UbuntuIRC / 2008 /11 /01 /#edubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[00:40] <Nubae> http://www.ubuntu.com/products/WhatIsUbuntu/edubuntu <--- that is pretty misleading... it says u can get free edubuntu cds, which is not true...
[09:09] <wiehan> What age groups are edubuntu best suited for?
[19:12] <Ahmuck> xubuntu ltsp installation client ltsp build failed. i recall seeing something on Nubae's page about rebuilding the client portion.
[19:15] <Ahmuck> essentially i need to re-build the chroot portion of the client on the server, but don't quite know how
[19:18] <ogra> Ahmuck, is that the final image you are using ?
[19:18] <ogra> (intrepid)
[19:20] <Nubae> Ahmuck: what are u trying to do?
[20:12] <Ahmuck> i used xubuntu alternate cd, and the ltsp client chroot build failed
[20:12] <Ahmuck> so i went on without it and thought i'd come back later and "rebuild" the compressed client image
[20:12] <Ahmuck> i think i'm understanding that right
[20:12] <ogra> right, you can just use ltsp-build-cient ...
[20:12] <ogra> did you use intrepid or hardy ?
[20:13] <ogra> in intrepid it should definately work
[20:14] <ogra> hardy was fixed in the pointrelease shortly after 8.04
[20:14] <ogra> i.e. 8.04.1
[20:14] <Ahmuck> intrepid
[20:14] <Ahmuck> the latest download
[20:15] <ogra> hmm, that should work, gave me a lot grief to add the fixes the xubuntu guys wanted (which broke a lot in ubuntu) ... nobody reported any probs during release testing with xubuntu
[20:15] * Ahmuck wonders if anybody tested during release testing
[20:16] <Ahmuck> i'm doing it a virutalbox 2.0.4.x vm
[20:16] <ogra> well, apparently notif you see breakage still
[20:16] <ogra> would be good to file a bug though and attach the ltsp build log
[20:16] <ogra> shoudl be somewhere under /var/log
[20:16] <Ahmuck> it just occorred to me that i could run the ltsp server within a vm on a server, provided the server had the power to do the other things well
[20:17] <ogra> yep
=== Ahmuck is now known as Eeyore-Jr
[20:31] <Eeyore-Jr> i think i'm going to see if i can't get people to do usablity testing studies, 2 cameras and a screenie of what's going on
[20:32] <Eeyore-Jr> how often does one have to "rebuild" the client portion? never?
[20:34] <ogra> only if you install any upgardes or security fixex
[20:35] <ogra> many people dont do that though
[20:48] <PerSeL> yo
[20:48] <PerSeL> I hope i'm in the right channel
[20:49] <PerSeL> just installed ubuntu
[20:49] <PerSeL> and everything looks great so far
[20:50] <PerSeL> but need some help if possible
[20:52] <highvoltage> and it is!
[20:53] <PerSeL> well i could find most of things in help-support but I couldn't figure out how do i type in other language even though i installed it, u know like alt shift in windows
[20:53] <Eeyore-Jr> your looking for scim
[20:54] <Eeyore-Jr> PerSeL: ur wanting scim
[20:55] <PerSeL> scim?
[20:57] <PerSeL> hmmm i just want to know how do i type in other lang
[20:59] <Eeyore-Jr> set up scim
[20:59] <Eeyore-Jr> then you have a set of keys that you can use to switch between languages
[21:00] <PerSeL> ohhh thanks
[21:00] <PerSeL> i'm nub with linux
[21:00] <PerSeL> but i will learn fast
[21:00] <PerSeL> thnx
[21:01] <Eeyore-Jr> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SCIM
[21:01] <ogra> its in your settings menu
[21:02] <PerSeL> well i add all lang in the system menu but couldn't switch to type in other lang
[23:29] <Ahmuck> k, second install, same thing "failed to build ltsp build chroot for client
[23:29] <Ahmuck> on xubuntu and virtualbox vm 2.0.4.x
[23:30] <Ahmuck> is there a way to keep ubuntu, kubuntu, and xubuntu menus from mixing in a ltsp installation?
[23:57] <zzaza> hi all
[23:57] <Nubae> Ahmuck: can u check /usr/share/ltsp/plugins/ltsp-build-client/Ubuntu/000-basic-configuration
[23:58] <Nubae> and see if universe and mutiverse are in there