UbuntuIRC / 2008 /11 /07 /#xubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[00:24] <firsm> Why does intrepid convert my joystick into a mouse o.O?
[00:25] <cars__> Hello. Something seems to be wrong with my partition. I reinstalled xubuntu and used a separate partition for /home, but despite there being enough space (there should be 15GB available - 46GB volume, 30GB used), it only displays 2.6MB free. How can I go about finding this space, and figuring out if my partition is corrupt?
[01:29] <Spreadsheet> hi people
[01:29] <Spreadsheet> so im installing xubuntu
[01:29] <Spreadsheet> now i try to get a driver for b43
[01:29] <Spreadsheet> it said
[01:29] <Spreadsheet> >.<
[01:30] <Spreadsheet> please forgive me for my enter as a period
[01:30] <Spreadsheet> im sorry
[01:30] <Spreadsheet> it says that a file is being used by something else and it wont work
[01:41] <homebrewcider> hi, after an upgrade my display is all screwed up, now in the system>hardware drivers, it says a nvidia driver is "activated" but "not in use"
[02:14] <ball> hello aro
[02:15] <ezzieyguywuf> so i'm not exactly thrilled with the custom theme in xubuntu. can anyone offer some pretty alternatives?
[02:15] <ezzieyguywuf> i installed xubuntu-desktop from a clean ubuntu 8.10 install, b/c i wanted to see how much faster xubuntu would be
[02:16] <ezzieyguywuf> xubuntu is nice and fast, I jsut want to make it prettier. so, any suggestions?
[02:16] <ball> tinsel around your window
[02:16] <ball> s/window/monitor/
[02:17] <ezzieyguywuf> whats that?
[02:18] <ball> Have you tried the xfwm Themes?
[02:19] <ezzieyguywuf> i haven't found any that came with the stock install. where can i download some? and are you currently using any that are satisfying to you?
[02:19] <batcoder-7> hmm
[02:19] <batcoder-7> looks like imma have to install a windows partition
[02:20] <ezzieyguywuf> NOOOOOOoooooo not WINDOWS
[02:20] <batcoder-7> i need to use Photoshop
[02:20] <ezzieyguywuf> gimp?
[02:20] <ball> I arrived at Xubuntu via a similar route: added xubuntu-desktop to a stock Ubuntu install
[02:20] <batcoder-7> i am a fan of gimp
[02:20] <ball> ...it has themes
[02:20] <ball> the GIMP is a useful thing
[02:20] <batcoder-7> but gimp is no photoshop
[02:20] <ezzieyguywuf> ball: where do you config them from?
[02:21] <ezzieyguywuf> gimp is the shiznit. i've never used photoshop and am not an intensive user of either , though, so i can't speak too much
[02:21] <ezzieyguywuf> what is the gimp missing that you need?
[02:21] <batcoder-7> many many features
[02:21] <batcoder-7> photoshop's filters are top quality for one
[02:21] <ezzieyguywuf> ball: where do you edit the themes from?
[02:22] <ezzieyguywuf> batcoder: does photoshop run in wine? :-D
[02:22] <batcoder-7> not so much
[02:22] <ball> ezzieyguywuf: I don't edit them, I just chose one from a list. Give me a minute or two and I'll switch to my Xubuntu desktop
[02:22] <ball> brb
[02:22] <batcoder-7> i guess cs2 and cs3 can work
[02:22] <ezzieyguywuf> ball: aight
[02:22] <batcoder-7> but it gives major problems
[02:22] <batcoder-7> like 400 mb of ram use
[02:22] <ezzieyguywuf> lol, i guess with a name like 'batcoder' windows is kinda your thing right?
[02:23] <batcoder-7> i dont like windows much at all
[02:23] <ezzieyguywuf> oh
[02:23] <batcoder-7> but there is some really good software made for it
[02:23] <ezzieyguywuf> ah well, you do what you gotta
[02:23] <batcoder-7> i cna use alot of linux stuff in it
[02:23] <ezzieyguywuf> there is. actually what i love about linux over windows is the software. sure theres a hole here or there, but i can pretty much find anything i want.
[02:27] <ball> Okay, this is me in Xubuntu
[02:28] <ball> Applications -> Settings -> Settings Manager
[02:29] <ezzieyguywuf> settings... lets see
[02:30] <ezzieyguywuf> i see other then system
[02:30] <ezzieyguywuf> no settings...
[02:30] <ball> Double click on the Window Manager icon and then click on the Style tag
[02:30] <ball> Scroll down to Kokodi
[02:30] <ball> That's the Xfwm4 theme I'm using now
[02:30] <ezzieyguywuf> wait, i can't find settings in the applications list
[02:30] <ball> There are probably global Xfce themes too, but I haven't potched much with those.
[02:31] <ezzieyguywuf> AH ther eit is at the top! lol
[02:31] <ezzieyguywuf> so you llike the kokodi
[02:31] <ezzieyguywuf> hm. i dunno, just the look overall seems 'bigger' than in the gnome installation
[02:31] <ezzieyguywuf> ya know what i mean?
[02:32] <ezzieyguywuf> nvm, i found a way around this
[02:32] <ball> I find all modern window managers wasteful of screen realestate
[02:33] <ball> ...but that's because I've lived in Blackbox for years.
[02:33] <ezzieyguywuf> i see
[02:33] <ezzieyguywuf> so you like blakbox? what are its advantages?
[02:35] <ball> It's light, fast and efficient.
[02:36] <ezzieyguywuf> whats are its disadvantages (i'm kinda in the market for a new DE. i'm used to gnome though...)
[02:36] <ball> Blackbox isn't a desktop, it's just a window manager.
[02:37] <ezzieyguywuf> ah yes good point. as is xfce
[02:37] <ezzieyguywuf> correct?
[02:37] <ball> No, Xfce is a desktop
[02:37] <ezzieyguywuf> i get a little confused sometimes
[02:37] <ball> Xfwm is Xfce's window manager
[02:37] <ezzieyguywuf> yea, xfwm
[02:37] <ezzieyguywuf> so what DE do you use blakbox in then
[02:37] <ball> None.
[02:38] <ezzieyguywuf> so what does that mean, if your not running a DE. what does the DE do for me?
[02:39] <ball> In simple, practical terms it gives you a desktop that you can launch programs or documents from, drag files around and do the other things that people are used to in a modern graphical environment
[02:40] <ezzieyguywuf> so since you're only using the window manager, you don't do those things?
[02:40] <ball> the window manager mostly puts a frame around each window, lets you move them around, iconify/minimise them and so on.
[02:40] <ezzieyguywuf> and thats all you want/need?
[02:41] <ball> ezzieyguywuf: usually, yes.
[02:41] <ezzieyguywuf> i see
[02:41] <ezzieyguywuf> well i guess i need more than that :-D lol
[02:41] <ball> Yes, most people would.
[02:42] <ball> Unless you're a hardcore unix geek, you probably want a desktop of some kind. Xfce seems quite nice.
[02:42] <ezzieyguywuf> yea its not bad
[02:42] <ezzieyguywuf> i guess i'm used to gnome though, so it may not 'stick'
[02:43] <ball> It's worth pointing out that you can use Xfwm without Xfce, if you're similarly an old fart.
[02:43] <ezzieyguywuf> yea
[02:43] <ezzieyguywuf> i'm not, i'm only 20 :-D
[02:43] <ball> ok
[02:44] <ezzieyguywuf> thanks for al lyour help!
[02:44] <ezzieyguywuf> i think i'll log back into gnome
[02:44] <ball> okay.
[02:45] <ball> Gnome uses a window manager too. It used to be Enlightenment I think, but I've no idea what they use now.
[02:45] <ezzieyguywuf> it changed to sawfish for a while
[02:45] <ezzieyguywuf> and now they use metacity
[02:45] <ball> Ah okay.
[02:45] <ezzieyguywuf> really i went and tried xfwm/xfce b/c i wanted more focus options, but xfwm seems to have less than even metacity
[02:46] <ezzieyguywuf> kwm seems to have all the options i have, but it isn't compatible with gnome as far as i have learned
[02:46] <ball> focus options?
[02:46] <ezzieyguywuf> yea
[02:46] <ball> I have focus-follows-mouse
[02:46] <ezzieyguywuf> i like to click to focus but not raise
[02:47] <ezzieyguywuf> which both xfwm and metacity have
[02:47] <ezzieyguywuf> but kwm allows you to assign a right-click to raise your window, so you don't have to go searching for the title bar
[02:47] <ball> That's strange.
[02:47] <ezzieyguywuf> you don't like that? i do :-)
[02:49] <ball> ezzieyguywuf: That's never been an issue for me.
[02:50] <ezzieyguywuf> ah
[02:50] <ezzieyguywuf> to each his own i guess
[02:50] <ezzieyguywuf> anywho, i'll be loging back into gnome then installing kde-desktop to try that out. thanks for your help though
[02:50] <ball> Blackbox has a little thing that lets you flick through windows.
[02:50] <dcolish> personally, i'm a mouse follows + follow raise after timeout
[02:50] <dcolish> also you can have a click on desktop to show window list
[02:50] <ezzieyguywuf> i think i'm used to clicking to raise and then moving the mouse off screen, so i always lose focus when i have focus-follos-mouse
[02:51] <ball> dcolish: I'm focus follows, click to raise
[02:52] <dcolish> ball, I used to use click to raise, focus follows, but i wanted to cut down on my repetitive clicks
[02:52] <dcolish> it took a lot of getting used to, but now i cant live without
[02:53] <ball> I generally position my windows so that I don't have to raise that often... not that clicking is much of a chore for me ;-)
[02:53] <dcolish> yeah i had carpal tunnel issues
[02:53] <ball> hello djohngo
[02:54] <ball> dcolish: ouch.
[02:54] <djohngo> hi ball!
[02:54] * ball tries to remember how to get his VNC viewer out of full screen mode
[02:54] <dcolish> ball, but i love that linux is flexible enough to allow all these styles of ui customization out of the box
[02:55] <ball> dcolish: well, X11 is... it's not really Linux-specific
[02:56] <dcolish> ball, very true, cant forget about bsd or solaris or any of those other guys
[02:58] * ball nods
[02:58] <ball> and even the non-unix X11 platforms
[03:01] <dcolish> hmm beos?
[03:02] <ball> I've not used that, but I've used X on OpenVMS and I know there was at least one X server for DOS
[03:02] <ball> ...think there's one on Netware too.
[03:03] <ball> Windows probably too.
[03:03] <dcolish> wow, its pretty prolific.
[03:03] <ball> TOS and Amiga if you want to get really obscure.
[03:05] <ball> Perhaps MiNT rather than TOS, it's been years.
=== anon is now known as bloodboy
[03:05] <ball> I don't remember seeing X11 on Oberon, but it's possible someone ported it there.
[03:06] <dcolish> its been on a lot of stuff, i'm just checking out the wiki article now http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X_Window_System
[03:07] <ball> hello Sajuta
[03:08] <Sajuta> Hello. Just checking back in. I was having a hard time installing xubuntu on another computer of mine.
[03:09] <Sajuta> It took me... I think five tries to get it. I had given it up as a bad job until my mother turned it on and came to tell me it gave her an error message.
[03:10] <dcolish> Hey Sajuta did you try out dsl or any other distro see if its hardware or not?
[03:10] <ball> hello dsmith_
[03:10] <Sajuta> I had burnt it, was going to try... tomorrow. I had given up for the day. ;P
[03:11] <Sajuta> My mom turned on the computer and it threw an error, so I had to get back on it.
[03:11] <Sajuta> Apparently because it had only gotten part way through the installation, grub wasn't there and it didn't know what the heck to do to boot.
[03:11] <Sajuta> >_<
[03:11] <dcolish> Yeah, oh you can still boot it if you have a grub boot disk
[03:11] <wormsxulla> hello. i have a removable usb hard-disk drive and i'd like to list the partition i've set up on it to check the available space. could anyone help me with the command, please?
[03:12] <Sajuta> I crossed my fingers and tried again, and this time, thankfully, it went. I had booted into the liveCD and installed from there. Ahhhh... see, I didn't even think about getting a grub disk.
[03:12] <ball> wormsxulla: does it appear on your desktop when you plug it in?
[03:13] <wormsxulla> ball: yes, but only the ntfs partition appears, and i do remember making also at least one other partition
[03:13] <dcolish> Sajuta, so can you boot into a console at least?
[03:13] <dcolish> wormsxulla, sudo fdisk -l
[03:13] <wormsxulla> ah, thanks :)
[03:14] <Sajuta> dcolish: Oh, it actually -installed- this time. Something like my fifth try at it. I have no idea why it worked this time.
[03:14] <Sajuta> So, everything's in working order, magically. =P
[03:14] <dcolish> Sajuta, could have been bad partitioning, but thats great to hear you stuck with it
[03:15] <Sajuta> ^_^ I had to. I felt so badly for that poor computer. Has just minimum specs to be running XP, and my mother drives that thing like a workhorse when she actually uses it.
[03:15] <dcolish> So how is its performance now?
[03:15] <Sajuta> Hopefully with all the lighter apps it'll run a bit better for her.
[03:16] <Sajuta> Uh, well, she wanted me to boot to Windows. I have to convince her that it'll actually do -good- to use Xubuntu. She got a little familiar when I let her use my PC with Ubuntu for a while, so it can't be too hard... I hope.
[03:19] <wormsxulla> http://pastebin.mozilla.org/570269 so that means the total disk space is 20 Gb and there are two partitions, but it doesn't tell their respective size?
[03:19] <wormsxulla> it's in french, sorry for that
[03:21] <dcolish> wormsxulla, df -h
[03:21] <wormsxulla> df stands for disk... ffffff.....?
[03:22] <dcolish> wormsxulla, no looks at the man pages for df
[03:22] <ball> disk free
[03:22] <wormsxulla> :)
[03:22] <dcolish> Sajuta, did your mom use that system for office type stuff? If so have her try open office... if you haven't already
[03:23] <Sajuta> I had her running OO.o in Windows too. ^_^
[03:23] <dcolish> oh sweet, she should be right at home, except it will crash less :)
[03:24] <ball> Hmm... I can't seem to copy and paste text
[03:24] <Sajuta> ball: Trying to paste to terminal? Shift+Ctrl+V.
[03:25] <Sajuta> Maybe... er... it works in Gnome terminal. :X
[03:26] <ball> Trying to copy from xterm and paste the url into Firefox
[03:26] <Sajuta> Shift+ctrl+C?
[03:26] <Sajuta> There's always using the menus. ;P
[03:27] <dcolish> bah menus are lame, middle click into the blank field with the text you want to copy select
[03:28] <wormsxulla> http://pastebin.mozilla.org/570275 hmmm, so if the disk is 20Gb and /dev/sdc5 is the ntfs partition, and is 14Gb, what is /dev/sda1 and aren't some Gb missing?
[03:28] * wormsxulla is confused
[03:29] <Sajuta> The wheel! I forgot about that.
[03:29] <dcolish> Sajuta, yeah thats that ticket, best thing ever
[03:30] <dcolish> wormsxulla, sda1 is your root disk
[03:30] <dcolish> you can see its mounted at /
[03:31] <wormsxulla> my root disk?
[03:31] <ball> Sajuta: there are no menus
[03:32] <ball> I must be doing this wrong.
[03:32] <dcolish> well technically /root is your root folder, but in this case all your system files are under /
[03:33] <wormsxulla> dcolish: err... you mean the root folder of the machine then? (the 4Gb of the eee pc i'm on)
[03:33] <dcolish> wormsxulla, yup
[03:34] <wormsxulla> so ok... on the usb disk drive, i see /dev/sdc5 which is 14Gb, but the total disk is 20Gb, so the other partition (still missing in the list) is 5Gb?
[03:34] <wormsxulla> :) i'm very silly with partitions, true
[03:34] <wormsxulla> s/5Gb/6Gb or so
[03:36] <dcolish> you have free space
[03:36] <dcolish> its a bit odd that you have two partitions overlapping also: /dev/sdc1 /dev/sdc5
[03:37] <wormsxulla> but it's not seen by xubuntu? i thought i had kept 5Gb or so for saving linux files on that disk
[03:37] <wormsxulla> dcolish: yeah, i noticed that too, i'm confused :-(
[03:37] <dcolish> maybe you did, but you actually need to create that partition and make it into a file system compatible with linux, which is pretty much all of them
[03:38] <ball> warning: overlapping partitions may cause cows to fall from the sky.
[03:38] <wormsxulla> i made the partition under windows, that might be the reason?
[03:38] <wormsxulla> ball :)
[03:38] <dcolish> well its not ideal... do you have any data on that drive?
[03:39] <wormsxulla> yes, on the ntfs one
[03:39] <homebrewcider> under system>hardware drivers, it says a nvidia driver is activated but not in use, how do I get it "in use" please?
[03:39] <wormsxulla> /dev/sdc5 14G 11G 2,9G 79% /media/RemovHDD
[03:39] <wormsxulla> 11 Gb of data
[03:41] <dcolish> hey wormsxulla try using parted instead. might be easier for you
[03:41] <wormsxulla> man parted ? :)
[03:41] <dcolish> yup, there is good documentation on partitioning online as well
[03:42] <dcolish> if you're new to this, back up that data on that drive
[03:42] <wormsxulla> i wish i could, unfortunately, my main pc (under windows) is still dead
[03:43] <dcolish> ok, well this is a good tutorial: http://www.faqs.org/docs/Linux-mini/Partition.html
[03:43] <wormsxulla> thanks :)
[03:44] <dcolish> if you want to double check a command, ask us here before running. Remember if you mess up the partitions on the drive, recovery is difficult, if not impossible
[03:47] <wormsxulla> i'm not touching *anything* without asking first :)
[03:47] <ball> stupid migraine
[03:47] <wormsxulla> ball: +1
[04:18] <qile> 测试
[04:25] <qile> 有中国人没
[04:26] <qile> byby
[05:07] <newbie2356> hello?
[05:08] <newbie2356> is anyone here willing to help me?
[05:09] <newbie2356> no? dang
[05:10] <wormsxulla> newbie2356: people help on precise questions, usually
[05:11] <newbie2356> yer so, do youy want to hear my question?
[05:11] <wormsxulla> moi? not particularly :p but maybe others would
[05:11] <newbie2356> well i'll go ahead and ask it and hopefully someone will answer
[05:11] <wormsxulla> newbie2356: you know, people do not require to help people
[05:12] <newbie2356> ok: basically, I need to create a folder in xubuntu, but can't. I have tried that gksudo nautilus thing but it didnt help
[05:13] <newbie2356> hi
[05:13] <qile> hi
[05:14] <newbie2356> do you know how to set xubuntu to be able to create new folders
[05:14] <newbie2356> ?
[05:14] <qile> 中文 谁知道怎么播放rmvb 电影
[05:17] <wormsxulla> newbie2356: don't you have a "file / create new folder" menu in nautilus?
[05:17] <wormsxulla> (also, i thought the file manager in xubuntu was thunar, not nautilus)
[05:17] <newbie2356> dunno.. hey wait a sec just what is nautilus anyway? is it the folder/file manager?
[05:18] <newbie2356> yer it is thunar
[05:18] <qile> exit
[05:18] <newbie2356> that must be why it didnt work (i'm new)
[05:18] <wormsxulla> so, in thunar menu: file / create a folder...
[05:18] <newbie2356> ?
[05:18] <wormsxulla> open thunar first, of course
[05:19] <newbie2356> i got the first part... ok its greyed out
[05:19] <newbie2356> and thats my problem
[05:19] <newbie2356> its greyed out so I cant use that option
[05:19] <newbie2356> i think i got it
[05:20] <newbie2356> i did it thanks for yer help
[05:20] <newbie2356> I replaced nautilus with thunar "gksudo thunar"
[05:21] <wormsxulla> yes, probably your username doesn't admin rights (although you should still be able to create folders in your home, i think)
[05:22] <wormsxulla> why do you need gksudo and not normal sudo, i don't know :p
[05:22] <newbie2356> i only have one account so it doesnt make much sense, oh well I figured it out.. cept it seems a bit inconvinient to have to go into the root account every time I want to make a new folder
[05:23] <newbie2356> i have no idea why i need gksudo...
[05:23] <wormsxulla> so you're typing commands just like that? that's *dangerous* (says she, as a newbie, too)
[05:24] <newbie2356> you wah? .. he sudo works too
[05:25] <wormsxulla> ah.. man gksudo says: gksu is a frontend to su and gksudo is a frontend to sudo.
[05:25] <newbie2356> ok, well I'm gonna go and try and configure thonar to let my normal user account to create and delete etc files/folders
[05:29] <batcoder-7> i think i mgiht check out fluxbuntu
[05:30] <newbie2356> anyway thanks for your help. I never would have thought of the replacing nautilus with thunar wihtout it.
[05:30] <newbie2356> mm fluxbuntu
[05:30] <newbie2356> whats that again? wait dont tell me I'll go get my magazine
[05:31] <wormsxulla> hmmm?
[05:33] <newbie2356> ok fluxbuntu, well no harm in trying it out
[05:34] <newbie2356> I have another question. I have no osund
[05:34] <newbie2356> sound*
[05:34] <newbie2356> I just have to install alsa so I can get it back
[05:35] <newbie2356> any tips for me?
[05:38] <wormsxulla> don't you have alsa yet?
[05:38] <wormsxulla> (you should, i think)
[05:39] <wormsxulla> hmmm
[05:39] <wormsxulla> maybe not
[05:40] <wormsxulla> wait, i had found a nice page about sound
[05:42] <newbie2356> no I don't have alsa yet
[05:43] <newbie2356> I'm trying to figure out how to install it
[05:43] <newbie2356> i ahve downloaded te things they want me to download am about to move it into a directory
[05:43] <newbie2356> I just made
[05:43] <newbie2356> just gotta let this darn thing load
[05:44] <newbie2356> wine was easy enough to install
[05:44] <wormsxulla> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingSoundProblems
[05:44] <newbie2356> ooh awesome link
[05:44] <wormsxulla> why don't you use synaptic to install stuff?
[05:44] <newbie2356> becasue I dont know what that is
[05:45] <newbie2356> I only started using linux yesterday
[05:45] <wormsxulla> applications / system / synaptic package manager (or something similar)
[05:46] <wormsxulla> this synaptic thingie checks every file in packages and the dependencies needed to make them work
[05:46] <newbie2356> ok so I don't have alsa installed
[05:46] <newbie2356> xfce4-mixer
[05:46] <newbie2356> instead
[05:46] <newbie2356> i think
[05:47] <wormsxulla> ok, so you have something which handles sound
[05:47] <newbie2356> yer thats there the synaptic package manager
[05:47] <newbie2356> yes I do
[05:47] <newbie2356> but no sound comes out when I put my headset in
[05:47] <newbie2356> I tried it with a game, with a movie and with some music
[05:48] <newbie2356> anyway, I can now create new folders without using the sudo thonar
[05:49] <newbie2356> so.. what OS are you using?
[05:50] <wormsxulla> xubuntu gutsy (7.10) on this machine
[05:50] <newbie2356> k, the synaptic manager wont load
[05:51] <newbie2356> I clicked it and it wont open... btw do you have a pcuser useros er OS>
[05:51] <newbie2356> ?
[05:51] <wormsxulla> sorry?
[05:53] <wormsxulla> newbie2356: synaptic didn't prompt you for the admin password?
[05:53] <newbie2356> nope
[05:53] <newbie2356> it simply does nothing
[05:53] <wormsxulla> hmm, i don't know then, it should
[05:53] <newbie2356> i could try restartin my system
[05:54] <wormsxulla> (are you sure your installation went alright?)
[05:54] <newbie2356> which installation?
[05:54] <newbie2356> of my OS?
[05:54] <wormsxulla> xubuntu
[05:54] <newbie2356> yer pretty sure
[05:54] <wormsxulla> ok
[05:54] <newbie2356> kubuntu errored but xubuntu was fine
[05:55] <newbie2356> besides xubuntu is much faster... now back to this problem
[05:56] <newbie2356> im gonna restart because i have been messing around with things
[05:56] <newbie2356> ill be back on in 10 mins or so so cya
[05:56] <wormsxulla> bye
[06:00] <newbie2356> hi it didnt work
[06:01] <newbie2356> ahaa! i do have alsa installed
[06:02] <newbie2356> its just not activated
[06:02] <wormsxulla> well, "activate" it and see if sound is back?
[06:03] <newbie2356> i cant its locked but wont unlock
[06:03] <newbie2356> i probably have to use some sort of command again
[06:03] <wormsxulla> where do you see that alsa is "not activated"?
[06:03] <newbie2356> ill click the help button
[06:05] <newbie2356> its supposed to promp me for my password
[06:05] <newbie2356> but it didnt
[06:05] <newbie2356> sigh, maybe i should reinstall it
[06:05] <wormsxulla> what, "its"?
[06:06] <newbie2356> the services settings
[06:06] <newbie2356> is supposed to prompt me for my password so that I can activate things
[06:06] <newbie2356> ill have a look on the firefox
[06:06] <wormsxulla> wormsxulla> where do you see that alsa is "not activated"? ?
[06:07] <newbie2356> under applications / system / services
[06:07] <newbie2356> it isnt ticked
[06:07] <newbie2356> and its greyed so i cant tick it
[06:08] <newbie2356> maybe I can use a command to unlock it
[06:09] <wormsxulla> wait
[06:09] * newbie2356 waits
[06:09] <wormsxulla> you *can* see what is activated or not in services, right?
[06:09] <newbie2356> yes
[06:09] <newbie2356> theyre ticked, but alsa isnt ticked
[06:10] <wormsxulla> so aumix is selected, but not alsa-utils?
[06:10] <newbie2356> yes
[06:10] <newbie2356> that is correct
[06:10] <newbie2356> brb maybe
[06:11] <wormsxulla> ok. that's because alsa-utils is not installed by default, i think. but then, you should have sound
[06:11] <wormsxulla> because i have the same on my machine, and i have sound
[06:11] <newbie2356> but it is there, so it must be installed
[06:11] <newbie2356> but thats not the point, I should be able to fiddle with the services
[06:12] <wormsxulla> i'm pretty sure you can, as you can see those which are activated... unless some cannot be touched, because it would break xubuntu, maybe
[06:12] <wormsxulla> but, i don't know
[06:14] <newbie2356> this makes no sense
[06:15] <newbie2356> I wish the installation of drivers and things were a bit more straight forward
[06:15] <newbie2356> I need to find the drivers
[06:16] <newbie2356> hey only the alsa utils are installed
[06:16] <newbie2356> I need to install the drivers as well... theres my problem i think
[06:21] <newbie2356> too many errors whenever i sue a command
[06:22] <newbie2356> from a website it just coems back with errors
[06:22] <wormsxulla> err, what?
[06:23] <newbie2356> i try to use a command which does stuff with directories but it just comes back with errors saying that directoiry does not exist
[06:23] <wormsxulla> i'm confused... you said "from a website"
[06:24] <newbie2356> well they have a little thing with code in it and you copy and paste it
[06:24] <wormsxulla> ?
[06:24] <newbie2356> the most confusing part about these guides is that they never start from the beginning
[06:24] <newbie2356> they start halfway though with programs already open
[06:24] <newbie2356> but dont tell you what programs to uyse
[06:25] <wormsxulla> what are you trying to do, actually?
[06:25] <newbie2356> im tryibng to install alsa
[06:25] <newbie2356> thats all
[06:26] <newbie2356> now software sources isnt working
[06:26] <newbie2356> what the hell
[06:26] <newbie2356> stuff oit i think im gonna reinstall xubuntu
[06:27] <newbie2356> ill be back on in about an hour or so.. thanks for your help
[07:35] <Tidirium_> now I have boot to the install process for xubuntu 8.10 - but it says there is a problem to detect the codename of the release..
[07:36] <Tidirium_> what I can do to fix the detection of the codename?
[07:40] <xxploit> question, anyone else have a problem where if you disable the bootsplash and use concurrent booting that all boot text is double on the screen?
[07:51] <soren> "concurrent booting"?
=== Ad0` is now known as Ad0
=== mino is now known as zubatac
[08:10] <coldhak> i sort of wanted to see how much the system could run at once, so i ran a whole bunch of applications at once, and now my desktop menus and icons don't show up
[08:11] <coldhak> i break something?
[08:11] <coldhak> i was running f-spot, firefox and WoW via wine
[08:13] <coldhak> ...somehow "allow xfce to manage your desktop" became unchecked
[08:14] <xxploit> soren: yes
[08:16] <soren> xxploit: Thanks, that's very helpful.
[08:17] <xxploit> ......?
[08:19] <xxploit> soren: o I took your question the wrong way, my bad. Concurrent booting as in changing init.d/rc from Concurrency=none to Concurrency=shell
[09:50] <newbie2356> wow yer still on
[09:50] <newbie2356> ooh 22 updates
[09:52] <anand> running xubuntu 8.10. crossover 7.01, MS office 2007. can't set the file associations. applications>other shortcunts dont work
[09:56] <anand> somebody, any body help
[09:59] <newbie2356> hey
[10:00] <newbie2356> I'm sorry but I cant help you as I am really new to ubuntu.. poh hey i gotta restart cya
[10:00] <anand> thanks anyway
[10:16] <coldhak> anand, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=819286 ?
[10:25] <coldhak> can't seem to find the file it stores it in. really should be here somewhere
[10:55] <samu> hi,
[10:55] <knome> lo
[10:58] <samu> I have just installed xubuntu 8.10 at the first HD in my computer. It is working fine, but it doesnt recognize neither the other HDs or the local network. What can I do? Someone can help me?
[10:59] <knome> samu, which filesystems does the other hds use?
[10:59] <coldhak> for the hds, you could probably manually mount them. they're probly named sda1/sda2/hda1/hda2 depending on type of connector
[11:00] <knome> samu, you can access network, right? are the other computers windows machines?
[11:02] <samu> the other hds are NTFS.
[11:02] <knome> !ntfs
[11:02] <ubottu> To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE
[11:02] <coldhak> nifty bot
[11:02] <samu> the other computers are both windows/ubuntu
[11:03] <samu> but now the windows is working on them
[11:04] <knome> samu, what output do you get if you issue "ping [ubuntu-machine-name]" on terminal?
[11:05] <knome> i have to go. i hope somebody can get you further with this. bye ->
[11:06] <samu> unknown host
[11:06] <samu> bye
[11:24] <newbie2356> hey
[11:24] <coldhak> hi, i presume you came here for something?
[11:26] <newbie2356> course
[11:26] <newbie2356> why wouldnt I have?
[11:27] <newbie2356> its a simple question
[11:27] <newbie2356> how do I add a package with synaptic package manager? I tried adding it, then I tried adding the fodler after extracting the bz2.tar.. thing
[11:27] <newbie2356> i downloaded alsa
[11:27] <newbie2356> the driver anyway
[11:28] <newbie2356> and now I want to add it but it doesnt want to
[11:28] <firsm> a tarball is not a debian package
[11:28] <firsm> alsa is included in ubuntu anyway
[11:28] <newbie2356> im using xubuntu
[11:28] <coldhak> a bz2.tar would be if you're compiling from source. synaptic doesn't do that.
[11:28] <newbie2356> yer but the drivers arent
[11:28] <newbie2356> well how do I compile from source?
[11:29] <firsm> read the readme that came with the tarball
[11:29] <newbie2356> ...
[11:30] <newbie2356> no help there. no readme
[11:30] <coldhak> perhaps it's inside the tarball
[11:30] <newbie2356> stupid linux now the desktop settings is broken
[11:31] <coldhak> ...how'd you manage that?
[11:31] <newbie2356> i have absolutely no idea what a tarball is
[11:31] <newbie2356> is it the tar.bz2?
[11:31] <coldhak> .bz2.tar = tarball
[11:31] <firsm> yes, and if you have no idea maybe you're better off using the alsa drivers shiped with ubuntu
[11:31] <newbie2356> because i extracted that and looked inside it. and thats what i mean by its not there
[11:31] <newbie2356> well thats the problem
[11:32] <newbie2356> I have no sound
[11:32] <newbie2356> and I cant live without sound
[11:32] <coldhak> ah, and that's the real problem.
[11:32] <newbie2356> hmm
[11:32] <firsm> yes, but I bet it's not because you're missing drivers
[11:32] <juanantonio> Hello. Can anyone send me the torrent to download 8.04? I prepared a ISO CD with 8.10, but maybe the PC where I want to install it does not support this version
[11:32] <firsm> this isn't like download the driver, double click it and there you go
[11:33] <newbie2356> double click what
[11:34] <newbie2356> juanantonio, try and reburn the 8.10 iso and test again
[11:34] <newbie2356> back to my question, double click what?
[11:34] <firsm> I said it's not like that.
[11:34] <newbie2356> I figured that out
[11:34] <juanantonio> No, no, thing is that I want to install it to a 500 MHz, and maybe I will need an older version
[11:34] <newbie2356> thats pretty slow you should try fluxbuntu
[11:35] <newbie2356> firsm, if its not like that. then what is it like?
[11:35] <juanantonio> Fluxbuntu? Never heard of it
[11:35] <newbie2356> its a really low end machine OS
[11:36] <firsm> it's just ubuntu with fluxbox
[11:36] <newbie2356> www.fluxbuntu.org
[11:36] <juanantonio> Ok, thank you for the link
[11:36] <newbie2356> its the fastest ubuntu available
[11:36] <firsm> newbie2356: dig into the problem and see why it isn't working, maybe the channels are just muted or the modules were loaded with wrong parameters
[11:37] <newbie2356> firsm: i turned the volume up to max, and made sure everything was activated
[11:37] <firsm> newbie2356: if you can turn the volume up, then the drivers have been loaded anyway
[11:37] <newbie2356> so why dont I have sound then?
[11:37] <newbie2356> I think its the alsa service
[11:37] <newbie2356> its deactivated
[11:38] <firsm> nah, then you'd have no volume controls.
[11:38] <newbie2356> should i turn the aumix service off when I activate the alsa util one?
[11:38] <firsm> paste the output of amixer to some pastebin
[11:38] <firsm> then I wiill require less crystal ball skills
[11:38] <newbie2356> how do I do that?
[11:39] <firsm> open a terminal, type amixer and paste it to some pastebin
[11:39] <newbie2356> er pastebin?
[11:39] <coldhak> http://www.pastebin.com/
[11:39] <firsm> http://dpaste.com/
[11:40] <newbie2356> http://pastebin.com/mbd0ae8c
[11:41] <newbie2356> is that what you wanted me to do?
[11:41] <firsm> indeed
[11:42] <newbie2356> ignore the fact that volume is turned off, I just turned it up.
[11:43] <firsm> even the master?
[11:43] <newbie2356> everything is up
[11:43] <newbie2356> uim gonna test it
[11:44] <firsm> if in doubt, use alsamixer from the terminal
[11:44] <newbie2356> oh hey thats new
[11:44] <newbie2356> the alsa volume mixer symbol appeared in the top right corner
[11:45] <newbie2356> wait no its not
[11:45] <newbie2356> its just the media player (im such a noob at this)
[11:45] <newbie2356> hey sounds back
[11:45] <newbie2356> yay
[11:45] <newbie2356> now to test something else
[11:47] <newbie2356> Ahaa! i am a genius... well not really but still
[11:47] <coldhak> accidental fixes++
[11:47] <newbie2356> deactivating the aumix service and activating the alsa one fixed my problem.. I jsut reactivated aumix and sound went again
[11:48] <newbie2356> thanks for yer help
[11:49] <newbie2356> im gonna go celebrate
[11:55] <newbie2356> alright cya all ill be back tomorrow with more problems
[12:56] <iMax> anyone experienced issues with the latest compiz update?
[12:58] <iMax> my panel freezes and I do not see any apps in the taskbar
[12:58] <iMax> menus work fine though, just now "redraws"
[12:58] <iMax> no
[13:03] <Indoctrine> I want to disable my touchpad... how?
[15:32] <gourdcaptain> I'm having a problem with unmounting drives. If I unmount it, then remove it, it reappears on the desktop, thunar, and open/save dialogues as a broken link. I can remove these by waiting for them to show up after unmounting the drive and unmounting them too, but I shouldn't have to do that.
[15:34] <vidd> gourdcaptain, have you ruled out the "save session" as a possible cause?
[15:34] <gourdcaptain> vidd: I never check that.
[15:34] <vidd> so...then "yes...you have ruled that out"
[15:34] <gourdcaptain> I have once (by accident), but unchecking that should keep it from doing it in the future, right?
[15:35] <vidd> no
[15:35] <gourdcaptain> vidd: Sorry. SHould have phrased that better.
[15:35] <vidd> you should remove that stored session
[15:35] <gourdcaptain> vidd: How?
[15:35] <vidd> it is saved somewhere in your home directory (not exactly sure where)
[15:37] <vidd> also, you want to make sure those mount points are not listed in your fstab
[15:39] <gourdcaptain> Removed session files from a location found in a google search.
[15:39] * gourdcaptain is waiting for a download to finish, and then will restart xfce.
[15:40] <vidd> gourdcaptain, if this dont fix you up....im out of ideas =\
[15:40] <gourdcaptain> Thanks, though. I started having the problems when I upgraded to Intrepid Ibex.
[15:40] * gourdcaptain just checked fstab. Only my hard drive and my cd-rom drives listed.
[15:41] <vidd> ive had issues myself on a few systems.....
[15:41] <vidd> \i have to do a data back-up on one then do a fresh install
[15:41] * gourdcaptain is going to quit. Will rejoin if need more help. Thanks.
[15:43] <fauli> hi everybodeeey :D
[15:45] <vidd> hello fauli
[15:46] <fauli> hey vidd, sup mate :D
[15:46] <vidd> not much
[15:46] <fauli> :D
[15:46] <vidd> need some help? or you here to dish out the extra helpings?
[15:46] <vidd> =]
[15:46] <fauli> :D i'm always the one to need :)
[15:47] <fauli> atm i'm trying to turn off my notebook's touchpad
[15:47] <fauli> but failing hard as usual
[15:47] <vidd> one sec....i just saw a good howto about that....
=== fauli is now known as FauLi
[15:48] <FauLi> if its about this xorg.conf - thingie, the part about the touchpad is mysteriously missing :D
[15:49] <vidd> FauLi, all that stuff is handled by HAL now...not xorg
[15:49] <FauLi> :D wat
[15:49] <FauLi> i googled the touchpadstuff and everybody was like, yeah xorg etc
[15:50] <vidd> if you enter it into xorg, it SHOULD over-ride HAL
[15:51] <vidd> FauLi, try this command: synclient TouchpadOff=1
[15:51] <FauLi> how to enter it into xorg? pasting in xorg.conf?
[15:51] <vidd> FauLi, dont touch xorg yet
[15:51] <vidd> did that command disable the touchpad for you?
[15:52] <FauLi> just enter it in console?
[15:52] <vidd> yes
[15:52] <FauLi> Can't access shared memory area. SHMConfig disabled?
[15:52] <vidd> ok....
[15:53] <gourdcaptain> Well, that didn't help.
[15:53] <vidd> so you need to edit your xorg.conf file....
[15:53] <FauLi> :D okay, tell me what to do
[15:54] <vidd> FauLi, add this to your xorg.con: http://pastebin.com/m57b8bf6e
[15:55] <vidd> FauLi, then restart X and try to enter that command again
[15:55] <FauLi> how to restart x? :)
[15:56] <vidd> to restart X : [ctrl]+[alt]+[BKSPC]
[15:57] <vidd> or sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart
[15:57] <FauLi> oki :D i cant access my xorg.conf i guess
[15:58] <FauLi> root only ^^
[15:58] <vidd> FauLi, sudo mousepad /etc/X11/xorg
[15:58] <vidd> FauLi, sudo mousepad /etc/X11/xorg.conf
[15:58] <FauLi> ah :) ty
[15:58] <vidd> sudo is your gateway to root =]
[15:59] <vidd> gksu works as well
[15:59] <vidd> brb
[16:03] <fauli> still same :(
[16:04] <fauli> Can't access shared memory area. SHMConfig disabled?
[16:06] <fauli> brb
[16:19] <vidd> sorry fauli
[16:20] <fauli> np :)
[16:22] <jurtti> hi. I'll promise that I will write down the proper command for this at this time, but: how do you start the upgrade from 8.04 to 8.10?
[16:23] <vidd> jurtti, update-manager -d
[16:24] <vidd> fauli, check out http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=6119304
[16:24] <jurtti> ok, thaks! ;D
[16:27] <fauli> thx
[17:20] <nunu> hey all, my friend reports to me that someone is controlling his desktop (like vnc ) but I'm damn sure that I diabled the remote desktop somewhere in the settings :/ what could be wrong? the system ist up to date
[17:22] <vidd> nunu, have him fista nd formost....disconnect the system from the internet....and then change his user password
[17:23] <vidd> also, regenerate his ssh key, re-disable root login, and possibly install rkhunter (sudo apt-get install rkhunter)
[17:25] <nunu> nunu, have him fista nd formost <- didn't quite get that
[17:27] <nunu> what means fist and formost?
[17:27] <vidd> *first & foremost* [do this before anything else]
[17:28] <nunu> ah ok
[17:28] <nunu> ok thx then I'll try that =)
[17:28] * vidd needs to replace his keyboad....spilled coffe and keyboards don't mix!
[17:29] * charlie-tca nods at vidd :-)
[17:29] <charlie-tca> I was wondering about fista nd formost, too
[17:30] <vidd> the "r" and "e" keys are sticky =\
[17:31] <charlie-tca> Makes sense now; next time leave out the sugar
[17:31] <vidd> heh....the coffee is the suga delivery system
[17:32] <vidd> XD
[17:32] <charlie-tca> Yea, but no sugar is not sticky ;)
[17:32] <vidd> then i might just as well dring water
[17:33] <charlie-tca> OH! I drink for the caffeine...
[17:33] * vidd gets his caffeine from a IV drip
[17:33] <charlie-tca> Probably works better than drinking, too
[18:34] <jannott> Wee! Upgrade complete (Y)
[18:35] <charlie-tca> :-)
[18:39] <jannott> !seahorse
[18:39] <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about seahorse
[18:48] <jannott> What? Synaptic uses only one core? :(
[18:57] <vidd> jannott, what do you mean?
[19:00] <jannott> When i hanged up/crashed the synaptic accidentally, only one core out of two were used 100%. :D
[19:02] <jannott> Uh. Firefox looks so ugly after a upgrade. How can i get the old look back?
[19:04] <prohna> hello
[19:05] <prohna> anyone around?
[19:05] <vidd> !hello
[19:05] <ubottu> Hi! Welcome to #xubuntu!
[19:05] <vidd> !ask
[19:05] <ubottu> Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)
[19:05] <prohna> im trying to change the colors of windows and xfce panel
[19:05] <prohna> when i install a theme the most i can get is that the title bar changes
[19:06] <prohna> installing any gtk themes does nothing
[19:19] <jannott> Nice. Got kernel panic :)
[19:25] <jannott> Hmm. 2.6.27-7 kernel entry is missing initrd part. :O Time for a another restart
[19:31] <jannott> New kernel is working. It looks like i'm missing some gnome library or something.
[19:51] <ciapsadm> Hi
[19:52] <jannott> !hello
[19:52] <ubottu> Hi! Welcome to #xubuntu!
[19:52] <jannott> :D
[20:24] <deus_> update-manager says i got to little space to do an dist-upgrade
[20:24] <deus_> but i got plenty
[21:11] <Grey_Loki> deus_, how much is 'plenty'?
[21:15] <coldhak> a df -h should tell
[21:15] <coldhak> "plenty"?
[21:27] <spowney> hey guys, is there a way to make the panel not automatically on top?
[21:31] <TeXnicer> spowney, hm, like bottom?
[21:34] <spowney> yeh sorry was reading some guide, basically I want it on the most backwards layer
[21:34] <spowney> just read this from a panel guide but i cant find these options
[21:34] <spowney> Position
[21:34] <spowney> Layer
[21:34] <spowney> The panel layer determines its behaviour relative to other windows. The panel can be always below or above other windows or act the same as other windows. By default the panel will be on top.
[21:37] <spowney> also wondering how to change right click on the window border so it minimizes
[21:40] <Spreadsheet> hello
[21:41] <Spreadsheet> how would i change the default shell i use?
[21:43] <spowney> spreadsheep: type unname -a or -r into a terminal a for all info r for kernel
[21:43] <spowney> ***spreadsheet
[21:44] <spowney> sorry unbelievable amount of spelling errors in that, sorry tiny eepc keyboard
[21:44] <Spreadsheet> k
[21:44] <spowney> the command is uname -a
[21:45] <Spreadsheet> ok i did that
[21:45] <spowney> sound
[21:45] <Spreadsheet> ?
[21:45] <Spreadsheet> sound?
[21:50] <Spreadsheet> hello? spowney ?
[21:51] <spowney> hey sorry reading guides tryin to sort some problems out
[21:51] <spowney> its slang for everything being good
[21:51] <spowney> sorry
[21:52] <Spreadsheet> k
[21:52] <Spreadsheet> so how would i change my default shell?
[21:53] <spowney> what are you wanting to change? as far as I know the best way to safely replace a kernel is to install it with aptitude
[21:53] <spowney> or a deb package
[21:53] <Spreadsheet> what?
[21:53] <spowney> but im really only a noob
[21:53] <spowney> apt-get
[21:53] <Spreadsheet> i do not want to replace a kernel!
[21:53] <spowney> window manager?
[21:53] <Spreadsheet> i want to have zsh as default instead of bash
[21:54] <spowney> ah lol
[21:54] <spowney> sorry as I said just a noob
[21:54] <Spreadsheet> ok
[21:54] <spowney> no idea sorry
[21:54] <Spreadsheet> :)
[21:54] <knome> !shell
[21:54] <ubottu> The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal
[21:54] <knome> !bash
[21:55] <Spreadsheet> knome: thats for gnome and kde though...
[21:56] <knome> Spreadsheet, sure. i was just browsing the factoids if they would have had some useful info.
[21:56] <knome> Spreadsheet, i suppose you have installed zsh already?
[21:56] <Spreadsheet> ok
[21:56] <Spreadsheet> yes
[22:13] <spowney> where is the xfce4 panel config directory?
[22:16] <Odd-rationale> Spreadsheet: you can change you shell two ways. first as user "chsh -s /bin/zsh spreadsheet" second as root "sudo usermod -s /bin/zsh spreadsheet"
[22:16] <Odd-rationale> which ever you perfer
[22:19] <Spreadsheet> k
[22:19] <Spreadsheet> Odd-rationale: hi there :)
[22:19] <Spreadsheet> you're from ##Club
[22:20] <Odd-rationale> no, i'm from the internet
[22:21] <Spreadsheet> k...
[22:29] <Spreadsheet> hi again
[22:29] <Spreadsheet> how do i install a theme?
[22:29] <Spreadsheet> >.<
[22:29] <knome> !themes
[22:29] <ubottu> Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy
[22:29] <Spreadsheet> < such a noob
[22:29] <Spreadsheet> ok
[22:29] <knome> !changethemes
[22:29] <ubottu> Themes for Xfce4 are simply GTK2+ themes which means Gnome themes are also compatible with your xfce4 desktop. To install themes, unpack it in ~/.themes/ To install icons, unpack them to ~/.icons/ - Visit http://www.xfce-look.org/ for all kinds of eyecandy for your Xfce4 desktop! - See also !themes for other GNOME theme sites
[22:30] <Spreadsheet> k
[22:30] <knome> np. great you're enjoying xubuntu.
[22:31] <Spreadsheet> i do not have the hidden file .themes!
[22:31] <Spreadsheet> :O
[22:31] <Odd-rationale> Spreadsheet: make it ! :P
[22:31] <Spreadsheet> k
[22:31] <Odd-rationale> it is a dir, btw
[22:31] <Odd-rationale> not a file
[22:31] <Spreadsheet> i know, im not a noob
[22:33] <Spreadsheet> hmm so i got this one theme
[22:33] <Spreadsheet> it has two directories
[22:33] <Spreadsheet> in the tgz
[22:34] <Spreadsheet> axe and axe rounded
[22:34] <Spreadsheet> axe is the name of the theme
[22:34] <knome> they are two separate themes
[22:34] <Spreadsheet> k
[22:34] <knome> you can copy them both to the .themes -dir
[22:34] <Spreadsheet> ok
[22:35] <Spreadsheet> now how do i change it?
[22:35] <Spreadsheet> the theme
[22:36] <knome> see the message earlier :)
[22:36] <Spreadsheet> k
[22:36] <Spreadsheet> yeah i have unpacked it to .themes
[22:36] <Odd-rationale> applications --> settings --> settings manager --> unser interface
[22:36] <knome> Odd-rationale, unser?)
[22:36] <Spreadsheet> its not there
[22:37] <Spreadsheet> user interface
[22:37] <Odd-rationale> user*
[22:37] <Odd-rationale> umm... i forgot then...
[22:37] <Spreadsheet> k
[22:37] <Odd-rationale> but it is in the settings manager somewhere... :P
[22:37] <Spreadsheet> k
[22:38] <knome> should be where Odd-rationale pointed
[22:38] <Spreadsheet> strange
[22:38] <Odd-rationale> knome: it is user interface?
[22:38] <knome> Odd-rationale, yes.
[22:39] <Odd-rationale> k. i guess i did remember. :)
[22:40] <knome> Spreadsheet, two shirts with ties?
[22:40] <Spreadsheet> yes
[22:40] <knome> found it?
[22:41] <Odd-rationale> Spreadsheet: you found userinterface, but the theme is still not listed?
[22:41] <Spreadsheet> no...
[22:41] <Spreadsheet> im not sure if its a vaild theme even
[22:41] <Spreadsheet> but its popular
[22:41] <knome> where did you get it?
[22:42] <Spreadsheet> its axe on xfce-look
[22:42] <Odd-rationale> Spreadsheet: can you pastebin "ls -lR ~/.themes" ?
[22:42] <Spreadsheet> k
[22:42] <Odd-rationale> Spreadsheet: oh wait... it is a xfwm theme?
[22:43] <Spreadsheet> i think
[22:43] <Spreadsheet> yes
[22:43] <Spreadsheet> oh
[22:44] <Spreadsheet> so now you're gonna say: then do something else
[22:44] <Spreadsheet> hehe
[22:45] <Odd-rationale> well, i've heard of this issue before, it is in the xfce forums. but a fix was not mentioned... basically it was a problem with install xfwm4 themes...
[22:45] <charlie-tca> Is it under window manager?
[22:45] <Spreadsheet> hmm?
[22:46] <Spreadsheet> wait whoa
[22:46] <Spreadsheet> nvm then
[22:46] <Spreadsheet> the Default theme is good
[22:46] <Spreadsheet> the one ive been looking for all along
[22:54] <alessiofachechi> Hi!! On my xfce there are seconds in that my keyboard and touchpad don't function..For example when I write a word, one or two letters are not inputted!!
[22:54] <alessiofachechi> Does anybody help me?
[22:54] <TheSheep> alessiofachechi: any errors in dmesg?
[22:55] <alessiofachechi> one second :)
[22:55] <TheSheep> open a terminal, type 'dmesg | less' and look for somehting suspicious
[22:58] <alessiofachechi> TheSheep, i as searching
[22:58] <alessiofachechi> http://rafb.net/p/DbMxVO70.html
[22:58] <alessiofachechi> was*
[22:58] <alessiofachechi> i've non founded anything
[23:00] <TheSheep> alessiofachechi: is it somehow predictable or comepletely random?
[23:00] <alessiofachechi> random
[23:00] <TheSheep> alessiofachechi: do the letters appear later, ot are they lost?
[23:00] <TheSheep> s/ot/or
[23:00] <alessiofachechi> lost
[23:01] <TheSheep> when that happens, are the LEDs on the keyboard working?
[23:01] <TheSheep> numlock and capslock led
[23:01] <alessiofachechi> TheSheep, i had openbox after xfce.. in openbox i had xfce4-panel d panel.. and there i had the same problem :(
[23:02] <alessiofachechi> no..
[23:02] <alessiofachechi> leds are blank
[23:02] <alessiofachechi> (excuse me for my english..i'm italian)
[23:02] <TheSheep> does it happen in text console too?
[23:03] <alessiofachechi> wait a second..but i don't think
[23:03] <alessiofachechi> TheSheep, yes..
[23:04] <alessiofachechi> also there i've the same problem
[23:04] <alessiofachechi> it could be xorg input system
[23:04] <alessiofachechi> it's true?
[23:04] <alessiofachechi> but olnly with xfce and openbox(with xfce panel)
[23:05] <TheSheep> alessiofachechi: when you swothc to text-only console with alt+ctrl+f1 (go back with alt+ctrl+f7), does that happen too?
[23:05] <TheSheep> switch
[23:06] <alessiofachechi> emh
[23:06] <alessiofachechi> yes
[23:07] <alessiofachechi> it happen also in the text-only console
[23:07] <alessiofachechi> :(
[23:07] <TheSheep> then it's not related to X
[23:07] <TheSheep> it's probably a hardware problem
[23:07] <alessiofachechi> TheSheep, but..
[23:07] <TheSheep> or something with kernel support of your keyboard
[23:07] <alessiofachechi> with gnome i had not this problem
[23:08] <alessiofachechi> this is what i'm not understading
[23:09] <psilocyde> hi folks, new to xubuntu. was hoping someone could point me to an "install guide" sort of resource. Something allong the lines of "I just installed xubuntu 8.10, now what?". Something with sugested software install info and the like.
[23:09] <knome> psilocyde, all the "suggested software" is already installed.
[23:10] <knome> psilocyde, if you need help with something specific for starting out, feel free to ask any question
[23:10] <TheSheep> !guide
[23:10] <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about guide
[23:10] <TheSheep> https://help.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/desktopguide/C/index.html
[23:10] <psilocyde> thanks for responding knome folks.
[23:10] <knome> my stomach hurts.
[23:10] <Spreadsheet> this is strange
[23:11] <knome> TheSheep, wow, that's outdated...
[23:11] <Spreadsheet> i right click in Terminal
[23:11] <TheSheep> knome: it's a wiki ;)
[23:11] <alessiofachechi> TheSheep, in the xorg log: (II) AT Translated Set 2 keyboard: Device reopened after 10 attempts.
[23:11] <Spreadsheet> and a menu pops up, its transparent but it has no shadow
[23:11] <Spreadsheet> everything else does
[23:11] <knome> doesn't justify it being over 2 years old ;)
[23:11] <alessiofachechi> this also for makintosh mouse button emulaion ..
[23:12] <TheSheep> alessiofachechi: maybe try to google for that error
[23:12] <dcolish> you guys know about using fdi
[23:12] <alessiofachechi> TheSheep, it is not an error: (II) at the beginning of the sentence
[23:13] <TheSheep> alessiofachechi: Bug #285323 loks like it has something to do with it
[23:13] <dcolish> if you're configuring input devices for 8.10, xorg is a no no. Look here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Input
[23:13] <knome> bug 285323
[23:13] <knome> hmm...
[23:13] <alessiofachechi> TheSheep, you could say me in ENGLISH best keywords for a google research about these problem?
[23:14] <TheSheep> alessiofachechi: http://www.google.com/search?q=keyboard+Device+reopened+after+10+attempts
[23:14] <alessiofachechi> (my english is not so good)
[23:14] <TheSheep> knome: wonder why ubotu doesn't pick it up
[23:14] <alessiofachechi> thanks :)
[23:14] <knome> TheSheep, yes, exactly
[23:15] <TheSheep> alessiofachechi: this looks relvevant: http://www.mail-archive.com/ubuntu-bugs@lists.ubuntu.com/msg1057307.html
[23:15] <TheSheep> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/216927
[23:17] <psilocyde> as for specifics, i need info on "making the web work" i.e. making web multimedia work corectly inclding but not limited to flash, java, streaming media like .rm, .wma, ,divx, ,mp3/4 that sort of stuff.
[23:17] <TheSheep> !mp3 | psilocyde
[23:17] <ubottu> psilocyde: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats
[23:17] <psilocyde> "unsupported"
[23:17] <TheSheep> !java | psilocyde
[23:17] <ubottu> psilocyde: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository
[23:17] <TheSheep> !flash | psilocyde
[23:17] <ubottu> psilocyde: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash
[23:17] <psilocyde> ty
[23:48] <alessiofachechi> TheSheep, i've rebooted..that lines are always in the xorg log but now the problem doesn't happend
[23:48] <alessiofachechi> i think that is any software that creates conflicts
[23:48] <TheSheep> alessiofachechi: I have no idea how to check it other than by trial and error
[23:50] <alessiofachechi> uffffffffff
[23:51] <alessiofachechi> :'(
[23:53] <TheSheep> alessiofachechi: but if you identify the source of your problems, please report a bug
[23:57] <Sajuta> Hey. I was wondering, if I have Ubuntu installed and I wanted to try out using Xfce instead of Gnome, how would I go about that? I saw mention of it once, and now totally can't remember.
[23:58] <Sajuta> Would I have to install Xubuntu to another partition? Or is it that I would get the xubuntu-desktop and do something that way?