UbuntuIRC / 2008 /11 /09 /#ubuntu-artwork.txt
Initial commit
[13:46] * thorwil reads _MMA_s Stepping down from Ubuntu Studio mail
[13:46] <_MMA_> yep
[13:47] <thorwil> _MMA_: the CAD job continuous?
[13:48] <_MMA_> Looks like it will be. I'll be designing on Autodesk's "Inventor".
[13:48] <thorwil> that's a bit like solidworks, right?
[13:49] <_MMA_> I'm unsure. I've never used Solidworks.
[13:50] <thorwil> parametric solid modeling with parts in assemblies, buidling a tree
[13:50] <_MMA_> Ahh... Then yes.
[13:51] <thorwil> had a love-hate relationship with that one. so incredibly powerful and clever, but some things that i thought should work didn't and it's a very windowsy application
[13:54] <_MMA_> Yeah. I'd love it to be a linux app. Some of the Autodesk stuff is. I think its mostly stuff they bought. This company lets me use linux where I can though. ie: I do some things that arent CAD. Like developing a manual. Im doing that all on Ubuntu.
[13:54] <thorwil> cool
=== aantn is now known as aantn|afk