UbuntuIRC / 2008 /11 /09 /#ubuntu-mythtv.txt
Initial commit
[00:01] <TheBlasphemer> Ooooh, finally found out how to fix MythFrontend playback, basically I had to remove /dev/dri and it worked fine. Would anyone know a more elegant way to disable DRM/DRI ?
[00:02] <laga> you can disable it in xorg.conf AFAIK
[00:03] <TheBlasphemer> laga: I tried uncommenting the Load "dri" line, but that didn't get MythFrontend not to use it :/
[00:04] <laga> you can tell it explicitly not to load stuff AFAIK
[00:05] <TheBlasphemer> Hmmmz, lemme try that :P
[00:05] <TheBlasphemer> :)
[00:05] <TheBlasphemer> (I assume you're talking about the "Disable" keyword?)
[00:06] <jobob> lircd says in the file: lircd(userspace) ready, accepted new client on /dev/lircd, could not get file information for /dev/lirc0, default_init(): No such file or directory, caught signal
[00:07] <jobob> then its dead
[00:08] <laga> jobob: i guess the driver is not ready
[00:21] <TheBlasphemer> oooh, Disable worked, thanks laga :)
[00:30] <a1fa> hi
[00:30] <a1fa> anyone else use xbmc mythtv:// for video playback?
[00:31] <a1fa> after update to 8.10; my video keeps buffering and crap like thatg
[02:05] <jobob> hey guys...I think i figured out why lirc wont work. I was on the lirc website and I am looking in /dev and i don't have /dev/lircd or lirc0 or any of those. When I create them from the terminal, they go away at restart....what am i doing wrong
[02:06] <jobob> I get this error when I try to restart lirc lircd: device and output must not be the same file: /dev/lircd [failed]
[02:20] <jobob> well I tried >> sudo mknod /dev/lircd c 61 2 and I could then see it in /dev; but when I restart the machine, they are gone
[02:23] <jobob> make that >>sudo mknod /dev/lircd c 61 0
[02:24] <jobob> then when I restart, I get lircd: refusing to connect to myself [enter] ircd: device and output must not be the same file: /dev/lircd [failed]
[04:25] <jobob> I have in the mythbuntu control center I have these settings for the infrared: Remote=custom; Driver=default; Modules=lirc_dev lirc_i2c; Configuration=lircd.conf.hauppauge; Device=/dev/lirc0....if I runls -l /dev/lirc*, I get
[04:25] <jobob> crw-r--r-- 1 root root 61, 0 2008-11-08 22:07 /dev/lirc0 ; srw-rw-rw- 1 root root 0 2008-11-08 22:13 /dev/lircd
[04:26] <jobob> Lirc will start but when I irw, lirc ?crashes?
[04:28] <jobob> I have a serial IR blaster thing with a Logitech 670 which is pretending to be a hauppauge pvr 150
[05:57] <wolfspirit> anyone get the sony bluetooth remote working in 8.10? I use the bremoted daemon to transfer button presses to lircd but irw isn't picking anything up.. just wondering what changed to cause this between 8.04 to 8.10
[06:53] <foxbuntu> wolfspirit, check that your lircd.conf is correct
[07:01] <FisherPrice> hey, i wonder if anyone else has had the same problem as me. When I "Watch TV" it jitters, I only see a frame second. It normally fixes itself up if i change tuners (i have a dual tuner card)
[07:39] <johannes_> Hi
[07:39] <johannes_> Is there any none issues with recordig scheduler i 8.10?
[11:13] <Seeker`> it would seem that my myth installation isn't detecting duplicates in recordings properly
[11:16] <Seeker`> it seems to want to record copies of "the simpsons" on C4 and C4+1
[11:24] <Seeker`> is there a disadvantage of using "subtitle then description" rather than "subtitle and description" for duplicate finding?
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[14:14] <TheBlasphemer> Where should I report bugs regarding diskless server stuff in MythBuntu ?
[15:41] <superm1> bugs.launchpad.net/mythbuntu
[15:41] <superm1> TheBlasphemer, ^
[16:14] <laga> re
[16:22] <superm1> TheBlasphemer, or point fingers at laga :)
[16:22] <TheBlasphemer> laga: reported both bugs I had with mythbuntu-diskless to launchpad of ubuntu
[16:22] <TheBlasphemer> https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/295976
[16:22] <TheBlasphemer> https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/295957
[16:22] <TheBlasphemer> Workarounds also in there :)
[16:22] <TheBlasphemer> (Finally have a proper working intrepid diskless client)
[16:23] <laga> thanks :)
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[17:11] <slundell> I just did a fresh 8.10 install. It seems to boot up correctly but goes black when starting X. It responds to SSH but blocks when I log in. I cant change vt (ctrl+alt+FX). Any hint on how to get a terminal to debug this?
[17:45] <laga> slundell: boot into failsafe mode?
[17:57] <johannes_> What cud be wrong if the schedulerd recordings is not coming up in the Upcoming Recordings page?
[18:10] <slundell> laga: How do i do that?
[18:16] <Seeker`> johannes_: is it conflicting with something else?
[18:21] <johannes_> Seeker`, No, I only have two programs for recording
[18:22] <johannes_> can it be that I change the path to the recording directory?
[18:47] <slundell> laga: I booted into recovery mode and found in /var/log/messages the kernel or some module segfaulted
[18:47] <slundell> I've chrooted into the MB install and upgraded the kernel. Hope it works!
[18:48] <gentle> hey I try to build the latest stable mythplugins on ubuntu 8.10 and get a conversion error in aacdecoder.cpp : http://pastebin.com/m1de1d963
[19:18] <jobob> !zin
[19:18] <Zinn> Sorry I don't know about zin
[19:18] <jobob> !zinn
[19:18] <Zinn> see !about
[19:18] <jobob> !about
[19:18] <Zinn> I am an IRC bot written in perl, but my code is not yet released. I am named after Howard Zinn, you can learn more about him here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Howard_Zinn
[19:20] <jobob> howdy all...anyone up to helping me troubleshoot lirc?
[19:22] <jobob> lircd is starting...but when i use irw, it crashes
[20:59] <jobob> well i fixed lircd...but I have no idea what I did to fix it. ROFL
[21:50] <coast3r> anyone here manage to make the hdpvr work inside of mythbuntu 8.10 ?
[21:51] <coast3r> I have got the driver loading fine, I can get a ts from the device and even play it back fine, however trying to work with it inside of myth appears to be an unbelievably daunting task
[21:51] <hads> I believe that's still being worked on.
[21:51] <laga> coast3r: you need to be running trunk
[21:51] <laga> the trunk builds are out of date right now
[21:52] <coast3r> laga that was my next ? if I need to run trunk are there some docs on updating to trunk ?
[21:52] <coast3r> ya I seen no releases for 8.10
[21:52] <hads> svn co and build :)
[21:54] <coast3r> ok thanks guys, I will go that route, although building myth from svn has always been more pain than it is worth
[21:54] <hads> It's not that hard
[21:55] <coast3r> we shall see, I am going to try again now :P
[21:58] <laga> you could try using the trunk packaging branch, but that requires some knowledge about debian packages
[22:00] <coast3r> checking out sources now,
[22:00] <coast3r> trunk packaging branch you say
[22:02] <laga> coast3r: https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mythtv/mythtv/mythtv-trunk-022
[22:02] <laga> plugins do not quite work yet
[22:02] <laga> you need to copy debian/ into a checkout
[22:02] <laga> also get .bzr/
[22:02] <coast3r> I can live without plugins,
[22:03] <laga> it's a good idea to adjust SVN_REVISION in debian/rules and get a tarball using debian/rules get-orig-source
[22:04] <coast3r> well then registered by laga, I suppose your not going to lead me astray :P
[22:04] <laga> haha
[22:06] <coast3r> copy debian into a checkout of mythtv or just checkout debian ?
[22:07] <laga> copy it
[22:07] <laga> also copy .bzr
[22:07] <laga> so you can do a bzr pull later to get updates for the packaging branch
[22:07] <laga> let me know if you make any fixes.
[22:07] <laga> also install devscripts and dch -v your_new_version_numver
[22:07] <laga> s/numver/number/ - see debian/changelog for inspiration :)
[22:16] <coast3r> bzr checkout --verbose lp:~ubuntu-mythtv/mythtv/mythtv-trunk-022/ the cp debian to mythtv co, ok so far so good :P
[22:16] <coast3r> lol never used bzr before
[22:35] <coast3r> ok so a few deps required lame libfaac-dev libfaad-dev etc
[22:35] <coast3r> should a standard ./configure ; make ; make install do it or should I be throwing in a bunch of config flags
[22:37] <hads> apt-get build-dep should sort the deps for you.
[22:38] <hads> If you're doing a standard build from a svn co then you don't really need configure options. If you're doing packages then I wouldn't know.
[22:39] <coast3r> thanks hads, I am building source now, we shall see where I get so far so good
[22:40] <coast3r> I brought in debian as per laga's suggestion ^^