UbuntuIRC / 2008 /11 /05 /#ubuntu-news.txt
Initial commit
[06:32] <Tumie> omg... go to bed all of you!! :p
=== Rafik_ is now known as Rafik
=== cody-somerville_ is now known as cody-somerville
[16:25] <Tumie> boredandblogging: you live in the United States, right??
[16:33] <Tumie> i've already see, obama is the new president :)
[19:01] <MTecknology> So - there's no way for me to get the same functionality that the fridge has as far as login because polling a launchpad group isn't allowed... Anybody wanna help me figure out how to just create an account for the user and force the login to go through launchpad the same way?
[19:25] <MTecknology> beuno: ping
=== kennymc is now known as kennymc0
=== Rafik_ is now known as Rafik