UbuntuIRC / 2008 /11 /07 /#kubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[00:00] <tacosarecool> Tek
[00:00] <tacosarecool> The update icon is a gear
[00:00] <Dragnslcr> I believe it's called update-notifier-kde
[00:01] <Tekhne> tacosarecool: hmm, no gear in my systray
[00:01] <Tekhne> Dragnslcr: okay, checking my packages...
[00:01] <Dragnslcr> Check your process list to see if it's running
[00:02] <jtisme> Tekhne, execute qdbus | grep -i update to see if it is running
[00:02] <Tekhne> Dragnslcr: okay, update-notifier-kde installed
[00:03] <Tekhne> Dragnslcr: `ps -ef | grep update` returns nothing
[00:04] <Tekhne> jtisme: `qdbus|grep -i update` returns nothing
[00:04] <condon> where do I choose my login program?
[00:07] <Tekhne> well, i found an "update manager" from the kde start menu
[00:07] <Tekhne> but it doesn't seem to go into the background
[00:07] <Tekhne> and run automatically
[00:09] <Tekhne> hmm, i wonder if my path is affecting this
[00:10] <Tekhne> i have another version of python installed in /usr/local
[00:10] <Tekhne> maybe at startup, the update manager dies because it find the wrong python
[00:10] <Tekhne> hmm
[00:10] <CoJaBo-Eee> Is it possible to show CPU usage in the taskbar or show an alert if the CPU stays at 100% for a while?
[00:12] <Tekhne> well, i'll try to fix this again another time
[00:12] <Tekhne> thanks for the help
[00:16] <demo_> Hey
[00:16] <demo_> How do I detect a new dislay on KDE 4.1 ?
[00:17] <demo_> display?
[00:22] <tukko> hello, i just installed kubuntu 8.10, is there something like a quicklauncher / a way to add applications to the panel?
[00:22] <Rioting_pacifist> can anybody recomend a good rpg thats finished, i played through alot kqlives only to find the story simply wasnt finished
[00:22] <condon> tukko, right click and add to panel (from menu)
[00:23] <tukko> condon: aaaaah thanks!
[00:23] <Rioting_pacifist> !games
[00:23] <ubottu> Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php
[00:23] <condon> Certainly.
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[00:24] <tukko> another question - kcontrol seems to be missing. how do i setup colors for kde3 apps (like konversation)?
[00:24] <demo_> !resolution
[00:24] <ubottu> The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution
[00:26] <Rioting_pacifist> i dont think thats what hes looking for, erm ive not really played around with kde4 yet but can you not install kcontrol and then change the qt3 settings?
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[00:27] <tukko> Rioting_pacifist: well if there where a kcontrol in the repositories i would. 8.10 just dropped everything :(
[00:28] <Dragnslcr> KDE4 only uses System Settings now
[00:28] <tukko> Dragnslcr: this will not change my kde3 settings.......
[00:28] <Dragnslcr> Yeah, I know
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[00:29] <nejode> ...I think that the no inclusion of kcontrol is a big mistake
[00:31] <JontheEchidna> kcontrol was never ported to KDE4, it's not a matter of it not being included
[00:31] <tukko> JontheEchidna: not including kcontrol for kde3 is a big mistake....
[00:32] <nejode> still, all those little no-go's all sum up to a big dissapointment
[00:32] * tukko will probably switch back to 8.04 ....
[00:33] * nejode hasn't even upgraded
[00:33] <MadneX> the widget of twitter crash every time i open with 8.10 is that happend to everyone here too?
[00:34] <tukko> i mean - i had plasma crash in like 10 minutes using it....
[00:34] <delilaz> hello all, anyone know which version of flashplayer dapper drake started out with?
[00:35] <Alan_Lockwood> Hi. Does someone know how to get preview of mi image files on Dolphin? Im using Kubuntu 8.10.
[00:35] * tukko has yet to spot an advantage of kde4 over kde3 from an end-user perspective.. :(
[00:36] <al3x-admin> Hi all. I have a problem. I have a WiFi in my hose, 1 PC (mine, Kubuntu 8.10 x64) and 1 laptop (Vista, x64). Network works fine in my PC while the laptop is off, but when I start up the laptop, it "takes" all the WiFi, and my conexion goes almoust done. I mean, while the laptop is off I have 75% streight, and when the laptop is on I get only 10%. What could be?
[00:36] <asmith_> It's pretty! ..... slow.
[00:36] <JontheEchidna> Alan_Lockwood: you can either hit the Preview button in the toolbar or View -> Panels -> information
[00:36] <Alan_Lockwood> Oh! The Preview Buttom. Thank you.
[00:39] <nejode> al3x-admin: man, that's the first time I've heard that... it "steals" al the wi-fi!!
[00:39] <al3x-admin> nejode: yes! it "steals" it. I swear!
[00:40] <al3x-admin> "swear" is the right word?
[00:40] <lavacano201014> al3x-admin: Not to be rude or anything, but you have Wi-Fi in your HOSE? I envy you. Websurfing while you garden...
[00:40] <al3x-admin> jejeje =) Yeah
[00:41] <nejode> ...wow, maybe that's a job for "GhostBusters" lol!
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[00:41] <al3x-admin> The thing is that if I dont find a solution soon, I'll drop the laptop throo the window xD!
[00:41] <nejode> or CSI Las Vegas
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[00:42] <tukko> i ain't afraid of no packages!
[00:42] <al3x-admin> Is there some "hack" or something to make Kubuntu "steal" wifi like Vista on that laptop ?
[00:42] <al3x-admin> Or some "hack" to make Vista not to steal all the wifi
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[00:43] <delilaz> does anyone know which version of flashplayer dapper-drake started with?
[00:43] <nejode> al3x-admin: if you had a bandwith drop because of many machines conected I can understand
[00:44] <tukko> delilaz: http://packages.ubuntu.com/dapper/flashplugin-nonfree
[00:44] <genii> !info flashplugin-nonfree dapper
[00:44] <ubottu> flashplugin-nonfree (source: flashplugin-nonfree): Macromedia Flash Player plugin installer. In component multiverse, is optional. Version (dapper), package size 16 kB, installed size 136 kB (Only available for i386)
[00:44] <nitr0ix> did anyone tryed fallout 3 with wine?
[00:44] <genii> delilaz: See above
[00:44] <tukko> al3x-admin: maybe run tcpdump or wireshark to see if some crazy program uses up all bandwidth
[00:44] <al3x-admin> nejode: But its just that f****** laptop. No more machines.
[00:45] <al3x-admin> Wireshark? man wireshark?
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[00:45] <tukko> sudo apt-get install wireshark :-)
[00:46] <genii> nitr0ix: See the !appdb factoid
[00:46] <nejode> al3x-admin: stange man... really weird
[00:46] <tukko> (wireshark is gui, tcpdump is terminal)
[00:46] <al3x-admin> Ok, I'm installing it now (thanks god laptop is off now)
[00:46] <al3x-admin> Ok, installed =). I'll have a look ;)
[00:47] <delilaz> genii: thanks much :)
[00:47] <genii> delilaz: You're welcome
[00:48] * tukko still searches for a justification to use kde4/kubuntu 8.10 :(
[00:49] <al3x-admin> Ok, I started it and I started monitoring the wlan0 interface and I get a lot of things. Now what? What should I search for ?
[00:49] <tukko> al3x-admin: well.. erm.. look for something suspicious :)
[00:50] <tukko> like exit all programs that are not relevant and you should basically see no traffic at all..
[00:50] <nejode> tukko: I like to play around with KDE4, but no use it on my work machines
[00:50] <tukko> if not - something is wrong..
[00:50] <tukko> nejode: i have the same impression...
[00:51] <nejode> ...and that legacy video card dropout is relly killing me :-(
[00:51] <alesan> nejode, you better do that :) KDE4 has a long way before being usable in a production environment
[00:51] <tukko> nejode: that's why i find it strange 8.10 does not include kde3 at all...
[00:51] <al3x-admin> Offtopic tukko&nejode: I use KDE4.1.3 and its usable =)
[00:51] <al3x-admin> I mean, I do all the things that I want, without problems
[00:52] <alesan> al3x-admin, *usable* ok, but would you base your daily job on it?
[00:52] <alesan> that is why I switched to gnome. me, that I have used KDE since 0.9...
[00:52] <al3x-admin> I dont have any other OS's or environments, so... ¿yes?
[00:52] <tukko> al3x-admin: but i can't see anything it does *better* than kde3... and *usable* is a very loose term..
[00:52] <nejode> ..Ive got 1 Gforce4, 1 MX-400, 1 ati X300 and a integrated X200... none are supported in 8.10
[00:52] <al3x-admin> yeah, more apps are still on QT3
[00:53] <al3x-admin> but someday... :)
[00:54] <al3x-admin> Ok, I have been watchiing wireshark for 3 minutes with all apps closed, and I steel see a lot of things/traffic
[00:54] <al3x-admin> Now what?
[00:54] <nejode> Opensuse and mandriva give you the option to install KDE3
[00:54] <nejode> Arch too
[00:54] <tukko> al3x-admin: not really sure. try to narrow down where the connections go and so on.. a bit "intuition"..
[00:54] <asmith_> I remember the 8.10 release notes talked about how to keep 3.5
[00:56] <asmith_> I remember wrong apparently
[00:58] <nejode> well, I'm staying with hardy until KDE4.2 (january???) and I can buy motherboards and graphic cards... ;-(
[00:58] <jtisme> has anyone figured out how to 'save multiple desktop konsole sessions' between invocatoins of kde
[00:59] <jtisme> 'save session' does not work
[00:59] <al3x-admin> Destination "HonHairPr_56:8e:1c" and a list of IP's
[01:00] <al3x-admin> Protocol "TCP" & "LLC"
[01:12] <nitr0ix> boom
[01:15] <tukko> is there a way to get two rows of tasks in the task manager?
[01:16] <Dragnslcr> I wish there was
[01:18] <tukko> another tick on the "switch back to 8.04" list :(
[01:26] <ign0ramus> hey all... trying to backup my music to (NTFS) external HDD... but it keeps failing on any non-standard characters (like the umlauts in 'Husker Du'). Is there a way to force this, or at least a way to skip over these instead of just stopping the whole process?
[01:27] <foormea> hi
[01:27] <mrksbrd> what command will tell me the url to my printer, i need top reconfig it
[01:27] <tukko> ign0ramus: http://ntfs-3g.org/support.html#locale
[01:28] <foormea> i don't understand how to 'resize my workspace by clicking the upper right thinggy', so that i could have different workspaces
[01:28] <ign0ramus> tukko: checking link... tia
[01:32] <ign0ramus> tukko: ok, so how do i set ntfs-3g binary to setuid-root?
[01:33] <ign0ramus> tukko: the article explains that this should allow the special characters, but I'm a bit stymied on how to enable this feature on ntfs-3g
[01:34] <ign0ramus> I'm guessing ' chmod 4755 /bin/ntfs-3g ' would work, right?
[01:34] <tukko> ign0ramus: hum, i don't think it has to do with setuid.
[01:34] <tukko> ign0ramus: it's the locale=XXXX that is wrong...
[01:35] <ign0ramus> tukko: i read the part about special characters, too, but it doesn't say how to configure it... it just says that it is capable of it...
[01:35] <ign0ramus> tukko: and i'm assuming this is an ntfs-3g issue, as i can copy/paste any of the offending files elsewhere on the internal HDD
[01:35] <tukko> ign0ramus: try to sudo mount -o remount,locale=en_US.UTF-8 /your/mount/point
[01:36] <tukko> (or the proper locale it is in..)
[01:36] <ign0ramus> tukko: my mount point being ' media:\sdb1 ' where the HDD is located?
[01:36] <ign0ramus> and yes, 'en' would be proper
[01:36] <tukko> should be /media/sdb1 then
[01:37] <ign0ramus> tukko: "mount: can't find /media/sdb1 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab"
[01:37] <tukko> mh
[01:37] <tukko> "sudo mount" without options should tell you the mount point
[01:38] <ign0ramus> ! /dev/sdb1 on /media/disk ...... so "/media/disk" ?
[01:38] <ubottu> Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)
[01:38] <tukko> yeah, looks like
[01:38] <ign0ramus> worth a shot :)
[01:39] <nejode> plain "mount" should say what's mounted and where
[01:39] <ign0ramus> tukko: still fails on japanese characters :/
[01:39] <ign0ramus> nejode: i can't copy files with special characters to ntfs HDD... any ideas?
[01:39] <tukko> on source or target? ;)
[01:40] <tukko> like when reading or when writing?#
[01:40] <foormea> ign0ramus: by letting the install mount my ntfs drive automatically, it would mount it with certain options and chinese support would work like a charm on ntfs
[01:41] <foormea> but i don't use ntfs any more though :| sorry
[01:41] <ign0ramus> foormea: no, it mounts automatically, but no love for umlauts and asian characters :(
[01:42] <nejode> ign0ramus: this is my fstab (and I work in spanish)>UUID=BC14CBF414CBB026 /media/winxp ntfs defaults,umask=007,gid=46,utf8 0 1
[01:42] <foormea> ah. if you know what options to use then add it to fstab using uuid or label?
[01:42] <ign0ramus> foormea: that i could do, only i have no idea what would allow non-utf8 characters... that's kind of the issue :)
[01:42] <writher> Anyone know if it is possible to increase the icon size in dolphin past the normal maximum amount under Dolphin Prefs ->View Modes -> Icons Tab -> Change Icon and Preview Size...
[01:43] <foormea> ign0ramus: ohh okay sorry i didn't know it was about NON-utf8... i'm not sure then. i've had problems with chinese and couldn't really fix them. never really tried though :D
[01:43] <writher> I am on a 30" Display with large resolution and even the largest setting is suboptimal for icon preview size
[01:44] <ign0ramus> Now, if I formatted the external to ext3, I could probably transfer easily, but will I be able to transfer to my Windows box?
[01:45] <foormea> using the ifs driver?
[01:45] <ign0ramus> foormea: i don't understand... I'm just saying format HDD to ext3, copy files, and then transfer those files to Windows box from external. Do I need to utilize the ifs driver?
[01:46] <foormea> if i get your problem right, you want to copy your japanese files to your usb drive, then copy these files from usb drive to a windows box
[01:46] <foormea> it you're using ext3, you'll need ifs driver under windows to read the ext2/3
[01:47] <nejode> foormea: not if he is using linux to copy the files
[01:48] <foormea> yeah
[01:48] <foormea> how about network transfer?
[01:48] <foormea> may save trouble
[01:49] <chrisruls00> I'm trying to install a plasmoid called "I hate the cashew", but the cmake command keeps giving me an error!
[01:50] <joe__> i was woundering, has anyone heard of jaguar os???
[01:50] <chrisruls00> It can't find a file called FindKDE4Internal.cmake
[01:50] <joe__> a friend of mine told me about it and i would like to know where to get it ^_^ can anyone help me out???
[01:52] <joe__> i was woundering, has anyone heard of jaguar os?
[01:52] <joe__> a friend of mine told me about it and i would like to know where to get it ^_^ can anyone help me out???
[01:53] <nejode> uhhmmm...sound like a MacOS
[01:54] <genii> !piracy
[01:54] <ubottu> piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o
[01:54] <genii> joe__: I imagine your local Apple dealer may sell it to you :)
[01:54] <joe__> yeah i know that's the thing though i don't know anything about mac's
[01:55] <joe__> cuz i heard from a friend of mine that it was made by hacker's and only hacker's would be able to get into the system, is that true???
[01:55] <joe__> i DO NOT want it, but i was just woundering if the os is true
[01:55] <genii> joe__: No idea, this is the Kubuntu support, not MacOS
[01:55] <joe__> i now
[01:56] <joe__> know*
[01:56] <delilaz> anyone know why when a diff user tries to read a memory card it the pc won
[01:56] <delilaz> won't accept it? I already gave the other user admin power...
[01:56] <genii> joe__: Why not ask in channel ##apple
[01:57] <joe__> ok fine i thought that u guy's would be able to help me out but i'll ask them then
[01:57] <genii> joe__: Thanks, and good luck
[01:57] <joe__> sure thing, thnx ^_^
[01:58] <genii> delilaz: Maybe they are not in the plugdev group
[01:58] <chrisruls00> Can anyone tell me how to install plasmoids in 8.10?
[01:59] <delilaz> genii: cool I'll go change that right now :)
[02:01] <delilaz> well I hope that does it, would be an easy fix to the other problem lol
[02:02] <ign0ramus> nejode | foormea : ok, i've unmounted the external, formatted as ext2 with gparted, files are copying happily :)
[02:02] <ign0ramus> nejode | foormea: so now will my Windows box be able to read the external?
[02:02] <foormea> ign0ramus: your windows box is running windows yeah?
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[02:03] <ign0ramus> foormea: um, yes ?
[02:03] <foormea> or you're planning to boot using a livecd or you have a linux installed on your windows box?
[02:03] <foormea> okay
[02:03] <foormea> then
[02:03] <foormea> ifs drive is your friend
[02:03] <ign0ramus> foormea: so i have to install the ifs driver on the Windows box, and then XP will be able to read ext2?
[02:03] <joe__> what's a really good os that is almost anti-hackable???
[02:04] <ign0ramus> if it weren't for cell phone syncing and MS Exchange, i wouldn't use it at all
[02:04] <foormea> ign0ramus: yeah. just run the install program of ifs drive. you don't even have to reboot
[02:04] <nejode> ign0ramus: worked with ext2 and not ext3???
[02:04] <foormea> just go to control panel and assign a drive letter
[02:04] <ign0ramus> nejode: yep... 17gb copied so far :)
[02:04] <joe__> what's a really good os that is almost anti-hackable???
[02:05] <ign0ramus> joe__: there is no such thing.
[02:05] <solid_liq> joe__: Linux ;)
[02:05] <foormea> joe__: openbsd
[02:05] <solid_liq> joe__: yeah, openbsd is the closest
[02:05] <nejode> ign0ramus: well, today is the day
[02:05] <ign0ramus> nejode: i tried ext2 first because I figured Windows would have an easier time with a legacy filesystem
[02:06] <solid_liq> joe__: but a properly configured Linux distro with SELinux is pretty close
[02:06] <foormea> ign0ramus: ext3 is readable by ext2 drivers
[02:06] <joe__> what about ubuntu???
[02:06] <foormea> if ext2 is readable, so is ext3
[02:06] <ign0ramus> foormea: but for Windows to be able to read it, i figured there would be more support for the older filesystem
[02:06] <foormea> so you can safely use ext3
[02:06] <solid_liq> ign0ramus: there's a driver for windows to allow windows to read ext3 partitions
[02:06] <ign0ramus> foormea: unless you mean under ifs
[02:06] <foormea> ign0ramus: nah ext3 is backward compatible with ext2
[02:06] <ign0ramus> !ifs
[02:06] <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about ifs
[02:07] <solid_liq> and ext4 is backwards compatible with ext3 and ext2
[02:07] <ign0ramus> foormea: i know, but what does that have to do with Windows being able to read it?
[02:07] <foormea> ign0ramus: yes because it is made forit
[02:07] <ign0ramus> foormea: ok, i see what you're saying now :)
[02:07] <foormea> it doesn't matter on the OS you're using
[02:08] <foormea> oops. doesn't matter WHAT OS you're using
[02:08] <foormea> sorry, bad english :|
[02:08] <solid_liq> ign0ramus: and you want to use ext3 not ext2, because ext3's journaling gives you much better protection against filesystem corruption
[02:08] <joe__> then how do i config my ubuntu from hacker's than but i still wanna be on the net do'n stuff, can anyone help me out???
[02:08] <foormea> joe__: don't do anything. that will do
[02:08] <jtisme> lol
[02:08] <solid_liq> joe__: oh, for a desktop, not a server?
[02:09] <ign0ramus> solid_liq: this was a bit of an experiment... I just wanted to copy music from my Linux lappy to the ol' Windows box... I'll probably wipe it and format it ext3 after this is done :)
[02:09] <joe__> yes, for my desktop
[02:09] <joe__> ^_^
[02:10] <solid_liq> joe__: just don't run samba, and you're fine. Make sure also that PermitRootLogin in /etc/ssh/sshd_config is set to no
[02:10] <ign0ramus> joe__: I think you are too worried about hackers. If they want something, they will get it. Just be a smart user.
[02:11] <joe__> what's samba? ok how do i set it to no? u got it
[02:11] <solid_liq> joe__: other than that, you can always use NoScript in Firefox (an extension you can download for it)
[02:11] <joe__> ^_^
[02:11] <lucax> anyone know how to enable direct rendering for just one user?
[02:11] <joe__> how do i do noscript in firefox???
[02:11] <solid_liq> joe__: edit the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file and you'll see by all the other settings around it how to set it to no. it's easy
[02:11] <benjamin__> go to the add on site and isntall it
[02:12] <foormea> ah and why not use TOR also to browse the internet?
[02:12] <lucax> any one know how to enable direct rendering for just one user?
[02:12] <foormea> come on. being careful is one thing, being paranoid is another
[02:12] <ign0ramus> foormea: ok, almost done here... do i want the IFS drive to be my primary (C:) Windows drive?
[02:13] <solid_liq> joe__: samba is the program which lets windows computers on the network talk to your computer like it's a windows computer (see files on it, etc, through network neighborhood). it's not 100% secure because it has to obey microsoft's design so that windows computers can talk to it, but microsoft is terrible when it comes to security, so they're protocol is insecure by its design
[02:13] <foormea> i don't thnk you could do that as C: should already be used by your system drive
[02:13] <jtisme> lucax, so i can get educated what is 'direct rendering' please
[02:13] <ign0ramus> foormea: that was the default setting, but I can easily change it...
[02:13] <foormea> ign0ramus: it shouldn't work even if you can pick C:
[02:14] <lucax> jtisme: hardware acceleration
[02:14] <joe__> oh ok, i didn't know that untill now, thnx ^_^
[02:14] <ign0ramus> foormea: actually, it won't let me change it :/
[02:14] <jtisme> lucax, ahh thanks
[02:14] <solid_liq> *their
[02:14] <foormea> ign0ramus: cannot change? mh try rebooting then. from my experience, it happens sometimes that it doesn't work straight away after install
[02:15] <lucax> i just want to enable one user to use the 3d effects, i dont want the first one that logs in to have them
[02:15] <joe__> i'm gonna do that thing /etc/ssh/sshd_config and set all to no
[02:15] <joe__> ok?
[02:15] <foormea> joe__: should already be to no
[02:15] <foormea> plus
[02:15] <foormea> ubuntu has no root user by default
[02:15] <joe__> well they r not
[02:16] <ign0ramus> foormea: rebooting
[02:16] <jtisme> no root pw does have a root user
[02:16] <joe__> so i'm gonna do all of them to no
[02:16] <foormea> so unless you add one, it won't make a difference
[02:16] <foormea> oh? okay sorry :)
[02:16] <foormea> yeah that's true
[02:17] <Dragnslcr> Has anyone else had problems with knotify crashing every time it tries to play a sound? The backtrace ends in phonon, so I assume that's the problem
[02:17] <joe__> i'm gonna show u what i do have in
[02:17] <joe__> # This is the ssh client system-wide configuration file. See
[02:17] <joe__> # ssh_config(5) for more information. This file provides defaults for
[02:17] <joe__> # users, and the values can be changed in per-user configuration files
[02:17] <joe__> # or on the command line.
[02:18] <jtisme> joe__, i would only set root login to no setting others to no will cause problems
[02:18] <jtisme> setting everything to no that is
[02:18] <joe__> i'm srry for that
[02:18] <joe__> i didn't know it was gonna do that
[02:18] <joe__> yeah i know i'm an idot
[02:18] <joe__> i'm srry
[02:18] <batcoder-7> i mgiht have to install a windows partition
[02:18] <roobix> hi there.. i had a great hardy kubuntu setup.. and ive just fresh installed (with a new hdd) intrepid and i have 2 hardware problems. First my wireless (ath) is detected by iwconfig but network manager wont show any networks. and second my intel 945 graphics are glitchy.. i get a flash of corruption every 10 seconds or so. anyone aware of these issues?
[02:18] <jtisme> just prevent root login if it makes you feel more secure
[02:19] <ign0ramus> foormea: hmmm... (after reboot) http://img522.imageshack.us/my.php?image=99644166dy9.png
[02:19] <jtisme> roobix believe the 2nd item is a known problem check launchpad
[02:20] <ign0ramus> roobix: for the network issue, you may want to try wicd... seems to 'just work' for most folks
[02:20] <foormea> ign0ramus: is there nothing down the list?
[02:20] <joe__> so what should i put to no then???
[02:21] <ign0ramus> foormea: you're seeing what I'm seeing... and there are no options to change anything
[02:21] <joe__> in the ssh_config file???
[02:21] <foormea> ign0ramus: i have no idea, sorry
[02:21] <ign0ramus> foormea: np, thanks for the help so far.
[02:21] <foormea> np
[02:22] <ign0ramus> foormea: i guess i could always stick a livecd in the ol Windows box, and copy files to the HDD that way, right?
[02:22] <foormea> yeah
[02:22] <joe__> what should i put to no in the ssh_config file???
[02:22] <foormea> but it's weird that the ifs is not working
[02:23] <ign0ramus> foormea: well, i haven't got to test it yet, but it's strange that it defaulted to C: - i just kept it at the default during install
[02:23] <jtisme> joe__, PermitRootLogin
[02:23] <jtisme> to no
[02:23] <foormea> no no
[02:23] <foormea> your C: here in the ifs menu is your normal C system drive
[02:23] <lucax> is it possible to let konqueror use webs fonts instead of its own fonts configuration?
[02:24] <joe__> i don't see it in my ssh_config file
[02:24] <jtisme> joe__, but PermitRootLogin should default to no
[02:24] <jtisme> sshd_config joe
[02:25] <joe__> oh ok i was in the wrong file
[02:25] <joe__> lol
[02:25] <joe__> i'm an f'n idot
[02:25] <joe__> lol
[02:25] <jtisme> no u ar not
[02:26] <jtisme> just made a mistake
[02:26] <joe__> where is it located sshd_config?
[02:26] <jtisme> /etc/ssh
[02:26] <joe__> yeah i know i do that alot
[02:26] <roobix> ign0ramus: i have a suspicion that this flicker on my screen is related to display hotplugging.. can i disable that somehow?
[02:26] <joe__> i'm try'n to get better at linux and i just keep gett'n bad at it
[02:26] <joe__> lol
[02:26] <jtisme> me too
[02:26] <ign0ramus> roobix: try using the vesa driver
[02:26] <jtisme> about every 2 minutes
[02:27] <joe__> there's a problem
[02:27] <jtisme> which is
[02:27] <joe__> i only have moduli file and ssh_config file NOTHING else i see in the folder?
[02:27] <jtisme> then the ssh deamon is not loaded
[02:28] <joe__> how do i load it?
[02:28] <jtisme> apt-get install sshd...
[02:28] <jtisme> let me see
[02:28] <jtisme> apt-get install openssh-server
[02:29] <jtisme> sudo first
[02:29] <joe__> got it
[02:29] <joe__> and it's installing
[02:29] <ign0ramus> roobix: does it still flicker after restarting X?
[02:29] <joe__> now what will it do again?
[02:29] <joe__> lol
[02:29] <jtisme> it will allow incoming ssh requests
[02:30] <joe__> got it
[02:30] <joe__> when it's done what else?
[02:30] <ign0ramus> going out for scotch. thanks everyone.
=== ign0ramus is now known as ign0|afk
[02:30] <jtisme> just check sshd_config for the PermitRootLogin and make sure it is set to no
[02:30] <joe__> have fun
[02:31] <joe__> got it should i put anything else to no?
[02:31] <binMonkey> hey, guys.
[02:32] <jtisme> joe__, no leave the rest as is until you understand more about sshd
[02:32] <x_link> Hi.
[02:32] <joe__> got it
[02:32] <x_link> Do I need to install any codecs for audacious?
[02:32] <binMonkey> update-notifier is hogging up my cpu. does anyone else have this problem?
=== lucas_ is now known as lucax
[02:33] <joe__> it wont let me
[02:33] <joe__> he document could not be saved, as it was not possible to write to file:///etc/ssh/sshd_config.
[02:33] <joe__> Check that you have write access to this file or that enough disk space is available.
[02:33] <joe__> that's what it tell's me
[02:33] <joe__> wtf
[02:34] <nejode> "sudo"
[02:34] <x_link> Anybody?
[02:34] <joe__> i did
[02:34] <joe__> i'll do it again
[02:35] <lucax> how do i let konqueror use webs font?
[02:35] <lucax> it always uses sans
[02:36] <joe__> i did and still nothing
[02:36] <joe__> wtf
[02:36] <BluesKaj> x_link: not sure, what are you planning to play on it ?
[02:36] <binMonkey> x_link: do you mean other than the w32 codecs?
[02:37] <x_link> Just playing some .mp3
[02:37] <x_link> Nothing happens when I open a mp3 with it.
[02:37] <joe__> help, please???
[02:38] <joe__> how can i get it so that i can config sshd_config???
[02:38] <BluesKaj> x_link: install libxine1-ffmpeg
[02:38] <x_link> Okej.
[02:38] <x_link> I will try it now.
[02:38] <jtisme> joe__, what is the problem
[02:39] <x_link> BluesKaj: Nix, nothing happens.
[02:39] <joe__> i am trying to have PermitRootLogin say no instead of yes and it wont let me in sshd_config, can anyone help me out?
[02:39] <jtisme> what editor r u using
[02:39] <joe__> kate
[02:40] <joe__> i think
[02:40] <jtisme> from the gui
[02:40] <roobix> ign0|afk: yes.. it flickers all the time
[02:40] <joe__> i don't know
[02:40] <jtisme> joe__, kate from the gui
[02:40] <joe__> ok then yes
[02:41] <jtisme> joe__, i always work in Konsole mode so dont know how to tell kate to start under su control from gui
[02:41] <joe__> how do i do that?
[02:41] <scribbles> sudo kate
[02:41] <joe__> in the termainal?
[02:42] <scribbles> yea
[02:42] <jtisme> true but he has to be in a konsole window first right
[02:42] <joe__> ok hold up a sec
[02:42] <joe__> it worked
[02:43] <joe__> should i put anything else to no???
[02:43] <jtisme> joe__, no not at present
[02:44] <joe__> got it, thnx for the help ^_^
[02:52] <scribbles> Why is there a \n \l at the end of the default /etc/issue?
[02:53] <_2> newline linefeed
[02:53] <scribbles> so next line, then what does linefeed do?
=== ronnie_ is now known as fat32VSntfs
[02:59] <pteague> i'm not sure this is a good thing & i'm afraid to reboot my computer - http://pastebin.com/d2f306b3f
[03:00] <_2> scribbles man getty says that it will read \n as n Insert the nodename of the machine, also known as the hostname.
[03:00] <_2> scribbles and \l as l Insert the name of the current tty line.
[03:00] <scribbles> ahh
[03:00] <desendeasi> hi
[03:00] <desendeasi> pls help me
[03:00] <_2> scribbles man pages are an amazing thing.
[03:01] <fat32VSntfs> hey I tried to fromat my HD as NTFS & it seems to crash & completely shut down my system!!, does kubuntu not support this format? should I use fat32? even tho I hear it's slower = )
[03:01] <benjamin__> fat32VSntfs use ext3
[03:01] <desendeasi> i didnt install my ati driver pls help me
[03:01] <_2> fat32VSntfs for what ?
[03:02] <_2> fat32VSntfs use an ms filesystem for what ?
[03:02] <desendeasi> ????
[03:02] <desendeasi> pls
=== root is now known as huydq-vietnam
[03:02] <fat32VSntfs> I just thought I'd get faster performance with kubuntu useing NTFS than fat32
[03:02] <desendeasi> i have ati mobility readon hd 2400
[03:02] <desendeasi> pls help me
[03:02] <huydq-vietnam> Hi all !
[03:03] <huydq-vietnam> Hi , everybody
[03:03] <huydq-vietnam> I install ubuntu server 8.10
[03:03] <_2> fat32VSntfs we are still not communicating. using that format for what ? what are you going to store there ?
[03:03] <desendeasi> me. too
[03:03] <huydq-vietnam> and intalling successfully
[03:03] <huydq-vietnam> but
[03:04] <huydq-vietnam> When i remove CD-ROm UNBUNTUSERVER to reboot system
[03:04] <desendeasi> pls help me
[03:04] <fat32VSntfs> I'm just formating my entire HD & want to know what to use fat16?, fat32?
[03:04] <desendeasi> pufffffff
[03:04] <benjamin__> you need to tell us what you plan on storing on the drive
[03:04] <_2> fat32VSntfs if you can't answer my question, i can't answer yours.
[03:04] <huydq-vietnam> i have no MENU boot choice !
[03:04] <benjamin__> for instance, if you are going to isntall kubuntu, then you need to do things like have a swap partition
[03:05] <desendeasi> help help help help help help help help help help help
[03:05] <benjamin__> we need information
[03:05] <huydq-vietnam> And can not boot hdd ,
=== anon is now known as bloodboy
[03:05] <huydq-vietnam> Please help me 1
[03:05] <benjamin__> desendeasi: did you try instaling it from adept?
[03:05] <jtisme> !please
[03:05] <ubottu> Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !patience
[03:05] <jtisme> !help
[03:05] <ubottu> Hi! I'm #kubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots
[03:05] <desendeasi> benyes
[03:05] <desendeasi> yes
[03:05] <desendeasi> but didint it
[03:05] <benjamin__> huh?
[03:05] <fat32VSntfs> I'm installing kubuntu to use for anything, music files, software programs, etc..
[03:06] <_2> benjamin__ swap partition is not "required" a filesystem with permissions and ownership bits is.
[03:06] <benjamin__> ah
[03:06] <pteague> fat32VSntfs: if you're installing kubuntu on it, use ext3... don't use the ms crap filesystems
[03:06] <_2> fat32VSntfs you can't use either ntfs nor fat
[03:06] <huydq-vietnam> And i have input cd-rom UNBUNTUserver to boot from CDrom , and choice boot from HDD
[03:06] <_2> fat32VSntfs see my post to benjamin__ ^ you have to have a real filesystem
[03:07] <desendeasi> benjamin
[03:07] <desendeasi> pls help me
[03:07] <desendeasi> benjamin_
[03:07] <fat32VSntfs> umm ok where's your post?
[03:07] <_2> fat32VSntfs use something like ext2, ext3, rieserfs, nfs, or any other unix supporting filesystem
[03:08] <benjamin__> desendeasi: did you install the drivers?
[03:08] <desendeasi> no i couldnt
[03:08] <ptl> choose XFS! :D
[03:09] <benjamin__> okay, why not?
[03:09] <desendeasi> i dont konow
[03:09] <desendeasi> i m new for linux
[03:09] <desendeasi> i install kubuntu 8.10
[03:09] <benjamin__> well did it give you some sort of error message when it didn't install?
[03:10] <desendeasi> but ati driver not dont install
[03:10] <desendeasi> yes
[03:10] <benjamin__> okay, what did it say?
[03:10] <desendeasi> this driver is 2d but your card 3d
[03:10] <benjamin__> huh?
[03:10] <desendeasi> it say this
[03:10] <_2> !grub > huydq-vietnam
[03:11] <ubottu> huydq-vietnam, please see my private message
[03:11] <desendeasi> benjamin__ you konow ati mobility readon hd 2400 driver?
[03:11] <benjamin__> specifically, no
[03:12] <desendeasi> what can i do?
[03:12] <_2> !ati > desendeasi
[03:12] <ubottu> desendeasi, please see my private message
[03:13] <desendeasi> ok ubottu
[03:13] <desendeasi> pls wait
[03:17] <legodude> so, I just installed 8.10 swimmingly
[03:17] <legodude> now when I boot off my disk, X fails to load
[03:17] <legodude> "no screens found"
[03:17] <_2> !nv
[03:17] <ubottu> For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto
[03:18] <marco_> how do I procede to configure kubuntu to lock the screen before suspending to RAM?
[03:18] <legodude> sorry, should have been more clear
[03:18] <legodude> after bootup, I installed the nv driver, 177
[03:18] <legodude> then after restarted, I got that error
[03:19] <_2> i bet there are bug reports all over launchpad dot net about that
[03:19] <legodude> ooh, digital output problems
[03:20] <legodude> strange, because I just did a similar install on a similar computer
[03:20] <legodude> and had no problems
[03:20] <ptl> how do I prevent gconfd-2, gvfsd, evolution-data-server and other gnome crap from autoloading when I start KDE?
[03:20] <marco_> can I make kubuntu to lock the screen before suspending to ram?
[03:21] <_2> ptl kcontrol used to provide a methood of configuring startup proccesses
[03:21] <marco_> my computer sucessfully suspends to ram, but I wish it could ask for my password before letting anyone use the computer freely
[03:21] <_2> marco_ i'm sure it can be done. i'm not sure how.
[03:22] <mamefan> In KDE3 krdc would close when I ended an RDP session. Now in KDE 4 it stays open. Is there some way I can have it automatically close when the remote session ends?
=== Cueball is now known as Cueball|Away
[03:23] <ptl> _2: I have added some kill $(...) script on autostart but this is not elegant.
[03:23] <ptl> _2: let me check on 'system settings' from KDE...
[03:23] <marco_> _2: seems like it's that way for many things in this OS though :-(, but thanks
[03:25] <mamefan> In KDE3 krdc would close when I ended an RDP session. Now in KDE 4 it stays open. Is there some way I can have it automatically close when the remote session ends?
[03:28] <_2> marco_ yeah well it must be the off season around here. i'm a console guy and running dapper so trying to help kde users, using ibex is like a kindergarden teacher trying to teach an after grad physics class i'm just not really qualified for ti.
[03:28] <_2> it
[03:28] <_2> don't know where all the "real" help is.
[03:30] <neptunepink> hellos, I'm having a NIC problem. It's showing up in /dev and everything, but it doesn't do any kind of networking. dhclient doesn't work... what to do?
[03:31] <_2> neptunepink what's it connected to ?
[03:31] <neptunepink> An ethernet cable. And then a router.
[03:32] <neptunepink> ^^ -> _2
[03:32] <_2> neptunepink lights work on the router ?
[03:32] <FrozenFire> Hi all, I've just installed Kubuntu Intrepid a few days ago. I've kept completely up-to-date with updates. For some reason, FireFox, Adept, and Ubuntu itself keeps crashing. FireFox crashes constantly, every few minutes. Adept crashes randomly without warning. Ubuntu itself just crashed when Adept was fetching package lists. There are never any crash reports offered. Any suggestions for troubleshooting?
[03:33] <neptunepink> _2: Yes, a very solid green light on both ends.
[03:33] <_2> i'm thinking maybe poor connection, or wrong port if the router supports both streight and cross over cat5
[03:33] <neptunepink> Of course, I'm reaaaalllllly out of date, I think, so maybe I should just burn it. :/
[03:33] <neptunepink> !liveusb
[03:33] <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about liveusb
[03:34] <_2> FrozenFire log files in /var/log/ might help.
[03:36] <FrozenFire> _2, There are many log files. Can you suggest a specific one?
[03:36] <_2> neptunepink one other question, does the router suport dynamic ip's ?
[03:36] <_2> FrozenFire X* sys* k*
[03:37] <neptunepink> _2: Yeah. I guess. Hmm. ^M Other issue: I've got kubuntu-kde4-8.04.1-desktop-amd64.iso, and when I boot off of that, it dumps me to busybox.
[03:39] <_2> neptunepink that will be because it can't find it's butt with both hands... err i mean can't find the rootfs device to mount probably looking for the cd/dvd drive and not seeing anything there
[03:40] <_2> neptunepink you can manually mount the propper fs from the busybox shell and continue if you know how.
[03:41] <neptunepink> I have some skill with a blade^wcommand line. But soon as I get the FS mounted, what would I run?
[03:41] <_2> neptunepink this router, does it have firmware? switch? or is it just a broadcast router ?
[03:42] <neptunepink> Firmware? Yes. It's a linksys wireless-G thingie. And it's worked very happily before. It is the computer that is new.
[03:42] <_2> neptunepink you would just exit the busybox. init will take over.
[03:42] <neptunepink> Ah, okay then.
[03:42] <_2> neptunepink jsut mount "probably the casperfs" on /root and exit
[03:42] <benbloom> k quick partition question: if I want to format my second SATA drive to just be a storage point. should I create an extended partition with an ext3 filesystem on it? how do I make it mount automatically? I'm using gparted (unless someone has a better solution)
[03:44] <_2> benbloom the question about partitions is only answerable by you. it's totally choice. i don't even use a partition just an fs on the disk. but that is unhandy to most. as to how to get it to automount, put a line in your fstab.
[03:44] <msl__> benbloom: There is no need to make it an extended partition.
[03:45] <msl__> You will need a line such as '/dev/sdb1 /media/stuff ext3 relatime 0 2' in your /etc/fstab
[03:45] <_2> msl__ true and as i said, it wont hurt anything either. it's all choice.
[03:45] <benbloom> msl__: gparted gives me two choices 1) extended 2) primary
[03:46] <msl__> If there will only be one partition, you may as well make it primary...
[03:46] <_2> benbloom that's because gparted is a partition editor
=== msl__ is now known as msl
[03:47] <benbloom> ok. Last time I tried that I ended up breaking grub. I thought it was making the part a primary that did that \
[03:47] <_2> which is best primary or extended? which is best xfs or ext3? which is best vim or emacs? which is best twm or gnome? it's all about personal preferance.
[03:48] <edju> I repartitioned the disk, and somehow got the parts in the wrong order - it's sda1, 3 then 2. Doesn't seem to affect anything, but is there a way to reorder them, non-destructively?
[03:49] <benbloom> ok. i thought having 2 primary drives confused boot loader
[03:49] <_2> edju yeah. but dont
[03:49] <_2> benbloom no. it doesn't.
[03:50] <msl> benbloom: Why partitioning, you can have 4 primary partitions per drive, or 3 primary partitions and n extended partitions.
[03:50] <_2> benbloom having too many primary partitions on one disk will confuse grub tho
[03:50] <edju> _2, why not?
[03:50] <_2> edju more trouble than it's worth
[03:52] <_2> msl actually you can have more than four primary but most bios can't deal with it. and linux doesn't like it. but it's still possable.
[03:52] <benbloom> I was thinking about setting up a / a /home/benbloom/ and a /home/benbloom/media i have 2 SATAs (320, 750) and one USB2.0(500) want to make it so I can back up all data on seperate drives
[03:52] <writher> Anyone know if it is possible to increase the icon size in dolphin past the normal maximum amount under Dolphin Prefs ->View Modes -> Icons Tab -> Change Icon and Preview Size...I am on a 30" Display with large resolution and even the largest setting is suboptimal for icon preview size
[03:53] <_2> benbloom i would sujest clipping benbloom/ from the second one. just make it /home you might want to add other users
[03:55] <_2> writher reduce the rez ? ;/ not what you wanted i know.
[03:57] <_2> i don't understand why developers always seem to make every thing look nice on their 96" try-polar flat screen, and forget that for the rest of us everything will be to small to see.
[03:59] <_2> heh. "sujest" super user make joke :)))
[04:04] <MrInternet> What are the SATA cd-drives supposed to be called in /dev?
[04:05] <_2> scd# or possably hd?
[04:05] <_2> look for scd0
[04:06] <_2> MrInternet http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/13418
[04:10] <mot_> is it at all possible to use kde 3.5.10 in kubuntu 8.10?
[04:11] <mot_> i mean i know the devs tweaked something, but, it's not possible is it?
[04:11] <_2> !patience
[04:11] <ubottu> The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines
[04:11] <mot_> wtf?
[04:11] <condon> Is there a way to opacify konsole? Not necessarily no background, just like 50%?
[04:11] <_2> mot_ i don't see why not.
[04:11] <condon> without plugins I mean
[04:11] <mot_> _2 well, i installed kde 3 but it simply doesn't show up in kdm
[04:12] <mot_> i don't know what the devs changed or what has been changed to "block" access to 3.5.x i was wondering if anybody knew off-hand
[04:12] <condon> When I drag it around sometimes it goes half opacity until I click on it, is there a way to get this effect on purpose?
[04:12] <QContinueum> it's my understanding that 3.5 does not work in 8.10
[04:12] <jtisme> mot_ i have seen several posts on google that say you can but that is the extent of my knowledge
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[04:12] <scribbles> Why would "ssh-keygen -i -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub >> authorized_keys" cause "uudecode failed."
=== Guest64687 is now known as harry__
[04:13] <harry__> Hi I need some help adding a couple of ntfs partions into fstab
[04:14] <mot_> harry__,
[04:14] <mot_> /dev/sdXX /MOUNT_PATH ntfs-3g defaults,rw 0 0
[04:15] <harry__> ahh ntfs-3g thanks for that ^-^. Have a nice day
[04:15] <_2> ssh-keygen -t rsa
[04:15] <binMonkey> mot_: did you just do that from memory?
[04:16] <mot_> nope i'm drunk i copied it from /etc/fstab
[04:16] <mot_> normally though, i can tell you that the syntax in /etc/fstab is DEVICE PATH TYPE OPTIONS
[04:17] <binMonkey> dang. i was going to plus one you.
[04:17] <mot_> if you look at fstab or mtab it's pretty easy to figure out how to mount stuff if you look at what other stuff already has entries
[04:17] <mot_> oh you can plus one me. c'mon now i did that whilst drunk :P
[04:17] <binMonkey> i feel like such a child. :(
[04:17] <mot_> i mean, i do know the syntax, i just wanted to make sure i was right.
[04:17] <binMonkey> +1 for the answer
[04:17] <scribbles> _2: I just need to add the -t rsa flag to it?
[04:17] <binMonkey> +25 for drunken ircing.
[04:18] <MrInternet> _2: I can't find casper. There's a casper.log and .var, and a script called casper.
[04:18] <mot_> i gave blood today AND knocked back a six-pack, shit you should +1 me just for that alone.
[04:18] <condon> +1
[04:18] <binMonkey> +1
[04:18] <magi> hello
[04:19] <magi> I have a problem on compiz. It cannot find XGL
[04:19] <magi> can anyone help me?
[04:19] <condon> I'll +10 you if you tell me if there's a way to give my konsole transparency
[04:19] <mot_> hmm, how can i figure out what the newest kernel in the 8.04 repos is?
[04:19] <binMonkey> isn't it in konsole profiles?
[04:20] <stdin> mot_: see what version linux-image-generic depends on
[04:20] <condon> text size, smoth fonts, color of text, but little else I can find int here
[04:21] <mot_> the only thing stopping me from going back to 8.04 is the fact that i need at least 2.26.x+ to use my wifi
[04:21] <binMonkey> condon: sorry. i was thinking of yakuake.
[04:21] <mot_> stdin, can i do that from within 8.10 per chance?
[04:22] <binMonkey> try yakuake. it's cool.
[04:22] <stdin> !info linux-image-generic hardy
[04:22] <ubottu> linux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (hardy), package size 25 kB, installed size 52 kB
[04:22] <stdin> so 2.6.24-21
[04:22] <mot_> :( not recent enough
[04:23] <scribbles> "ssh-keygen -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys" should this take longer than 30 seconds?
[04:24] <binMonkey> condon: go back to profiles, new profile, option for transparency.
[04:25] <binMonkey> condon: sliding scale for transparency.
[04:25] <condon> Ah...thanks man
[04:25] <stdin> scribbles: it's probably asking you for input, look at ~/.ssh/authorized_keys and see if anything unusual is at the end
[04:26] <stdin> scribbles: "ssh-keygen -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa -t rsa" then "ssh-copy-id localhost" would be easier IMO
[04:27] <stlewis> Is there anyone that might have any insight in to why an atheros wireless card would be utterly undetected on a fresh install of 8.10?
[04:27] <scribbles> stdin: yea its trying to generate a new pair
[04:27] <scribbles> stdin: all I want to do is append the id_rsa key I just generated to the blank authorized_keys file I just created
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[04:28] <mot_> hmm i wonder if any 3.5.10 distros contain 2.6.26+
[04:28] <mot_> !info linux-image-generic jaunty
[04:28] <ubottu> jaunty is not a valid distribution ['intrepid', 'medibuntu', 'kubuntu-members-kde4', 'hardy-backports', 'intrepid-backports', 'gutsy', 'gutsy-backports', 'hardy', 'feisty-backports', 'dapper', 'feisty']
[04:28] <stdin> scribbles: then just "cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys"
[04:29] <stdin> jaunty is not really opened yet
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[04:39] <jtisme> i need to write a .desktop startup file can anyone point me to that type of info
[04:40] <stdin> jtisme: you need to write one by hand?
[04:40] <stdin> or just need to create one?
[04:40] <jtisme> stdin, i need to create one and place the app on a particular desktop
[04:41] <jtisme> in other words i need to know how to tell the .desktop file geometry= x,y,H,D
[04:42] <stdin> I don't think the desktop file can contain that type of information
[04:42] <jtisme> oh, too bad
[04:42] <jtisme> i hate starting up apps and having to move them to another desktop
[04:42] <stdin> KWin can take care of that though, from Advanced -> Special Application Settings
[04:42] <stdin> (from right-clicking the title bar)
[04:43] <jtisme> ok let me look
[04:43] <condon> in terminal, how do I navigate to directories with multiple words in their name?
[04:43] <stdin> condon: easiest way is to use the <TAB> key
[04:43] <jtisme> stdin yes looks promising thanks
[04:43] <stdin> but you need to bash-slash the spaces
[04:44] <stdin> "cd /home/me/some\ dir/"
[04:44] <stdin> or quote it 'cd "/home/me/some dir"'
[04:44] <condon> awesome, thank you
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[04:46] <jtisme> stdin that did it thanks
[04:46] <stdin> np :)
[04:47] <jtisme> stdin lots of folks are bitterly complaining about kde4 but it is the changes they are complaining about there is a learning curve but what the heck
[04:48] <stdin> people never like change
[04:48] <stdin> especially when it's with something they are comfortable with
[04:49] <jtisme> yes i was a little surprised as my first experience w kde4 was 8.10 about a week ago but i am learning and i like it
[04:49] <legodude> I wish there was a good intro guide to kde4
[04:50] <jtisme> legodude, i suspect with it changing so much at this time a good intro would be difficult it is just too massive
[04:50] <legodude> is the rate of change still that high?
[04:51] <jtisme> i suspect there are still a lot of changes in the works
[04:52] <stlewis> Besides its fun to hose your desktop a few times trying to learn it :D
[04:52] <legodude> anyone have experience with two nvidia cards?
[04:54] <jtisme> actually the brain shrinks overtime if it does not learn new things
[04:57] <legodude> any advice for nvidia driver not finding any monitors?
[05:00] <scribbles> Oct 31 18:49:34 stephen-desktop su[6084]: Successful su for nobody by root <--- should this line be in my auth.log?
[05:06] <justinforasec> Hi everyone, can someone help me with Wubi?
[05:09] <justinforasec> afiestas?
[05:27] <condon> OK, have a little issue
[05:28] <condon> I clicked something (possibly a right click) a day or two ago, completely forgot what I'd done, and have no idea how I did it, but now in google, when searching google images, there are no images, just text/img data (320 x 320 - 18k - jpg)
[05:28] <condon> Any idea how to get the image preview back?
[05:30] <condon> no one know anything about this?
[05:38] <QContinueum> which browser?
[05:42] <dig> Can I ask a bash question here?
[05:42] <condon> QContinuem...first off, sweet name :) secondly, Firefox
[05:43] <condon> 3.0.3 in Intrepid
[05:46] <dig> hi, I have this: find -name .wget-list -execdir download.bash ';' -----> It complains that it cannot find download.bash
[05:47] <binMonkey> condon: check page style in ff under view menu.
[05:49] <ptl> dig: well, that's because you don't have a directory download.bash directly below where you are.
[05:50] <condon> All I have is "No Style" and "Basic Page Style" - Basic is selected and under No Style I lose all formatting, no images, you can barely tell it's a web page
[05:54] <binMonkey> condon: sorry. that's all i have.
[05:54] <condon> Gonna just try to reinstall firefox
[05:55] <condon> is there a 'reinstall' feature in apt-get that might keep my favorites intact?
[05:55] <condon> anyone know?
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[05:57] <dig> ptl: interesting, even I move to the directory, which has the download.bash. It still complains no such file or dir. btw, the command is based on http://www.linux.com/articles/59457
[05:57] <knoob> anyone feeling helpful tonight?
[05:58] <condon> I always feel helpful, I just rarely am
[05:58] <knoob> ok well
[05:58] <knoob> you can give it a shot
[05:58] <knoob> i have a grub error on boot
[05:58] <condon> 42
[05:59] <knoob> and dunno how to fix it
[05:59] <knoob> 17 and 21
[05:59] <knoob> 21 if my external hd is plugged in
[05:59] <knoob> 17 if not
[05:59] <knoob> either way i cant boot anything
[05:59] <knoob> kubuntu xp or vista
[05:59] <knoob> all i can do is run off of the live cd, which i am right now
[05:59] <condon> hm...yeah, that's WAY beyond my sorry arse.
[06:00] <knoob> no prob
[06:00] <knoob> ill just chill on here
[06:00] <condon> sorry man, hopefully someone more useful is around
[06:00] <condon> I usually just ask the question once every 15 minutes, usually get great help within an hour :)
[06:00] <knoob> nice
[06:06] <aparedes> knoob: go to a terminal. type sudo grub then type find /boot/grub/stage1 after that it should give you the hd partition your grub is located in
[06:06] <condon> sometimes less than an hour :)
[06:06] <aparedes> after that type root (hd0,0) or what ever you get
[06:07] <condon> Don't suppose you know what would cause me to lose preview images in google (images section)? Removed firefox and reinstalled, still gone.
[06:07] <knoob> ok i can do the from the live cd?
[06:07] <aparedes> after that type setup (hd0) or what other hd you are using and that should do the trick
[06:07] <aparedes> yeah that is where you should do it
[06:07] <binMonkey> condon: backup your ~/.mozilla file before you reinstall.
[06:08] <condon> ok...maybe I didn't uninstall it enough. I have my bookmarks in place
[06:08] <binMonkey> are you sure basic page is checked?
[06:08] <knoob> it says error 15 file not found
[06:09] <condon> Yep, it's checked.
[06:09] <condon> the only other setting I see leaves the page looking horribly discombobulated
[06:11] <aparedes> knoob: what about find /grub/stage1
[06:12] <knoob> same :(
[06:12] <binMonkey> ok. move your ~./mozilla/bookmarks.html, aptitude remove --purge firefox, reinstall ff, add the bookmarks.html into .mozilla.
[06:13] <binMonkey> and before you reinstall make delete whatever ./mozilla file you have in ~.
[06:13] <knoob> Error 15: File not found
[06:18] <condon> is there a way to remove a directory and it's contents at once?
[06:19] <binMonkey> yes, but don't unless your sure.
[06:19] <alesan> condon, rm -r directory_name or using konqueror, delete it with the shift key pressed
[06:20] <condon> thank you. And thank you for the warning as well.
[06:21] <binMonkey> sorry. i didn't mean to sound like a jerk.
[06:21] <condon> Oh no, not at all
[06:21] <alesan> in the case you delete something you didn't want to, what I usually do is to turn off the machine by unplugging the cord, booting with a livecd and "grep"-ing /dev/sdaX for the content of some files I remember.
[06:21] <condon> I understand how devistating arbitrarily deleting directories can be
[06:22] <alesan> this will only work for text-based files.
[06:22] <binMonkey> alesan: what is the sdaX part? like "grep /dev/sda/mp3s" or something like that?
[06:22] <alesan> no
[06:23] <alesan> /dev/sda1 if sda1 is the partition you have deleted files from
[06:23] <alesan> you won't have any visibility or directories at this level.
[06:24] <binMonkey> ok. i think i get it.
[06:25] <alesan> by grepping /dev/sda1 you are having a look at the raw partition
[06:25] <condon> ok, I'm doing something horribly wrong or god hates me. I sudo aptitude remove --purge firefox, it says done done done done done, no packages will be installed, upgraded, or removed, done done so on and so on
[06:25] <alesan> no directory structure, nothing, the files may be fragmented
[06:25] <condon> and it's still there.
[06:25] <binMonkey> alesan: oooooook. i get it.
[06:26] <alesan> condon, why don't you use adept?
[06:28] <condon> doing that now.
[06:28] <condon> Do I need to restart for it to 'take hold' or should I be able to turn around and install from scratch?
[06:29] <binMonkey> you shouldn't need restart.
[06:31] <condon> now that it's removed, is it safe to remove the .mozilla folder from my home/user/ directory?
[06:31] <condon> given I don't care about the bookmarks, settings, etc?
[06:31] <binMonkey> yes.
[06:32] <knoob> anyone know how to fix a grub error?
[06:32] <knoob> from boot up
[06:33] <knoob> error 17
[06:33] <condon> beautiful, worked like a charm. Thank you guys so much.
[06:35] <ptl> knoob: dunno, I am afraid you'll have to try googling for it.
[06:36] <knoob> aight
[06:37] <kkathman_> so how is everyone finding the upgrade to ibex??
[06:37] <condon> It's fun when I'm not reinstalling all the crap I screw up along the way :)
[06:40] <knoob> is there any way to completely format my kubuntu partition and remove the grub loader?
[06:40] <knoob> start fresh
[06:40] <condon> I should think you should be able to
[06:40] <condon> from a live-cd if nothing else
[06:41] <knoob> i cant figure out how to
[06:41] <condon> I had a good one a while back, but couldn't tell you for the life of me which it was, for stuff like that. google 'live cd distros' and look for one that lets you actually alter the harddrive contents without installing (from the live gui session)
[06:41] <condon> any of them should have tools for formatting
[06:41] <condon> just have to know which partition you want formatted and know enough about the program to just do that one and not the whole drive.
[06:42] <condon> out of my range (could do it if I absolutely had to, I'm sure, but would sweat balls through the whole process)
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[06:49] <ptl> kkathman: I found lots of bugs, but nevertheless Intrepid Ibex is nice. KDE 4.1 is amusing.
[06:50] <kkathman> ptl ok
[06:50] <kkathman> ptl I have a very stable 8.04 right now, but I do know its harder and harder to upgrade if you get too far behind
[06:50] <kkathman> ptl also I have both kubuntu and ubuntu (i.e. gnome and kde) on my install
[06:51] <kkathman> I've know that aspect to sometimes have deleterious effects
[07:16] <master_> Is kubuntu going to have an automatic update for openoffice 3, or should I just uninstall the kubuntu package and download/install openoffice 3 myself?
[07:16] <Tonio> ciao raga
[07:16] <Tonio> I am Italian
[07:16] <Tonio> I want a server Italian
[07:16] <master_> Tonio: We have a pizza named after you.
[07:17] <master_> in the U.S.
[07:17] <Tonio> XD
[07:19] <HollowPoint> !it
[07:19] <ubottu> Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)
[07:20] <HollowPoint> master you may be better off doing just exactly that, I'm still on 8.04 and my Open Office installation is a manual one
[07:21] <master_> HollowPoint: thanks.. downloading it now
[07:22] <dwidmann__> Seeing as it seems to be a popular release, it *might* get a backport if we're lucky.
[07:22] <HollowPoint> or possibly not
[07:24] <TeslaTony> I have a Razer Lycosa keyboard, which has media controls. I have had the controls work before, but now they don't. Anyone know how to fix this?
[07:26] <HollowPoint> is this since an upgrade Tesla?
[07:26] <TeslaTony> 8.04 to 8.10
[07:27] <TeslaTony> However, it never worked properly in KDE4 in 8.04, but it partially worked
[07:27] <TeslaTony> Now? Kaput
[07:27] <HollowPoint> yeah it's probably less to do with KDE4 and more to do with Xorg
[07:28] <HollowPoint> 8.10 uses the absolute latest Xorg server, so you may find that the media keys will just start working after a few Adept updates but right now it may not have the appropriate drivers available for the new Xorg
[07:28] <TeslaTony> That narrows things down
[07:40] <thomas_> hello
[07:40] <miresio> Hello everybody:)
[07:41] <thomas_> lot of people in here... no one is saying much though haha
[07:41] <miresio> yeah you are right
[07:41] <TeslaTony> Yeah. We're so good, we've already solved everyones problems and have nothing left to do
[07:42] <thomas_> haha, is anyone else having problems getting on kubuntuforums.net?
[07:42] <miresio> thomas I have got
[07:42] <vikku> ok heres one ... when i selec turn off from log off option ....system halts but doesnt power off ...anyting i need to fix ?
[07:43] <thomas_> mine does that when i restart it
[07:43] <thomas_> never reboots
[07:43] <vikku> ok
[07:44] <miresio> I downloaded kubuntu 8.10 and I burned but its very slow
[07:44] <thomas_> heh, I cant get my graphics card to work
[07:44] <miresio> I can not set my network
[07:45] <thomas_> Is there some trick to installing kubuntu on a computer with 2 video cards in it?
[07:45] <miresio> I havent got any idea
[07:45] <thomas_> cause I cant get the restricted drivers to enable
[07:46] <thomas_> and when I do get it enabled it screws up my Xserver thing and I cant get KDE to load... it just boots up the command line
[07:49] <miresio> annisa hi
[07:53] <ptl> a-ha... the sun is rising, cool
[07:53] <dig> really
[07:54] <dig> ptl: you don't sleep?
[07:54] <HollowPoint> it set here about 2 hours ago
[07:54] <ptl> dig: I do, in the morning and afternoon. I work on the night shift (midnight to 8 AM)
[07:55] <ptl> where are you, HollowPoint?
[07:55] <HollowPoint> NZ
[07:59] <ptl> Cool. head lots of cool stuff about there.
[07:59] <ptl> *Heard
[08:00] <HollowPoint> none of its true
[08:01] <ptl> lol... why not? Everybody says it's a country full of opportunities.
[08:01] <HollowPoint> lmao, it would be if the people were open minded enough and the government weren't a nannying bunch of idiots that think everyone needs to be mollycoddled, then it might be
[08:03] <ptl> Wow, that was deep... lol
[08:03] <santiago> http://br.youtube.com/watch?v=j74szO-nXY8
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[08:04] * vvlist-away is away: Gone away for now
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[08:04] <HollowPoint> not really, lol, we have constant adverts on the tv here about no smoking, no drinking, no gambling, the maximum speed limit in the entire country is 55 - 60 mph, cars can't sound too loud, cannot smack children when they're naughty, children aren't properly taught at school until they're 14 etc it's bloody stupid
[08:10] <ptl> HollowPoint: agh, that sucks
[08:12] <ptl> HollowPoint: my country - Brazil - is heading that way too. :(
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[08:46] <master_> ok--I just downloaded openoffice 3.0, unpacked it and it's a bunch of .deb packages... How can I install them all?
[08:47] <master_> Obviously, they require some sort of order... depend on eachother..
[08:47] <master_> Or... should I just install the .tgz version to make it simpler?
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[09:01] <student__> tgz
[09:01] <student__> cs
[09:03] <zorglu_> q. if i upgrade my 8.04 into 8.10, will it switch to kde4 ?
[09:15] <TheAncientGoat> Hey guys, after an update to 8.10 my DiNovo Edge keyboard stopped working, audio playback isn't up to scratch, xorg is being most despondent, and plasmoids has crashed on me..
[09:15] <robin0800> zorglu_: yes
[09:16] <zorglu_> robin0800: no way to prevent it ?
[09:19] <robin0800> zorglu_: you could always uninstall it afterwards but how much of kde 3.5 will work with 8.10?
[09:19] <TheAncientGoat> Might the kkeyboard errors be caused by me having to fix my xorg settings, or a the general update?
[09:19] <zorglu_> hmmm
[09:20] <robin0800> zorglu_: install ubuntu 8.10 no kde at all
[09:20] <zorglu_> robin0800: im thinking about the possible alternatives... maybe kde4 is not that buggy and ugly... but i would need to spend more time to test that....
[09:21] <zorglu_> robin0800: or i switch to gnome but i would need more time to see how to configure it properly
[09:21] <zorglu_> robin0800: ok i simply dont update and postpone the resolution of this problem at 3month from now :)
[09:22] <robin0800> zorglu_: you would still have kde 3.5 if you only upgrade!
[09:23] <zorglu_> robin0800: ok thanks
[09:23] <robin0800> zorglu_: three months kde 4.2 will be out
[09:24] <zorglu_> robin0800: how buggy is kde4 at the moment ?
[09:26] <robin0800> zorglu_: I think peoples milage varies but latest version is 4.1.3 which according to kde is mainly bug fixes
[09:27] <zorglu_> robin0800: ok i think i will try kde4 in a brand new install in a VM. and see how usable it is
[09:27] <zorglu_> robin0800: thanks for your time and information
[09:28] <vlt> Hello. Any idea how to solve this problem with `aptitude update`? "Err http://archive.ubuntu.com dapper Release.gpg Bad header line [IP: 80]"
[09:34] <carbono> spanish
[09:35] <carbono> spanis?
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[09:43] <cassie> hello
[09:49] <Tesssa> anyone help someone new to kubuntu and linux
[09:50] <marek_> hi, what is the best tool to recover data from ext2 partition with bad superblock?
[09:50] <TheAncientGoat> Tesssa: Just ask
[09:53] <Tesssa> ok after trying ubuntu and it worked perfet i tried and installed kubuntu 8.10 and about every 20 seconds the screen of my flatscreen monitor blips of and on doesnt do it in ubuntu
[09:53] <Tesssa> i have a nvidia graphics card
[09:53] <Tesssa> ubuntu downloaded the correct nvidia driver for it kubuntu won't
[09:54] <Tesssa> it tells me i have to find the nvidia-177 kernal source package,, why and wheere do i find it
[09:54] <zeltak_> hi guys
[09:55] <zeltak_> does anyone know how to make the laptop go into suspend when i close the lid in intrepid?
[09:55] <Tesssa> excuse the typos
[09:56] <TheAncientGoat> Try the package manager
[09:56] <Tesssa> in kubuntu
[09:57] <TheAncientGoat> Yep
[09:57] <TheAncientGoat> Dan
[09:57] <Tesssa> can't understand why ubuntu finds and installs it and kubuntu won't
[09:57] <Tesssa> but will try and thanks
[10:00] <vlt> Hello. Any idea how to solve this problem with `aptitude update`? "Err http://archive.ubuntu.com dapper Release.gpg Bad header line [IP: 80]"
[10:03] <TheAncientGoat> Only 3 plasmoids under the kdelook autoinstaller?
[10:12] <vlt> There's a more detailed err msg: Err http://archive.ubuntu.com dapper/main Packages
[10:12] <vlt> Any idea?
[10:12] <vlt> 0 Dir::State::lists=lists/ Config-Item: Dir::State::cdroms=cdroms.list Config-Item: Dir::State::userstatus=status.user Config-Item: Dir::State::status=/var/lib/dpkg/status Config-Item: Dir::Cache=var/cache/apt/ Config-Item: Dir::Cache::archives=archives/ Config-Item: Dir::Cache::srcpkgcache=srcpkgcache.bin Config-Item: Dir::Cache::pkgcache=pkgcache.bin Config [IP: 80]
[10:16] <dxdemetriou> kde4 on intrepid is very slow on intel dual core 2GHz with 4GB ram
[10:18] <mehrab> I have problem installing flashplugin, after downloading files, it says MDFsum is mismatched, why?
[10:18] <SlimeyPete> because the download got corrupted?
[10:19] <mehrab> SlimeyPete: I tried many times and always the same
[10:19] <mehrab> SlimeyPete: didn't you have any problem?
[10:19] <SlimeyPete> I've had no problem but then I am using 8.04
[10:20] <lokai> what is the name of a compiz effects manager?
[10:24] <sebr> what package do i need to reinstall if i totally fucked up plasma?
[10:25] <edulix> hi
[10:25] <raw> hey guys, after upgrading from 8.4 KDE Remix to 8.10 my KDE 4 System Settings manager shows up blank, no icons or menus, just a white window. Has anyone else experienced this and figured out how to fix it?
[10:26] <lokai> raw: KDE4 is really, really buggy
[10:26] <TheAncientGoat> Amen to that
[10:26] <edulix> I'm using intrepid, and network manager works, but it doesn't automatically connect to the available & configured wireless network of my house, I have to right click the NM icon and tell it to connect
[10:26] <raw> lokai: it was working much better before I upgraded, and I've been using it since it's original release
[10:27] <lokai> it shouldn't have been released -- I just spend about 10 hours fighting with it and I've given up -- I'm back to 8.04/kde3
[10:27] <raw> lokai: yeh, I'm used to fighting with it though, I know the ins and outs of reloading the settings from scratch when things screw up and all of that, but this particular issue has something to do with the upgrade rather than being an actual kde 4 bug
[10:27] <lokai> the middle mouse button (wheel button) is button2, correct?
[10:27] <DaHopi> mmh im using kde4 since 8.04 in production environment.. i love it.. :)
[10:28] <edulix> lokai: kde4 is not that buggy, works fine for me :P probably is a problem with your system or you're used to a concrete kde3 feature which kde4 doesn't have yet?
[10:28] <raw> kde 4 is a glorified fluxbox right now, but it's usable
[10:28] <lokai> edulix: lol. go google kde4 reviews and see if its just a problem on my side.
[10:28] <tin> anyone using multiple desktops? does kicker show up on all of them?
[10:28] <edulix> okey so does network managerautoconnect to available wireless networks for you?
[10:28] <tin> on 3.5.10
[10:28] <brady> hey, how do I go about configuring my Synaptics Touchpad in Kubuntu 8.10?
[10:28] <DaHopi> tin: yeah 2 Desktops, Kicker on both sides
[10:28] <raw> lokai: give an example of problems you were having with it?
[10:29] <lokai> keybindings don't work
[10:29] <edulix> lokai: if you were talking about KDE 4.0 I would agree that it was not very usable, but KDE 4.1 is a different beast
[10:30] <raw> 4.0 was brutal
[10:30] <lokai> whatever not worth arguing over.
[10:30] <brady> I have tried installing packages that I used with ubuntu 7.10, to no avail
[10:30] <lokai> the middle mouse button (wheel button) is button2, correct?
[10:30] <robin0800> lokai: even 4.1.3 is now available mainly bug fixes
[10:30] <lokai> I'm waiting for 5.
[10:30] <lokai> the middle mouse button (wheel button) is button2, correct?
[10:31] <raw> lokai: heard you the first 4 times, checking...
[10:31] <robin0800> lokai: 4.2 in january
[10:31] <lokai> thanks raw
[10:31] <tin> damn, kicker's not following for me
[10:31] <tin> weird
[10:32] <brady> anyone?
[10:32] <raw> lokai: it should be 2, but it might be considered button 3, and then up scroll is button 4 and down scroll is button 5
[10:32] <lokai> thanks
[10:35] <brady> ok, I got the configuration package installed for KSynaptics, however, I am having trouble with "SHMConfig" in xorg.conf
[10:35] <brady> any ideas?
[10:35] <brady> it apparently needs to be "on" but that string doesn't exist in the file
[10:35] <TheAncientGoat> Any clue why kio_http is taking up 50% of my cpu time?
[10:37] <raw> ah I see, I have a feeling that most of the kde4 issues are from still having the old *-kde4 packages, so to fix the systemsettings package you'd do apt-get remove systemsettings-kde4 && apt-get install systemsettings or something
[10:37] <brady> raw, was that aimed at me?
[10:37] <robin0800> brady: xorg.conf has beenmuch depreciated in 8.10 now only mouse and keyboard which it says may be configured elsware time to do some research
[10:37] <brady> ok
[10:38] <brady> I am fairly new at linux, I won't lie
[10:38] <brady> is there anyway of viewing installed packages?
[10:38] <raw> brady: no, I'm having problems with kde4 right now after an upgrade from hardy to ibex (8.4 - 8.10) and I think I've found what's causing the majority of the issues
[10:38] <brady> Apparently I installed KSynaptics, but I cannot find it anywhere
[10:39] <brady> raw: thanks for clarifying
[10:39] <vlt> Hello. Any idea how to solve this problem with `aptitude update`? "Err http://archive.ubuntu.com dapper Release.gpg Bad header line [IP: 80]"
[10:39] <robin0800> brady: don't worry this has thrown many experienced users
[10:39] <vlt> There's a more detailed err msg: Err http://archive.ubuntu.com dapper/main Packages
[10:39] <vlt> 0 Dir::State::lists=lists/ Config-Item: Dir::State::cdroms=cdroms.list Config-Item: Dir::State::userstatus=status.user Config-Item: Dir::State::status=/var/lib/dpkg/status Config-Item: Dir::Cache=var/cache/apt/ Config-Item: Dir::Cache::archives=archives/ Config-Item: Dir::Cache::srcpkgcache=srcpkgcache.bin Config-Item: Dir::Cache::pkgcache=pkgcache.bin Config [IP: 80]
[10:39] <vlt> Any idea?
[10:40] <brady> One thing I like about windows is that I can determine exactly what I have installed, here, it seems to be almost a mystery
[10:40] <raw> brady: aptitude search '~i'
[10:40] <raw> that'll list all installed packages
[10:40] <raw> there will be a lot
[10:40] <brady> oh ok
[10:41] <raw> the package management system isn't as simple as what you'd find in windows, but it's much more powerful, you'll get used to it
[10:41] <brady> ok, now, about this Ksynaptics package
[10:41] <robin0800> right click on the launcher choose menue editor there are option to show hiden items and lost and found
[10:42] <raw> do you need it installed or no?
[10:42] <brady> it is installed, and apparently running
[10:42] <raw> ok...
[10:42] <brady> though I wouldnt know how to launch it, it isnt in KDE Control Center
[10:42] <brady> or "System Settings" in 4.1
[10:43] <brady> the error I get is related to the xorg.config file
[10:43] <robin0800> brady: it may be hidden or lost
[10:43] <raw> brady: try just pressing alt-f2 and then typing ksnaptics in to the run box
[10:43] <brady> tried, and failed
[10:43] <brady> nothing
[10:44] <raw> try typing it in to a console
[10:44] <raw> see what message is displayed after you try
[10:44] <raw> aha... apt-get install kubuntu-desktop removes all of the old kde4 packages and installs the new ones
[10:44] * raw gives it a whirl
[10:45] <brady> I get ksynaptics: command not found
[10:45] <raw> brady of... try this then...
[10:45] <raw> from commandline: find . / -name "*naptics*"
[10:46] <raw> and then you're specifically looks for files located under bin directories
[10:46] <brady> nothing
[10:46] <raw> hmmm
[10:47] <Jahman> hi
[10:47] <brady> whats strange is that there is an icon in my "Task Manager" if you will of Ksynaptics
[10:47] <raw> ohhhhhhhhhh
[10:48] <brady> It appeared sometime after I installed the package
[10:48] <raw> brady: ksynaptics is a control center plugin
[10:48] <brady> ok
[10:48] <raw> are you using kde3 or kde4?
[10:48] <brady> 4.1
[10:48] <raw> yeh, it's designed to work with kde3
[10:48] <raw> so it won't work for you
[10:48] <brady> so how should I uninstall it?
[10:48] <raw> apt-get remove ksynaptics methinks
[10:49] <raw> or whatever the package name is
[10:50] <brady> any ideas of how I can control my touchpad in kde4 then? or did they remove that functionality, in which case it is stupid
[10:50] <brady> I figure since I can use the touchpad, there is someway to control it
[10:50] <Sarasvati> Hello
[10:51] <raw> brady: what do you mean by "control"?
[10:51] <brady> disable
[10:51] <brady> on demand
[10:52] <brady> I am sick of typing and accidentally clicking on stuff
[10:52] <raw> oh, no, kde4 is still in fairly early stages, so functionality like that hasn't been included yet
[10:52] <Sarasvati> Does anyone here know how to export a text document to a freemind document? Last time I dod it it was typing something in the Konsole, but I just forgot what..
[10:52] <raw> they are focussing on polishing up the core features
[10:52] <brady> so they release an unfinished product? brilliant...
[10:53] <brady> it seems like such a basic thing too
[10:53] <raw> I think they released it since it's fairly useable now, and this is the only real way to push support/development for it
[10:53] <raw> if no one is using it then the development pace is much slower
[10:53] <raw> since there's less testing/development work
[10:55] <raw> brady: also, just to point out, that ksynaptics was a third party plugin, it wasn't actually released from the kde development team in the first place
[10:56] <brady> ok, I am trying to remove it, but I am getting "Couth not open lock file"
[10:56] <brady> Could*
[10:56] <raw> generally when you get that message it means that something else is using aptitude
[10:56] <raw> do you have it running somehow in another window or something?
[10:56] <brady> no
[10:57] <raw> ok, then do killall aptitude and try again
[10:57] <brady> no process killed
[10:57] <raw> and if that doesn't work then just delete the lock file that it's referencing
[10:57] <Sarasvati> Guess nobody knows around here... or doesn't pay attention :P I'll try later
[10:57] <brady> huh
[10:57] <raw> Sarasvati: that's not a really common import/export
[10:58] <arshad> HI saraswati from INdia
[10:58] <raw> Sarasvati: you might want to try google some more?
[10:58] <Sarasvati> Well I did it before, just forgot how to do it :)
=== kde4 is now known as george_1
[10:58] <Sarasvati> I made a text document, and changed it to a mm-file in Konsole, but I forgot what I typed :P
[10:59] <Sarasvati> No, in the Netherlands :P
[10:59] <raw> brady it should show like a lock file, and the path to it, you need to delete that file by doing rm /path/to/file
[10:59] <raw> brady: then aptitude should work again
[10:59] <Sarasvati> Tried to google it, but couldn't find it there... I'm horrible when it comes to findinf stuff like that
[10:59] <brady> what is aptitude btw?
[10:59] <raw> brady: though, if you have the GUI based package manager open, that would cause issues too
[10:59] <raw> brady: if you do, then close it
[10:59] <brady> raw: I dont
[11:00] <raw> brady: aptitude is the package manager. When you type apt-get, apt stands for aptitude
[11:00] <brady> I dont think I have aptitude, which is strange, it looks like I am using Adept
[11:00] <raw> brady: can you paste the exact error you're getting?
[11:00] <brady> sure
[11:00] <raw> brady: Adept is just an interface for aptitude
[11:01] <White_Pelican> will kde 4.1.3 be available for hardy?
[11:01] <brady> E: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13 Permission denied)
[11:01] <brady> E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root?
[11:01] <Sarasvati> Ah shoot, still can't find it...
[11:01] <raw> brady: close Adept so that it unlocks aptitude, then try that again
[11:01] <brady> adept is not open
[11:02] <raw> oh wait
[11:02] <raw> are you root?
[11:02] <brady> what does that mean?
[11:02] <raw> it's the administrator account
[11:02] <brady> yes?
[11:02] <raw> try this...
[11:02] <raw> at the commandline type in su
[11:02] <raw> then your admin password
[11:02] <raw> the one you set when you installed kubuntu
[11:03] <brady> I get "unknown ID: <password>"
[11:03] <raw> no no
[11:03] <raw> just type su alone
[11:03] <raw> and hit enter
[11:03] <raw> then it'll prompt you for a password
[11:03] <brady> ok
[11:03] <brady> Authentication Failure
[11:03] <White_Pelican> then he needs to type sudo before the command and then put in his user password
[11:04] <raw> White_Pelican: he might not have sudo installed, and he might not be in the /etc/sudoers file
[11:04] <raw> brady try typing sudo su
[11:04] <raw> and see if it prompts for a password
[11:04] <brady> yup
[11:04] <brady> and now I am apparently ro
[11:04] <brady> ot
[11:04] <raw> good
[11:04] <arshad> How d we use sudo -k
[11:04] <arshad> ??????????//
[11:04] <raw> now try that apt-get command again
[11:05] <arshad> anyone can help me out
[11:05] <brady> yup
[11:05] <brady> worked
[11:05] <brady> thanks my man
[11:05] <raw> good
[11:05] <raw> np
[11:05] <brady> or woman
[11:05] <brady> lol
[11:05] <raw> nah, i'm a dude
[11:05] <raw> :P
[11:06] <raw> you can exit sudo mode and go back to regular user mode by typing exit
[11:06] <brady> what exactly is sudo mode?
[11:06] <raw> sudo is a utility that allows you to run a program as root
[11:06] <raw> and "su" is the super user program that allows you to take on root privileges or the privileges of any account on the system
[11:07] <raw> so by typing sudo su, we were essentially launching the super user app as root using sudo
[11:07] <brady> oh ok
[11:07] <raw> you can also use sudo just to run one command
[11:07] <raw> like... you could have just done: sudo apt-get remove ksynaptics
[11:07] <raw> and it would have just run that one command as root
[11:08] <raw> where as sudo su gives you an actually commandline as root
[11:08] <raw> actual*
[11:08] <Machtin> hey guys, where to set my resolution?
[11:08] <brady> there has to be some way to disable this damn touchpad
[11:10] <raw> Machtin: you can either do it in the system settings app under "Display" or you might have to do it by manually modifying your /etc/X11/Xorg.conf file (which can be a bit complex if it's your first time editing the file)
[11:10] <Machtin> ah, wonderful
[11:10] <Machtin> thank you :)
[11:11] <raw> np
[11:12] <White_Pelican> what is LTS?
[11:12] <arshad> BRADY - Ycan download a terminal for SU only from ADD/REMOVE
[11:12] <NauarchLysander> White_Pelican: LTS = Long Term Support
[11:13] <brady> anyway to install GCC in KDE 4.1?
[11:13] <White_Pelican> I thought that's what it meant
[11:13] <White_Pelican> is there LTS for Hardy?
[11:13] <arshad> what d u say RAW
[11:13] <arshad> ??????????????/
[11:13] <brady> its apparently not in the repositories
[11:13] <NauarchLysander> White_Pelican: Yes, Hardy Heron is a LTS version.
[11:13] <White_Pelican> ty NauarchLysander
[11:14] <arshad> in Applications ADD/REM
[11:14] <NauarchLysander> White_Pelican: np
[11:14] <White_Pelican> here's the question then, when will 4.1.3 be available for hardy? od open office 3 for that matter?
[11:14] <White_Pelican> and*
[11:14] <brady> GCC anyone?
[11:16] <White_Pelican> can anyone answer my last question?
[11:17] <halfvulcan> Is there anywhere a completely see-through (no haze) plasma theme? I've googled til I can no more. I like to SEE my wallpaper
[11:17] <brady> once I get the binaries off of the GCC repository, how should I go about compiling and installing them? frankly, I dont know where to start
[11:17] <raw> brady: try apt-get install gcc (not all apps actually show up in Adept, only the flashy ones, the rest need to be installed from commandline)
[11:18] <brady> couldnt find package
[11:18] <brady> I think it can only be gotten as a binary
[11:18] <raw> sorry
[11:18] <raw> apt-get install gcc-4.3
[11:18] <raw> ummm, it's an aptitude package
[11:18] <raw> "gcc" is
[11:19] <raw> I'm staring at it right now
[11:19] <raw> dolan__: aptitude search gcc
[11:19] <raw> oops
[11:19] <brady> Reading package lists... Done
[11:19] <raw> do aptitude search gcc and see what you get
[11:19] <brady> Building dependency tree
[11:19] <brady> Reading state information... Done
[11:19] <brady> gcc-4.3 is already the newest version.
[11:19] <brady> The following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required:
[11:19] <brady> libsynaptics0 libqt4-gui libnotify-bin xchat-common
[11:19] <brady> Use 'apt-get autoremove' to remove them.
[11:19] <brady> 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
[11:19] <raw> then you already have gcc
[11:19] <raw> type gcc at a commandline
[11:19] <brady> where the hell is it?
[11:19] <brady> no input files
[11:19] <raw> yeh, then you have it
[11:20] <raw> gcc is a commandline utility
[11:20] <raw> you won't see it in your menu
[11:20] <brady> are you serious?
[11:20] <brady> ok
[11:20] <brady> thanks
[11:20] <raw> gcc is a compiler, yes
[11:20] <brady> gotchya
[11:21] <brady> I thought it had an editor as well
[11:21] <raw> when in doubt just try typing the name of the program at a commandline, if you get any output other than "command not found" then it's already installed
[11:21] <raw> brady: no, you use any regular text editor to do the coding, then you just run it through gcc to compile it
[11:22] <brady> any good C++ programming environments/compilers, I am looking for essentially an alternative to visual studio
[11:22] <brady> something that is sort of "all-in-one"
[11:22] <raw> so you're looking for something where you can design the GUI visually then?
[11:22] <brady> so I can quick compile and run to test right in the software
[11:22] <brady> sure
[11:23] <raw> I haven't really done any c++ coding linked to a GUI in Linux so I personally wouldn't know what to use
[11:23] <raw> hunt around on google and see what you can find
[11:23] <brady> this "Anjuta" looks promising
[11:24] <raw> yeh, it does seem to fit the ticket
[11:24] <raw> though that's for designing gtk based GUI elements
[11:25] <brady> ok, I am looking at "Eclipse"
[11:25] <raw> if you wanted to design QT based (which is the library that KDE uses) then you'd have to find something else
[11:25] <brady> it only comes in a tarball file
[11:25] <brady> can you walk me through installing?
[11:25] <raw> ah, eclipse is IBM's baby hehe
[11:26] <raw> installing eclipse?
[11:26] <raw> you mean?
[11:26] <brady> yeah
[11:26] <brady> where should I extract, etc
[11:26] <raw> simple: sudo apt-get install eclipse
[11:26] <zeltak> hi guys, anyone using a wind laptop with intrepid?
[11:26] <raw> :)
[11:26] <brady> really?
[11:26] <brady> huh
[11:26] <raw> yeh
[11:27] <raw> aptitude has tons of apps in it
[11:27] <raw> or if you wanted to install anjuta: sudo apt-get install anjuta
[11:27] <etfb> Can anyone remind me of the command to run an application with readline support. As in: when you run SBCL (Lisp) by itself, the cursor keys just spit out escape codes; when you run it with a command like READLINEFOO sbcl it has history, line editing, etc. What's the command?
[11:27] <brady> Anjuta was available through Adept
[11:27] <raw> yeh
[11:27] <hannascott> Tjipp.
[11:28] <raw> but like I said, Adept doesn't list all packages
[11:28] <hannascott> Hello ... anyone feel like helping a gal out with her sound problem?
[11:28] <brady> thats not annoying at all...
[11:28] <raw> here's the command to use to see if aptitude has a package available or not: aptitude search packagename
[11:28] <brady> oh ok
[11:28] <raw> so you just do that and then apt-get install packagename if it's available
[11:29] <raw> try to do all of your package management from the commandline, it's quicker and more powerful
[11:29] <brady> that will take some getting used to
[11:29] <raw> yup
[11:29] * hannascott sits down and looks around for help
[11:30] <raw> then again I assume you're tech savvy since you obviously code a bit, so I'm sure you'll pick this stuff up quickly
[11:30] * makdaknife looks at hannascott and thinks she should tell us what her sound problem is
[11:31] <brady> we'll see
[11:31] * raw holds his hands out at hannascott supplicantly, asking for information on what her problem is
[11:31] <hannascott> makdaknife: Ah! finally. Yes. This is the problem. I was running a radio stream yesterday, when the sound got stuck in a loop.
[11:32] <makdaknife> hannascott: is it still looping?
[11:32] <SlimeyPete> hannascott: traditionally, on IRC, one doesn't ask whether anyone can help - one simply states the problem and then if any fellow users can help out they will :)
[11:32] <hannascott> makdaknife: Tried to restart firefox, no avail, rebooted, and all of a sudden I don't seem to have any sound at all
[11:32] <SlimeyPete> if you ask whether you can ask for help in an IRC channel you tend to get a slow response :)
[11:32] <halfvulcan> Even after reboot?
[11:32] <raw> hannascott: you're familliar with using the console I assume?
[11:32] <hannascott> halfvulcan: even after reboot. The worst thing... now it seems like the system does not seem to have a sound card at all: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=6123244#post6123244
[11:33] <makdaknife> hannascott: hmmm okay... the first thing to check is to make sure that it is not muted (I know this sounds pretty obvious, but you'll be surprised how often this turns out to be the problem)
[11:33] <SlimeyPete> hannascott: tried a cold boot?
[11:33] <hannascott> makdaknife: Already checked the basics...
[11:34] <raw> hannascott: have you checked the actual alsamixer settings?
[11:34] <makdaknife> hannascott: so you have nothing when you `cat /proc/asound/cards`
[11:34] <hannascott> lsmod gives no sign of any snd modules. Cannot start alsamixer, kmix, aumix. makdaknife: I don't even have an asound folder!
[11:34] <SlimeyPete> some of the newer HDA cards are a bit odd, in that if the sound winds up muted by Windows or during boot then Linux won't be able to raise the volume very far even if it thinks it can
[11:34] <raw> hannascott: sounds like alsa somehow got removed
[11:35] <makdaknife> hannascott: crikey that sounds pretty severe
[11:35] <hannascott> raw: I know... it's ... so weird. I have never encountered anything like it
[11:35] <SlimeyPete> sound card firmware gone buggerup, perhaps?
[11:35] <raw> hannascott: have you tried apt-get install alsa ?
[11:36] <edulix> hi
[11:36] <hannascott> The only difference between pre and post reinstall of alsa drivers was that before I reinstalled the drivers, I could still start up aumix even if it did not control sound, now I cannot even start up aumix
[11:36] <SlimeyPete> edulix: hi
[11:36] <raw> actually: at a console do: "sudo cat /dev/urandom > /dev/dsp", see if you hear static from your speakers
[11:37] <edulix> SlimeyPete: what's the usual behaviour of knetworkmanager in intrepid when it sees a known wireless network? auto-connect I suppose?
[11:37] <hannascott> raw: I get access denied
[11:37] <brady> anyway to arrange your desktop icons on a grid?
[11:37] <hannascott> raw: to /dev/dsp
[11:37] <SlimeyPete> edulix: I think so, yes. My intrepid box is out of action but I seem to remember that that was the case.
[11:38] <raw> hannascott: ummm, you did type sudo before it and entered your password no?
[11:38] <SlimeyPete> In fact I think it even does so if you already have a wired network connection, which is annoying
[11:38] <hannascott> raw: yes of course :)
[11:38] <raw> hannascott: you should have access as long as you're running it as root, hmmm
[11:38] <edulix> SlimeyPete: ok so mine is misbehaving because it doesn't autoconnect.
[11:39] <raw> hannascott: what happens if you type modprobe alsa as root?
[11:39] <hannascott> raw: If I look at lspci -v I actually get "access denied" to the capabilitied of the audio device
[11:39] <raw> hmmm
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[11:39] <raw> sounds like a udev problem maybe
[11:40] <hannascott> raw: FATAL: module alsa not found
[11:40] <raw> actually yeh, it won't actually be "alsa" just remembered that
[11:40] <hannascott> raw: modprove snd<tab>?
[11:41] <hannascott> s/modprove/modprobe
[11:41] <raw> yeh
[11:41] <hannascott> raw: snd-bt-sco
[11:41] <raw> but I'm not sure which you'd probe to get all of them to load
[11:42] <hannascott> raw: which is a bluetooth headset support something
[11:42] <hannascott> raw: I only have that single one...
[11:42] <hannascott> raw: usually there is a list
[11:42] <raw> if you do "ls -al /dev | grep dsp" what do you see?
[11:43] <hannascott> raw: nothing
[11:43] <raw> hmmm
[11:43] <raw> ok, well, here's the best thing to try...
[11:43] <raw> do aptitude search alsa
[11:43] <raw> then apt-get remove any alsa package you see
[11:43] <raw> then do apt-get install alsa
[11:44] <raw> I'm guessing some critical component of alsa somehow got blown away
[11:44] <raw> so this is something to try
[11:44] <raw> and if that doesn't work, it's possible that your soundcard is just screwed on a hardware level
[11:44] <hannascott> raw: Thank you. I will try it. It's going to take a while tho... quite a lot of them.
[11:44] <raw> yup
[11:45] <hannascott> raw: The problem really arises if this actually works, because then I need to find out what blew the alsa part away, and which part, and how to avoid it.... it might be an actual bug
[11:45] <raw> yeh
[11:46] <raw> so you were streaming audio using what?
[11:46] <raw> flash?
[11:46] <hannascott> yeah
[11:46] <raw> odd that that would have caused this
[11:46] <raw> especially since you were running firefox as a regular user
[11:46] <DennisBagley> anyone : i have upgraded my kubuntu hardy to ibex, this busted my nvidia module down to nv - which was expected - i then installed the nvidia beta drivers and all was well desk tops effect all working... then today i had an updte which i think included a dummy package or something for the new nvidia driver - and now in some apps such as openoffice the menus and tool tips are blank [other...
[11:46] <DennisBagley> ...apps like firefox are fine so i presume it is one of wx, qt or gtk that i have teh problem with]... any ideas?
[11:47] <raw> it sounds more like a hardware failure, to me, but I guess we'll see
[11:47] <hannascott> raw: I will be back *arnold voice*
[11:47] <raw> hehe
[11:48] <raw> DennisBagley: no problems with the actual window borders or anything, just the menus?
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[11:49] <DennisBagley> hmm - 2 secs - will check
[11:49] <DennisBagley> i did have a problem with no windows at first but i just binned ~/.compiz and ~/.kde*
[11:50] <halfvulcan> so, no firewalls that let me block individual apps yet in linux. Bummer. And I'll answer the inevitable "why would..." Windows games in wine and copying movies
[11:51] <halfvulcan> movies could be home movies
[11:51] <DennisBagley> raw : it is the text on the menu bar and the menus [file menu, edit menu etc] the icons are there, the text shows for a split second then goes
[11:52] <raw> DennisBagley: yeh, haven't dealt with that particular one before, not sure
[11:53] <DennisBagley> ok - will come back and say if i find the problem
[11:53] <DennisBagley> thanks any hoo
[11:54] <raw> np
[11:55] <DennisBagley> as a helper - do you happen to know which windowing/widget tool kit amarok and open office use ? [gtk / wx / qt] ?
[11:55] <raw> amarok uses QT
[11:55] <raw> openoffice uses either GTK or QT
[11:55] <raw> I think it supports both
[11:55] <DennisBagley> would it default to qt on kde ?
[11:56] <raw> it should, yeh
[11:56] <DennisBagley> i think i need to go prod my qt setting then - thank again
[11:56] <raw> np
[12:01] <OpenSorce> I am a reviewer who writes for a well known online and print Linux publication. I review Linux Distributions purely for their usability by brand new users. I've been using Linux since the 90s and my distro of choice has always been Slackware. After reviewing it, I am now a Kubuntu 8.10 user. Well done, folks....well done :-)
=== Hari is now known as Guest55127
[12:02] <esperegu> anyone knows how to change size of partitions ( ihave lvm) on kubuntu?
[12:03] <emilsedgh> OpenSorce: dont forget giving us links to your new review about kubuntu ;)
[12:03] <OpenSorce> hehe....I got in trouble for that last cycle.....I will try to do that quietly
[12:03] <Guest55127> hello
[12:04] <Guest55127> everyone can helpme
[12:04] <emilsedgh> !ask | Guest55127
[12:04] <ubottu> Guest55127: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)
[12:04] <utur> hello, which package contains the systemsettings module for selecting the theme? i use gnome and want to change the theme for kde4 apps...
[12:04] <emilsedgh> esperegu: to resize partitions you have to install qtparted i guess
[12:04] <OpenSorce> emilsedgh, I know a lot of of this is KDE 4.x.....but it's still completely awesome the way Kubuntu has completely embraced KDE like it has
[12:04] <Guest55127> where i can download ubuntu me
[12:05] <esperegu> emilsedgh: I installed gparted but it does not recognize the lvm partitions
[12:05] <emilsedgh> Guest55127: from its own website?
[12:05] <emilsedgh> esperegu: no idea sorry
[12:06] <emilsedgh> OpenSorce: well, Kubuntu + KDE are gonna rock in the following years ;)
[12:07] <OpenSorce> emilsedgh, I'd like to see a lot more plasmoids, themes, etc.......but yeah, tons of real potential here
[12:07] <emilsedgh> OpenSorce: well, i use kde svn and there are many great plasmoids in playground branch which are not released yet, so yeah there are a lot of new stuff coming
[12:08] <zeltak_> hi all, i could use some help with a silly issuse
[12:08] <OpenSorce> Surfing the internet on a translucent Firefox, watching a movie and this chat window behind it on a desktop I easily set up just exactly like I wanted it......wow
[12:08] <emilsedgh> shoot zeltak_
[12:08] <zeltak_> i cant find a way to make the laptop close lid option to suspend, is it missing in intrepid or am i being stupid?
[12:08] <zeltak_> (thx emilsedgh)
[12:09] <zeltak_> im using kubuntu 8.10 kde 4.1.3
[12:09] <OpenSorce> KDE and Kubuntu have stopped imitating Windows and finally surpassed it in the desktop arena
[12:09] <emilsedgh> well, i dont have interpid, but try going to System Settings->Advanced, there might be a Power Management option there (im not sure though)
[12:10] <OpenSorce> zeltak_, lemme look for you...one sec
[12:10] <zeltak_> yeah checked that of course but nada, couldnt find anything
[12:10] <zeltak_> thx
[12:12] <hannascott> raw: Yaowza. I tried removing the libsdl1.2debian-alsa package, and it found a dependecy to phonon-backend-xine or gstreamer, and it says the phonon-backend package is damaged...
[12:12] <OpenSorce> System Settings > Desktop > Power Control
[12:12] <zeltak_> hold on checking
[12:12] <OpenSorce> That's just the monitor though...
[12:12] <raw> hannascott: ok, are you able to reinstall phonon?
[12:13] <OpenSorce> not what you needed.....I'll keep looking
[12:13] <zeltak_> thx opensorce
[12:14] <emilsedgh> zeltak_: did you try guidance-power-manager?
[12:15] <zeltak_> mmm is it installed by default or should i apt-get it?
[12:15] <emilsedgh> there is a very nice power management tool for KDE4 called PowerDevil but thats gonna be in 4.2, so i think power management tool for interpid is still guidance-power-manager
[12:15] <OpenSorce> Looks like the default backend is HAL...which is ok, must be a front-end somewhere...
[12:15] <emilsedgh> zeltak_: should be installed by default
[12:15] <zeltak_> k checking right now one sec
[12:16] <emilsedgh> OpenSorce: frontend is that PowerDevil
[12:16] <zeltak_> well i issued the guidance-power-manager in the command line and nothing happens let me check apt
[12:17] <zeltak_> well i have the latest version but cant find any gui or a terminal way to issue a command to suspend when i close the lid
[12:18] <emilsedgh> zeltak_: hm, what is the output of running it from command line?
[12:19] <emilsedgh> zeltak_: there must be a little battery icon in your system tray...
[12:19] <zeltak_> nada...there is no output
[12:19] <zeltak_> yeah i guess thats the power manager thing but it has no option to suspend when lid is closed
[12:19] <zeltak_> just manuall suspend
[12:20] <emilsedgh> zeltak_: thats the guidance power manager, what are the options when you right click on it?
[12:21] <zeltak_> just manuall suspend hibernate and cpu policy
[12:21] <OpenSorce> zeltak_, kubuntuforums.net/forums/index.php?topic=3090521.0
[12:22] <Walzmyn> Why do I keep finding the bluetooth app open in my sys. tray? I've never used it and I keep turning it off and telling it to not restart.
[12:23] <zeltak_> mmm the link seems dead. can you post the link again opensource?
[12:23] <zeltak_> wait, maybe its my connection
[12:23] <OpenSorce> it doesn't seem to load......grrr
[12:23] <zeltak_> yup ;-)
[12:24] <zeltak_> is it a known issue or was that a solution :)
[12:26] <hannascott> raw: I've never done it before, but I will sure try :)
[12:26] <hannascott> raw: sorry. Got an urgent phone call
[12:26] <raw> k
[12:28] <OpenSorce> zeltak_, looks like "Solid" is what it's using....but I can't seem to find a frontend for it :-P
[12:29] <zeltak_> heheh ok...thx for the effort man, i guess its a known issue and maybe they forgot to include something like that in kubuntu 8.10
[12:29] <OpenSorce> odd....but yeah
[12:30] <OpenSorce> crap....now I have to solve it or include it in my review :-(
[12:30] <raw> zeltak_: KDE 4 probably just doesn't support it yet
[12:30] <zeltak_> k gotcha
[12:30] <OpenSorce> maybe not
[12:30] <zeltak_> i guess ill wait for power devil in kde 4.2
[12:31] <zeltak_> in anycase kubuntu rocks even without the option to suspend via closing the lid :)
[12:31] <emilsedgh> you can do that by guidance-power-manager, you just cannot seem to find it
[12:31] <zeltak_> mmm ok
[12:31] <zeltak_> you mean there is an option like that ?
[12:32] <zeltak_> (is it just me not being able to find it)
[12:32] <emilsedgh> this is the KDE4's frontend: http://www.kde-apps.org/content/show.php/PowerDevil?content=85078
[12:34] <zeltak_> awesome...just what i was looking for...:) i guess ill wait for kde 4.2...seems diffcult to install (i have Zero experience with compiling..)
[12:34] <emilsedgh> zeltak_: there might be some packages for kubuntu, im searching
[12:35] <zeltak_> thx guys... i really appriciate everyones help!
[12:36] <OpenSorce> zeltak_, you *might* try installing "kpowersave"
[12:36] <OpenSorce> It's in the package list and says it's a HAL front-end
[12:36] <zeltak_> thx i actually did use it in hardy and it really messed up my suspend hibernate into non functiong...im very affraid to use it again since everything seems to work well now in intrepid
[12:37] <OpenSorce> lol....understood
[12:37] <zeltak_> :)
[12:38] <emilsedgh> man, dialup sucks! there seems to be some info on this topic zeltak_: http://kubuntuforums.net/forums/index.php?topic=3097483
[12:38] <OpenSorce> assuming many of my readers have lappies.....now I have to try it.....to see if it's working :-P
[12:38] <ActionParsnip1> yo yo yo
[12:38] <zeltak_> btw i pretty new to linux and dont know any programming but would be happy to contribute to kubuntu in any other way (wiki writing etc...) who/where should i go for that?
[12:38] <ActionParsnip1> zeltak_: just write stuff and search engines will find you
[12:39] <larsivi> my cdrom is gone :( where did it go?
[12:40] <larsivi> or I guess it doesn't automount
[12:40] <emilsedgh> zeltak_: well, there are many things you can do, i think there must be a package about that on kubuntu wiki
[12:40] <zeltak_> ok ill check that out! thx again
[12:40] <ActionParsnip1> larsivi: sure it does, check your /etc/fstab matches the device that /dev/cdrom points to
[12:40] <emilsedgh> larsivi: its not mounted? so try mounting by sudo mount /dev/cdrom
[12:41] <emilsedgh> larsivi: but i think dolphin is able to list it automatically
[12:42] <larsivi> ActionParsnip1: lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 4 2008-11-07 09:44 /dev/cdrom -> scd0 - whereas /etc/fstab says /dev/scd0
[12:42] <larsivi> if it matters
[12:42] <ActionParsnip1> larsivi: and does /etc/fstab contain a line with /dev/scd0 ?
[12:42] <larsivi> ActionParsnip1: yes
[12:43] <ActionParsnip1> larsivi: what does: file /dev/scd0
[12:43] <ActionParsnip1> tell you?
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[12:43] <jobe> how do you auto mount a partition in 8.10? fstab doesnt seem to have the right entries for me to edit
[12:43] <larsivi> /dev/scd0: block special
[12:44] <ActionParsnip1> larsivi: ok so we know your system can see your cdrom and we now know what /dev it is
[12:45] <larsivi> ActionParsnip1: from fstab : /dev/scd0 /media/cdrom0 udf,iso9660 user,noauto 0 0
[12:45] <ActionParsnip1> larsivi: is there a disk in the drive?
[12:45] <larsivi> ActionParsnip1: yes, I just put it in, and nothing happened
[12:45] <zeltak_> OpenSorce, you mentioned your readers, you habe a blog? (im looking for good kubuntu/kde blogs)
[12:45] <larsivi> (and I don't find anything in dolphin)
[12:46] <jobe> zeltak: planetkde
[12:46] <ActionParsnip1> larsivi: try typing: sudo mount -a
[12:46] <zeltak_> yeah subscribed to that its exellent thx!
[12:47] <larsivi> ActionParsnip1: nothing in particular seems to have happened
[12:47] <emilsedgh> paste the output larsivi in pastebin
[12:47] <larsivi> emilsedgh: there was no output
[12:48] <jobe> nobody knows how to have a drive auto mount at boot then.
[12:48] <ActionParsnip1> larsivi: try: cd /mdeia/cdrom0; clear; ls
[12:48] <ActionParsnip1> !fstab | jobe
[12:48] <ubottu> jobe: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions
[12:48] <larsivi> ActionParsnip1: it is empty
[12:49] <larsivi> (note it is an audio cd)
[12:49] <emilsedgh> ah
[12:49] <waylandbill> when I dual boot with XP, I go into a timewarp. How do I tell kubuntu that my hardware clock is not UTC?
[12:49] <jobe> actionparsnip1: on other distros I just edit the fstab entry for the drive, but theres only a few lines relating to cdroms in my kubuntu fstab, and if I add entries for existing drives itll no doubt mess everything up...?
[12:50] <ActionParsnip1> larsivi: ahhh, i think thats why it doesnt show (im unsure as I use gui stuff rarely)
[12:50] <emilsedgh> larsivi: use programs like kscd to play it!
[12:50] <emilsedgh> larsivi: kscd or amarok
[12:50] <ActionParsnip1> jobe: no, you add lines for the stuff you want mounting at boot otr to automount for you
[12:51] <ActionParsnip1> jobe: just make a copy of the original working one so you can roll back in live cd if you screw up
[12:51] <jobe> actionparsnip1: hmm, well some of the partitions for mounting are fuse based, it'll be tricky I fear to figure out the right text
[12:51] <ActionParsnip1> jobe: only one way to learn
[12:51] <jobe> :)
[12:52] <larsivi> emilsedgh: right - it works now at least, but there was not popup saying I had inserted a CD
[12:52] <ActionParsnip1> jobe: you could write a howto if you are successful too ;)
[12:52] <larsivi> anyway - thanks :)
[12:52] <ActionParsnip1> larsivi: its an audio cd, maybe you have supressed autorun (a good thingto do in my mind)
[12:53] <Guest70676> hmm..
[12:53] <larsivi> ActionParsnip1: I didn't do it explicitly at least - it worked prior to the upgrade
[12:53] <Guest70676> are there any easy GUI audio converters? need to convert a bunch of flacs to mp3
[12:54] <ActionParsnip1> larsivi: id check it
[12:54] <larsivi> ActionParsnip1: where? :)
[12:54] <ActionParsnip1> !autorun
[12:54] <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about autorun
[12:54] <ActionParsnip1> bah
[12:54] <emilsedgh> Guest70676: soundKonevrter
[12:56] <ActionParsnip1> Guest70676: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=412690
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=== universidad is now known as Fachf
[13:06] <webas> hi..why i always get this error? sorry-dolphin:
[13:06] <webas> KLauncher could not be reached via D-Bus, error when calling start_service_by_desktop_path:
[13:06] <webas> empty
[13:06] <webas> when i want to open .torrent file or any other.. but it opens and it works..
[13:07] <ActionParsnip1> webas: i had this one, gimme a sec
[13:08] <webas> ye its annoying because programs works, loads, but this error is lame :D thanks..
[13:08] <bb__> Hi - Kontact crashes when I switch to the Task-Tab. See: http://paste.ubuntu.com/68838/ - where can I get help?
[13:08] <ActionParsnip1> webas: wanna know how simple it is (and weird)
[13:08] <ActionParsnip1> webas: here's what fixed mine:
[13:08] <ActionParsnip1> webas: Simply open up System Settings, hit the Advanced tab and select File Associations. Find "plain" under "text", highlight Kate and hit edit. In the Application tab, change the %U to %u in the command field, and it should work =)
[13:09] <larsivi> bb__: you could try #kontact, but most likley you will have to file a bug
[13:09] <ActionParsnip1> webas: no idea AT ALL why this fixes it but it made mine nice
[13:10] <ActionParsnip1> webas: all better?
[13:10] <bb__> larsivi: see if anyone can help there - thx
[13:10] <webas> i will relaunch my torrent after 5mins..
[13:10] <webas> and your problem fixing is really interesting way.. :D
[13:11] <webas> im not even sure how can anyone find to change that letter there somewhere.. :D
[13:11] <ubuntu_> I'm trying to install Kubuntu 8.10 but I get stuck at the partitioning step. I get a dialog about scanning disks but it vanishes and leaves me at the keyboard layout step and the Forward and Back buttons disabled.
[13:12] <ActionParsnip1> webas: no idea what it is, i websearched and found it. tied it and poof, no more error
[13:12] <jobe> for my webcam I need the gspca driver. its in the kubuntu repos as source only. so that means i have to compile it myself, right? and that the package only downloads the source. if that is so, then were is the source downloaded to do you think? and why would someone package the source code only?
[13:12] <ActionParsnip1> ubuntu_: did you md5 check the downloaded iso and also check the cd for defects at first boot?
[13:15] * ActionParsnip1 calls bad disk
[13:18] <ubuntu_> @ActionParsnip1 - The disk image appears to be correct. I'll reboot to check the CD.
[13:19] <hannascott> raw: let's say the phonon installation didn't go well
[13:21] <user5> ubuntu
[13:21] <user5> what this mean?
[13:21] <user5> how can I install it ?
[13:21] <user5> I dont know any thing about ubuntu or linux
[13:21] <user5> I wana try it
[13:21] <Reaper> Hi, I just downloaded Kubuntu live CD 8.10 today, this is my first use - my only concern is that I connect through PPPoe connection, and I didn't find that utility on Kubuntu so far. What to do? I want to first try it on the LIVE CD, then decide to install or not....
=== user5 is now known as darkshadow
[13:22] <darkshadow> any body here?
[13:22] <darkshadow> im from latvia ?
[13:22] <darkshadow> I dont know any thing about linux I wana try it ?
[13:22] <legodude> go for it darkshadow
[13:22] <legodude> get a live cd
[13:23] <legodude> have fun
[13:23] <darkshadow> where I can get ? from store or somthing?
[13:23] <legodude> kubuntu.com
[13:23] <legodude> er
[13:23] <darkshadow> I search store here no onehave ubuntu
[13:23] <legodude> .org
[13:23] <Reaper> legodude: can you read up and try to help me?
[13:23] <darkshadow> oh a web site
[13:24] <darkshadow> this realy nice
[13:24] <darkshadow> im 66 old
[13:24] <ActionParsnip1> darkshadow: you need to download, check and burn the cd
[13:24] <webas> ActionParsnip1 it still gives an error - a different one :D
[13:24] <webas> KDEInit could not launch '/usr/lib/kde4/bin/ktorrent'
[13:24] <ActionParsnip1> darkshadow: or get shippit to send you one (slow)
[13:24] <darkshadow> I dont wana be a slave for windows
[13:24] <ActionParsnip1> webas: are you launching from some menu?
[13:25] <webas> from folder directly :)
[13:25] <Reaper> Hi, I just downloaded Kubuntu live CD 8.10 today, this is my first use - my only concern is that I connect through PPPoe connection, and I didn't find that utility on Kubuntu so far. What to do? I want to first try it on the LIVE CD, then decide to install or not....
[13:25] <ActionParsnip1> webas: so you are executing the binary yourself
[13:25] <ActionParsnip1> webas: ?
[13:25] <jtisme> !repeat
[13:25] <ubottu> Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com http://wiki.ubuntu.com http://www.ubuntuforums.org or http://www.kubuntuforums.net while you wait. Also see !patience
[13:25] <darkshadow> binary = exe is that true
[13:25] <larsivi> darkshadow: yes
[13:25] <ActionParsnip1> darkshadow: exe is how windows names binarys
[13:25] <legodude> Reaper: I believe knetworkmanager will do it
[13:25] <webas> binary files? :D i just open .torrent files
[13:26] <ActionParsnip1> darkshadow: as it simply refuses to divorce itself from file extensions
[13:26] <ActionParsnip1> webas: ahhh, ok
[13:26] <Reaper> legodude: It only gives me the utility to connect through wired or wireless connection.
[13:26] <darkshadow> .dll = .o
[13:26] <ActionParsnip1> webas: whats the output of: which ktorrent
[13:26] <darkshadow> oh I know somthing
[13:26] <Reaper> legodude: No dsl option no nothing.
[13:26] <webas> KDEInit could not launch '/usr/lib/kde4/bin/ktorrent'
[13:26] <webas> and before:
[13:26] <legodude> Reaper: how does your dsl hook up to your computer?
[13:27] <ActionParsnip1> webas: run the command in konsole and what does it say?
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[13:27] <Reaper> legodude: PPPoe connection, using a user name and a password that's it.
[13:27] <webas> no thanks i wont run it in terminal..
[13:27] <legodude> Reaper: no, physically, how does the model interface with your pc?
[13:27] <Reaper> legodude: the manager did recognize my eht1 USB lan.
[13:27] <webas> its enough.. :) i have no dexterity for this brainpain :D
[13:27] <Reaper> legodude: Wired.
[13:27] <legodude> what kind of wire
[13:27] <ActionParsnip1> webas: it simply tells us what binary gets ran when you type ktorrent in terminal
[13:28] <legodude> usb?
[13:28] <legodude> ethernet?
[13:28] <ActionParsnip1> webas: i think you need a symlink to it and your message will go
[13:28] <Reaper> legodude: Cable wire. Not through phone line, it's from a certain provider.
[13:28] <Reaper> legodude: ? never seen a USB LAN device?
[13:28] <darkshadow> always use trminal insted of gui in open source case gui didnt provide complete functionlty or bugy
[13:28] <ActionParsnip1> Reaper: they are awful and god slow
[13:28] <legodude> Reaper: I'm asking how does it connect
[13:28] <legodude> most are via ethernet or usb
[13:28] <webas> well good luck.. nah its pain in the a.. all this terminal stuff :D i want to relax a bit.. i will ask this question next time..then i will get bored of those errors again :D
[13:28] <larsivi> Reaper: try pppoeconf from the command line?
[13:28] <ActionParsnip1> fine, its his error
[13:28] <Reaper> ActionParsnip1: I know, but I can do nothing in the utility to connect on my laptop and my PC at the same time while having this blockage, the fucking mac address.
[13:29] <Reaper> larsivi: I did, says no command or such...
[13:29] <Reaper> oh btw, I use ubuntu, and it works just fine.
[13:29] <ubuntu_> @ActionParsip1 - The disk is fine but I get the same error
[13:29] <ActionParsnip1> Reaper: change youor mac address ;)
[13:29] <Reaper> ActionParsnip1: I did try that, but I was facing a problem heh....
[13:29] <ActionParsnip1> ubuntu_: hmm, you could try booting with acpi off and no dma
[13:29] <Reaper> ActionParsnip1: Anyway, the issue is that how to connection through a PPPoe connection on Kubuntu ;)
[13:30] <ActionParsnip1> ive not used pppoe
[13:30] <Reaper> I've found a page that helps.
[13:30] <Reaper> But my question is, does the LIVE CD install the application?
[13:30] <Reaper> or I must install first....then do that command.
[13:30] <nilesh> i have upgraded to kubuntu8.10 and now my lan and wifi arenot working please help..
[13:31] <faileas> nilesh: what kinda lan and wifi?
[13:31] <nilesh> and can installing ubuntu 8.10 over kubuntu solve the issue
[13:31] <nilesh> my college lan and wifi
[13:31] <ubuntu_> @ActionParsip1 - And how would I do that?
[13:31] <nilesh> it has both DHCP and static
[13:32] <nilesh> REaper: any idea how can i get my internet back
[13:32] <ActionParsnip1> !bootoptions | ubuntu_
[13:32] <ubottu> ubuntu_: For a list and explanation on some of the boot options, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions
[13:33] <Viincent> ciao a tutti
[13:33] <Reaper> nilesh: I'm trying first to configure mine. lol
[13:33] <nilesh> ActionParsnip: After installing kubuntu8.10 my lan and wifi is not working .. can you help with that
[13:33] <robin0800> nilesh: knetwork manager in internet settings name misnomer
[13:33] <nilesh> REaper: ok
[13:34] <vlt> Hello. Any idea how to solve this problem with `aptitude update`? "Err http://archive.ubuntu.com dapper Release.gpg Bad header line [IP: 80]"
[13:34] <nilesh> so do send me the solution once you are through..
[13:34] <vlt> There's a more detailed err msg: Err http://archive.ubuntu.com dapper/main Packages
[13:34] <vlt> 0 Dir::State::lists=lists/ Config-Item: Dir::State::cdroms=cdroms.list Config-Item: Dir::State::userstatus=status.user Config-Item: Dir::State::status=/var/lib/dpkg/status Config-Item: Dir::Cache=var/cache/apt/ Config-Item: Dir::Cache::archives=archives/ Config-Item: Dir::Cache::srcpkgcache=srcpkgcache.bin Config-Item: Dir::Cache::pkgcache=pkgcache.bin Config [IP: 80]
[13:34] <vlt> Any idea?
[13:34] <ActionParsnip1> vlt: try sudo apt-get clean; sudo apt-get -f install sudo apt-get update
[13:34] <Reaper> nilesh: I'm on Ubuntu, and it's all fine through a PPPoe, but I wanted to give a try for Kubuntu...and seems I need a certain software. roaringpenguine seem to be a solution.
[13:35] <ActionParsnip1> vlt: i missed a ; there
[13:35] <ActionParsnip1> vlt: between install and sudo
[13:35] <legodude> Reaper: have you tried knetworkmanager like I said?
[13:35] <nilesh> hat is roaringpenguine and how do i get without an active connection on kubuntu
[13:35] <nilesh> REaper:
[13:36] <Reaper> legodude: if you are refering to the defualt manager that comes with Kubuntu 8.10, yes I def. have. And it has no option for PPPoe/DSL connections.
[13:36] <nilesh> Actionparsnip: DO you have any idea of how do i make my lan work on INterpid(Kubuntu)
[13:37] <faileas> nilesh: i mean what kinda hardware
[13:37] <nilesh> Faileas: Sorry, I dont get you
[13:38] <faileas> nilesh: what kinda wifi card and lan adaptor?
[13:38] <Dr_Willis64> Wireless NIC? wired? chipset?
[13:38] <nilesh> mine is a laptop and it has inbuilt everything
[13:38] <nilesh> so i dont know how to answer you
[13:38] <Dr_Willis64> so has this wireless ever worked?
[13:39] <nilesh> ya it works fine on windows
[13:39] <Dr_Willis64> so has this wireless ever worked under linux. :)
[13:39] * faileas sighs
[13:39] <nilesh> but i am more concerned with lan as wireless is not active for a few days to come
[13:39] <Dr_Willis64> working under windows at leaaast shows the card is working. :)
[13:39] <nilesh> ya it has worked onKDE 3.5
[13:40] <Barbadillo> hi i got problems with systray's icons in kde 4.1.2
[13:40] <jtisme> so it has worked under linux
[13:40] <nilesh> ya in Kubutu 8.04
[13:40] <robin0800> nilesh try KPPP see if that works it sayes its dialup
[13:40] <Barbadillo> they don't display correctly
[13:40] <Barbadillo> http://www.freeimagehosting.net/image.php?4d4eeb7d19.png
[13:41] <nilesh> the lan is through ethernet cable so would kppp work???
[13:41] <Barbadillo> anyone else noticed it?
[13:41] <faileas> nilesh: lspci, then look for the lines with the words ethernet and wireless
[13:41] <Barbadillo> the blue square should be kopete icon
[13:42] <nilesh> ya there is some ether net controller
[13:42] <nilesh> what do i do with that
[13:42] <faileas> what does it say?
[13:43] <faileas> or better yet. pastebin all of what lspci says
[13:43] <marek_> Barbadillo tere are some bugs onlaunchpad about this
[13:43] <robin0800> nilesh: knetwork manager should see it
[13:43] <marek_> i also haveproblems with tray icons
[13:43] <Barbadillo> ah ok
[13:43] <nilesh> Broadcom Corporation Netlink BCM787M gigabit ethernet PCI express
[13:44] <nilesh> k
[13:44] <Dr_Willis64> Now you are making Progress! :)
[13:44] <faileas> hmm, not an intel chipset, so it rules out one thing
[13:44] <ActionParsnip1> Barbadillo: yeah ive had some of mine go weird but i generally ignore the tray so i dont care its weird
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[13:45] <robin0800> nilesh: Broardcom realy not nativly supported need nwrapper and windows driver
[13:46] <mitsarionas> hi... anyone got an unknown applet error on some plasmoids?
[13:46] <nilesh> ok i have posted it on pastebin
[13:46] <nilesh> http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/68849/
[13:47] <Dr_Willis64> My Broadcom for my other laptop worked great with a clean install of 8.10 i was amazed
[13:47] <nilesh> but it used to work verywell specially when i gave a static ip in KDE 3.5.1 (kubuntu8.10
[13:47] <ActionParsnip1> Dr_Willis64: wow! crazy
[13:48] <Dr_Willis64> ActionParsnip1, Yep. I was amazifiacted. :)
[13:48] <nilesh> now what do i do
[13:48] <Dr_Willis64> ActionParsnip1, and on my newer HP laptop.. worked! thats 2 for 2!
[13:48] <Dr_Willis64> ActionParsnip1, up from 0 for 2 with 8.04
[13:49] <robin0800> nilesh: google search for linux driver
[13:49] <Dr_Willis64> well bbl
[13:49] <faileas> nilesh: your wireless driver SHOULD work
[13:49] <nilesh> linux driver for what
[13:49] <faileas> BBL too
[13:49] <nilesh> and will it not work without the need for driver as it used to be in KDE 3.5.
[13:49] <nilesh> what is BBL please
[13:50] <nilesh> Dr_Willis64: u there
[13:50] <ActionParsnip1> bbl == be back later
[13:50] <ActionParsnip1> dr_will as gone
[13:50] <robin0800> nilesh: it always needed a driver 8.04 had it 8.10 dosen't
[13:51] <nilesh> ok so what do i search in google (broadcom driver for linux)??
[13:52] <ActionParsnip1> nilesh: id use ndiswrapper
[13:52] <robin0800> nilesh: you need the model number as well
[13:53] <nilesh> id = i would right???
[13:53] <nilesh> and what is ndiswrapper
[13:53] <robin0800> nilesh: I agree use ndiswrapper and a windows driver
[13:53] <nilesh> and how do i know the model number
[13:53] <mitsarionas> anyone got any idea about this unknown applet error on various plasmoids on intrepid?
[13:54] <ActionParsnip1> nilesh: yep (lazy typing)
[13:54] <robin0800> nilesh: NetLink BCM5787M
[13:54] <nilesh> and how do i use nsiawrapper and a windows driver
[13:56] <ActionParsnip1> !ndiswrapper | nilesh
[13:56] <ubottu> nilesh: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs
[13:56] <ActionParsnip1> nilesh: you'll need the 64bit xp driver if you are running 64it linux (afaik)
[13:57] <nilesh> no mine is 32 bit and i have got this site using google. please tell me if this is the driver i need to download
[13:57] <robin0800> nilesh: get and install ndiswrapper download windows driver for BCM5787M run ndiswrapper follow instructions
[13:57] <nilesh> http://www.broadcom.com/support/ethernet_nic/netlink.php
[13:57] <jtisme> nilesh, go to kmenu -> applications->system->hardware drivers and see what is listed as avail
[13:57] <ActionParsnip1> nilesh: then get the 32bit xp driver and install it with ndiswrapper
[13:59] <nilesh> actio parsnip from the same site i listed aboove
[13:59] <robin0800> nilesh: don't run it just download and extract
[13:59] <nilesh> what ndiwrapper
[13:59] <nilesh> ?? robin0800
[13:59] <ActionParsnip1> nilesh: sure, download and extract the files
[13:59] <ActionParsnip1> nilesh: if its an exe, you'll need to install cabextract
[13:59] <robin0800> nilesh: no the windows driver
[14:00] <zaishaza> hi, i'm new to kubuntu after recently switching from ubuntu. i'm having trouble moving stuff around in the panel at the bottom of the screen. i right click it, select panel settings and start moving stuff, but it keeps springing back to weird positions. any idea what i need to do?
[14:00] <nilesh> i am doing it will be right back
[14:00] <doriana23> ciao
[14:00] <doriana23> a tutti
[14:01] <nilesh> where do i need to extract the contents of ndiswrapper
[14:01] <jtisme> !english
[14:01] <ubottu> The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat
[14:01] <ActionParsnip1> nilesh: you dont
[14:01] <jtisme> !english >doriana23
[14:01] <ubottu> doriana23, please see my private message
[14:01] <ActionParsnip1> nilesh: if you read ndiswrapper guides it will tell you wat to do
[14:02] <nilesh> so just double click the .gz file or what
[14:02] <ActionParsnip1> nilesh: whats the file called?
[14:02] <pascal> huhu ^^
[14:02] * ActionParsnip1 has a sneaking suspicion
[14:02] <pascal> i have a problemn =(
[14:03] <robin0800> nilesh: gz is not a windows file
[14:03] <doriana23> ola
[14:03] <nilesh> iknow so what do i do with the gz file
[14:03] <ActionParsnip1> robin0800: can be, winrar can extract them ;)
[14:03] <doriana23> ola
[14:03] <pascal> bash: deb: command not found <- what should i do ?
[14:03] <ActionParsnip1> nilesh: what is the name of the file?
[14:03] <ActionParsnip1> pascal: what are you trying to achieve?
[14:04] <nilesh> i have transferred the gz file to my linuz now what do i do
[14:04] <nilesh> ndiswrapper-i.53
[14:04] <nilesh> .tar/gz
[14:04] <ActionParsnip1> nilesh: you can get ndiswrapper from repos, you dont need source which is what ou will have
[14:04] <nilesh> .tar.gz
[14:04] <pascal> actionparsnip1 : deb http://download.tuxfamily.org/3v1deb dapper beryl-svn i am using kubunut 8.** =)
[14:04] <robin0800> ActionParsnip1: the windows driver is a zip
[14:04] <ActionParsnip1> nilesh: you could follow this which will have you compiling it
[14:04] <nilesh> how do i do that
[14:04] <ActionParsnip1> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=31926
[14:05] <nilesh> from a different computer
[14:06] <robin0800> use snaptics package manager to get ndiswraper
[14:07] <ActionParsnip1> nilesh: can you get a wired connection at all, just until you get on your feet?
[14:07] <nilesh> no, no connection is working on my lappi
[14:08] <nilesh> and ark is not opening the file
[14:08] <nilesh> so now what do i do..
[14:08] <ActionParsnip1> nilesh: can you get a wired connection til you get sorted out?
[14:09] <robin0800> nilesh: ark wll unzip the windows driver
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[14:11] <nilesh> thats what i have been wanting to do
[14:11] <nilesh> i want my wired connections to work at the first place then i will look forward for wireless
[14:11] <ActionParsnip1> nilesh: then attatch a wire to the system and reboot
[14:12] <nilesh> that i have done quite a few times
[14:12] <nilesh> the network manager shows "Device eth0 Status: Unmanaged
[14:13] <nilesh> when i take my mouse over network manager
[14:14] <ActionParsnip1> nilesh: ok so if you run ifconfig do you have an ip address
[14:15] <robin0800> nilesh: I think you will need a driver for earthnet its a broadcom chip
[14:16] <Invisi> i currently have installed kubuntu 8.10 installed from the 700mb donwload available - im sitting behind a router with an ip address of on dhcp with the router being - knetworkmanager doesn't pick up my connection so I went to ifconfig and get a 'not enough buffer' or something to that affect error msg when i try to manually set the ip addy
[14:16] <Invisi> ohh i have a broadcom ethernet card also
[14:16] <Invisi> maybe this is my issue as well
[14:16] <TheAncientGoat> On kubuntu 8.10 64bit, synaptic no longer wants to install non 64 bit applications (it always did). It also fails to update, and gives a constant BADSIG error. Can anyone help?
[14:17] <nilesh> ya
[14:17] <nilesh> inet addr:
[14:17] <nilesh> and mask
[14:17] <larsivi> hmm - can't amarok rip from cd to ipod?
[14:17] <nilesh> inet6 addr 1/128
[14:17] <ActionParsnip1> nilesh: what about eth0?
[14:18] <nilesh> there are only 3 heads
[14:18] <nilesh> one is lo and wlan and wmaster0
[14:18] <Invisi> my eth0 is not detailing any ip address it mainly just says broadcasting in multicast
[14:18] <nilesh> under these 3 heads there is alot of data
[14:19] <ActionParsnip1> nilesh: you dont seem to have an eth0, hmm. try: sudo mv /etc/network/interfaces /etc/network/interfaces_old
[14:19] <Invisi> but if its a known issue with broadcom chips
[14:19] <ActionParsnip1> nilesh: then reboot
[14:20] * ActionParsnip1 hates broadcom nearly s much as he hates apple
[14:20] <Invisi> haha
[14:20] <Invisi> i wish i had an option to swap it out atm
[14:20] <nilesh> am rebooting
[14:20] <robin0800> Invisi: well according to classroom chat yesterday yes the drivers are closed so no details known
[14:21] <Invisi> so now if i grab this driver you mentioned how do i go about installing the sucker?
[14:21] <Invisi> robin0006 so it could be hit and miss with the drivers then?
[14:22] <_2> hi, i'm root.
[14:23] <robin0800> Invisi: there are two parts 1 you need to have ndiswrapper installed and then download a windows driver
[14:23] <nilesh> i thnk its working now
[14:23] <Pandemic> всем привет
[14:23] <nilesh> thnaks
[14:23] <Pandemic> йоххохоу
[14:23] <_2> !ru
[14:23] <ubottu> Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke
[14:24] <Invisi> ok robin0006 - where can i pick up the files needed?
[14:24] <Pandemic> how, it's English,aight...anyway I gotta talk bout KDE4
[14:24] <nilesh> can i set resolution the in KDE 4.0
[14:24] <nilesh> everything looks so big it used to be so small in KDE 3.5.1
[14:25] <Pandemic> hey guys, I never used kde, especia;;y kde4, can somebody tell me what's up with knetwork manager in KDE4? It doesnt want to connect me using static ip. Should I delete it and move to wicd or gnm?
[14:25] <avdi> Whatever happened to being able to set the default modifier key in KDE keyboard shortcuts?
[14:26] <robin0800> Invisi: if you have internet on the machine you can use sudo apt-get install ndiswrapper
[14:26] <avdi> Used to be KDE had "three button" scheme, "4 button" scheme, etc. Now I have to set every shortcut individually.
[14:26] <nilesh> ok can you tell me how to set resolution in KDE 4
[14:27] <Invisi> im running on an old knoppix live cd atm
[14:27] <Pandemic> who can help me with this knm?
[14:27] <robin0800> nilesh: in settings
[14:27] <Invisi> its the only way i have inet access
[14:27] <Invisi> i could gran the files from here and dump them on an external drive though
[14:28] <Invisi> grab*
[14:28] <nilesh> so i need to alter LVDS or VGA
[14:28] <nilesh> in that its only that i can alter LVDS and that still makes the screenso big
[14:28] <Pandemic> LeNsTR, you see.... nobody knows....... nobody wants to talk bout knm...mystical thing,huh.....
[14:28] <nilesh> even on a resolution of 1280x800
[14:30] <LeNsTR> Pandemic: ы?
[14:30] <LeNsTR> Pandemic: я не смотрел)
[14:30] <Pandemic> LeNsTR, смотри
[14:30] <TheAncientGoat> And advice on kubuntu 8.10 64bit, synaptic no longer wants to install non 64 bit applications (it always did). It also fails to update, and gives a constant BADSIG error.
[14:31] <Pandemic> Guys, Im kind of kde newb, help me with this knetwork manager........ I'll move to gnome if you won't!
[14:31] <ActionParsnip1> !ru | Pandemic
[14:31] <ubottu> Pandemic: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke
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[14:31] <ActionParsnip1> TheAncientGoat: sudo apt-get clean; sudo apt-get -f install
[14:32] <ActionParsnip1> TheAncientGoat: sudo apt-get update
[14:33] <Pandemic> GCome one..... Looks weak..... Who's workin' with knetwork manager, noone?
[14:33] <Invisi> if someone could point me to where i could obtain these files from for the broadcome issue id be grateful - i dont have a apt-get option avail with no inet connection
[14:33] <faileas> TheAncientGoat: which repo? medibuntu?
[14:34] <TheAncientGoat> Still gives me the BADSIG error
[14:34] <ActionParsnip1> TheAncientGoat: what command generates the error??
[14:34] <TheAncientGoat> http://ae.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/intrepid/Release
[14:34] <TheAncientGoat> The sudo apt-get update
[14:35] <ActionParsnip1> TheAncientGoat: can you pastebin the command and error please
[14:35] <TheAncientGoat> Sure
[14:35] <ActionParsnip1> !paste
[14:35] <ubottu> pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)
[14:36] <TheAncientGoat> http://pastebin.com/m3bb0c8e8
[14:36] <TheAncientGoat> Whoops, I just used normal pastebin
[14:36] <ActionParsnip1> TheAncientGoat: same deal
[14:37] <jtra> hi I'm new to IRC... have I come to the kubuntu support chat?
[14:37] <Invisi> robin0006 is there any other way for me to obtain the files needed - your help is appreciated
[14:37] <TheAncientGoat> Yeah, just thought that it might be easier the one way or the other
[14:37] <M4d3L> hi. someone can help me with kubuntu? I have 2 screen but they are cloned. I want them separated. I go in the setting. I have put vga1 must be at right of dvi1 but nothing work.
[14:37] <Riddell> hi jtra, yes you have
[14:37] <TheAncientGoat> ok, be back in 20 mins
[14:37] <jtra> hi Riddell. thanks
[14:37] <ActionParsnip1> TheAncientGoat: looks like you need the gpgg for http://ae.archive.ubuntu.com
[14:37] <Pandemic> knetwork manager, I have problem with it, Can someone give me a minute with it?
[14:38] <rav> hello. does someone know how to make KDE4´s panel vertical on the edge of the screen?
[14:38] <ActionParsnip1> TheAncientGoat: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-912261.html
[14:38] <jtra> Riddell: How does one usually ask a question, now that so many people are logged in to the same room
[14:38] <robin0800> Invisi: yes sorce forge has ndiswapper it is a tar.bz file if you can deal with that
[14:40] <Invisi> robin0006 what about the other file needed?
[14:40] <metbsd> question: i have used unetbootin to install live kubuntu dvd
[14:40] <jtra> Hi guys. Where would I ask a question about the X server? Is there a special "sub chatroom" for that?
[14:40] <metbsd> can i just run it from there?
[14:41] <LjL> jtra: no there isn't, although there is an #xorg channel but it's not related to Ubuntu
[14:41] <Invisi> robin0006 - i'll deal with whatever i need to - i just wont it up and working - so i thank you for your assistance
[14:41] <LjL> metbsd: from where?
[14:41] <metbsd> from the hd
[14:41] <M4d3L> when I try to identify screen I have VGA1 and DVI1 show on the 2 screen
[14:41] <metbsd> i used unetbootin to install from live dvd to one windows partition
[14:42] <LjL> metbsd: isn't unetbootin supposed to be used to install on flash media?
[14:42] <LjL> metbsd: can you still boot from that Windows partition? unetbootin may possibly have ruined the boot sector.
[14:43] <jtra> ok. I'll give it a go: I need to remotely log in to a host and with 'xhost + ...' open a window on the remote display, but I get 'xhost: unable to open display "localhost:0.0"'
[14:43] <metbsd> no i installed it to a windows partition
[14:43] <faileas> er
[14:43] <metbsd> it's a usb storage
[14:43] <faileas> ahh
[14:43] <LjL> jtra: well, for starters, you really shouldn't use "xhost +"... but anyway, TCP is disabled by default in Ubuntu's X, you'd need to enable it
[14:43] <metbsd> when i use unetbootin, does it affect my mbr for windows?
[14:44] <M4d3L> how I can configure my 2 screen with kubuntu. its working on ubuntu very nice but not on kubuntu.
[14:44] <faileas> IIRC no. it chainloads linux/grub off ntldr IIRC
[14:44] <metbsd> i want to make a linux mobile HD to carry it around
[14:45] <LjL> jtra: still, doing remote X over SSH is more secure. i'm not quite familiar with that but the relevant information should be at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto#Running GUI Programs
[14:45] <jtra> LjL: I have googled quite a bit and have found out that I should be carefull with xhost +. But as far as I now have understood I need exactly that functionality since I am trying to set up a paraview cluster and for hardware rendering to work the instances on each node need x
[14:46] <jtra> LjL: thanks. Looking at it
[14:46] <metbsd> how do i use unetbootin to make a complete bootable, usable linux os
[14:46] <Pandemic> Hello, guys, do you have problems with knetworkmanager?
[14:46] <zaishaza> http://imagebin.org/30633 <--- just after i updated kubuntu this happened. all the icons in the taskbar are overlapping and acting weird. looks like they've broken something. :(
[14:47] <LjL> metbsd, have you considered using Wubi or just installing Ubuntu into its own partition? unetbootin isn't supported
[14:47] <metbsd> i tried that, but i was having problem to boot from dvd/cd
[14:48] <metbsd> what's wubi
[14:49] <LjL> jtra: anyway if you just want plain TCP access, you need to remove the "-nolisten tcp" option from the X startup command line. that should be found in KDM's config file if you use KDM, at /etc/kde/kdm/kdmrc or somesuch
[14:49] <LjL> jtra: but if you do that, i'd make very sure the machine is well firewalled
[14:49] <Pandemic> казлы....а я мог стать одним и вас
[14:50] <LjL> !wubi | metbsd
[14:50] <ubottu> metbsd: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.
[14:50] <LjL> !ru | Pandemic
[14:50] <ubottu> Pandemic: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke
[14:50] <deathguppie> 2 machines.. 2 upgrade mega-fail.. now trying to save the systems
[14:50] <M4d3L> Confugure Display in the setting of kubuntu doesnt save anything.
[14:50] <wizkoder> hy everybody
[14:50] <LjL> metbsd, keep in mind that if you use netbootin (or anything else) to just *run the live CD*, without actually *installing*, you won't be able to make any persistent changes (installing applications, saving files)
[14:51] <LjL> at least unless you use the live cd persistence feature
[14:51] <jtra> LjL: I've installed only xdm but have found that setting in /etc/X11/xinit/xserverrc. Also the cluster is very well firewalled
[14:51] <metbsd> but i want to make changes
[14:51] <LjL> metbsd: then running the live CD is a terrible option. install it.
[14:51] <metbsd> i want to install kubuntu on actual disk and use it without using cdrom/dvdrom
[14:52] <metbsd> i mean i want to install kubuntu on actual disk without using cd/dvd
[14:52] <LjL> metbsd: well i don't know how unetbootin behaves on a Windows HD partition
[14:52] <M4d3L> anyone can help me?
[14:52] <metbsd> LjL, i think it extract whole dvd to a partition on wiondows, then install boot loader.. then reboot
[14:53] <metbsd> but don't know how it works
[14:53] <deathguppie> Fatal server error: xf86Opencosole: VT_WAITACTIVE failed: Interrupted system call
[14:53] <wizkoder> I just had a look into the xorg.conf. There is just info that I have a configured monitor. In older versions there have been more infos. Where are the other infos?
[14:53] <LjL> metbsd: yes that's what it does, but i don't know how the bootloader workflow is in that case
[14:53] <metbsd> how do i install kubuntu without cd/dvd
[14:53] <metbsd> me neither, will tell you later
[14:53] <metbsd> but how do i nstall kubutu without cd/dvd media
[14:53] <bazhang> !usb
[14:53] <ubottu> For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent
[14:54] <deathguppie> this is what happenned after upgrade
[14:54] <deathguppie> Fatal server error: xf86Opencosole: VT_WAITACTIVE failed: Interrupted system call
[14:54] <seele> my networkmanager icon has randomly disconnected itself from the system tray.. how do i get it back in there?
[14:55] <seele> it's currently a floating 22x22 window
[14:55] <zaishaza> seele, i've been having weirdness with icons too. you just updated?
[14:56] <seele> zaishaza: yesterday i think there were compiz updates
[14:57] <metbsd> but my pc doesnt' allow bootting from usb
[14:58] <deathguppie> wow no working forums and no way to get answers .. the kubuntu side of ubuntu must be really hurting
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[15:01] <M4d3L> where are stored the kde display setting?
[15:02] <deathguppie> under settings >> display
[15:03] <ActionParsnip1> yo yo yo
[15:03] <seven5217758> oo
[15:03] <seven5217758> dir
[15:03] <seven5217758> 敌人没有,pe
[15:03] <M4d3L> deathguppie this tools doesnt work
[15:03] <M4d3L> any setting I change there. nothing append
[15:04] <ilia> Hi! Anybody using strigi & KDE4 here?
[15:04] <jtra> LjL: thanks for the pointer. I didn't get it to work but will try again later. Got to go
[15:05] <ActionParsnip1> !strigi
[15:05] <ubottu> Services to index files for fast searching include: Beagle (front-ends: beagle, catfish, gnome-main-menu, mozilla-beagle for !GNOME; kerry, kio-beagle for !KDE; beaglefs for !CLI) - Tracker (tracker-search-tool, libdeskbar-tracker for GNOME; tracker-utils for CLI) - Strigi (strigi-applet, strigi-client for KDE, strigi-utils for CLI) - Kat (for KDE) - Pinot (and pinot-applet for GNOME) - Doodle (for CLI)
[15:05] <bazhang> !cn | seven5217758
[15:05] <ubottu> seven5217758: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw 或者 #ubuntu-hk
[15:05] <ActionParsnip1> !info strigi
[15:05] <ubottu> Package strigi does not exist in intrepid
[15:05] <stu> hey all
[15:05] <stu> I have a quick question will Kubuntu automatically update Open Office as 3s out and I only 2.4
[15:06] <bazhang> stu, not likely no
[15:06] <ilia> ActionParsnip1: thanks, but strigi doesn't seems to work, so I'm asking here
[15:07] <ActionParsnip1> ilia: i dont use it, what is it?
[15:07] <ilia> ActionParsnip1: a desktop search
[15:07] <ilia> ActionParsnip1: like Google Desktop, Beagle, etc...
[15:07] <ActionParsnip1> ilia: i tend to use the find command
[15:08] <ActionParsnip1> ilia: with grep for intelligence
[15:08] <ActionParsnip1> ilia: whats strigi doing / not doing?
[15:09] <ilia> ActionParsnip1: how about "grepping" through your collection of pdf/djvu/ogg tags?
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[15:09] <emilsedgh> strigi ilia, strigi
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[15:09] <ilia> emilsedgh: ?
[15:10] <pascal> action parsnip1 ?
[15:10] <ActionParsnip1> ilia: im sure i could russtle something up using id3tag ;)
[15:10] <emilsedgh> ilia: are you looking for a desktop search? if yes, try strigi
[15:10] <ActionParsnip1> ilia: its not something i use much as im very anal about my file locations
[15:11] <ilia> emilsedgh: this what I'm trying to do -- to try strigi :)
[15:12] <emilsedgh> ilia: oh sorry, i joined channel recently :P
[15:12] <ilia> ActionParsnip1: a collection of several thousands PDFs is not an easy target for grep
[15:12] <ActionParsnip1> ilia: it is with find as it will rifle through them all sequentially
[15:13] <ilia> emilsedgh: I've checked the option in "System Settings" and I see strigi daemon is running
[15:13] <ilia> emilsedgh: but nothing more happens
[15:13] <faileas> ActionParsnip1: me? i have a folder called stuff. i rename it to more stuff after 3 months, even more stuff after 6 ;p
[15:14] <ActionParsnip1> faileas: nice ;)
[15:16] <ActionParsnip1> faileas: i have a fileserver with a usb drive, ever night at midnight theres a cron job to cp my docs to it
[15:19] <seele> any ideas on how to get knetworkmanager back in to the systray?
[15:19] <ActionParsnip1> seele: if yuo run the app, does it appear?
[15:20] <seele> ActionParsnip1: yes, it appears outside the systray
[15:20] <genii> seele: alt-f2 knetworkmanager
[15:20] <seele> it is running.. it's running as a separate window, not integrated in to the systray
[15:20] <ActionParsnip1> genii: nice
[15:20] <TheAncientGoat> ActionParsnip1: Thanks for the links, but neither of them worked for me
[15:21] <genii> seele: kde4 ?
[15:21] <ActionParsnip1> TheAncientGoat: what was your issue again?
[15:21] <seele> genii: yes, intrepid
[15:21] <M4d3L> Anyone got some problem with Dual Monitor with nvidia card?
[15:21] <seele> it was working up until yesterday when there were compiz updates. no idea why thaty woul affect it
[15:21] <legodude> M4d3L: what sort of problem?
[15:21] <legodude> I've successfully done it in before
[15:21] <legodude> but am also having trouble with a new install
[15:21] <M4d3L> I cant configure my screen dual. only in clone
[15:22] <ActionParsnip1> M4d3L: you set it up in nvidia-settings afaik
[15:22] <legodude> yeah
[15:22] <LeNsTR> bye
[15:22] <legodude> do you have the nvidia driver installed?
[15:22] <M4d3L> no. in gnome if I install the driver. my dual screen doesnt work.
[15:23] <M4d3L> and in kde it doesnt work standalone
[15:23] <genii> seele: I'm currently not on 4 but noticed that the systrays in it sometimes don't show all the running apps until next start (of X)
[15:23] <legodude> ?
[15:24] <M4d3L> how I install nvidia driver on kde?
[15:24] <seele> genii: i've restarted kde and x
[15:24] <SlimeyPete> !nvidia
[15:24] <ubottu> For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto
[15:24] <ActionParsnip1> !envyng | M4d3L
[15:24] <ubottu> M4d3L: envyng is an updated version of the *UNSUPPORTED* envy package. It is now part of the ubuntu universe repository (envyng-gtk OR envyng-qt) we suggest you use envyng if every other (official/supported) method fails! it can have various results from works, to fails!!! if you want the very latest drivers from the manufacturer you use them at your own risk
[15:25] <seele> genii: it's running, just not in the systray. it is in it's own window and listed in the taskbar
[15:25] <genii> seele: Did you have knetworkmanager running when you exited/restarted ?
[15:25] <TheAncientGoat> ActionParsnip1: Package manager won't update
[15:25] <seele> genii: yes
[15:25] <TheAncientGoat> http://pastebin.com/m3bb0c8e8
[15:26] <TheAncientGoat> Its not quite the same error now, because I removed two of the sources from there, but close enough
[15:26] <genii> seele: I would try change the wm from compiz back to kwin, then see if the tray works right there. If so then restart compiz
[15:26] <TheAncientGoat> Is there a way I can swap repo servers, as in gnome Ubuntu?
[15:26] <seele> genii: how do i do that? i'm just running whatever is default
[15:26] <ActionParsnip1> TheAncientGoat: can you give me the error again, ill have another look
[15:26] <seele> i just noticed compiz updates in the list the other day, i didnt actively enable it
[15:27] <faileas> TheAncientGoat: both use the same repos.
[15:27] <genii> seele: Are you using Compiz as your desktop?
[15:27] <seele> genii: i've no idea
[15:27] <ActionParsnip1> seele: if its installed it'll get updated
[15:27] <M4d3L> ok envyng is installed. I must reboot
[15:27] <seele> i'm using whatever is shipped by default
[15:27] <genii> seele: Ah, OK. So likely not then
[15:27] <seele> ActionParsnip1: yes, but that doesn't mean it's running
[15:27] <ActionParsnip1> seele: try dpkg -l | grep -i compiz
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[15:28] <JimDog> list
[15:28] <ActionParsnip1> seele: thats fine, if its an installed app (running or not) it will get updated if the repo has a newer version than you have
[15:28] <seele> yes..
[15:28] <TheAncientGoat> faileas, yes, both use the same repos but kubuntu doesn't have an easy repo swapper like ubuntu does, at least not that I know of
[15:29] <TheAncientGoat> and ActionParsnip, here's the pastebin with the error
[15:29] <TheAncientGoat> http://pastebin.com/m3bb0c8e8
[15:29] <JimDog> anyone able to help me? need to know how to use an ssl connection to an irc server? is it easy?
[15:29] <faileas> TheAncientGoat: kubuntu has one in adept
[15:30] <ActionParsnip1> TheAncientGoat: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=966682
[15:32] <JimDog> anyone able to help
[15:32] <ActionParsnip1> TheAncientGoat: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=691206
[15:32] <TheAncientGoat> Cool, faileas, I didn't know that
[15:32] <ActionParsnip1> !ask | JimDog
[15:32] <ubottu> JimDog: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)
[15:32] <marufaberlin> hi
[15:33] <faileas> TheAncientGoat: i found out by accident. my local repo is AWEFUL
[15:33] <TheAncientGoat> I swapped the server, and touch wood, it looks like it is failing less
[15:33] <JimDog> Already did but clearly not. Don't know irc commands as yet, want to connect via ssl#
[15:33] <TheAncientGoat> Hah, Im in the United Arab Emirates, find me a worse local repo, and I shall reward you
[15:34] <faileas> the singapore one is bad
[15:34] <faileas> i tend to use a taiwanese one now
[15:35] <TheAncientGoat> Now the update is frozen ><
[15:35] <JimDog> or is there a help command i can use to read the instructions?
[15:35] <TheAncientGoat> :D The operation finished successfully and no operation is currently in progress. You may now exit the program or go back to installing and removing packages.
[15:35] <faileas> yay
[15:35] <TheAncientGoat> Thanks ActionParsnip1 and faileas
[15:36] <faileas> TheAncientGoat: ^^ my pleasure to be of assistance
[15:36] <hoonteke> kubuntu 8.10: anyone experience knetworkmanager showing two copies of nics?
[15:36] <TheAncientGoat> They should implement a karma like system for real time assistance
[15:36] <faileas> XD
[15:36] <seele> hoonteke: yes
[15:37] <seele> gah, he left
[15:37] <faileas> he's back ;p
[15:37] <seele> hoonteke: yes
[15:37] <hoonteke> seele: do you know what's up?
[15:37] <seele> hoonteke: mine has also fallen out of the systray :P
[15:37] <seele> no :(
[15:37] <hoonteke> fallen out of systray? what do you mean?
[15:37] <seele> although i guess that's a confirmation so it's time to write a bug
[15:37] <seele> hoonteke: it's running as a windowed app instead of integrated as a systray applet
[15:38] <OsugiSakae> hoonteke: i saw that once yesterday, but just that one time
[15:38] <hoonteke> hmm, okay, I'll ask in #kde
[15:38] <hoonteke> it's ... an annoyance at best
[15:40] <faileas> seele: i think its running in the plasma dashboard as opposed to systray
[15:40] <seele> hoonteke: hoonteke try removing it from the list under edit connections and see if it comes back
[15:40] <seele> faileas: the plasma widget is called systray
[15:41] <faileas> er
[15:41] <faileas> i mean in the ...
[15:41] <TheAncientGoat> Does anyone have an ETA for proper plasmoid kde integration?
[15:41] <hoonteke> seele: it's not a second connection, it's a second device
[15:41] * faileas still isn't used to the way kde4 handles thingd
[15:41] <seele> hoonteke: ooh that's really weird
[15:41] <hoonteke> I've got wlan1 and wlan1
[15:41] <hoonteke> and eth0 and eth0
[15:41] <seele> hoonteke: definitely dont have that :)
[15:42] <TheAncientGoat> Because at the moment, it doesn't want to recognize anything save scripts
[15:42] <TheAncientGoat> And I would /really/ like a system monitor widget
[15:43] <hoonteke> it would be a horrible bug report, so I'm going to wait until I can pin it down on how to recreate it before I report it.
[15:44] <OsugiSakae> hoonteke: that is exactly what i had yesterday until i rebooted. 2x eth0 and 2x eth1
[15:44] <hoonteke> OsugiSakae: question: had you suspended prior to that?
[15:45] <OsugiSakae> hoonteke: no, don't think so.
[15:45] <Shadow_> hello everyone
[15:45] <Shadow_> intrepid is ready.....i dont think so
[15:45] <OxDeadC0de> I'm using it..
[15:46] <OsugiSakae> hoonteke: and it hasn't happened again. was having lots of trouble connecting to wireless (the routers fault), i thought maybe that was the cause.
[15:46] <Shadow_> it's the most unstable version for kubuntu
[15:47] <OxDeadC0de> Unstable how? I have no stability issues..
[15:48] <hoonteke> OsugiSakae: hmm, I'm positive my router is stable. Has been for the past 9 months, modulo a reboot every month or so
[15:48] <hoonteke> OsugiSakae: what *may* be weird/unexpected is that my router wireless is not broadcasting the SSID
[15:49] <OsugiSakae> hoonteke: yeah, i think ours here is just odd. but had to try 5 times to get connected and then would get disconnected an hour later. thought at the time that that had 'confused' knetworkmanager.
[15:50] <OsugiSakae> SSID, that I know nothing about, sorry.
[15:50] <hoonteke> well, I noticed it when I disconnected from teh inet for a moment
[15:50] <hoonteke> SSID or essid is the name of the network/router
[15:50] <hoonteke> the most common ones are like "d-link" or "linksys", if you've ever gone wardriving
[15:51] <OsugiSakae> oh, that, thanks. no problem with that here. it sees the name of the network no problem.
[15:51] <OsugiSakae> just listed two of them for a while.
[15:52] <Shadow_> KNETWORK MANAGER sucks in kde4
[15:53] <hoonteke> Yeah, I'm having a hard time with it right now, as well.
[15:53] <dual> If I choose to use a LGPL library in a piece of software I make, do I have to release the sourcecode for it?
[15:53] <Shadow_> try to use console,nothing is better than console
[15:54] <faileas> dual: no. just for the library
[15:54] <damjan_> System doesn't remember window size and/or position (terminal, dolphin...). Is there any way to fix this? Kubuntu 8.10 (Kde 4.1.3)
[15:55] <dual> Ok, is it enough to link to the library in an "About" dialog or so, or do I have to ditribute the library with the main software?
[15:57] <OxDeadC0de> dual lgpl protects the library itself, if you change the library you have to release those changes, but you can use it in any software under any license you want as long as you respect the lgpl for the library
[15:58] <dual> Ok, so If I don't make any changes to the library itself, I don't have to distribute the source code of it in my software?
[16:01] <damjan_> System doesn't remember window size and/or position (terminal, dolphin...). Is there any way to fix this? Kubuntu 8.10 (Kde 4.1.3)
[16:01] <damjan_> anyone...
=== metbsd is now known as Guest48670
[16:02] <vkobzar> got an issue with xinerama on intrepid with intel integrated
[16:02] <metbsd> is there installation cd smaller than 650MB?
[16:02] <RenzoreK> Is everyone still having problems with KDE4.x and nVidia drivers??
[16:02] <bazhang> !minimal | metbsd
[16:02] <ubottu> metbsd: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD
[16:02] <vkobzar> it crashes I think
[16:03] <QContinueum> RenzoreK: Mine work fine...
[16:03] <bazhang> its 9mb metbsd
[16:04] <RenzoreK> QContinueum: What video card do you have?
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[16:05] <vkobzar> I mean xorg crashes. There are some stack trace like lines in logfile. I got an xorg.conf with nothing except Option "Xinerama" "True"
[16:05] <KDesk> what happend to www.kde-apps.org ?
[16:06] <QContinueum> RenzoreK: a 6200 i believe, so not anything too recent
[16:06] <ubuntu> Good afternoon!
[16:06] <RenzoreK> QContinueum: Bah okay, seems to be a problem with 8500s and up :(
[16:07] <legodude> when I come out of suspend, my mouse buttons are reversed
[16:07] <legodude> any ideas?
[16:07] <legodude> when I come out of suspend, my mouse buttons are reversed, any ideas?
[16:07] <ubuntu> One Question... i had my kubuntu installed on /dev/dsa6. Now, after hte installation of Vista (please dont hurt ;-) the command "grub-install /dev/sda" dont work.
[16:07] <ubuntu> Does anyone knows a solution?
[16:08] <ubuntu> (Now i am here by a kubuntu-cd)
[16:09] <QContinueum> ubuntu: i don't have a solution for you, but i did something similar a couple of months ago... i never really found fix
[16:11] <damjan_> ubuntu: try this> go to shell, enter grup then root(hd0,5), find /boot/grub/stage1, setup (hd0)
[16:11] <ubuntu> Okay, but i see, that it is a known problem in the internet...
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[16:13] <ubuntu> Stage1 is on the live cd? Or shoud i search on hd?
[16:13] <damjan_> it should be on hd
[16:13] <KDesk> what happend to www.kde-apps.org ?
[16:14] <ubuntu> Okay, stage1 is now on /media/5/grub/stage1
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[16:16] <cuznt> ubuntu the grub is not on your hd afetr installing vista i dont think
[16:16] <SlimeyPete> vista will remove grub
[16:16] <cuznt> thats what i thought
[16:16] <ubuntu> I have more partitons... one for boot, one for vista, one for linux, one home...
[16:16] <cuznt> thats because bill gates hates us
[16:17] <cuznt> thats right ub
[16:17] <cuznt> but the part that says to recognize kde is gone
[16:24] <DennisBagley> raw : I have turned off the desktop effects and all of my missing menu text is back - so i guess it is the combo of beta nvidia driver [for gforce4mx] glx and qt
[16:25] <DennisBagley> raw: are you a good person to talk to about nvidia / compiz stuff - or can you recommend someone who is ?
[16:25] <RenzoreK> I can try
[16:25] <RenzoreK> I own nvidia and use compiz/kde :)
[16:25] <JontheEchidna> DennisBagley: there are known issues with the beta legacy drivers and font rendering for KDE3, gtk, and wine
[16:26] <DennisBagley> ahhhh
[16:26] <JontheEchidna> basically, it's the driver's fault, and the only way to avoid the problems is to not use desktop effects
[16:26] <DennisBagley> amarok is still a kde3 app isn't it
[16:26] <JontheEchidna> yea
[16:26] <DennisBagley> ok - is openoffice ?
[16:26] <JontheEchidna> sorta
[16:27] <JontheEchidna> it has it's own themeing engine that relies on KDE3
[16:27] <DennisBagley> ok - so chances are its this combo with kde3 apps
[16:27] <JontheEchidna> yeah, wine apps are affected too
[16:27] <DennisBagley> at least I have something to hang my problem on and google about now - thanks
[16:28] <JontheEchidna> yw
[16:29] <DennisBagley> is there a more appropriate channel for this ? i figure kubutu is already kde specific enough
[16:29] <raw> DennisBagley: yeh, I am a good person for compiz/nvidia but unfortunately I'm heading to work
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[16:29] <SlimeyPete> DennisBagley: there's a #compiz and a #kde
[16:30] <DennisBagley> raw: no probs - just wanted to know where to send my feedback if i fix anything :-)
[16:30] <DennisBagley> thanks slimey
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[16:33] <ptl> does anyone here use Intel AG 4965 with LEAP?
[16:33] <ptl> wireless
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[16:39] <asmith_> !ntp
[16:39] <ubottu> Information about using and setting your computer's clock on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuTime - See https://help.ubuntu.com/7.10/server/C/NTP.html for information on usage of the Network Time Protocol (NTP)
[16:39] <Catty> how do I make the task manager have multiple lines?
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[16:41] <genii> Catty: Maybe see http://kde-look.org/content/show.php/show.php?content=83177&vote=good&tan=57362565&PHPSESSID=676243945bf64a9adb2340288905c82b
[16:41] * genii reminds himself to use tinyurl more
[16:42] <Catty> thanks.
[16:42] <Catty> :( how could they make a single line task manager? Oh well.
[16:51] <wardlooockx> hello I've just upgrade to 8.10 and there is a lot wrong
[16:51] <wardlooockx> when I startup I get no kde login but shell login
[16:51] <wardlooockx> and when I do startx my kde is loaded but there are no panels :s
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[16:52] <wardlooockx> my mouse isn't functioning to
[16:52] <wardlooockx> weird :s
[16:52] <wardlooockx> anybody that has some time to help ?
[16:52] <White_Pelican> I would if I could
[16:52] <White_Pelican> sorry
[16:52] <White_Pelican> good luck
[16:52] <wardlooockx> thx :D
[16:53] <White_Pelican> why did you upgrade?
[16:53] <wardlooockx> because the packages of kde 4.1.3 were only avaible for 8.10 I think
[16:53] <White_Pelican> true
[16:54] <White_Pelican> why did you upgrade to kde4?
[16:54] <wardlooockx> :p because I like KDE
[16:54] <wardlooockx> an was fresh install so time to go check out KDE4
[16:55] <White_Pelican> oic
[16:55] <wardlooockx> another weird problem is when i startup my computer makes this weird sound :s
[16:55] <White_Pelican> I personally am sticking to kde 3 until it's no longer supported or available
[16:55] <metbsd> so how do i upgrade from 8.04 to 8.10
[16:55] <wardlooockx> I can see when starting up it has some errors about libdrm
[16:56] <wardlooockx> but when I try to blacklist libdrm it isn't solved
[16:56] <asmith_> !java
[16:56] <ubottu> To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre or sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Please don't use Adept to install Java if you are on Kubuntu !Dapper
[16:56] <wardlooockx> lsmod doesn't show anhything with drm
[16:57] <wassi> hello
[16:57] <wassi> I've got a small question: If I install KDE 4.1.3 from backports, will I have any problems upgrading to 9.04 ?
[17:00] <jonatas> ola
[17:00] <definitely> Hello all, i just installed Kubuntu 8.10 but have no sound :(
[17:00] * jobe is otherwise occupied: Gone away for now
[17:00] <wassi> or will a default 8.10 installation upgrade to KDE 4.1.3 within the next days anyway ?
[17:00] <wassi> jonatas: hola
[17:00] <jonatas> hola
[17:00] <jonatas> como estas??
[17:00] <wassi> definitely: I'm not an expert, but unless you give more detailed information I'm afraid noone will be able to help you
[17:01] <wassi> jonatas: bien, gracias
[17:01] <wassi> . tu ?
[17:01] <definitely> wassi: I am not expert, so how can i give more detail information ? I JUST Installed Kubuntu and there is no sound.
[17:01] <Prognatus> Hello, I updated Kubuntu 8.10 today and now my keyboard doesn't work! Was it something with the last updates that did this? The keyboard works in login, but then doesn't take any input from there.
[17:02] <jonatas> estoy com uno problema mi web cam no funciona
[17:02] <kuadrosx> hola jonatas #kubuntu-es
[17:02] <wassi> definitely: well, it could be a driver issue, so it would be good to know your graphics hardware
[17:02] <definitely> wassi: Tere is no sound, so what about my video card ?
[17:02] <definitely> there is''
[17:03] <wassi> definitely:
[17:03] <wassi> definitely: sound card, sorry
[17:03] <definitely> Realtek it is
[17:03] <definitely> Gigabyte Intel G31 Mobo
=== hirolatou is now known as hior
[17:03] <wassi> definitely: is there no sound at all or can't you playback music files ?
[17:04] <definitely> wassi: There is no sound in skype and in amarok.. so it is no sound, coz i dont hear anything
[17:04] <Prognatus> Anyone else who has experienced problems after the last updates today for Kubuntu?
[17:05] <wassi> definitely: did you use kubuntu 8.04 before ?
[17:05] <wassi> prognatus: me not
[17:06] <definitely> wassi: i used Ubuntu 8,04 and 8.10 before, and everything was ok
[17:06] <M4d3L> what I must install if I want to install windows application on kubuntu? like photoshop
[17:06] <wardlooockx> looks like dpg-reconfigure gdm gives me gdm is broken or not fully installed
[17:06] <wardlooockx> and dpkg-reconfigure kdm gives me kdm is not installed
[17:07] <wassi> M4deL: wine
[17:07] <wardlooockx> looks something whent wrong with upgrading
[17:07] <wassi> definitely: no idea then, but probably a driver issue...
[17:07] <M4d3L> wine is the best thing?
[17:07] <wassi> definitely: did you google it ?
[17:07] <wardlooockx> anybody knows how to install the rest of KDE4 ? Because when i looked @ upgrade my KDE was crashed
[17:07] <wassi> M4d3L: It's the only thing available for free (as in beer) ;)
[17:07] <definitely> wassi: no
[17:08] <Prognatus> wardloockx: is that "kdm" related to keyboard?
=== Raumkruat is now known as Raumkraut
[17:08] <wardlooockx> keyboard is working
[17:08] <wardlooockx> kdm -> kde ?
[17:08] <Prognatus> Ok
[17:08] <wassi> M4d3L: If you're willing to pay and it doesn't work with wine, try http://www.codeweavers.com/
[17:09] <wassi> definitely: try that, use your kernel, your sound card etc. in the search query
[17:09] <Prognatus> I wonder why the keyboard isn't working here? It works in BIOS and the Kubuntu login screen too, but not in KDE!
[17:10] <Prognatus> It also works in Ubuntu 7.10 on another partition.
[17:10] <wassi> definitely: probably someone ran into the same problem and found a workaround
[17:10] <Prognatus> So it looks like it's a KDE problem.
[17:10] <wassi> Does noone know whether I'll I have any problems upgrading to 9.04 if I install KDE 4.1.3 from backports now?
[17:11] <Prognatus> Anything I can check? A file in the X11 system or something, to see if the keyboard is configured correctly?
=== ubuntu is now known as Dark
=== Dark is now known as DarkFlash
[17:12] <wassi> Prognatus: I remember having read something about an X-Server update in 8.10 potentially screwing you keyboard settings
[17:14] <aaroncampbell> How would I configure Gtk+ to allow "accelerator changes" ?
[17:15] <little> Hey there, has anyone installed the linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.24-21-generic update yet?
[17:15] <genii> aaroncampbell: Since kde uses QT you might want to ask in somepleace like #ubuntu-dev or so
[17:15] <kkathman> little yes I did this morning
[17:15] <little> genii: Thanks, I'll join there.
[17:15] <little> kkathman: Any problems?
[17:16] <kkathman> when I first booted back, I got a HAL error, rebooted, and it went away...no problems since
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[17:17] <little> kkathman: Thanks. I'm joining #kubuntu-devel and #ubuntu-devel to find out for sure whether I should install it.
[17:17] <little> It says: You likely do not want to install this package directly. Instead, install the linux-generic meta-package, which will ensure that upgrades work correctly, and that supporting packages are also installed.
[17:17] <Prognatus> wassi: Ok! Remember when and where you read that?
[17:17] <genii> little: Unless you are also here as aaroncampbell that last message was not in regards to your kernel modules update Q
[17:17] <kkathman> little, interesting, it just came up on my daily upgrades alert
[17:18] <aaroncampbell> genii: ok, thanks. I was having a problem with pidgin and was told that was the limitation...
[17:18] <little> genii: I'm not. (:
[17:18] * genii sips
[17:18] <little> kkathman: Yeah, I saw the warning and would rather find out for sure before doing it. (:
[17:18] <jao> hi, I just updated to kubuntu intrepid ibex. I was wondering if out of the box I can set a gtk theme to make firefox look a bit more integrated?
[17:18] <Prognatus> wassi: perhaps in the forums? Worth checking.
[17:19] <Prognatus> What file in X holds the keyboard definition=
[17:19] <Prognatus> ?
[17:21] <kkathman> little - let me know..seriously all I did was take the update in update-manager
[17:23] <little> kkathman: Well, so far #kubuntu-devel said all they do is KDE, and nobody's answering in #ubuntu-devel yet.
[17:24] <kkathman> I see, predictable I think :)
[17:25] <legodude> when I restore from suspend, my mouse buttons are reversed, any ideas?
[17:25] <little> kkathman: From a quick look on Google, it's a good update and it fixes a vulnerability in the kernel. I just don't like that warning...
[17:25] <kkathman> little, I dont blame you...I've never seen that before
[17:26] <little> kkathman: Yeah, and I have the default kernel that came with Hardy Heron, so it's not like I put in a custom kernel or anything. (:
[17:26] <kkathman> little but with all the issues regarding Ibex, there's a bit of fingerpointing going on - but thats not really to be discussed here.
[17:26] <little> kkathman: Are you using Hardy Heron or Ibex?
[17:26] <kkathman> you probably are fine installing it...I was
[17:26] <kkathman> Hardy
[17:27] <Prognatus> I found a possible solution in the forums: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-186689.html
[17:27] <kkathman> Too many problems with Ibex right now.
[17:27] <little> kkathman: Yeah, me too. Good, that will be consistent, so whatever advice they give will apply to both of us. (:
[17:27] <Prognatus> Seems it may have something to do with legacy USB support.
[17:27] <little> kkathman: I'm sticking with Hardy until it expires. Then I'm going with GNOME. (:
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[17:28] <Prognatus> But I don't know if I can disable legacy support in the BIOS without affecting other devices.
[17:28] <kkathman> little, Not a bad strategy, but would advise that you at least re-evaluate when the next LTS is available, of course. Things have a way of re-synching over time.
[17:29] <Prognatus> What file in X holds the keyboard definition? Anyone...?
[17:29] <little> kkathman: Yeah, I'll give KDE4 another chance when I decide to make the switch, and see if they made it so it will be something I'd like, but for now it's not.
[17:29] <Rioting_pacifist> how can i scan my hardware to check it for errors my entire system kept shutting itself down between post and grub earlier and the bios is too stupid to keep a log
[17:29] <little> Prognatus: I think you can find keyboard definitions by running kcontrol.
[17:30] <little> Prognatus: But I'm not sure which file it modifies.
[17:30] <legodude> is there any easy way to get changelog between installed packaged and upgades available?
[17:30] <Rioting_pacifist> Prognatus: do you mean .Xmodmap
[17:30] <wardlooockx> I hadsome problems installing 8.10 I reinstalled KDM now and boots into kde login screen but now my problem is that I am unable to use my mouse or keyboard.... Anybody ?????
[17:30] <genii> Rioting_pacifist: The Ultimate Boot CD can be used for some intensive hardware testing. Also usually on most of the livecds is memtest
[17:31] <Rioting_pacifist> genii thx
[17:31] <Prognatus> Rioting_pacifist: I don't know. Is that the correct place to look?
[17:32] <Prognatus> little: Thank you, I'll try that.
[17:32] <Rioting_pacifist> Prognatus: it converts keycodes into what X sees, if you want to change shortcuts then use kcontrol
[17:32] <little> wardlooockx: Do the keyboard and mouse work when using the Live CD?
[17:32] <wardlooockx> it's not a fresh install but upgraded
[17:33] <wardlooockx> and then it was working ;)
[17:33] <Prognatus> Rioting_pacifist: Thank you. Then kcontrol it is. If that doean't work, I
[17:33] <Prognatus> will fiddle with BIOS.
[17:33] <Sokal-EC> can someone help me with dvdrip?
[17:33] <biggerfisch> How do i keep the menubar on in 8.10? it wont show up
[17:33] <sidney> How do i get to ubuntu 8.10
[17:33] <TWTNW> hello
[17:33] <Prognatus> Logging off. Bye.
[17:33] <sidney> or how do i install the os in vm
[17:34] <TWTNW> how do I create a launcher in the KDE 4.1 desktop?
[17:35] <Sokal-EC> dvdrip? a few errors and it doesnt have codecs so it says
[17:35] <Reaper> Hi, I installed Kubuntu 8.10 using the Most Continous Space option ( Don't ask me why, it doesn't work with any other option for me, unless I'm not on Dual Boot no more) - The thing is I did it, and Grub wasn't installed? I installed Ubuntu just the same way I did to Kubuntu, and I had grub installed at that time. I removed Kubuntu that I installed and wanting to install it again, but thought of asking before -,-
[17:36] <Sokal-EC> TWTNW: an application launcher?
[17:36] <Sokal-EC> isnt it alt + F2
[17:36] <wardlooockx> hey means an icons?
[17:36] <wardlooockx> quicklaunch?
[17:36] <TWTNW> no, an URL launcher
[17:36] <little> kkathman: I got one reply from tseliot saying I can go ahead and install the upgrade.
[17:37] <kkathman> kewl
[17:37] <TWTNW> I've just upgraded ubuntu 8.04 to 8.10
[17:38] <Sokal-EC> right click add widget
[17:38] <Sokal-EC> app launcher
[17:38] <kkathman> Like I said, I did a soft boot after install, and got a HAL error, which cleared when I restarted again
[17:38] <little> kkathman: Apparently the warning is because they want users to install the linux-generic metapackage so that when the kernel is updated, they will automatically get linux-ubuntu-modules for the new kernel.
[17:38] <Sokal-EC> there is a widget for that too
[17:38] <m_tadeu> hi eveyone
[17:38] <wardlooockx> My keyboard and mouse aren't working in the new 8.10 ? can anydboy help ?
[17:38] <TWTNW> I don't need any application launcher!
[17:39] <wardlooockx> okay sorry :D
[17:39] <Reaper> Any help? is it normal that Grub didn't get installed for Kubuntu 8.10? ( notice that I clicked on skip when the insallation was searching for network timing or something... )
[17:39] <TWTNW> i need a luncher like Computer, in gnome
[17:39] <little> kkathman: Also, cjwatson said, "that isn't a warning primarily intended for upgraders - it's in the package description so that people installing the package from scratch know the intention."
[17:39] <m_tadeu> I'm using hardy, but I'm unable to connect to msn messenger with kopete since yesterday....is there any reported problem about that?
[17:39] <Sokal-EC> TWTNW: there is also a widget for a URL Launcher
[17:39] <kkathman> little, in my estimation then, they should have made the metapackage the update then, not just the kernel modules
[17:39] <Sokal-EC> isnt that what you want?
[17:39] <little> kkathman: Agreed. (:
[17:40] <TWTNW> isn't there something like 'right click>new launcher'?
[17:41] <Sokal-EC> little do you have dvdrip?
[17:41] <TWTNW> 'cos I had kde 3, before upgrading...
[17:41] <Sokal-EC> TWTNW: for the third time right click add widget
[17:41] <lovre_> hi all
[17:41] <Sokal-EC> inn KDE 4 it is called a widget
[17:42] <TWTNW> and now?
[17:44] <metbsd> so i can't get wireless to work, using atheros ag5005
[17:44] <sidney> hello
[17:44] <sidney> is this where i get ubuntu 8.10 help
[17:44] <genii> sidney: Yes, such as it is
[17:45] <metbsd> there is no kubuntu help, all are ubuntu..
[17:45] <sidney> i installed VM and had to turnoff the computer to connect the cdrom
[17:45] <little> Sokal-EC: Only if it was installed by defauls in Hardy Heron. Is it, or is that something I would have had to manually grab?
[17:45] <sidney> now how do i install the os
[17:46] <TWTNW> didn't sokal-EC leave this channel?
[17:47] <little> kkathman: They asked me to file a bug about it since there isn't one already up.
[17:47] <kkathman> little sounds like a good idea
[17:48] <little> kkathman: Yeah, working out how to word the bug. (:
[17:48] <kkathman> little, once you've upgraded the kernel, I wonder why nothing pops up to tell me to install the meta
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[17:50] <pedro__> hi
[17:50] <pedro__> d
[17:52] <estan> hm. i tried to remove my task manager and got this; http://dose.se/taskmanager.png
[17:52] <estan> anyone had that?
[17:52] <estan> (intrepid)
[17:53] <estan> pkill plasma && plasma didn't help.
[17:53] <little> kkathman: Apparently if you have the package by default, you'
[17:54] <kkathman> im sure I do, but can you install, after doing just the kernel?
[17:54] <little> kkathman: Apparently if you've got the package by default, you already have the meta. The issue is for people who don't have the package and want to install it, and need to know that in order for updates to work smoothly, they need the additional packages.
[17:55] <kkathman> hmm, so when my automatic updater informed me of the update, what I really installed was the metapackage?
[17:55] <little> kkathman: In #ubuntu-devel they're talking about the descriptions being the problem rather than the packages, since the descriptions are targeted at initial install.
[17:56] <little> kkathman: That I'm not sure of, but my understanding is that when you updated that package, it pulled in what you needed automatically.
[17:56] <kkathman> ok
[17:57] <little> kkathman: But I'm not a hundred percent certain. You can check Adept Manager and check if you have linux-generic and linux-ubuntu-modules installed. Those are the packages in question.
[17:57] <kuadrosx> estan: make click in left edge of panel and add the widget (taskmanager)
[17:59] <little> kkathman: I think if you were to manually install just the kernel without the supporting packages, updates wouldn't work properly.
[17:59] <estan> kuadrosx: uh? left edge? but i don't want the task manager there. that's why i removed it.-
[18:00] <asmith_> Has anyoine else had issues with the -16 kernel update making box unbootable (fails to correctly read initrd).
[18:00] <asmith_> -14 works fine for me, so I have it and headers and such held.
[18:07] <dereine> hi
[18:07] <dereine> where are ports for svn version of kde4?
[18:12] <neptunepink> There might be one on port 80
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[18:14] <little> dereine: This might help: http://techbase.kde.org/Getting_Started
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[18:16] <glavbuh> Где я???
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=== glavbuh_ is now known as glavbuh
[18:16] <saengwa> salut
[18:16] <saengwa> !!!!
[18:16] <saengwa> qui?
[18:16] <LjL> !fr
[18:16] <ubottu> Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr
[18:16] <LjL> !ru
[18:16] <ubottu> Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke
[18:16] <Greytile> Hi all, looking for some help with pptp. Can anyone help?
[18:17] <saengwa> what
[18:17] <Greytile> I've installed network-manager-pptp, but the installation seem wrong
[18:17] <metbsd> what is wubi?
[18:17] <DaSkreech> !ppp
[18:17] <ubottu> You want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto - Also try disabling/removing KNetworkManager if KDE applications cannot connect using dial-up
[18:17] <DaSkreech> !wubi
[18:17] <ubottu> Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.
[18:18] <Greytile> I'm trying to establish a pptp tunnel via eth0, but after installing network-manager-pptp ther is not entry for it in /etc/NetworkManager/VPN
[18:19] <metbsd> does wubi use what kind of file system?
[18:21] <Rioting_pacifist> !winflash
[18:21] <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about winflash
[18:23] <metbsd> wubi is like dual boot?
[18:23] <glavbuh> Здесь по русски говорят????)))
[18:26] <genii> !ru | glavbuh
[18:26] <ubottu> glavbuh: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke
[18:27] <nigel> Hello World
=== nigel is now known as numbah0ne
[18:29] <glavbuh> ubottu thank you
[18:29] <ubottu> You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)
[18:29] <numbah0ne> Hi all :)
[18:30] <numbah0ne> I have a question
[18:30] <genii> Ask away
[18:31] <DaSkreech> !ask
[18:31] <ubottu> Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)
[18:31] <DaSkreech> !coffee
[18:31] <numbah0ne> will kaffaine work ?
[18:31] <ubottu> coffee is a caffeinated beverage made by filtering hot water through ground up roasted beans of the coffee plant. Flavouring to taste such as milk or cream, sugar or sweetener are often added afterwards. Not to be confused with !java
[18:31] <DaSkreech> numbah0ne: For some definition of work
[18:31] <numbah0ne> no the video play lol
[18:31] <glade88> hello. my kwin animations are excessively choppy. I have tried using compiz which again is very slow (tried loose binding, no difference). I have an onboard intel GMA950 for which effects are _very_ smooth in hardy with compiz. what am I missing out?
[18:32] <numbah0ne> I can't play any of my DVDs
[18:32] <user6> !netbeans
[18:32] <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about netbeans
[18:32] <user6> nobody knows something about netbeans
[18:33] <user6> ???
[18:33] <glade88> !info netbeans
[18:33] <ubottu> netbeans (source: netbeans): Integrated Development Environment. In component universe, is optional. Version 6.1-0ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 855 kB, installed size 1980 kB
[18:33] <user6> only...?
[18:34] <numbah0ne> no one uses Kaffaine to play DVDs?
[18:35] <kabotage> can you undo rename files on kubuntu?
[18:35] <Agent_bob> kabotage rename again
[18:36] <alexd> Привет!
[18:36] <numbah0ne> hmmmmm
[18:36] <Agent_bob> if you are asking if there is arecord stored some place. that depends on how you renamed it/them basicly at the system level no.
[18:36] <kabotage> i renamed it all so i dont know which one is which.
[18:36] <Agent_bob> kabotage ah file comes in handy there
=== mehrab is now known as felfel
[18:37] <felfel> why I can't use kdesu command in kubuntu 8.10?
[18:37] <Agent_bob> felfel try kdesudo ?
[18:38] <felfel> Agent_bob, :) thanks
[18:38] <kabotage> coz im having problems on extracting it. its a 700 mb file but when i extract it, its just 227
[18:38] <kabotage> mb
[18:38] <Agent_bob> felfel welcome
[18:41] <DaSkreech> alexd: Regards!!
[18:41] <DaSkreech> !ru | alexd
[18:41] <ubottu> alexd: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke
[18:41] <DaSkreech> !dvd | numbah0ne
[18:41] <ubottu> numbah0ne: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats
=== root is now known as Guest15779
[18:47] <jtisme> instead of adept updater how else can i find what updates are available from the command line
[18:48] <DaSkreech> !dvd > numbah0ne
[18:48] <ubottu> numbah0ne, please see my private message
[18:48] <DaSkreech> jtisme: aptitude or apt-cache
[18:48] <jtisme> thanks
[18:49] <_2> unless one wishes to use the ncurses frontend i dont see any use for aptitude really
[18:50] <DaSkreech> _2: This would be one place where you would want to use it
[18:50] <_2> i didn't see the question.
[18:51] <DaSkreech> _2: Well then feel safe in your assertation and that answer I gave both being right
[18:51] <_2> and dselect too
[18:52] <sjdurfey> i just installed kubuntu on my desktop, and right after i select kubuntu from the GRUB menu, my monitor just displays an "out of range error" and this only happens with ubuntu and its derivatives, anyone know how to fix this?
[18:53] <_2> which derivatives ? but anyway. zoom in and then fix it. ctrl+alt+plus
[18:53] <rickest> sjdurfey: I believe it has to do with removing VSYNC settings from your xorg.conf. google should have an answer, I've had that before
[18:54] <_2> or zoom in and set the rez
[18:54] <sjdurfey> zoom in and fix what? there isnt anything on my screen
[18:54] <_2> ctrl+alt+plus
[18:54] <sjdurfey> ill check that out rickest
[18:55] <_2> nevermind. i'm probably jsut wrong again.;
[18:55] <serega> пиздец
[18:55] <Pici> !ru | serega
[18:55] <ubottu> serega: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke
[18:55] <legodude> how do I kill or change the sound that happens when you do stuff like press backspace when there is not text
[18:55] <DaSkreech> Привет
[18:56] <serega> привет
[18:56] <legodude> that nasty "beep" that is really grating
[18:56] <makdaknife> legodude: what program?
[18:56] <makdaknife> legodude: konsole?
[18:56] <legodude> seems to be kde wide?
[18:56] <legodude> for sure in pidgin
[18:56] <legodude> also when I get new mail in thunderbird?
[18:57] <DaSkreech> Why do I have thunderbird?
[18:57] <legodude> and muting sound in pidgin does not stop it
[18:57] <makdaknife> legodude: check System Settings, Notifications
[18:57] <legodude> yeah
[18:57] * DaSkreech is annoyd by packages in Ibex
[18:57] <legodude> any idea what it is called?
[18:57] <sjdurfey> hmmm, interesting, all i had to do was boot into recovery mode, and select "fix x serve"
[18:57] <master_> I downloaded OO.o--now how can I install it, being as it's a mountain of .deb packages..
[18:57] <sjdurfey> thats a pretty neat feature
[18:57] <DaSkreech> master_: in one dir ?
[18:58] <DaSkreech> sjdurfey: Aint it?
[18:58] <sjdurfey> master_: use the repo
[18:58] <master_> DaSkreech: yes
[18:58] <Copelia> !fr
[18:58] <ubottu> Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr
[18:58] <legodude> oh god, just got it again
[18:58] <DaSkreech> master_: sudo dppkg -i /path/to/dir/*.deb
[18:58] <Copelia> !warrez
[18:58] <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about warrez
[18:58] <master_> sjdurfey: how can i use the repo to install these?
[18:58] <sjdurfey> you're just trying to install OpenOffice, right?
[18:58] <master_> DaSkreech: ah.. ok...
[18:58] <legodude> and it doesn't seem to respect any volume settings that I can find
[18:58] <_2> get all your warez at
[18:59] <master_> sjdurfey: openoffice 3.0, yes
[18:59] <_2> legodude it may be the system beep. sudo modprobe -r pcspeaker
[19:00] <master_> sjdurfey: not the old version...
[19:00] <RenzoreK> anyone know of a nice dockbar that works for Intrepid Ibex?
[19:00] <sjdurfey> 3.0 isnt in the repos?
[19:00] <DaSkreech> !dock
[19:00] <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about dock
[19:00] <DaSkreech> sjdurfey: Nope won't be for 6 months
[19:00] <master_> sjdurfey: no.. an older version is in there
[19:00] <sjdurfey> ahhhh ok, i figured it was
[19:00] <legodude> _2: module not found?
[19:00] <legodude> that sounds right
[19:00] <legodude> but...
[19:00] <legodude> seems like a system beep of some sort
[19:01] <_2> maybe i misspelled it
[19:01] <legodude> k
[19:01] <legodude> lemme look
[19:01] <master_> DaSkreech: that worked.. they all installed.. but I don't see an entry in my K menu nor oowriter or oopresenter pathed on the command line..
[19:01] <master_> hmm..
[19:02] <DaSkreech> master_: Dunno. try looking in /opt
[19:02] <legodude> _2: pcspkr
[19:02] <_2> legodude maybe yep.
[19:02] <legodude> and that seems to have fixed it, thanks
[19:02] <_2> was about to type it too
[19:02] <legodude> is there any way to tone it down?
[19:02] <KDesk> I want to update my kernel, I see there is an update in adept, but if I want to upgrade it in aptitude I cant, it doesn't display anything: sudo aptitude full-upgrade; but with sudo apt-get upgrade it works, why??
[19:02] <legodude> I don't mind it, just that it is so damn loud
[19:03] <RenzoreK> !dockbar
[19:03] <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about dockbar
[19:03] <_2> legodude some systems support alsamixer controlling the volume of the internal speaker some dont
[19:03] <legodude> thanks
[19:03] <legodude> I'll take a look
[19:03] <_2> welcome.
[19:04] <_2> echo -e '\a' should activate the same beep
[19:04] <_2> good for testing. ^
[19:05] <DaSkreech> alexd: Got to -ru ?
[19:06] <engemec> good afternoon
[19:06] <DaSkreech> good $TIME_OF_DAY
[19:06] <billyj> Hi guys!
[19:06] <billyj> Could you help me about kernel?
[19:07] <engemec> anybody speaks portuguese?
[19:07] <billyj> how can upgrade kernel 2.6.24 to 2.6.25
[19:07] <_2> legodude you can also change the tone setterm -bfreq $Q # nwhere Q is the desired freq.
[19:07] <DaSkreech> !br
[19:07] <ubottu> Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.
[19:07] <engemec> portuguese-br
[19:08] <engemec> ok
[19:08] <DaSkreech> billyj: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
[19:08] <legodude> _2: thanks so much
[19:08] <engemec> i will speak english
[19:08] <DaSkreech> engemec: Click on the the blue letters or type /join #ubuntu-br
[19:08] <_2> legodude welcome.
[19:09] <thomas_> can anyone help me get my video card drivers working
[19:09] <engemec> thanks DaSkreech
[19:09] <engemec> but, i prefer to speak english
[19:10] <_2> billyj are you sure you need/want to upgrade your kernel ?
[19:10] <engemec> ok, who did test kubuntu 8.10 desktop (livecd)?
[19:10] <engemec> everybody?
[19:11] <_2> not i
[19:11] <_2> or as i would like to say it if the bot didn't object !i
[19:11] <DaSkreech> Enough people.
[19:12] <engemec> i'm using ubuntu 8.04, but 5 minutos ago i tested kubuntu 8.10.
[19:12] <engemec> Kubuntu 8.10 is very beautiful.
[19:12] <sjdurfey> yes it is
[19:12] <_2> thomas_ if you go into a little more detail someone might. DaSkreech maybe.
[19:13] <engemec> it seems very interesting.
[19:13] <sjdurfey> i like the direction KDE is going, just wish it had the same level of support that GNOME receives
[19:14] <thomas_> alright, well I just installed kubuntu 8.10 64 bit and it wont let me enable the restricted drivers
[19:15] <thomas_> I tried to download and install the drivers from the nvidia website but when I installed them it screwed up Xserver or whatever causing kubuntu to start in command line
[19:15] <DaSkreech> sjdurfey: What kind of support are you looking for?
[19:15] <sjdurfey> i meant that GNOME receives far more developmental support from industry than KDE does
[19:15] <thomas_> I'm also a linux noob so I dont even know where to start
[19:16] <engemec> yes
[19:16] <engemec> i agree with you.
[19:16] <_2> "to start in command line" heh. linux always starts the same consoles. what you mean is "causes xorg to fail to start"
[19:16] <engemec> GNOME have more attention.
[19:17] <thomas_> hah well you can see I dont really know what I'm talking about
[19:17] <DaSkreech> sjdurfey: Yes but there are more develpoers for KDE
[19:17] <DaSkreech> Just that they are not paid
[19:17] <thomas_> It was just a black screen and I had no GUI
[19:18] <sjdurfey> so the developers are mostly guys who work on it in the spare time?
[19:18] <DaSkreech> Yes
[19:18] <sjdurfey> it looks great, and i love the direction of kde4, but having paid full time developers will only help make it better
[19:18] <_2> yep thomas_ and the same login console is active right now. alt+ctrl+f1 to see/use it. alt+f7 back to xorg session. but that information is not what you are looking for right now.
[19:19] <_2> thomas_ did you get it sorted out. or do you need help now?
[19:20] <KDesk> I want to update my kernel, I see there is an update in adept, but if I want to upgrade it in aptitude I cant, it doesn't display anything: sudo aptitude full-upgrade; but with sudo apt-get upgrade it works, why??
[19:20] <little> kkathman: A bug has now been filed, and a comment was added by one of the developers: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/adept/+bug/295277
[19:20] <thomas_> I need some help. lol I dont even know where to start
[19:20] <kkathman> little, excellent
[19:21] <_2> KDesk cause aptitude is so much better, if you don't believe me, just ask in #debian. they will explain it.
[19:21] <_2> !ati > thomas_
[19:21] <ubottu> thomas_, please see my private message
[19:21] <_2> maybe start there ^
[19:22] <KDesk> _2: Are you saying aptitude is better? But why I cant see the kernel update in aptitude? (I can see it in the aptitude console)
[19:23] <thomas_> well are there any know problems when installing kubuntu on a system with a SLI configuration?
[19:23] <_2> KDesk sarcasticly. yes that's what i said. but you don't want my openion of aptitude.
[19:23] <helpy> my mic is muted by default in audio controls
[19:23] <helpy> can anyone help ?
[19:23] <_2> thomas_ that i don't know.
[19:23] <thomas_> cause I have two nvidia geforce 8800GTS g92
[19:23] <KDesk> _2: ah, ok :) So you recomend me to use apt-* ?
[19:24] <_2> helpy set it the way you want and run sudo alsactl store
[19:24] <_2> KDesk yes
[19:24] <helpy> sudo alsactl store?
[19:24] <KDesk> _2 ok tanks!
[19:25] <KDesk> helpy: why you dont unmut it in kmix?
[19:25] <_2> thomas_ there were known problems with nvidia and the new release you might search the forums and the bug reports
[19:25] <helpy> not working
[19:25] <helpy> i am on gnome
[19:25] <helpy> i have. doesn't wok
[19:25] <helpy> work
[19:25] * _2 points that the gah-know-me channel ---> #ubuntu
[19:25] <helpy> do i have to restart for the changes to take effect ?
[19:26] <KDesk> helpy: hmm gnome hehe. then I think alsactl store shoudl work, not sure
[19:26] <helpy> i have written the command
[19:26] <thomas_> oh really? are the forums still down? they were last night
[19:26] <KDesk> helpy: have you tried alsamixer?
[19:26] <helpy> do i have to restart for it to take effect ?
[19:26] <helpy> yes KDESK thats where i have changed the audio settings
[19:26] <sjdurfey> does ubuntu use pulse audio?
[19:26] <_2> !forums
[19:26] <ubottu> The Ubuntu forums can be found at http://www.ubuntuforums.org. There is also a channel on IRC Freenode #ubuntuforums.
[19:26] <helpy> but when i close it and reopen its same
[19:26] <djdarkman> hello, can I upgrade somehow to interpid and use KDE3?
[19:26] <KDesk> sjdurfey: yes it uses pulse
[19:26] <DaSkreech> djdarkman: Yes with pearson
[19:26] <thomas_> Nevermind it looks like kubuntuforums are still offline
[19:27] <helpy> i am on intrepid
[19:27] <_2> thomas_ no. not down.
[19:27] <djdarkman> DaSkreech: what is that?
[19:27] <KDesk> helpy: normaly in alsamixer the changes are made instant.
[19:27] <helpy> yes but they don't last
[19:27] <helpy> when i close it and open it. its muted again
[19:28] <DaSkreech> djdarkman: 3rd party repo
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[19:28] <djdarkman> DaSkreech: link? :)
[19:28] <_2> thomas_ are you unable to connect to the forums ?
[19:28] <_2> Kubuntuforums.org
[19:28] <DaSkreech> apt.pearsoncomputing.com I think
[19:28] <_2> What you need, when you need it
[19:28] <KDesk> helpy: maybe it is adriver problem, that could be why they are restored.
[19:28] <thomas_> yeah its not loading for me
[19:28] <KDesk> search ing alsa page info about your audio chip
[19:29] <KDesk> helpy: search in alsa page info about your audio chip
[19:29] <thomas_> Status Update Site is coming online shortly. Had to replace the hard disk since it was starting to fail.
[19:29] <helpy> yea but i hear myself fine in Audacity
[19:29] <_2> thomas_ hmmm i'm on dialup and usually the one with connection problems.
[19:29] <helpy> i can record and listen myself
[19:29] <thomas_> thats what it says when I try to get on the forums
[19:29] <sjdurfey> Status Update Site is coming online shortly. Had to replace the hard disk since it was starting to fail. <----thats the error i receive when i try to load kubuntuforums
[19:29] <sjdurfey> haha, darn, im a little behind
[19:30] <_2> you must be loading a chched page
[19:30] <_2> cached
[19:30] <sjdurfey> ive never been to that website before, so it couldnt be a cached page
[19:30] <purpleposeidon> I'm on the LiveCDl, and it's going excellent. I'm just about to start partitioning
[19:31] <thomas_> yeah definitely not cached
[19:31] <_2> hmmm then why does it work for me and i've not even used this webbrowser in this account before.
[19:32] <thomas_> dunno... heh
[19:32] <_2> says for me... kubuntuforums.org (1/2)
[19:32] <niji> howcome when i log in it says "VGA NOT SUPPORT"
[19:32] <_2> Kubuntuforums.org
[19:32] <_2> What you need, when you need it
[19:32] <niji> it says "VGA not support" when i try to gon on ubuntu
[19:33] <sjdurfey> thats not the kubutu forums.....its www.kubuntuforums.net
[19:33] <niji> helllo?
[19:33] <niji> can someone answer my question please
[19:33] <purpleposeidon> !raid
[19:33] <ubottu> raid is Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID wto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto
[19:33] <niji> what
[19:34] <niji> can someone please tell me why it keeps saying "VGA not supported" when i go on it
[19:34] <thomas_> yeah www.kubuntuforums.net isnt the right site
[19:34] <niji> ih
[19:34] <niji> oh
[19:35] <sjdurfey> or .com, whichever, i get the same error at both
[19:35] <niji> thanks
[19:35] <_2> so you are saying that it is redirrecting me to some other site ? links http://www.kubuntuforums.org
[19:35] <DaSkreech> djdarkman: was that right? :)
[19:35] <sjdurfey> yeah it is, thats just a generic search site
[19:35] <DaSkreech> niji: what kind of computer?
[19:36] <Tecumseh> hi there, how can I update just kde 4.1.3 with the backports repository enabled and pinning for intrepid-backports set to 400? I just don't want to upgrade everything in the backports
[19:37] <DaSkreech> I guess
[19:37] <_2> sjdurfey hmmm i'll have to look into this. if that web browser does stupid automatic searches i'll can it.
[19:39] <sjdurfey> i may be wrong, but i think that may be something your ISP does
[19:39] <sjdurfey> i thought i had read that somewhere
[19:40] <sjdurfey> it does the same for me with firefox and konquerer
[19:40] <_2> yuch. that reeks
[19:40] <sjdurfey> yup, i hate seeing those sites
[19:41] <_2> yeah if i don't get the exact url then just post me a 404 and shut up! :|
[19:41] <sjdurfey> seriously, i would rather see that
[19:42] <_2> don't think i'm not serious
[19:42] <sjdurfey> im the same way, i would prefer that
[19:42] <sjdurfey> but there's no money in doing it that way
[19:42] <_2> that other verges on the edge of being M$ crap
[19:42] <sjdurfey> haha, yeah, im trying to get away from that crap
[19:44] <_2> ya know. that is really a "man in the middle" attack. i.e. security is breached!
[19:44] <sjdurfey> in a way, it is. except in this case its your isp doing the re-routing for you :)
[19:45] <_2> the "who" matters not.
[19:45] <_2> it's like saying it's not spying on you if it's nsa
[19:46] <sjdurfey> haha, yeah
[19:46] <sjdurfey> im against the practice
[19:47] <_2> me too. even though i have nothing to hide, and don't actually exist.
[19:47] <aaroncampbell> Can you not see image size in Dolphin in 8.10? It doesn't show to the right or even when I right click and choose properties
[19:47] <_2> see = set ???
[19:48] <sjdurfey> _2: i found out a few weeks ago that on my college campus if you use Tor, you can be banned from the campus network!
[19:48] <_2> yeah that's not uncommon.
[19:48] <_2> sjdurfey and lets not forget "drm"
[19:49] <mr_clark> Hi guys. Trying to do the update to 8.10. Following the instructions on the kubuntu site. I run the kdesudo comand, Click on the Version Upgrade, It says theres an upgrade available, next, etc. But then I don't get the "Distribution Upgrade" dialog.
[19:49] <sjdurfey> thats awful, what about individual freedom and right to privacy? just because im not doing anything illegal doesnt mean i should let everyone else know what i am doing
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[19:50] <jarosser06> i know im probably opening up a can of worms but what do yall think of Intrepid
[19:50] <sjdurfey> complacency (sp?) just leads to having more and more freedoms being revoked
[19:50] <brady> hey, just wondering, for some reason, firefox is listed under "Lost and Found" on my applications
[19:50] <_2> mr_clark you are using 8.4 upgrading to 8.10 ?
[19:50] <brady> and uninstalling doesnt remove this
[19:50] <aleboco> hi guys, does anyone know if kde 4.1.3 will go into the supported updates?
[19:51] <jarosser06> brady have you tried editing the menu and sticking it in the Internet submenu
[19:51] <_2> sjdurfey des-quatro des-quatro des-quatro
[19:51] <mr_clark> _2, yes 8.04 to 8.10
[19:51] <brady> no, how do I do so?
[19:51] <brady> nevermind
[19:51] <brady> got it
[19:51] <sjdurfey> _2: what does that mean?
[19:52] <_2> mr_clark hmmm ;/
[19:52] <mr_clark> _2, Is the distribution upgrade dialog supposed to come up automatically?
[19:52] <brady> its just strange it would put it in there to begin with
[19:52] <_2> sjdurfey 10-4 10-4 10-4 ten code for radio communication. total agreement.
[19:52] <sjdurfey> ahhh, ok
[19:52] <brady> also, any way to disable my laptops touchpad? Ksynaptics doesn't work with KDE 4
[19:52] <FabienD_> hi all
[19:53] <jarosser06> yeah it automatically just ended up in the Internet submenu for me
[19:53] <brady> I asked this last night, no solution
[19:53] <mr_clark> _2, Just took a look in /var/log/dist-upgrade and the log there ends with an error:
[19:53] <_2> mr_clark ACTUALLY i don't know. maybe someone that has upgraded 8.4 to 8.10 can assist
[19:53] <FabienD_> someone know how to change screen resolution with 8.10 ?
[19:54] <_2> mr_clark what error ?
[19:54] <mr_clark> Cache can not be locked (E:Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 ....etc etc
[19:54] <sjdurfey> i was rather put off when i heard about this, since it kind of goes against everything a university is supposed to stand for, and of course when i tried to express my opinion on the subject matter with the person who told me, their only reponse was "its their network, they can do with it what they want" so i just stopped talking, its just a horrible sentiment for someone to have
[19:54] <mr_clark> Sorry typing this from my PCBSD box.
[19:54] <_2> ah ha something else is running or it tried to run as normal user
[19:54] <_2> the package manager i mean.
[19:55] <brady> anyway to disable my laptop touchpad? It is quite annoying when typing
[19:55] <jarosser06> brady i found an answer it has to do with editing the xorg file if your interested just google "disabling touchpad in kde4" and click on the first link
[19:55] <brady> ok, thanks my man
[19:55] <mr_clark> _2, Yeah but I'm the only one on this laptop. And I'm doing exactly what it says to do . I'm going to try something else.
[19:56] <_2> sjdurfey if you will pardon the assessment. you don't belong there. you already know more about life than the things they will be trying to teach you.
[19:57] <brady> jarosser06, the first result won't work here because xorg.conf is less functional in this version, I have tried it already
[19:57] <sjdurfey> im not too far from graduation, after that im going someplace else for grad school, someplace a little more open and liberal (which is suprising since im at a liberal arts school)
[19:57] <jarosser06> oh alright sorry i don't know what to tell you then
[19:57] <sjdurfey> _2: but thank you for the kind assessment
[19:57] <jarosser06> you might just google around a bit and see if an app has not been written for kde4
[19:58] <jarosser06> maybe check the kde apps site or the qt apps site
[19:58] <trappist> !dolphin
[19:58] <ubottu> Dolphin, or more properly D3lphin, is the new default file manager for Kubuntu 7.10 Gutsy Gibbon. If you would like to make Konqueror your default file manager again, go to Konqueror - Settings menu - Configure Konqueror - File Associations and change the association for inode/directory and inode/system_directory to Konqueror at the top rather than Dolphin.
[19:58] <brady> Ill give it a shot
[19:58] * _2 thinks that infonode is antiquated
[19:59] <mr_clark> _2, The only thing that is really running is the adept_manager. I'm thinking it's having a problem closing it?
[19:59] <_2> mr_clark could be.
[19:59] <uman3> Hi, I just updated to ubuntu 8.10 using the alternate install cd. the problem is now all my network settings are messed up. for some reason in the network configuration utility there was only one connection and it was called ifdown (eth1) its like all my 3 connections were called ifdown eth1 and instead of using dhcp it gives me a ip. i tried to edit the settings but it says "Updating connection failed: nm-ifupdown-connection.c.82 - connection up
[20:00] <_2> trappist is E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock a common error for dist-upgrade? mr_clark is having a time with it.
[20:01] <_2> i haven't been around enough lately to know how things are progressing.
[20:01] <brady> man, it seems like such a simple issue, to be able to disable my touchpad...man, what a headache
[20:02] <jarosser06> yeah have you tried the mailing list or the forums
[20:03] <brady> not yet
[20:03] <_2> uman3 "ifdown" is a command to terminate that particular connection/interface.
[20:03] <brady> I am fairly new to linux
[20:03] <jarosser06> yeah i would just search the forumns and if you still don't find something you might try the mailing list
[20:03] <uman3> _2 i kkow bu the connection is called ifupdown eth1
[20:05] <jarosser06> brady, it seems ksynaptics has been discontinued
[20:05] <_2> uman3 i'm just saying that the name should not contain commands " ifup ifupdown ifdown ifconfig " the conneciton should be called " eth0 eth1 ath0 wlan0 br0 " and so forth.
[20:05] <brady> I saw that
[20:06] <uman3> well i didnt give those connections that name
[20:06] <brady> It runs in KDE 4, but I cant use it because of its dependency on SHMConfig
[20:06] <jarosser06> try touchfreeze it is in the repos
[20:07] <brady> touchfreeze is the package name then?
[20:07] <_2> well i have work that i'm not getting done. good luck to your pinguin.
[20:07] <brady> yeah
[20:07] <jarosser06> yeah i
[20:07] <brady> its installing
[20:07] <jarosser06> let me know how it works
[20:08] <brady> no, it doesnt work
[20:08] <brady> ugh
[20:09] <purpleposeidon> Which file system should I use? ext[34]?
[20:10] <brady> jarosser06: it doesnt work, at all
[20:11] <brady> why couldnt synaptics just release a linux driver package
[20:16] <sleven> Is there a way to find information in swedish somewhere?
[20:16] <jarosser06> oh damn
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[20:17] <jarosser06> brady, i have searched around and it seems that touchfreeze should do the trick i would suggest maybe a reboot or logout and see if that might work
[20:17] <jarosser06> i know its a pain but there is always a chance
[20:17] <jarosser06> that it works
[20:18] <brady> ok
[20:18] <sleven> Anyway: I want to access SU but there seems to be some sort of password installed to it and i have not typed 1 for it so how do i go from that?
[20:19] <sleven> Is there a regular/normal SU pass from start that i can change?
[20:19] <brady> in that case, Ill ttyl
[20:21] <sleven> Seems hard to get info/support for this OS
[20:22] <jbasilio> sleven: you must have typed a password for it ... how are you going to the SU?
[20:22] <sleven> trying from ehh shell?
[20:23] <brady> yeah, it didnt work even after restart
[20:23] <Tex-Hogger> I am in the process of trying to fix my video display. It is stuck at 800x640, but my monitor should use 1440x900@60Hz. I just did a fresh install if Kubuntu 8.10. The onboard video is a Nvidia GeForce 4 MX. What steps do I need to take to get this corrected?
[20:23] <jarosser06> oh
[20:23] <sidney> Hello
[20:23] <jarosser06> brady, you might try this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad#shmconfig
[20:23] <sleven> Even when i try to access adept manager it asks for some su pass?
[20:24] <sidney> I upgraded to 8.10 and my sound nolonger works
[20:24] <jbasilio> sleven: it is asking for root user password .... when you installed ubuntu you had to set a root password and also create a user and set that password
[20:24] <sleven> and i swear i have NOT entered any su pass somewhere when installed
[20:24] <hoonteke> kate: how do I column edit?
[20:24] <jbasilio> sleven: try "su -" and use blank password
[20:24] <sleven> well root or su i guess is the same?
[20:25] <jbasilio> yes
[20:25] <djdarkman> is there a way to use interpid with kde3?
[20:25] <sleven> then it did ask for userpass when install but not root pass?
[20:26] <jbasilio> it's been awhile since i installed from scratch ...but it should def. ask for root password
[20:26] <sleven> i'll try blank pass 1 sec
[20:26] <little> hoonteke: Edit --> Block Selection Mode
[20:26] <sleven> blank didn't work :(
[20:26] <little> hoonteke: You have to choose it again to turn it off.
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[20:26] <sleven> and the pass i did choose for useraccount doesn't work either
[20:27] <jbasilio> sleven: well that sounds a bit wonky. are you logged in now?
[20:27] <sleven> as user yes
[20:27] <KR-data> how can I know if someone is connected to my SSH-server?
[20:27] <sleven> it's this laptop the os is installed on
[20:27] <jbasilio> KR-data: tail -f /var/log/messages
[20:28] <KR-data> jbasilio, maybe a command that gives more specific info
[20:29] <hoonteke> little: appreciate it. Hmm, that's a bummer it's not easily switchable. I know that ... is it jEdit? ... has it via Ctrl+Click and move mouse
[20:29] <sleven> phonenumber and snailmailadress? ;)
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[20:30] <little> hoonteke: It says Ctrl + Shift + B for block selection mode in Kate, if that helps any.
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[20:31] <Guest89557> hy everybody, does anyone know if my graphic driver is installed in a correct way?
[20:32] <purpleposeidon> It'd be cool if you could set an amarok visualization as a plasmoid
[20:32] <Guest89557> how can I check it?
[20:32] <jbasilio> KR-data: good question .. i never knew it myself i only know to look at the logs and grep out what's interesting. i'd love to know the "real" answer if there is one
[20:33] <brady> I get access denied when I try to move a file into a folder
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[20:33] <brady> I am the administrator
[20:33] <giuseppe_> anyone can help me?
[20:33] <jarosser06> you might have to add sudo in front when you doing it
[20:33] <KR-data> jbasilio, so far I found "w", "who" and "finger"
[20:33] <hoonteke> little: hehe, I asked the question then got on the phone ...
[20:33] <brady> well, I just want to click and drag
[20:33] <brady> I am not sure how to do this in command line
[20:34] <hoonteke> little: okay, that's reasonable. Not what I was expecting with Ctrl, but that's not too unwieldy. Thanks for the pointer.
[20:34] <giuseppe_> does anyone know if my graphic driver is installed in a correct way?
[20:34] <jarosser06> oh um get on a console and type in sudo dolphin
[20:34] <KR-data> jbasilio, problem is, firestarter shows a connection, but I can't trace it, I just want to know if I ought to be worried
[20:34] <little> hoonteke: No problem. Maybe you can reassign the keys for it.
[20:34] <hoonteke> little: eh, probably not, because it's expecting one to let go of the Ctrl character
[20:34] <hoonteke> I want it to only be active when I hit a meta key, but it needs a shortcut
[20:35] <hoonteke> eh, it's close enough
[20:35] <little> hoonteke: I never was fond of Ctrl key combinations. I'm a Shift key combination kinda girl. (:
[20:35] <hoonteke> like I said, KDE does things just a little differently, I'll get used to it
[20:35] <giuseppe_> sometimes on my notebook display becomes black and neither mouse or keyboard work... anyone can help me?
[20:35] <hoonteke> heh. Shifty is what I heard
[20:35] <hoonteke> sketchy even
[20:35] <hoonteke> (and by heard, I mean read. ;-) )
[20:35] <little> LOL
[20:36] <little> I use Shift + Del to cut and Shift + Insert to paste. (:
[20:36] <hoonteke> little: yeah man! That's what I learned from DOS and qbasic a long time ago. I still use 'em. Great shortcuts!
[20:37] <little> hoonteke: Yeah, I love them. The only problem is that Shift + Insert doesn't play nice with Klipper in most applications <sigh>...
[20:37] <hoonteke> little: haha! I used the block select, tried to do an action, and bam, Kate crashes. Let's see if it's repeatable
[20:37] <little> hoonteke: OMG!
[20:37] <hoonteke> it's alright, it was just scratch
[20:38] <little> hoonteke: What release are you running? I'm using Kubuntu Hardy Heron LTS and haven't had any problem with Block Select.
[20:38] <giuseppe_> nobody can help me?
[20:38] <brady> how do I run via command line, yes I know, noob question
[20:38] <jarosser06> run what
[20:38] <brady> I installed SHMconfig
[20:38] <little> giuseppe: How do you make it work again when it happens?
[20:38] <hoonteke> giuseppe_: can you describe actions leading up to it? can you find a series of steps that recreate it?
[20:38] <brady> and ksynaptics, which should work with SHMconfig
[20:38] <jbasilio> KR-data: did you type "who" ? it'll show who is connected to the machine
[20:38] <brady> I need to run ksynaptics
[20:38] <jbasilio> KR-data: maybe that was the "right" way to monitor it. :)
[20:39] <hoonteke> giuseppe_: it's obviously a bug, but it's *really* hard to debug issues if one doesn't know how to recreate it
[20:39] <KR-data> jbasilio, I did, it only showed me
[20:39] <jbasilio> KR-data: i guess i'm used to looking at logs to look at hack attempts
[20:39] <jbasilio> KR-data: wouldn't worry then ... can't be logged in w/o showing up on "who" AFAIK
[20:39] <giuseppe_> hoonteke: well, it seems totally randomic. So first of all I think that can be useful to check if video graphic driver are correctly installed. Do you know how to do it?
[20:39] <KR-data> jbasilio, well so far I closed the server, since I'm at home I don't really need it right now
[20:39] <jbasilio> KR-data: if you look at logs directly though you'll see who successfully logged in and when
[20:40] <hoonteke> giuseppe_: unfortunately, no. I as new as apparently you are to KDE
[20:40] <KR-data> jbasilio, but that's more like a right now solution, that won't be usable in the long run
[20:40] <jarosser06> brady, i guess type ksynaptics in the command promt
[20:40] <jbasilio> KR-data: keep your passwords complex ... and user accounts limited ... and almost impossible for someone to just hack in brute force
[20:40] <hoonteke> giuseppe_: my first inclination would be to check /var/logs/... for some hint
[20:40] <giuseppe_> hoonteke: no, I use ubuntu... it means gnome
[20:40] <KR-data> jbasilio, what about private key auth?
[20:40] <hoonteke> giuseppe_: maybe /var/log/Xorg.log or something like that
[20:41] <hoonteke> giuseppe_: hmm, then you might want to ask in #ubuntu or #gnome
[20:41] <giuseppe_> can I post it to you?
[20:41] <giuseppe_> hoonteke: ok
[20:41] <jbasilio> KR-data: private key auth for the ssh server?
[20:41] <hoonteke> giuseppe_: this is the #kubuntu room. although I understand your frustration with "too much noise" in #ubuntu
[20:42] <hoonteke> giuseppe_: I'd rather you didn't. Why don't you pastebin your research, and post the url here
[20:42] <hoonteke> pastebin = { pastebin.org, pastebin.com, dpaste.com, rafb.net, etc.)
[20:42] <KR-data> jbasilio, yup, technically it shouldn't be possible without my private key, but I don't trust anything blindly
[20:42] <hoonteke> this way, others can look as well
[20:42] <giuseppe_> hoonteke: which recearch you mean?
[20:42] <jbasilio> KR-data: i think even with that you'd need the password of the user ... the encryption is just for the link itself AFAIK
[20:43] <jbasilio> KR-data: but i suppose it could be snifed if the key was compromised. generate a new one ...
[20:43] <hoonteke> giuseppe_: I assume you're looking at your /var/log/{messages,Xorg.*,etc.}
[20:43] <giuseppe_> hoonteke: btw, /var/log/Xorg.log it's empty
[20:43] <hoonteke> giuseppe_: try ls /var/log/*X* see what it returns
[20:43] <KR-data> jbasilio, no, the server has a key for encryption and I have another key for authorization, the auth key is a personal one
[20:43] <jarosser06> brady, did it work
[20:44] <giuseppe_> hoonteke: I have two files ls /var/log/*X*
[20:44] <jbasilio> KR-data: either way, who will tell you who is logged on ... and lookign at logs and grepping for "successful" or something (can't recall) will show you who logged in and when
[20:44] <jbasilio> KR-data: unless you have a determined hacker that is editting your logs as they log in to wipe their steps ... that's pretty secure right there
[20:44] <giuseppe_> hoonteke: /var/log/Xorg.0.log /var/log/Xorg.0.log.old
[20:45] <giuseppe_> do you want to see /var/log/Xorg.0.log ?
[20:45] <hoonteke> giuseppe_: alright, so look at .log. If you're on the command line: $ less /var/log/Xorg.0.log
[20:45] <KR-data> jbasilio, well chances are that it's some newbie wanting to try his new *haxor skillz* (loosers)
[20:46] <hoonteke> giuseppe_: sure. That's the kind of thing you would post to a pastebin site
[20:46] <hoonteke> and then post only the url here
[20:46] <giuseppe_> hoonteke: sorry, what is $ less /var/log/Xorg.0.log?
[20:46] <hoonteke> $ <-- is the canonical symbol for "on the command line, type the following"
[20:46] <hoonteke> the command is "less"
[20:46] <hoonteke> and the argument is "/var/log/Xorg.0.log"
[20:47] <hoonteke> it's just a way to look at the file. If you're more comfortable with the GUI, the look at the file through gedit, leafpad, or your favorite editor.
[20:51] <giuseppe_> hoonteke: wait for a moment
[20:51] <giuseppe_> hoonteke: http://pastebin.com/m7725c786
[20:52] <giuseppe_> hoonteke: have a look
[20:53] <hoonteke> giuseppe_: ah, on the phone ...
[20:53] <giuseppe_> hoonteke: sorry?
[20:53] <hoonteke> I'm on the phone
[20:53] <hoonteke> it'll be a minute
[20:54] <hoonteke> it's the problem with multitasking
[20:54] <giuseppe_> hoonteke: ok... I'm here
[20:54] <TimS> Has everyones updates gone successfull? The new kernel seemed to fail on one of my machines, I'm updating this one atm, I hope it all works okay
[20:57] <j0KeR> hi
[20:57] <mememe> hiho
[20:57] <j0KeR> whats up?
[20:59] <mememe> that gets on my nerves! everytime after the kde desktop is fully loaded after 10 secs only black screen
[21:00] <mememe> with 8.10 and 8.04 and ctrl+alt+backspace doesnt work have to make a hard reset
[21:00] <mememe> also with 8.04 kde3 hm
[21:02] <ignis_> Hello , is there anyone can tell me something about a message i m gettin "Could not obtain lock on the cache" when i try to use Adept to update my system?
[21:04] <asmith_> New kernel (-16) failed on my box. Couldn't load the initrd correctly.
[21:04] <ubuntu> .
[21:04] <mememe> ignis_; sudo dpkg --configure -a
[21:05] <TimS> Can I have KDE3 on 8.10?
[21:05] <giuseppe_> hoonteke: ...
[21:05] <hoonteke> giuseppe_: okay, I'm on hold temporarily ...
[21:05] <TimS> And something is really wrong with X in 8.10 for me, all the colours have gone crazy
[21:05] <TimS> Its a mess.
[21:05] <giuseppe_> hoonteke: thanks hoonteke
[21:06] <hoonteke> hmm, hmm, looks like you just copied and pasted. :-) I need the whole file, or at least the latter half of it
[21:06] <hoonteke> why don't you open it through Gedit
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[21:07] <hoonteke> then copy and paste the whole thing to pastebin
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[21:07] <giuseppe_> hoonteke: well gedit it's blocked and I'm not able to kill blocked process and run it again :(
[21:07] <hoonteke> hmm, alright.
[21:08] <hoonteke> time for the command line because it's how I know how to help. :-P
[21:08] <hoonteke> open up a terminal
[21:08] <giuseppe_> hoonteke: done
[21:09] <giuseppe_> hoonteke: so?...
[21:09] <hoonteke> this is going to "arcane", but copy and paste it
[21:09] <hoonteke> $ alias grep='grep --color=always'
[21:09] <giuseppe_> hoonteke: ok
[21:09] <hoonteke> (don't copy and paste the $ symbol)
[21:09] <giuseppe_> hoonteke: I know some commands by terminal.. so
[21:09] <hoonteke> ps waux | grep gedit
[21:09] <giuseppe_> hoonteke: go on
[21:10] <hoonteke> that will give you the pid for gedit
[21:10] <giuseppe_> hoonteke: done
[21:10] <hoonteke> the second column is the pid
[21:10] <hoonteke> okay, $ kill <pid>
[21:10] <hoonteke> pid = Process ID, btw
[21:10] <hoonteke> if that doesn't kill gedit
[21:10] <hoonteke> then do, kill -9 <pid>
[21:10] <hoonteke> that should force it shut
[21:10] <giuseppe_> done previous but it does not work
[21:11] <hoonteke> try the latter
[21:11] <giuseppe_> just a second
[21:11] <hoonteke> the different between just 'kill' and 'kill -9' is "rollover and die" and just "die"
[21:11] <giuseppe_> hoonteke: rollover? :S
[21:11] <hoonteke> ;-)
[21:12] <giuseppe_> hoonteke: now they are killed but what's the meaning of rollover?
[21:12] <hoonteke> it was a joke
[21:12] <hoonteke> ah, shoot hold on
[21:12] <hoonteke> off hold
[21:12] <villoni> !fr
[21:13] <ubottu> Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr
[21:13] <hoonteke> hehe, this is stilted sorry
[21:13] <giuseppe_> hoonteke: http://pastebin.com/m417f5782
[21:13] <giuseppe_> hoonteke: do you see it?
[21:14] <hoonteke> yep
[21:15] <Timmy> I did not realise KDE3 would be completely removed with 8.10
[21:15] <Timmy> :(
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[21:19] <heinkel_111> Timmy...it appears to live on somewhere inside my computer, amarok, konversation, digikam all seem to continue using kde 3
[21:19] <Timmy> KDE3 will grown on me I guess
[21:20] <Timmy> But I feel insulted I wasn't warned it would just dissapear
[21:20] <Timmy> And sorry, but the new Adept is useless.
[21:20] <giuseppe_> hoonteke: any idea?
[21:20] <MinusSeven> I've having a problem with nvidia settings
[21:20] <MinusSeven> Has this been common?
[21:20] <hoonteke> giuseppe_: still on the pone
[21:20] <giuseppe_> hoonteke: sorry ;)
[21:20] <jtisme> yep adept is a little goofy use aptitude
[21:21] <Timmy> MinusSeven: Does it appear all colour full and wacky?
[21:21] <MinusSeven> No, I run nvidia-settings
[21:21] <MinusSeven> set the resolution
[21:21] <hoonteke> phone
[21:21] <Timmy> Ah
[21:21] <MinusSeven> save it to xconfig
[21:21] <heinkel_111> I can't figure out how to stretch KDE4 desktop background acroos both screens in my twinview config
[21:21] <MinusSeven> reboot
[21:21] <Timmy> Nope
[21:21] <MinusSeven> and it goes back to the same resolution it was
[21:22] <Timmy> heinkel_111: Whats worse is all the KDE3 applications look horrid with the system tray
[21:22] <little> MinusSeven: You might have to run it this way: kdesudo nvidia-settings
[21:22] <MinusSeven> ok then
[21:22] <MinusSeven> I'll try that
[21:22] <heinkel_111> Timmy, they uswed to before as well ;) but this I think you can fix with some icon config
[21:23] <Timmy> Hmm
[21:23] <heinkel_111> there may be a backport of the oxygen theme to kde 3 somewhere
[21:24] <hoonteke> giuseppe_: I need to step out for a few. I'll be back in hopefully 20
[21:24] <Timmy> Ugh, I need a KDE4 Konversation, it doesn't change with my colour scheme :p
[21:24] <hoonteke> I didn't see any errors there
[21:24] <hoonteke> but you might also check
[21:24] <hoonteke> the file ~/.xsession-errors
[21:24] <hoonteke> it's a "hidden dot file" in your home directory
[21:25] <giuseppe_> hoonteke: can I leave you my address email if you have any sugestion? I have to go away too
[21:26] <Timmy> On KDE, can I move the panel to the top of the screen?
[21:27] <supertones> Timmy: yes
[21:27] <Timmy> supertones: How? :p
[21:27] <supertones> unlock the panel
[21:27] <supertones> then click on the cashew in the panel
[21:28] <heinkel_111> does anyone know where KDE4 sticks the desktop background configuration files?
[21:28] <supertones> a bar comes up above the panel
[21:28] <supertones> hold that and drag it to the top
[21:28] <Timmy> Ah, I see, thankyou :D
[21:34] <JontheEchidna> heinkel_111: ~/.kde4/share/config/plasma-appletsrc and plasmarc
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[21:35] <heinkel_111> thank you, JontheEchidna
[21:35] <JontheEchidna> np
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[21:42] <heinkel_111> hmm.. still not possible to configure the right geometry for my desktop background there
[21:42] <heinkel_111> wonder where that setting is stuck :(
[21:43] <norman_x> hi there. anybody could tell me, wich name the fax-gui in kde4.x has now? I knewed "kdeprintfax" under kde3.x, but in 4 its not available. Anybody any hint?
[21:44] <jtisme> norman_x, kfax maybe
[21:44] <jtisme> there is also kfax-kde4 transitional package
[21:45] <norman_x> jtisme: thanks for the hint, but kfax is a viewer only, isnt it?
[21:45] <jtisme> well it says viewer but viewers usually have print capab
[21:46] <conanius> hi all
[21:47] <norman_x> jtisme: oh, yeah, you mean, that when installing kfax, the kde print function will be installed too, and then there is a fax?
[21:47] <conanius> is there anyone here who can help me with aMSN on my Ubuntu Ultimate machine please?
[21:47] <conanius> when I click log in, it just sits there saying 'logging in'
[21:47] <jtisme> norman_x, i havent used it but it probably only views and prints fax's
[21:48] <madsdyd> hi everyone: clean install of kubuntu 8.10 on ibm t42p - how do I start the wireless network? knetworkmanager appears not to start...
[21:48] <jtisme> execute apt-cache search fax and it will list all the pkgs that deal with fax
[21:48] <norman_x> jtisme: ok, thats what I knewed too.
[21:48] <norman_x> madsdyd: thanks for that hint, but I still did that too
[21:48] <jtisme> norman_x, you want something other than that righ ;/
[21:49] <jtisme> righ=right
[21:49] <madsdyd> :-)
[21:50] * madsdyd wants a knetworkmanager
[21:50] <norman_x> jtisme: yes, I need to send faxes, and as menthioned before, in kde3.x there was a thing called "kdeprintfax", wich was a gui for efax command line faxsending tool
[21:51] <jtisme> norman_x, see what kfax-kde4 is
[21:51] <jtisme> it says transitional pkg things r a changn in kde4
[21:52] <norman_x> jtisme: its the same like kfax, only a viewer and a faxprinter, but not a faxsending gui like kdeprintfax was
[21:53] <jtisme> norman_x, ahh k
[21:58] <sidney> Can someone help with no sound in 8.10 please
[21:59] <crimsun> sidney: would you describe more specifically?
[21:59] <sidney> ok
[22:00] <jtisme> norman_x, quick look on google brings up hylafax client and server versions for fax might look at that
[22:01] <sidney> i reinstalled and updated to 8.10 but have no sound of any kind sound blaster audigy2
[22:01] <norman_x> jtisme: thank you a lot for your effort! i know hylafax. to configure and use it is a real horror. as far as I know, it was originally coded by SuSE Linux developers, and those guys liked it to code arround four cornerns.
[22:02] <jtisme> norman_x, ok
[22:02] <crimsun> sidney: pure Kubuntu - no GNOME or Xfce?
[22:02] <powerking> kk, so wifi worked yesterday, and now its borked. Again.
[22:02] <powerking> anyone have any ideas?
[22:03] <sidney> Ubuntu
[22:03] <sidney> nothing added
[22:03] <crimsun> sidney: do you mean that you installed KDE4 on top of Ubuntu, or that you installed Kubuntu directly?
[22:05] <sidney> not k ubuntu intrepid i think they call it
[22:05] <sidney> is this a kubuntu only room
[22:10] <sidney> pure ubuntu
[22:10] <Walzmyn> Why do I keep finding the bluetooth app open in my sys. tray? I've never used it and I keep turning it off and telling it to not restart.
[22:10] <dustrial> jo hi all, i was useing KDE3 with KDE4 login menue... after removing KDE4 the login manager is not displayed anymore... how do i start KDM correctly?
[22:14] <crimsun> sidney: sorry, was busy in another channel
[22:15] <crimsun> sidney: ok, so just to check, you installed KDE4 on top of Ubuntu?
[22:18] <JAVAj3d1> hello everyone
[22:18] <JAVAj3d1> the latest kubuntu rocks
[22:18] <JAVAj3d1> I'm having a little problem while running eclipse
[22:19] <JAVAj3d1> the plasma panel becomes flaky
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[22:19] <JAVAj3d1> I installed the latest nvidia driver as suggested in a bug report but it did not work
[22:19] <JAVAj3d1> does anyone have any other suggestions?
[22:32] <dustrial> hi again, i removed kdm4, now kdm is not starting and i have to login into a non-gui shell - HLP pls
[22:35] <matt__> i have a couple of questions - I'm on Intrepid (amd64 if that matters) what would be the expected load averages with only firefox and gwenview open?? mines inbetween 1.00 & 2.00 ??
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[22:37] <brady> how would I go about disabling my synaptics touchpad?
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[22:49] <isleshocky771> Anyone have any idea how to reset keyboard keys? My alt key stopped working correctly.
[22:49] <isleshocky771> I tried restarting the computer and setxkbmap
[22:54] <sidney> I have no sound on ubuntu 8.10 Kde
[22:55] <crimsun> sidney: right, please use pastebin or the other script that I recommended
[22:55] <crimsun> sidney: somehow, you need to get that information onto a pastebin
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[22:58] <crimsun> sidney: this client blocks chat requests, sorry
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[23:07] <sidney> http://paste.ubuntu.com/69034/
[23:08] <crimsun> sidney: one sec
[23:09] <crimsun> sidney: hmm.
[23:10] <crimsun> sidney: in a Terminal/Konsole: amixer -c0 set 'Surround',0
[23:10] <crimsun> err
[23:10] <crimsun> sidney: in a Terminal/Konsole: amixer -c0 set 'Surround',0 80%,80% && amixer -c0 set 'Center',0
[23:10] <crimsun> 80%
[23:10] <crimsun> (my paste is horrible)
[23:11] <crimsun> && amixer -c0 set 'LFE',0 80% && amixer -c0 set 'Audigy Analog/Digital Output Jack',0 mute
[23:11] <crimsun> I presume you want analog output instead of out to a digital reciever via spdif
[23:12] <sidney> i just need sound
[23:12] <sidney> analog
[23:14] <crimsun> sidney: right, the most important toggle for you, then, is that last one.
[23:14] <crimsun> sidney: amixer -c0 set 'Audigy Analog/Digital Output Jack',0 mute
[23:15] <sidney> done
[23:15] <sidney> syntax error
[23:16] <noisan> I have Kubuntu 8.04 installed on my computer
[23:16] <sidney> bash: syntax error near unexpected token `&&'
[23:16] <noisan> When it upgraded to KDE4 it left KDE3.5.10 installed on the computer
[23:16] <crimsun> sidney: no, try the command that I pasted most recently
[23:16] <crimsun> sidney: amixer -c0 set 'Audigy Analog/Digital Output Jack',0 mute
[23:17] <noisan> so now when I enter kcontrol it edits the properties for KDE3.5.10 but I obviously want it to work with KDE4
[23:17] <noisan> so how do I totaly remove KDE3.5.10?
[23:17] <sidney> sound
[23:17] <crimsun> sidney: excellent.
[23:18] <sidney> great thank you
[23:18] <noisan> I have been browsing the whole internet to find any solution but there doesn't seem to be any. I have tried sudo apt-get remove kubuntu-desktop but then it removed parts of KDE4 and left KDE3 so I had to to apt-get install kubuntu-desktop to save it.
[23:19] <noisan> Seems strange if I would have to re-install the whole distro (Kubuntu) in order to remove the old version of KDE?
[23:20] <sidney> sounds good thanks again crimsun
=== uncle|sam is now known as Uncle|Sam
[23:37] <Dragnslcr> noisan- kcontrol doesn't exist in KDE4, so what you have in Kubuntu 8.04 only does settings for KDE3 apps
[23:38] <noisan> Dragnslcr: Ok, thanks. Is there any way to remove any traces of KDE 3.5.10?
[23:38] <xp-killer> xp
[23:40] <xp-killer> i have linux install on 1 pc and xp on another pc,can i take out the hdd (linux) n put it in another pc?will it boot?
[23:40] <amdpox> xp-killer, probably, but drivers might not all work
[23:41] <Dragnslcr> noisan- in 8.04, probably not, especially since not all programs have KDE4 versions
[23:41] <xp-killer> amdpox: ok but now the pc i want to put it in i want to put it with the xp hdd will the grub can understand 2 hdd separat on 1 pc?
[23:43] <amdpox> it might have issues if they're in a different order
[23:43] <noisan> Dragnslcr: Hmm... Could I upgrade my 8.04 to 8.10 (is that version built on KDE4?) and then after that remove all traces of KDE3.5?
[23:43] <amdpox> ie if GRUB on the linux drive is expecting it to be hd0, but you boot it with that drive being hd1, it might have troubles
[23:43] <amdpox> do you want to shift it over permanently?
[23:44] <xp-killer> amdpox: well yea cause im on 2 pc and its anoying
[23:44] <Dragnslcr> noisan- I wouldn't say all traces. There are still a few programs that use the KDE3 libraries
[23:46] <noisan> Dragnslcr: Is there anyway to check which they are? It irritates me that KDM shows KDE3 as one option.. and when I start kcontrol (I realize it's worthless in KDE 4?) it says it runs KDE 3.5.10
[23:47] <Dragnslcr> Well, kcontrol won't be available in 8.10 anyway
[23:47] <noisan> Even better :)
[23:48] <Dragnslcr> You know you can just remove the KDE3 option from kdm
[23:49] <xp-killer> does kess have a chat chanel i can ask question?
[23:49] <noisan> In my (very strange) world it would still bug me knowing that KDE3 managed to sneak away from me :)
[23:49] <noisan> Though no, I don't know how to edit KDM and would appriciate a lot if you would tell me where to do it.
[23:50] <wesley> Guys anyone using the Iphone under kubuntu ?
[23:52] <aanderse> did anyone else notice that 4.1.3 introduced a new dolphin bug where when you create a file, it prompts you for a file name twice? :\
[23:57] <JontheEchidna> aanderse: nope, works for me (tm)
[23:58] <aanderse> 4.1.3?
[23:58] <JontheEchidna> yup
[23:58] <aanderse> thanks