UbuntuIRC / 2008 /11 /01 /#ubuntu-mythtv.txt
Initial commit
[00:03] <wilberfan> ooooh...i'm close!! my front-end isn't scaling properly on my TV... is there a way to force that?
[00:04] <wilberfan> plus, my gnome panel is showing at the top of the screen...
[00:07] <MythbuntuGuest86> well, if i stop the gdm the system disk finally stops. and when i start the gdm again all hell break loose
[00:08] <MythbuntuGuest86> maybe some package or something has been corrupted in the update, is there any way to verify that?
[00:23] <wilberfan> how do i resize my front-end screen? http://i202.photobucket.com/albums/aa82/wilberfan/dscf0078.jpg
[00:24] <wilberfan> could it be something in here?: http://paste.ubuntu.com/65436/
[00:26] <wilberfan> one front end config screen said it was "1280x1024" Shouldn't it be 1024x768?
[00:26] <wilberfan> that xorg file is from my hardy-myth install (which works great)
[00:27] <superm1> wilberfan, that looks like two monitors plugged in and configured funny
[00:27] <superm1> wilberfan, xorg.conf handling changed in intrepid...
[00:27] <superm1> you might consider rerunning nvidia-settings and reconfiguring it
[00:28] <wilberfan> superm1: yes, one "monitor" is the TV..the other is my lcd connected to the backend box...
[00:29] <superm1> wilberfan, the other thing that looks funny is probably it's just mythtv settings
[00:29] <wilberfan> and, yes, i've seen that intrepid handles xorg differently...
[00:29] <superm1> it looks like your task bar works right
[00:29] <superm1> so go into mythtv's settings and just set it appropriately perhapss
[00:29] <wilberfan> yeah...the desktop seems fine...
[00:29] <wilberfan> it's hard to do that when the frontend extends off the bottom of the screen!
[00:29] <wilberfan> :O
[00:30] <wilberfan> wonder if i could vnc in...?
[00:30] <superm1> you can hold alt when you click it to drag it around
[00:30] <superm1> and get to different parts you cant see
[00:31] <wilberfan> you happen to remember which myth settings i would need to change? frontend, right?
[00:31] <superm1> yup
[00:31] <superm1> well appearance is the section you need
[00:32] <wilberfan> this is weird: i'm trying to alt-drag it goes left-right-down... but not up... and you can see the desktop behind it when you move it over!
[00:33] <wilberfan> the top edge of the frontend window won't go past the taskbar at the top of the screen...
[00:33] <wilberfan> and it's the bottom of the frontend screen i need to see...
[00:34] <wilberfan> i don't understand why the taskbar stays visible... didn't on hardy...
[00:36] <wilberfan> the appearance wizard says "Size: 1280x1024". That can't be right for a tv...?
[00:36] <foxbuntu> wilberfan, its a configuration thing, I run intrepid without that issue
[00:37] <wilberfan> configuration of what, though? myth or xorg or...?
[00:37] <foxbuntu> wilberfan, depends on the TV some will run that, some will accept it and down convert it
[00:37] <foxbuntu> wilberfan, prob myth
[00:37] <wilberfan> it's gotta be something about intrepid...cuz it works great under hardy...
[00:37] <foxbuntu> there is a "run in a window option"
[00:38] <foxbuntu> ok fine Im wrong
[00:38] * foxbuntu goes to get a beer
[00:38] <wilberfan> lol
[00:38] <wilberfan> bring me one, will ya?
[00:38] <wilberfan> i know just enough to really screw this up...
[00:39] <wilberfan> if i run the frontend on the 2nd screen (the monitor) it looks great, too...
[00:42] <wilberfan> the nvidia-settings look correct... could it have something to do with the fact that the first time i ran the frontend, it was on the 1280x1024 lcd monitor?
[00:42] <wilberfan> any way to 'reset' that?
[00:45] <foxbuntu> wilberfan, attach it to the TV only restart X and see what happens
[00:50] <wilberfan> foxbuntu: you mean unhook the monitor?
[00:50] <foxbuntu> yes
[00:53] <wilberfan> hmmm... it went through the "pre-scaling theme images" on the TV...and it looks fine now...
[00:53] <wilberfan> :)
[00:53] <wilberfan> wonder what will happen if i plug the monitor back in...?
[00:53] <wilberfan> guess only one way to find out...
[00:58] <wilberfan> foxbuntu: well..it went through the pre-scaling...but it's back to being too big
[00:59] <foxbuntu> with the monitor plugged in?
[01:01] <wilberfan> foxbuntu: yeah.. no monitor, frontend scales properly on the tv... WITH monitor, frontend scales on tv...but is too big, leaves top panel visible, etc...
[01:02] <foxbuntu> wilberfan, ok...so its and xorg issue, what kind of card and connections are you using?
[01:04] <wilberfan> nvidia 5200: vga (is that what the non-dvi is called?) to the monitor, s-video to the tv
[01:06] <wilberfan> i'm using the xorg from hardy (minus the 'input' sections)...wondering if i should re-run nvidia-settings and save to xorg?
[01:15] <wilberfan> foxbuntu: too many beers, bud? ;)
[01:16] <foxbuntu> wilberfan, nope just busy...
[01:17] <foxbuntu> wilberfan, you prob need to setup twinview
[01:17] <foxbuntu> ...google for it
[01:17] * wilberfan sighs
[01:19] <wilberfan> any idea why that xorg is fine for hardy, but not intrepid?
[01:20] <foxbuntu> wilberfan, changes in the drivers and upgrade to Xorg 1.5
[01:20] <foxbuntu> and the way its all handled
[01:20] <wilberfan> hmmm...
[01:21] <wilberfan> any idea how 'xinerama' is different from 'twinview'?
[01:21] <foxbuntu> why are you trying to have a monitor hooked up to a frontend with a TV already on it?
[01:21] <wilberfan> cuz it's awesome that way.. is the short answer
[01:22] <wilberfan> the tv is in the next room, and I can still use the 'puter in the kitchen as a puter
[01:22] <wilberfan> it was the best of both worlds in hardy...
[01:31] <wilberfan> twinview in nvidia-settings seems to turn off the monitor...
[01:33] <foxbuntu> wilberfan, sorry, i gtg...gl with it
[01:34] * wilberfan scratches his ass in thought
[01:36] <MythbuntuGuest93> hey is anyone else having trouble accessing schedules direct?
[01:50] <rhpot1991> MythbuntuGuest93: looks like their site is down
[02:24] <Decepticon> i have a pvr150, dmesg detects it properly afaik, but "cat /dev/video0 > video.mpg" gives a video.mpg that is 0 kb in size, even after tuning to a known channel with "ptune --input /dev/video0 --channel 5 --freqtable ntsc-cable"
[02:24] <Decepticon> as a result i keep getting timeout scanning for channels in mythtv-setup
[02:24] <Decepticon> please advise
[06:46] <Decepticon> i have a pvr150, dmesg detects it properly afaik, but "cat /dev/video0 > video.mpg" gives a video.mpg that is 0 kb in size, even after tuning to a known channel with "ptune --input /dev/video0 --channel 5 --freqtable ntsc-cable". as a result i keep getting timeout scanning for channels in mythtv-setup. please advise
=== MythbuntuGuest32 is now known as raptorjr
[08:56] <MythbuntuGuest66> !help
[08:56] <Zinn> Use ! followed by a topic to get help on the topic (if it exists) example: !logs. Other available commands: !status, !about, !bug [bug_number]. For a complete list of my knowledge visit: http://www.baablogic.net/Zinn.cgi
[08:57] <raptorjr> hello guys. Hoping to be lucky today and maybe someone is awake and kan help me with my problem i got after upgrding to 8.10. Look at this http://pastebin.com/m1e20fee9
[08:58] <raptorjr> My system cant start the desktop anymore becuase of hundreds of processes is started, and after some hour the desktop is restarted, and i try to login again it starts all over again
[08:59] <laga> wow
[08:59] <laga> that looks wrong
[08:59] <raptorjr> yes it does =)
[08:59] <laga> let me fire up my mythbuntu box
[08:59] <MythbuntuGuest66> good morning...
[09:00] <raptorjr> i'm hoping tha someone a little more skilled than me have some ideas i can try. It would be really sad to have to reinstall everything
[09:00] <laga> raptorjr: i'll take a look
[09:00] <raptorjr> thank you =)
[09:01] <laga> raptorjr: so, your ~/.dmrc says "mythbuntu" as the session type?
[09:02] <laga> raptorjr: what files do you have in ~/.config/autostart/ ?
[09:02] <raptorjr> i guess? i followed the upgrade procedure and haven't changed anything else, but let me check to be sure
[09:03] <raptorjr> since the system is busy to create all those processes it takes soome time for me to check things, but give me a minute i will lock what i have in autostart
[09:03] <laga> raptorjr: you can sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop
[09:03] <laga> to kill X
[09:04] <raptorjr> yes, but even that takes a long time =) takes me a minute or two just to get into ssh
[09:09] <raptorjr> now, the .dmrc says mythbuntu
[09:09] <raptorjr> in that autostart folder i have a mythtv.desktop link
[09:10] <laga> and mythtv-desktop says "Exec=mythfrontend --service"?
[09:10] <raptorjr> yes
[09:10] <raptorjr> with some other things too, but it is there
[09:10] <laga> okay
[09:11] <laga> i don't think the mythtv-desktop file is to blame
[09:11] <laga> it looks like the session itself is started multiple times
[09:11] <raptorjr> a loop from hell
[09:12] <laga> raptorjr: what do you have in your /etc/mythtv/session-settings?
[09:13] <laga> or in $HOME/.mythtv/session
[09:13] <raptorjr> nothing at all really, all lines have a # infront of them, in /etc/mythtv/session-settings
[09:14] <raptorjr> dont have a session in .mythtv
[09:14] <laga> yeah, ok
[09:15] <laga> so, both mythfrontend and jockey-gtk are started multiple times
[09:15] <laga> other stuff isn't
[09:16] <raptorjr> update-notifier will start multiple times also, but that is not shown in that output, it freaks out later
[09:16] <raptorjr> but those three
[09:17] <laga> raptorjr: what's in /etc/xdg/autostart/ ? any freaky symlinks?
[09:19] <raptorjr> have four files, no links, jockey-gtk.desktop,update-notifier.desktop,bluetooth-applet.desktop,nm-applet.desktop
[09:20] <laga> hum. looks sane
[09:20] <laga> it is possible that the session management in xfce screws up
[09:20] <laga> do you have ~/.xfce* ?
[09:20] <laga> no, wait
[09:21] <laga> try moving ~/.config/*xfce* out of the way
[09:21] <raptorjr> ok
[09:22] <raptorjr> then restart?
[09:22] <laga> yeah
[09:26] <raptorjr> i think it worked =)
[09:27] <laga> oh, great
[09:27] <laga> so let's blame the session management
[09:27] <raptorjr> was it anything important in those directorys? something i will miss?
[09:27] <laga> you can try partially restoring those directories so we can nail down that broke it
[09:27] <laga> um, i don't know :)
[09:28] <raptorjr> yes, will try to put it back and see
[09:28] <MythbuntuGuest66> i have problems to connect to my backend... one computer is running mythbuntu 8.1 standardinstallation... i booted a vm with live session but can not connect to the backend... any ideas?
[09:33] <MythbuntuGuest66> i took mysql mythtv password from etc/mythtv/mysql.txt but test result says failure
[09:48] <MythbuntuGuest66> ty... bye
[09:55] <raptorjr> finally =) it is something with the xfce4-session folder, and the two files in that folder
[10:03] <raptorjr> hmm
[10:04] <raptorjr> before this little problem i could export DISPLAY=:0 and start applications. but now i only get unable to open display :0
[10:18] <raptorjr> in what files should i enable xforwarding? maybe something has been restored in the upgrade
[10:36] <raptorjr> never thought so much would go wrong when i upgraded, now i have no sound either
[10:36] <laga> raptorjr: i have the same problem.
[10:36] <laga> re DISPLAY=:0
[10:36] <laga> superm1: ^^ see? it's a regression.
[10:36] <laga> raptorjr: i wonder if consolekit is to blame
[10:37] <laga> raptorjr: where do you have no sound?
[10:38] <raptorjr> in mythtv
[10:39] <raptorjr> haooy i'm not alone with the DISPLAY problem =)
[10:39] <raptorjr> happy
[10:39] <laga> does mplayer work?
[10:39] <raptorjr> i will try
[10:39] <laga> raptorjr: the DISPLAY problem is something that makes me wanna scream
[10:40] <raptorjr> nope, no sound in mplayer
[10:40] <laga> check alsamixer?
[10:41] <raptorjr> everything is on 100%, and when there is 00 below the bars, it is unmuted, yes?
[10:41] <laga> yes, i think so.
[10:41] <laga> what does aplay -L say?
[10:42] <raptorjr> it seems to find all speaker output
[10:43] <laga> and aplay -l?
[10:43] <laga> do you use spdif out?
[10:43] <raptorjr> it finds one analog and one digital output
[10:43] <raptorjr> no, dont use spdif
[10:43] <laga> hum
[10:43] <laga> then i'm stumped..
[10:44] <raptorjr> i only use the speaker out, dont even have surround
[10:44] <laga> what does mplayer say when it's playing back audio?
[10:45] <raptorjr> the only thing i can see is No hardware mixing, inserting volume filter, other than that it looks like mplayer thinks it is playing sound
[10:45] <raptorjr> but that could be because i added in mplayer config to use software mixing because the volume was so low
[10:47] <raptorjr> hmm, thought the point with upgrade was to get more things to work better, not working things to stop working =)
[10:47] <raptorjr> guess i have learned: if it aint broken dont fix it, the hard way =)
[12:19] <Keithamus> Does anyone here have an Ati card? Im on intrepid and I cannot get the thing to work for the life of me
[12:22] <MythbuntuGuest09> I'm having troubles with my ubuntu 8.10 upgrade. My X locks at "Starting the desktop manager", see http://mythbuntu.pastebin.com/f5db9139d for pastebin
[12:39] <raptorjr> so, back to the DISPLAY=:0 problem, is there anything i can do to help to find the problem?
[12:42] <raptorjr> MythbuntuGuest09, are you still here?
[12:42] <MythbuntuGuest09> yep still here
[12:42] <raptorjr> dont know, but you could have the same problem i had. is your system disk working like crazy?
[12:43] <MythbuntuGuest09> yep
[12:43] <MythbuntuGuest09> it first hang during a "performing autostart"
[12:43] <raptorjr> do a ps -A, and you probably have A LOT of mythfronted.re processes
[12:43] <raptorjr> same as me
[12:43] <MythbuntuGuest09> yep
[12:43] <MythbuntuGuest09> same here
[12:43] <raptorjr> and you probably have A LOT og jockey-gtk and update-notifier processes too
[12:43] <MythbuntuGuest09> i'm currently seeing if the livecd works
[12:44] <MythbuntuGuest09> have to, see, i'll check my logs
[12:45] <raptorjr> what you should do, and that worked for me, thanks to laga. in your .config folder in your homedirectory you have a xfce4 folder and a xfce4-session folder. Move those out of that folder and restart. For me it was enough to move the xfce4-session folder
[12:45] <MythbuntuGuest09> i can remember the jockey-gtk processes, don't know sure about the update-notifier (have to see)
[12:46] <raptorjr> that is not important, we seem to have the same problem, but moving thos folders helped
[12:47] <raptorjr> the xfce4 folder will be created again and it seems that the xfce4-session folder is the problem
[12:47] <raptorjr> it only has two files, but when i moved it back, the problem was back
[12:48] <MythbuntuGuest09> i'm rebooting to the ubuntu system (nearly started installing from scratch)
[12:48] <raptorjr> it would be fun to see if it worked for you too. And also, if it works, if you can do a export DISPLAY=:0 from a ssh session, that wont work for me after the upgrade. No Xforwarding =(
[12:49] <laga> raptorjr: doesnt work for me one a fresh install
[12:50] <raptorjr> nice to know it isn't my system then
[12:50] <laga> s/one/on/
[12:50] <laga> superm1 claims it's been that way for ages, but he's wrong :)
[12:50] <raptorjr> it worked before the upgrade
[12:51] <MythbuntuGuest09> should i only move the xfce4-session folder to try?
[12:51] <raptorjr> why not, try that first
[12:51] <MythbuntuGuest09> btw now it's hanging at "Performing autostart" again
[12:52] <raptorjr> it was the samefor me, sometimes performing autostart, and sometimes starting desktopmanager
[12:52] <raptorjr> but start whith the xfce4-session folder first
[12:53] <raptorjr> i was so happy when it worked, but if i cant get the sound working i'll be reinstalling anyway =(
[12:53] <laga> raptorjr: does sound work in the livecd?
[12:53] <raptorjr> hmm, haven't tried, could try that. only need to find a empty cd first =)
[12:55] <MythbuntuGuest09> whoo, thanks! i can confirm that renaming ~/.config/xfce4-session to some other name works
[12:55] <raptorjr> =)
[12:56] <raptorjr> all thanks to laga
[12:56] <MythbuntuGuest09> thanks laga
[12:56] <laga> i'm a bit unhappy that it happened..
[12:57] <MythbuntuGuest09> should we file bug report?
[12:57] <laga> yes, that'd be most appreciated
[12:57] <MythbuntuGuest09> is this a ubuntu or a mythbuntu problem?
[13:00] <laga> mythbuntu
[13:40] <MythbuntuGuest05> i reported a mythbuntu bug, https://bugs.launchpad.net/mythbuntu/+bug/292125 (After upgrade to mythbuntu 8.10 system hangs at "Performing Autostart" or "Starting the Desktop Manager" (xfce4-session problem)). thanks lago/raporjr
[13:49] <superm1> MythbuntuGuest05, do you have the "splash" screen turned on?
[13:49] <superm1> the xfce splash that is
[13:50] <superm1> MythbuntuGuest05, if so, this sounds like an old xfce bug
[13:55] <raptorjr> is it turned on in a standard 8.04.1 installation? that was what i had and then did a upgrade to 8.10, and got that problem too
[14:04] <MythbuntuGuest05> yes i have the splash turned on. i'll upload my session config to the bugreport
[14:09] <superm1> MythbuntuGuest05, ah yes, then you have a duplicate
[14:09] <superm1> if this is still quite reproducible might be able to help get it fixed too ! :)
[14:09] <superm1> raptorjr, no its off by default due to this exact bug
[14:09] <superm1> we never could root cause it
[14:10] <MythbuntuGuest05> raptorjr or somebody else, can you set this bug to confirmed?
[14:13] <a> I'm having trouble getting my asus-dh remote working in mythbuntu 8.10. I'm getting a no gap found error, which is probably because I'm calling lirc with the wrong device, but I'm not.
[14:14] <MythbuntuGuest05> superm1/lago/raptorjr, what's need to be done to get this fixed?
[14:14] <a> so I think there's something wrong with the irdevice, and I was wondering what to try next
[14:15] <a> the irdevices driver that is, because it worked in 8.04
[14:16] <superm1> MythbuntuGuest05, so that attached directory, that's the old .config/xfce4-session that will cause problems?
[14:17] <superm1> it looks empty
[14:38] <raptorjr> so it is off by default, but get turned on when upgrading?
[14:45] <superm1> no it shouldnt get turned on afaik
[14:45] <superm1> do you have a broken .config directory you could upload though?
[14:45] <superm1> it looks like piterb's wasn't complete
[14:46] <raptorjr> well, back to my sound problem. I had sound in 8.04.1, but after upgrading to 8.10 the sound is gone. Have tried mplayer, vlc and xine. However, running 8.10 LiveCD gets me sound. Any clue on what file could be broken?
[14:46] <raptorjr> sure, i'll look
[14:46] <raptorjr> how do i upload?
[14:53] <raptorjr> now i have uploaded a broken xfce4-session folder, that one messes up my system
[14:53] <raptorjr> look if you can see get the files inside
[14:57] <raptorjr> but, could need some place to look for the problem with my sound. if the 8.10 LiveCD works it must be some file that did not get updated that is wrong. But i dont even know where to look
[14:57] <raptorjr> and everything is maxed in alsamixer, so that is not the problem
[15:35] <TheBlasphemer> Hi, would anyone know why network connections are no longer working in a diskless chroot enviroment ?
[15:47] <TheBlasphemer> err, nevermind, resolv.conf still had some old info
[15:52] <MarLaw_> Hello all - I'm on 8.10 and I'm trying to get up and running with mythtv. I install the metapackage mythtv which includes both front and backend, I followed the instructions. I want to use it with a Skystar2, which I can see with lspci and already works with Kaffeine, however in mythtv WatchTv doesn't do anything and scan channels within the settings page is always grayd ..can someone give me a hint / hand in setting it up?
[15:54] <MarLaw_> the idea is that once i can see the frontend work on local, i want to use it on an apple tv connected to the big tv
[16:11] <superm1> MarLaw_, well check permissions on the /dev/dvb pieces
[16:12] <superm1> and make sure the user you are launching mythtv-setup as is able to read the /dev/dvb pieces
[16:12] <laga> superm1: he's already being supported in #mythtv-users
[16:12] <superm1> oh
[16:12] <superm1> okay
[16:12] <MarLaw_> yeah thanks superm1, laga
[16:13] <raptorjr> is it possible to reinstall the parts that handle the sound in some way?
[16:16] <superm1> raptorjr, do you by chance have pulseaudio installed?
[16:16] <superm1> if so - remove it...
[16:17] <raptorjr> hmm, maybe. i dont know =) if i have i have not seleted it
[16:17] <raptorjr> how can i tell?
[16:17] <superm1> synaptic
[16:17] <superm1> open it up and search
[16:17] <raptorjr> i'll check
[16:19] <raptorjr> no, only libpulse0, but not the server
[16:19] <raptorjr> but it is so strange, worked before upgrade, and works with 8.10 livecd, but not on my upgraded system
[16:21] <raptorjr> i thought that the xfce bug would force me to reinstall, but laga saved me. And now i'm back again to thinking about reinstall. This is killing me =)
[16:23] <TheBlasphemer> I'm going crazy, I've got a VIA Eppia EX10000EG board, and for some reason the TV keeps telling me it's got "no signal" unless I set openchrome to VBEModes, but that won't allow me to set the native 1360x768 resolution :(
[16:24] <raptorjr> lol, now export DISPLAY works again, maybe i should wait a while and the sound will work also =)
[16:29] <raptorjr> dont know if this could be to any help, but when i try to watch a recording in mythtv i get this error: ALSA lib control.c:909:(snd_ctl_open_noupdate) Invalid CTL /dev/mixer
[16:29] <raptorjr> AudioOutput Warning: Mixer attach error -2: No such file or directory
[16:29] <raptorjr> but i do have a /dev/mixer, and have rw permissions for everybody
[16:31] <Seeker`> will NOVA-T 500's be able to record HD when it start being broadcast on freeview?
[18:21] <ldc> Hi all, just wanted to check if there are any known issues with the 8.10 release and that the network is brought down on diskless clients during shutdown?
[18:21] <ldc> or semi-known
[18:28] <superm1> ldc, that sounds like that would be a problem :)
[18:28] <superm1> laga, ^?
[18:30] <ldc> hehe, yea... been trying to figure out what's causing it
[18:32] <ldc> superm1, just getting a nbd0 Receive control failed (event -4), ie write failed to socket
[18:36] <ldc> superm1, and even disabled the networking init.d script.. nothing seems to be going as i want it to today :P
[18:41] <laga> um.
[18:41] <laga> no clue, i'll have to try that
[18:47] <ldc> Also an issue that i have experienced, but also know the fix for... The latest ubuntu fglrx drivers dont work as they should with HDMI output if you try to get rid of the black borders via the aticonfig app... If you do that the borders will go away for the current session but as soon as you restart the system it will freeze the kernel (nothing out via netconsole either) and the system even stops responding to pings..
[18:47] <ldc> Workaround for this (if the latest drivers are wanted) is to remove the /etc/ati/amdpcsdb file before fglrx is loaded and rerun the aticonfig at every reboot.
[18:47] <ldc> just something i thought i share with the rest of you
[18:47] <geo_> Linux User - The Magazine for the practice - LU 09/2006 - Hard Disk Recording
[18:47] <ldc> this is atleast for the RadeonHD 3600
[18:52] <ldc> laga, oh, just managed to switch to the shutdown log console this time after some tricks.. seems like this is happening just after the killprocs script has run... might this be something as simple as that is killing of the nbd-client
[18:56] <laga> not again.
[18:56] <laga> :(
[18:56] <laga> geo_: so?
[18:57] <laga> i actually wrote about mythtv in linux user in 2005 :) but that was the german issue
[19:02] <ldc> laga, just found the problem
[19:02] <ldc> sendsigs (and maybe killprocs) seems to terminate nbd-client
[19:03] <ldc> after doing a quickfix for it the system shuts down as it should
[19:03] <laga> ldc: there is a way around that
[19:03] <laga> let me fire up my VM
[19:07] <ldc> laga, yea, just fix so the sendsigs also check the /var/run/sendsigs.omit.d/ folder (where the nbd-client pid-file is) and not just /lib/init/rw/sendsigs.omit.d/
[19:09] <laga> ldc: well, that seems to be the case for my intrepid install?
[19:09] <laga> can you confirm your /etc/init.d/sendsigs does not check that directory?
[19:09] <ldc> yep
[19:09] <ldc> for omitfile in /var/run/sendsigs.omit /lib/init/rw/sendsigs.omit; do
[19:09] <ldc> for pidfile in /lib/init/rw/sendsigs.omit.d/*
[19:09] <laga> oh
[19:09] <laga> ooooh.
[19:10] <ldc> ^^
[19:11] <laga> i wish i could remember where i added this back then
[19:12] <Lynet> Will I have any problems with an 8.04 backend and 8.10 frontend (that is, is the mythtv version in hardy and intrepid the same - if not, should I add a ppa to make sure the mythtv versions are in sync?)
[19:12] <laga> Lynet: it should work.. of course, you can add the weekly builds repo
[19:13] <Lynet> laga: How stable is the weekly? Would hate it if the backend went loopy and refuses to record on a regular basis.
[19:14] <laga> Lynet: it should be stable, but there are no guarantees. if you're worried, just don't use them :)
[19:14] <ldc> laga, /etc/init.d/mythbuntu-diskless-client: mkdir -p /var/run/sendsigs.omit.d/
[19:14] <ldc> /etc/init.d/mythbuntu-diskless-client: pidof nbd-client > /var/run/sendsigs.omit.d/nbd-client
[19:14] <laga> ldc: ah, i thought it was in the initramfs
[19:16] <ldc> laga, while you are in that script fixing this maybe you feel like adding a minimal feature :)
[19:17] <laga> hmm?
[19:18] <ldc> laga, remove all files/dirs specified in /etc/shutdown-clean or what it now should be named
[19:19] <ldc> would be great to have that to be able to manually specify things that should just go away during a shutdown
[19:19] <ldc> like my amdpcsdb (and some other stuff)
[19:19] <tgm4883_laptop> bah
[19:19] <laga> what is a amdpcsdb?
[19:20] <ldc> laga, and also a way for you to implement cleanups of stuff
[19:20] * laga is very slow tonight.
[19:20] <ldc> laga, it's the ati configuration-file
[19:20] <tgm4883_laptop> ah
[19:20] <laga> ah. and why do you wanna delete that? ;)
[19:21] <ldc> laga, yep... because it causes the fglrx driver to completly freeze the kernel on mysetup
[19:21] <laga> ah :)
[19:24] <ldc> laga, it's a bug in the fglrx driver (think it's powerplay related)... and no idea when that will go away...
[19:24] <laga> the joys of closed source kernel modules
[19:26] * ldc will be running in the streets cheering when the new RadeonHD is stable enough to use! :)
[19:29] <laga> heh
[19:29] <laga> so, SRU time for mythbuntu-diskless then :)
[19:30] <ldc> oh, already fixed and uploaded?
[19:30] <laga> no
[19:32] <laga> and your fix was simply replacing /var/run/sendsigs.omit.d/ with /lib/init/rw/sendsigs.omit.d/ ?
[19:32] <ldc> yep
[19:32] <ldc> portmap already uses that
[19:32] <laga> sounds sane.
[19:56] <tgm4883_laptop> if anyone wants to look at this and tell me why this one frontend keeps crashing that would be great http://mythbuntu.pastebin.com/mfc6c26e
[19:57] <Mr-Atomic> I'm having trouble using a nfs share as a storage group. Recordings dont start. I think it may be a directory ownership problem. It's mythtv for both owner and group but when I mount the remote directory to the local, the ownership changes to my log-in. Anyone have experience using nfs remote storage for recordings?
[19:57] <laga> tgm4883_laptop: apport.
[19:58] <kito0> hola
[19:58] <kito0> necesito ayuda
[19:58] <tgm4883_laptop> laga, pport?
[19:58] <tgm4883_laptop> laga, apport?
[19:58] <laga> tgm4883_laptop: /etc/default/apport - enable it there
[19:58] <laga> reboot
[19:58] <laga> crash her, file bug report
[19:59] <tgm4883_laptop> ok will do
[19:59] <laga> i hope it's caught by apport
[19:59] <kito0> hello
[19:59] <kito0> i need some help pleace
[20:02] <kito0> any one?
[20:02] <tgm4883_laptop> !ask | kito0
[20:02] <Zinn> kito0: Please don't ask if anyone is around or if it is alright to ask a question. Many people check back periodically and may answer your question when they see it. IRC is not normally an instant fix so check back often for an answer.
[20:04] <kito0> mythtv can't connect to mysql, is says "Acces denied" for my user
[20:05] <ldc> laga, oh.. just remebered something else that might be good to include that i had to do a ugly fix for... mythfrontend must be started with LIBGL_ALWAYS_INDIRECT=true when using fglrx on some systems..
[20:05] <laga> ldc: you can add that to /etc/mythtv/session-settings
[20:05] <ldc> kito0, remote frontend?
[20:05] <kito0> no
[20:06] <kito0> ldc, no
[20:06] <ldc> laga, do you use the default user/password?
[20:06] <ldc> err
[20:06] <ldc> kito0, do you use the default user/password?
[20:07] <kito0> ldc, yes
[20:08] <ldc> laga, yea, but would be nice to have the option to set that via the control-center... Maybe also add an option to selected the wanted gfx-driver in there too for automatic installation
[20:08] <ldc> kito0, is it the frontend or backend you are having problems with?
[20:08] <ldc> or maybe both?
[20:09] <kito0> ldc, frontend
[20:09] <laga> ldc: you can select the VGA driver in jockey-gtk
[20:09] <laga> ldc: and i'd rather ATI fix their driver
[20:09] <ldc> laga, hehe.. me too... but we should probably never count on them to do it :)
[20:09] <sngbk> Hi everyone. I'm having trouble with my PS3 seeing my mythbuntu backend. It's my understanding that uPnP should be turned on by default, but how can I verify this?
[20:09] <kito0> ldc, in fact i've never been able to launch the program
[20:10] <ldc> kito0, try executing "mysql -u <user> -p mythconverg" where <user> is the mythtv user for the system
[20:11] <kito0> ldc, that user should be me?
[20:11] <ldc> no
[20:11] <ldc> the mysql user
[20:12] <kito0> ldc, ok
[20:12] <ldc> kito0, lets go private
[20:13] <laga> ldc: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mythbuntu-diskless/+bug/292319
[20:26] <ldc> laga, ah.. nice...
[20:27] <laga> ldc: you might wanna subscribe so you can test the bug fix in -proposed
[20:56] <sngbk> Thanks, I figured out my previous question so you can cancel it if I was in a queue. :)
[21:06] <ldc> sngbk, feel free to drop me a msg if mythtv and the PS3 works good together... been thinking about getting one but cannot decide if i want another x86 frontend or a PS3 ;)
[21:07] <sngbk> I'm just giving it a try now, it seems to work well.
[21:15] <sngbk> I've got a pretty standard setup, hauppauge 150, so I'm doing standard def.
[21:15] <sngbk> I've read that if you're using certain cards you will need to transcode the video for the PS3 to be able to play it back properly.
[21:15] <sngbk> but overall, seems good so far for simple playback.
[21:22] <fatmonk> Typical problem here (I believe from googling around) - am having trouble setting up S/PDIF output. Hardy Heron MythBuntu install on a GigaByte MoBo with built in S/PDIF output. Anyone around that may be able to help out? Been tryoing to sort this for a couple of weeks now but getting nowhere, although main mythtv.org site has the board listed as 's/pdif wound working out of the box'! Standing by to give more info as re
[21:29] <laga> fatmonk: you can also try the forums if you dont get an answer in here
[21:32] <fatmonk> Thanks laga. I posted on mythtv-talk earlier in the week and just one response from someone saying they had similar problmes and gave up. Not very encouraging, but I intend to keep trying as I'm convinced it should work. Work so far points to the bits being there for it to work.
[21:35] <laga> fatmonk: i meant the mythbuntu subforums at ubuntuforums.org
[21:37] <fastie81> morning all.
[21:37] <fastie81> I was wondering if someone could help me with a problem I have..
[21:39] <fastie81> I am building me a mc box for my home and got my self a nice silverstone GD01B-MXR case that has a remote and nice lcd display that comes with it..
[21:39] <fastie81> not to worried about the display as yet cause I cant even get the remote working
[21:39] <fatmonk> laga: ah, not tried there... off to check...
[21:40] <fastie81> if I do a lsusb it comes up with "Bus 001 Device 005: ID 15c2:0038 SoundGraph Inc. "
[21:41] <fatmonk> fastie81: similar situation here with Antec Veris fusion. Remote works with direction pad, mouse clicks and numbers, but any other button kills lirc and restarting the process doesn't help - full reboot needed.
[21:41] <fastie81> now when I asked google it looks like everyone got an imon pad or something next to it..
[21:41] <fastie81> well mine does not work at all.. nothing..
[21:42] <fastie81> and no matter what I try nothing seams to happen
[21:43] <fastie81> I have downloaded the new 8.10 version hopping that it will give me something.. but not even a crash
[21:44] <fatmonk> fastie81: Mine IS an iMon PAD remote for the Veris using the same IR receiver (Bus 001 Device 002: ID 15c2:0038 SoundGraph Inc.). Loads of googling and loads of refs as you say to lsusb mentioning the iMon PAD, but as you can see mine doesn't. Got a Huapagge card in my box, so considering trying that to see if that gets me further forward, but the Veris remote is sooo much nicer.
[21:45] <fastie81> that is exactly what I got..
[21:45] <fastie81> would love getting it working
[21:45] <fastie81> what version of mythbuntu you running?
[21:45] <laga> someone buy me an antec fusion and i'll try to write a howto ;)
[21:46] <fastie81> you need a soundgraph not an antec fusion
[21:47] <fastie81> I can lend you mine if I can get it working
[21:48] <fastie81> fatmonk: how did you get yours working? well I know you say only a few buttons work but it will be nice if can get that far
[21:48] <laga> fatmonk has a fusion so i thought it was the same
[21:49] <fastie81> the boxes is diffrent but the remote and lcd is the same
[21:53] <rhpot1991> silver or black?
[21:54] <fastie81> I got the black
[21:54] <rhpot1991> tgm4883_laptop: ever get yours working?
[22:01] <tgm4883_laptop> rhpot1991, working on it right now
[22:01] <tgm4883_laptop> but actually, have some bigger fish to fry first
[22:01] <fatmonk> bizarrely it just worked after the standard Hardy based MythBuntu install from a couple of months ago.. whats the best way to check installed version as I also got the updates all enabled...
[22:01] <rhpot1991> tgm4883_laptop: did you try setting the lirc device to imon and using the config in my bug report?
[22:01] <rhpot1991> curious as if that would work
[22:01] <fatmonk> oops, that was in reply to fastie81.
[22:04] <tgm4883_laptop> I didn't try that, but only cause the ir receiver is low on my priority
[22:04] <fastie81> well as I take all the latest lirc pits is in the new release so I was thinking it would work..
[22:05] <rhpot1991> fastie81: you can try this and see how it works with yours: https://bugs.launchpad.net/mythbuntu/+bug/215960
[22:05] <rhpot1991> mine is a silver though, so I can't promise you anything
[22:06] <fastie81> well I think they have the same soundgraph in it.. well I thinkg
[22:06] <fastie81> thanks I wil have a dig and let you know
[22:07] <rhpot1991> they are both imon, but the black one is newer
[22:07] <fastie81> o ok
[22:11] <raptorjr> Any new people that could have some suggestions on what i could try to get my sound working again.Worked on 8.04.1, stopped after upgrade to 8.10, but work with 8.10 LiveCD
[22:22] <fatmonk> rhpot1991: The files on the launchpad page... if I save the to the correct locations what's the 'MLG' taht you ran on them and how do you reckon I might get the remote responding after the odd disabling of it I'm seeing (after pressing any button other tha the direction pad, 0-9 and mouse clicks)?
=== ihaaaaaa is now known as ukkopekka
[22:32] <Mr-Atomic> a recording on the backend = choppy playback of video on remote thin client. Hints or advice?
[22:34] <rhpot1991> fatmonk: mythbuntu-lirc-generator
[22:36] <rhpot1991> Mr-Atomic: any way you can copy the recording to the frontend?
[22:36] <fastie81> hi rhpot1991 just a question. on 8.10 I have not got a dev lirc0 but have lircd and lircd1. how would know witch on it the soundgraph?
[22:38] <Mr-Atomic> The thin client is a playback device... Popcorn hour it is not running the Myth frontend
[22:38] <fastie81> how would I know witch one is the soundgraph? what sound better
[22:39] <Mr-Atomic> NFS SAMBA or UPNP all same result
[22:39] <Mr-Atomic> I don't know if it's hard drive or nic related
[22:40] <Mr-Atomic> rhpot1991: I tried setting the popcorn as a mounted nfs share to the myth box to record directly to the gadget but had issues with it working with myth as a storge group
[22:41] <rhpot1991> Mr-Atomic: I know nothing of popcorn, sorry
[22:42] <rhpot1991> fastie81: the fusion has an imon, do you have a soundgraph as a seperate device?
[22:42] <Mr-Atomic> its a playback device
[22:43] <Mr-Atomic> any thin client would have the same issue. Through put is upset by either over taxed hard drive or nic I think
[22:44] <fastie81> rhpot1991: I have have soundgraph if I do a lsusb
[22:45] <fastie81> it is just in the link you send me on the hardware.conf it say remote is lirc0 but I don;t have a dev/lirc0
[22:46] <fatmonk> fastie81: once again, same here. seems we're sharing the same pain...
[22:46] <fastie81> this is so weird.
[22:47] <fastie81> there must be a fix
[22:47] <rhpot1991> you guys should search the forums for some info on the black fusion
[22:47] <rhpot1991> once upon a time you needed to get some things that weren't new enough in hardy to use it
[22:47] <rhpot1991> I have the silver so I have no idea what the state of the black is
[22:48] <fastie81> ok do you know if I need to create the lirc0 or should they just be there?
[22:50] <tgm4883_laptop> there is a link in the howto thread on the forum about the black fusion. I haven't tested it though
[22:50] <tgm4883_laptop> it's for hardy
[22:50] <fastie81> do you have the link on hand?
[22:55] <tgm4883_laptop> no
[22:55] <tgm4883_laptop> !forums
[22:55] <Zinn> Sorry I don't know about forums
[22:55] <tgm4883_laptop> nor will I look it up
[22:55] <tgm4883_laptop> it's a sticky in the forum
[22:55] <tgm4883_laptop> i'm debugging some other stuff right now
[22:56] <fatmonk> fastie81:root@Unicorn:/etc# /etc/init.d/lirc start
[22:56] <fatmonk> * Loading LIRC modules [ OK ]
[22:56] <fatmonk> * Starting remote control daemon(s) : LIRC [ OK ]
[22:56] <fatmonk> root@Unicorn:/etc# cd /dev
[22:56] <fatmonk> root@Unicorn:/dev# ls *ir*
[22:56] <fatmonk> lircd
[22:56] <fatmonk> root@Unicorn:/dev# file lircd
[22:56] <fatmonk> lircd: socket
[22:56] <fatmonk> - So it looks like th eir receiver stuff starts up OK, but no go with the remote. I'll need to reboot to get the few keys working again but am running an album art scraper at the mo.
[22:58] <fastie81> * Starting remote control daemon(s) : LIRC [fail]
[22:58] <fastie81> lircd: there seems to already be a lircd process with pid 7838
[22:58] <fastie81> lircd: otherwise delete stale lockfile /var/run/lircd1.pid
[23:00] <fastie81> ok well now I stop it and then start it and it all started
[23:00] <fastie81> ls
[23:01] <fastie81> still nothing
[23:04] <fastie81> fatmonk: look here http://ubuntu-virginia.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=5705807#post5705807
[23:06] <fatmonk> fastie 81: just found this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=907256&highlight=antec+fusion
[23:11] <darkwizard> anyone know if shoutcast is fixed?
[23:29] <fatmonk> fastie81: am back after a reboot. you getting anywhere with those instructions? haven't had a good read through of them myself as was having network problems.
[23:32] <fastie81> well am think I am..
[23:33] <fastie81> seams there is a problem cause I dont get lirc0 under dev
[23:33] <fastie81> so I need to recompile the lirc
[23:33] <fastie81> will let you know
[23:34] <foxbuntu> fastie81, wait
[23:34] <foxbuntu> fastie81, what lirc deivce are you using?
[23:35] <fatmonk> sounds scary.. I also don't get lirc0, but as usual after reboot remote is part working (pad, mouse buttons and numbers for anyone new to the conv!)
[23:35] <fastie81> well I am trying to get my soundgraph working
[23:35] <foxbuntu> the one inside the antec fusion?
[23:36] <fastie81> yes, same one as the SilverStone box
[23:36] <foxbuntu> I have both antec fusion cases
[23:36] <foxbuntu> the silver and black
[23:36] <fastie81> have you got the remote working?
[23:36] <foxbuntu> does it show up in lsusb?
[23:36] <foxbuntu> yes
[23:37] <fastie81> yes when I do lsusb it bring up Bus 001 Device 005: ID 15c2:0038 SoundGraph Inc.
[23:37] <foxbuntu> ok
[23:38] <foxbuntu> which device did you select for lirc to use?
[23:38] <fastie81> tell me you going to help me out of my missery
[23:38] <fastie81> I did all the Soundgraph imon ones..
[23:38] <darkwizard> is there a patch out for shoutcast part of mythstream
[23:38] <darkwizard> ?
[23:38] <fastie81> well most of them the pad , ir/lcd
[23:39] <foxbuntu> you need ir/lcd
[23:39] <fastie81> I did select that
[23:39] <foxbuntu> where are you selecting it?
[23:39] <foxbuntu> MCC?
[23:40] <foxbuntu> (mythbuntu-control-centre)
[23:40] <fastie81> in the mcc yes
[23:40] <foxbuntu> ok
[23:41] <foxbuntu> select it again if you havent
[23:41] <fastie81> I just now yes
[23:41] <foxbuntu> then run this in terminal: sudo depmod -a && sudo modprobe lirc_imon
[23:41] <foxbuntu> does that produce any errors?
[23:42] <fastie81> no errors
[23:42] <foxbuntu> it should output nothing
[23:42] <foxbuntu> ok run dmesg
[23:42] <fastie81> yes it did not out anything
[23:42] <foxbuntu> the last few lines of dmesg should say something about IR port
[23:42] <foxbuntu> or lirc
[23:43] <fastie81> ok that gives me a lot.. what do you want to know?
[23:43] <fastie81> [ 6201.069812] usbcore: deregistering interface driver lirc_imon
[23:43] <fastie81> [ 6201.069852] lirc_imon: module removed. Goodbye!
[23:43] <fastie81> [ 6201.302042] lirc_dev: IR Remote Control driver registered, major 61
[23:43] <fastie81> [ 6201.307092] lirc_imon: Driver for Soundgraph iMON MultiMedia IR/VFD w/imon pad2keys patch, v0.3p2k
[23:43] <fastie81> [ 6201.307100] lirc_imon: Venky Raju <dev@venky.ws>
[23:43] <fastie81> [ 6201.307130] usbcore: registered new interface driver lirc_imon
[23:43] <fastie81> [ 6224.614781] usbcore: deregistering interface driver lirc_imon
[23:43] <fastie81> [ 6224.614820] lirc_imon: module removed. Goodbye!
[23:43] <fastie81> [ 6224.845735] lirc_dev: IR Remote Control driver registered, major 61
[23:43] <fastie81> [ 6224.851493] lirc_imon: Driver for Soundgraph iMON MultiMedia IR/VFD w/imon pad2keys patch, v0.3p2k
[23:43] <fastie81> [ 6224.851501] lirc_imon: Venky Raju <dev@venky.ws>
[23:43] <fastie81> [ 6224.851531] usbcore: registered new interface driver lirc_imon
[23:43] <fastie81> sorry all
[23:43] <foxbuntu> pastebin next time
[23:43] <foxbuntu> anyways
[23:44] <foxbuntu> ls /dev/lirc*
[23:44] <fastie81> /dev/lircd /dev/lircd1
[23:45] <foxbuntu> intresting
[23:45] <fastie81> my point
[23:45] <foxbuntu> you have the black fusion or silver?
[23:45] <fastie81> everyone said there should be a lirc0
[23:45] <fastie81> I got the black one
[23:45] <foxbuntu> yes there should be
[23:46] <foxbuntu> I actually am doing some dev inside a black fusion right now
[23:46] <fastie81> and don't tell me it works
[23:46] <foxbuntu> yea
[23:46] <foxbuntu> I actually built one for a friend that uses it everyday
[23:46] <fastie81> I got this post http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=887966
[23:47] <fastie81> do you think I need to give it ago?
[23:47] <foxbuntu> is this a clean load, what have you done to lirc?
[23:48] <foxbuntu> you shouldnt need to
[23:48] <fastie81> yes I downloaded the new 8.10 and installed it form the alternat cd as it got something wrong with the nv drivers
[23:48] <foxbuntu> which mythbuntu version are you using?
[23:48] <foxbuntu> ok
[23:48] <foxbuntu> it
[23:48] <foxbuntu> whoops
[23:49] <foxbuntu> too many windows open
[23:49] <fastie81> lol same her
[23:49] <foxbuntu> fastie81, try this: sudo dpkg-reconfigure lirc
[23:50] <foxbuntu> when it pops up select the remote I told you
[23:50] <foxbuntu> Soundgraph IR/VFD
[23:50] <foxbuntu> select none for transmitter
[23:50] <fastie81> ok just did
[23:50] <foxbuntu> reboot
[23:51] <fastie81> ok rebooting now
[23:53] <fatmonk> foxbuntu: me too... am in the sam esituation as fastie81, but have problems with wifi reconnect sometimes after reboot as well...
[23:54] <fastie81> foxbuntu: after reboot still now lirc0
[23:54] <fastie81> ls /dev/lirc*
[23:54] <fastie81> /dev/lircd /dev/lircd1
[23:54] <foxbuntu> fastie81, be back after a bit...my pizza just showed up, check for the lirc devices after it boots and if its not there do this: dmesg | grep imon, then post the output to a pastebin
[23:55] <fastie81> ok will do enjoy
[23:56] <fastie81> pastbin
[23:56] <fastie81> oops
[23:57] <fastie81> why does my pastbin not work
[23:57] <fastie81> [ 41.236403] lirc_imon: Driver for Soundgraph iMON MultiMedia IR/VFD w/imon pad2keys patch, v0.3p2k
[23:57] <fastie81> [ 41.236410] lirc_imon: Venky Raju <dev@venky.ws>
[23:57] <fastie81> [ 41.236445] usbcore: registered new interface driver lirc_imon
[23:57] <fastie81> sorry
[23:58] <tgm4883_laptop> fastie81, because you spell it wrong and forget the !
[23:58] <tgm4883_laptop> !pastebin
[23:58] <Zinn> when pasting more than 5 lines of data please use http://mythbuntu.pastebin.com so you don't flood the channel. Then please post the link in the channel.
[23:59] <fastie81> sorry.. will get it right next time