UbuntuIRC / 2008 /11 /09 /#ubuntu-bugs.txt
Initial commit
=== asac_ is now known as asac
[00:28] <Pizarro> Hi everybody
[00:28] <Pizarro> I just intalled the desktop 64 bits intrepid version, and I cant make the VPN connection to work with pptp
[00:28] <Pizarro> can anyone help me with this bug?
[00:42] <Pizarro> funciono
[00:43] <Hobbsee> you probably want #ubuntu
=== jrib is now known as Guest64524
=== Guest64524 is now known as jrib
=== _jason is now known as jrib
=== erhesrhsrtb54vyh is now known as Elbrus
[03:26] <Elbrus> Looks like bug 240860 is solved, although the original poster did not respond, should I mark it FIX RELEASED (althought I could not specify what fixed it)
[03:26] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 240860 in firefox "selected radiobuttons are grayed out, so you can not see what you just selected (on/off)" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/240860
[10:43] <Richard_> When i shutdown the laptop i can see the orange bar of the splash going down, but it won't finnish, it goes to 80-90% and then the pc goes to a blank state(black) with a blinkin' cursor on top left, so i have to press the power button myself to shut it down, could i have damaged any file of the system or left temporary files(as the splash doesnt go to 0% unloading) by pressing the button?
[10:43] <Richard_> What can cause this? any proccess still running?
[12:12] <xteejx> Hi guys how do I grab a full X logfrom apport without X actually working? I though apport-cli -f --package xorg would have worked?
[12:17] <xteejx> dont worry ubuntu-bug xorg worked :)
[15:26] <xteejx> Hi guys, is someone willing and able to get a backtrace for me in gnome-sound-recorder for bug 295628 please. I reverted to Hardy after some other problems of my own and cannot grab it, I don't know how to chroot. Would appreciate it :)
[15:26] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 295628 in gnome-media "[intrepid] gnome-sound-recorder crashes while recording from capture source" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/295628
[15:29] <arno_b> xteejx: which commands did you use to get the crash?
[15:58] <xteejx2> Damn IRC
[15:58] <xteejx2> arno_b: I used gdb to grab a backtrace (or try)
[15:59] <arno_b> xteejx2: ok but which parameters did you use into gnome-sound-record?
[15:59] <arno_b> xteejx2: i can't get any crash :s
=== bureflux is now known as afflux
[17:10] <xteejx> arno_b: Are you still here?
[17:10] <xteejx> Got distracted, in Intrepid to reproduce:
[17:10] <arno_b> xteejx: yep ;)
[17:11] <xteejx> Just open sound rec. click record, numbers count up really stupidly high, click stop recording.....prog. halts
[17:11] <xteejx> Its not in Hardy only intrepid
[17:11] <xteejx> I know there are duplicates but none have backtraces, I tried and failed lol
[17:20] <arno_b> xteejx: I have made a lot of test, but no crash happened: I tested every parameters of gstreamer for input, but nothing bad happened
[17:21] <arno_b> xteejx: it may depend of you configuration
[17:22] <arno_b> xteejx: and maybe it is because of virtualbox
=== chuck_ is now known as zul
[17:41] <xteejx2> Hey guys question for anyone
[17:41] <xteejx2> How would I get to the top bar in GNOME? Specifically the applications bar without a mouse using kb shortcuts?
[17:43] <xteejx2> Or better yet how would I navigate Ubuntu without a mouse at all, is there a shortcut to start an accessibility feature for this??
[17:46] <greg-g> xteejx2: <alt>+<F1>
[17:46] <xteejx2> The above is to help with bug 295983
[17:46] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 295983 in xserver-xorg-input-mouse "[intrepid] Serial mouse not detected when using USB adapter" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/295983
[17:46] <xteejx2> brilliant thanks greg-g :)
[17:47] <greg-g> no problem
[18:29] <angusthefuzz> xteejx2: the serial mouse bug you mentioned its a dupe of #9068 as mentioned on the mouse debugging procedures wiki page
[18:36] <xteejx2> How the hell did I miss that!?
[18:37] <xteejx2> Need a coffee I think..sorry :)
[18:49] <xteejx2> The guys serial mouse is going thru a USB adapter though it wont be assigned to ttys0/1 will it?
[18:52] <angusthefuzz> xteejx2: It uses /ttyUSB0 and acts as a serial port (i think)
[18:54] <angusthefuzz> xteejx2: the driver module is usb-serial
[18:59] <xteejx2> ok i'm slightly over my head now, i have no idea how the hell i'm gonna explain that to the guy he's new to ubuntu i don't want to frighten the poor sod lol
[19:00] <xteejx2> i cant even explain that to myself, partly because i don't fully understand it to be honest
[19:01] <xteejx2> its the driver module bit i don't get, i understand the device ttyusb0
[19:04] <xteejx2> angusthefuzz: How do I get him to enable that driver-module? apt-get or ?
[19:05] <angusthefuzz> xteejx2: modprobe usb-serial, although it probably should have been autodetected and loaded
[19:10] <xteejx2> angusthefuzz: Of course :) hehe
[19:17] <xteejx2> Is Ekiga part of the gnome applications?
[19:27] <xteejx2> Ermm I'll take that as a no :)
[20:59] <xteejx2> Hi guys, a problem with a USB printer : Do I ask the user for information on hal or the removabledevices section on the wiki, or both?
[21:02] <xteejx2> Don't worry I found DebuggingPrinter on the wiki - :)
=== geser_ is now known as geser
[22:19] <unenough> i've disabled tap-to-click but my touchpad still clicks
[22:19] <unenough> synaptic on toshiba a215
[22:19] <unenough> (intrepid)