UbuntuIRC / 2008 /11 /05 /#kubuntu-devel.txt
Initial commit
[00:19] <Riddell> ooh nixternal's party is on BBC News channel
[00:20] <Riddell> wonder if he's one of the people running in to get at the front
[00:21] <jussi01> Riddell: really? :D
[00:36] <Riddell> "Jaunty open for development"
=== Riddell changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu 8.10 Intrepid Ibex Released- http://www.kubuntu.org/news/8.10-release | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuUDSJauntySpecs | Merges!
[00:38] <seele> yet begins the next crazy 6 months
[00:38] <edt> anyone know anyway to fix a sig 11 in adept on 8.10 running on kvm-78 amd under 2.6.27 gentoo amd64?
[00:39] <jdong> does it happen natively?
[00:39] <edt> jdong only have it installed under kvm
[00:40] <Riddell> edt: doing something specific?
[00:40] <jdong> edt: well I'd first blame the virtualization setup for something like that, unless you can reproduce this segfault natively
[00:40] <edt> it does happen on kvm-75 and kvm-77
[00:40] <jdong> edt: but it could very well be an Adept bug regardless of virtualization setup :)
[00:40] <edt> just starting adept - other apps seem to be working fine
[00:41] <edt> its only adept that gets a sig 11 so far
[00:43] <Riddell> edt: you'd need to get a backtrace
[00:43] <Riddell> or upload the crash file with apport
[00:44] <edt> I'll see if I cannot figure out apport
[00:47] <JontheEchidna> Riddell: so do we want to merge kde packages with debian now?
[00:48] <Riddell> JontheEchidna: yes
[00:48] <Riddell> maybe we should do a batcave style wiki page
[00:50] <JontheEchidna> sounds liek a good idea
[00:51] <JontheEchidna> https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/JauntyKDEMerges will be where it goes
[00:51] <Riddell> JontheEchidna: sounds like you're volunteering :)
[00:52] <JontheEchidna> yes, I am :)
[00:52] <JontheEchidna> in progress as we speak
[00:54] <Riddell> JontheEchidna: start with pkg-kde-tools
[00:55] <JontheEchidna> what is that?
[00:56] <Riddell> JontheEchidna: includes kde.mk file
[00:56] <Riddell> which I put into cdbs as kde4.mk so we'll need to change that first
[00:57] <Riddell> hhhellooo
[00:59] <JontheEchidna> Ok, rough outline: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/JauntyKDEMerges
[00:59] <JontheEchidna> I can't find a pkg-kde-tools package
[00:59] <JontheEchidna> maybe I'm missing something
[01:01] <jdong> "(Version 2 is in maintenance mode, which is also read as obsolete in the KDE world :D)"
[01:01] <jdong> lol I feel mean for saying that
[01:01] * jdong karma-hugs kubuntu-devel
[01:01] <jdong> love y'all :)
[01:02] <JontheEchidna> :)
[01:03] <jdong> in the case of KTorrent it's probably true and not just a lighthearted jab :)
=== JontheEchidna changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu 8.10 Intrepid Ibex Released- http://www.kubuntu.org/news/8.10-release | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuUDSJauntySpecs | Merges! https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/JauntyKDEMerges
[02:06] * rgreening yawns
[02:08] <rgreening> nice page JontheEchidna
[02:08] <rgreening> :)
[02:08] <JontheEchidna> look familiar? :P
[02:08] <rgreening> hehe
[02:10] <rgreening> JontheEchidna is there a link for the process to follow?
[02:10] <JontheEchidna> um
[02:10] <JontheEchidna> jr did do a tutorial day on merges
[02:10] <rgreening> cool.. that would be handy to have on that page
[02:13] <JontheEchidna> oh nice, the 4.1.3 packages are hitting proposed
[02:13] <JontheEchidna> :D
[02:13] <rgreening> woo-hoo
[02:15] <JontheEchidna> after they build we need test test test!
[02:16] <rgreening> JontheEchidna: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/Merging
[02:24] <JontheEchidna> holy crap, my first plasma crash in forever
[02:24] <JontheEchidna> well, other than the corner cases I've reproduced for bug triaging ;-)
[02:27] <rgreening> heh
[03:22] <ScottK> rgreening: Ping me when you need a review of your package.
[03:30] <rgreening> ScottK: np. I think we are going to be busy with merges for the next few days... so I may wait until after that
=== naee is now known as eean
[04:34] <genii> Is there some tray applet for 5-a-day ?
[04:34] <ScottK> genii: I'd ask in #ubuntu-bugs.
[04:35] <genii> ScottK: Ok, thanks
=== blizzzek is now known as blizzz
[08:25] * NCommander works towards fixing KDE on lpia
[08:27] <NCommander> is someone around who can upload?
=== hunger is now known as Guest33852
=== hunger_t is now known as hunger
[10:12] <Riddell> NCommander: did you fix it?
[10:24] <Riddell> "Estimated build start:
[10:24] <Riddell> in 21 hours"
[10:24] <Riddell> sigh
[10:24] <larsivi> on the topic of translations, I tried to get a statement from the leader of the nn-team - he refuses, and is able to produce impressive amounts of venom over LP, Rosetta, their QA, and quality of translations coming from LP in general ...
[10:25] <larsivi> refuses because he has said so much on this in the past without anything happening
[10:25] <larsivi> he references these though:
[10:25] <larsivi> http://wiki.kde.org/tiki-index.php?page=KDERosettaCollaboration
[10:25] <larsivi> http://charismacode.blogspot.com/2007/01/powers-and-repositories-ubuntu-and.html
[10:26] <larsivi> he mentions https://bugs.launchpad.net/rosetta/+bug/44 which has been open since 2005
[10:26] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 44 in rosetta "Translations should be searchable" [Medium,Fix released]
[10:26] <Hobbsee> Riddell: what do you want promoted?
[10:27] <Riddell> Hobbsee: kde4libs in intrepid-backports
[10:27] <Riddell> Hobbsee: kdepimlibs in intrepid-backports
[10:27] <Hobbsee> all arches?
[10:27] <Riddell> Hobbsee: i386 and amd64 only if that's possible
[10:27] <larsivi> and to end, this was apparently recently said on a KDE (translations?) mailinglist - "LP2 [Launchpad 2] over my dead body"
[10:28] <Hobbsee> Riddell: pimlibs needs to wait until the other libs are built?
[10:28] <Riddell> kde-i18n-doc has had an anti-LP translations thread recently, there's not much can be said to counter it though
[10:28] <Riddell> Hobbsee: yeah
[10:28] <Hobbsee> Riddell: prodded kde4libs to start with
[10:29] <Riddell> thanks
[10:29] <Hobbsee> you're welcome.
[10:31] <Riddell> hi danimo, more beasties?
[10:33] <danimo> Riddell: still the kopete crash
[10:34] <danimo> Riddell: QCA::isSupported ("tls") seems to crash here as qca tries to scan for its keystore
[10:34] <danimo> Riddell: the qca openssl plugin is installed
[10:34] <danimo> Riddell: any idea where to look for the keystore
[10:36] <danimo> ?
[10:36] <Riddell> off the top of my head, no idea
[10:40] <Riddell> I'm trying to get kopete to talk to google Talk but I don't know if it's working
[10:42] <danimo> kopete is behaving stupidly anyway
[10:42] <danimo> it polls the screensaver dbus interface every second
[10:42] <Riddell> that seems like a bad idea
[10:46] <larsivi> Riddell: I'm connected to google talk with kopete
[10:47] <Riddell> I didn't tick the "use ssl" box so it didn't connect, even if I later ticked it
[10:47] <Riddell> removed my kopeterc and readded and now it connects ok
[10:49] <danimo> Riddell: interesting, qcs crashes while loading /usr/lib/qt4/plugins/crypto/libqca-cyrus-sasl.so
[10:49] * danimo wonders where that is from
[10:50] <Riddell> danimo: that doesn't exist http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=libqca-cyrus-sasl.so&mode=exactfilename&suite=intrepid&arch=any
[10:50] <danimo> really odd
[10:50] <Riddell> danimo: might you have it left over from a personal install?
[10:50] <Tonio_> hi there
[10:50] <danimo> Riddell: would surprise me but it reallycould have been an accident
[10:50] <Riddell> try moving that file out the way
[10:51] <Tonio_> Riddell: I just initiated a collegue to dput, and he uploaded a package in ubuntu/hardy by error...
[10:51] <Tonio_> Riddell: can you drop that one please ?
[10:51] <danimo> Riddell: sure
[10:51] <Tonio_> Riddell: package name is ass-nat-desktop
[10:51] <Tonio_> hey danimo ! long time no see !
[10:51] <danimo> heya Tonio_!
[10:51] <Riddell> Tonio_: did he sign it?
[10:51] <danimo> Tonio_: how's life?
[10:51] <Riddell> Tonio_: with a key that would be accepted
[10:52] <Tonio_> Riddell: the package is automatically signed, but the key is unknown to ubuntu
[10:52] <Riddell> it won't get accepted then
[10:52] <Tonio_> Riddell: I don't know if that'll be pending of will be rejected in fact :)
[10:53] <Tonio_> danimo: complicated ;) searching for an appartment, and no time available for search.... appart from that, everything's fine :)
[10:53] <Tonio_> danimo: currently working on a shutdown automatic dist-upgrade process since that something people using ubunbu in corp environement are expecting
[10:54] <danimo> Tonio_: cool
[10:54] <Tonio_> Riddell: about that, I have put the code on my bzr, although most users don't care, that should be available in the repos since in corp environment, you don't want your users to perform the upgrade manually
[10:54] <Tonio_> Riddell: nothing to do with kubuntu, but still contributing on that point ;)
[10:55] <Tonio_> danimo: and what about you ?
[10:55] <danimo> Tonio_: almost finished uni, looking for apartments, too
[10:55] <danimo> Tonio_: starting at qt sw on 1.1
[10:55] <Riddell> Tonio_: commenting out /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/50unattended-upgrades ?
[10:56] <danimo> Riddell: yes, seems to be my fault after all :)
[10:56] * Riddell has a room for rent :)
[10:56] <danimo> Riddell: works like a charm now
[10:56] <danimo> Riddell: in berlin? :)
[10:56] <Riddell> danimo: yay
[10:56] <danimo> Riddell: still the polling annoys me, but there is little kubuntu can du
[10:58] <danimo> do
[11:06] <danimo> Riddell: oh, anther thing: why hasn't the default browser and mailer in kde3 been migrated to konq4/kontact4 or xdg-open?
[11:07] <Tonio_> Riddell: silent upgrades have a big problem....
[11:07] <Tonio_> Riddell: what if the user reboots in the meantime ? we had the issue :)
[11:07] <Tonio_> Riddell: that's why I forked it to run at shutdown and talk to usplash
[11:07] <Tonio_> Riddell: but basically it is a fork of it, yes :)
[11:08] <Tonio_> Riddell: I'm also working on a kubufox package that'll include oxygen theme and a few things to improve kde integration
[11:08] <Tonio_> Riddell: most of our users use firefox so that's something we should take care about
[11:09] <Tonio_> Riddell: and to conclude, I'll have the final response for the UDS this we....
[11:09] <Tonio_> Riddell: should be okay but not confirmed at the moment
[11:09] <Tonio_> danimo: hehe, I forgot it was renamed qt software :)
[11:11] <danimo> Tonio_: it was
[11:11] <Tonio_> danimo: and the configuration is still trolltech.conf :)
[11:11] <danimo> Tonio_: we can't break that just to please our new owners
[11:11] <Tonio_> danimo: true that ;)
[11:11] <danimo> Tonio_: the domain is still trolltech.com, too btw
[11:12] <Tonio_> danimo: will we see you at the uds on december ?
[11:12] * danimo notes the kopete screensaver idle timer is to blame for the polling
[11:12] <danimo> uds?
[11:12] <danimo> no, unlikel
[11:12] <danimo> y
[11:12] <Tonio_> ubuntu developer summit
[11:13] <Riddell> danimo: we didn't do any settings upgrade other than have KDE does, something we should look at for jaunty is seeing where the upgrade problems are and making sure they are handled
[11:14] <danimo> Riddell: isn't it a bit late at that point? that's something that belongs into the beta program really
[11:14] <danimo> people will try to upgrade and get their bloody nose now
[11:15] <Riddell> danimo: there wasn't a prompted upgrade to 8.10, there will be for 9.04 so a good number will stay with 8.04 for another six months
[11:15] <danimo> Riddell: no, but people will do upgrades unless they are told not to
[11:15] <danimo> not all, but quite a lot
[11:17] <Riddell> yep, and there's actually not as many problems as I might have expected
[11:18] <larsivi> ... I experience many more than I expected ;)
[11:18] <larsivi> *experienced
[11:23] <Riddell> we should collect those..
[11:23] <danimo> lol
[11:23] <danimo> err, wrong window :)
[11:26] <larsivi> Riddell: I got a feeling a lot where due to old kde4 packages (kubuntu-kde4-desktop I think), since these held back the intrepid packages
[11:26] <Riddell> huh? the upgrader will ensure they aren't held back
[11:27] * jussi01 hates upgrades - a clean reinstall every 6 months is a good think
[11:28] <larsivi> Riddell: right, I got an issue after the reboot, so I probably missed the upgrader at that point - did the rest of the upgrades manually with apt-get
[12:36] <larsivi> ah, one thing that doesn't work - calculator in krunner - really miss that from katapult
[12:40] <danimo> larsivi: =10*4
[12:40] <danimo> larsivi: try that
[12:41] <larsivi> danimo: right - it works - still a bit unhappy about the = :P
[12:42] <larsivi> and how could I have known?
[12:43] <larsivi> in katapult it was at least possible to discover the feature by accident :P
[12:45] <apachelogger_> I used KDE 2 years before I got told about that feature :P
[12:55] <Riddell> KDE 2 didn't need the "="
[13:00] <rgreening> ~time
[13:00] <kubotu> rgreening: America - St Johns - Wed Nov 05 09:30 NST
[13:00] * rgreening tries to wake up
[13:00] <apachelogger_> rgreening: did you do partying as well?
[13:01] * apachelogger_ thinks nixternal did party twittering yesterday :P
[13:01] <rgreening> lol... no, but I stayed up to see the results.
[13:01] <rgreening> It was after 2AM before I got to bed
[13:02] <rgreening> not that I slept
[13:02] <JontheEchidna> this is the first time in my life that the results have been announced on election day
[13:02] <Riddell> ah JontheEchidna, all ready for your talk this evening?
[13:02] <JontheEchidna> yup yup
[13:03] <apachelogger_> what's it about anyway
[13:03] <apachelogger_> and where is the transcript? ;-)
[13:03] <JontheEchidna> telling everybody how we rape malone
[13:03] <apachelogger_> ewww
[13:03] <Riddell> might be a bad idea to use that exact phrasing
[13:04] <JontheEchidna> :P
[13:04] <JontheEchidna> .!!!~~~~>Bat Pasted at http://paste.ubuntu.com/67896/
[13:04] <JontheEchidna> top sekrit
[13:06] <rgreening> hmm... top secret on the logged channel... New to the spy game are we?
[13:07] <rgreening> :P
[13:07] <JontheEchidna> as long as people don't notice it for 5 hours I'll be fine
[13:07] <hunger> rgreening: It's sekrit, not secret. That is different.
[13:07] <rgreening> heheh
[13:08] <rgreening> Riddell: so, when do we start merge/sync? for Jaunty?
[13:10] <apachelogger_> right now :P
[13:10] <hunger> apachelogger_: Jaunty archives are open already?
[13:10] <JontheEchidna> hunger: opened late last night
[13:10] <Riddell> the question is do we merge to 4.1.3 then update to 4.2 alpha, or just go directly to 4.2 alpha
[13:10] * hunger needs to update sources.list.
[13:11] <rgreening> uh-huh :)
[13:11] <rgreening> lol
[13:11] <Riddell> hunger: not yet!
[13:11] <hunger> Riddell: Why not? I like to have a broken system:-)
[13:11] <hunger> Gives me something to do:-)
[13:11] <apachelogger_> JontheEchidna: it's battraining not bat training
[13:11] <apachelogger_> however, maybe you meant bot training?
[13:12] <JontheEchidna> bat triage-ing
[13:12] <apachelogger_> Riddell: no fun for poor kubuntu devs ... when is the debian going to change it's packaging for 4.2?
[13:12] <JontheEchidna> to overcome bug reports, you must become a bug report
[13:13] <apachelogger_> JontheEchidna: that would still be battriaging
[13:13] <apachelogger_> unless you want to triage bats
[13:13] <JontheEchidna> lol
[13:13] <apachelogger_> which is very weird
[13:13] <hunger> apachelogger_: I guess bats are basically just a bigger kind of bugs.
[13:13] <jussi01> hrm, what does the kubuntu dvd have on it as opposed to the cd? can someone point me to a good resource?
[13:14] <rgreening> apachelogger: bats == rats + wings
[13:14] <hunger> rgreening: rats is a security checking tool, but what is wings?
[13:14] <apachelogger_> jussi01: if we had translations it probably would contain more of them :P
[13:14] <jussi01> apachelogger_: hehe
[13:15] <rgreening> mmm... wings with hot mustard sauce
[13:15] <Riddell> jussi01: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu-seeds/kubuntu.intrepid/annotate/740?file_id=dvd-20080319180711-zowlg0wlo9qw6kkq-1
[13:15] <apachelogger_> you are all very weird
[13:15] <rgreening> lol
[13:15] * apachelogger_ is alone in the office
[13:15] <jussi01> apachelogger_: may I remind you how weird you are?
[13:16] <hunger> apachelogger: Isen't that a prerequisite to hang out in developer channels?
[13:16] <apachelogger_> oh, actually I am not, the cleaning lady is sneaking around
[13:16] <jussi01> Riddell: thanks
[13:16] <apachelogger_> makes me anxious pretty much
[13:16] <apachelogger_> hunger: probably
[13:17] * hunger had a cleaning gentleman sneak around vacuum cleaning, too.
[13:18] <hunger> Very tricky... towing a noisy vacuum cleaner while sneaking... nobody will hear the sneaking, even if you are doing it poorly.
[13:19] <apachelogger_> uh, didn't think of that... might actually be worse than no vacuum clean, then again the cleaning lady is pretty good at sneaking
[13:20] <apachelogger_> at times I think she is actually hovering instead of going
[13:21] <hunger> apachelogger: hovering or hoovering?
[13:22] <apachelogger_> hunger: hovering
[13:22] <apachelogger_> that said s/going/walking/g
[13:54] <Riddell> Hobbsee: awake to big up kdepimlibs in -backports?
[14:14] <danimo> Riddell: I guess nobody uses his (k)ubuntu-installation with ipv6 assigned at boot?
[14:17] <Riddell> danimo: not that I know of
[14:17] <ScottK> Does anyone use IPv6?
[14:19] * danimo does, for his student dorm provides it
[14:20] <danimo> Riddell: trouble is: network manager things I have an IP already and won't provide me with an ipv4 one
[14:20] <danimo> Riddell: at least that's what I suspect. looking for ways to trace it down now
[14:38] <danimo> ScottK: any idea how I can trace down network manager states?
[14:39] <ScottK> not /me
[14:41] <Riddell> danimo: asac would probably be your best chance to ask
[14:41] <Riddell> -- MARK --
[14:45] <danimo> Riddell: ok :)
[14:47] <JontheEchidna> Could anybody look at bug 294165?
[14:47] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 294165 in phonon "phonon 4.2.0: new changes from Debian require merging" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/294165
[14:49] <nixternal> Riddell: nah, I was one of the people running to the bathroom when they let us in
[14:50] <Riddell> nixternal: there I was looking out for you with your Kubuntu banner
[14:50] <nixternal> hehe, no banners allowed
[14:50] <nixternal> I was wearing my Creative Commons T-Shirt
[14:50] <nixternal> don't have any Kubuntu swag yet :/
[15:11] <Riddell> JontheEchidna: for phonon merge, you kept changes to copyright that don't seem to need keeping
[15:11] <Riddell> JontheEchidna: the .orig has a different md5sum
[15:13] <Riddell> which I guess should be in the changelog
[15:16] <jussi01> wow, Ive actually got into this bug reporting thing... am a lot less slack nowadays...
[15:16] <Riddell> JontheEchidna: oh wait, I'm reading the diff wrong, the copyright file is consistent with debian
[15:17] <jussi01> Riddell: do you have any idea if koffice is planning to support opening and saving to MS Office formats?
[15:21] <rgreening> Riddell: how much of the changelog to we merge? Just the relevant changes noted? like new release etc? I assume we done go back to say 4.1.1 or earlier if there are differences in the log
[15:21] <Riddell> jussi01: they have done for half a decade
[15:21] <Riddell> rgreening: all of it
[15:22] <rgreening> oh... so whats the easy way to merge
[15:22] <rgreening> :)
[15:22] <jussi01> Riddell: really? is there something else I need to be installing?
[15:22] <smarter> rgreening: diff, patch, and a bit of hand editing maybe
[15:22] <rgreening> ouch
[15:23] <Riddell> select and copy old changelog, look for the last debian version it was merged against, in the new changelog look for that version, paste in our changelog, remove debian one from there to bottom
[15:23] * smarter wonders if merging would be easier using merge feature of a VCS
[15:23] <Riddell> jussi01: shouldn't be
[15:23] <Riddell> JontheEchidna: uploaded!
[15:24] <nixternal> ok, lets not just start uploading to increase upload count on that upload web site...lets upload stuff that isn't going to break the world...we have been good with this in the past and lets continue with this
[15:24] <Riddell> nixternal: ?
[15:25] <nixternal> Riddell: that is my pre-next-release speach I give every time :)
[15:26] <nixternal> to bad the Ubuntu side doesn't listen...they upload everything, including the kitchen sink...which typically breaks stuff for me
[15:27] <Riddell> and who got the most uploads in intrepid?
[15:28] <smarter> Riddell: you I think :)
[15:28] <JontheEchidna> Riddell: you did
[15:28] <JontheEchidna> like 600 something
[15:28] <Riddell> I so rock!
[15:28] <smarter> :P
[15:29] <JontheEchidna> okies, now to send the diff to debian
=== Czessi_ is now known as Czessi
[15:41] <Riddell> JontheEchidna: uh oh, failed to build
[15:42] <JontheEchidna> D:
[15:42] <JontheEchidna> strange
[15:43] <Riddell> JontheEchidna: you changed it to use kde4.mk and that needs kdesdk-scripts
[15:43] <JontheEchidna> o, ic
[15:44] * JontheEchidna prepares a fix
[15:45] * smarter wonders if he should quotes what nixternal said 10 minutes ago about not uploading stuff that doesn't work :P
[15:48] <Riddell> I'm sure I remember him saying "yes we can"
[15:48] <nixternal> smarter: I haven't uploaded a broken package yet \o/
[15:48] <nixternal> since 2005 at that, 3 years of goodness!
[15:48] <nixternal> then again, I had crimsun and Riddell beating me up to get it right
[15:48] <JontheEchidna> Riddell: http://paste.ubuntu.com/67955/
[15:49] <smarter> JontheEchidna: typo
[15:49] <smarter> stop rushing things :P
[15:50] <JontheEchidna> nano doesn't have spellcheck! :P
[15:50] <smarter> it has
[15:50] <smarter> LAME EXCUSE FAIL! :P
[15:50] <smarter> use ^T (assuming it's properly configured)
[15:50] <JontheEchidna> Riddell: http://paste.ubuntu.com/67956/
[15:51] <JontheEchidna> smarter: error invoking "spell"
[15:51] <Riddell> use a real text editor :)
[15:51] <smarter> aptitude install spell I guess
[15:51] <smarter> http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=spell&mode=exactfilename&suite=intrepid&arch=any
[15:52] * smarter wonders why there is no ChanServ on #kubuntu-devel
[15:53] <smarter> oh, seems to be the same for every ubuntu related channel, so ignore that :)
[15:55] <jussi01> smarter: because no one has set it to be in here...
[16:05] <bddebian> nixternal: So did you have any luck? :)
[16:06] <Riddell> JontheEchidna: uploaded
[16:09] <nixternal> bddebian: what kind of luck?
[16:10] <bddebian> nixternal: With the girls? :)
[16:10] <nixternal> last night?
[16:11] <nixternal> I don't do well with liberal girls...the last one I had I divorced :P
[16:22] <blueyed> Importing setting from 1.4 in amarok-kde4 (1.94) fails: "Error: Could not open Amarok 1.4 database: Driver not loaded Driver not loaded"
[16:22] <JontheEchidna> Riddell: automoc seems to not require a merge
[16:22] <Riddell> JontheEchidna: anything to sync?
[16:23] <JontheEchidna> exactly the same version number
[16:24] <Riddell> JontheEchidna: groovy, mark it as "up to date" or something in the wiki
[16:25] <JontheEchidna> jcastro: where do I need to be for my talk in an hour and a half?
[16:25] <Riddell> JontheEchidna: it's in London, didn't you know?
[16:26] <JontheEchidna> :P
[16:26] <Riddell> best get on a boat quick
[16:26] <jcastro> JontheEchidna: ubuntu-classroom and ubuntu-classroom-chat
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[16:32] <JontheEchidna> soprano has a greater version than debian
[16:33] <Riddell> win for us
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[16:34] <JontheEchidna> I seem to remember that soprano released a quiet bugfix release along with KDE 4.1.1
[16:35] <Oxyhydrogen> sweet chicken salad
[16:35] <Oxyhydrogen> stdin: bug 290589 is going to clash with 4.1.3
[16:35] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 290589 in kde4libs "Long dbus command displayed on dialog when trying to mount hard drive via dolphin" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/290589
[16:35] <Oxyhydrogen> big time
[16:38] <JontheEchidna> hmm
[16:38] <stdin> can't the patch just be applied to 4.1.3?
[16:38] <JontheEchidna> current experimental packages are at 4.1.3, do we base our merges off of intrepid-updates?
[16:39] <JontheEchidna> or do we update to 4.1.3 for jaunty then merge?
[16:40] <Oxyhydrogen> Riddell: IMHO we should connect merging and upgrading to 4.2
[16:40] <Oxyhydrogen> stdin: if I didn't upload, yes, now that is going to be funnies
[16:41] * Oxyhydrogen is headached
[16:44] <Riddell> Oxyhydrogen: it seems more risky to me, harder to notice the details amongst a larger diff
[16:44] <Oxyhydrogen> Riddell: filterdiff it
[16:45] <Oxyhydrogen> anyway
[16:45] <Oxyhydrogen> JontheEchidna: merge is always based upon the last version published to development
[16:45] <Oxyhydrogen> i.e. 4.1.2
[16:52] <jcastro> JontheEchidna: a little bit over an hour until your session, need anything?
[16:52] <Riddell> jcastro: give him a shoulder rub
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[16:52] <JontheEchidna> hmm, don't think I need anything
[16:52] <jcastro> k
[16:54] <Riddell> -- MARK --
[16:54] <Riddell> two hours 15 minutes for a qt 4 compile
[17:00] <seele> does the ubuntu live cd have gparted on it?
[17:01] <Riddell> seele: yes
[17:04] <Oxyhydrogen> Riddell: that sounds pretty slow, IIRC soyuz needs 1.5h for qt-copy
[17:05] <Riddell> Oxyhydrogen: "Add mysql-server-5.0 as build dependency" do you mind why that's needed for akonadi?
[17:06] <Oxyhydrogen> Riddell: akonadi doesn't build with mysql support otherwise IIRC
[17:06] * Oxyhydrogen should have been more verbose in the changelog entry
[17:07] <Riddell> does akonadi do anything without mysql support?
[17:07] <Oxyhydrogen> no
[17:07] <Oxyhydrogen> Riddell: I think we could technically also patch the cmakelists, if I am not compeltely mistaken that dep is only necessary because akonadi 1.0 does check for mysqld since it is a runtime dependency
[17:08] <seele> Riddell: ok thanks
[17:10] <Riddell> blueyed: try asking Nightrose
[17:11] * Nightrose popups
[17:11] <Nightrose> ;-)
[17:11] <Nightrose> blueyed: wasup?
[17:11] <Riddell> 16:22 < blueyed> Importing setting from 1.4 in amarok-kde4 (1.94) fails: "Error: Could not open Amarok 1.4 database: Driver not loaded Driver not loaded"
[17:12] <blueyed> Riddell, Nightrose: installing libqt4-sql-sqlite fixed it, but then it crashes for me.. see http://dot.kde.org/1225822965/1225834281/1225836161/1225839997/#1225905581
[17:12] * Nightrose looks
[17:13] <Nightrose> blueyed: thx - I will let sebr know and get back to you
[17:14] <Nightrose> might take some time as he is likely in bed right now
[17:14] <seele> ew, kubuntu isn't shutting down properly after that last update
[17:14] <seele> hanging on acpid
[17:24] <rgreening> kdetoys done Riddell: bug 294214
[17:24] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 294214 in kdetoys "kdetoys 4.1.2: new changes from Debian require merging" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/294214
[17:24] <rgreening> \o/ first merge
[17:28] <rgreening> ^ Not sure I got it all correct... I think not... so review please
[17:29] <Riddell> rgreening: the changelog should list all the changes we have from debian
[17:30] <Riddell> you've listed the change from current intrepid which isn't very interesting
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[17:30] <Riddell> rgreening: also note that the .orig has a different md5
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[17:31] <rgreening> ok. I got the md5, what's the intepid comment? should it be jaunty?
[17:31] <rgreening> Riddell: ^
[17:32] <Riddell> rgreening: well you've said "minor change to kteatime.install" which is a change in debian you've merged in
[17:33] <Riddell> but we want listed all the changes we have compared to debian
[17:33] <rgreening> right... and
[17:33] <rgreening> oh
[17:33] <Riddell> so there's different build-deps
[17:33] <Riddell> and all those replaces/conflicts
[17:33] <rgreening> ok.
[17:33] <Riddell> and our own kde4.mk
[17:33] <JontheEchidna> the build deps are just ordered differently I think
[17:33] <rgreening> k. redoc all the ubu changes too
[17:34] <Riddell> exactly
[17:34] * rgreening goes back to hole in ground and digs up some new diffs
[17:34] <JontheEchidna> ~facts about sand
[17:34] <kubotu> [2/13] rgreening buries head in sand
[17:34] <Riddell> the build-deps are extra, they probably aren't needed though
[17:34] <rgreening> lol
[17:34] <rgreening> exactly
[17:34] <rgreening> k
[17:34] <Riddell> rgreening: can you build it in a pbuilder without those extra build-deps?
[17:34] <rgreening> will try
[17:35] <Riddell> thanks
[17:35] <rgreening> np
[17:35] * rgreening is l3rnd!ng
[17:42] <Riddell> Oxyhydrogen: fancy eyeing this over? http://people.ubuntu.com/~jriddell/tmp/akonadi_1.0.0-2ubuntu1.debdiff
[17:42] <Riddell> JontheEchidna: where did you send the phonon diff for debian?
[17:42] <JontheEchidna> Riddell: debian-qt-kde mailing list
[17:43] <Riddell> JontheEchidna: pkg-kde-talk@lists. alioth.debian.org is better, that's where the developers hang out
[17:48] <Oxyhydrogen> Riddell: looking good
[17:48] <Riddell> Oxyhydrogen: you too honey :)
[17:49] <JontheEchidna> Riddell: is series supposed to be intrepid?
[17:49] <Riddell> JontheEchidna: hah, well spotted
[17:49] * JontheEchidna has made that mistake too much
[17:49] * Oxyhydrogen has a script for that :P
[17:50] * Oxyhydrogen declares sensible accesibility his personal objective for jaunty
[17:50] <rgreening> Riddell: should I change intrpid to jaunty in the changelog?
[17:51] <Riddell> rgreening: yep
[17:51] <Riddell> editing /usr/bin/dch probably a good idea
[17:52] <jdong> walking in on ^^ that is a bit bizarre :D
[17:52] <rgreening> ok.
[17:53] <Oxyhydrogen> hm
[17:53] <Oxyhydrogen> jdong: how so? :P
[17:53] <Riddell> ** Ubuntu Open Week talk "Kubuntu - reinventing QA the resource-limited way" with elite Kubuntu developer JontheEchidna in a few minutes in #ubuntu-classroom
[17:53] <jdong> Oxyhydrogen: Having a core-dev suggest "editing /usr/bin/dch" being a good idea :D
[17:54] <jdong> out of context it is quite bizarre
[17:54] <Oxyhydrogen> oh, I see :D
[17:54] * Oxyhydrogen sneaks over to classroom
[17:54] * JontheEchidna runs to Mexico
[17:57] <Nightrose> good luck JontheEchidna :)
[17:57] <Nightrose> rock them
[17:57] <JontheEchidna> :)
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[18:09] <Riddell> andrunko: 18:08 < pusling> Riddell: adding mysql server as build-dependency with the current debian/rules file should not make a difference - and insteaf of patching the cmakelists, why not just change what's defined in debian/rules about path to mysql ?
[18:09] <Riddell> oh, no apachelogger
[18:09] <Riddell> ignore me andrunko
[18:09] <Riddell> Oxyhydrogen: ^^
[18:13] <seele> anyone have problems installing virtualbox in intrepid?
[18:13] <seele> or an upgrade to intrepid but using an older kernel
[18:14] <Riddell> seele: there was a problem with it needing the correct answers to the debconf prompts before it would compile the linux module I seem to remember
[18:15] <seele> hmm.. i'm getting a missing sources error in /var/log/vbox-install.log when i run vboxdrv manually
[18:15] <seele> the auto install failed (because of that i assume)
[18:16] <Riddell> seele: mvo might be a good person to ask
[18:18] <seele> Riddell: i've got someone helping me in #kubuntu but theyre just as confused
[18:29] <rgreening> Riddell: bug 294214 - updated the diffs. can you have a peek?
[18:29] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 294214 in kdetoys "kdetoys 4.1.2: new changes from Debian require merging" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/294214
[18:39] <Oxyhydrogen> Riddell: please drop the kubuntu_01 patch from akonadi and change debian/rules to DEB_CMAKE_EXTRA_FLAGS += -DMYSQLD_EXECUTABLE=/usr/sbin/mysqld-akonadi
[18:40] <Oxyhydrogen> Riddell: we still need to depend on mysql-server because of the hardlinking though
[19:01] * Nightrose hands JontheEchidna a cookie
[19:01] <Nightrose> well done :)
[19:01] <Nightrose> JontheEchidna++
[19:02] <JontheEchidna> yum ^_^
[19:46] <JontheEchidna> Riddell: bug 294322 ready for review
[19:46] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 294322 in kdeadmin "kdeadmin 4.1.2: new changes from Debian require merging" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/294322
[19:53] <Riddell> rgreening: you kept in the extra build-depends?
[19:53] <rgreening> I didn't think so
[19:54] <Riddell> rgreening: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/19395135/merged-to-debian.debdiff has them
[19:54] <Riddell> from https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdetoys/+bug/294214/comments/6
[19:54] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 294214 in kdetoys "kdetoys 4.1.2: new changes from Debian require merging" [Undecided,New]
[19:56] <rgreening> Riddell: ah. I see that now. I keep getting confused reading the '-' and '+' and who has what. I'll try a rebuild without again.. my bad.
[19:56] <rgreening> Riddell: just trying to finish up kdesdk
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[20:21] * ScottK makes a general observation that we are over 5 months from Jaunty's release. At this phase of the development cycle there is absolutely NO rush to get anything done. Being careful is far more important than getting stuff finished by any particular time.
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[20:22] <Tm_T> ScottK: are we there yet?
[20:22] <rgreening> lol
[20:22] * rgreening still wrapping my head around things
[20:22] <ScottK> No bathroom breaks for Tm_T.
[20:22] <Tm_T> ):
[20:22] <rgreening> someone may need to slap me around a bit
[20:23] * Tm_T slaps rgreening around a bit
[20:23] <rgreening> ty I needed that
[20:23] * ScottK slaps rgreening about with a dead fish so he'll have a nice smell to keep him focused.
[20:23] <ScottK> Oh, wait.
[20:24] <Tm_T> ScottK: slapping rgreening is violating animal rights
[20:24] * ScottK remembers where rgreening lives and wonders if he'd notice.
[20:26] * rgreening groans in protestation
[20:26] <rgreening> you know what they say "smells like fish... "
[20:28] <rgreening> ScottK: can you review this upload? bug 294286
[20:28] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 294286 in kdesdk "kdesdk 4.1.2: new changes from Debian require merging" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/294286
[20:28] * ScottK looks.
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[20:29] <JontheEchidna> in kdeartwork's kubuntu-debian-differences it says this:
[20:29] <JontheEchidna> separate out files (slow)
[20:29] <rgreening> ty ScottK. Let's hope it's better than what I did for kdetoys (my first stab)
[20:29] <JontheEchidna> Riddell: do you know what "-separate out files (slow)" in k-d-differences means?
[20:31] <ScottK> rgreening: I think you have every debdiff in there except the one I need. I need the one that if I grab the Debian package and apply it it's what you want uploaded. In your terms I think it'd be debian to merged.
[20:32] <rgreening> ScottK: blame JontheEchidna. He told me the 3 debdiff to do.
[20:32] * rgreening ducks and hides
[20:32] <JontheEchidna> >.>
[20:32] * JontheEchidna is new at merges too
[20:32] <ScottK> It's really only that one that's needed.
[20:33] <rgreening> so ScottK, what should it be?
[20:33] <ScottK> Debian to Merged.
[20:33] <rgreening> ah reverse of the last one
[20:33] <rgreening> patch --reverse
[20:33] <ScottK> rgreening: To sponsor your merge, my workflow is to grab Debian's package, apply your diff, check it, upload it.
[20:33] <rgreening> kk.
[20:33] <rgreening> 1 sec I uploads it
[20:36] <rgreening> ScottK: uploaded }:>
[20:36] <rgreening> haha
[20:38] * rgreening needs a drink
[20:38] <rgreening> ~order drink
[20:38] * kubotu slides drink down the bar to rgreening
[20:39] <rgreening> hey ScottK, did you find it :)
[20:49] * ScottK is back.
[20:53] <ryanakca> what would be the next smallest need-to-merge?
[20:54] <ScottK> rgreening: Is the debian/changelog from Debian really missing so much history?
[20:55] <NCommander> ScottK, can you help me figure out something w.r.t to dependencies on lpia?
[20:55] <ScottK> NCommander: I can try.
[20:55] <NCommander> ScottK, kde4bindings is not building because libplasma-dev can't install kdebase-workspace-data
[20:55] <NCommander> But if you manually install it by hand, it works
[20:55] <ScottK> NCommander: It's a circular build dep is the problem.
[20:56] <NCommander> how can we resolve?
[20:56] <ScottK> Not trivially. It's on the list for 4.2 packaging.
[20:56] <ScottK> rgreening: It was you who did the Python Plasma stuff, right?
[20:57] <NCommander> ScottK, if I manually install kdebase-workspace-data, it works fine
[20:57] <rgreening> ScottK: yeah..
[20:57] * rgreening cowers
[20:57] <ScottK> So what's the solution rgreening?
[20:57] <rgreening> 4.2
[20:58] <rgreening> I spoke with Sime on it. It's resolved in 4.2 by moving libplasma to kdelibs
[20:58] <rgreening> so when we package 4.2 it'll work correctly.
[20:58] <rgreening> for 4.1.... unsure...
[20:59] <rgreening> we could remove the patch temporarily
[20:59] <rgreening> ScottK: re: the debian changelo... yeah, looks like the previous merges were incomplete I guess.
[21:00] <ScottK> rgreening: OK. There's an entry in there that says 'fakesync'. Make sure there aren't any Ubuntu changelog entries left before that.
[21:00] <rgreening> ScottK: I did what Riddell suggessted. Go back to the last merge and add in the previous changelog entires from debian to ours.
[21:00] <ScottK> OK.
[21:00] <rgreening> oh.
[21:00] <ScottK> Yes. I think that's good.
[21:01] <rgreening> ScottK: I did the opposite
[21:01] <rgreening> I merged the debian into ours rather then the reverse....
[21:01] <rgreening> So, I need to redo the changelog.
[21:01] <rgreening> ScottK: ^
[21:01] <rgreening> crud
[21:02] <ScottK> rgreening: OK. Everything prior to 'fakesync' should be pure Debian.
[21:02] <rgreening> so, I'll redo it? yes?
[21:02] <rgreening> ScottK: ^
[21:03] <ScottK> OK
[21:03] <rgreening> ScottK: cool. I have to drop out for a while. I'll work on fixing that and kdetoys. I'll ping you later. Was everything else ok?
[21:04] <ScottK> rgreening: Still looking. Your debian/changelog entry should say you restored missing debian/changelog entries.
[21:04] <rgreening> ScottK: k. will add that in
[21:04] * JontheEchidna makes note of the above^
[21:05] <ScottK> rgreening: Just looking quickly I think I see other undocumented changes. Please go through the debdiff and make sure you explain the full difference.
[21:05] <ScottK> in debian/changelog
[21:05] <rgreening> ScottK: thanks for the help. It's nice to have good sponsors who are helpful to us new folk :)
[21:05] <rgreening> k
[21:05] <ScottK> rgreening: Less work for me ...
[21:05] <rgreening> np.
[21:05] <rgreening> ok. off for a bit. cheerio
[21:07] <Riddell> JontheEchidna: the .desktop files for xscreensavers in kdeartwork packages have to match the ones from the respective xscreensaver package
[21:07] <Riddell> and ubuntu xscreensaver packages are layed out differently from debian
[21:07] <Riddell> so files need shifted around
[21:07] <JontheEchidna> ah, so that's why there's so much difference there
[21:08] <Riddell> it's probably ok to just copy over what's in the existing kubuntu package but do check the xscreensaver packages changelogs for changes
[21:15] <Riddell> JontheEchidna: kdeadmin uploaded
[21:15] <Riddell> 4.1.3 seems all compiled, anyone tested it?
[21:15] * JontheEchidna has had the debs installed all week
[21:15] <Riddell> tested from the PPA
[21:25] <Riddell> groovy, 4.1.3 working well
[21:25] <Riddell> I'll copy over to backports
[21:42] <Riddell> Hobbsee: please big up kdepimlibs in backports when you wake up
[21:42] <Riddell> it still hasn't compiled
[21:58] <ScottK> JontheEchidna: "Bump Standards-Version to 3.8.0" <--- Please don't do. Ubuntu Policy says specifically not to do that one.
[21:58] <JontheEchidna> don't document standards change differences?
[21:58] <ScottK> No. Don't change it.
[21:59] <JontheEchidna> oh
[22:02] <JontheEchidna> bug 294388
[22:02] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 294388 in kdeartwork "kdeartwork 4.1.2: new changes from debian require merging" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/294388
[22:24] <jtechidna> ScottK: all of our kde packages were changed to standards-version 3.8.0 throughout the 4.1.x cycle. should I change this back to match debian in these merges?
[22:24] <ScottK> Hmmmm.
[22:24] * ScottK guesses not.
[22:30] <Riddell> it makes no difference to the package
[22:31] <Riddell> and keeping the delta small is good
[22:34] <ScottK> Riddell: You're call. I'd say drop the diff, but that's just me.
[22:34] <ScottK> Riddell: Would you be up for a little off hours archive admin'ing?
[22:36] <ScottK> Riddell: If so, would you please look at intrepid-backports. I've got most of the distrorelease specific dev tools queued up there.
[22:38] <ScottK> Is 4.1.3 all queued up in intrepid-backports now?
[22:40] <Riddell> ScottK: I wouldn't change it myself
[22:41] <Riddell> ScottK: 4.1.3 is in backports, except kdepimlibs which still havn't compiled
[22:41] <ScottK> Riddell: OK. I'll wait then.
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[22:41] <ScottK> Riddell: Wouldnt' change it to 3.8 or wouldn't change it back to what Debian has?
[22:43] <Riddell> ScottK: I wouldn't change it, I'd keep the diff minimal and change it back, I also don't mind if people do change it but I see no advantage
[22:44] <ScottK> Riddell: Thanks. Makes sense.
[22:45] <Riddell> ScottK: I don't see anything in intrepid-backports unapproved
[22:45] <ScottK> Riddell: It's not source backports. The regular kind.
[22:47] <Riddell> ScottK: ubuntu-archive bugs?
[22:47] <ScottK> Riddell: Yes.
[22:47] <jdong> Riddell: speaking of backports, I've got a firefox/xulrunner pair in gutsy-backports source needs-approval, no hurry :)
[22:48] <jtechidna> One line in debian's changelog has 1 char trailing whitespace that ours doesn't have. Is it worth it to bring it to debian's attention?
[22:48] <jtechidna> or should we just add the whitespace ourselves
[22:48] <ScottK> jtechidna: Just match what they have.
[22:48] <jtechidna> k
[22:53] <Riddell> jdong: accepted
[22:59] <Riddell> ScottK: backports waiting on syncs
[23:00] <ScottK> Riddell: Thanks.
[23:00] * ScottK assumes that means you've done your bit.
[23:00] <Riddell> yes, needs flush command to run but can't since slangasek is doing debian syncs
[23:01] <Riddell> ScottK: how about backporting cmake?
[23:01] <ScottK> Sounds a little scary.
[23:01] <Riddell> wouldn't think so
[23:02] <ScottK> OK. I need to run kids to ballet lessons. Let me look at it a bit later.
[23:02] <jdong> Riddell: awesomeness, thanks :)
[23:18] <jtechidna> Riddell: bug 294429
[23:18] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 294429 in kdeaccessibility "kdeaccessibility 4.1.2: New changes from Debian require merge" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/294429
[23:29] <vorian> why the hate on all these rejected packages?
[23:30] <Riddell> vorian: hmm?
[23:31] <vorian> Riddell: kdepim kdetoys kdebase-workspace kdebase kdegames all rejected
[23:32] <Riddell> vorian: it'll be the backports that we did via the PPA
[23:32] <Riddell> vorian: where do you see that?
[23:32] <vorian> i had it via email
[23:33] <vorian> from archive@ubuntu.com