UbuntuIRC / 2008 /11 /08 /#edubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[02:24] <Ahmuck> hi. if the server motherboard does not have sound, does the ltsp client that does have onboard sound produce sound ?
[03:02] <stgraber> Ahmuck: should be
[03:07] <Ahmuck> stgraber: thx. found the anser ealier in #ltsp
[03:36] <Ahmuck> my final question. i'd like to offer ubuntu, kubuntu and opengeu as desktops, perhaps xubuntu as well. these all have sepearate menus. in my testing after "sudo aptitude install kubuntu" i noticed kubuntu items with ubuntu items. is there a way to isolate menus
[03:36] <Ahmuck> well, next to final. i assume there is a way to "strip" out menu items that require super user access?
[03:52] <Ahmuck> i assume that i can do normal partitioning, (/, /home, /var, /tmp, /usr/local)?
[03:56] <HedgeMage> Ahmuck: they are only presented to people in the sudoers file anyway
[03:56] <Ahmuck> HedgeMage: thx u, thx u
[03:57] <Ahmuck> i was logging in as a sudoer and noticed the menu selection, have not got as far to test with a normal user
[03:58] <HedgeMage> np
[04:04] <Ahmuck> is the wiki a comprehensive manual?
[04:04] <Ahmuck> that is what i'm looking for now. reading on adding users, etc.
[04:19] <helpme> hi sorry if i wrong. i want to ask about ltsp 5. problem with old machine ACPI: DMI BIOS year==0, assuming ACPI-capable machine, somebody help?
[04:21] <Ahmuck> helpme: always just ask/state your question/problem
[04:31] <helpme> my problem how to set acpi off, in etherboot enviroment?
[04:46] <helpme> anybody using etherboot?
[04:48] <Ahmuck-Jr> can user and groups be managed via a thin terminal?
[04:55] <helpme> can
[04:59] <Ahmuck-Jr> under "System --> Administration --> Users and Groups" the "Add User" is grayed out. I'm confused
[06:05] <Ahmuck-Jr> www.adobe is causing a hard lockup of the client. requires a reboot.
[10:55] <Net_> Did you have a meeting on Wednesday?
[13:23] <mssmss> hi there
[13:25] <mssmss> I can't seem to get more than 2 thin clients boot at once on 8.04.01. looks like dhcp is crawling
[13:27] <mssmss> looks like other people had the same problem
[13:27] <mssmss> https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/edubuntu-devel/2008-September/002649.html
[13:27] <mssmss> but could not find any solution ...
[13:27] <mssmss> anyone know about this ?
[13:29] <mssmss> I can get multiple clients to work if I turn on one, wait until it is completely booted, then turn on the next one...
[13:29] <mssmss> logs show dhcp DISCOVER/OFFER messaged long after the client has booted, coming in at 15 s intervals
[13:31] <mssmss> anyone here ?
[13:47] <mssmss> anyone familiar with ltsp edubuntu 8.04.1 ?
[13:55] <nubae> familiar, yes, but your problem doesn't sound familiar
[13:58] <nubae> mssmss: do you have remote logging enabled?
[14:06] <mssmss> you mean for the log files ?
[14:06] <nubae> yes
[14:07] <mssmss> not sure .. did not touch a thing on the server .... standard installation 8.04.1 of Edubuntu with only network config done ...\
[14:08] <nubae> then it should be ok... did u try upgrading to the latest sets of packages
[14:08] <mssmss> other people have seen the same issues with dhcp ...link I posted above
[14:08] <nubae> enabling hardy-updates
[14:09] <mssmss> no.....don't have internet in the location yet .. installed from a CD ..am in India ...but the school is in a rural area with scant internet connectivity
[14:10] <nubae> hmmm, I would advise ordering the intrepid ibex CD
[14:10] <nubae> hardy is known to have some issues, and without updates, it could be anything...
[14:10] <mssmss> but does it not have a shorter support cycle ? also is it an upgrade from Hardy or should I do a completely new install ?
[14:12] <nubae> u can upgrade I believe... it does have a shorter support cycle, but if you cannot do upgrades from the internet, I dont think you have to worry about that ;-)
[14:12] <nubae> anyway intrepid is supported for 18 months
[14:14] <mssmss> :-)
[14:14] <mssmss> hopefully it's only a short term issue ...hoping to see some connectivity within the next six months
[14:41] <Ahmuck> good morning. i'm looking for "boot rom?". is anyone familiar with this method?
[14:41] <Ahmuck> i understand i can install a chip on the nic. does the chip have boot rom already on it or does one flash the nic to get the boot rom there?
[17:04] <sbalneav> Morning all
[18:29] <Ahmuck> good morning
[18:51] <sbalneav> Morning
[22:30] <Ahmuck> nubae: on a fat client setup does one need the same amount of memory on the server? processing power? or is that all offloaded to the client?
[22:35] <Ahmuck> i'm getting ready to ditch the server idea if i can offload to 1Ghz clients
[22:35] <Ahmuck> and make them fat clients. the 1Ghz clients will only cost me 50.00/machine