UbuntuIRC / 2008 /11 /07 /#ubuntu-ops.txt
Initial commit
[00:09] <genii> !coffee > stdin (see message from ubottu)
[00:09] * genii hides
[00:10] * stdin should ask jpds to change ubot5`'s supybot.plugins.Encyclopedia.prefixchar in here
[00:15] <genii> Myrtti: Your pal noksious seems returned ....
[00:18] <Myrtti> so I see
[01:18] <Sean|Irssi> how come i keep getting fowared here?
[01:19] <Sean|Irssi> hello?
[01:20] <nalioth> Sean|Irssi: patience is a virtue
[01:20] <nalioth> @login
[01:20] <ubottu> The operation succeeded.
[01:20] <nalioth> @btlogin
[01:21] <Sean|Irssi> did i do something wrong or something?
[01:21] <nalioth> let me look
[01:21] <Sean|Irssi> ok
[01:21] <nalioth> not sure what is going on
[01:23] <Sean|Irssi> I'm having a horrible time with Irssi, it wont set the autojoin correctly so i think it's triggering some anti-clone script that you guys are running, cause sometimes it auto joins 2 or 3 sessions when i only want 1
[01:23] <Sean|Irssi> im trying to fix it :(
[01:23] <nalioth> the op that banned you doesn't seem to be around atm
[01:24] <nalioth> i'll notify them to look at the ban
[01:24] <Sean|Irssi> ok ty :)
[01:27] <nalioth> jrib: customer for ya ^^
[01:30] <LjL> with yet a new nickname
[01:30] <LjL> and he changed ident even right now
[03:13] <mneptok> ATTENTION!
[03:14] * nickrud waits, submissively to the shout for attention
[03:14] <mneptok> our own tritium is an expectant father!
[03:14] <mneptok> YAY TRITIUM!
[03:14] <nickrud> gotta find a cigar
[03:14] <tritium> Aww, thanks, mneptok, nickrud. :)
[03:14] <nickrud> tritium, congrats, sincerely
[03:14] <tritium> Thank you very much. I appreciate it!
[03:15] <mneptok> really excellent news for you and Ann. :)
[03:15] <tritium> You're very kind, mneptok. Thank you. :)
[03:15] <mneptok> woowoo sends her best, as well.
[03:15] <tritium> Please give her our thanks and warmest regards.
[03:15] <mneptok> already been done :)
[03:16] <tritium> :)
[03:16] <mneptok> (anticipating needs is how i saty with her, doanchya know) ;)
[03:16] <mneptok> *stay
[03:16] <tritium> heh ;)
[03:16] <nickrud> mneptok is wiser than he lets on, mostly ;)
[03:17] <mneptok> ssshhhhhh!
[03:17] <mneptok> i have a tarnished image to uphold!
[03:17] <nickrud> that's ok, no one would believe it anyway
[03:18] <tritium> :)
[03:18] <nickrud> tritium, got a due date yet?
[03:18] <mneptok> s/no\ one/no\ one\ in\ their\ right\ mind/
[03:18] <tritium> nickrud: May 9
[03:19] <nickrud> personally, I enjoy hearing about diet oddities, so if you feel like sharing ;)
[03:20] <tritium> The only real craving she's had is for sour things: dishes with vinegar, etc.
[03:21] <mneptok> Sour Patch Kids!
[03:21] <nickrud> classic.
[03:21] <mneptok> OM NOM NOM
[03:21] <nickrud> falls into the pickles and ice cream category ;)
[03:21] <tritium> Yes, those work well. She also likes salt and vinegar chips.
[03:21] <tritium> Lemon candies.
[03:22] <tritium> nickrud: do you have kids?
[03:23] <nickrud> no, sadly. Just sisters, cousins, friends who I had to humor
[03:23] <tritium> Ah, those are good to have too. :)
[03:23] <nickrud> yeah, a poor second but hey, I didn't have to take the kid home :)
[03:24] <tritium> :)
[03:25] <mneptok> i was hoping that i'd be allowed to reproduce under the Obama administration, but i got an e-mail from his campaign saying, "there are some kinds of change America is just not ready for, Kurt. keep taking the inhibitors as prescribed."
[03:26] <tritium> haha
[03:26] <nickrud> some things can't be changed, for the sake of humanity
[03:26] <mneptok> *sigh*
[03:27] <mneptok> but how will my demonseed rise to the Throne Of Agony and usher in the infocalypse?
[03:29] <nickrud> parthenogenesis
[03:29] <mneptok> big black nemesis.
[03:30] * mneptok extrudes a nematode from his abdomen
[03:30] <nickrud> whenever my friends call me insane, I come here for a reality check ;)
[03:31] * mneptok feigns innocence
[03:36] <tritium> I need to get going for the night. Have a great night!
[03:36] <nickrud> you also tritium
[03:36] <tritium> Thank you. :)
[03:39] <mneptok> tritium: nighty! give Ann our best. :)
[03:50] <mneptok> two red circles and a thick black spot.
[04:44] <Flannel> EEGads
[06:02] <mneptok> ?
[06:06] <nickrud> ah, a new factoid for you you define mneptok -> sarcasm
[06:24] <elky_work> so, i left my lights on this morning.
[06:24] <elky_work> wasnt that clever of me.
[06:25] <jdong> elky_work: ouch :(
[06:25] <elky_work> <3 eeepc and wireless broadband
[06:26] <jdong> lol :)
[06:26] <elky_work> makes things like this far more bearable
[06:26] <jdong> apt-get install jumpercable
[06:26] <elky_work> thankfully i'm on the top floor of the parking lot, can get decent signa
[06:28] <elky_work> i have a tolerable view here too.. lawn bowls greens and trees
[06:39] <mneptok> elky_work: standard transmission?
[06:39] <mneptok> elky_work: if so, pop-start it
[06:45] <elkbuntu> mneptok, pop-start?
[06:45] <elkbuntu> its a 99 nissan pulsar
[06:45] <elkbuntu> auto
[06:54] <mneptok> then no pop-start for you
[07:35] <Flannel> You can pop start automatics
[07:35] <Flannel> you just have to go a lot faster
[08:03] <Myrtti> hello babes
[08:04] <Mez> Flannel: "a lot faster" - bit of an under-exaggeration there?
[08:06] <Myrtti> tritium: congratulations on version 2
[08:06] <Myrtti> tritium: when is the process forking scheduled? I assume you'll renice your other processes
[08:08] <Myrtti> PriceChild, nalioth: have you recently checked people waiting to be cloaked with member cloak? atleast my boss seems to be waiting for his cloak at -irc
[09:45] <elkbuntu> hmm, a cupcake and some apricot cheese probably does not count as dinner...
[09:45] <elkbuntu> Fri Nov 7 20:45:06 EST 2008
[09:45] <elkbuntu> i should probably get on that...
[09:46] <elkbuntu> i'll munch on snowpea sprouts as well
[09:46] <Myrtti> would Brie supplement it?
[09:47] <elkbuntu> it would, but the only brie i have is in the fridge and off, and not in the blue way
[09:47] <elkbuntu> blue cheese is foul anyway
[09:47] <Myrtti> depends on how you're serving it
[09:48] <Myrtti> I've got three different blues in my fridge
[09:48] <Myrtti> two whites
[09:48] <Myrtti> very mature cheddar, and some very mature normal cheese
[09:51] <elkbuntu> considering i had gnocchi gamberi for lunch, i should probably be having something a bit more vegetably than cheese and sprouts
[09:51] <ikonia> Mmmm gnocchi
[09:51] <elkbuntu> pumpking gnocchi is bestest
[09:52] <ikonia> I had pumkin cookies last night :)
[09:52] <elkbuntu> -g
[09:52] <elkbuntu> ooh, i has pumpkin scones here, they're probably stale by now though
[09:52] <ikonia> my cookies where fresh and nice
[09:53] <elkbuntu> i've never had pumpkin cookies.
[09:53] <ikonia> well, they where two small cookies filled with cream (like oreos) between them
[09:53] <ikonia> I improvised
[09:54] <ikonia> so a batch of pumpkin cookie/cream cake/biscuit thigns
[09:54] <elkbuntu> still, sounds nom
[09:54] <ikonia> for a first go they turned out well
[10:15] <wgrant> Does somebody here want to knock down http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/15351/?
[10:17] <Myrtti> http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/15354/ is a bit silly too, though I do understand it
[10:17] <Myrtti> "what's wrong with http://ubuntu.fi ..."
[10:18] <wgrant> Some LoCos have almost a direct translation of ubuntu.com, but others have it more LoCo-focused.
[10:19] <elkbuntu> Myrtti, the discs and most literature says .com. there needs to be an 'in your language' functionality to the main site
[10:26] <Myrtti> wgrant: commented
[10:27] <ikonia> done
[10:27] <wgrant> Shall I 'Won't Implement' it, given that it has been discussed at length before?
[10:28] <ikonia> for me - yes
[10:28] <Myrtti> yes.
[10:29] <wgrant> Done.
[10:29] <wgrant> Thanks.
[10:30] <elkbuntu> what the hell is siccness doing there?
[10:31] <wgrant> Where?
[10:31] <elkbuntu> -offtopic
[10:31] <wgrant> Oh gawd.
[10:31] <elkbuntu> i believe he's re-banned from #ubuntu now too
[10:31] <wgrant> Terrible.
[10:31] <elkbuntu> @bansearch siccness
[10:31] <ubottu> No matches found for siccness!n=j00bed@unaffiliated/siccness in any channel
[10:31] <elkbuntu> of course not, he's remembered how to cloak himself again
[10:31] <wgrant> Heh.
[10:32] <Myrtti> @bansearch siccness!*@*
[10:32] <ubottu> No matches found for siccness!*@* in any channel
[10:32] <elkbuntu> he goes uncloaked whenever it serves a purpose
[10:32] <elkbuntu> @bansearch *!*@*optusnet.com.au
[10:32] <ubottu> No matches found for *!*@*optusnet.com.au in any channel
[10:32] <elkbuntu> @btlogin
[10:34] <elkbuntu> ugh, he's not banned from #u at the moment. please tell me he's not been in there spreading bullpoo again
[10:34] <wgrant> He will have been...
[10:34] <elkbuntu> no doubt.
[10:34] <elkbuntu> time for logs
[10:34] <elkbuntu> this is not going to end happy
[10:35] <wgrant> 19:07:03 < siccness> and you're right, Ubuntu isn't good enough for me
[10:35] <wgrant> 19:07:18 < siccness> Ubuntu is half of what I deserve
[10:35] <wgrant> Oh dear.
[10:35] <wgrant> And more of his usual.
[10:35] <Myrtti> may I tell a little story of my life? http://aionmega.com/comics/?comic=0013
[10:35] <Myrtti> ^ made me cry and laugh simultaneously.
[10:35] <ikonia> where is this ?
[10:36] <ikonia> just tell him to stop using it
[10:36] <wgrant> ikonia: He's been -au's resident troll for years!
[10:36] <elkbuntu> ok, whoa..... xchat in ibex tab completes the equivalent of a /cs list <partial>
[10:36] <ikonia> just remove him then
[10:36] <ikonia> it's a pain in #ubuntu
[10:37] <ikonia> I don't see the point of allowing it to continue if he's know, why should others constantly suffer (same stance I took on limcore)
[10:37] <elkbuntu> ikonia, wgrant and i are too closely tied to him. if you could be so kind.
[10:37] <Myrtti> should I?
[10:37] <ikonia> of course
[10:37] <ikonia> of course @ elkbuntu not Myrtti
[10:37] <elkbuntu> Myrtti, ikonia is probably better. he'll try crack on to you.
[10:38] <Myrtti> I can tell him to f*** off.
[10:38] <Myrtti> I've told that to a few people before
[10:38] <wgrant> Heh.
[10:38] <Myrtti> I'm getting quite proficient in it.
[10:38] <wgrant> He'd deserve it. But probably not a good idea.
[10:38] <elkbuntu> Myrtti, not worth it, hon.
[10:38] <elkbuntu> he'd enjoy it too much
[10:38] <ikonia> he's not trolling in #ubuntu at this exact moment, so I'm not sure it's appropriate
[10:39] <elkbuntu> ikonia, probably not
[10:39] <ikonia> just keep an eye on him
[10:39] <Myrtti> he was borderline trolling at -ot
[10:39] <Myrtti> :-D
[10:39] <elkbuntu> ikonia, you dont have -ot fu?
[10:39] <ikonia> nope
[10:39] <ikonia> I'm going to mail the list about that
[10:40] <wgrant> Given his history, I think killing him for that -ot stuff would be reasonable...
[10:40] <elkbuntu> Myrtti, if you like, my dearest
[10:40] <ikonia> we need more -ot grunt
[10:40] <elkbuntu> ikonia, i've already asked.
[10:40] <ikonia> ah
[10:40] <Myrtti> elkbuntu: the problem was that it was borderline trolling
[10:40] <elkbuntu> Myrtti, from a known troll.
[10:40] <wgrant> A known very long-term troll.
[10:41] <elkbuntu> Myrtti, he's moved back upstream because -au* got sick of his faeces.
[10:41] <Myrtti> ah
[10:41] <Myrtti> I'm trying to coax him into his bad behaviour, feel free to dip in
[10:41] <wgrant> elkbuntu: You issued the -au ban this time, I take it?
[10:41] <elkbuntu> wgrant, yes. you saw why, i take it?
[10:42] <wgrant> elkbuntu: Of course.
[10:43] <wgrant> Again.
[10:43] <wgrant> Launchpad needs an electrocution button even more than IRC...
[10:44] <elkbuntu> he then PM'd me after that along the lines of 'lol it's only a joke. i didnt mean to offend you or what you believe in'. i took it as seriously as he can be taken. in other words, not.
[10:45] <wgrant> Did he subsequently apply his usual random combinatorial algorithm to the world's nasty words?
[10:48] <elkbuntu> wgrant, oddly no. i think he's over fighting us. the game is to see how long he can last before we boot him.
[10:49] <elkbuntu> there's no other reason he would have said what he said.
[10:49] <wgrant> Hmmmm.
[10:51] <elkbuntu> he hasnt actually been back in #ubuntu. i dont think he's figured he's unbanned.
[10:51] <elkbuntu> ikonia did it back on release day
[10:53] <elkbuntu> eep, i've not had the past two days of logs, i forgot to enable logging when i installed intrepid
[10:53] <elkbuntu> <3 bip
[10:53] * elkbuntu shells to her linode
[11:00] <Myrtti> http://www.reuters.com/article/oddlyEnoughNews/idUSTRE4A572J20081106
[11:31] <ikonia> sorry was in a meeting
[11:32] <ikonia> elkbuntu: ahhh so I'm guility - I removed him in my clean up
[11:32] <ikonia> sorry
[11:33] <elkbuntu> ikonia, thats ok, i removed him on release day to give him another chance to be a decent human
[11:33] <elkbuntu> he failed.
[11:33] <ikonia> good, I don't carry the guilt alone then
[11:37] <elkbuntu> ikonia, elkbuntu.net/sicc-au.log
[11:38] <ikonia> got i
[11:39] <elkbuntu> how that is not trying to insult someone, i do not know
[12:15] <elkbuntu> Myrtti, we has movement
[12:17] <elkbuntu> hook...
[12:19] <elkbuntu> i'm betting he brings up TSM
[12:19] <Myrtti> FSM?
[12:20] <elkbuntu> Tivoli Storage Manager
[12:20] <Myrtti> Flying Spaghetti Monster?
[12:21] <elkbuntu> <siccness> well that really makes no sense
[12:21] <elkbuntu> <elkbuntu> makes perfect sense. you wanna talk windows, you talk it in ##windows.
[12:32] <elkbuntu> he's gone from #u now
[12:33] <elkbuntu> hold on, how did he get back in -ot?
[12:34] <elkbuntu> ah, my lag didnt kill the unban
[12:34] <elkbuntu> i had to reconnect, didnt think it had worked.
[12:35] <elkbuntu> or not?
[12:35] <elkbuntu> wth?
[12:35] <elkbuntu> ah, i banforwarded, but never kicked.
[12:36] <Myrtti> yup
[12:36] <Myrtti> that's why I asked you should I remove him
[12:36] <Myrtti> thought you did that on purpos
[12:36] <Myrtti> e
[12:36] <elkbuntu> no, my crappy ISP lagged me out
[12:41] <elkbuntu> Myrtti, tw, this was the parting gift in #ubuntu-au
[12:42] <elkbuntu> <siccness> Wowzers, #ubuntu, #ubuntu-au-chat, #ubuntu-offtopic is fucked
[12:42] <elkbuntu> <siccness> Get banned for nothing, this IRC network blows the fucking cock.
[12:43] <wgrant> Fun fun.
[13:42] <Myrtti> hello Catshit__. I can tell why you are here, you're wondering why you can't join #ubuntu
[13:42] <Myrtti> let me tell you a secret.
[13:42] <Myrtti> Catshit__: IT'S YOUR NICKNAME!
[13:42] <Pici> ♥ Myrtti
[13:43] <Myrtti> oh dear sweet GOD
[13:43] <Myrtti> I just bought salmiakki ice cream
[13:43] <Myrtti> it's PITCH BLACK.
[13:43] <Pici> Is that good? Bad?
[13:43] <Dave2> Watch out for grues...
[13:44] <Pici> Dave2: I have my lantern...
[13:45] <Catshit__> Myrtti oh lol wasn't wandering that .....this is just on autojoin lol
[13:46] <Myrtti> Catshit__: why do you have this channel on autojoin?
[13:47] <Pici> Catshit__: You have #ubuntu-ops on autojoin?
[13:47] <ikonia> he's forawrded here
[13:47] <ikonia> I did it ages ago for his nick
[13:47] <Catshit__> nah ubuntu but no nick regristrated so came here ...
[13:47] <ikonia> Catshit__: you where brought here because of your nick choice
[13:47] <Pici> Catshit__: This isn't the channel that you get forwarded to for an unregistered nickname.
[13:49] <Myrtti> as I said, Catshit__, IT'S YOUR NICKNAME! please change it to something without the word shit.
[13:49] <Catshit__> Sounds oodd because i always joined with this name ....
[13:49] <Pici> @bansarch Catshit__
[13:49] <ikonia> Catshit__: yes, but I saw you join a while ago, asked you to change your nick and you didn't respond so I removed you from teh channel and set a forward for you to be sent here so I could ask you when you next come online
[13:49] <Pici> @bansearch Catshit__
[13:49] <ubottu> Match: *!*@j8182.upc-j.chello.nl!#ubuntu-ops by ikonia in #ubuntu on Sep 14 2008 09:46:39 (ID: 4417)
[13:50] <Pici> Oh, look at that, a ban.
[13:51] <ikonia> a bad ban on my part, meant to do the nick and didn't
[13:52] <ikonia> Catshit__: so it looks like you really need to change your nick name to something less "rude" as Myrtti has suggested ?
[13:53] <Catshit__> ikonia like i said am on autojoin so couldn't see your message back then changed the nick now
[13:54] <ikonia> ?
[13:54] <Myrtti> that really doesn't sound right
[13:54] <Pici> Catshit__: But surely you see the request now?
[13:55] <Catshit__> ????
[13:55] <ikonia> ???
[13:55] <Catlitter__> better ?
[13:55] <ikonia> I don't see an issue with that
[13:55] <Catlitter__> don't see a issue also ?
[13:56] <Catlitter__> * scrap the ?
[13:56] <ikonia> as long as you keep that nick, you'll be fine in #ubuntu
[13:57] <ikonia> if you join now you'll be allowed in
[13:58] <Catlitter__> but i like it here lol
[13:58] <ikonia> well, we'd appriciate it if you joined #ubuntu rather than here
[13:58] <LjL> and i'd like to be on a yacht but i can't
[13:59] <ikonia> FYI: I've suck a ban on the nick catshit on his ip address in case he decides to change it in future
[14:01] <ikonia> stange ubottu did not pick it up and put it in BT
[14:01] <ikonia> ahhahh
[14:01] <ikonia> typo
[14:25] <ikonia> LjL: quick draw mcgraw
[14:25] <LjL> ikonia: and you didn't see just how quick i joined the other channels he's in
[14:25] <ikonia> ha ha
=== genii-2 is now known as genii-around
[14:34] * genii-around puts on a pot of coffee
[14:36] <genii> Good morning, afternoon, or evening
[14:37] <Myrtti> moin
[14:37] <Pici> Happy friday.
[14:38] <LjL> !offline
[14:38] <ubottu> If you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. Alternatively, try http://apt.alturl.com/ (now with Gutsy and Hardy support)
[14:38] <LjL> !no offline is <reply> If you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. Alternatively, try http://apt.alturl.com/ (now with Intrepid support)
[14:38] <ubottu> I'll remember that LjL
[14:52] <ubottu> FloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)
[14:52] <ubottu> FloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)
[15:14] <genii> Myrtti: moin :)
[15:15] <genii> Seems fairly quiet on freenode today
[15:15] <bazhang> oh noez
[15:15] <bazhang> you jinxed it
[15:16] <genii> bazhang: I take it back! ;)
[15:16] <genii> Maybe I can do some IRC dance to appease the gods
[15:16] <bazhang> genii, too late :)
[15:16] <bazhang> haha
[16:45] <jpds> stdin: re: ubot5`'s prefix thing: I thought I did...
[16:46] <stdin> ubot5`: channel #ubuntu-bots supybot.plugins.Encyclopedia.prefixchar
[16:47] <stdin> [16:46]<ubot5`> !
[16:47] <stdin> I guess it reset somehow
[16:47] <nalioth> better call Sarah Connor
[16:47] <stdin> I probably mean -ops there...
[16:47] <jpds> Oh, -bots - I thought "here" might... here.
[16:47] <jpds> meant*
[16:48] <stdin> it's the same when I use #ubuntu-ops anyway :)
[16:48] <stdin> to clarify, yeah, I meant #ubuntu-ops not -bots
[16:49] <jpds> What should I do to change it?
[16:49] <stdin> "channel #ubuntu-ops supybot.plugins.Encyclopedia.prefixchar <new char>"
[16:50] <jpds> All done.
[17:45] <bazhang> Ximal, how may we help you
[17:45] <Ximal> is there anyone here if i gave permission to scan my pc would be able to see if there is any type of trojan installed or possible spyware or rootkit .. because noone but myself has access to this system and unfortunately someone has gained access to my credit info and used it online
[17:46] <Ximal> so far i'm lucky enough to only have 1 charge on my credit card :S
[17:46] <bazhang> Ximal, #ubuntu for support
[17:46] <bazhang> Ximal, and what you are proposing is deeply unwise in any channel
[17:47] <Ximal> well i don't save ANY information on my system baz..
[17:47] <Ximal> so there has to be a logger or a dat kit or root kit that i'm not seeing..
[17:47] <bazhang> Ximal, this is not a support channel; /j #ubuntu
[17:47] <Ximal> ok baz... sorry
[18:06] <ikonia> @bansearch Ximal
[18:06] <ubottu> No matches found for ximal!n=dark@ in any channel
[18:06] <ikonia> not fishing for ip's then
[19:31] <genii> Geez. That guy can't stop talking about his magnificent leg hairs. First in k-offtopic and now in u-offtopic ....
[19:35] <jdong> O-O
[19:40] <robert___> ubotu :ubuntu
[19:41] <Pici> robert___: How can you help you today?
[19:42] <robert___> I've come to complain about an op
[19:42] <Pici> robert___: What appears to be the problem?
[19:43] <robert___> I have noticed the op LjL has an overall bad attitude towards people asking for help and rarely gives "good" advice
[19:44] <Pici> Okay then.
[19:45] * nalioth blinks
[19:45] <jdong> that LjL dude, what a jerk :)
[19:45] <jdong> *ducks*
[20:08] <LjL> he's right
[20:09] <LjL> i'm getting worse and worse
[20:09] <LjL> but then, i don't think i even know who he is
[20:09] <LjL> ... i do know the hostname.
[20:09] <Pici> I was just going to say that.
[20:10] <LjL> well it hurts anyway because he's right
[20:23] <genii> Hehe the hirsute leg fellow is finding it difficult to make friends
[20:29] <ubottu> Gnea called the ops in #ubuntu (mikutzu is flooding and won't join a french channel after typing in french.)
[20:34] <mneptok> uh ... that ain't French. that's Romanian.
[20:54] <Myrtti> hellooo
[21:05] <mneptok> `\o
[21:20] <Flannel> Hi alesan, how can we help you?
[21:20] <alesan> #ubuntu #ubuntu-ops :Forwarding to another channel
[21:20] <alesan> I am not sure why I arrived here :)
[21:20] <Flannel> alesan: Indeed. Do you know why you were forwarded here?
[21:21] <alesan> Flannel, probably because I have 'root' in my identd
[21:21] <Myrtti> mmmm no you don't
[21:21] <Flannel> alesan: Nope, its because your part message suggests enabling the root account.
[21:22] <alesan> I don't think it's correct to mess around with other people's security policies
[21:22] <Flannel> alesan: So why are you suggesting that people mess around with their own?
[21:23] <alesan> Flannel, it is explained in my website.
[21:23] <Myrtti> right.
[21:23] <Myrtti> well, in this thing you're the minority
[21:23] <Myrtti> and you're messing around with other people's security policies
[21:23] <Flannel> alesan: Ubuntu doesn't use the root account. And we ask you not to suggest it to others in ubuntu channels either.
[21:23] <alesan> ubuntu is the only distro that disables the root account I do not think it's the minority
[21:24] <Myrtti> at #ubuntu channels you are the minority
[21:24] <Flannel> alesan: It doesn't matter what other distros do, when you're in ubuntu channels, we ask you obey the ubuntu channel guidelines.
[21:26] <alesan> Flannel are you suggesting censorship ok. I thought the "ubuntu way" was something different (people hugging etc) but I will not join #ubuntu anymore if you request me to do so.
[21:26] <alesan> surely I won't change my part message. this said, I understand your position, there is nothing personal
[21:27] <Flannel> alesan: We're not suggesting censorship, we're asking you to follow the rules of the channel, which includes following the ... well, I'll just quote:
[21:27] <alesan> I wish you a good day.
[21:27] <Flannel> While we encourage everyone to offer Ubuntu support to other users, the channel operators will try to ensure that the advice given is sound and safe, and they will use their best judgment to ensure that the channel as a whole follows the recommendations of developers, official support staff and ultimately the Ubuntu Technical Board.
[21:27] <alesan> I was not suggesting newbies to rm -rf /
[21:27] <alesan> anyway
[21:27] <mneptok> i recommed AGAINST enabling the root account
[21:27] <alesan> that's ok
[21:27] <Flannel> alesan: The "Ubuntu Way" is not to use the root account, to use sudo instead. That's all we're asking you to honor. Unless you intend to be around to offer everyone support for using the root account.
[21:28] <Myrtti> !noroot
[21:28] <ubottu> We don't support a root password so don't suggest one unless you are going to be here 24/7 to help someone who has problems as a result of having one, many thanks ;-)
[21:29] <alesan> ok I know your point. I will not join #ubuntu or if I do I will disable the part message.
[21:30] <mneptok> alesan: the most popular desktop Unix-like operating system does not use the root account.
[21:30] <alesan> noew I really have to go because I have found the info I needed :) on how to enable the remote X
[21:30] <mneptok> alesan: which means that the vast majority of desktop Unix users do not use root.
[21:31] <mneptok> alesan: i imagine OSX and Ubuntu combined have a greater number of users than all other Unix-like desktops put together. so root accounts in desktop Unix are not the norm.
[21:31] <alesan> mneptok, the vast majority of people use windows, so should I use it too? I am not here to debate my position, I have said what I think on my website.
[21:31] <mneptok> 16:22 < alesan> ubuntu is the only distro that disables the root account I do not think it's the minority
[21:31] <alesan> guys thank you I understand your point, we have idfferent views here. as I said I promise I won;t use that message in #ubuntu
[21:31] <mneptok> if you don't want to argue numbers, don't bring it up.
[21:32] <Flannel> alesan: Sounds good. Thank you for understanding.
[21:32] <alesan> mneptok, suse redhat slackware gentoo all have a regular root account. this is what I was saying.
[21:32] <alesan> bye
[21:32] <mneptok> uhhh ... he never promised that
[21:32] <mneptok> 16:25 < alesan> surely I won't change my part message.
[21:35] <genii> In the same way the bot jumps on launchpad bug numbers or so, maybe it could be made to do the !danger when the not-to-be-said rm command, or !noroot on key "enable root" or so ...
[21:35] <genii> Or it could be I've just had caffeine clouded judgement and nt making sense also :)
[21:35] <Flannel> genii: Easier to just have living people do it
[21:36] <genii> Flannel: Yeah, probably
[22:01] <popey> !automatix has a link to mjg59s blog, should !ultimatix also link to http://mjg59.livejournal.com/99905.html ?
[22:01] <ubottu> Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)
[22:01] <popey> seems like a good idea to me, and if I could remember how to tell the bot to do it I would :)
[22:01] <Flannel> !ultamatix
[22:01] <ubottu> Ultamatix is not recommended, supported, or needed by Ubuntu. Use of this software may cause damage to your Ubuntu install. Do not suggest its use in this channel. See http://mjg59.livejournal.com/99905.html and !automatix for more info.
[22:01] <Flannel> You mean like that?
[22:02] <popey> yes, exactly like that :)
[22:02] <popey> hmm, ubotu5 doesn't have that url
[22:03] <Flannel> ubotu5 doesn't seem to exist.
[22:22] * Flannel wonders whether to forward here or not.
[22:34] <Seeker`> argh
[22:34] <Flannel> What?
[22:39] <Seeker`> mythtv being a pain