UbuntuIRC / 2008 /11 /06 /#ubuntu-mozillateam.txt
Initial commit
=== asac_ is now known as asac
[00:26] <fta> holly sh*t, 1.9.1~b2~hg20081105r21361 <= 1.9.1~b2~hg20081106r21354 time is going backward
[00:29] <fta> http://hg.mozilla.org is showing the timezone of the committer, not a unique tz :(
[07:36] <ghrocks> hi everyone
[07:38] <ghrocks> anyone here?
[07:38] <ghrocks> im having a problem with my firefox on the new ubuntu, anyone who could help me??
[10:45] <gnomefreak> asac: on the wikis you wanted me to drop one and update the other?
[10:46] <asac> gnomefreak: yeah ... drop the outdated one ;)
[10:46] <gnomefreak> they were both outdated ;)
[10:53] <asac> gnomefreak: hehe
[10:53] <asac> gnomefreak: the "Bugs" page is better
[10:53] <asac> at least it refers to xul 1.9 and fffox 3.0
[10:54] <gnomefreak> pulling them both up atm
[10:57] <gnomefreak> asac: drop https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam/DebuggingFirefoxDevels ?
[10:57] <asac> yewah
[10:59] <asac> gnomefreak: maybe we can make a redirect from that page to Bugs when removing it?
[11:00] <gnomefreak> i plan to
[11:01] <gnomefreak> seems filters are not working in tbird-3
[11:01] <asac> gnomefreak: work for me ;)
[11:02] <asac> i am not using much ... just "if i am the sender auto mark as Read"
[11:03] <gnomefreak> i set up intrepid changes to go to same named folder using sender field and when i run it nothing happens
[11:14] <gnomefreak> asac: bug 73244, what should we do with that. as far as im concerned if you do anything in firefox you should leave firefox open until you are done. not until you think you dont need it
[11:14] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 73244 in firefox "Crash when closing firefox after "open with" and having still opened the file" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/73244
[11:27] <asac> gnomefreak: is that still reproducible?`
[11:27] <asac> gnomefreak: what is crashing? firefox? according to title thats closed ;)
[11:27] <gnomefreak> i never saw it
[11:27] <asac> my guess the reason is that ffox removes the file on shutdown
[11:27] <gnomefreak> i cant reproduce nor have i ever
[11:28] <asac> so the app that opened it, probably cannot cope with that and crashes
[11:28] <asac> tough task
[11:28] <asac> gnomefreak: which application is said to be crashing in that bug?
[11:39] <gnomefreak> hold on ill check
[11:40] <gnomefreak> Well i think i made a mistake: It's not crashing, it gets stuck. After following the steps the package manager will be grey forever.
[11:40] <gnomefreak> that is one comment
[11:41] <gnomefreak> im not sure what this person means, first its saved in /tmp and that is the issue or the lockup/crash is the issue
[11:41] <gnomefreak> both are mentioned
[11:43] <gnomefreak> asac: try to reproduce the bug. I cant and since only one person is all that can i would like mozilla team member try to reproduce this
[11:48] <asac> gnomefreak: thats a none issue i think
[11:48] <asac> gnomefreak: maybe he is confused by the plugin finder service that blocks the UI
[11:49] <asac> while installing plugins (e.g. apturl -> might look like package manager)
[11:49] <gnomefreak> true
[11:50] <gnomefreak> asac: what is current status on removing flashes plugin finder service?
[11:53] <gnomefreak> maybe i will remove the page instead of linking it but its early and i have a mostly clear morning so coffee now wiki in a bit
[11:54] <asac> gnomefreak: "removing flashes plugin finder service" ?
[11:54] <asac> what does that mean?
[11:59] <gnomefreak> asac: removing adobes plugin service. vist flah page adobe says to install flash and never works
[12:12] <asac> gnomefreak: is there a bug about that yet?
[12:12] <asac> or just the conflict with nonfree?
[12:13] <gnomefreak> asac: we talked about this early in intrepid cycle IIRC its just the fact that it is usless and it blocks our plugin finder, when we did talk about it you needed to talk to mozilla nd flash to see if i was ok to remove it
[12:21] <gnomefreak> Im not seeing a way to redirect. I asked in #ubuntu-doc so im waiting for a reply, or i can remove it but would rather link it incase someone has it saved in bookmarks
[12:22] * gnomefreak didnt see anything rude in any comment and as for his "" it suggests its only one person having this issue
[12:22] <gnomefreak> oops wrong channel but oh well best not light the fire under his ass to complain more
[13:41] <gnomefreak> meeting i forgot about. ill be back in a few hours
[15:47] <plun> hello... fta around ?
[17:16] <fta2> plun, not for long
[17:17] <fta2> asac, gasp, i dropped the hunspell patch in xul 1.9.1 as it's no longer needed (upstream bumped to 1.1.2) but now it ftbfs on hardy :(
[17:18] <plun> fta: hello....
[17:18] <plun> Is it possible to run FF3.1 as default browser in Jaunty ?, I am rather sure that we need longer test cycles for all important mainstream stuff.
[17:26] <sebner1> AHH!!!!!!
[17:26] <sebner1> who of you broke pulseaudio in jaunty? and how to fix it :P
[17:28] <plun> sebner1: latest GIT fixes it and this patch http://www.pulseaudio.org/ticket/398
[17:28] <plun> Please tell Luke.... skip ver 0.9.13 ;)
[17:29] <sebner1> well, fix is on LP but since to days on "Dependency wait"
[17:31] <plun> sebner: for the first time I have real rock solid "glitch free" sound.... ;)
[17:31] <sebner1> bah
[17:31] <sebner1> xD
[17:35] <sebner1> Will this pulseaudio change will end in rebuilding packages /audio applications?
[17:39] <plun> sebner: I am not a developer just a "freak" and it seems that Fedora runs with the GIT version, a lot of fixes. Rock solid.... I found the patch this morning and everything works.
[17:39] <plun> PA 0.9.13 and als-plugins broke for Luke during built, at least 32 bit. ver .13 is also a crazy version.
[17:39] <sebner1> kay
[17:40] <plun> I hope that Luke also sees this patch.... LennartP is going to be away according to the bug.
[17:43] <sebner1> but /me has a broken pulseaudio now. pulseaudio and libasound2-plugins were removed. but libasound2 installed. I can't install pulseaudio or the plugins anymore. asac crimsun ?
[17:57] <plun> sebner: it is "stone dead"-broken also for me.... git clone git://0pointer.de/pulseaudio.git
[17:58] <plun> and the patch... 100% success ;) Git source must then be bootstraped for compiling.
[17:59] <sebner1> plun: well, too annoying. /me is already reinstalling intrepid ^ ^
[18:03] <plun> Just a little challenge.... it takes 10 minutes... ;)
[18:46] <sebner> so
[18:46] <sebner> back in action
[18:46] <sebner> with intrepid ^^
[19:20] <fta> THUNDERBIRD_2_0_0_18_BUILD1
=== fabrice_sp_ is now known as fabrice_sp
[21:16] <fta> stevel, still no tag ?
[21:21] <stevel> fta: preed doesn't tag RC releases... so we won't tag until 1.0 final
[21:21] <stevel> i can point you at the rev that would mark the RC release though
[21:21] <stevel> RC1 that is
[21:22] <fta> stevel, ok, too bad. i'll wait then.
[21:22] <fta> thanks
[22:02] <fta> !info firefox-3.0
[22:02] <ubottu> firefox-3.0 (source: firefox-3.0): safe and easy web browser from Mozilla. In component main, is optional. Version 3.0.3+nobinonly-0ubuntu2 (intrepid), package size 863 kB, installed size 3436 kB
[22:02] <fta> !info firefox-2
[22:02] <ubottu> Package firefox-2 does not exist in intrepid