiase: Run the live CD and run sudo fsck and sudo badblocks on your hard drive
[16:34] <DaSkreech> the first checks your file system the second checks if the drive is failing
[16:34] <Captain_Haddock> is Rubyripper not in the ubuntu repository?
[16:34] <Lokiase> ok
[16:34] <DaSkreech> then run a memory test which is also on he LIve CD (first menu when you boot up)
[16:34] <Lokiase> livecd, so startup kubuntu on cd?
[16:35] <Lokiase> and the shell open
[16:35] <Lokiase> and the commands
[16:35] <Lokiase> correct?
[16:35] <mado> i just installed gnome ... and now i face this error-message -> The panel encountered a problem while loading "OAFIID:GNOME_FastUserSwitchApplet".
[16:35] <mado> Do you want to delete the applet from your configuration?
[16:35] <OxDeadC0de> no lokiase, pop the cd in, reboot, grub will ask you if you want to install, boot to kubuntu live, or run a mem test
[16:35] <mado> what should i do?
[16:35] <delicowa> ok that's 1
[16:35] <delicowa> 2. how come there are too many complaints about interpid
[16:36] <OxDeadC0de> mado does it do it over and over again if you hit reload? You may need gdm to use that feature dunno
[16:36] <Lokiase> OxDeadC0de, so boot from cd?
[16:36] <holycow> DaSkreech: hallo
[16:36] <Captain_Haddock> delicowa: complaints are mainly for KDE 4.1 rather than intrepid as such
[16:36] <DaSkreech> holycow: How are you?
[16:36] <OxDeadC0de> boot from cd, at the very first screen, hit memtest instead of boot to kubuntu or install kubuntu
[16:37] <DaSkreech> delicowa: KDE4 is a big jump. Not everyone was ready
[16:37] <mado> erm ... i haven't rebooted yet ... so i don't know ... well ... i choose "don't delete" for the moment and will delete it afterwards if i have to
[16:37] <mado> DaSkreech: true words :)
[16:37] <kopertonKDE4> !paste | zsolti
[16:37] <ubottu> zsolti: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)
[16:37] <OxDeadC0de> I really don't think kde4 is completely ready, but it's good enough for me and most of us in here I expect
[16:37] <courtjesterg> be back later going to dl a few things and research
[16:38] * hannascott looks confused at DaSkreech
[16:38] <Captain_Haddock> OxDeadC0de: agreed.. it's more like a 4.0 beta atm :|
[16:38] <DaSkreech> delicowa: Also its the release after a LTS so people are more likely to throw in new things that will break
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[16:38] <DaSkreech> Captain_Haddock: How can 4.1 be a beta for 4.0 ?
[16:38] <hannascott> DaSkreech: Actually, I was talking to blauzahl about a Jamaican thing... what happened with that... is it still on?
[16:38] <OxDeadC0de> captain_haddock hardly :P, in linux a beta is usually fairly stable, alpha is the first release that under windows they'd call "beta" :P
[16:38] <aleite> Hello guys...
[16:38] <Captain_Haddock> DaSkreech: in terms of its readiness
[16:39] <DaSkreech> hannascott:
[16:39] <Captain_Haddock> OxDeadC0de: heh
[16:39] <Captain_Haddock> hi aleite
[16:39] <DaSkreech> Yes in Jan all of KDE komes to Jamaica
[16:39] <aleite> Do you know if there's a google gadgets repository available for intrepid?
[16:39] <DaSkreech> aleite:
[16:39] <DaSkreech> Doubt it.
[16:40] <DaSkreech> Weeee
[16:40] <aleite> I am trying to compile KDE 4.2 trunk with google gadgets support... but didn't want to compile gg itself
[16:40] <hannascott> No not again!
[16:40] <DaSkreech> aleite: Oh no I think for 4.2 you can KGHNS it
[16:40] <hannascott> I really need to help these people out with a server or something...
[16:40] <DaSkreech> hannascott: What would you like to know about KDE Camp?
[16:40] <delicowa> but really I think I should like intrepid and KDE 4
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[16:41] <DaSkreech> Captain_Haddock: I dunno I think it's close enough to be considered a .0 release
[16:41] <aleite> DaSkreec: yes, there'll be an option to do so.. but you've got to have the libraries.. I thinkl
[16:41] <DaSkreech> delicowa: Well then that's fine :)
[16:41] <aleite> At least to compile ... :-)
[16:41] <DaSkreech> no one is forcing you to stay on hardy or upgrade to ibex
[16:41] <DaSkreech> Choose whichever one you like
[16:41] <mado> i'll be back
[16:41] <delicowa> but 1 probs its still in download (I have got a slow internet around here)
[16:42] <DaSkreech> aleite: You are following the KDE4 techbase article ?
[16:42] <hannascott> DaSkreech: Well I was just curious, I heard rumours it was off... for some... financial bit... but... I must have got it wrong
[16:42] <DaSkreech> delicowa: Ouch Maybe you can find someone with the DVD?
[16:42] <DaSkreech> hannascott: Rumours are not greatly exaggereted :-)
[16:42] <aleite> Yep, I did.. compiled GG ... but didn't work.. tried #plasma but nobody seems to answer.. :D
[16:42] <DaSkreech> but everything worked out
[16:42] <DaSkreech> aleite: Wait a few hours
[16:42] <OxDeadC0de> aleite: try ./configure --disable-werror
[16:43] <DaSkreech> they get right chatty right quick
[16:43] * hannascott goes back to hiding in #kde-cafe
[16:43] <aleite> Well guys.. thanks
[16:43] <DaSkreech> hannascott: #kde-chat
[16:43] <kopertonKDE4> !hungarian | zsolti
[16:43] <ubottu> zsolti: Magyar nyelvű segítséget az #ubuntu-hu csatornán talál
[16:43] <aleite> I was wondering if there were packages for that.. you know.. I compiled it and it took ages.. :-)
[16:44] <hannascott> DaSkreech: naa... it is too... you know...
[16:44] <Captain_Haddock> delicowa: there's likely to be a LUG (Linux Users Group) in your city that might be able to help
[16:44] <DaSkreech> hannascott: Yeah I do :)
[16:44] <DaSkreech> hannascott: If you want to know more though we have a IRC chan at #campkde
[16:45] <hannascott> DaSkreech: oh... kinky
[16:45] <delicowa> I suppose but I can't find any
[16:45] <Captain_Haddock> DaSkreech: when basic things such as keyboard shortcuts etc. aren't addressed, it can't claim release status IMO
[16:46] <Captain_Haddock> 4.1 also nuked all my former shortcuts :/
[16:46] <DaSkreech> Captain_Haddock: Which keyboard shortcuts ?
[16:46] <delicowa> well out here in nigeria we don't have lots of linux users
[16:46] <DaSkreech> Captain_Haddock: ow >_<
[16:46] <OxDeadC0de> lol I get all excited about a LUG in my area, only to find their webpage is gone and they havn't met in over a year :O yay
[16:47] <Captain_Haddock> DaSkreech: custom global shortcuts... mainly mimicking windows
[16:47] <DaSkreech> OxDeadC0de: Restart it
[16:47] <Captain_Haddock> delicowa: you might be surprised... if you have a university / college nearby, you should snoop around there
[16:48] <Captain_Haddock> OxDeadC0de: heh
[16:48] <matisse> how do I remove package which aren't needed by others ?
[16:48] <Captain_Haddock> delicowa: you're aware that you can get the install CD mailed to you?
[16:48] <Captain_Haddock> not sure about the DVD
[16:49] <Captain_Haddock> matisse: type sudo apt-get to see all the available options
[16:49] <matisse> synaptic also shows dependencies of packages which aren't even installed
[16:49] <OxDeadC0de> you can get the dvd too but that one costs money and the only real benefit is having all languages available on the dvd
[16:49] <Captain_Haddock> autoremove and autoclean are probably of interest :)
[16:50] <matisse> Captain_Haddock: but i think it will remove my xmms...
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[16:51] <matisse> no, not xmms, but beep-media-player
[16:52] <Captain_Haddock> if you do a sudo apt-get upgrade or similar, it usually lists unwanted packages IIRC
[16:52] <matisse> yeah
[16:52] <matisse> you're rigth
[16:53] <Captain_Haddock> delicowa: http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/ng_linux/ http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/naija-lugs/
[16:53] <DaSkreech> OxDeadC0de: You have all of main on the DVd as well
[16:53] <OxDeadC0de> DaSkreech oh, didn't know that
[16:53] <Captain_Haddock> not terribly active mailing lists... but you might get a response.. they also mention meetings
[16:54] <DaSkreech> and DVDs? :)
[16:54] <mngoldeneagle> Hi... I'm having difficulties getting Ubuntu to work on my computer. Whenever I log into the GUI, the screen goes all black. I've tried upgrading and removing FGLRX entirely, but nothing seems to work. Any suggestions?
[16:55] <OxDeadC0de> mngoldeneagle goes all black? Does KDM/GDM show the login screen?
[16:55] <Captain_Haddock> ubuntu or kubuntu?
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[16:55] <mngoldeneagle> KDM shows the login screen, then it goes black. The sounds play normally and the menu kinda responds in that I can see white boxes appear from the transition effects.
[16:56] <mngoldeneagle> Kubuntu.
[16:56] <OxDeadC0de> mngoldeneagle try alt+shift+f12 if you have quick access to it, to disable compositing
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[16:56] <mngoldeneagle> Alright, let me give that a shot.
[16:56] <isaacj87> Tm_T: Hey, you in here?
[16:56] <matisse> whats the difference between remove and totally remove ? (synaptic) Maybe its remove and purge in English... don't know
[16:57] <SlimeyPete> purge will remove all configuration files as well, matisse
[16:57] <DaSkreech> matisse: Korrekt
[16:57] <matisse> ok, thx
[16:58] <mngoldeneagle> 0xDeadC0de: When do I press ALT+SHIFT+F12? At the login screen or at the black screen?
[16:58] <eraco> can someone help me with my eeepc? where can i download the madwifi thing?
[16:58] <karan> i extracted a TAR.BZ2 type of file using tar xjvf file .bz2 then after that wat should i do to install the package on my comp
[16:58] <OxDeadC0de> after you're logged in, wait until you think it's fully logged in and started
[16:58] <amerigo> !openoffice
[16:58] <ubottu> a free and open source office suite, including word processor, spreadsheet, presentation, vector drawing and database components. To install: "sudo apt-get install openoffice.org". User help available in #users.openoffice.org
[16:58] <matisse> and how do I purge packages which are already removed ? :D
[16:59] <SlimeyPete> karan: there'll probably be a README
[16:59] <Captain_Haddock> matisse: install again and purge, I believe
[16:59] <SlimeyPete> karan: the installation process changes depending on what you're installing and how. Was the package not available in Adept?
[16:59] <matisse> damn
[16:59] <mngoldeneagle> 0xDeadC0de: I tried the sequence after the login finished, but I'm not seeing any effects. Screen is still black and the menu still... well, odd.
[17:00] <OxDeadC0de> mngoleneagle, does it work properly for new users (Try making a test user)?
[17:00] <OxDeadC0de> mngoldeneagle* /\
[17:01] <Captain_Haddock> mngoldeneagle: try ctrl + alt + F1 , F2 and so on... one of them usually works...
[17:01] <mngoldeneagle> Captain_Haddock: I'm using the Terminal on TTY1 at the moment in order to talk in here. F7 is the one for the GUI, and that's the one with the black screen and mouse pointer.
[17:02] <Captain_Haddock> cool
[17:02] <karan> i extracted a TAR.BZ2 type of file using tar xjvf file .bz2 then after that wat should i do to install the package on my comp
[17:02] <SlimeyPete> karan: I just answered you
[17:02] <SlimeyPete> read the RE
[17:02] <Captain_Haddock> mngoldeneagle: is this a post install issue or was the system working fine until now?
[17:02] <SlimeyPete> read the README or INSTALL file which was in the archive
[17:02] <mngoldeneagle> 0xDeadC0de: How do I create a new user at the command line? ... and force KDE to log out of the current user, since I can't see what I'm doing in there?
[17:03] <SlimeyPete> karan: why are you using a tar.bz2 by the way? Was the software not available in Adept?
[17:03] <OxDeadC0de> mngoldeneagle adduser command, and switch to kde and press control+alt+backspace to kill that session
[17:03] <mngoldeneagle> Captain_Haddock: This was after a large update a few weeks ago. Initial install was fine.
[17:04] <Captain_Haddock> and it's been like this ever since the update? (I take it that this wasn't the upgrade to 8.10)
[17:04] <karan> actually the net at from a friendges with this format my hostel is to slow so i got some packa
[17:05] <matisse> !de
[17:05] <ubottu> Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de
[17:05] <mngoldeneagle> Captain_Haddock: Yeah. And the initial install was version 8.10, so you are correct.
[17:05] <courtjesterg> philips pcrw804 using k3b it sees the drive ok but i think the problem now lies in it caan't read or reconize a disk/media is in the drive anybody have any insight on this? tryed to make a copy disk when i go into that screen says insert media waas done over again can't even press ok
[17:06] <courtjesterg> even devices recently pluged in doesn't see when i disk is on the drive
[17:06] <Captain_Haddock> mngoldeneagle: and you are not even able to log in - the screen goes black at the log in screen before you can enter the user name and password?
[17:07] <OxDeadC0de> captain_haddock naw kdm renders fine, it's after he starts kde it goes bad
[17:07] <courtjesterg> lol your name is haddock
[17:08] <courtjesterg> see my hand see below watch me dock
[17:08] <Captain_Haddock> that's Captain Haddock to you, sailor
[17:08] <Captain_Haddock> :P
[17:08] <courtjesterg> ahoy where is the jack
[17:09] <courtjesterg> i was a pirate for halloween very cool
[17:09] <Captain_Haddock> courtjesterg: the drive works fine? perhaps check witha boot CD?
[17:09] <Captain_Haddock> courtjesterg: heh
[17:09] <mngoldeneagle> 0xDeadC0de: Okay, it appears the test user can log in fine. It's just my username that's screwed up.
[17:09] <courtjesterg> how do i check with a boot cd?
[17:10] <Captain_Haddock> mngoldeneagle: you could try renaming the .kde directory in your home directory and re-login
[17:10] <OxDeadC0de> mngoldeneagle that's what I'd suggest too, mv ~/.kde ~/.kde-old
[17:10] <Captain_Haddock> courtjesterg: boot with a live CD for e.g., and see if it works
[17:11] <courtjesterg> ok is the live cd the cd i used to install kubuntu on my harddrive?
[17:11] <Captain_Haddock> and check your BIOS as well to see if it's detected properly
[17:11] <Captain_Haddock> courtjesterg: very likely
[17:11] <courtjesterg> ohh the bios has it detected ;)
[17:11] <Captain_Haddock> good :)
[17:11] <courtjesterg> but is the live cd the same cd i used to install the os on my harddrive
[17:12] <OxDeadC0de> 11.6gb, that's how much software I have installed, yeesh
[17:12] <sakis> kanenas elinas re pedia??????????
[17:12] <Captain_Haddock> yes, but you won't be installing anything this time.. just checking to see if your CD drive works
[17:12] <OxDeadC0de> that's just the software, not personal files..
[17:12] <genii> !gr | sakis
[17:12] <ubottu> sakis: #ubuntu-gr και #kubuntu-gr για Έλληνες χρηστές / #ubuntu-gr kai #kubuntu-gr gia Ellhnes xrhstes
[17:12] <courtjesterg> ok so basically you want me to go into bios change my book device options and put the cd in the the cd/rewrite drive?
[17:13] <dromer> hmmm, so weird X can't detect my tv anymore :/
[17:13] <Captain_Haddock> courtjesterg: yep - make sure that it's not a hardware issue
[17:13] <mngoldeneagle> 0xDeadC0de: Didn't seem to affect anything... should I also rename the .kde4 folder?
[17:13] <courtjesterg> me ccd-rom and cd/rewrite are two seperate drives
[17:13] <courtjesterg> ok
[17:13] <OxDeadC0de> mngoldeneagle give it a try
[17:14] <Captain_Haddock> time to go and get wasted :)
[17:14] <Captain_Haddock> bbl
[17:15] <mngoldeneagle> 0xDeadC0de: Alright, now it works! Now I just have to reinstall FGLRX and hope it works this time... thanks!
[17:15] <OxDeadC0de> mngoldeneagle np, anytime ^^
[17:28] <kieeeren> Hi, my laptop crashed and now I get Kernel panic - not syncing
[17:28] <kieeeren> How can I boot using a live CD?
[17:28] <kieeeren> I thought that it didn't read the HDD at all
[17:29] <OxDeadC0de> kieeeren the most common way is to go into the bios, set the cdrom as the first boot device, pop in the cd, boot
[17:29] <kieeeren> Yeah, I understand that - but the kernel panic stops the CD from booting
[17:30] <kieeeren> I've tried DSL and Ubuntu
[17:30] <kopertonKDE4> trasparente kicker on kde4?
[17:30] <kopertonKDE4> xD it's hard on new kde
[17:32] <kieeeren> [ 27502911] ---[ end trace ca143223eefdc828 ]---
[17:32] <yuriy> kopertonKDE4: what are you looking for exactly? if you have desktop effects enabled, the panel is partially transparent with the default theme
[17:32] <kieeeren> Error when booting into live cd
[17:33] <BluesKaj> kopertonKDE4: there is the optional classic menu style. Just right click for options.
[17:33] <genii> kieeeren: Do you have 256Mb or more of Ram?
[17:33] <kopertonKDE4> yuriy: mm i have not effects and i don't want them
[17:33] <yuriy> kopertonKDE4: no effects, no transparency
[17:33] <kieeeren> yeah
[17:34] <kopertonKDE4> omg kde4 sucks
[17:34] <kieeeren> it's either 512 of 1gb, can't remember
[17:34] <genii> kieeeren: OK. Livecd requires minimum 256
[17:34] <BluesKaj> kopertonKDE4: I repeat ,there is the optional classic menu style. Just right click on the kicker for options.
[17:34] <kieeeren> I defiantly have 512 or more
[17:34] <noaXess> i have kubuntu 8.04 with kde3 and kde4 remix..
[17:35] <nemco> #kubuntu-es
[17:35] <noaXess> what about if i upgrade to 8.10.. will the current kde4 be removed and the 8.10 integrated kde4 installed?
[17:35] <kopertonKDE4> BluesKaj: mm well maybe on kde3 that was the correct way but on kde4 it seems not correct i hope i am saying a wrong thing
[17:36] <BluesKaj> kopertonKDE4: I'm on kde4 and it works on my setup
[17:37] <kopertonKDE4> right button and you can set trasparent stuff?
[17:37] <BluesKaj> no , if you want to get rid of transparency
[17:39] <kopertonKDE4> well i found my way
[17:39] <kopertonKDE4> i have used transset 0.5
[17:41] <noaXess> has anybody upgraded to 8.10 with installed 8.04 and kde4 remix?
[17:41] <noaXess> will all the kde4 stuff be removed fomr /usr/lib/kde4.. and the user profile?
[17:41] <noaXess> kde4 userprofile?.. will only the kde3 profile be upgraded?
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[17:46] <Dr_willis> wowsers.. got my Wii Remote working as a mouse... :) sort of...
[17:47] <Dr_willis> Heh
[17:48] <noaXess> if i have installed kde4 on my 8.04.. is it better to remove kde4 before upgrading to 8.10?
[17:49] <Dr_willis> Not sure it matters... You will lose kde3 in the upgrade.
[17:49] <Dr_willis> if you want you could remove it I guess
[17:50] <noaXess> Dr_willis: will kde4 for 8.04 be autom. removed with the upgrade
[17:50] <noaXess> ?
[17:50] <Dr_willis> No idea..
[17:50] <Dr_willis> I normally do clean installs.
[17:50] <Dr_willis> I had 1 upgrade fail teriablly here.. and one worked great.. :) so im 1 for 1..
[17:50] <noaXess> Dr_willis: allways? then you made a fresh install of 8.10?
[17:51] <Dr_willis> I have done fresh installs on 3 machines..
[17:51] <Dr_willis> 1 upgrade worked.. one machine i tried to upgrade.. and it failed.. so it gto a clean install also
[17:54] <DaSkreech> Shouldn't I have a PDF printer By default?
[17:55] <OxDeadC0de> bah printers, that's the one thing I really dislike about linux, support for printers is more than mildly lacking in the user friendly arena every time I've tried
[17:55] <OxDeadC0de> but ya daskreech, I have a pdf printer, but I upgraded from 8.04 gnome to 8.10 then installed kde
[17:56] <DaSkreech> bah and humbug
[17:57] <noaXess> Dr_willis: i think i make a backup of my current install and do a upgrade.. just test ;)
[17:58] <DaSkreech> Anyone else can print something and let me know if they have a PDF printer?
[17:58] <OxDeadC0de> I just went to k menu/settings menu not system settings/printers
[17:58] <OxDeadC0de> might be a gnome app tho
[17:59] <DaSkreech> OxDeadC0de: actaully check in okular specifically
[18:00] <OxDeadC0de> yup says "PDF" , then the next line "Print to file (PDF)" and the next is "Print to file (postscript)"
[18:01] <DaSkreech> :-(
[18:02] <DaSkreech> OxDeadC0de: What do you have open in Okular?
[18:02] <OxDeadC0de> daskreech was a kde-look.org .jpg
[18:02] <DaSkreech> OxDeadC0de: Try open a PDF and see if you can print to PDF
[18:03] <Bauldrick> I'm trying to move a file to an SD card - I formatted card it starts to write to it but then fails and turns into read only?
[18:03] <OxDeadC0de> ok trying
[18:03] <delicowa> I seriously need help from any one who has successfully overcome intel 945GME graphics card problem
[18:03] <OxDeadC0de> daskreech now the only thing that comes up is the PDF printer installed with the printer config tool, no print to pdf or print to ps
[18:04] <DaSkreech> Boooooooo
[18:04] <DaSkreech> delicowa: Hit the forums
[18:04] <delicowa> it is still using the vesa driver despite the fact that I have downloaded the interl driver
[18:05] <delicowa> done that found nothing resonable that worked for me
[18:08] <Lan|Around> Hello all. May I ask a question about Kubuntu please?
[18:09] <delicowa> yup what is it...beside I gues that's why this is kubuntu chanell
[18:10] <Lan|Around> Hehe. Well, I installed Kubuntu yesterday and everything works smoothly. My question is about my microphone. It seems to recognise my microphone, something Ubuntu didn't, but it doesn't record anything. I think it might be a volume problem.
[18:10] <Lan|Around> I'm trying to use Skype by the way. I have kmiix and have set all the mic uptions to full sound.
[18:10] <Lan|Around> I don't know what else to do.
[18:11] <Lan|Around> Sorry for the typo's, I type way too fast.
[18:12] <DaSkreech> Try record with something else I guess
[18:12] <DaSkreech> Though I recall skype being a little finicky about sound
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[18:12] <Lan|Around> I have tried with a sound recorder but that tells me my sound configurations are wrong but when I go to sound configuration I can see no options I can change.
[18:13] <cyborgnrw> !de
[18:13] <ubottu> Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de
[18:13] <yago> does anyone know how to convert videos to ipod touch format?
[18:14] <Lan|Around> Are there any other volume controllers I can use? Maybe something for oss.
[18:14] <DaSkreech> yago: anything that spits out Mp4 works i think
[18:14] <delicowa> do we have nice multimedia converters on linux?
[18:14] <DaSkreech> Lan|Around: other than alsamixer ?
[18:16] <Lan|Around> Hang on, played around in Alsamixer. I'll see if it works.
[18:16] <chairman> my adept keep crashing on me .something about SIGBART signal 6. How can i get it
[18:17] * DaSkreech waits for the end of the question
[18:19] <chairman> HELP
[18:19] <Lan|Around> Nope, that didn't work. And the current version of skype doesn't work with Alsa.
[18:20] <Lan|Around> That happened to me Chair. It was because I had given it a wrong source.
[18:20] <Lan|Around> I had to remove it manually.
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[18:21] <DaSkreech> chairman: can you apt-get update ?
[18:21] <chairman> THRU terminal
[18:22] <DaSkreech> chairman: yes youll have to sudo it
[18:22] <DaSkreech> so sudo apt-get update
[18:22] <KomiaPoika> hi
[18:22] <KomiaPoika> how can i mount a install cd iso in nfs in kubuntu8?
[18:22] <Fargh> how do i check how many memory it has detected ?
[18:23] <chairman> nope
[18:23] <chairman> no go
[18:23] <DaSkreech> KomiaPoika: eh?
[18:23] <DaSkreech> Fargh: free
[18:23] <DaSkreech> chairman: that's the problem
[18:23] <Guest28818> does anyone knows how to install the last stable version of kde? and get rid off the old one
[18:23] <delicowa> bye y'all
[18:23] <chairman> i need it to get my software...what's the problem?
[18:25] <chairman> DaSkreech what problem?
[18:25] <DaSkreech> chairman: Your sources are dirty. Edit the file /etc/apt/sources.list and remove the ones that are causing problems
[18:25] <DaSkreech> Or fix them
[18:25] <DaSkreech> !kde4 | Guest28818
[18:25] <ubottu> Guest28818: KDE 4.1.3 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.1.3 - Support in #kubuntu
[18:26] <chairman> do i type tht in terminal skreech just like that/
[18:26] <Guest28818> how to install kde :s
[18:28] <DaSkreech> chairman: type in what?
[18:28] <DaSkreech> !kde | Guest28818
[18:28] <ubottu> Guest28818: KDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . See http://kubuntu.org for more information. For more information on KDE 4, see !kde4
[18:29] <chairman> DaSkreech ,how can i get rid of them if i can't get to adept?....what u typed(file/etc/apt/sources.list)
[18:29] <Machtin> how to use the sum-function in speedcrunch
[18:29] <DaSkreech> chairman: press alt+F2 then type kdesudo kate /etc/apt/sources.list
[18:30] <KomiaPoika> DaSkreech: i hace a install iso that i wanna mount in nfs
[18:31] <DaSkreech> What do you mean mount in NFS?
[18:31] <Lan|Around> Hmm nothing works and I can't find an oss mixer that let's me set mic volume.
[18:31] <DaSkreech> chairman: copy all of it and paste it in pastebin
[18:31] <DaSkreech> !paste | chairman
[18:31] <ubottu> chairman: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)
[18:31] <chairman> it says command not found but hold on i'm a try it again
[18:32] <KomiaPoika> DaSkreech: the box that wants to upgrade, downloads from the instlal iso in nfs, ratehr than copy on its own hard drive
[18:32] <DaSkreech> KomiaPoika: Oh
[18:32] <DaSkreech> Ok
[18:32] <Guest28818> hello, I have kde3.4 and I want 4.1, how can I change it?
[18:32] <DaSkreech> sudo mount /path/to/file.iso /path/to/mount/point -o loop
[18:33] <DaSkreech> Guest28818: You are on hardy ?
[18:33] <BluesKaj> !kde4 | Guest28818
[18:33] <ubottu> Guest28818: KDE 4.1.3 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.1.3 - Support in #kubuntu
[18:33] <Guest28818> DaSkreech, jes
[18:33] <Guest28818> BluesKaj, dont understand the links
[18:34] <courtjesterg> ok i am dumb
[18:35] <courtjesterg> i don't know any commands in the kconsole or how to really use it properly
[18:35] <DaSkreech> Guest28818: You need to add a new repository in Hardy to get KDE4
[18:35] <chairman> it keeps getting error;command not found
[18:35] <courtjesterg> noticed when activateing my 96 driver i get the font bug and this isn't with wine no wine is installed
[18:35] <DaSkreech> courtjesterg: That's fine ask what you need and we'll tell you what to do
[18:36] <DaSkreech> chairman: what did you type in ?
[18:36] <Guest28818> DaSkreech, please help me step by step, cannot do it without ;)
[18:36] <courtjesterg> i read this on this page confused i am
[18:36] <courtjesterg> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers-96/+bug/251107
[18:36] <maggo79> hi, has anyone tested the new ati drivers (8.11)? http://ati.amd.com/support/drivers/linux/linux-radeon.html
[18:36] <courtjesterg> it talked about editing my x-config file how do i do that where do i go
[18:36] <chairman> kdesudo kate/etc/apt/sources.list
[18:37] <maggo79> I'm getting a MD5 error
[18:37] <DaSkreech> Guest28818: http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.1.1
[18:37] <BluesKaj> interesting that konversation still shows as kde3.5.1 in the Help/about kde tab in Intrepid
[18:37] <DaSkreech> chairman: space between kate and /etc
[18:37] <courtjesterg> i do know if i update my graphic driver to 173 fonts reappear but again this driver isn't actually supporting all my functions
[18:38] <DaSkreech> BluesKaj: It's a KDE 3 application running in KDE3 space why shouldn't it?
[18:38] <BluesKaj> yeah, but why isn't it upgraded , DaSkreech
[18:39] <DaSkreech> BluesKaj: To what? KDE4? The maintainer has not gotten around to it
[18:39] <chairman> ok Kate came up
[18:40] <DaSkreech> chairman: copy that to pastebin
[18:41] <chairman> copy...or save cuz i don't see to copy
[18:44] <DaSkreech> !paste | chairman
[18:44] <ubottu> chairman: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)
[18:45] <courtjesterg> where do you go to edit you x-config file?
[18:45] <courtjesterg> so i changed the nv to nvidia
[18:46] <courtjesterg> i see the nvidia rc file but i don't thinks this is the file they are talking about
[18:46] <courtjesterg> hence no words with nv in the doc
[18:47] <DaSkreech> /etc/X11/xorg.conf
[18:47] <chairman> can't i just save it cuz when i paste it repeats itself
[18:47] <TWTNW> hello
[18:48] <Pentaho-Nick> Can anyone recommend a replacement for Emerald? I've just had so much trouble with it under 4.0
[18:48] <TWTNW> could somebody help me?
[18:48] <DaSkreech> chairman: Sorry?
[18:48] <DaSkreech> where are you pasting it?
[18:49] <DaSkreech> !somebody | TWTNW
[18:49] <ubottu> TWTNW: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?
[18:49] <DaSkreech> Pentaho-Nick: WHy are you still using 4.0 ?
[18:49] <chairman> on kate ..actually on the document itself
[18:49] <DaSkreech> chairman: no paste it in the site http://paste.ubuntu.com/
[18:50] <DaSkreech> give us the URL that it gives you when you save it on the site
[18:50] <Pentaho-Nick> I'm not, prtty sure 4.1.11 or whatever is on the Repos
[18:50] <DaSkreech> Pentaho-Nick: Ok and you are using Compiz ?
[18:51] <TWTNW> can anyone help me with my video device's restricted driver?
[18:51] <chairman> ok do i save it then paste or what
[18:51] <Pentaho-Nick> yes I am
[18:52] <TWTNW> !somebody
[18:52] <ubottu> A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?
[18:52] <DaSkreech> TWTNW: Which video card?
[18:52] <DaSkreech> Pentaho-Nick: No offense intended but why ?
[18:52] <TWTNW> why can't I start with 'can somebody'?
[18:53] <arash> Hello, what's the replacement for Katapult in KDE4, I found it very useful
[18:53] <Pentaho-Nick> My window decorations command is "emerald --replace" and it just hasn't been stable for me
[18:53] <TWTNW> oh...
[18:53] <Pentaho-Nick> Haha... I get bored and the pretty borders entertain my creative side
[18:54] <TWTNW> via-technology S3 unichrome pro vga adapter
[18:54] <TWTNW> if I run lspci in terminal, it writes:
[18:54] <TWTNW> 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. CN700/P4M800 Pro/P4M800 CE/VN800 [S3 UniChrome Pro] (rev 01)
[18:55] <chairman> it saved it automatically now what?~!
=== genii-around is now known as genii
[18:57] <TWTNW> I need these drivers for compiz-fusion's desktop effects
[18:58] <DaSkreech> arash: Currently krunner
[18:58] <DaSkreech> chairman: The website should now have a new URL Give us that URL here
[18:58] <DaSkreech> TWTNW: >_< Unichrome has really bad drivers
[18:59] <chairman> what URL? THERE'S NOT ONE
[18:59] <TWTNW> I know, I bought this computer in 2001
[19:00] <TWTNW> it's really old, but other desktop effects don't make it slower
[19:00] <DaSkreech> chairman: which web site are you on?
[19:01] <TWTNW> so, and however, WHERE CAN I FIND THEM?
[19:01] <TWTNW> P.S.: I use KDE 4.1
[19:02] <LjL> chairman, lowercase works fine
[19:02] <chairman> Sorry ..just frustrated
[19:02] <TWTNW> P.P.S.:I'm italian
=== adam is now known as CyborgNRW
[19:03] <DaSkreech> chairman: copy the contents of what's in kate to the website http://paste.ubuntu.com
[19:03] <CyborgNRW> !de
[19:03] <ubottu> Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de
[19:03] <DaSkreech> !it
[19:03] <ubottu> Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)
[19:04] <DaSkreech> INstall the unichrome drivers I would suppose
[19:04] <DaSkreech> pray they work
[19:04] <chairman> it won't let me copy just save tht's it
[19:04] <TWTNW> isn't there any italian channel espetially about Kubuntu?
[19:04] <TWTNW> !it
[19:04] <ubottu> Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)
[19:05] <genii> DaSkreech: Sorry not to be of more help today. My eyes are watering from a horrible headache
[19:05] <DaSkreech> TWTNW: nope they will have to answer you in #ubuntu-it
[19:05] <DaSkreech> genii: Too much Koffee?
[19:05] <chairman> sources.list
[19:05] <genii> DaSkreech: Not sure, perhaps.
[19:06] <SimplySeth> printer config applet seems to be missing the lpr printer option
[19:06] <CyborgNRW> hi @ all :)
[19:06] <DaSkreech> chairman: yes copy the sources.list to that website then give us the URL
[19:06] <DaSkreech> SimplySeth: Far as I know lpr was removed in favour of cups
[19:07] <chairman> no copy ...just save tht's it
[19:07] <SimplySeth> DaSkreech: okay ... so how do I connect to an remote lpd printer ?
[19:07] <chairman> do i got to uninstall this again and reinstall?
[19:07] <DaSkreech> chairman: And I'm telling you to copy it to that site. I don't thik that you are aware enough to know what may be wrong with the file
[19:08] <chairman> it won't let me copy tht's what i said the last time DaSkreech
[19:08] <DaSkreech> chairman: no just press ctrl+a in kate then ctrl+c go to http://paste.ubuntu.com then press ctrl+v in the spot to write
[19:08] <DaSkreech> chairman: If the file is open it will let you copy
[19:09] <DaSkreech> If nothing else usethe mouse and highlight the entire file
[19:09] <DaSkreech> then you can paste with the middle mouse button
[19:10] <peratu> Hi :-)
[19:10] <DaSkreech> !hi
[19:10] <ubottu> Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!
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[19:12] <peratu> I'm trying to install Kubuntu 8.10, but I receive an error. I think that it is because my dvd drive is SATA. The error is in /dev/sr0 (/dev/sda0) I have already installed Kubuntu 8.04. These version didn't has this error.
[19:12] <peratu> How I can install the new 8.10?
[19:13] <fyn> So intrepid went well. Old fglrx with the old kernel was working. Put the new kernel and new fglrx (8.11) but now the module is missing a symbol miZeroLineScreenIndex .... anyone have a workaround for this? (fglrx 8.11)
[19:14] <DaSkreech> chairman: You can use the mouse to copy
[19:14] <SimplySeth> peratu: there is an OS upgrade option you can search on ubuntu.com
[19:14] <DaSkreech> !upgrade
[19:14] <ubottu> For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes
[19:14] <fyn> Alternatively, any word on if xv is supported on an HD3850 with either radeon or radeonhd?
[19:14] <peratu> SimplySeth, i don't want to upgrade my system from 8.04. I want intall the new 8.10 from scratch :-)
[19:14] <courtjesterg> envy what ios envy for when i first started this os someone directed envy for my graphics card? But adept has all drivers so why go to envy?
[19:15] <peratu> SimplySeth, because I have more machines with the same hardware configuration, and I have the same error in each one :-)
[19:17] <maggo79> fyn: xv works with the fglrx driver from intrepid. I only have problems with xv _and_ desktop-effects
[19:18] <maggo79> fyn: I have a hd3850
[19:18] <courtjesterg> envy makes no sense everyone should know what drivers they are suppose to use g2 71 ge 3 96 ge 4 can use 96
[19:18] <peratu> I missed to say I have tried with the LiveCD and the Alternate CD... The same error in both.
[19:23] <MisterL> !kde
[19:23] <ubottu> KDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . See http://kubuntu.org for more information. For more information on KDE 4, see !kde4
[19:23] <MisterL> !kde4
[19:23] <ubottu> KDE 4.1.3 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.1.3 - Support in #kubuntu
=== MisterL is now known as Guest14051
[19:24] <edi_99> Hi guys, how do I reinstall grub form live cd?
[19:27] <Gunmetal> I just installed 8.10 on a Fujitsu laptop. The bottom half of the screen keeps blinking. Any help please?
[19:27] <KomiaPoika> Gunmetal: your xorg.conf parameters must be wrong
[19:28] <Gunmetal> KomiaPoika:Gnome works good. Could it be something in KDE?
[19:29] <KomiaPoika> Gunmetal: gnome works good on the same linux distribution??
[19:29] <Gunmetal> Yeah, I have run gnome sessions also.
[19:30] <Gunmetal> KomiaPoika: Yeah, I have run gnome sessions also. I am running gdm. Could that be it??
[19:31] <KomiaPoika> if kde and gnome rely on the exact same linux system and xorg.conf and kde blinks and gnome not then yes there must be something wrong with your kde install
[19:34] <Gunmetal> KomiaPoika: hmmm. it did this running the live cd too.. it a shame. I wanted to use KDE.
[19:38] <DaSkreech> Gunmetal: KDE4 ?
[19:40] <khakane> could someone help me out? running Hardy Kubuntu, i plug an USB drive in machine, and the device does not show up in dolphin anymore. worked fine for months.. when i plugin i DO get a /dev/sd* assignment, but wont show up in dolphin places
[19:41] <DaSkreech> khakane: KDE3?
[19:42] <khakane> kde 4.1
[19:43] <DaSkreech> Do you have the Hardware manager thinghy? :)
[19:43] <DaSkreech> It pops up from the panel when you put in a new USB device
[19:43] <khakane> what would that be? lol
[19:43] <khakane> nah
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[19:49] <DaSkreech> khakane: Drat :) Can you mount manually?
[19:51] <AgraWork> Is there some easy way for me to disable dolphin and use Konquerer exclusivly?
[19:52] <khakane> DaSkreech: yup
[19:53] <DaSkreech> AgraWork: in konqueror Settings -> Configure Konqueror -> File associations -> inode -> swap dolphin for konqueror
[19:58] <khakane> ugh i wanna kick this thing in the face
=== milian_ is now known as milian
=== adam is now known as Cyborg_NRW
[19:59] <Cyborg_NRW> !de
[19:59] <ubottu> Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de
[20:01] <oversize_> hi, somehow my Alt+Tab window switcher is not behavin as expected anymore, i might have **** it. Which package could i just reinstall the corresponsing packe to maybe fix the problem? which one would that be? the kwin effects for Alt+Tab switching dont work too, althoug they are enabled. thx
[20:03] <AgraWork> DaSkreech, Thanks much
[20:04] <DaSkreech> oversize_: mv ~/.kde/share/config/kwinrc ~/kwinrc.bkup
[20:04] <oversize_> and just reboot ?
[20:04] <DaSkreech> and logout then back in
=== ubuntu_ is now known as blek
[20:05] <DaSkreech> or just run killall kwin && mv ~/.kde/share/config/kwinrc ~/kwinrc.bkp && kwin &
[20:05] <khakane> this is the most annoying small problem ive ran into lol
[20:06] <Cyborg_NRW> Hi... i hope some on can help me... i have installed the ATI driver with envy... envy configured my xorg.conf too, but direct rendering still dont work... guild wars lags very much... have some one a solution for my problem?
[20:06] <blek> hello
[20:07] <blek> have you adress for kubuntu in french please
[20:07] <Cyborg_NRW> !fr
[20:07] <ubottu> Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr
[20:08] <blek> thank's
[20:08] <Cyborg_NRW> np ^^
[20:13] <oversize> DaSkreech: thank you! :D
[20:15] <ubuntu-dron> hello
[20:15] <ubuntu-dron> please share a link to nvidia bug discussion on KDE
[20:16] * locke xz
[20:17] <DaSkreech> Cyborg_NRW: Have you checked in #winehq ?
[20:17] <ubuntu-dron> I've just discovered one interesting thing
[20:17] <Cyborg_NRW> no.. because i think its a driver problem... glxinfo tell me that direct rendering is disabled
[20:18] <ubuntu-dron> while OOo opened the whole the desktop and applet begins to flicker, but it doesn't affect Lancelot, yet the problem is severe for app-launcher plasmoid
[20:19] <ubuntu-dron> any thoughts on that point?
[20:21] <DaSkreech> ubuntu-dron: Are you opening a OpenGL enabled ODF?
[20:21] <ubuntu-dron> no, yet OGL is enabled in OOo
[20:23] <ubuntu-dron> DaSkreech: in fact, disabling OpenGL within OOo doesn't solve the flickering
[20:24] <DaSkreech> ubuntu-dron: Can I clear up something? As long as OOo is opened that happens or only while it's opening ?
[20:25] <ubuntu-dron> DaSkreech: as long as OOo is opened, it was suggested, that that was a bug within the nvidia proprietary driver
[20:26] <ubuntu-dron> DaSkreech: But only now I've discovered, that it doesn't in fact affect Lancelot
[20:26] <DaSkreech> ubuntu-dron: Oh Ahmm. I'm figuring if you disable overlays or DRI it will stop that
[20:26] <mario> hi guys i have been a week trying to ad osx over grub, does any body work with that before
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[20:27] <ubuntu-dron> DaSkreech: But then, I presume, no direct rendering is admitted
[20:27] <DaSkreech> mario: Sorry?
[20:27] <DaSkreech> you want to dual boot between OSX and Linux ?
[20:28] <DaSkreech> ubuntu-dron: Right but I have no idea if that's the right answer I'm just proposing an avenue for a work around
[20:28] <mario> yes
[20:28] <DaSkreech> !refit
[20:28] <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about refit
[20:28] <DaSkreech> mario: You are looking for refit not grub it's much better
[20:29] <mario> i installer kubuntu, windows xp and osx, windows and linux are workin fine, but the grub doesn't recognize the osx for that
[20:29] <mario> reason the osx does't start up
[20:29] <DaSkreech> try refit it will swap between The OSX bootloader and Linux
[20:29] <mario> i red a lot on internet, and made every thing that people say but noting good
[20:30] <DaSkreech> Linux will then swap between Linux and WIndows
[20:30] <DaSkreech> hi tackat
[20:30] <mario> linux and windows are working good
[20:30] <mario> but osx does't start up
=== isaac_ is now known as isaacj87
[20:31] <mario> othe issue that i have right know with kubuntu is wpa support for my network, the system can't autenticate on my wifi with wpa any idea, i tried to install wpa supplicant but nothing happend
[20:31] <DaSkreech> !wpa
[20:31] <ubottu> Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs
[20:32] <glkasleg> firefox plugins seem to be missing - do i have to install them manually like in the old days or can I do like i do in ubuntu (ubuntu-restricted-extras?
[20:32] <isaacj87> glkasleg: which one is missing?
[20:32] <mario> thank you Daskreech
[20:32] <glkasleg> isaacj87: everything except java
[20:32] <aparedes> kubuntu-restricted-extras
[20:33] <isaacj87> glkasleg: yeah, You can install what aparedes said
[20:33] <glkasleg> isaacj87: done that - nothing happened - I'll try once more - does it work for you like watching web-tv and so on?
[20:36] <glkasleg> isaacj87: do you think ubuntu-restricted-extras will work?
[20:37] <glkasleg> isaacj87: I still have got only java and flash
[20:37] <DaSkreech> glkasleg: What do you want?
[20:40] <szrhawaii> need a file name i forgot what the file name is to switch the amarok icon in my system tray
[20:40] <szrhawaii> i know where to change the regular ones but where do i go to change the system tray icon
[20:40] <isaacj87> glkasleg: No, I don't installing ubuntu-restricted-extras will help. Try looking at this link: http://mustakim.blogster.com/streaming-multimedia-on-ubuntu-kubuntu
[20:42] <szrhawaii> nah hes talking about a totally different type of modifications
[20:43] <szrhawaii> anyone know the file name to change my system tray icon for my amarok
[20:43] <tino> #ubuntu-es
[20:43] <szrhawaii> i have kde
[20:47] <glkasleg> DaSkreech: I have only got java and flash plugins in firefox - I have installed kubuntu-restricted-extras - in uuntu this package gave me every plugins I could need
[20:48] <DaSkreech> szrhawaii: Probably in /usr/share/icons
[20:48] <szrhawaii> nah i tried that
[20:48] <DaSkreech> glkasleg: Right what plugins are you looking for
[20:49] <szrhawaii> let look again
[20:49] <DaSkreech> :-)
[20:49] <DaSkreech> szrhawaii:
[20:49] <DaSkreech> #amarok might help
[20:50] <urbinek> hi
[20:52] <NLeeepc> tell me how is kubuntu 8.10 is it stable
[20:53] <DaSkreech> NLeeepc: No idea get a Live Cd and check on your system
[20:53] <Ovi> i went back to 8.04
[20:54] <Ovi> kde 4 is too buggy IMHO
[20:54] <bipolar> Is anyone here using an at&t "mercury" 3g usb dongle with hardy? if so I've built a package to update the sierra module to support it that I need some testing on :)
[20:55] <glkasleg> DaSkreech: I need plugins to play web-tv - I installed mozilla-mplayer now - it seems i've got every plugins I need by doing that - Is mplayer a ok embedded videoplayer or should I use totem?
[20:57] <szrhawaii> anyone know where to find the battery file for switching that icon set
[20:58] <atom^x> no text in menus? open office k3b kmymoney and many others?
[20:58] <DaSkreech> atom^x: is your xfs running ?
[20:58] <ubuntu> I'm in live cd and i ahve probleme give me again unbuntu french please
[20:58] <atom^x> yes
=== ubuntu is now known as blek
[20:59] <atom^x> fresh install of 8.20
[20:59] <atom^x> oops 8.10
[20:59] <blek> I'm in live cd and i ahve probleme give me again unbuntu french please. sorry for bad pseudo
[21:01] <szrhawaii> does anyone know the file name to change my battery icon set
[21:03] <blek> desole pour le francais mais je suis en live cd et je cherche a rejoindre ubuntu en francais merci
[21:03] <Chunky> !fr
[21:03] <ubottu> Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr
[21:03] <Chunky> :)
[21:03] <blek> thank's
[21:03] <Chunky> enchanté de pouvoir t'aider :)
[21:03] <Chunky> Hey there
[21:04] <Pentaho-Nick> Anyone else having trouble upgrading kdelibs5? I'm getting a conflict that I can't track down
[21:04] <TEUTATEX> hello
[21:05] <pucko-> pentaho-nick, are you upgrading from hardy?
[21:05] <Chunky> What is exactly the glx extension? is it possible to upgrade glx from 1.2 to 1.3 on a GMA 950 graphic card?
[21:06] <Pentaho-Nick> Yea going Intrepid
[21:06] <Chunky> Or is it an hardware feature?
[21:06] <robin_> hey is anyone gaming on lynux
[21:06] <Chunky> I'm totally confused with that...
[21:06] <pucko-> pentaho-nick, I had problem with kdelibs too on that upgrade. what exactly does it say?
[21:06] <Chunky> robin_: yep: wc3 wow
[21:06] <robin_> is it working properly?
[21:07] <Chunky> robin_: perfectly
[21:07] <robin_> with wine?
[21:07] <JontheEchidna> Chunky: It's a graphics driver feature that directly implements 3D acceleration
[21:07] <JontheEchidna> or, basically the driver's 3D implemetation
[21:08] <Pentaho-Nick> It's saying BREAK (upgrade) in adept, but all the conflicts it lists it seems to replace as well
[21:08] <Pentaho-Nick> I don't know the apt-get switch to get verbose
[21:08] <szrhawaii> how do i save a file as a xpm file
[21:08] <szrhawaii> or how do i make one at that
[21:09] <TEUTATEX> installing kubuntu for the first time to my laptop. works with wireless broadband stick?
[21:10] <Pentaho-Nick> The following packages have been kept back:
[21:10] <Pentaho-Nick> kde4libs-bin kdelibs5
[21:10] <Chunky> JontheEchidna: ok. Thanks for the info.
[21:11] <Smittie> Can someone help me? I need to change my monitor resolution to 1920x1080. Was trying from xorg.conf, but with no luck
[21:12] <atom^x> DaSkreech -> the text is there, sort of... it is behind the dialog box that opens. you can see it there briefly
[21:12] <pucko-> pentaho-nick, don't know much about adept, I think I solved it by temporarily removing some package it complained about (and reinstalling it after upgrade)... but I think runnig apt-get dist-upgrade gives you more information. not sure how to solve it in your case though
[21:13] <DaSkreech> atom^x: Are the menus black?
[21:13] <atom^x> no, they look normal...
[21:13] <Pentaho-Nick> Thanks Pucko. I ran that earlier from apt-get and this is where I'm at. I'll manually remove the conflicting packages as you have suggested
[21:15] <atom^x> 7.10 was great, then i thought i would upgrade and everything went to heck... Killed the upgrade formated and did fresh install same thing
[21:15] <Chunky> I cannot find anything about the support of glx 1.3 by intel GMA 950 chipsets...
[21:17] <Chunky> Currently searching on intel website. Can anyone with a gma 950 chipset tell me his/her version of glx?
[21:18] <Linuturk> how do I mount a floppy? It isn't showing up in removable storage
[21:18] <szrhawaii> how do i make a so splash file
[21:19] <DaSkreech> atom^x: you upgraded from 7.10 to 8.10 ?
[21:20] <atom^x> 7.10 ->8.04 ->8.10 but i killed that and did a fresh install of 8.10 but it has same exact problems with the text
[21:21] <atom^x> even used a different HD to install 8.10
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[21:21] <JontheEchidna> atom^x: what drivers are you using?
[21:22] <atom^x> video? nvidia
[21:22] <JontheEchidna> There is a known issue with the nvidia legacy drivers and text rendering
[21:23] <Linuturk> how do i access a floppy?
[21:23] <JontheEchidna> it's a regression in the new beta drivers, which unfortunately are required to be able to work with the kernel
[21:23] <sourcemaker> what is a akonadi resource in kontact?
[21:23] <atom^x> it is the newest one released
[21:23] <atom^x> 96.something
[21:23] <JontheEchidna> atom^x: yes, that's the driver affected
[21:24] <JontheEchidna> if you turn off desktop effects text should come back to most apps
[21:24] <JontheEchidna> except for Wine
[21:24] <atom^x> will try that!
[21:25] <DaSkreech> Linuturk: You can mount it with sudo mount /dev/floppy /path/to/empty/dir
[21:25] <DaSkreech> sourcemaker: a link to the akonadi database anythign saved there can be seen by any Akonadi app It's quite neat
[21:26] <Linuturk> DaSkreech: and if /dev/floppy isn't there ;(
[21:26] <atom^x> well, heck... that was it.
[21:26] <SimplySeth> Linuturk: /dev/fd0 ?
[21:26] <Linuturk> nope, a directory /dev/fd is there
[21:26] <sourcemaker> DaSkreech: it is stable to use? can I replace for example a vcard resource woth akonadi?
[21:26] <JontheEchidna> yup, hopefully nvidia fixes the problem before the next stable driver release
[21:26] <Linuturk> and it has a bunch of numbers under it
[21:26] <atom^x> where did you find that info at?
[21:26] <JontheEchidna> I ran into the bug myself ;)
[21:27] <atom^x> THANKS! I was going bald!
[21:27] <JontheEchidna> hehe
[21:27] <JontheEchidna> bug 294076
[21:27] * JontheEchidna slaps ubottu
[21:28] <JontheEchidna> https://launchpad.net/bugs/294076
[21:28] <SimplySeth> Linuturk: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=3687
[21:28] <SimplySeth> Linuturk: and make sure floppy is enabled in the BIOS
[21:28] <Linuturk> modprobe floppy
[21:28] <Linuturk> that fixed it
[21:28] <Linuturk> thanks :)
[21:30] <DaSkreech> !search easy_install
[21:30] <ubottu> Found:
[21:30] <DaSkreech> liar
[21:32] <Dr_willis> !search is broken
[21:32] <ubottu> Found: fawn, selinux, nickspoon-#ubuntu-offtopic, kde docs, themes, ge, colloquialism, disk, scp, ichthux
[21:32] <SimplySeth> to set the speed and duplex of a NIC ... do I have to do a custom init script is there another way ?
[21:32] <Dr_willis> :) or not
[21:32] <Dr_willis> SimplySeth, i guess ya could set them from rc.local but ive never needed tomanually set those
[21:32] <Dr_willis> c
[21:32] <SimplySeth> Dr_willis: whut I was afearin' .. thanks :)
[21:33] <Dr_willis> fearing? what were you expecting? why are you even needing to mess with it?
[21:33] <SimplySeth> Dr_willis: at work .. the switch ports are set to 100 full and I like to setup my NICs accordingly :)
[21:34] <Dr_willis> Hmm.. they should auto switch to 100 then..
[21:35] <SimplySeth> Dr_willis: its all good .. I'm not too afraid a hackin' .. I just wished the option could be put in the interfaces file
[21:35] <sourcemaker> can I already use strigi for desktop search in kde 4.1.3?
[21:35] <Dr_willis> Not much hacking to it.. a commnd in rc.local
[21:35] <Dr_willis> i forget if its ifconfig, or ethtool that does it
[21:36] <Dr_willis>
[21:37] <SimplySeth> Dr_willis: ethtool
[21:37] <Daisuke_Ido> hrm... ubuntu on ARM7
[21:38] <DaSkreech> Dr_willis: You were saying ? :-)
[21:38] <Dr_willis> about what?
[21:38] * Dr_willis is playing FreeCol in the other screen. :P
[21:38] <DaSkreech> !search something
[21:38] <ubottu> Found: life, recon-#ubuntu-offtopic, ontv, nickfork-#ubuntu-offtopic, aol-#ubuntu-offtopic, todo-#ubuntu-motu, dumb, antivirus, sensors, modeabuse-#ubuntu-offtopic
[21:39] <Dr_willis> !search for alien life
[21:39] <DaSkreech> Man I love to love Freecol
[21:39] <ubottu> Found: restrictedformats, omgvorian-#ubuntuforums, kde docs, alien, browsers, scp, lgpl, ichthux, free formats, tv
[21:39] <DaSkreech> I knew the ubuntu forums were strange!
[21:39] <vorian> what the
[21:39] <DaSkreech> I download all the new versions of Freecol and never play it :(
[21:39] <DaSkreech> Dr_willis: LOL at lgpl
[21:40] <Dr_willis> Im seeing some bugs in the ones in the repos.
[21:40] <vorian> dude
[21:40] <DaSkreech> Forward the bugs upstream
[21:40] <vorian> PriceChild: see ubuntu found list
[21:40] * DaSkreech hats on Ubuntu Gmes team
[21:40] <Dr_willis> They will say 'use the latest version'
[21:40] <Dr_willis> which is not the one in the repos. :)
[21:40] <DaSkreech> Dr_willis: It's in the Jaunty Repos :)
[21:40] <DaSkreech> Go Jackalope!
[21:41] <Dr_willis> /me think the silly animal names have gone far enough
[21:41] <Dr_willis>
[21:42] <jcd> hi guys, I have a little trouble with Intrepid on one of my systems and I'd like to ask if you have some hint on where I should look for to solve it.
[21:42] <jcd> So here is the deal. My system used to run hardy kde 3.5 quite well.
[21:43] <jcd> I even tested KDE4 on it and it was working mostly OK even if there were some application missing in order to swithch to it.
[21:43] <DaSkreech> *cough* BasKet
[21:44] <jcd> Now this same system will boot the Intrepid CD OK and get to the KDE desktop
[21:44] <sjdurfey> ahh, i just started using BasKet!
[21:45] <jcd> But once there, any time I type on the keyboard or I click on the mouse the display goes dark for a few seconds to then get back to normal until I type again
=== kuba is now known as Guest32481
[21:45] <DaSkreech> sjdurfey: Great great app
[21:45] <PriceChild> vorian: wrong window?
[21:45] <sjdurfey> DaSkreech: yes, it has loads of potential, im glad i finally found something that i could use in lieu of Microsofts OneNote. now i have no real reason to boot into windows
[21:46] <vorian> PriceChild: yep
[21:46] <DaSkreech> It's a very good replacement for it
[21:46] <jcd> So with the display going black any time I try to do something with the system it is quite unusable.
=== stephen_ is now known as CoverlessTech
[21:46] <sjdurfey> yeah, and once tablet support is, well, better than what it is now, it will be even better
[21:46] <sjdurfey> ive never been able to get my tablet working in any linux distro
[21:47] <Dr_willis> My old wacom graphfire works...
[21:47] <jcd> Did you already hear of such symptoms?
[21:47] <Dr_willis> but i have no need for it much :)
[21:47] <sjdurfey> yeah, ive heard wacom tablets work well, and unfortunantely i dont have a wacom tablet in my tablet pc
[21:49] <sjdurfey> BasKet is one open source project i would love to contribute to. i had spent a good 2 weeks thinking about creating my own OneNote replacement for linux, and then i stumbled upon that one
[21:50] <DaSkreech> #basket-devel
[21:50] <sjdurfey> thanks
[21:50] <wazon> hi
=== Guest32481 is now known as kuba
[21:50] <DaSkreech> add it to your auto join lists Mostly Europe devs so wake up early if you are states side :)
=== CoverlessTech is now known as me
=== me is now known as stephen__
[21:51] <sjdurfey> haha, will do! im usually up pretty late, so maybe that will work for me
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=== stephen_ is now known as cover
[21:52] <sjdurfey> im trying to figure out how to change the icon of a program in the start menu, and i cant seem to figure out how
[21:53] <DaSkreech> read the freedesktop spec?
=== Imposible is now known as Mingo
[21:53] <sjdurfey> ive never done that
[21:54] <sjdurfey> im pretty new to linux, there is sooooooo much information to read up on
[21:54] <DaSkreech> It'll mention some cache in there somewhre all desktops should use which should pull from some FHS location. Zap that and desktop wide changeage!
=== cover is now known as coverlesstech
[21:54] <bdgraue> u can use the menu editor
[21:54] <Mingo> is there any channel to ask for Bind configuration info???
[21:54] <DaSkreech> Welcome to Linux and KDE!
[21:54] <sjdurfey> thanks!
[21:54] <DaSkreech> Mingo: man bind ?
[21:54] <sjdurfey> bdgraue: where do i get to that?
[21:55] <Mingo> i need something more specific
[21:55] <bdgraue> sjdurfey: right klick in the menubutton work for me
[21:55] <Mingo> cause i need to do RDNS
[21:55] <sjdurfey> wait, i added the app that way, but there wasnt an option, or atleast i didnt see one, that allowed me to change the icon
[21:55] <Mingo> and im having some problems
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[21:55] <sjdurfey> ah, nm, i figured it out
[21:56] <sjdurfey> i didnt realize you had to click on the old icon itself to be able to change the icon
[21:56] <DaSkreech> Mingo: http://www.zorge.net/?p=20
[21:57] <DaSkreech> http://www.howtoforge.com/forums/archive/index.php/t-27399.html
[21:57] <DaSkreech> sjdurfey: Oh.. yeah ..Umm Surprise!!!
[21:57] <Machiavelli> Kubuntu isn't finding any wireless networks, any help would be appreciated.
[21:57] <sjdurfey> haha, yeah
[21:58] <DaSkreech> !wifi
[21:58] <ubottu> Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs
[21:59] <Mingo> thnx DaSkreech i guess the secon link its what i need
[22:01] <jcd> Hi guys, let's try again. I have a little trouble with Intrepid on one of my systems and I'd like to ask if you have some hint on where I should look for to solve it. So here is the deal. My system used to run hardy kde 3.5 quite well. I even tested KDE4 on it and it was working mostly OK even if there were some application missing in order to switch to it. Now this same system will boot the Intrepid CD OK and get to the KDE desktop.
[22:01] <jcd> But once there, any time I type on the keyboard or I click on the mouse the display goes dark for a few seconds to then get back to normal until I type again. So with the display going black any time I try to do something with the system it is quite unusable. Did you already hear of such symptoms?
[22:05] <Machiavelli> i think my wifi card is recognized, but its still not picking up any networks
[22:05] <DaSkreech> jcd: Do things work?
[22:06] <jorginno> hola
[22:06] <jorginno> necesito una ayuda, por favor
[22:06] <szrhawaii> does anyone know of a chat room on changing icons for kde
[22:07] <jorginno> i have a problem with my kubuntu and audio
[22:07] <szrhawaii> or can anyone tell me where the icon set for the battery icon in your system is located in the root file so i can change it
[22:08] <szrhawaii> icon help
[22:08] <szrhawaii> need locations in root folder
[22:08] <szrhawaii> to change my battery icon
[22:08] <szrhawaii> anyone know where it is
[22:08] <szrhawaii> help help help
[22:09] <Dr_willis> Yea - the battery icon is so Critical....
[22:09] <szrhawaii> no its not
[22:09] <szrhawaii> its just a icon
[22:10] <szrhawaii> im not changing nothing but that
[22:10] <jcd> DaSkreech: The system is "working" but due to the display going black for few sec any time I try to interact with it, it is not easy to use. But no crash ar anything like that as far as I can tell
[22:10] <szrhawaii> i would like one that looks better though
[22:10] <szrhawaii> which i have but i cant find the file anymore
[22:10] <szrhawaii> ive changed it before
[22:11] <DaSkreech> jcd: Turn off Desktop effects
[22:11] <szrhawaii> if i remember correctly its in the same spot the wireless icon is in
[22:11] <szrhawaii> anyone know where that is
[22:11] <jcd> DaSkreech: I don't think I have any Desktop effect turned on
[22:12] <DaSkreech> jcd: It's on by default. Press alt+f3 -> properties
[22:13] <jcd> DaSkreech: Done, still same behavior. Note that my graphic is low end 2D graphic from SIS.
[22:13] <DaSkreech> Ugh sis
[22:14] <jcd> DaSkreech: Well this is my motherboard built in graphic
[22:15] <jcd> DaSkreech: well I am not user I tuened off anything yet. What is the way to turn evrything off through tthe menu
[22:16] <jcd> DaSkreech: on the configuration pannel, all desktop effect are off
[22:17] <jcd> and they are off by default (because of my low end graphic maybe)
[22:18] <jcd> this low end graphic was working OK on KDE 3.5 and it runs OK on Intrepid if I switch to XFCE for example.
[22:18] <nemco> #kubuntu-es
[22:22] <jcd> DaSkreech: actually it seems I can't activate desktop effect on my system. Is KDE4 unable to work on relatively low end graphic boards
[22:23] <Dr_willis> basically yes...
[22:23] <jcd> basicallt, it can or it can not ...
[22:24] <Dr_willis> KDE has much higher video demands
[22:24] <Dr_willis> 4>3
[22:25] <jcd> yes I understand this but I was expecting it would still work if effects were disabled.
[22:26] <jcd> I don't want to add a graphic board when I don't really plan to use any 3D graphic effects. I am using my system for anything but 3D
[22:26] <trappist> anybody else seen this? I went with compiz instead of the kde4 effects. if I have kontact on one side of the cube and firefox on another, and click a link in, say, akregator, it works but firefox jumps to the same desktop as kontact. it didn't do this in hardy.
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[22:29] <jcd> For exemple, how is KDE going to address all the relatively low end netbook out there? Their graphic might not be that great (well maybe they are better thant my SIS anyway)
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[22:34] <sxeba> !es
[22:34] <ubottu> En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.
[22:34] <DaSkreech> jcd: Probably an Xorg issue with graphics
[22:35] <DaSkreech> jcd: You can take it up in #plasma for a more direct answer
[22:35] <ActionParsnip> yo yo yo
[22:36] <jcd> DaSkreech: The system is still running OK on XFCE so Xorg seems OK even if its interaction with KDE4 is not
[22:36] <jcd> But I'll try #plasma
[22:36] <DaSkreech> jcd: I know but KDE4 does things no one else does
[22:36] <Dr_willis> plus kde4 isent super optmized yet
[22:36] <DaSkreech> There were a lot of patches to xorg based on things that KDE4 did
[22:36] <DaSkreech> Some drivers still have not caught up
[22:36] <DaSkreech> Dr_willis: And that
[22:37] <DaSkreech> jcd: If for nothing else so the devs know about your issues and to help write a good bug report #plasma may be helpful
[22:38] <ActionParsnip> does anyone have the issue where the system slowly grinds to a stop but if you leave it alone for a little while it is ok?
[22:38] <ActionParsnip> its really random. Im running kde 4.1 with fluxbox 1.0
[22:39] <ActionParsnip> it happened when i was running compiz but fluxbox is exactly the same
[22:39] <ActionParsnip> or is this a kde 4.1 feature?
[22:40] <dragoon> hey i try to install winrar but im lost
[22:40] <Dr_willis> wine winrarinstaller.exe
[22:40] <Dr_willis> or wahtever its called.
[22:40] <Dr_willis> Ive used winrar with wine.. its worked decently well
[22:40] <DaSkreech> !rar
[22:40] <ubottu> rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free
[22:40] <dragoon> ok
[22:40] <Dr_willis> or use the native rar commands..but i have had better luck with winrar.
[22:40] <sFEARs> is there a way have compiz enable the negative plug in on all windows?
[22:41] * DaSkreech shrugs
[22:41] <Dr_willis> sFEARs, the ADHD plugin does that sort of.. it dims the other windows.. Negative plug can do the whold screen also.. check the hotkeys for it
[22:41] <DaSkreech> Look at the ccsm help
[22:41] * Dr_willis dosnet know WHY one would want to do that...
[22:41] <Dr_willis> :)
[22:41] <Dr_willis> it makes your videos look funny
[22:42] <sFEARs> that's not exactally what i'm looking for.. the screen negative includes the desktop.. i just want the windows
[22:42] * ActionParsnip is confused by anyone installing winrar
[22:42] <ActionParsnip> dragoon: once you have suitable rar stuffs, ark can then open them
[22:43] <sFEARs> Dr_willis, with opacity set to "class=any" at 85% when you negate the window it turns crystal clear
[22:43] <dragoon> ActionParsnip: i do this i extract it but no ./configure
[22:43] <Dr_willis> So? :)
[22:43] <ActionParsnip> dragoon: extract what?
[22:43] <sFEARs> so i want it to negate all the windows at once
[22:43] <dragoon> ActionParsnip: winrar
[22:43] * Dr_willis scoffs at eye candy! :) except for the compiz zoom feature... wife likes that one.
[22:44] <sFEARs> scoff away then
[22:44] <Dr_willis> I run the winrar executable/isntaller i download from the rarsoft web site
[22:44] <sFEARs> Dr_willis, if you wanted to zoom every window how would you do it?
[22:45] <ActionParsnip> dragoon: you dont need it
[22:45] <Dr_willis> sFEARs, the zoom feature does basicially zoom in on eery wndow..
[22:45] <dragoon> ActionParsnip: umm what i need to do after ark open it ?
[22:45] <Dr_willis> wife uses it so she dont need to go get her glasses. :)
[22:45] <ActionParsnip> dragoon: sudo apt-get install rar
[22:45] <Dr_willis> Hmm.. Compiz is working with my 2 monitors.. nifty
[22:46] <dragoon> so easyli
[22:46] <dragoon> ActionParsnip: easily
[22:46] <ActionParsnip> dragoon: then use: unrar e rarfile.rar
[22:46] <Dr_willis> I have seen some rar archives that unrar does not like.. had to use winrar.exe on them
[22:46] <dragoon> ActionParsnip: ok thanks
[22:47] <ActionParsnip> dragoon: you dont need winrar in linux, rar is standard
[22:47] <dragoon> ok but i got a image in .00 .01 .02
[22:47] <dragoon> rar.01 rar.02
[22:48] <dragoon> i can open it with rar ?
[22:48] <Dr_willis> extraxt the first one...
[22:48] <Dr_willis> it will auto-read the rest as needed
[22:48] <dragoon> ok
[22:48] <dragoon> whit rar ?
[22:48] <Dr_willis> Logical eh?
[22:48] <DaSkreech> jcd: What drivers do you have installed?
[22:48] <Dr_willis> unrar e whatever.r00
[22:48] <ActionParsnip> dragoon: just point it to the first one, the rest is handled automatically
[22:49] <dragoon> ok and what i can burn a imin linux ?age
[22:49] <dragoon> oups
[22:50] <dragoon> image *
[22:50] <ActionParsnip> dragoon: whats the image file name?
[22:51] <dragoon> .iso
[22:51] <ActionParsnip> !burning | dragoon
[22:51] <ubottu> dragoon: CD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, brasero, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus-CD-Burner, GToaster, xcdroast (GNOME), wodim (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto
[22:51] <ActionParsnip> k3b rocks the kasbah
[22:51] <dragoon> ok thanks
[22:51] <emma> when I try to install the fglrx i get a screen on my monitory that the resolution frequency is too high, and the only way I can save it is doing a restore of X.
[22:52] <emma> could anyone tell me how to fix it, i happen to know what my frequencies should be for this monitor
[22:52] <jcd> DaSkreech: It behave like that when running from the CD. So whatever is on the CD is not working correctly on my system.
[22:53] <jcd> DaSkreech: BTW, I tried to install to disk and force VESA driver and the like with the same kind of behavior
[22:54] <ActionParsnip> !ati | emma
[22:54] <ubottu> emma: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto
[22:55] <ActionParsnip> emma: to restore the xorg.conf to failsafe boot to grub menu and choose failsafe, you can then restore the file to failsafe
[22:55] <emma> ActionParsnip: I don't want to restore X I want to be able to use fglrx :)
[22:55] <ActionParsnip> emma: try making the frequencies slightly less than what you know they are
[22:56] <ActionParsnip> emma: or start low and crank up
[22:56] <emma> I don't know where to set the frequences.
[22:56] <emma> When I install the fglrx driver it must be setting them some place but I don't know where or how to alter it.
[22:56] <ActionParsnip> emma: http://nozell.com/examples/xorg.conf-fglrx.20060621
[22:57] <emma> xorg.conf has been gutted and made useless in the new ubuntu.
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[22:57] <ActionParsnip> emma: specifies refresh rates there
[22:57] <ActionParsnip> emma: its still used for some gfx drivers
[22:58] <Dr_willis> I use my normal old fashned xorg.conf :)
[22:58] <blek> again sorry but it's again necessery you give me ubuntu french please
[22:58] <emma> !fr
[22:58] <ubottu> Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr
[22:58] <blek> thank's
[22:58] <ptl> !pt
[22:58] <ubottu> Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.
[22:58] <ptl> !br
[22:59] <ptl> !de
[22:59] <ubottu> Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de
[22:59] <ptl> cool
[22:59] <ptl> !klingon
[22:59] <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about klingon
[22:59] <ptl> !kl
[22:59] <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about kl
[22:59] <ptl> no ubuntu in klingon? :(
[22:59] <ActionParsnip> nt today
[23:00] <ActionParsnip> !coffee
[23:00] <ubottu> coffee is a caffeinated beverage made by filtering hot water through ground up roasted beans of the coffee plant. Flavouring to taste such as milk or cream, sugar or sweetener are often added afterwards. Not to be confused with !java
[23:00] <jcd> well it must not be part of humanity
[23:07] <dwidmann> ptl: at least google hasn't let you down ;)
[23:07] <emma> ActionParsnip: I don't really understand what I'm supposed to do with that.
[23:07] <emma> When I install fglrx with the hardware drivers thing, i don't see any changes like that in xorg.conf
[23:11] <ActionParsnip> emma: you need to add some refresh rates to your xorg.conf
[23:11] <emma> yeah how do i do that?
[23:11] <emma> ActionParsnip: but are you sure that ubuntu intrepid even cares about xorg.conf anymore?
[23:11] <emma> ubuntu does not care about xorg.conf anymore when I tried to make my mouse work.
[23:11] <ActionParsnip> emma: for vga drivers it is still used
[23:11] <emma> Ubuntu decided that people should not be able to use xorg.conf any more to make stuff work.
[23:12] <ActionParsnip> emma: i have to set t or my nvidia card
[23:12] <ActionParsnip> emma: http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/linux-desktop-x-windows/40987-xorg-how-set-refresh-rate-100hz.html
[23:12] <ActionParsnip> emma: thats why the screen section is still standing
[23:12] <ptl> !google ubuntu klingon
[23:12] <ubottu> Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)
[23:12] <ubuntu> HELP! I just removed my LAMP using tasksel and now my system has nothing in it, no diplay manager etc, Im on a live cd now, is it possible to undo this?
[23:12] <emma> ActionParsnip: okay that sounds promising.
[23:13] <emma> i wish that ubuntu made it mroe clear which parts of xorg.conf are still working and how to make stuff that used to work work.
[23:13] <emma> I am not sure why ubuntu broke xorg.conf. It confuses me.
[23:13] <ActionParsnip> ubuntu: sudo apt-get --reinstall install kubuntu-desktop
[23:14] <ptl> ubuntu: do you have apt on your system? as root, connect to the internet, mount your drive in /some/partition, then chroot /some/partition, and aptitude install kubuntu-desktop
[23:14] <ActionParsnip> ubuntu:boot to root cosole via grub menu for your krenls recovery mode
[23:14] <ubuntu> ActionParsnip: cheers, when I try this though it gives me Aptitude error 100 or something similar
[23:15] <ActionParsnip> ubuntu: if you can get the exact error I can diagnose
[23:15] <ubuntu> oh and my wireless connection fails to boot so when it goes to try update the packages etc it can't :(
[23:15] <ubuntu> are you familiar with aptitude and 100?
[23:15] <ubuntu> Im pretty sure thats all it gave me
[23:15] <emma> ActionParsnip: do you think I can put in the horz and vert stuff without any of that other information?
[23:16] <ActionParsnip> ubuntu: i'd chroot as ptl says then, or add your install cd as a repo and use that
[23:16] <ubuntu> I selected the kubuntu desktop in tasksel but the not able to download files thing got in the way
[23:16] <ActionParsnip> emma: its worth a try, backup the old xorg.conf first so you can roll back
[23:16] <ubuntu> is there a way to restore it from within this live session I am running at the moment
[23:16] <emma> ActionParsnip: on that linuxforum the section is called 'monitor' and in the xorg.conf on kubuntu it says 'screen'.
[23:16] <ubuntu> aha
[23:16] <ubuntu> how do I add the disc as a repo from command?
[23:17] <emma> ActionParsnip: there's nothing in there to save. It's like ubuntu literally destroyed xorg.conf there's nothing in it.
[23:17] <ActionParsnip> emma: no, there is a monitor and a video device which get combined to make a screen
[23:17] <emma> okay so you just put stuff in screen.
[23:17] <ptl> ubuntu: apt-cdrom add
[23:17] <ubuntu> beautiful
[23:17] <ubuntu> will see you soon prolly lol
[23:17] <ActionParsnip> emma: i upgraded from hardy and a lot of my xorg got commented out, http://pastebin.com/f1f21f92d
[23:18] <ActionParsnip> emma: see how the screen and video card bits are stil standing
[23:18] <ActionParsnip> emma: see lines 77 to 80
[23:20] <ptl> C:\WINDOWS> APT-GET.EXE /force full-upgrade
[23:21] <emma> ActionParsnip: I'll show you what my xorg.conf looks like right now, after I made the changes I just made....
[23:21] <emma> !pastebin
[23:21] <ubottu> pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)
[23:23] <emma> ActionParsnip: this is the whole thing -- http://paste.ubuntu.com/71548/
[23:23] <emma> you see there's nothing there anymore.
[23:23] <emma> Ubuntu completely gutted xorg.conf
[23:24] <ActionParsnip> emma: looks ok to me
[23:25] <ActionParsnip> emma: just reduce the refresh rates some
[23:25] <ActionParsnip> emma: try: HorizSync       31.5 - 93.8     VertRefresh     56.0 - 88.0
[23:29] <courtjesterg> not don't unistall x server nor hardware nor graphic driver adn try a reinstall you will be screwed
[23:29] <courtjesterg> note
[23:29] <ActionParsnip> courtjesterg: i'd still be able to do most of my dailies ;)
[23:29] <courtjesterg> hopefully this is the last time i unistall this os
[23:29] <courtjesterg> installl
[23:30] <courtjesterg> i couldn't see anything on the os lol
[23:30] <courtjesterg> even tryed repairing and such no go even recovery
[23:31] <JediatNight> can anyone suggest a good dvd player for Ubuntu?
[23:31] <ptl> I use kaffeine
[23:31] <LeeJunFan> JediatNight: personally I like VLC.
[23:32] <ptl> what do you mean by good? It's not like that's an incredibly complex kind of program
[23:32] <nyp4life> i second vlc
[23:33] <ActionParsnip> JediatNight: mplayer all the way
[23:33] <ptl> ubuntu's mplayer does not have dvdnav compiled in, does it?
[23:33] <JediatNight> I have VLC but it isn't able to play DVDs ..
[23:33] <DaSkreech> !dvd
[23:33] <ubottu> For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats
[23:33] <ptl> then you need medibuntu's repositories
[23:33] <ptl> and install libdvdcss2
[23:33] <JediatNight> i guess this mightbe due to licensing issues
[23:34] <courtjesterg> how many people use gimp?
[23:34] <ptl> lots.
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[23:34] <JediatNight> i was using Gimp :-|
[23:34] <courtjesterg> just wonder if there is somethng better besides gimp i know cs suites are good
[23:35] <nyp4life> i cant get my ipod to connect to kubuntu.. it charges but doesn't show up in my "recently connected devices"
[23:35] <JediatNight> is there any ipod connection program for linux?
[23:35] <ActionParsnip> !ipod
[23:35] <ptl> courtjesterg: krita is good, but it is a lot simpler
[23:35] <ubottu> For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod
[23:35] <ptl> !krita
[23:35] <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about krita
[23:35] <JediatNight> i 'd like to hook up my ipod to my linux box
[23:35] <ActionParsnip> !info krita
[23:35] <ubottu> krita (source: koffice): a pixel-based image manipulation program for the KDE Office Suite. In component main, is optional. Version 1:1.6.3-6ubuntu3 (intrepid), package size 2967 kB, installed size 9256 kB
[23:36] <emma> ActionParsnip: When I rebooted it gave errors saying that HorizSync and VertRefresh are not legal commands and then I got the same screen from my monitor saying that the refresh freuency is too high.
[23:36] <courtjesterg> anybody ever used the inkscape vector graphics editor sounds promiseing
[23:36] <emma> I had to go to a different tty and do sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg
[23:36] <ubuntu> How do I add my cdrom as a source from command line?
[23:36] <ptl> inkscape is awesome
[23:36] <ptl> but it's different from gimp
[23:36] <ptl> because it deals primarily with vectors, not bitmaps.
[23:37] <nyp4life> ok the ipod how to shows how to add music/videos but says nothing about connection issues
[23:37] <ptl> but there's also xara studio if you like vector drawing applications
[23:37] <courtjesterg> old halflife adn halflife 2 map maker here
[23:37] <ubuntu> is tasksel supposed to destroy your kubuntu when you remove the LAMP server?
[23:37] <emma> Apparently there is no way for people to use fglrx on Kubuntu intrepid.
[23:37] <ActionParsnip> emma: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-882210.html
[23:38] <nyp4life> and i know that my ipod touch wont transfer music with anything but itunes but im trying to hook it up with my xp virtual machine through vbox
[23:38] <nyp4life> but it wont even show up in kubuntu
[23:38] <ptl> !info xara-lx
[23:38] <ubottu> Package xara-lx does not exist in intrepid
[23:38] <ptl> !info xaralx
[23:38] <ubottu> xaralx (source: xaralx): Heavyweight vector graphics, illustration and DTP Program. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 0.7r1785-2ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 4462 kB, installed size 11372 kB
[23:38] <nyp4life> i tried connecting my phone and that also doesn't connect to kubuntu
[23:39] <ActionParsnip> nyp4life: is it set to disk mode?
[23:39] <ubuntu> ActionParsnip: what was that add cd-rom to adept command again?
[23:39] <nyp4life> do i have to enable usb support for kubuntu?
[23:39] <nejode> emma: what card do you have?
[23:39] <ActionParsnip> ubuntu: sudo nano or gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list
[23:39] <ptl> ubuntu: apt-cdrom add
[23:40] <ActionParsnip> or that :D
[23:40] <ubuntu> cheers guys
[23:40] <emma> nejode: I have VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc RS480 [Radeon Xpress 200G Series]
[23:40] <nyp4life> ActionParsnip: ok i just made my phone to disk mode and it connects.. now what can i do for my ipod
[23:41] <ActionParsnip> nyp4life: is it not the same (i dont use ipod)
[23:41] <courtjesterg> sounds sweet xara atreme
[23:42] <courtjesterg> xara xtreme
[23:43] <nyp4life> hmm.. i remember i could use the ipod before when i was using 8.04 and don't remember doing anything special to enable..
[23:43] <ptl> courtjesterg: however I prefer inkscape. I think it's easier
[23:43] <courtjesterg> ok i dl both
[23:44] <nyp4life> in 8.04 it used to connect as a camera.... now in 8.10 it shows up when i use lsusb command as Apple, Inc.
[23:44] <ptl> courtjesterg: if you need professional-qualityf bitmap-editting though, I'd recommend learn a bit more about gimp. It's way more powerful than krita, and although it has a weird way of doing things - takes some time to get used to - it pays the effort.
[23:44] <nyp4life> do i have to manually mount it?
[23:45] <courtjesterg> i used to go to art college in tn learned alot about a mac, photoshop and illustrator and cuh programs
[23:45] <courtjesterg> back in ny now
[23:45] <courtjesterg> even lived in sc
[23:45] <ptl> courtjesterg: like those kung fu monks says in movies, you'll have to unlearn what you have learnt
[23:46] <courtjesterg> recently i purchased courtjesterg.com it is parked at this time
[23:46] <emma> Maybe I just have to buy a different video card in order to properly use Linux?
[23:46] <JediatNight> !dvd
[23:46] <ubottu> For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats
[23:46] <ptl> emma: no
[23:47] <courtjesterg> peace niggers
[23:47] <emma> ptl: yeah I think so because you can't use fglrx with kubuntu.
[23:48] <nejode> emma: you tried using the "ati" driver?... it has 3D accel
[23:48] <emma> isn't the ati driver fglrx or do you mean the default open one?
[23:48] <tacosarecool> I'm just wondering why in 8.10 stickam isn
[23:48] <tacosarecool> 't acting like it should
[23:48] <ptl> emma: you're having some difficulties, I see, and I am sorry for being unable to help more, but I know lots of people which use fglrx successfully with Ubuntu
[23:49] <tacosarecool> I use successfully just not in the proper way lol
[23:49] <ptl> successfully --> with acceleration and everything else
[23:49] <emma> ptl: Yeah I know. It mysterious to me why things would be so fickle. What makes it work for one person but not for another?
[23:49] <tacosarecool> I mean games work with the drivers
[23:49] <tacosarecool> So yeah
[23:49] <nyp4life> emma: i couldn't set up fglrx either.. i tried the 'ati' driver but it wasn't that great.. im using 'radeonhd' driver now it looks a lot better but i still cant get Desktop Effects to work
[23:50] <nejode> emma: it depends on the type of card, anything below radeon 9500 or X600 are not supported by the fglrx driver in intrepid
[23:50] <nyp4life> try downloading and using 'radeonhd' if 'ati' doesn't work right
[23:50] <emma> nejode: I have this card...
[23:50] <tacosarecool> Mines working fine and I'm on x300
[23:50] <emma> 01:05.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc RS480 [Radeon Xpress 200G Series]
[23:50] <emma> nejode: ^
[23:50] <tacosarecool> Maybe not in the hardware testing but it's working fine
[23:50] <nejode> emma: let me check the release notes
[23:51] <emma> Is that one not supported by the fglrx driver in intrepid?
[23:51] <emma> nyp4life: yeah it's odd right?
[23:51] <emma> I don't mind having to buy another video card, maybe my hardware is just too old for a more modern OS like kubuntu.
[23:52] <nyp4life> its annyoying.. not odd.. lol i was trying for weeks.. now i just gave up
[23:52] <ActionParsnip> emma: old hardware works great in ubuntu
[23:52] <emma> hm, not my video card.
[23:52] <tacosarecool> Get the drivers from hardware drivers
[23:52] <tacosarecool> In the kmenu
[23:52] <emma> I did.
[23:53] <emma> I install the fglrx and then it says you must restart the system, so I do that, and then my monitor says, 'your frequency is too high'. And does not let me do anything else.
[23:53] <nyp4life> mine just says 'no signal' after installing
[23:54] <ActionParsnip> emma: you could always use envyng-qt as a last ditch
[23:54] <nyp4life> i tried with Hardware Drivers, tried from ATI site.. tried manually configuring xorg.conf.. tried compiling the driver with the hundreds of manuals online.. couldnt get it to work.. tried envy too
[23:55] <emma> nyp4life: that's pretty frustrating.
[23:55] <nyp4life> emma: lol yes it is
[23:55] <emma> ubuntu really does not work well with ATi I think.
[23:55] <naught101> is touchpad scrolling working in firefox for anyone in kubuntu ibex?
[23:55] <nejode> emma: try the ati or the radeonhd driver, at least you'll have decent resolution and time to investigate further
[23:55] <nyp4life> but try them all if you haven't already.. one of them might work for u.. it does for others so..
[23:55] <naught101> oh, never mind
[23:55] <ptl> that's why you should fight against proprieraty drivers
[23:56] <emma> nejode: I thikn it must be using the ati one by default right? I mean, I am using kubuntu right now. Some kind of driver is giving me some video.
[23:56] <nyp4life> emma: also search google with your screen's model name and xorg.conf.. (ex. search for: acer al2216w xorg.conf)
[23:56] <ptl> when I had an ATI, I had one that was supported (with 3D!) by the open-source driver. It was fast, reliable and needed no configuration or struggle, it was just autodetected and setup.
[23:56] <emma> there must be some kind of open ati driver that is put on by default.
[23:57] <emma> okay
[23:57] <nyp4life> hopefully some recommended settings will come up and try to use this
[23:57] <nyp4life> those*
[23:57] <nejode> emma: co to system settings>display>hardware and see what driver you're using right now
[23:57] <nejode> *go
[23:59] <emma> nejode: there is no option for hardware in display