UbuntuIRC / 2008 /11 /05 /#ubuntu-mozillateam.txt
Initial commit
=== asac_ is now known as asac
[00:13] <asac> mozilla bug 462938
[00:13] <ubottu> Mozilla bug 462938 in GFX: Thebes "Upgrade cairo to 1.8.2" [Normal,New] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=462938
[00:14] <asac> [reed]: is there a way i can tell bugzilla to send me new text/* attachments inline?
[00:14] <asac> in the mail?
[00:14] <asac> ;)
[00:14] <asac> would ease screening inflowing patches for sure ;)
[00:18] <[reed]> no, sorry
[00:20] <fta> asac, i should package 1.8.2 asap, seb asked me already
[00:21] <fta> asac, write a script, quite easy
[00:21] <fta> something hooked to procmail
[00:22] <asac> fta: procmail? i just moved all my bug mail to different gmail accounts ;)
[00:22] <asac> in yet another attempt to get a better way to find dupes ;)
[00:22] <fta> i find mutt far better
[00:39] <fta> "Hey! Your copy of SeaMonkey is more than four weeks old" blablabla
[00:39] <fta> Build identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.9.1b2pre) Gecko/19700101 SeaMonkey/2.0a2pre
[00:39] <fta> damn buildid
[00:41] <mconnor> 19700101?
[00:42] <fta> buildid = 00000000
[00:43] <fta> a typo in my packaging rules :P
[00:44] <mconnor> weak
[00:44] <mconnor> also, seamonkey? ew
[00:44] <mconnor> :)
[00:44] <fta> i do everything moz related
[00:46] <fta> well, maybe not everything, but quite a lot
[09:39] <asac> ola
[09:41] <sebner> asac: jaunty is open :) so let's break stuff with ff 3.1 pre :P
[09:47] <asac> hehe
[09:52] <fta2> maybe not pre, but b2, right?
[09:59] <asac> fta: we can upload 3.1 when ever you want ... just keep the milestone branding
[10:03] <asac> i am burried with stable work for a while
[10:03] <asac> e.g. fixing everythign in NM that came up in the zillion of bugs and also do the next security round
[10:04] <fta2> should I file bugs or something to get the NEW in ? or what?
[10:05] <fta2> meeting time. cu
[10:06] <fta2> gosh, i'm late
[10:06] <gnomefreak> anyone heard of gmx email and is it usable with a main app (thunderbird,claws)?
[10:07] <gnomefreak> asac: repos havent opened for JJ yet afaik unless you are uploading to Intrepid
[10:11] <directhex> jaunty seems no better for me on the "flash not constantly locking up my browser on amd64" front :/
[10:11] <directhex> intrepid, i mean
[10:15] <asac> gnomefreak: it opened yesterday
[10:15] <gnomefreak> oh damn
[10:16] <gnomefreak> i guess its atleast time for a chroot than
[10:16] <directhex> or at least a pbuilder
[10:34] * gnomefreak keeps getting script error in thunderbird-3.0
[10:34] <gnomefreak> directhex: im not fond of pbuilder
[10:36] <gnomefreak> 60.5 14.1 18:47.86 abrowser-3.1 thats a bit much
[10:46] <gnomefreak> asac: i forgot password for mailing list appoval can you please pm me or email it to me
[10:46] <gnomefreak> asac: nevermind it was a typo
[10:49] <asac> gnomefreak: good ;) ... i dont have it in my head ;)
[10:49] <gnomefreak> :)
[10:50] <gnomefreak> thasts the only issue i have with saving passwords with firefox
[11:02] <asac> gnomefreak: he?
[11:02] <asac> what issue is that?
[11:06] <gnomefreak> that i dont remember them if i reinstall
[11:16] <gnomefreak> asac: i could have sworn that you made changes to use a different icon for sunbird but i cant find a changelog entry for it
[11:16] <gnomefreak> i know if you did make changes for that it didnt work
[11:25] <gnomefreak> ok while im upgrading this box, ill be making coffee and breakfast
[11:50] <asac> err what happened to our bug page?
[11:50] <asac> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam/DebuggingFirefoxDevels#Adding%20Debug%20Symbols%20to%20a%20crash%20report
[11:50] <asac> that was considerably redone and everything about -dbgsym and actually the procedure for firefox 3 was dropped
[11:51] <asac> oh ... the right page is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam/Bugs#Obtain%20a%20backtrace%20from%20an%20apport%20crash%20report%20%28using%20gdb%29
[11:51] <asac> gnomefreak: can you clean that up?
[11:51] <asac> i think the first has to go
[11:51] <asac> its rotten old ;)
[11:52] <gnomefreak> ill look at it after breakfast
[11:52] <armin76> bumb now!
[11:53] <gnomefreak> we shouldnt be using backtrace from apport since LP does that now for us, but let me eat and we can talk about it
[12:05] <asac> gnomefreak: that page needs to be deleted
[12:06] <asac> the Bugs page is the right one
[12:06] <asac> (should be verified that its still ok though)
[12:06] <gnomefreak> delete what page?
[12:07] <gnomefreak> and a link to the new one if you have one
[12:09] <gnomefreak> update https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam/DebuggingFirefoxDevels#Adding%20Debug%20Symbols%20to%20a%20crash%20report remove https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam/Bugs#Obtain%20a%20backtrace%20from%20an%20apport%20crash%20report%20%28using%20gdb%29?
[12:21] <asac> fta: we have a SRU candidate for flashplugin-nonfree i think
[12:21] <asac> we need a lower bound on ia32libs on amd64
[12:23] <asac> fta: hmm there aint a depends at all ;)
[12:24] <asac> err why was nspluginwrapper removed from the Recommends?
[12:24] <asac> or didnt i do that at some point :/
[12:25] <asac> dump
[12:25] <asac> my fault i guess
[12:25] <asac> or a race upload ;)
[12:38] <asac> lol https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox-3.0/+bug/187313/comments/120
[12:38] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 187313 in firefox "[MASTER] right click (with button release) might activate random popup-menu-item" [Unknown,Confirmed]
[12:38] <asac> this guy is just amazing
[12:40] <asac> everytime i forget that he exists a mail pops up and reminds me again ;)
[12:47] <asac> fta: its bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/262974
[12:47] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 262974 in network-manager "[MASTER] networkmanager display connections twice in intrepid" [Medium,Confirmed]
[12:47] <asac> oop
[12:47] <asac> bug 272314
[12:47] <asac> fta: ^^
[12:47] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 272314 in update-manager "update-manager disabled multiverse on 8.04 -> 8.10 upgrade (Was: NSPlugin Viewer ERROR: libnss3.so)" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/272314
[12:47] <asac> :)
[12:47] <asac> that one
[13:17] <fta2> asac, not clear what is from my ppa. flash ? no, intrepid is higher. nss ? probably, i'm higher (but with the soname reverted)
[13:21] <asac> fta2: huh?
[13:21] <asac> fta2: didnt you upload flash?
[13:21] <asac> thought you did but probably that was nspluginwrapper ;)
[13:55] <fta2> asac, i did both but it was just a bump, i didn't change anything else
[13:59] <asac> sure
[17:30] <asac> oh ... just saw that tomorrow my holiday starts
[17:34] <sebner> asac: you and holidays? unbelievable O_o
[17:35] <asac> those are supposed to be my first one this year
[17:35] <asac> was forced on me so i dont need to carry over holiday to next yearh ;)
[17:35] <asac> unfortunately i dont have time for that now ;)
[17:35] <sebner> xD
[17:36] <sebner> asac: well you also can do ubuntu work during your holidays but I strongly recommend to reduce the amount of 3-4 hours a day ^^
[17:37] <asac> 3-4 hours?
[17:37] <asac> mor likely reduce "by 3-4 hours" ;)
[17:38] <sebner> asac: *holidays*
[19:14] <BUGabundo> is the lastest build with private mode already on PPA?
[19:14] <BUGabundo> http://mozillalinks.org/wp/2008/11/meet-firefox-private-mode/
[19:18] <BUGabundo> fta: ping
[19:18] <BUGabundo> asac: ping
[19:42] <asac> no
[19:42] <asac> that landed just a day ago or so i think
=== fta_ is now known as fta
[22:21] <fta> hi
[22:21] <fta> asac, holidays ? er, how many days per year do you have? i don't remember..
[22:21] * fta is already laughing
=== stevel_ is now known as stevel
[23:43] <fta> damn, just fetched xul when it was broken